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If it’s meant to be, it’s up to me.



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    aquinn wrote: »
    Brilliant Karen, congratulations. Another PB, fair play to you.

    We did Cork last year and so all memories came back with your description of the run. It is a tough route.

    The last water station last year also took the top off and like that I wanted to carry it with me. So annoying to have water splash so had to let it go.

    Did they not have the amazing sponges this year? They were super last year in the heat, well humidity.

    Well done.

    Thanks Aoife. They did have the sponges actually on the Marina and by The Lough. I didn’t bother with them this year. I didn’t need them at the Marina and I’d enough water to pour over myself by The Lough so didn’t bother. It wasn’t as hot either though to be honest.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    Yay! Well done. Your confidence really shone through and it's great to see. Congratulations!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,673 ✭✭✭juke

    Great report. Loving that all your training is coming together for you this year - well deserved and a bit intoxicating!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Wow, that's a great report K and a finely run race. That fantastic training over the past few months and those 2 x Half Pbs are well earned.

    Looking forward to seeing you have a great summer of running too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Recovery Week

    Monday: Rest
    Tuesday: Rest

    Wednesday: 5.64 miles @ 10:48
    Dying to get back out and it was Global Running day so decided that was my excuse and off I went. Enjoyed every minute of it. Came home and did an online Pilates classroom 20 mins.

    Thursday AM: 5.08 miles @ 10:40
    Sun was shining so put on my gear and off I went again. Another lovely run.

    Thursday PM: Cloughduv 5k fun run 3.1miles @ 8:25 min/mile; 26:09
    This was kind of unplanned. A friend asked if I wanted to jog round with her and I remembered the cakes after from last year so I said I’d go. She mixed up her times and didn’t make it and I’d another friend there who’d finish in 22 mins so I went faster than planned so she wouldn’t be waiting too long for me. It was basically my HM pace but honestly I did find it tough and there was a real tiredness in my legs. It put all mad notions of doing another half that I’d spotted in Tralee in 2 weeks time firmly out of my head. I was toying with doing it to try to sub 1:53. I do realize it was a mad idea :rolleyes:

    The race was gas though. Kids dropping like flies after taking off too fast. I heard a girl say to her friend ‘do you think we’ve run 1km yet?’. I looked at my watch and it said 0.11 miles :D . Just after the 1km mark I was passing two boys. One says he’s really winded and I told them slow down and they’d keep going for longer. I kept going and I heard the other say ‘should we listen to her?’. I was laughing and told them they should ... so they started walking :rolleyes: Anyway, I finished and got my cakes and went home knowing it was a bit silly to have gone off and run that but sure I’m off plan and can be a rebel :P

    Friday: 6.02 miles @ 9:16
    Pilates in the morning while I got an unplanned 20 minutes because my husband brought the kids to school for me.
    Went to the park later and did a lovely 6 miles followed by drills in the rain and then onto learn some S&C exercises that I’m going to start including in my training plan from now on.

    Saturday: 7.26 miles @ 10:06
    Planned a 70 minute easy run with a friend which was to finish with Parkrun. The first 3 miles were at approx an 11 min mile and then we had to pick up to get to the start line and I got chatting and we ended up too far up so took off too fast - and kept going getting faster and faster. Just as we finished the first lap ReeReeG came long side me and we chatted for the 2nd lap. Was lovely to catch up and get our photo for Strava after. I do have DOMs from yesterday’s antics but that’s good - they were worse after the run for some reason.

    27.1 miles for the week.

    So there ends my first phase of the year doing the Grads plan twice 5-10km and 10km-HM. I’m very proud of how it has all gone and am in a great place now with my running and delighted with all my times and my 7 pbs from 7 races. This is where I currently stand with PBs.

    Distance|2018 PB|2019 PB|Date achieved
    5 km| 24:32|23:37|21/5/19
    Parkrun | 25:25|24:09|2/2/19
    5 mile|40:50|39:56|17/2/19
    10 km|53:47|49:56|31/3/19
    10 mile|1:31:12|1:25:15|7/4/2019

    I’m taking another week of easy running, introducing S&C work and making it a habit. I’ll start introducing a bit of speed work the week after. June is going to be about setting myself up to start training again in July after my holidays.

