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Alternative images for mobiles on Wordpress

  • 10-10-2017 11:16am
    Posts: 0

    Having a little trouble with 2 side by side images on a page. Look great on The PC but on the mobile it requires the user to scroll horizontally.

    Can anyone recommend a way to have the images resize in order to fit the mobile screen?


  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,558 Mod ✭✭✭✭Dades

    Ideally the two images should appear vertically when the screen becomes a certain size, and maybe shrink in size.

    Is the Wordpress theme you are using not responsive?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 396 ✭✭M.T.D

    Have you possibly given the images and/or their container a fixed size (width and height)
    Try giving using a % width then their size will vary with the screen size also give them a min-width so on small screens they will stack
    depending on your layout you might want to give them a max-width as well

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,766 ✭✭✭✭maccored

    <img src="IMAGE LINK" style='width:100%;'">

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,415 ✭✭✭Talisman

    Responsive images were introduced as a feature of WordPress 4.4. You should define some custom image sizes, this can either be accomplished using the functions.php file for the website theme or by using a plugin. You can read about custom featured image sizes on the official website.

    I posted some code for defining image sizes in a Development thread recently: Dealing with Responsive Websites - Clients

    Here is more complete code that allows you to create img tags using the hioice_responsive_thumbnail() function. The images are responsive based the available container width. If the browser supports the 'imgsrc' attribute it will display the image which best fits the width.
    // Add custom image size support
    add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' );
    // Use the 'after_setup_theme' hook to register the thumbnail sizes
    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'hioice_setup_thumbnails' );
    // A 'pure' function to get the array of keys for the image widths
    function hioice_default_image_widths() {
      $widths = array('240w', '480w', '640w', '854w', '1024w', '1136w', '1280w', '1366w', '1600w', '1920w', '2048w', '2560w', '3840w', '4096w', '7680w' );
      return $widths;
    // Adds custom image sizes
    function hioice_setup_thumbnails() {
       * image_sizes are stored in a two dimensional array:
       * [ aspect_ratio ][ width ] => image_size
       * Each image_size element an array which stores
       * the width and height in pixels.
       * image_size : [ width, height ]
      $image_sizes = array(
        '16_9' => array(
          '7680w' => array( 7680, 4320 ),
          '4096w' => array( 4096, 2304 ),
          '3840w' => array( 3840, 2160 ),
          '2560w' => array( 2560, 1440 ),
          '2048w' => array( 2048, 1152 ),
          '1920w' => array( 1920, 1080 ),
          '1600w' => array( 1600, 900 ),
          '1366w' => array( 1366, 768 ),
          '1280w' => array( 1280, 720 ),
          '1136w' => array( 1136, 640 ),
          '1024w' => array( 1024, 600 ),
          '854w' => array( 854, 480 ),
          '640w' => array( 640, 360 ),
          '480w' => array( 480, 272 ),
          '240w' => array( 240, 136 )
        '4_3' => array(
          '2048w_43' => array( 2048, 1536 ),
          '1600w_43' => array( 1600, 1200 ),
          '1400w_43' => array( 1400, 1050 ),
          '1280w_43' => array( 1280, 960 ),
          '1024w_43' => array( 1024, 768 ),
          '640w_43' => array( 640, 480 ),
          '480w_43' => array( 480, 360 ),
          '320w_43' => array( 320, 240 ),
          '240w_43' => array( 240, 180 )
        '1_5' => array(
          '600w_15' => array( 600, 400 ),
          '506w_15' => array( 506, 338 ),
          '412w_15' => array( 412, 275 ),
          '375w_15' => array( 375, 250 ),
          '360w_15' => array( 360, 240 ),
          '320w_15' => array( 320, 214 ),
          '240w_15' => array( 240, 160 )
       * Iterate over the image_sizes array structure
       * adding each image size to WordPress.
      foreach ($image_sizes as $groups => $sizes) {
        foreach ($sizes as $key => $value) {
          add_image_size( $key, $value[0], $value[1] );
    // Creates 'srcset' attribute from array of image urls
    function hioice_thumbnail_srcset( $srcset_arr ) {
      $srcset = '';
      foreach($srcset_arr as $key => $value) {
        if ($srcset) {
          $srcset .= ', ';
        $srcset .= $value . ' ' . $key;
      return $srcset;
    // Returns <img> tag string with responsive 'srcset' attribute
    // NOTE: There is no alt or title attribute added to the tage
    function hioice_responsive_thumbnail( $image_id, $size = 'image', $class = '' ) {
      $thumbnail = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $image_id, $size )[0];
      $thumbnail_sizes = hioice_default_image_widths();
      $thumbnail_metadata = wp_get_attachment_metadata( $image_id );
      $srcset = array();
      foreach ($thumbnail_sizes as $size) {
        if ( array_key_exists($size, $thumbnail_metadata['sizes']) ) {
          $srcset[$size] = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $image_id, $size )[0];
      $img_size = $thumbnail_metadata['width'] . "w";
      $srcset[$img_size] = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $image_id, $img_size )[0];
      $img_tag  = '<img src="' . $thumbnail . '"';
      $img_tag .= ( $srcset ? ' srcset="' . hioice_thumbnail_srcset($srcset) . '"': '' );
      $img_tag .= ( $class ? ' class="' . esc_attr($class) . '"' : '' );
      $img_tag .= ' sizes="auto">';
      return $img_tag;
