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If it’s meant to be, it’s up to me.



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,601 ✭✭✭Wubble Wubble

    Best of luck K. The long awaited cooler temperatures should be far more to your liking :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Best of luck tomorrow. I'll keep an eye out for you. Wrap up well. Molls gap can be cold!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    Good luck tomorrow. Hope it goes really well :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,250 ✭✭✭coogy

    Best o' luck!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Thanks everybody. Looking forward to it now. Hope I can sleep early tonight. Getting up at 4:45am! :rolleyes:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,300 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Kellygirl wrote: »
    Thanks everybody. Looking forward to it now. Hope I can sleep early tonight. Getting up at 4:45am! :rolleyes:

    I don't think you need much luck but i'll throw it in anyhow - best of luck ;)

    Just stick with the plan you'll do great, no galloping off at 5k pace at the start now ;);)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,456 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Best of luck.

    99c ponchos? Bin bag comes in lower and uses less plastic. Think of the environment!

    Have a great race.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Kellygirl wrote:
    Thanks everybody. Looking forward to it now. Hope I can sleep early tonight. Getting up at 4:45am!

    Being up this early makes me question my race choices. Lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Murph_D wrote: »
    Best of luck.

    99c ponchos? Bin bag comes in lower and uses less plastic. Think of the environment!

    Have a great race.

    No plastic was worn today so the poncho has lived for another day!
    Being up this early makes me question my race choices. Lol

    I was shattered all day and it was the early start and lack of sleep as opposed to the run! Need to think about race choices too!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Did ye start early? It seemed to me the leaders came in awful early.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Run Killarney Half Marathon

    I’d heard this was an amazing route and a fab race. I missed out last year so my birthday was in May and having missed out on a sub 2 hour in Limerick, I asked for an entry to Killarney as my present. It didn’t disappoint.

    I set my alarm for 5am last night and proceeded to be awake for hours then after going to bed. 1am and I was still awake. Woke another few times and finally the alarm went off at 5am. I’d everything laid out so got dressed quickly, grabbed breakfast out of the fridge and into the car. I ate breakfast while driving to Killarney. Got parking easily and saw all the buses lined up to take the runners upto Molls Gap. They were leaving at 6:45. Met two friends and we hopped on. We drove up the route we’d be running down and I realized there were going to be a few more uphills than I thought - oh well! It was a stunning morning though fairly cold up at Molls Gap. We left it until the last minute to hand our bags to the bag drop truck and lined up.

    My main goal for the race was sub 2. When I started a new plan a couple of weeks ago the suggestion was that it would be better not to be racing during training so no mini tapers or recoveries. However, this had been booked prior to that plan so we fit it into the plan. As a session it was supposed be 10@9:15 and last 3.5 @ 8:58. However, based on the training achieved in the last couple of weeks and discussion with the coach I was aiming for a steady enough 9 min mile and pick up for the last mile or two. I decided myself to start with the 2 hour pacers to just ensure I stayed in control.

    Miles 1-5
    Splits: 8:36; 8:56; 9:08; 8:48; 9:03

    I went and met the two hour pacers and after a quick race briefing we were off. The road was closed the whole way to Killarney which was fab. Scenery was amazing and just beautiful. We set off and into an immediate downhill. I was with one of the pacers and we were discussing how it was hard to pull back even though we felt really slow. First mile clocked in at 8:36 and I mentioned it didn’t seem that fast but the course flattened out and next thing we were climbing and mile 2 was 8:56. It was raining but only lightly and perfect weather really. The steep downhill started around mile 3 and I really held myself back here. It was all so easy and not the slightest bit out of breath. The route was really windy and it amazed me the amount of people sticking to one side of the road. I was happily passing people out simply by following the race line. The mile markers were passing really quickly and it was lovely and relaxing. Strangely, I was passing the mile markers but my gps was starting to beep after I’d passed them. I was ahead of the pacers at this stage but comfortable and slow enough anyway.

    Miles 6–10
    Splits: 9:03; 8:55; 9:15; 10:21; 8:58

    At about 5.4 miles the downhill finished and straight into drags up and hills to recover. My legs felt strange for a bit after the downhill but I’d been told to expect this so I just tried to relax. I took it easy climbing and recovered on the down hills. My breathing was becoming more labored and I began to think about when I’d take a gel. I’d planned to at 1 hour but I was beginning to get a few stomach cramps and I was a bit wary. I hung on for a bit and then decided I’d have to make a pit stop anyway assuming there was a portoloo at the next water stop which were every 3 miles. Took the gel and was grand but was still afraid to bypass the loo. Was busy calculating and I reckoned I’d still be sub 2 so better stop. It was annoying and a bit disappointing. On a funny note the portoloo was on very uneven group and I actually wondered could it topple over with me inside. :eek::eek: That would have been some story :D I didn’t know if the 2 hour pacers had passed. I began to think they hadn’t as I passed out a number of people I’d already passed out including a fireman in full fireman suit. I’d only 4.4 miles to go or so and I figured maybe I could up the pace a bit and try and shave off the some of the time I’d lost. Strangely my watch beeped at 9 and 10 miles way before the marker even though it had been beeping after the markers until then.