    I’m registered for:
    John Buckley 10 mile (may not race it) at end of August,
    Charleville on 15th September - goal is hopefully sub 1:50
    DCM - not setting a target time yet but I want a pb.

    After that I currently plan to return to the short stuff again to hopefully get a few more PBs there but will see after DCM.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,387 ✭✭✭Sunny Dayz

    Well done on your pb in Cork, great running!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    The Road to DCM starts here - 20 weeks to go

    Monday: Rest

    Tuesday: 1 hr easy: 6.09miles@ 9:51 min mile & S&C
    Nice easy run. My easier paces have gotten a little faster though I’ll go mostly by feel.
    Got home and went through my S&C program - planning on making this a habit and try to do twice a week.

    Wednesday: 45 mins easy + strides (3x20s; 2x30s; 3x20s)
    6.36 miles in 1hr1min

    A grand little run. Pace possibly slightly too fast - maybe I’ll slow down as fatigue hits. The strides were fine. Somehow I’d doms on my right side only which is a bid odd! Not too bad though.

    Thursday: 50 min moderate (9:00-9:20)
    1 mile warmup; Drills; 50 mins (8:56; 55; 9:03; 8:47; 58; 49); 10 min CD - 6.6 miles in total

    This was my first time doing my drills - To be honest I was a bit self conscious about doing them in the park and marching and skipping back and forward. I did my mile warm up and started into them. Did them way too quickly and wondered what I’d forgotten - lunges and strides amongst others. I’ve written out the list so that won’t happen the next time.

    Headed off for the moderate run then and loved it. Ok, my paces were a bit faster than moderate. I kept thinking I’d slowed down enough and sure enough the watch would tell me every mile that I was too fast. I loved it though.

    Friday: 30 mins easy; Drill Practice and S&C
    3.14 miles @ 9:54 min miles

    Fine run besides too many flying bugs. I love the Greenway next to the river but this puts me off. Was dying for the loo at the end so had to rush home and did my drills at home then - just a practice run. Straight into S&C then.

    Saturday: 70 min easy with 45 sec surges @ AP (7:25-35)

    Fab morning and nice to see blue skies for once this week. This was a bit stop start. Had a loo stop after 2.5 miles, started again planning on running into the back of parkrun but as it was their 3rd birthday there was a bit of chat going on so another 1-2 min stop. Had decided to do my surges during parkrun but it was more difficult than I thought trying to pass people so went when I’d get a clear stretch as opposed to full recovery which I was supposed to be doing. Hard to judge if effort right. All way too fast if Garmin Connect right. Paces for surges: 7:02; 7:12; 7:20; 6:28; 6:47; 6:24.

    I finished parkrun fairly out of breath as did the last one just before the finish. They were giving out chocolates for their birthday and really should have waited until I’d caught my breath to eat them!! Another stop to get scanned and wait for my friend and then we jogged back to the cars and I jogged round in circles to get my 70 mins.

    30.6 miles for the week. An easy week really as still conscious of not overdoing it after Cork.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    1 week down mad to think its DCM time again :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Monday: 1 hour easy: 6.34miles @ 9:30
    Ran with a friend and the run looked more like a progression run as we started at 9:52 and kept getting faster. She’s hard to hold back but I love running with her too. The company is great.

    45 mins Strength and Conditioning when I got home

    Tuesday: 45 mins easy + strides (3x20s; 2x30s; 3x20s); 6.15 miles altogether

    On my own for this so behaved myself pace wise and kept it easy.

    Wednesday: Progression Run - 10’ E; 15’ Mod; 15’ tempo; 10’ LT;

    Easy: 9:45-10:15 ; Actual: 9:55
    Moderate: 9:00-9:20; Actual: 9:03; 9:24
    Tempo: 8:25-8:40; Actual: 8:18; 8:41
    LT: 8:05-8:15; Actual: 8:12; 7:58

    I was nervous before this. My biggest session since Cork and looked challenging to me. I’m always like that before sessions though. It wasn’t too bad at all though. I realised during the tempo part that was more or less my HM pace anyway so tried to relax. Felt good after. Very warm out though and Id a salty face going home!

