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If it’s meant to be, it’s up to me.



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,338 ✭✭✭eyrie

    Oh no K, so sorry to hear this. I can only imagine how frustrating this must all be! Fingers crossed for better news soon x

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,601 ✭✭✭Wubble Wubble

    Sorry to hear this K. Frustrating as it is, there's still a chance that you'll make the start. Fingers crossed!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,761 ✭✭✭ReeReeG

    Was so sorry to see the run cut short on Strava. Such a huge annoyance for you, I really hope you can make the start line. 
    Hopefully some extra rest this week is the answer.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    Really sorry to see this and understand your frustration. Rest as best you can and fingers crossed for a super quick recovery.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,300 ✭✭✭ariana`

    It's very stressful and frustrating to get injured at this stage of marathon training but try not to panic just yet there is still lots of time to recover enough to make the starting line. Do as your Physio and Coach tell you, especially Physio - you sound like you have a good one, now is the time to trust her! Don't worry about missing a few runs now, you've a lot of miles in the legs and training runs done, focus on getting this injury sorted first and foremost. Hang in there.

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 10,598 Mod ✭✭✭✭aloooof

    Sounds like a bit of a nightmare, but you still have time. Rest up and you'll be back out in no time, raring to go!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    ariana` wrote: »
    It's very stressful and frustrating to get injured at this stage of marathon training but try not to panic just yet there is still lots of time to recover enough to make the starting line. Do as your Physio and Coach tell you, especially Physio - you sound like you have a good one, now is the time to trust her! Don't worry about missing a few runs now, you've a lot of miles in the legs and training runs done, focus on getting this injury sorted first and foremost. Hang in there.

    I second what Ariana says, I know it is easy for us to say and I know how hard it is when your so willing but being held back by an injury but hang in there, you have the miles in the legs a few days break will not matter in the grand scheme of things I think a rest will do the trick for you

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    No more running for me this week. The calf has stayed fairly tight. The physio said her gut is that it’s not a tear seeing as the 10 and 7 miles I did do this week were done comfortably. She thinks it may be going into spasm just because my body is wrecked from building up the miles. We decided to delay today’s long run to early next week. I emailed the coach and he said maybe a short easy run tomorrow and long run on Monday all going well.

    I was more sore today than yesterday for some reason - possibly too much foam rolling. Sore is probably the wrong word. Tight maybe. Anyway, I got KT tape and I’m wearing that now and a calf sleeve and feels a little better.

    Right now I’m not sure what to do next. The girl in the sports shop where I bought the KT Tape and some compression socks is doing Amsterdam the week before DCM and has the same issue. She took 4 days off and back running then. She is suggested a light brisk short run to see if that loosens the muscle up. I have run with niggles that feel worse than this starting out but it’s more the fact that twice now this has suddenly stopped me in my tracks while running. Maybe the tape and compression socks will stop that.

    My own gut is telling me not to launch into a long run on Monday as what if I’m on the cusp of getting better and I put it through 20 miles and end up in a worse state. On the other hand I’ve now missed a 19 and 21 miler never mind the speed sessions during the week.

    If anybody has any input I’ll gladly take it? Can I get myself around DCM with no long runs in the last 5 weeks? It seems an awful shame I signed up to a plan and not giving it my all now to achieve what I set out to do in terms of sub 4:10 but I presume missing all the training now is putting paid to that. Priority number one is to make the start and finish lines though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,673 ✭✭✭juke

    Sorry you're having such a rough time of it, especially given your positivity, help and advice on the novices threat (I need to back in there soon :o)

    My completely non-experienced/scientific feeling is go with your gut tomorrow. If you do decide to go out, can you plan a route with plenty of loops so you can quit if you need to, and then it's not too far to home?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    Sorry to hear it's not a smooth journey. My only advice is don't put DCM on a pedestal. Think medium to long term. I missed Dublin a few times a couple of weeks out, disappointing at the time but it worked out in a different way for me. Not saying you'll miss it either as there's still loads of time. Stay positive and follow your physios advise. Good luck.

