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Man! I feel like a runner



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Oh Nooooo! I’m the same - phone needs to be charged a few times a day it gets so much use!! Hop you can update us tomorrow!!! Have you a spare or can you get a quick replacement?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,760 ✭✭✭ReeReeG

    Week 18: Marathon week.
    Mon 30th Apr: Emotional day obviously, took it off work and just had a day for me. Went to see Infinity War, being superhero nerds this is definitely a film myself and my boyfriend would have been all over, and then spent some time with his parents.

    Tues 1st May
    Plan: 6 easy. Actual: 6 easy. Did these with a clubmate who was due to run the half in Limerick. Kept it handy at average pace 9.32/m and good chats. Body feeling good.

    Weds 2nd May: No run, but did a gentle yoga class at lunchtime.

    Thurs 3rd May
    Plan: 20 mins, with 1 min at MP. Actual: 15 mins jog, 1 min @MP, 5 mins easy. Avg pace 10:40/m. Nice little run.

    Fri 4th May: Started getting my stuff together for the race. Nerves had been high all week but weirdly settled around this time.

    Sat 5th May
    Plan: 20 mins easy. Actual: 15 mins easy. Was volunteering at parkrun so did it beforehand, and didn't leave a whole lot of time. Felt a bit nervy again so was glad to pack it in! Avg pace 10.37/m. Got sunburnt.
    Travelled down to Limerick in the afternoon with my friends, checked into the hotel, and went for dinner (italian of course) with a bunch of other friends, and it was all lovely and relaxing and distracting. I was looking forward to the race now.

    Sunday 6th May: RACE DAY
    My brother picked me up at my hotel about 7.45 and we headed into the city. Took a while to find the one open multi-storey amidst the road closures, but got there about 8. Wandered up to check out the start area and then back to the car to dump the layers and put on the belts. Jogged back towards the start area and hit the portaloos. I was just keen to get started now, but there were the few speeches (and a prayer from a bishop) to get through first! I hadn't realised there were only about 800 for the marathon though...
    Mile 1-3
    We'd agreed to set out at 9min pace to make sure we didn't go too hard at the start, so we kept to that nicely. Noticing the other runners around us and making sure the 3.45 pacers were ahead of us. The clouds and that weird mist was still around, so it was quite pleasant at this point. Settled into the 8.45-8.50 bracket then from the second mile. I felt great, excited, comfortable... splits: 8.59 / 8.56 / 8.44
    Mile 4-6
    Still feeling good through here, though we'd left the city at this point. Surprised by friends being at the 4 mile point where I didn't expect them, it was pretty cool! I hadn't realised we were going to head down along by the water (canal?river?) either so that was nice. We still had the clouds until the 10k point or so if I remember correctly. We did have that weird turn into a housing estate in mile 6 though... it was an interesting route overall! splits: 8.49 / 8.40 / 8.49. Hit the 10k mark in just under 55 mins.
    Mile 7-9
    Again, still comfortable enough here, and the toughest part was not speeding enough. As we would get distracted, we'd speed up. Took a gel at 7 miles. These were the first of the "out and back" miles, and the sun made an appearance by now. It was warm but manageable. Overheard a guy saying this was his 12th marathon THIS YEAR. Madness! Splits: 8.37 / 8.47 / 8.47
    Mile 10-12
    Somewhere along here, the demons entered my head. The emotions, the enormity of the marathon, the pressure of knowing people were waiting for me back in the city.. I just started to struggle so much mentally even though I was physically grand.  I tried to push it down and ignore it, but by the end of mile 11 I had to tell my brother this was too tough. Somewhere in mile 12 I stopped running and he grabbed my hand to get me going again. splits here: 8.48 / 8.50 / 9.17
    Mile 13-15
    The damage was done. Got through the halfway mark with smiles because my sisters and lots and lots of friends were around here so I had to keep going, but I let them know I was struggling. Hit halfway in 1.57 but the downward spiral had started. As soon as we passed everyone, I started walking and crying, telling my brother I couldn't finish this, and to go on without me, and all sorts of breakdown talk really. He is a star and wouldn't leave me and tried to talk me into running again. This was to continue for a number of miles... basically adopted a walk a little, run more approach. I think I took a gel somewhere here too. splits: 10:15 / 12:17 / 12:05
    Mile 16-18
    This section was HARD. We were now meeting the half marathon runners and their darned fresh legs, the sun was truly beating down and I was so annoyed at myself. But I just couldn't muster it back up. Even though everytime I started running again I was settling into a nice 9.xx pace, and then my head would get at me. Even though I also knew the more I walked the longer we'd be in that blasted sun! So somewhere in mile 18 I managed to hold my nerve for longer. Took a gel at some point here too. splits: 11.51 / 14.27 / 9.45
    Mile 19-21
    My brother pointed out once we get back into the city it will be easier, and I admit I didn't believe him, even though I wanted to so badly. More friends at mile 20 or so, and I did finally admit to my brother, that yes, I am going to finish this. I didn't believe it until then. I tried to run more and more from here. Used my zero tab which had been nicely stored in the zip-lock (thanks kellygirl, excellent tip), and I definitely think it helped! splits: 12.43/ 10.59 / 10.39.
    Mile 22-24
    I hated going around the stadium, really created a drag here. I think as well, there was the point where we could see / hear the finish line but we were headed the opposite direction for a while... cruel!! I started to enjoy it a lot from here though, the crowds were unreal and as for the folk out with their garden hoses... hallelujah! Still couldn't muster my head up to just bloody run the whole way home though. splits: 11.28 / 11.27 / 12.15
    Mile 25 - finish
    Was really trying to keep the 4.30 pacers behind me now. I think I ran most of the last 2 miles? Probably a bit of a walk break at the start of mile 25 actually. Anyway, coming back into that final mile was incredible. The music, the noise of the crowd. We were finishing with a lot of the 6 mile crowd so it was busy. I got very emotional seeing the 800m to go sign, and then all my friends and family and split out nicely along that last straight. Lots of cheers. When I saw the clock with 4.29.10 or something on it, I looked at my brother and we sprinted to get under the 4.30. And then the tears really let loose!!! splits: 10.37 / 10.21 / and 8.26 for the last .2 Finish time: 4.29.17

