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RTE Gold discussion thread



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 82 ✭✭Phat Dick

    So are yez looking forward to the launch on Monday? Will Leahy has been poping up on daytime tv to pimp it, has he quit his day job ?

  • Moderators, Business & Finance Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators Posts: 25,879 Mod ✭✭✭✭Loughc

    Phat Dick wrote: »
    So are yez looking forward to the launch on Monday? Will Leahy has been poping up on daytime tv to pimp it, has he quit his day job ?

    Looking like that. I can’t imagine him doing a full office day after a early breakfast morning start.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,043 ✭✭✭George Sunsnow

    RTÉ gold in my opinion has been destroyed by adding more dj’s
    It was nice when it was clutter free music
    They should have left it Larry Gogan only

    Next it will be full of ad breaks

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,769 ✭✭✭ford fiesta

    Loughc wrote: »
    Looking like that. I can’t imagine him doing a full office day after a early breakfast morning start.

    Will the new programmes REALLY be live or pre-recorded? Or is it just for the first day or week?

    Has there ever been a live programme so far on GOLD?

  • Moderators, Business & Finance Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators Posts: 25,879 Mod ✭✭✭✭Loughc

    I imagine it’ll be live they’re really pushing the gold brand now.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 82 ✭✭Phat Dick

    They should really be going the whole hog tomorrow and launching a full schedule, The radio centre is full of idle djs.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,306 ✭✭✭Schorpio

    Just listening to Will's new breakfast show this morning. I like it tbh - I was worried that the DJ's would mess up the 'clutter-free' Gold music, but actually it's the ads that cause the clutter. Rick O'Shea in the studio too.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,140 ✭✭✭Expunge

    Jesus ,he talks a lot.
    Now, an hour of 80's every morning from 9 to 10.

    Anyway, it's all bull****.
    RTE, loosing a fortune, is now developing yet another station with two well paid presenters who are not wanted elsewhere or do not want to do anything else in the company.

    If I was the owner of an independent franchise, I'd be roaring down the phone to the BAI to tell these clowns at RTE leave this type of broadcasting to the private sector.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I don't think he got off to a bad start. If I wanted no talk I'd just listen to my own playlist or Spotify. Could be enough to move me off Nova altogether.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,306 ✭✭✭Schorpio

    Expunge wrote: »
    If I was the owner of an independent franchise, I'd be roaring down the phone to the BAI to tell these clowns at RTE leave this type of broadcasting to the private sector.

    Leave what type of broadcasting to the private sector? Ad-free? If I was the BAI I'd tell you that you have every right to broadcast your own content and let the market decide which is better.

    I completely agree, personalities at RTE are overpaid, but this isn't the thread for that discussion.

    Personally I think it was alright this morning, especially considering that it was the first show, and I'm glad there is a push to build up Gold's audience. Most people I know of with DAB radios in DAB areas never use it. I just hope that is the numbers tuning in do start to rise, that we don't see advertising introduced, but we'll have to wait and see.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,168 ✭✭✭Ursus Horribilis

    Expunge wrote: »

    If I was the owner of an independent franchise, I'd be roaring down the phone to the BAI to tell these clowns at RTE leave this type of broadcasting to the private sector.

    The independent franchises who largely target the 18-30 market you mean? Or the local stations that have chat shows on this time of the morning?

    Oh and if you want to rant, learn the difference between losing and loosing.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 82 ✭✭Phat Dick

    You people do realize that sponsorship & ads are inevitable if the channel gets an audience???

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,140 ✭✭✭Expunge

    The independent franchises who largely target the 18-30 market you mean? Or the local stations that have chat shows on this time of the morning?

    Oh and if you want to rant, learn the difference between losing and loosing.

    Thank you for your kind spelling advice. I hope you'll do a full spelling inventory of all posts on since 2003, when you get a chance. You are doing a valuable public service. Keep it up!

    Fact is, the market is deciding nothing here.
    Messers Leahy and O'Shea are not being paid from anything other than licence fee. It is already being subsidized. It is a genre of programming that could easily be done by the private sector.
    As already mentioned, if this thing has a viable audience, Sponsorship and Promotion is inevitable.