    Edit: I was thinking maybe that might sound harsh. So just to say, whatever the outcome after this block of training weather you hit your goals or not. The training you have done will stand to you. Next year is shaping up to be a cracker for you.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Thanks Juke and Mellowyellow. Massive improvement today - whether that’s a result of taping it up or not I don’t know but all good. Hopefully that continues when I start back running on it. Looks like I now have a sick child who prob won’t make school tomorrow so won’t have a chance of getting out if that’s the case anyway. Debating whether to go for a 5km later instead - just home after a long day’s work and meal out after.

    I do think the training will stand to me regardless Mellowyellow. I’ve learned a lot and already looking forward to settling into a new plan for shorter distances.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    Kellygirl wrote: »
    Thanks Juke and Mellowyellow. Massive improvement today - whether that’s a result of taping it up or not I don’t know but all good. Hopefully that continues when I start back running on it. Looks like I now have a sick child who prob won’t make school tomorrow so won’t have a chance of getting out if that’s the case anyway. Debating whether to go for a 5km later instead - just home after a long day’s work and meal out after.

    I do think the training will stand to me regardless Mellowyellow. I’ve learned a lot and already looking forward to settling into a new plan for shorter distances.

    I wouldn't head out later K. Take the rest. 2 breakdowns in such a short space of time would indicate it's needed. Patience can definitely be a virtue....

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    skyblue46 wrote: »
    I wouldn't head out later K. Take the rest. 2 breakdowns in such a short space of time would indicate it's needed. Patience can definitely be a virtue....

    You are probably right S. I feel myself another day is needed but the fear of not getting out tomorrow is getting to me. Probably better to leave it heal until Tuesday than a setback tonight is probably the advise I’d be giving somebody else!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,300 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Sorry to hear it's not a smooth journey. My only advice is don't put DCM on a pedestal. Think medium to long term. I missed Dublin a few times a couple of weeks out, disappointing at the time but it worked out in a different way for me. Not saying you'll miss it either as there's still loads of time. Stay positive and follow your physios advise. Good luck.

    Edit: I was thinking maybe that might sound harsh. So just to say, whatever the outcome after this block of training weather you hit your goals or not. The training you have done will stand to you. Next year is shaping up to be a cracker for you.

    I have to say i agree with this. Swashbuckler had a similar attitude coming up to Charleville (the training is banked whatever the outcome of the race) and it struck a cord with me and got me thinking quite a bit about my own goals and aspirations and how they really are far more long-term than short-term. Lots of us are in the same position here, we have so much to achieve yet at the shorter distance before i think we can really do ourselves justice at marathon distance, if we do it right over the next 6-12-18-24 months then in 2 years time if we want to tackle a marathon again we won't even be considering sub 4 - we'll be looking at 3:45 or better and we'll be able to tackle the big sessions and MP runs that will get us there ;)

    I really hope you make the start, you deserve too and i have every faith that you will if you're patient now and take the advice from the physio which to your credit you have been doing. But whatever happens it's going to be a very interesting and fun year ahead K :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,338 ✭✭✭eyrie

    It does sound like you know yourself what your body needs now K, so personally I'd definitely be saying listen to that and think bigger picture, as others have said. As frustrating as it is there's no point trying to force it just for DCM, and it wouldn't work anyway - ultimately the body decides! Hopefully you'll make it to DCM and get to have a great race there regardless of time, and you'll have set yourself up for lots more to come.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Thanks - great points. 4 miles went well this morn. Set out to do 3 and was all grand so figured I’d do 5. Legs were heavy at the start and I was over analyzing every little twinge. Then for a while there wasn’t even a twinge. Felt it a little coming up to 4 miles so decided to stop and build up slowly. Feels fine after too. No real difference.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    The latest update on my ongoing calf saga ...
    Went out to do 5 easy miles yesterday. After 2.5 miles I felt the calf tightening up again. No pain so kept going to see what would happen. Slowed right down on a hill and all fine. Suddenly for seemingly no reason though it just really tightened and pain so I stopped and walked back to the car. At least it was a warm day this time and not the worst walk. Was googling what could be wrong the whole way back and texted the physio looking for a cancellation too. She got back to me last night and fit me in for 1pm today. She will get me to DCM come hell or high water even if she has to drag me round herself she says.