    Miles 11-13.1
    Splits: 8:58; 8:46; 8:50; last .14 @ 8:02

    Turned off the road and into the National Park just before the 10 mile mark (I think). It changed into a trail and a short downhill and I passed out quite a few people here while not upping the pace. I hoped the park was finally going to be flat as opposed to the constant up and down. The trees cleared and we went through another water station and I had my bottle from the last one so I just had a sip and dropped it rather than carrying it anymore. I then spotted the 2 hour pacers well ahead. Feck! There was a big group with them and I didn’t know how much under 2 hours they planned on coming in. I was really feeling it at this stage but just tried to maintain the pace as much as I could. I thought back to last Saturday’s run where I picked up the pace for 1.5 miles and the tempo runs I did during the week and I knew my legs could do it even if they really didn’t feel it. Unfortunately a few drags appeared but that meant there’d be a downhill so I pushed as much as I could and then went a bit faster on the downhills. This was really hard but I had to do it. I was reeling in the pacers slowlyand calculating times and how many minutes left and distances to beat the band. I had to get sub 2 or I’d be disgusted. Finally as I passed the 12 mile mark I came up behind the group - they’d split into two and this was the slower of the two. I passed a friend who was walking and gave her a nudge and told her to get going again. I powered past the group and then had to catch the other group who were moving at a nice pace. My legs were like jelly at this stage. I caught up and just kept going to pass them. I wasn’t even able to turn my head to say hi to the pacer and I don’t know if she noticed and wondered where I’d appeared from when I’d gone off in front earlier on. I passed them with 1km to go and there was a downhill coming up and she told the group make the most of it and I heard somebody saying yeah but it finishes uphill - great :rolleyes:

    Anyway, I left them behind and kept pushing. I knew I wasn’t flying but it was as fast as I could go. Sure enough the uphill appeared and I just leaned forward and powered up it as much as I could. The finish line was in front of me. I picked up the pace as much as I could and I was through. The clock said 1:59:xxbut there would be a chip time. I switched my watch off so fast I didn’t notice my time. For the first time ever in a race I thought I was going to puke. I needed water and none to be seen. Was wishing I hadn’t thrown away the bottle 3 miles earlier. Queues were quite long to get to the tent for medals, water and then t-shirt. The medal and t-shirt are lovely. I hung round for a bit waiting for my friend and staring at the 10km guys walking though looking for Swashbuckler. Unfortunately we didn’t get to meet. Got my token for a free hotdog too. I grabbed a banana out of my car and had the hotdog for dessert. Lovely at 10am in the morning!

    I looked at Strava and saw 1:57:09 and knew I’d stopped for about two mins so was thrilled. It was a bit later when I opened Garmin Connect and saw 1:58:44. For some reason Strava only recorded running time. Even though it was still sub 2 and still a 3 minute pb approx it disappointed me a bit.

    I had a free pass to hang out for the day and my friends were staying round but I was tired after max 3.5 hours sleep so headed for home. As the day went on I’ve obviously been thinking and analyzing. I’m delighted now with my pb and finally getting my sub 2. I do think starting the new plan two weeks ago has helped no end. It gave me the confidence to do those paces today and to keep going when I wanted to stop. If I could do it in training I could certainly do it in a race. I know it was obviously in me as that Training can hardly have had an effect on my fitness yet but I don’t think I would have realized I could do it.

    So long winded as usual but a good day out and very pleased with how it went overall. Happy to have achieved one of the goals I set out at the start of the year finally. I’m a sub 2 half marathon runner - woohoo :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Did ye start early? It seemed to me the leaders came in awful early.

    No I don’t think so. It says bang on 8am on Garmin Connect. They were fast though. I was chatting to the guy who came in 2nd in the bar. He did 1:10!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    Well done Karen that is a great report and some great running :)

    Congratulations on the Sub 2 Half Marathon

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,250 ✭✭✭coogy

    Kellygirl wrote: »
    Run Killarney Half Marathon

    I’d heard this was an amazing route and a fab race. I missed out last year so my birthday was in May and having missed out on a sub 2 hour in Limerick, I asked for an entry to Killarney as my present. It didn’t disappoint.