    So that was my marathon. I had trained so well, but I don't think anyone can train for the emotions that can hit unfortunately. I honestly wouldn't have finished it without my brother, and I will be always so grateful for that. We shared the tears and had some fun too in it, with water fights with the volunteers and he was playing the crowds before the last turn! The volunteers were really incredible, and you couldn't possibly fault the organisers for the water stations, they were plenty and well-manned. The route was a bit mad, we even went through a carpark at one point, but look, it worked. Although I did hear someone mangled themselves on one of those poles on the path coming out of UL. The support around the finish is something I've never experienced before. Just insane! I felt like a rockstar.

    I said during, and right after, the marathon; never again. By the time I was having a magnesium soak bath, I caught myself thinking about Dublin, and swiftly told myself to cop on. However, today I am fine. I can walk. I could probably jog down the stairs, and back up, none of that funny walking people talk about. I think this is because I trained for a much harder pace than I ended up running. So yesterday was effectively a training pace run for me. Inevitably, I am thinking about what I could do... minus the pressure, minus the occasion of an anniversary... something to think about.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    You’re a marathon runner! Congratulations - you’ve achieved so much. I had a tear in my eye reading your report. I hope you’re very, very proud of yourself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Ah stop, amazing, you also brought a tear to my eye. What an achievement and what a tribute to your late boyfriend. You should be very proud of yourself, you did amazing, really truly amazing. Time wise well yes of course there is a better time in you but right now who cares, this was about much more than the time on the clock... be proud xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Well done ReeReeG. I was tracking you before and after my own race yesterday and was emotional when you crossed the finish line.

    You did so well. The emotions are tough under normal circumstances so yesterday would have been so much harder for you.

    BUT, now you have run your first marathon and finished it and raised a huge amount of money too. That is fantastic.

    You have unfinished business too though so maybe time to hop over onto the DCM Novices thread and join us all up there on the 28th October. :-) (that’s what I did last year after Cork when I was injured and best decision ever).

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,760 ✭✭✭ReeReeG

    Kellygirl wrote:
    You have unfinished business too though so maybe time to hop over onto the DCM Novices thread and join us all up there on the 28th October. :-) (that’s what I did last year after Cork when I was injured and best decision ever).