    6.6 miles done

    Thursday: 45 mins easy: 4.52 miles @ 10:19 min miles
    Life is now going to get more challenging fitting in runs as kids are now off school so depending on babysitters. Managed to fit this run in while one of the kids was at a class that afternoon. Unfortunately it meant running all around the area where George Esra was playing later on and I was busy running round tweens dressed in all sorts for the concert! My legs were tired enough after the previous day and was happy to be finishing at 45 mins.

    S&C: tried to do it when the kids went to bed. The younger one hadn’t a notion of staying in bed so I spent more time chasing him round the place and gave up after half the workout with sheer frustration.

    Saturday: 75 mins easy/moderate: 8:05 miles @ 9:47 min mile

    I loved this run. Met my friend that I normally meet on Saturday’s. She’d tired legs after a class yesterday so we took our time warming up to the pace. I was rearing to go in one way but we picked up the pace in mile 3 fairly naturally and I kept running in circles when we ran into the back of parkrun waiting for it start. I did pick up the pace for parkrun but was still within range. It all just felt so easy and I could have gone on for ever. I was dithering about whether I’d do an extra 20-30 mins after. I finished parkrun with the woman in front of me just stopping dead when she ran into the funnel, I ran straight into her and then she just puked. I’d noticed she was working hard earlier but didn’t realize how hard. I took my barcode and decided to run back for my friend rather than queuing to scan as was at 73 mins and wanted to do the 75 without stopping.

    I just loved how I felt on this run - one of those “If Carlsberg did runs ...”. It’s 3 weeks since Cork now and I’ve been doing the mileage but nothing mad so hopefully it means I’m back on form now and ready for more. We’re off on holidays for 9 days next Thursday. I have my plan but if I can’t do everything on it I’m not going to worry.

    31.6 miles for the week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Great training - you seem very comfortable and relaxed ! What planning are you following ? My plan doesn’t start until July 8th.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Bluesquare wrote: »
    Great training - you seem very comfortable and relaxed ! What planning are you following ? My plan doesn’t start until July 8th.

    I’ve signed up with a coach for the next few months. I was more cautious than last year and did my homework this time :rolleyes: My plan should be along the same lines as the Grads plans that I‘ve been doing in terms keeping easy easy and the hard stuff hard. She’s including S&C work and drills etc too. I’m happy out so far anyway. I’d planned on keeping June easy after 28 weeks of Grads plans, going on hols and then getting down to the real work then when I get home. I reckon we’ll work together well which suits me!

    Meant to ask did you decide on a plan? There was one in your list I hope you won’t even consider!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    Oh Karen I feel your pain trying to do S&C with a small child :D I sometimes have a cat and a dog who try to get in on the action as well

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Kellygirl wrote: »
    I’ve signed up with a coach for the next few months. I was more cautious than last year and did my homework this time :rolleyes: My plan should be along the same lines as the Grads plans that I‘ve been doing in terms keeping easy easy and the hard stuff hard. She’s including S&C work and drills etc too. I’m happy out so far anyway. I’d planned on keeping June easy after 28 weeks of Grads plans, going on hols and then getting down to the real work then when I get home. I reckon we’ll work together well which suits me!

    Meant to ask did you decide on a plan? There was one in your list I hope you won’t even consider!!

    That particular one I redid with realistic paces - I took my friends old plan which was supposed to be sub 4 ( it was really 3:40 or something ) and inserted sub 4 paces . Actually was quite good after the aggressive pacing disappeared - I like the variety but in the end the mileage was too much .

    I’m going with my club plan . It’s interesting , the hardest session is the long run (every second week ) - it incorporates up to 9 miles at MP. Other sessions are LT intervals and MP intervals but the are medium core lol . ( LT never gives above 3*2k reps ) Mileage is low enough in comparison to all other plans but the coach has advised on optional easy runs to add if need be .

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    My youngest tries to do S&C with me but like he lies right next to me and then behind me and then on top of me - whatever way gets most in the way! Have to bribe him now to go to the other room.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Monday: 1 hour easy: 6.04miles @ 10:24 min mile

    Can’t remember much about this. Strava says it was a great day and I was tempted to keep going. I had those notions most of the week as was going on holidays Thursday and afraid I wouldn’t get runs in on hols.