    I set my alarm for 5am last night and proceeded to be awake for hours then after going to bed. 1am and I was still awake. Woke another few times and finally the alarm went off at 5am. I’d everything laid out so got dressed quickly, grabbed breakfast out of the fridge and into the car. I ate breakfast while driving to Killarney. Got parking easily and saw all the buses lined up to take the runners upto Molls Gap. They were leaving at 6:45. Met two friends and we hopped on. We drove up the route we’d be running down and I realized there were going to be a few more uphills than I thought - oh well! It was a stunning morning though fairly cold up at Molls Gap. We left it until the last minute to hand our bags to the bag drop truck and lined up.

    My main goal for the race was sub 2. When I started a new plan a couple of weeks ago the suggestion was that it would be better not to be racing during training so no mini tapers or recoveries. However, this had been booked prior to that plan so we fit it into the plan. As a session it was supposed be 10@9:15 and last 3.5 @ 8:58. However, based on the training achieved in the last couple of weeks and discussion with the coach I was aiming for a steady enough 9 min mile and pick up for the last mile or two. I decided myself to start with the 2 hour pacers to just ensure I stayed in control.

    Miles 1-5
    Splits: 8:36; 8:56; 9:08; 8:48; 9:03

    I went and met the two hour pacers and after a quick race briefing we were off. The road was closed the whole way to Killarney which was fab. Scenery was amazing and just beautiful. We set off and into an immediate downhill. I was with one of the pacers and we were discussing how it was hard to pull back even though we felt really slow. First mile clocked in at 8:36 and I mentioned it didn’t seem that fast but the course flattened out and next thing we were climbing and mile 2 was 8:56. It was raining but only lightly and perfect weather really. The steep downhill started around mile 3 and I really held myself back here. It was all so easy and not the slightest bit out of breath. The route was really windy and it amazed me the amount of people sticking to one side of the road. I was happily passing people out simply by following the race line. The mile markers were passing really quickly and it was lovely and relaxing. Strangely, I was passing the mile markers but my gps was starting to beep after I’d passed them. I was ahead of the pacers at this stage but comfortable and slow enough anyway.

    Miles 6–10
    Splits: 9:03; 8:55; 9:15; 10:21; 8:58

    At about 5.4 miles the downhill finished and straight into drags up and hills to recover. My legs felt strange for a bit after the downhill but I’d been told to expect this so I just tried to relax. I took it easy climbing and recovered on the down hills. My breathing was becoming more labored and I began to think about when I’d take a gel. I’d planned to at 1 hour but I was beginning to get a few stomach cramps and I was a bit wary. I hung on for a bit and then decided I’d have to make a pit stop anyway assuming there was a portoloo at the next water stop which were every 3 miles. Took the gel and was grand but was still afraid to bypass the loo. Was busy calculating and I reckoned I’d still be sub 2 so better stop. It was annoying and a bit disappointing. On a funny note the portoloo was on very uneven group and I actually wondered could it topple over with me inside. :eek::eek: That would have been some story :D I didn’t know if the 2 hour pacers had passed. I began to think they hadn’t as I passed out a number of people I’d already passed out including a fireman in full fireman suit. I’d only 4.4 miles to go or so and I figured maybe I could up the pace a bit and try and shave off the some of the time I’d lost. Strangely my watch beeped at 9 and 10 miles way before the marker even though it had been beeping after the markers until then.

    Miles 11-13.1
    Splits: 8:58; 8:46; 8:50; last .14 @ 8:02

    Turned off the road and into the National Park just before the 10 mile mark (I think). It changed into a trail and a short downhill and I passed out quite a few people here while not upping the pace. I hoped the park was finally going to be flat as opposed to the constant up and down. The trees cleared and we went through another water station and I had my bottle from the last one so I just had a sip and dropped it rather than carrying it anymore. I then spotted the 2 hour pacers well ahead. Feck! There was a big group with them and I didn’t know how much under 2 hours they planned on coming in. I was really feeling it at this stage but just tried to maintain the pace as much as I could. I thought back to last Saturday’s run where I picked up the pace for 1.5 miles and the tempo runs I did during the week and I knew my legs could do it even if they really didn’t feel it. Unfortunately a few drags appeared but that meant there’d be a downhill so I pushed as much as I could and then went a bit faster on the downhills. This was really hard but I had to do it. I was reeling in the pacers slowlyand calculating times and how many minutes left and distances to beat the band. I had to get sub 2 or I’d be disgusted. Finally as I passed the 12 mile mark I came up behind the group - they’d split into two and this was the slower of the two. I passed a friend who was walking and gave her a nudge and told her to get going again. I powered past the group and then had to catch the other group who were moving at a nice pace. My legs were like jelly at this stage. I caught up and just kept going to pass them. I wasn’t even able to turn my head to say hi to the pacer and I don’t know if she noticed and wondered where I’d appeared from when I’d gone off in front earlier on. I passed them with 1km to go and there was a downhill coming up and she told the group make the most of it and I heard somebody saying yeah but it finishes uphill - great :rolleyes:

