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If it’s meant to be, it’s up to me.



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Exciting times K, best of luck with the new plan! I'm looking forward to following your progress :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    My week

    Sunday - 4 miles @ 11:23 min/mile
    Just a slow recovery run really. It was quite enjoyable. I was by myself and loved that it was 10 degrees that night. Felt like spring and summer were on the way.

    Monday - 4 miles @ 10:52 min / mile
    Squeezed this run into my week as DH was heading off traveling that evening until Friday night. A friend ran with me and we ran really slowly. The wind was picking up and it was a small battle into that and rain for the last mile and somehow we did that mile faster than all the other bring my average pace a bit faster than it really was.

    Wednesday - 8 miles @ 10:35 min / mile
    My LSR for this week. Storm Georgina hit Tuesday night keeping me awake for hours. The rain stopped for the most part while running. Just one fairly hefty shower got me. The winds were strong though and it wasn’t an easy run. Legs felt like lead for some reason. Maybe because I was tired?

    Saturday - WU 2 miles; Parkrun @ 8:35 min / mile (26:53); Cooldown 1.5 miles
    This was a fun morning. Operation Transformation came to Ballincollig Parkrun which brought the crowds - be interesting to see how many come back again next week! It was really busy and a really slow start. Once we finally got moving I must have taken off like the hammers of hell because my first km was 5:05 yet it was very stop start at the beginning. I paid for it after that as each km was a few seconds slower than the previous one then. It was 13 degrees and my first day wearing short sleeves this year - felt good!

    Total 22 miles

    I am now at 100.4 miles so far in 2018. Maybe I should make my goal 1500 miles :-)

    So week 2 of Cork Marathon training completed - it was a step back week as officially week 6 of the plan but I stuck to it as i’ve been doing the mileage anyway. Slightly nervous of the 12mile run this week considering I was quite tired this week but hopefully will be fine.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    a great weeks training :) I got that heavy legs during Marathon training on some runs I put it down to increasing the miles and being busy just catching up on you plus being a woman and all that entails effects us as well sometimes :cool:

    a nice time for your park run I love that time hopefully I will see it tomorrow

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Baby75 wrote: »
    a great weeks training :) I got that heavy legs during Marathon training on some runs I put it down to increasing the miles and being busy just catching up on you plus being a woman and all that entails effects us as well sometimes :cool:

    a nice time for your park run I love that time hopefully I will see it tomorrow

    Bet you will. Looking forward to hearing about it.

    I was interested in the comment you made on Quickbeam’s Strava and was thinking about it today while running. i think I cope better with distance running rather than speed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    Kellygirl wrote: »
    Bet you will. Looking forward to hearing about it.

    I was interested in the comment you made on Quickbeam’s Strava and was thinking about it today while running. i think I cope better with distance running rather than speed.

    Thanks :) I will be working hard for it and I think I agree with you! I like the longer distance myself I will not be in a hurry to do another 5k race aiming for a time for a while not unless I improved dramatically and needed to do it for adjusting my paces for training. if you get a chance read the link :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Baby75 wrote: »
    Thanks :) I will be working hard for it and I think I agree with you! I like the longer distance myself I will not be in a hurry to do another 5k race aiming for a time for a while not unless I improved dramatically and needed to do it for adjusting my paces for training. if you get a chance read the link :)

    Just did there. Not sure if my race results would determine which one I am but i’m def more comfortable running longer distances - less pressure or something!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Great week K. You're flying it with the marathon plan.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    My Week

    Monday 4miles @ pmp which is 9:33. Actual was 9:38, 9:10, 9:11, 9:12

    This was a bit of a mess. Set my watch with upper and lower paces and it was beeping every few seconds. I felt steady enough but I was being told I was too fast and seconds later too slow. I thought I was slowing down but clearly I didn’t. I handled the pace no problem at all but need to learn to run more at the pace I plan to! I didn’t enjoy the run as kept trying to get the watch steady!

