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If it’s meant to be, it’s up to me.



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Huzzah! wrote: »
    Have a great run on Sunday. Good luck!

    Thanks E.
    coogy wrote: »
    Hi K, crazy week for me so only getting around to reading your 5k report now. Massive congrats on the PB and I would think you're in the perfect position to add another one to your list on Sunday.

    Best of luck!!!

    Thanks. Hopefully I’ll get another one Sunday. Will do my best.
    ReeReeG wrote: »
    Good luck on Sunday K, enjoy it! Hope the weather is kind :)

    Thanks V. Looking mixed now with rain and a bit of wind - bit I’m thinking that will beat last year’s heat and humidity. Keeps changing and just hoping there won’t be too much rain.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    All the very best at the weekend K.

  • Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭tbukela

    Kellygirl wrote: »
    Thanks T. Are you running any part of it?
    I am actually, got a late half entry. I've a wedding today so not expecting much tomorrow but Fomo meant i couldn't pass it up. Weather is looking hard to predict. Enjoy it and I'll keep an eye out for you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Best of running K.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    All the best tomorrow K. More of the same will do just fine :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,739 ✭✭✭Mr. Guappa

    Best of luck tomorrow K!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    tbukela wrote: »
    I am actually, got a late half entry. I've a wedding today so not expecting much tomorrow but Fomo meant i couldn't pass it up. Weather is looking hard to predict. Enjoy it and I'll keep an eye out for you.

    Oh brilliant. I’m number 2291. Hopefully will see you.
    Best of running K.
    skyblue46 wrote: »
    All the best tomorrow K. More of the same will do just fine :)
    Mr. Guappa wrote: »
    Best of luck tomorrow K!

    Thanks guys.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    All the very best tomorrow K, run well!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,601 ✭✭✭Wubble Wubble

    Good luck K !

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,426 ✭✭✭scotindublin

    Good luck tomorrow; great lead into it with the training and results

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    OOnegative wrote: »
    All the very best tomorrow K, run well!!
    Good luck K !
    Good luck tomorrow; great lead into it with the training and results

    Thanks guys. Fingers crossed now.

    Week 14 Grads HM plan

    Tuesday: 5 miles @ 10min mile
    Plan was 45 mins easy. Being taper week, I decided to try catch up with a few friends for coffee after my runs seeing as they were short -no point catching up on housework or something like that :rolleyes: Anyway, was running late so had to speed up a bit towards the end. Ran part of the marathon route and really enjoyed it. Hope my legs feels as good tomorrow at that stage of the route.

    Wednesday: 6x1 min VO2 (7:22-31) with 2 min off
    6:42; 6:49; 7:04; 7:04; 6:45; 6:55
    Raining and another coffee date planned so went to the woods as closest place to run - not ideal though as hardly any flat area there. The flattest part is very short and under tree cover so I just ran for a minute without looking at the watch ... and all too fast. Felt grand though I knew they were too fast really.

    Thursday: 30 mins ; 2.71 miles @ 11:11

    Planned 45 mins easy. Went to the Woods again and started out fine on my usual route close to the perimeter of the woods. There must have been slurry spread on the field right next to me but the smell was putrid. I was starting to gag and I can see why farmers get themselves into trouble sometimes. I felt sick and tried to stay away then but just couldn’t get back into a nice rhythm and found the run a real drag. It was very hot and humid so I just gave up. There was sweat dripping off me when I got into the car.

    11.7 miles for the week. I didn’t do the Planned 20 mins for today.

    I’m feeling relatively confident about tomorrow. All I need to do is shave a few seconds off my Limerick time. Wind looking strong but hopefully will be sheltered a bit while it’s against me and it should be with me for the last 3 miles. I‘ve done the work so hoping it all comes together now! Thanks for all the good wishes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    Good luck Karen
    I found these as well, may be one or two will help
    13.1 Mantras from

    1. I am strong. I am fast. I am confident.

    2. I’ve done the work.

    3. Run the mile I’m in.

    4. Arms faster, legs faster.

    5. Light and smooth. Light and smooth.

    6. Head up. Fast feet.

    7. You got this.

    8. Run Far, Run Strong.

    9. Let your legs fly.

    10. Embrace the Hill.

    11. Strong legs. Strong heart.

    12. Own these miles.

    13. Excellence in every step.

    13.1 There’s more to give.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Thanks N!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Cork City Half Marathon - Race Report

    *** New PB 1:53:04 ***

    This was my target race for the first half of the year. Back at the start of November I counted out the weeks to do 14 weeks of the Grads 5-10km plan and then more or less go straight into the HM plan - with various races along the way if they popped up but Cork was the main goal, which meant the pressure was on to PB even though I’d got under my goal time in Limerick 4 weeks ago. I tried to convince myself the pressure was off as I already had a good HM time but realistically it wasn’t when it was the one race I had booked since last November. After a few thoughts about pacing I kept it simple - just stay faster than an 8:35 pace (Limerick was 8:41).