    Anyway, I left them behind and kept pushing. I knew I wasn’t flying but it was as fast as I could go. Sure enough the uphill appeared and I just leaned forward and powered up it as much as I could. The finish line was in front of me. I picked up the pace as much as I could and I was through. The clock said 1:59:xxbut there would be a chip time. I switched my watch off so fast I didn’t notice my time. For the first time ever in a race I thought I was going to puke. I needed water and none to be seen. Was wishing I hadn’t thrown away the bottle 3 miles earlier. Queues were quite long to get to the tent for medals, water and then t-shirt. The medal and t-shirt are lovely. I hung round for a bit waiting for my friend and staring at the 10km guys walking though looking for Swashbuckler. Unfortunately we didn’t get to meet. Got my token for a free hotdog too. I grabbed a banana out of my car and had the hotdog for dessert. Lovely at 10am in the morning!

    I looked at Strava and saw 1:57:09 and knew I’d stopped for about two mins so was thrilled. It was a bit later when I opened Garmin Connect and saw 1:58:44. For some reason Strava only recorded running time. Even though it was still sub 2 and still a 3 minute pb approx it disappointed me a bit.

    I had a free pass to hang out for the day and my friends were staying round but I was tired after max 3.5 hours sleep so headed for home. As the day went on I’ve obviously been thinking and analyzing. I’m delighted now with my pb and finally getting my sub 2. I do think starting the new plan two weeks ago has helped no end. It gave me the confidence to do those paces today and to keep going when I wanted to stop. If I could do it in training I could certainly do it in a race. I know it was obviously in me as that Training can hardly have had an effect on my fitness yet but I don’t think I would have realized I could do it.

    So long winded as usual but a good day out and very pleased with how it went overall. Happy to have achieved one of the goals I set out at the start of the year finally. I’m a sub 2 half marathon runner - woohoo :)

    "If it's meant to be its up to me"

    How true that is and you're proving it it week in week out.

    Well done!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    coogy wrote: »
    "If it's meant to be its up to me"

    How true that is and you're proving it it week in week out.

    Well done!

    Thanks Coogy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,456 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Well done - some finish! Sounds like the garmin was a distraction more than anything though - the only reliable statistic on a watch during a race is time elapsed. You did very well to catch that pace group. Pity about loo stop - definitely worth trying to figure out how to avoid that (applies to many runners).
    Congrats on an excellent result.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Murph_D wrote: »
    Well done - some finish! Sounds like the garmin was a distraction more than anything though - the only reliable statistic on a watch during a race is time elapsed. You did very well to catch that pace group. Pity about loo stop - definitely worth trying to figure out how to avoid that (applies to many runners).
    Congrats on an excellent result.

    Thanks Murph. Agree about the Garmin. There was lots of tree cover as we got lower down so that would have messed it up a bit anyway. First time I’ve had to stop in a race but it’s always something I worry about. The driving and running from car to bus etc and not making time for a coffee was probably the reason yesterday but frustrating.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,601 ✭✭✭Wubble Wubble

    That's a brilliant result K. The detailed account of proceedings is well merited :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Great run by the way and excellent report. Yeah the loo break was probably due to the early start, driving, system being all out of sync. Not easy starting that early.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    Fantastic. I was delighted to see your result pop up on Strava yesterday. Very well deserved after the months of solid and consistent training you've put in. No doubt the new coach will help bring you on even more. You're a sub-2 half marathoner :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    DCM Training

    Monday: Planned 6 mile tempo 4@8:48; last 2 @ 8:38
    Actual: 5 min WU; Splits 8:46; 8:44; 9:00; 9:06 ... gave up

    Got up and 6 to do this as the weather was going to be very warm and humid and looked like it would stay hot into the evening. Was running by 6:30 in the park. Had decided to go there to do the figure of 8s of the pitches as nice and flat then so thought it would help with even pace. The effort seemed high from the start which surprised me as I’d done faster paces the previous week. As I got towards mile 3 I had to stop to catch my breath and have a drink. I didn’t feel good at all. I started running again and just felt weird. My legs didn’t feel my own and I melt going hoping I’s start to feel normal but I called it a day at 4 miles. I thought I was liable to faint and my heart rate was much higher for that last mile even after my breather so I gave up. Very disappointed that I’d failed at a session and very deflated afterwards. Happened to get an email from the coach saying my training was going very well and not to be too worried if I suddenly had a bad day - or something to that effect. Felt a bit better and replied that I’d just had a bad run that morning.

