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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Week 12 HM Plan

    Monday Morning: Planned Easy hour ; Actual 4.28 miles @ 10:48min miles
    Fab morning and running with a friend but my stomach started cramping and had to bail.

    Monday evening: 6x4mins @ CV (8:00-8:11)with 2 min jogs; CD
    Paces: 7:43; 7:42; 7:47; 8:05; 7:49; 7:39
    I was dressed to go to Junior Athletics but the junior kicked off and refused to go. I took that as an opportunity to get my first session of the week done so back to the park I went just slightly stressed. Wasn’t exactly sure how a double would go but it was grand. All my paces too fast except one for some reason. Did me good and I felt better after.

    Tuesday: Planned 60 mins; Actual 4.52 miles @ 11:36 min mile
    Another lovely morning so just went to the woods which on one hand may not have been the brightest idea as it’s a really undulating route but I took it easy and decided to just do 2 laps rather than the extra bit to make up a full hour. Met a neighbor from when I was a kid so stopped and walked with him for a few minutes. Legs were definitely tired after Monday.

    Thursday: Planned 35 min tempo (8:47-9:00)
    Moved my session and long run forward by a day as I’m doing a nutrition and Pilates course tomorrow morning. This was a fab run. A few mins into my warm up I ran into a friend who joined me for the rest of the run. She was only out for a cool down after a gym session but stayed with me for the whole tempo part when she was well and truly knackered. Paces were a bit fast as usual - 8:38; 8:44; 8:36; 8:43 for the 35 min tempo part.

    6.28 miles in total.

    As an aside, my paces are always a bit fast. Officially I’m still working off the 24:32 5Km time I got on 30th Dec. When I put in more recent pbs my paces are spot on so I don’t worry too much about them.

    Friday: Planned 2 hour long run; Actual 1:50 hr: 11.36 miles @ 9:41 min miles

    The same friend decided to join me. I genuinely did try to get her to slow down but ended up too fast - though funnily enough it didn’t bother me and I was very comfortable chatting away the whole time. It was very warm and lovely out. I’ve the next 2 days off anyway unless I can squeeze some time to run on Sunday.

    32.6 miles for the week.

    2 weeks to go now until Cork. I’m looking forward to it. Been thinking loads about my next goals. I just registered tonight for the John Buckley 10 mile at the end of August. I’ve Charleville on the 15th September and then DCM. I’m planning on taking June relatively easy running wise but introducing some strength and conditioning work and try to make it a habit before training ramps up in July again.

    Read a good article tonight on Overtraining actually. Might help somebody here

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Race Report - BHAA John Buckley 5KM

    So my HM plan had a session for today and parkrun to race on Saturday before my long run on Sunday and I’ve always wanted to do the John Buckley 5km so I swapped around the sessions to race 5km tonight. No idea what to expect as haven’t been doing 5km specific stuff. My pb was 24:09 so hoped and prayed I could do 23:59 but kept telling myself my target race is Cork HM Sunday week so no pressure.

    My plan was to try and stay at average pace of 7:42.

    Did my warm up with a few strides. Felt I needed more but the crowds were huge and narrow start area so I lined up. I knew it would be fast so I looked for faces I recognized from parkrun and went a bit behind them thinking I was in the right place!!! I was soon to find out I was still too far up the field.

    7:34; 7:42; 7:40; 6:23 (for the last 42 seconds)

    The race started and everybody was flying, me included. Straight away my mouth was so dry. It was awful. No way I could keep going like this. I was well hydrated so don’t know what was going on though the same happened in Limerick HM at the very start too. I tried to back off the pace and it felt like hundreds were passing me. I thought straight away I was totally wrong to think I could go sub 24 and just tried to keep going. I didn’t know if the Course had km or mile markers and I had the km split times in my head that I was supposed to hit as tree cover meant gps could be messed up. No 1km marker so kept going thinking I was in trouble. Slight downhill and I was starting to feel a bit better though still a really dry mouth. Passed the 1 mile mark and 7:30. Ah! The race is back on and suddenly I’m ok again. Don’t remember any dry mouth after that.