    Miles 1-3: 8:15; 8:18; 8:12
    The start was very congested so just watched my feet and ran along quite comfortably, aware I was fast but needless to say it didn’t feel fast. It was messy as there’d been so much rain last night there were massive puddles so people were suddenly jumping in front of me to avoid water etc and there was a bit of hopping in and down off the path to run around the puddles - they were deep, not worth running through. I passed the mile 1 marker as my watch beeped 8:15 - way too fast but the wind was strong and behind us so I decided to bank time for when we turned around and had hills. We ran past Pairc Ui Chaoimh in the same route as the 5km 2 weeks ago and followed a tape barrier round a bend to go back under the stands of Pairc Ui Chaoimh. The wind was so strong there and suddenly knocked all the barriers and the tape was getting caught in people’s ankles. Head on into the wind and I tried to hide behind the bigger guys for shelter. Realistically at that point I only wanted to pass then out. About few twists and turns and we joined the full marathon and relay on the marina. Ran through our first water stop but I had brought a bottle with me so didn’t take any. I wanted to avoid the dry mouth from the last two races. I was worried I was too fast but we were then on a very slight downhill so I continued as I was for the moment. I knew once we got a bit further wind would be an issue anyway so I’d have no choice but to pull back. I caught up with Pat Walsh and a crew he was pacing and passed them out. Ran through the relay change over and round by the Sextant pub and my watch beeped for 3 miles - didn’t even notice that mile going.

    Miles 4-9: 8:39; 8:26; 9:02; 8:41; 8:37; 8:41

    Mile 4 was out the link and the first real drag. It’s also a wide road with bends so very easy to add on lots of extra distance here. I tried the best I could to stay on the race line. I felt the drag slightly and wondered if the fast start would come back to bite me. I slowed right down for the steep part up to Turners Cross and then quick recovery and I was flying down the hill, with big High 5s for friends of mine who’s kids were out cheering. They are there every year and I look forward to seeing them. Another wide bendy road then heading towards Ballyphehane so concentrated on the race line and took more water. It was really hot and I was sweating a lot. I was afraid I wasn’t drinking enough. I felt the drag as I passed mile 5 and heading into Ballyphehane. Took a Maurten gel somewhere round there at 40 mins. Took it handy up the hill to Tory Top Park. The guard on traffic duty at the roundabout there was brilliant. Cheering everybody on at the top of his voice. Mile 6 and 7 were relatively uneventful, big crowds out by the Lough and music. Was glad to see as Cork just doesn’t compare to Limerick when it comes to support and music en route. My legs were tiring a bit but I was looking forward to getting to Glasheen road and making the most of the downhills there and on Orchard Road. I also thought about seeing Omeceron at mile 7 in Limerick and kind of did a systems check and comparison. All fine and I was slightly ahead of my time I reckoned.

    Farranlea road was my last hill and also the hill that has broken me the last two years (albeit the full marathon). Was nice to run it on fresher legs but I was feeling the heat. Emptied my bottle over my head as we came to a Water station there and took another ... with no lid. Not ideal as I wanted to carry it with me as would be taking another gel soon.the group behind me (Pat Walsh’s group again) weren’t too happy either. I’d have kept my original bottle if I’d known. It was spilling all over the place so I drank a good bit of it and tried to keep my hand steady then as I ran. Ended up throwing it away. Got up to the top of the hill and took my time to recover and the downhill started but also directly into the wind. Miles 8/9 were my worst in Limerick yet I didn’t have that awful mile today. I was watching out for my friend who I knew would be out supporting and got a bad stitch just before I met her so she ran along side me for a few mins and all I did was moan. I took my High 5 caffeine gel then and just ran through it.