    The good news is that there are no tears or strains but the trouble was to figure out what was causing the pulling. I felt it might be the knee. Turned out that the whole leg was a mess. Quad and Hamstrings, Medial Collateral ligament and behind my knee too. The calf was the least of my problems and just where the referred pain was showing up. It was pure torture. I asked for an anaesthetic it was so bad!! Anyway, she got in to every muscles and hopefully now I should be ok. I’ll do 6 miles Saturday and then a long run Monday and back to her Tuesday if needs be. I can cancel Monday night if all is well. Fingers crossed.

    So it’s looking positive. I’m still unsure but will see what happens anyway. Obviously the time I was going for is gone out the window at this stage but it’s just about getting there now. It’s the whole weekend for me, the expo, meeting up with friends and last year’s grads and of course the Novices afterwards in McGrattans.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,300 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Kellygirl wrote: »

    So it’s looking positive. I’m still unsure but will see what happens anyway. Obviously the time I was going for is gone out the window at this stage but it’s just about getting there now. It’s the whole weekend for me, the expo, meeting up with friends and last year’s grads and of course the Novices afterwards in McGrattans.

    I know you're probably gutted deep down but great attitude K :) The training will still stand to you even if you're unable to do yourself justice at DCM, it'll pay dividends going forward to your next goal, you'll get your pay day ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    ariana` wrote: »
    I know you're probably gutted deep down but great attitude K :) The training will still stand to you even if you're unable to do yourself justice at DCM, it'll pay dividends going forward to your next goal, you'll get your pay day ;)

    It’s a bit frustrating alright and I can’t even think of a time for now until I actually see will my leg do a long run. I’m still hoping I’ve built up enough fitness to at least get a pb but will see as I go over the next few weeks. I’m actually wondering is it going to be harder to choose a pace to start off at now as I don’t know if I will have lost some fitness over the last few weeks.

    I’m black and blue today and rubbing arnica in. I can feel the difference in the calf walking down the stairs so that is good news.

  • Registered Users Posts: 380 ✭✭Rossi7

    I'm in the same postion as you too, same symptoms but my physio reckons it's all coming from having weak hip flexers. Got dry needling in the calf and on both hips with streching exercises and to search You Tube for hip flexer exercises. Given up on my time I had in mind and just want to get around, there will always be nexy year.
    Hopefully your on the mend

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Rossi7 wrote: »
    I'm in the same postion as you too, same symptoms but my physio reckons it's all coming from having weak hip flexers. Got dry needling in the calf and on both hips with streching exercises and to search You Tube for hip flexer exercises. Given up on my time I had in mind and just want to get around, there will always be nexy year.
    Hopefully your on the mend

    Thanks Rossi. Hope you get sorted too. My hip flexors aren’t the best either. One plan I definitely have is to sort all that out after DCM. I’m going to back off the marathons to shorter distances and am starting to think about a class to do - maybe strength and condition or else Pilates which I’ve always wanted to do. I must look for guidance on what would be best at some stage. The national rowing club is near to me and they run various classes apparently too that could be good. I might even take up a bit of rowing as cross training too if I can find the time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    Kellygirl wrote: »
    Thanks Rossi. Hope you get sorted too. My hip flexors aren’t the best either. One plan I definitely have is to sort all that out after DCM. I’m going to back off the marathons to shorter distances and am starting to think about a class to do - maybe strength and condition or else Pilates which I’ve always wanted to do. I must look for guidance on what would be best at some stage. The national rowing club is near to me and they run various classes apparently too that could be good. I might even take up a bit of rowing as cross training too if I can find the time.

    You have such a great attitude. I've said it before, but I really think you're going to do some damage to your PBs over the shorter distances.