    Tuesday: 20 mins easy; 6x12sec Hill Sprints (3 mins recovery); CD
    Jogged my 20 mins to a nice steep hill and started my 1st rep. 12 seconds is nice and short. Strolled back down and had been told to stand at the end until 3 mins was up and off I’d go again. The 3 mins was long. I was taking my phone out and texting people and totally twiddling my thumbs. Was looking at my heart rate which was fine so wasn’t sure what I was doing standing around getting bored. My coach filled me in on Strava a while later:

    ‘The most specific form of plyometric training for runners is sprinting and because you are going at max effort for 12 seconds, you are operating the ATP-CP system which takes 3-4 minutes to replenish! It is completely anaerobic. This taxes the central nervous system so you need to be careful with your recoveries. I see some athletes here doing a hill blast and jogging back down and going up again immediately totally defeating the purpose of the session.

    Steep hill sprints/blasts can be used as a method of power development to start with and then progress slowly to flat sprints. The emphasis shifts slowly from power development to a more plyometric type effect and more specific running form. We focus on good running technique which has vigorous arm drive and high knee lift, with the hips, kept high, so that they are 'running tall', not leaning forward. Us distance runners need power development and this type of plyo training improves running economy by improving the stretch shortening cycle increasing power and elasticity. You will improve stride frequency and length, develop cordination and more strength. The recoveries can be tedious but fairplay for sticking it out’

    Wednesday: 45 mins v easy: 4.37 miles @ 10:33 min miles
    Woke up with one of my calves a little sore. Had a couple of jobs to do before running so said I’d see how it went. Felt sore to touch and could feel it when walking though not too bad. I decided to see how it felt running and was absolutely fine then. My legs were unexpectedly tired though. My coach had said my hamstrings and calves should feel something so she wasn’t surprised when I said that. I’d really felt the hill sprints were so short there was no impact.

    Thursday: Strength and Conditioning
    Had planned a session but calf sore and didn’t want to risk pacey stuff. Hadn’t managed to fit in an S&C session this week so did a good hard session for myself - and while doing A Skips during the warmup my other calf kind of popped. :rolleyes:

    Flew to Spain that evening a little nervous of the predicted heatwave.

    Saturday: 20’E; 3x6mins LT(8:05-8:15) w/ 1 min recovery; 10’E
    Paces: 8:10; 8:01; 8:13
    Chanced my arm with this as wasn’t sure what I’d be able for heat wise and the calf that had popped was a bit sore so needed to see if just a niggle or what. Set off anyway and plodded along for the warmup enjoying the promenade and looking around me. It was so busy even at that time of the morning. Went into the first interval and was an effort but kept going, didn’t think I was hitting the paces but didn’t worry about it. 1 min recovery and off I went again. Had to stop at a loo during the 2nd interval which was slightly annoying but didn’t know when I’d come across another. Did the last 1 and my cool down and stopped at the bakery and shop for breakfast. Nobody awake when I got back which was really nice! I would have loved a coffee but no way I was going to make one in case the machine woke sleeping bodies. Reviewed the run and pleasantly surprised that my paces weren’t bad at all.

    Sunday: Planned 70 mins: Actual 9 miles in 90 mins
    I’ve been wanting to run from Salou to Cambrils since we were here last year but I was injured then (or so I thought - more later). Set off with 70 mins in my head this morning and when it was time to turn around I knew it was prob only another couple of miles onto Cambrils so kept going. Every time I thought about turning around I figured I’d just go a bit further. Cambrils was lovely - a bit more plush than Salou though I love our campsite in Salou so would come back here again if we are coming back. I hoped I wouldn’t be sorry about the extra miles on my return with the heat but there was actually a light breeze against me on the way back which was perfect. Did my bakery shopping and got home and had company for breakfast then! It dawned on my while I was running that I’d just rolled out of bed, had a sip of water and headed off. Normally if I’m doing anything longer than an hour I’d eat beforehand. Habit really and yesterday showed I don’t need to which is handy!

    Weekly mileage: 29.1 miles - slightly down but very pleased I achieved all the runs on my plan.