    Wednesday 12 mile lsr should have been 10:33 - 11:03. Actual was 10:12

    I got faster as the run went on. Weather was all over the place with wind, heavy showers and sun. I could see seriously dark clouds rolling in so picked up the pace, sat into the car and the hailstones came! Was nervous of the distance initially but the miles just ticked off nicely and no bother at all. Had two packs of haribos to keep me going.

    Thursday 4.2 miles slow. Actual was 10:19
    Ran with a friend who is naturally quite fast. Enjoyed it and just went with it.

    Saturday 7 miles slow. Actual was slow @ 10.44
    Had intended doing Parkrun. I was exhausted and my husband suggested I stay in bed so I gladly took the lie in. It was a showery day and I was procrastinating all day but eventually got out and did the run which needless to say was then very enjoyable. Sun came out and it was lovely. Took some nice photos in the park.

    27.2 miles this week.

    January total was 116 miles. Well on my way to my 1000 miles.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    I think you may need to do a 5k race :p:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Baby75 wrote: »
    I think you may need to do a 5k race :p:D

    The plan has me doing a 5km race in two weeks but not sure there’s one on around besides parkrun. There were pacers there today and I knew if I went I’d follow the 26 min pacer but knew it was better to do a slow run too. I might do parkrun in two weeks and go hell for leather and see if it makes a difference.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    Kellygirl wrote: »
    The plan has me doing a 5km race in two weeks but not sure there’s one on around besides parkrun. There were pacers there today and I knew if I went I’d follow the 26 min pacer but knew it was better to do a slow run too. I might do parkrun in two weeks and go hell for leather and see if it makes a difference.

    I think you do need to do one, or do not kill me slow down ;) what week are you on now

    I really like the look of that plan did you do the 5km was that your nice park run time are you working in the 10k

    I am trying to work in the race series in to it

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Baby75 wrote: »
    I think you do need to do one, or do not kill me slow down ;) what week are you on now

    I really like the look of that plan did you do the 5km was that your nice park run time are you working in the 10k

    I am trying to work in the race series in to it

    Just starting week 4. You’ll see I added in an extra row at the top with the days I run so I actually start the weeks on a Saturday with the medium length run - 7 miles today and 13 miles to do on Wednesday.

    I hope to find a 10km to do but all upcoming races round here are on Sundays and I work then. The BHAA races will start in the evenings when the days get longer so I might have to work in a few races then.

    I do need to slow down but while i’m quite happy to run at the slower pace like I did today, i’m short of time on Wednesday’s for my long runs so need to watch that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Great week K. You are flying with the plan so far.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    Kellygirl wrote: »
    Just starting week 4. You’ll see I added in an extra row at the top with the days I run so I actually start the weeks on a Saturday with the medium length run - 7 miles today and 13 miles to do on Wednesday.

    I hope to find a 10km to do but all upcoming races round here are on Sundays and I work then. The BHAA races will start in the evenings when the days get longer so I might have to work in a few races then.

    I do need to slow down but while i’m quite happy to run at the slower pace like I did today, i’m short of time on Wednesday’s for my long runs so need to watch that.

    Once you keep it easy or if you get your heart rate monitor sorter keep it in an easy zone, I guess as we get stronger we will find a faster pace easier the races included in the plan I think to allow you to adjust if you need to well I assume anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Bit late updating my log this week as had a busy weekend.

    Monday : 40 min tempo run - 4.2 miles.
    10 min warm up, 20 mins @ 8:25 min / mile and 10 min cool down.

    I absolutely loved this run. Was with a friend and it was so enjoyable.

    Wednesday : LSR 13.2 miles @ 10:22 on average.
    First Wednesday in 4 weeks that didn’t have wind and rain. It was 2 degrees and so calm. It was a lovely run. Tackled a hill I hadn’t gone near before which was a challenge. My watch wasn’t recording elevation so i’ll have to do it again. I sent the watch back to Garmin that afternoon and waiting on a replacement. Using a borrowed watch until then.

    Thursday: started a 28 day glute challenge

    Friday: 5 miles and day 2 of the glute challenge
    The 5 miles was at 10:34 and just an easy run.