    Hope the run tomorrow goes well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Went out to do my 6 miles today. Felt very good beforehand and the leg was really feeling good - no niggles. Met a friend and we ran an easy two miles before running into the start line of Parkrun. Legs felt heavy for our first mile but no niggles whatsoever. Started Parkrun just ahead of the 30 min pacer and figured I’d keep it easy. It was the easiest Parkrun I ever did. Wasn’t really watching my watch and just enjoying the run in fab weather and feeling great. My Parkrun splits went from 9:45 to 9:05 to 8:47 without me realizing at all. People around me were breathing heavily and I felt I was just jogging along not a bother. It was a great feeling I have to say. Scanned my barcode and waited for my friend and we’d half a mile left to do to get to 6 miles so we headed to do a lap of a pitch and with just 0.3/0.4 miles to go I felt something pull behind my knee and I knew the calf was going again. We slowed right down and kept going as I wanted to know if this was real but it was and I finished as planned at 6 miles, bitterly disappointed. I really thought I was home and dry this time and had been planning my long run for Monday. I suppose I’m glad I know now as if I’d finished at 5.5 miles I’d go through through the weekend thinking I was fixed!

    It’s crossed my mind quite a few times today whether it’s time to call it a day for DCM. What was good about today was the enjoyable feeling of running so comfortably and easily and a couple of those miles were fast enough that I would have found them tough not that long ago. That’s the main reason I updated here tonight as I wanted to mention that nice feeling.

    I won’t call it a day yet - I have physio again for Tuesday and I will go and see what she says this time. I will run on Monday but not expecting much. I’m hoping the physio is nearly there and one more session might sort it. No doubt the leg feels better than it did. Unlikely though I think too. Just wish I knew what was causing it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    So here I am updating my running log and didn’t even run for across a road this week. I decided with my physio that the only thing left to try was 7-10 days rest and also to swim.

    Monday I went to the pool and did 45 mins of lengths. It was taking nothing out of me besides giving me sore arms. Was good to be swimming again. The ridiculous thing about this is I am a swimming teacher and spend 8 hours or so in a pool each week - but not actually swimming as that is like a bus man’s holiday to go to the pool myself during the week.

    I had researched pool running classes but none in Cork. I asked the lifeguard at the pool and they happened to have a belt and he gave me some direction and I did 20 mins of that.

    Tuesday I’d physio. I was in fear after the last day. Anyway, she went to work on my poor leg and the torture started again. She put heat on then and I thought it was all over but not a chance. That was just a break and she went to town on me all over again then. My right calf and glute are a spectacular shade of black blue and yellow now though Arnica is fab.

    Wednesday Hillsiderunner kindly sent me a brilliant pool running workout so back to the pool I went, grabbed the belt and then I did a real pool running workout. The workout was 8mins w/u, pyramid "tempo" session of 1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1 mins with 1min rest in between, then 10x(30secs sprint, 30sec rest), 7mins w/d. Hope you don’t mind me sharing it Hillsiderunner. It was great as time passed quite quickly. I set it up as a cardio workout on my watch which was very handy. Not sure whether I hit the right effort levels but I tried.

    Thursday Back for another swim. Did 40 mins. My arms were sore but makes me think I need to keep up swimming if I can. The pool was busy and annoying so I’d planned on an hour but got out after 40 mins.

    And that’s my week. I’m going to run again Monday. The physio had suggested doing a 2 hours / 12 miles easy run to see if the leg would hold up so I could make a call one way or the other but I think now I’ll do short runs Monday and Wednesday and then do 12 miles Saturday. My legs feel perfect at the moment but that doesn’t seem to be A good guideline. I’m feeling positive but I felt very positive last Saturday and no twinges then either.

    So fingers crossed. I really missed running this week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    I so understand that feeling :) only one more day to go and I hope the run Monday goes great

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Kellygirl wrote: »
    Wednesday Hillsiderunner kindly sent me a brilliant pool running workout so back to the pool I went, grabbed the belt and then I did a real pool running workout. The workout was 8mins w/u, pyramid "tempo" session of 1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1 mins with 1min rest in between, then 10x(30secs sprint, 30sec rest), 7mins w/d. Hope you don’t mind me sharing it Hillsiderunner.