    As each minute passes, this does get more likely.
    Goddamn running addiction.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    ReeReeG wrote: »
    As each minute passes, this does get more likely.
    Goddamn running addiction.

    You won’t regret it. You have fantastic fitness built up - you could maintain that by dropping the mileage a bit until later in the Summer and start picking up the long runs again at that stage.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    ReeReeG wrote: »
    As each minute passes, this does get more likely.
    Goddamn running addiction.


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,338 ✭✭✭eyrie

    Well done ReeReeG! I was thinking about you on Sunday morning and in the run up to it but wasn't able to get online to wish you luck. Huge congratulations, you ran a marathon! It sounds like it wasn't the experience you expected, and it takes so much strength to get through something like that. Makes for impressive reading. There's no doubt whatsoever that you have a faster marathon in you but this one wasn't really about that, and I'm sure it will stand to you in so many ways.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    A gutsy run and a great report ! Agree that you would smash DCM with all that training. Congratulations on everything you achieved !

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,102 ✭✭✭manonboard

    Well done OP! I've just read this trhead for the first time. It was a roller coaster! so well written!
     You made it!!! I was on the last page and was thinking "oh god please let the race happen and not next week! I need to know how this ends!!!"
    I was delighted for you. Congratulations! you did it!!!!!
    You've obviously carried a huge emotional heaviness along each of those strides and miles, so I'm so proud of you for keeping yourself meeting your goals.
    So much obviously came up for you, and you kept going, even when you wanted to quit, you kept going!
    That is so strong. It's been really inspiring, and a great lesson that I'll take with me in my own training. Thanks so much for sharing! Well done again!
    I'm delighted for you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,760 ✭✭✭ReeReeG

    Kellygirl wrote:
    You won’t regret it. You have fantastic fitness built up - you could maintain that by dropping the mileage a bit until later in the Summer and start picking up the long runs again at that stage.

    So.. I may have signed up to Dublin this morning.

    Can I still join the Novice thread even though I've Limerick behind me and will most likely just train with the club, not the Boards plan...?!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    ReeReeG wrote: »
    So.. I may have signed up to Dublin this morning.

    Can I still join the Novice thread even though I've Limerick behind me and will most likely just train with the club, not the Boards plan...?!


    Ha - good on you. I’m thrilled. It will be a totally different experience for you.

    Of course you can join the novice thread. I did last year, having done Cork already.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    ReeReeG wrote: »
    Kellygirl wrote:
    You won’t regret it. You have fantastic fitness built up - you could maintain that by dropping the mileage a bit until later in the Summer and start picking up the long runs again at that stage.

    So.. I may have signed up to Dublin this morning.

    Can I still join the Novice thread even though I've Limerick behind me and will most likely just train with the club, not the Boards plan...?!

    I hope so! I plan on sneaking on when no one will notice and I’m not even doing Dublin ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    Huzzah! wrote: »
    I hope so! I plan on sneaking on when no one will notice and I’m not even doing Dublin ;)

    Is there a reason you're not doing it? I thought it might be the next rung on the ladder.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    skyblue46 wrote: »
    Huzzah! wrote: »
    I hope so! I plan on sneaking on when no one will notice and I’m not even doing Dublin ;)

    Is there a reason you're not doing it? I thought it might be the next rung on the ladder.

    Oh, the distance is, but the location isn’t. I managed to get an entry to Berlin, so that will be my first.

    Sorry, ReeReeg. You can have your log back now :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,760 ✭✭✭ReeReeG

    Huzzah! wrote:
    Sorry, ReeReeg. You can have your log back now

    Ha not a problem! Nice to have a bit of traffic on it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    ReeReeG wrote: »
    Ha not a problem! Nice to have a bit of traffic on it!

    Thank you :)

    Congrats on might have signing up for DCM

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    ReeReeG wrote: »
    So.. I may have signed up to Dublin this morning.

    Can I still join the Novice thread even though I've Limerick behind me and will most likely just train with the club, not the Boards plan...?!