    Sunday: 5 miles at 10:05
    Weather was a bit dodgy this evening and snowing but running time is severely limited at the moment so off I went. I started in a heavy snow shower and was wondering was I a small bit mad as there wasn’t another soul around. The shower stopped after about a mile though and I kept going. The sky cleared and I started getting nervous that temperatures were dropping even lower so I started speeding up a little. It was snowing by the time I got back to the car and the drive home got a bit challenging!

    Missed my glutes challenge yesterday and today as just no time.

    27.4 miles done this week
    155 miles done ytd

    Step back week this week as I enter week 5 of my Cork marathon training. Tonight’s 5 mile was from week 5 really. I’m supposed to do a 5km race this week but Parkrun is the only possibility really so not sure if i’ll race that. Have a physio session on Wednesday and will decide after that. Going to be a very low mileage week though. Will try to do plenty strength training.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Quiet week this week with just two runs. - well a third that was in last week’s log but feels ages ago.

    Tuesday night - 5 mile run.

    Was not really in the humour for another slow run on the same route. Not got a lot of choice in the dark. I started slow and then decided to play a game with myself and decided I had to do every mile faster than the last without looking at my watch. Was quite pleased with the result and enjoyed the run in the end. These were my paces:

    10:28; 9:55; 9:23; 9:11; 8:44

    Wednesday: Physio session. Had booked in a couple of weeks earlier as had a niggle in my lower back and knew that would start leading to trouble. Was also struggling with my arm in the pool which turned out to be tendinitis. She fixed everything anyway and all back on track.

    Thursday and Friday: Hubby away and midterm so no chance of a run!

    Saturday: 7:46 miles in total.
    1.1 mile warmup and 3.2 mile cool down to get up to 7 miles

    Parkrun in 26:17 - pace 8:19 - 0 degrees, fog and ice!

    Secretly was hoping for a pb here which is 25:49. I didn’t deserve it after a week of eating rubbish and McDonalds and all sorts but still hoped after the few days break that it would just happen. Also I suppose my speed training is more marathon pace and a bit faster for tempo runs so I was just hoping for a natural improvement as opposed to training for it. Not to be anyway. Still an improvement there and i’m fairly consistent in the 26 min bracket which is good.

    Looking forward to getting back into it this week. 4 runs to do and decent mileage which will keep me happy. 15 miles to do on Wednesday. Hoping for good weather :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    You're training for a marathon K and you've done a few pretty much consecutively. That'll blunt speed but it'll come back for sure. You're a machine on the longer distances.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    skyblue46 wrote: »
    You're training for a marathon K and you've done a few pretty much consecutively. That'll blunt speed but it'll come back for sure.

    True and the ridiculous thing is I don’t really like speed. I’d prefer a half marathon to a 5km any day!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    Kellygirl wrote: »
    True and the ridiculous thing is I don’t really like speed. I’d prefer a half marathon to a 5km any day!

    Then don't be down on yourself! I feel my training hasn't made me much faster but I could now do a 10k at a faster pace than my pre DCM 5k best and maybe even a half at a similar pace. When you really feel like a 5k best adjust your training to go for it

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    skyblue46 wrote: »
    You're training for a marathon K and you've done a few pretty much consecutively. That'll blunt speed but it'll come back for sure. You're a machine on the longer distances.

    I agree 100%
    Kellygirl wrote: »
    True and the ridiculous thing is I don’t really like speed. I’d prefer a half marathon to a 5km any day!

    I feel the same I love long runs compared to a 5k race

    but in saying that you will see a sub 25 minute it will happen

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    Sub-25 is well within your reach. You’re a lot faster than me and my 5k PB is 24.61 (*ahem*). You’re building endurance which is needed for 5k. No doubt a small period of sharpening after you’ve recovered from the marathon will get you your sub-25 (and some).