    Also, the issue of most other presenters on RTE DAB stations being unpaid, with these two very well paid misfits waltzing in is a great stain on RTE and the Trade Union group there. (Not the fault of the two gents, granted)

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Expunge wrote: »
    Fact is, the market is deciding nothing here.
    Messers Leahy and O'Shea are not being paid from anything other than licence fee. It is already being subsidized. It is a genre of programming that could easily be done by the private sector.
    But it's not being done by the private sector. The private sector is skewed towards the youth market. There's very little for those who don't want to listen to today's music.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,168 ✭✭✭Ursus Horribilis

    Thank you for your kind words.

    The thing is, the private sector isn't catering for this market. I live outside Dublin so there are no commercial stations which cater for my age group (late 30s). 2FM and Today FM now target a younger demographic and I find them mostly unlistenable. IRadio, Beat and Spin are for a young audience too. The local radio stations vary wildly in what they play. If you live in some areas you'll be served up hearty doses of Declan Nerney and Dickie Rock if you tune in. Or chat shows with local news.

    You could argue that RTE Gold is providing a public service for a demographic that the commercial stations have little interest in. One of the things I noticed about Will Leahy's show this morning was people mentioning how they're tuning in. When you're needing to use Sairview or an App to tune into a radio station, you're not in the mainstream.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,140 ✭✭✭Expunge

    But it's not being done by the private sector. The private sector is skewed towards the youth market. There's very little for those who don't want to listen to today's music.

    You're right, it's not. But are you telling me a service like RTE Gold could and should not be provided by some entity other than RTE if they had the same light touch regulation?

    E.g. No news service, no speech and current affairs requirement.

    If I could get a broadcasting franchise for a mostly automated Gold station with only two paid on-air staff from the BAI, I'd sign for it now. This minute. And I'd bet the Bank would lend me what I need to get going, because the risk for them would be pretty low.

    RTE is increasingly threadbare in running what it already has on TV and Radio, has a fantastic news online presence that its competitors in the national newspapers complain about bitterly and is constantly rattling the tin for more money from households across country.

    And now RTE Gold? RTE has no business getting involved in this with public money, in my view.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,168 ✭✭✭Ursus Horribilis

    If you take that logic, you could argue that RTE has no business running 2fm either.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,168 ✭✭✭Ursus Horribilis

    My guess is that private operators don't want the 35+ audience because they're the ones with less disposable income. The negative equity generation who got their pay cut during the recession and are now raising families.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,140 ✭✭✭Expunge

    If you take that logic, you could argue that RTE has no business running 2fm either.

    Welllll, yes. Is that type of programming not well covered by regional 'yoof' music services like Beat etc.? Get rid, if it is. I don't listen much, so I don't know.

    If 2FM taking more risks with new music and unsigned artists during the 7-7 hours that the private sector would not do, well then great. It is justified.

    Anyhoo, I don't wish to derail the thread. RTE Gold is indeed a very good listen. I just object to the fact that it is now, de facto, being enhanced with public money. In the current climate for RTE, I feel that is wrong.

    Once again, the regulator is letting itself be violated like a starstuck actress at a theatre audition in an unnamed Arts Council funded theatre.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 687 ✭✭✭reg114

    Had a listen today. Sounded recorded before 8 then live after 8. Very subdued was my take. Jingles were a bit amateurish and Will read the news and weather himself!!

    I thought RTE gold was dedicated to yesterdays music, so it was weird when the stunning came on to plug their new album and then Will plays the new song from Keanes lead singer.

    A golden oldies station on a platform that most people in its target audience which id guess is 45+ aren't even aware of. The only reason Rick and Will are on Gold is because they are veing paid a salary as they are staff, waste of taxpayers money but thats RTe all over. Will they make a difference to numbers listening to RTe Gold? Doubt it based on the fact its digital and not fm.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,306 ✭✭✭Schorpio

    Expunge wrote: »
    You're right, it's not. But are you telling me a service like RTE Gold could and should not be provided by some entity other than RTE if they had the same light touch regulation?

    E.g. No news service, no speech and current affairs requirement.

    If I could get a broadcasting franchise for a mostly automated Gold station with only two paid on-air staff from the BAI, I'd sign for it now. This minute. And I'd bet the Bank would lend me what I need to get going, because the risk for them would be pretty low.

    RTE is increasingly threadbare in running what it already has on TV and Radio, has a fantastic news online presence that its competitors in the national newspapers complain about bitterly and is constantly rattling the tin for more money from households across country.

    And now RTE Gold? RTE has no business getting involved in this with public money, in my view.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but your main gripe with RTE Gold is that it is costing RTE, and thus, the taxpayer more money when private entities could provide a service instead?