    I head into mile 2 and I’ve a steady pace going. I don’t really remember much about this mile except that the bend where we turned left seemed to take forever to come. My legs were fine but my breathing was heavy. I reckoned I could keep this up and just needed to pass mile 2 faster than 7:42 and I was fine. Still couldn’t trust gps as it was all over the place on my watch but sure enough passed mile 2 bang on 7:42.

    Into mile 3 and my breathing was so heavy but legs still kind of ok. Baby75 had sent a whole load of mantras earlier on WhatsApp. ‘Run the mile you’re in’ was one. I started repeating it to myself. Checked my watch and was at 2.5 miles and pace looked like I was slowing but didn’t feel it. Just over half a mile to go so I was thinking ‘run the half mile you’re in’ and forget about everything else. I could see Pairc Ui Chaoimh where the finish line was and was just hanging to get there. Next thing we were turning in there. There was a railing on our left and I could see the line of people running and still couldn’t see the finish line. I couldn’t keep this up for much longer. Passed the 3 mile marker and somewhere round there saw 21:52 or something on the watch and wondered was my sub 24 gone again. Finally saw the finish line and somehow picked up the pace and went as fast as I can.

    23:39 on my watch!!!! 23:37 chip time. A 32 second pb. Sub 24. Average pace 7:36 min miles. Absolutely thrilled but that was so so tough. I don’t think I enjoyed any of it. I hope to god there were no photographers because that was not pretty. The buzz after though makes it all worth it!!!

    Queued up for the spread after ... and there was only tea and a couple of biscuits. That was disappointing. Chatted to a few friends and headed off then. I was driving 3 of us so was great to have the analysis on the way home. Totally forgot to cool down but have a sports massage in the morning!

    Well done to everybody tonight - Strava is PB City. Delighted to see the buzz!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    That's great ballsy running Karen. Hugest congrats to you. That's how a 5k should be run. I only wish I could do it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    skyblue46 wrote: »
    That's great ballsy running Karen. Hugest congrats to you. That's how a 5k should be run. I only wish I could do it!

    Thanks Sean. That’s a huge compliment from you. I really appreciate it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Well done ! Great racing !

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    Well done K so glad the mantra helped :D that was some racing fantastic stuff

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Great stuff K, super racing and fantastic new PB, well done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    The 5k is such a thin line between running at your max and blowing up and you negotiated the line perfectly. Fantastic run. Congrats!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Kellygirl wrote:
    23:39 on my watch!!!! 23:37 chip time. A 32 second pb. Sub 24. Average pace 7:36 min miles. Absolutely thrilled but that was so so tough. I don’t think I enjoyed any of it. I hope to god there were no photographers because that was not pretty. The buzz after though makes it all worth it!!!

    Unreal running. Horrible distance isn't it :)
    Sounds to me that's pretty much how you should feel in a 5k. Brilliant stuff K.

    Wouldn't worry about dry mouth. Happens me all the time. It's nerves/fear. Always happens me just as I line up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Singer

    All the horrors of a hard 5k race in that report :) Very well ran, quite the finish too!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,044 ✭✭✭chickey2

    Well done! It's great seeing all the pb's!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,761 ✭✭✭ReeReeG

    Kellygirl wrote:
    I don’t think I enjoyed any of it.

    Sounds like a well run 5k :)
    Absolutely delighted for you, and you were well under the 24 mins!! Well done and congrats

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    That was a great report K. I get that dry mouth thing too, I think it's nerves, it usually goes away when the race settles a bit. Brilliant running, you left it all out there 110%, very very impressive. I hope you're still enjoying the aftermath ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭tbukela

    That's a great run, well done. PBs are becoming the norm for you. Great reward for the training you're putting in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,601 ✭✭✭Wubble Wubble

    Great race and report K, some determination to tough it out at the finish! Pity about the lack of sambos etc at the finish.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    32sec PB.. that about tops the list from the 5k reports this week! Awesome!

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,456 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Super stuff, congrats! I think the dry mouth thing is just a bit of nerves - had it myself just before race last night and was very grateful to S for the last of his water bottle. Great PB.