    You’re right, though: 5ks are a different kind of pain! I like to remind myself that at least it will be over quickly :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    I couldn't agree more with all the others K. The 5k time will plummet if you ever decide to train for it - with the endurance you have even 6 weeks of speed work will see that time blown out of the water. And in the meantime you are enjoying what you do best and doing it well so keep at it!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Thanks all. Step back week’s mess with my head. Back on track today!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Kellygirl wrote: »
    Thanks all. Step back week’s mess with my head. Back on track today!!

    I hear ya... It doesn't take much to mess with my head :P

    My friend, who i was always neck in neck with until i took the break to have baby #3, knocked another 25 seconds of her 5k time at park run at the weekend. She's now gone well under 24 minutes and is 70 seconds faster than me on our parkrun route :cool:

    I find myself wondering where i've gone wrong but then i have to remind myself that i had that break for baby and since i've run 10m, HM & Full Marathon races while she's stuck with 5/10km races . We can't excel at every distance so ultimately it's about owning our decisions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    ariana` wrote: »
    I hear ya... It doesn't take much to mess with my head :P

    My friend, who i was always neck in neck with until i took the break to have baby #3, knocked another 25 seconds of her 5k time at park run at the weekend. She's now gone well under 24 minutes and is 70 seconds faster than me on our parkrun route :cool:

    I find myself wondering where i've gone wrong but then i have to remind myself that i had that break for baby and since i've run 10m, HM & Full Marathon races while she's stuck with 5/10km races . We can't excel at every distance so ultimately it's about owning our decisions.

    Very good point. We can’t have everything! Maybe some day i’ll Get bored of marathons and start to like speed!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    ariana` wrote: »
    I hear ya... It doesn't take much to mess with my head :P

    My friend, who i was always neck in neck with until i took the break to have baby #3, knocked another 25 seconds of her 5k time at park run at the weekend. She's now gone well under 24 minutes and is 70 seconds faster than me on our parkrun route :cool:

    I find myself wondering where i've gone wrong but then i have to remind myself that i had that break for baby and since i've run 10m, HM & Full Marathon races while she's stuck with 5/10km races . We can't excel at every distance so ultimately it's about owning our decisions.

    This is it in a nutshell. Training is specific to distances. After DCM training we were in a position take advantage of a fitness level way above where most of us started. It opened the possibility of running faster at most distances. Now having achieved that level of fitness it will be harder to make improvement on recent times. By the way Ariana I think you have huge time gains to make judging by training runs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    skyblue46 wrote: »
    This is it in a nutshell. Training is specific to distances. After DCM training we were in a position take advantage of a fitness level way above where most of us started. It opened the possibility of running faster at most distances. Now having achieved that level of fitness it will be harder to make improvement on recent times. By the way Ariana I think you have huge time gains to make judging by training runs.

    True - I had a parkrun pb a week after DCM and an 8km pb on a training route I do and was flying it. HM pb too for that matter 3 or 4 weeks after. I suppose I kind of thought while training for the next marathon other improvements would just happen - and maybe they will again after the next marathon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    Kellygirl wrote: »
    True - I had a parkrun pb a week after DCM and an 8km pb on a training route I do and was flying it. HM pb too for that matter 3 or 4 weeks after. I suppose I kind of thought while training for the next marathon other improvements would just happen - and maybe they will again after the next marathon.

    I'm not so sure. I think you get to the point where the increments of improvement decrease and eventually stop. I improved my times by relatively big chunks but I know that's the end of big improvement in times in the distances I have run this year. If it's any consolation I don't think I'd improve my 5k times after all those fulls and half marathons you did.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    skyblue46 wrote: »
    I'm not so sure. I think you get to the point where the increments of improvement decrease and eventually stop. I improved my times by relatively big chunks but I know that's the end of big improvement in times in the distances I have run this year. If it's any consolation I don't think I'd improve my 5k times after all those fulls and half marathons you did.

    Oh yeah I get that. My goals are pbs in both cork and Dublin and just maybe i’ll concentrate on something else after that ... or after Clon again maybe ... and the maybe that Burren race could be interesting next year :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    Haha.. You're nuts!