    Right, well firstly private entities could very well provide a service. However, the fact of the matter is they don't. Various posters have given potential reasons why this may be the case, but whatever the reason may be RTE are filling that gap in the market. Yes, it may be a low-interest station (only time will tell), but it's the same reason 2XM, Junior, and even Lyric FM exist. In my view it is absolutely the job of a public broadcaster to provide for interests outside of commercial interests.

    Regarding the money RTE spends on Gold, it's pennies by comparison to the wider financial structure within RTE. There's a lot of other fat to be trimmed before you'd reach RTE Gold.

    Also, would the Bank give you the money to produce a station without any advertising? Of course they wouldn't. And for me, not being bombarded with ads and sponsors is half the reason I listen to Gold.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 82 ✭✭Phat Dick

    FFS if they are playing new music on it, it's already jumped the shark

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,168 ✭✭✭Ursus Horribilis

    Phat Dick wrote: »
    FFS if they are playing new music on it, it's already jumped the shark

    Unless there's a plan to reposition the station as an equivalent of BBC Radio 2? Perhaps they should. 2FM's audience will have zero interest in a new album from The Stunning or Keane but people who are that bit older might.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 687 ✭✭✭reg114

    Unless there's a plan to reposition the station as an equivalent of BBC Radio 2? Perhaps they should. 2FM's audience will have zero interest in a new album from The Stunning or Keane but people who are that bit older might.

    Playing new music on a station which is basically a Golden Oldies station is totally confusing, either that or change the name from Gold.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,168 ✭✭✭Ursus Horribilis

    The station's playlist is a bit messed up anyway so maybe there is room for both? Oldies shows and ones that have newer music from older artists.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,509 ✭✭✭JoeA3

    I listened to it for a bit. It was OK... Will seemed to be making as good a fist of it as he could, given probably a tiny budget and not much to work with (reading the news himself ffs!). And playing "new" music. Is it an oldies station or what is it?

    I just think the listener pool will continue to be tiny. There's no real awareness of it out there. Virtually no cars have DAB, so if you really want to listen to it on your commute you'll be faffing around with streaming it via Bluetooth from your phone. Hardly ideal and beyond the ability / effort level of most people I think.

    I just wonder how long they'll give it? How do they even measure its listenership? How long will Leahy/o'shea stick at it for 3 hours every day with a few dozen tuned in? Has Will jacked in the day job?

    And when Will's show finishes at 10am, is it back to pre-recorded stuff until Rick comes on later? That's hardly going to help retain an audience...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 82 ✭✭Phat Dick

    private entities can't legally operates an rte gold type service, they would be required to have a bare minimum 20 percent news and current affairs

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 82 ✭✭Phat Dick

    The station's playlist is a bit messed up anyway so maybe there is room for both? Oldies shows and ones that have newer music from older artists.

    So then you'd have a situation were rte gold would be playing Ed Sheeran and Niall Horan and people would say it sounds like any other ten a penny music station on the FM Band

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,168 ✭✭✭Ursus Horribilis

    No. Ed Sheeran and Niall Horan are played on the youth stations. What I had in mind was older artists such as the aforementioned The Stunning and Keane. People who would have been played on 2fm back in the day but not now. It'd be like BBC Radio 2

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,140 ✭✭✭Expunge

    Schorpio wrote: »

    Yes, it may be a low-interest station (only time will tell), but it's the same reason 2XM, Junior, and even Lyric FM exist. In my view it is absolutely the job of a public broadcaster to provide for interests outside of commercial interests.

    Regarding the money RTE spends on Gold, it's pennies by comparison to the wider financial structure within RTE. There's a lot of other fat to be trimmed before you'd reach RTE Gold.

    Also, would the Bank give you the money to produce a station without any advertising? Of course they wouldn't. And for me, not being bombarded with ads and sponsors is half the reason I listen to Gold.

    Gold has far, far more listener potential than the other mentioned stations - especially with the lack of news/current affairs requirements currently required of a commercial operator.

    Don't care if it is pennies or not. RTE are now engaged in spreading public costs into an area not touched before.

    As for the Bank stuff, with a business plan and projections, a licence and a freuency from the BAI and a lovely small cost base, there's every chance they would.