  • Registered Users Posts: 258 ✭✭BrownEyes79

    What a race Karen, you really gave it everything. Such a well deserved PB, you’re going from strength to strength. I’m delighted for you

  • Registered Users Posts: 379 ✭✭mister paul

    Great running and PB. I might have to steal the "run the mile you're in" mantra.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Thank you so much for all the lovely comments. I‘ve so many reports to catch up on by the sounds of things but my eldest is 6 today and organizing his party now and on a course tonight. Dying to catch up properly.
    Great running and PB. I might have to steal the "run the mile you're in" mantra.

    Baby75 sent 5 mantra’s through last night. That was the only one I remembered but maybe she’ll post them on her log :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    Kellygirl wrote: »
    Thank you so much for all the lovely comments. I‘ve so many reports to catch up on by the sounds of things but my eldest is 6 today and organizing his party now and on a course tonight. Dying to catch up properly.

    Baby75 sent 5 mantra’s through last night. That was the only one I remembered but maybe she’ll post them on her log :D

    I was trying to find the right ones so that each of you could use one of them during your race

    I think the two that appeal to me are

    Run the mile your in

    Run strong, think strong, finish strong

    but I also liked

    Dream Big
    work hard
    Make it happen

    That rings true for everyone who ran last nigh and I picked it thinking of Laraze

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,387 ✭✭✭Sunny Dayz

    Excellent! Well done! That's a great chunk taken off your previous pb!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,426 ✭✭✭scotindublin

    Brilliant race Karen well done; massive chunk off the PB and a huge confidence boost!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,338 ✭✭✭eyrie

    What a cracking run K, well done! It's some year you're having so far, and so well deserved! Very nice shiny PB to show for it too :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Thanks again for all the nice comments on Tuesday night’s race.

    Week 13 Grads HM plan

    Monday: Easy hour: 6.21 miles @ 9:55 min miles
    Ran with a friend and very hard to keep her slow. The first mile was 10:49 and pace picked up after that. I just went with it in the end.

    Tuesday: Planned 2x20 mins @ HMP with 5 min off
    Actual: John Buckley 5k and shiny new PB

    Wednesday: Very easy 6.26 miles @ 11:11
    I’d a sports massage first and he told me I was free to go for. Very slow run. He warned me to take it easy for a few days after the 5km race and that this is when people get injured if keeping up the speed after racing. I took myself off to my favorite route near Blackrock and the water and loved the run

    Thursday: Very easy 6.17 miles @ 10:51
    Ran with a friend that evening.

    Friday: Rest day as kids off due to the elections - which doesn’t exactly lend itself to a rest day!

    Saturday: Planned Parkrun
    Wasn’t sure what to do here and if I should do the missed 2x20min min sessions from Tuesday. Decided after talking to my whatsapp 2017 Grads gang it was too heavy a session and that I’d do parkrun with some miles at HMP. Did my warmup and decided I’d start out doing my HMP miles and see how I was feeling. Debating a bit with myself on pace for Cork so chose to go approx 8:30/8:35 and see what it felt like. It felt fine but it was very warm and humid and probably a bit fast for next week. Glad I tested it. My paces were 8:26; 8:33 and 8:32.

    Sunday: Planned 70 minutes easy; Actual 80 minutes @ 11:01 min mile
    Lovely chatty run with a friend. I got mixed up so we ran a little further than planned.

    36.3 miles for the week. Feeling good going into the last week of the plan and looking forward to Cork next week. Hoping for a PB as it’s my target race and would be a nice way to round off the first half of the year. My time from Limerick is 1:53:55 and I’m assuming hard to beat so my A goal is 1:52:xx and B goal is faster than 1:53:54 .... and if I don’t PB due to weather or something else well then I still got a good PB from Limerick.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    Have a great run on Sunday. Good luck!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,250 ✭✭✭coogy

    Hi K, crazy week for me so only getting around to reading your 5k report now. Massive congrats on the PB and I would think you're in the perfect position to add another one to your list on Sunday.

    Best of luck!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭tbukela

    Best of luck on Sunday, I've no doubt that you will run a cracker. Enjoy it

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,761 ✭✭✭ReeReeG

    Good luck on Sunday K, enjoy it! Hope the weather is kind :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    tbukela wrote: »
    Best of luck on Sunday, I've no doubt that you will run a cracker. Enjoy it

    Thanks T. Are you running any part of it?