    Tuesday - rest day

    Wednesday: Planned 6.5 mile tempo 4@8:45; 2.5 @ 8:35
    Actual: 5 min WU; 8:44; 8:50; 8:41; 8:36; 8:32; 8:32; 9:00; CD

    Alarm set for 6am but got very little sleep and was still awake at 3:30am so didn’t get up. Was in a bad mood all day as very nervous of the session anyway and missing it didn’t help. I had decided to do it on a route rather than running round the pitches again even though I’d have a few hills on the route. I eventually got out that evening at 8:15. Started off with my WarmUp and legs felt good. Watch beeped and off I went. Settled into a pace quick enough and first mile came in exactly right. I kept going and had no real bother keeping up the pace. I started getting a bit faster and really enjoyed when I had to pick up the pace to 8:35. That pace felt really comfortable. The last half mile was uphill but was happy with the 9 min mile there. Was buzzing afterwards. Felt I’d redeemed myself and looking forward to Killarney again.

    Thursday - Planned 5 mile run
    Actual 5miles @ 10:27

    Nothing major about this. Pouring rain all afternoon but managed to avoid the showers. Started listening to an audiobook called Eleanor Oliphant. It’s excellent. Listened to more of it tonight. My left leg was giving me a bit of guff and wondered whether to ring the physio. Decided to wait and do Killarney. Iced it afterwards.

    Friday - Rest day

    Saturday - Killarney HM - report above.

    Sunday - planned 6 miles easy
    Actual - 6 miles @ 10:48

    Spent most of today procrastinating. I’m feeling fairly shattered after a few nights of not much sleep this week and Killarney has left me quite sore. Anyway, decided I’d finally go and I could walk the distance if needs be. Started off ok. Wa stiff but took it handy. Run kept getting easier. Didn’t even break a sweat. Gave my new Killarney t-shirt a wear.

    So 36.1 miles in total again this week and besides Monday it was a good week and some nice successes. 2 sessions that are going to seriously test me Tuesday and Thursday this week. Will just hope for the best.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Well done on half marathon - loved the race report!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,300 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Great report! Well done again!

  • Registered Users Posts: 498 ✭✭Sheep1978

    Great stuff on the HM. Well done

  • Registered Users Posts: 746 ✭✭✭gypsylee

    Delighted you got your goal of a sub 2 hour. Great race report. Well done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,338 ✭✭✭eyrie

    Sub 2!!!! Yessss! Not even remotely surprising but very well deserved and more to the point done in very impressive style! That was some going at the end to catch up to the pacers again and then pass them. Fair play to you, a really impressive run!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Excellent going K, especially catching up and getting ahead of the two hour pacers on what sounds like a tough route.

    Sub 2 - woooooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    Loved the report K still delighted for you, how are the legs today it normally peaks for me by day 3 and then eases :)

    That was a well-timed email from your coach :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Bluesquare wrote: »
    Well done on half marathon - loved the race report!
    ariana` wrote: »
    Great report! Well done again!
    Sheep1978 wrote: »
    Great stuff on the HM. Well done
    gypsylee wrote: »
    Delighted you got your goal of a sub 2 hour. Great race report. Well done.

    Thanks all.
    eyrie wrote: »
    Sub 2!!!! Yessss! Not even remotely surprising but very well deserved and more to the point done in very impressive style! That was some going at the end to catch up to the pacers again and then pass them. Fair play to you, a really impressive run!
    aquinn wrote: »
    Excellent going K, especially catching up and getting ahead of the two hour pacers on what sounds like a tough route.

    Sub 2 - woooooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

    I still can’t quite believe I did that myself. I wonder if I hadn’t seen them ahead would I have copped on to pick up the pace enough to go sub 2.
    Baby75 wrote: »
    Loved the report K still delighted for you, how are the legs today it normally peaks for me by day 3 and then eases :)

    That was a well-timed email from your coach :D

    My quads were definitely stiffer this morn than yesterday. Have another easy 6 miles to do tonight and hopefully ok by tomorrow evening as I’ve a whopper of a session to do then!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Great stuff in Killarney, fair play on breaking the 2hr barrier with ease.