    As for not being bombarded with ads and the like.... I hope it keeps fine for you on Arrrr Teeee Eeeeee Gooold!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 82 ✭✭Phat Dick

    Dan Healy was recently appointed head of "all radio strategy" at rte so believe me, it won't be long until Gold is full of annoying sponsorship stings

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,140 ✭✭✭Expunge

    The secret RTE Producer seems to know why this is being undertaken - and it has fack all to do with servicing an underserved area of Irish radio. From Twidder, as they say on gold.....

    secret rte producer‏

    "1/People have asked me what the story is behind Gold the radio station that's going to a full schedule. Thats not complicated, Lyric is full
    2 rte is stuffed full of radio presenters. When they try to get them off air they make them producers. Which just means you
    3 end up with disgruntled producers. Then they came up with Lyric, but now that is full. So now we have Gold, and for staff djs
    4 that they want off 2 fm. I think it will do well, middle aged djs plying middle aged pop. I just hope that the 2 fm update
    5 is more successful than all the ones since Gerry died."

    If true, even more shame on the BAI for not getting stuck in to this sham.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,168 ✭✭✭Ursus Horribilis

    You could argue that RTE should be spending more on their stations and on spreading DAB nationwide. If you look across the water, the BBC runs six national stations on varying platforms. 2fm is the only one that has a solid identify. Radio 1 is a mongrel cross between BBC Radios 2-5.

    RTE Gold is the poor relation of the RTE family (as is 2XM) and has been little more than a glorified Spotify playlist. Would using some presenters and mixing things up really be so bad? It probably costs buttons to run. I can think of many other places where RTE is spending its money badly.

    In an ideal world we'd have DAB nationwide and a better selection of radio stations. Neither has happened so I'm happy that Gold, imperfect as it is, is on the air.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 82 ✭✭Phat Dick

    Expunge wrote: »
    The secret RTE Producer seems to know why this is being undertaken - and it has fack all to do with servicing an underserved area of Irish radio. From Twidder, as they say on gold.....

    secret rte producer‏

    1/People have asked me what the story is behind Gold the radio station that's going to a full schedule. Thats not complicated, Lyric is full
    2 rte is stuffed full of radio presenters. When they try to get them off air they make them producers. Which just means you
    3 end up with disgruntled producers. Then they came up with Lyric, but now that is full. So now we have Gold, and for staff djs
    4 that they want off 2 fm. I think it will do well, middle aged djs plying middle aged pop. I just hope that the 2 fm update
    5 is more successful than all the ones since Gerry died.

    If true, even more shame on the BAI for not getting stuck in to this sham.

    It's pretty obvious that Leahy and O Shea are permanent staff who can't be got rid off, they got rid of all the contractor djs who were too old for 2fm, Ruth Scott, Colm Hayes etc

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,140 ✭✭✭Expunge

    In an ideal world we'd have DAB nationwide and a better selection of radio stations. Neither has happened so I'm happy that Gold, imperfect as it is, is on the air.

    I'd agree with that. I'm just uneasy about a basket case semi-state company being allowed to further spread it's wings with little said or done by the regulator.

    Having a Gold station for Ireland like RTE Gold is, of course, a good thing. It's who is doing it and why is my problem.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,168 ✭✭✭Ursus Horribilis

    Tbh, I'm more bothered by so many newspapers and Radio Stations being owned by Communicorp and the unashamedly biased presenting and reporting that goes on. That's more offensive than an oldies station.

    In the grand scale of things, paying a few DJs left over from 2fm is feck all money. In my opinion, all RTE presenters are overpaid. My guess is that Leahy and O'Shea are way down the food chain. I'd rather get animated about what they're paying Marion Finucane for those few hours she works.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,043 ✭✭✭George Sunsnow

    Could we not just pay them to make coffee and check levels then?
    Hate listening to inane drivel and up to recently Gold was a haven of random music minus clutter

    This is only going to make me use Spotify playlists more tbh

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,670 ✭✭✭MikeyTaylor

    Tbh, I'm more bothered by so many newspapers and Radio Stations being owned by Communicorp and the unashamedly biased presenting and reporting that goes on. That's more offensive than an oldies station.

    In the grand scale of things, paying a few DJs left over from 2fm is feck all money. In my opinion, all RTE presenters are overpaid. My guess is that Leahy and O'Shea are way down the food chain. I'd rather get animated about what they're paying Marion Finucane for those few hours she works.
    Not to mention her voice literally makes my teeth hurt!