    Miles 10-Finish: 8:23; 8:39; 8:33; 8:37 and 7:01 for the last .29

    I’d a lovely downhill by the Tennis Village looking out for my next friend who was going to be at Inchagaggin Bridge. I was there slightly sooner than she expected so she only saw me when I started roaring at her and it gave me a right boost so I passed a few people there and ran very comfortably along Inchaggin Lane. I still had the stitch and I thought how is it that 3 years in a row I’ve gotten a stitch at the same point! Got a fresh bottle of water with a lid and round onto the Straight Road - the wind would be directly behind me here. I’d seen to 10 mile marker the other day so watched out for that. My legs were tired at this point and I felt really slow but my pace was ok and average pace was hovering round 8:32. Passed the 10 mile marker and I knew I had my pb. I just had to keep my head now, stay steady and I had it. I didn’t need to speed up. I was just repeating “keep it steady, you have your pb” over and over again. Pat Walsh’s Group would suddenly be in front of me so I tried to glue myself to them or stay ahead. Passed the 12 mile marker but my legs were like jelly and I didn’t have the energy to speed up. I could manage as I was, just about. Pat Walsh’s group passed me out but I let them go. I didn’t need to worry at this stage. I didn’t know what time they were going for anyway and they had started before me.

    Up North Main Street, round onto Washington Street and the crowds were great. Onto Grand Parade and picked up the pace. Was watching for my family but the crowds were huge and couldn’t see them. As soon as I saw the finish Line I was off. Stopped looking around and just stared at it and sprinted. Over I went and stopped my watch at 1:53:08 - honestly my first though was a slight disappointment that I didn’t get the extra few seconds to go sub 1:53. I hoped the chip time might help but it was 1:53:04. Average pace 8:31 so I got what I set out to do.

    Still a 51 second PB from a time 4 weeks ago on a windier, and more humid day so I am happy with it. My first half was Cork in 2012 at a time of 2:13:xx - so 25 mins better than that (with 4.5 years not running) ain’t bad at all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,426 ✭✭✭scotindublin

    Great report and a well executed race...brilliant performance today and over the whole training block.

    Well done!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Brilliant stuff K, delighted for you. As you said you done what you set out to do, can’t ask for much more. Enjoy the PB beers/wine/gin........

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    Great stuff K. It's brilliant to see the stream of PBs after some of the bad days of last autumn.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Brilliant Karen. That's a great progression. The HM definitely seems to suit you. Well done

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,761 ✭✭✭ReeReeG

    Loved that report, and super result K!! Delighted for you, you ran that really well. So deserved after all the hard work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Well done ! Great Report!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,250 ✭✭✭coogy

    Very well done Karen, impressive splits too. Congrats!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭tbukela

    Congratulations on an excellent race and report. You stuck to your plan and got your deserved result. You really seem to be enjoying your running and it's showing with all the PBs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,044 ✭✭✭chickey2

    Well done! Great run and great report.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,417 ✭✭✭Lazare

    Fantastic stuff K, enjoy those endorphins

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,739 ✭✭✭Mr. Guappa

    That's a really well executed race, well done! You are absolutely on fire this year, great to see!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,601 ✭✭✭Wubble Wubble

    To run two HMs in four weeks is in itself no mean feat.

    To PB in both....:eek:

    Congrats again! and a report to match the performance :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Thanks all. Still delighted with the result. Feeling good today. Legs are a little tired but that’s all. Didn’t bother leaving the house and just took it easy. Excited about what comes next though.
    To run two HMs in four weeks is in itself no mean feat.

    To PB in both....:eek:

    Congrats again! and a report to match the performance :D

    Thanks J. I suppose in one way Limerick was in week 10 of the plan and I didn’t taper fully for it - just left out a session that week if I remember correctly. I raced it but I found it tougher than yesterday. I’m not sure if that’s because you are constantly on a drag either up or down there whereas Cork is flat for the first 3-4 miles and the last 4.5 with the hills in the middle. I also had 4 weeks more training ... and tapered. I may not have gotten my Cork time if I hadn’t done Limerick as I possibly wouldn’t have chanced that pace. Who knows :rolleyes: I was trying to beat my Limerick time yesterday. Either way, I raced both and very happy with the result.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Thats a superb run in difficult conditions.

    Given that your splits were so tight, I reckon on a better course, on a better day, you'd do a much faster time.
    Congrats on 2 PB's so close together - No mean feat.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Thats a superb run in difficult conditions.

    Given that your splits were so tight, I reckon on a better course, on a better day, you'd do a much faster time.
    Congrats on 2 PB's so close together - No mean feat.

    Thanks AMK. I hope so! Cooler weather would definitely help. A flatter less twisty course too hopefully!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Brilliant Karen, congratulations. Another PB, fair play to you.

    We did Cork last year and so all memories came back with your description of the run. It is a tough route.

    The last water station last year also took the top off and like that I wanted to carry it with me. So annoying to have water splash so had to let it go.

    Did they not have the amazing sponges this year? They were super last year in the heat, well humidity.

    Well done.