    Yay, you won't regret it ;)

    The more the merrier :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,760 ✭✭✭ReeReeG

    7th - 13th May
    Just one run in that week, a recovery 5k on the Wednesday morning. Had gone to the physio on Tuesday for a sports massage and all was fine, just my hamstrings were fairly tight. She recommended an easy recovery run, so I headed out the next morning. All felt pretty good. Was off on a flight to Dubai that night then for a few days break to see my friend. Had the compression socks for the flight just in case! A nice few days then of sun, food, few drinks, and more FOOD.

    14 - 20th May
    Wanted to get back into a routine this week. I felt really good after the marathon, which I assume was because I had trained for a much harder run than I actually had ended up doing. Honestly, I'd been worse after the Mullingar half in March, or even my 21 mile training run. Anyway, keeping it easy and just enjoying running for the fun hobby that it is.

    Tues 15th May
    Easy 4.6 miles, avg pace 9.54/m. Felt a little stiff heading out, but assumed this was down to not having run for a week and a couple of longish flights. Had been looking forward to the run all day though, its much needed for my head alone.

    Weds 16th May
    Wasn't sure if it was sensible to run two days in a row, even easy, but one of my brothers reminded me this is exactly when to enjoy running; no training plan, no need for hard miles... so I headed out in the absolutely lovely weather for weirdly another 4,6 miles despite choosing a different route! Didn't bother check the watch but focussed on keeping the effort easy. I was surprised at the average pace then... 9.19/m. Not strictly easy but I really enjoyed it.

    Thurs 17th May
    Went back to Pilates this lunchtime. A lot of focus on the arms, god the pain! Didn't go for a run... instead was enticed by a beer garden..oops.

    Fri 18th May
    Was headed on a hen weekend later that afternoon so headed for an early morning run. 4.5 miles, avg pace 9.32/m. Still enjoyable although I felt it took a bit for my legs to wake up!

    Sat 19th May
    No run, although I wished I'd brought my runners despite the previous night's beverages. Was lovely down the West.

    Sun 20th May
    I want to make sure I keep the habit of a Sunday longer run, so went for a run when I got back to Dublin. I was 100% not a pretty sight! 7.5 miles, doesn't seem like a long run anymore but I think I was allowed to be nice to myself! Will hopefully get back to 10 miles range next weekend. Avg pace 9.20/m, and actually felt quite good by the end. Very tight calves though.

    Total miles: 21.4

    Nice to get back running, and feel mostly good. Plan for this week is just easy miles again Tues and Thurs, and maybe chance a fast parkrun on Sat. 

    Next race I've signed up for is the Dunshaughlin 10k, did it last year and really enjoyed it. Will see how I am at parkrun next week before I set any goal times for myself.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,760 ✭✭✭ReeReeG

    21st - 27th May
    Mon 22nd: Nothing of note except a walk to work. I walk most mornings, it's about 2 miles into work. I think this has probably helped keep everything ticking over too.

    Tues 23rd: 5 miles at 9.35/m. Back to the club, but with the intention of keeping the midweek miles easy for a while now. Admitted to them that I'd signed up for DCM... will be a good gang of us, looking forward to it being a completely different experience than a spring marathon!

    Weds 24th: Had planned to do yoga at lunchtime, but a terrible customer call ran over and ruined that plan, and also my day :angry:. I had my second tag rugby training session of the year that night, and persuaded myself to go to cheer myself up. It worked! Before anyone mentions it... I'm very aware tag rugby in conjunction with running might scupper some goals, and I'm totally prepared to accept that! I love it a lot, and it's a big part of my summer that I won't be willing to give up!

    Thurs 25th: Pilates at lunchtime. The instructor had us using trigger balls (?) at the start; working out pressure in the feet before the glutes... well, I got into the glutes anyway. Good class. Training that night, a very easy 5 miles, and totally enjoyable at 10.14/m.

    Fri 26th: Well, the reason I know I got into the glutes the day before was because I was left walking like a 90 year old the next day! Holy cow, I was sore! Had dinner and drinks plans that night also...