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    If RTE are serious about Gold being a success then they need to expand the coverage around the country,get it on FM or extend DAB coverage.I live in Sligo and would love to have Gold on digital radio from Truskmore as well as the other RTE radio stations.They are available on Saorview which isnt as beneficial as having it on a kitchen radio or car radio!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,043 ✭✭✭George Sunsnow

    On my WiFi radio it still says ‘so the kids have myspace’ this is your space RTE Gold’

    Jaysis ,RTE are so with it...,,

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,168 ✭✭✭Ursus Horribilis

    Well, it is an oldies station. Some of us still use Bebo :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,043 ✭✭✭George Sunsnow

    Aye but the kids have MySpace ...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 11,964 ✭✭✭✭Andy From Sligo

    You could argue that RTE should be spending more on their stations and on spreading DAB nationwide. If you look across the water, the BBC runs six national stations on varying platforms. 2fm is the only one that has a solid identify. Radio 1 is a mongrel cross between BBC Radios 2-5.

    RTE Gold is the poor relation of the RTE family (as is 2XM) and has been little more than a glorified Spotify playlist. Would using some presenters and mixing things up really be so bad? It probably costs buttons to run. I can think of many other places where RTE is spending its money badly.

    In an ideal world we'd have DAB nationwide and a better selection of radio stations. Neither has happened so I'm happy that Gold, imperfect as it is, is on the air.

    Now your talking - I wish we did have a nationwide DAB service across Ireland. I have 3 DAB Radios in the house .. thank God they still have FM radio on them, cannot get a bean of a DAB signal on them at all! - stupid in this day and age, FM is so shussy and out of tune a lot of the time.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 364 ✭✭gamecube

    Thank you for your kind words.

    The thing is, the private sector isn't catering for this market. I live outside Dublin so there are no commercial stations which cater for my age group (late 30s). 2FM and Today FM now target a younger demographic and I find them mostly unlistenable. IRadio, Beat and Spin are for a young audience too. The local radio stations vary wildly in what they play. If you live in some areas you'll be served up hearty doses of Declan Nerney and Dickie Rock if you tune in. Or chat shows with local news.

    You could argue that RTE Gold is providing a public service for a demographic that the commercial stations have little interest in. One of the things I noticed about Will Leahy's show this morning was people mentioning how they're tuning in. When you're needing to use Sairview or an App to tune into a radio station, you're not in the mainstream.

    Spot on, if you live outside Dublin you have a very poor choice of Radio stations

    I really enjoyed Rick O'Shea's show today on RTE Gold, you just dont get that kind of playlist anywhere else on radio (2fm- today fm- or local stations)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 32,688 ✭✭✭✭ytpe2r5bxkn0c1

    What a disappointment. Gone is the enjoyable clutter free DJ free music in the mornings. Time to seek out a new breakfast time station.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,769 ✭✭✭ford fiesta

    What a disappointment. Gone is the enjoyable clutter free DJ free music in the mornings. Time to seek out a new breakfast time station.

    Maybe they should set up an RTE Gold 2 with just music !!

  • Moderators, Business & Finance Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators Posts: 25,879 Mod ✭✭✭✭Loughc

    Maybe they should set up an RTE Gold 2 with just music !!

    Or if people just want to listen to just use music they can always just use Spotify or Apple Music.

    I for one am happy with the direction they’re going with Rté Gold.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 100 ✭✭EIREAROEIRE

    i loved listening to those two lads best of luck to them

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 11,964 ✭✭✭✭Andy From Sligo

    haha this carry on with the radio stations like this reminds me how the uk BBC went with the stations I grew up listening to Radio 1 and then they shifted the Radio 1 DJ's to Radio 2 as the DJ's got older (and as the listeners got older) and then Radio went all bassline, hop hop and rapping - totally not the radio 1 i grew up listening to.

    Now Ireland is doing something similar but RTE Radio 2 is getting more hip hop rap cutting edge, the RTE Radio 1 is more chat and the older DJ's RTE seems to be moving them over to Gold - am very surprised they have kept Larry Gogan on 2FM to be honest, but he (rightly so) seems to be an institution on 2FM.indeed the other week on 2FM they put Stephen Byrne in Larry Gogans afternoon Sunday slot and he had to keep reassuring people that "larry will indeed be on this afternoon still - dont worry!" :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 364 ✭✭gamecube

    Is Dave Fanning the next guy to join the RTE Gold lineup or does his connection to U2 save him?

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