    Haha! You're welcome. No problem sharing it, it was inspired by some website or other and the details have appeared on my own log many times![/quote]
    Kellygirl wrote: »
    It was great as time passed quite quickly. I set it up as a cardio workout on my watch which was very handy. Not sure whether I hit the right effort levels but I tried.

    For the effort, the only tip I'd have is that the "sprint" sections are really done very hard, you should be gasping a bit after each 30secs (at least after a few have been done). It's quite often that I'd need a whole min rest after rep 7 or so ... and it would be happening even earlier than that in the first few aquajogging sessions after a new injury.

    Oh yeah ... I also notice that for myself it is quite easy to drop-off the effort a bit in the tempos ... lapping of water, swimmers and divers to look at ... I need to remind myself to keep the effort up from time to time.

    Hope the calf will settle soon and you'll be back on the roads.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,338 ✭✭✭eyrie

    I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you for the run today K

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    2 hour / 12 mile test run

    In my usual style I was dithering left right and centre over what to do today. Physio had recommended do the 12 miles and if no problems I’d know I’m good to go or obviously if I got into trouble it would be time to call it a day. A few people said I should do shorter runs during the week and work upto 12 miles on Saturday and that made sense but to be honest I was driving myself crazy so I decided to do the 12.

    I was extremely negative yesterday and convinced that even though the leg felt perfect it would seize up again. Foam rolling it was interesting as absolutely no pain which was unusual so that gave me some hope. I was very nervous last night and slept very little. It was like the night before marathon day. I had planned to take a Maurten gel to test them and was even dreaming about them when I did sleep.

    Anyway, up I go and dropped the kids off and drove to where I run. Was doing various loops to make sure I was never more than 2-3 miles from the car. Didn’t bring water as was running easy and not sure I’d finish anyway. I took it nice and easy. Legs were heavy and I hoped they’d loosen up. No twinges no matter how hard I imagined there might be!! I passed, 6, 7, and 8 miles and they were big ones as in recent times the calf had gone around each of those miles.

    After that or maybe before I noticed my knee getting sore and a pain in the quad. The leg seemed to be tiring but this was new. I think I’ve felt it before when my IT Band was giving me a bit of grief so hopefully something the physio will sort next Tuesday. Got very thirsty too - should have brought a drink. I was at 11.6 miles and at over 2 hours when I reached the car. Stopped and had a quick drink and ran on to finish the 12 miles. I couldn’t actually believe it.

    My fellow grads were waiting not so patiently for an update on WhatsApp. They have just been the best support and can’t wait to see them all at DCM!!

    My fitness seems to have taken a dive and god only knows what pace I’ll run DCM at but it looks like I’m running it and that’s the main thing.

    Oh and the Maurten Gel turned out to be different but inoffensive and reckon I’ll go with them for D Day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,338 ✭✭✭eyrie

    Kellygirl wrote: »
    My fitness seems to have taken a dive and god only knows what pace I’ll run DCM at but it looks like I’m running it and that’s the main thing.
    This is the best news :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    eyrie wrote: »
    This is the best news :)

    Awe thanks. I’m still not sure I’ll even finish on the day though hopefully the one more physio session will sort out the last of the niggles. She’s intent on dragging me round the course herself if needs be so I nearly feel I can’t let her down!

    This morning, before I went for a swim, I popped into a gym and have arranged to meet with a personal trainer type guy next Monday. He runs, coaches, personal trains in strength work and does sports massage. I want to have a chat about putting doing some S&C type work with him after DCM and in terms of running I’m planning to follow the grads base plan and not think about races etc for a while but just work on consistency and getting the body in better shape.

    I’d then like to start a Pilates class once I’ve made the S&C a habit and for good measure I’d love to keep up the swimming as my arms are getting a good workout. Can’t do it all though.