    Sat 27th: Headed to St Anne's for parkrun. A sister lives close by and I'd promised to go visit. Found out the day before that it was pacer week, plus having read the 5k reports from a few people on here, I was curious to see what I was able for post-Limerick. Got there in time for a 2 mile warm-up and shake out (glute eventually loosened!) and lined up near the 23 min pacer (my 5k PB was in or around 23:30). It felt weird hitting that pace at first, but I felt like I'd settled into it coming towards the end of lap 1. I asked the pacer if he'd planned even pacing or a negative split, and he said even, which pleased me. One thing which was annoying me was a woman literally on my shoulder, so much so she elbowed me a couple times and clipped my heels!! Anyway, coming towards the avenue for the 2nd time, I was struggling, and then it transpired the pacer not really just needed to pick up the pace, but kinda needed to make up some time... I had a moment to decide whether to kill myself keeping up with him or be kind to myself and remember I was 3 weeks after a marathon. So I chose to be kind. Stupidly though, I stopped?! Kinda walked... and then said to myself, what the hell are you doing?! All in the space of about 10 seconds! Picked up the pace again fairly quickly, and finished in 23.29.. which as it turns out is in fact a parkrun PB by 5 secs. Quite happy, because I really think I have a sub-23 in me soon. 

    Sun 27th: Easy long run of 9 miles, avg pace 9.41/m. Beautiful morning for this, really enjoyed it. 
    Popped into Kildare village on my way back to Dublin... some great deals on running clothes, oops :D
    Total miles: 24.1, and I can honestly say I enjoyed every single mile.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Well done on the Park run PB! Super time and no doubt you have sub 23 in you soon too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,760 ✭✭✭ReeReeG

    28th May - 3rd June
    Mon 28th: Just walked to work and home again, this time with a heavy load of groceries.

    Tues 29th: Easy miles with the club. Well actually they did speed work, I took it handy. 5 miles @9.23/m

    Weds 30th: Yoga at lunchtime. Not feeling very supple these days. Had a tag match that night, so I ran 2 miles over to it as a good warm-up and attempt to avoid injuries, and then half a mile home after it. 

    Thurs 31st: Back at the club, wanted to do 6, avg pace 9.34/m. Had done Pilates at lunch and just felt so stiff and horrible during that, but mostly upper body. Probably need a good neck and shoulder massage, always carry any tension there.

    Fri 1st: Nothing. Went for "a" drink after work. Fast forward to 3am and I'm still out dancing :ermm:

    Sat 2nd: Died a slow death volunteering at the mini-marathon number collection. Honestly, doing that hungover was harder than the Limerick marathon!

    Sun 3rd: Down to Cork to cheer people on in the half / full marathon there. Nice to be a spectator this time around! Tough day for them all.

    Total miles: A fairly abysmal 13.7. I'd hoped to go for a run before volunteering on Sat, but being a bit reckless Friday night put a stop to that. I knew I wouldn't get one in on Sunday so it was always going to be a lower mileage week, but a little annoyed at myself. Not the end of the world I guess, and no harm in a blow-out once in a while!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Ah you could probably count the dancing as a cardio workout ;-)

    Everybody needs a break now and then.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,760 ✭✭✭ReeReeG

    4th - 10th June
    Mon 4th: Nothing, was still down in Cork and hanging out with family in the lovely sunshine.

    Tues 5th: Speedwork with the club. 1 mile warm-up (9.25/m) and the plan was 8 x 200s.. I did 4 (43, 42, 43, 43) with 40 secs in between, then said no thanks, but got guilty while the rest did more so ended up doing the last 2 with them (42, 43), and a mile to cool down again. It was on grass and so horrible. Yet somehow consistent. I need to suck it up.

    Weds 6th: Yoga at lunchtime, and tag rugby match that night (another loss :()

    Thurs 7th: Was off work again (such nice days to have off), and decided on an experiment with a bike. I am sick and tired of traffic on club training nights where I am nearly in the car as long as I out running. Bought a cheap secondhand bike on Tuesday, helmet and lock Wednesday, and decided to cycle to Marlay Thursday morning to try out the route... yeah, that's uphill. My poor quads! Also, haven't owned a bike in about 15 years so there was some getting used to cycling to be done. Anyway, managed to run when I got there so once I get used to cycling I should be ok... stupidly hadn't brought water though, and janeymac it was warm. 5miles @ 9.33/m avg

    Fri 8th: As I was still off, I took advantage of being able to head for a leisurely morning run. 4 miles @ 9.10/m

    Sat 9th: Annoyed myself. Really wanted to attempt a sub23 parkrun. Headed to Mullingar with family and did a little warm-up.. took at the pace I was fairly happy with but kept doubting I could keep it up, and every time I looked at my watch I got scared. So I stopped. Just before a mile. I feel like Limerick has ruined me re anything feeling hard. Walked a bit and jogged the last couple miles with my dad then. Maybe I just need more harder miles midweek or something, or re-learn being ok with the hard effort. Anyway, Daddy's 50th parkrun is next weekend so back to Mullingar, and I might be able to use one of my brothers to keep going this time!

    Sun 10th: 90 mins easy as my long run. 9.4 @9.46/m avg. Lovely morning, not much sun that early in Offaly when I headed out!

    Total miles: 26.6 (happy enough with that)

    Club training for DCM officially starts this week I think, not sure if I'll get stuck in right away, think the coach mentioned I could even hold off until end of June but I'll see. I might prefer to have structured steady miles again now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    I hope you get on top of the tendency to stop and walk. I think it's all in the head and nothing to do with hard midweek miles. You're running sessions so must be familiar with the pain. You most definitely have the ability to hit the targets that you pull back from.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,338 ✭✭✭eyrie

    I always find cycling kills my legs (maybe because I never do it!) so I'm impressed you're able to run straight after it!

    I wouldn't be too hard on yourself about finding the fast/hard stuff a challenge at the moment either. You've just come off a serious block with a very different focus, but you've already proved you're well able for faster stuff too so you just need to get used to the switch in gears. It'll come back.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,760 ✭✭✭ReeReeG

    May 14 - 20th, DCM 2018 Week 1
    As the rest of the club were starting DCM training, I just joined in.. so I guess I'm marathon training again.
    Mon 14th: Yoga at lunchtime, tag training in the evening.

    Tues 15th: 5 easy, average pace 9.22/m. Plus cycled to and from Marlay. Found a route there with more cycle lanes, hallelujah. The easy didn't feel so easy, not sure if that's because of the tag the night before, or the cycling, or maybe both.

    Weds 16th: Yoga at lunchtime. Tag game that night ( we lost so badly :( )

    Thurs 17th: Pilates instructor is on hols, so the replacement class in the studio was Core Yoga. It was tough but so good (and my core was sore through to Sat night!) 8 easy that night, was really lovely and I felt great! Avg pace 9.46/m. 

    Fri 18th: Nothing, except a whirlwind trip to London for a meeting and back for Taylor Swift that night!

    Sat 19th: Down to Mullingar for my father's 50th parkrun! So proud of him, and I will take the credit for getting him started last July :) He's lost a pile of weight, and his knees no longer bother him, as well as far less tummy issues! For my own run, I started my watch then immediately switched it to the clock so I couldn't watch pace and ran by effort... My calves had been screaming at me in my warm-up so I was considering keeping the effort easy - then my sister ran by me and that was end of that! No way was I letting her beat me...! (Up further, two of brothers were racing, it's clearly a family trait!) Ended up with a really steady run, avg pace 7.40 and while not my fastest parkrun at 23.51, I was really pleased with it after last week's fiasco. Ate far too much cake afterwards however...

    Sun 17th: 10 miles @ avg pace 9.34. Yes, too fast for LSR overall. Ran it this evening as I really needed a lie-in this morning, and listened to music for the first time in a long time (Taylor Swift, naturally) and then decided to finish with a steady mile because 1. I wanted to see if I could and 2. I was parched and wanted to get home! Really enjoyed it though.

    Total mileage: 27.3. Nice week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Did you beat your sister??? :D

    Well done on the week. Is the steady pace your marathon pace?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,760 ✭✭✭ReeReeG

    Kellygirl wrote: »
    Did you beat your sister??? :D

    Well done on the week. Is the steady pace your marathon pace?
    I did! Ah she's usually a couple minutes behind me anyway but when I saw her cruising by at the start I panicked a little :angel:
    No, that's closer to my HMP on reflection.. I honestly just felt like stretching out the legs and it was mostly downhill, and a wind behind me and was really enjoyable! Not on the plan at all, but sometimes I like to remember this is all for fun at the end of the day.