    As an aside I brought my Saucony runners as they are the lightest I have. I wore the same model all last year and all last year I had trouble with my left achilles - just pain but the physio was never worried about it or the sports massage guy.they both said it wasn’t actually my achilles but never said what it was either. While I was here last year it was particularly sore. A few weeks ago I realised the pain was completely gone and hadn’t felt it in ages and I did think about the fact that I now wear either Mizuno or Brooks. I brought my Saucony with me and the pain is back. Not worried about it but it must be the shoe. There’s only 120 miles approx on them but I’ll be abandoning them I think now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,250 ✭✭✭coogy

    Kellygirl wrote: »
    It dawned on my while I was running that I’d just rolled out of bed, had a sip of water and headed off. Normally if I’m doing anything longer than an hour I’d eat beforehand. Habit really and yesterday showed I don’t need to which is handy!

    This is something I've also become gradually accustomed to. Rarely have anything to eat first thing if I'm doing an early morning run. Some water perhaps but don't really feel the need for pre-run food.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,507 ✭✭✭Damo 2k9

    coogy wrote: »
    This is something I've also become gradually accustomed to. Rarely have anything to eat first thing if I'm doing an early morning run. Some water perhaps but don't really feel the need for pre-run food.

    Same as myself, have started to do this a lot on Saturday runs, makes the feast afterwards even better!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,338 ✭✭✭eyrie

    Fair play getting any running in in that heat!
    I'm only catching up on things here now and finally reading your report from the Cork Half. I'd seen the result on Strava anyway but it's great to read it! Some first half of the year you've had, it's lovely to see all the hard work pay off :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    Damo 2k9 wrote: »
    Same as myself, have started to do this a lot on Saturday runs, makes the feast afterwards even better!

    I've seen a photo! :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Tuesday: 20 mins easy; 6x12sec Hill Sprints (3 mins recovery); CD
    Jogged my 20 mins to a nice steep hill and started my 1st rep. 12 seconds is nice and short. Strolled back down and had been told to stand at the end until 3 mins was up and off I’d go again. The 3 mins was long. I was taking my phone out and texting people and totally twiddling my thumbs. Was looking at my heart rate which was fine so wasn’t sure what I was doing standing around getting bored. My coach filled me in on Strava a while later:

    ‘The most specific form of plyometric training for runners is sprinting and because you are going at max effort for 12 seconds, you are operating the ATP-CP system which takes 3-4 minutes to replenish! It is completely anaerobic. This taxes the central nervous system so you need to be careful with your recoveries. I see some athletes here doing a hill blast and jogging back down and going up again immediately totally defeating the purpose of the session.

    Steep hill sprints/blasts can be used as a method of power development to start with and then progress slowly to flat sprints. The emphasis shifts slowly from power development to a more plyometric type effect and more specific running form. We focus on good running technique which has vigorous arm drive and high knee lift, with the hips, kept high, so that they are 'running tall', not leaning forward. Us distance runners need power development and this type of plyo training improves running economy by improving the stretch shortening cycle increasing power and elasticity. You will improve stride frequency and length, develop cordination and more strength. The recoveries can be tedious but fairplay for sticking it out’

    Really interesting K to get the detail on the purpose of that session, thanks for sharing. There are 12 second hills on the Faster Road Racing plans also but i doesn't specify a recovery - or if it does i missed that bit, i must check again actually.

    Great week, well done. Enjoy the rest of the hols.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,761 ✭✭✭ReeReeG

    ariana` wrote: »
    Really interesting K to get the detail on the purpose of that session, thanks for sharing. There are 12 second hills on the Faster Road Racing plans also but i doesn't specify a recovery - or if it does i missed that bit, i must check again actually.

    No it doesn't... I just jogged them back, presuming now I wasn't allowing enough recovery. Must read on it in the notes for the plan also.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    ReeReeG wrote: »
    No it doesn't... I just jogged them back, presuming now I wasn't allowing enough recovery. Must read on it in the notes for the plan also.

    Yeah, that's what i would have done. They're on the plan for tonight so I'll aim for 3 min recoveries. I'd be concerned i'd get very cold if i was wet but hopefully that won't be an issue this evening, the weather looks good so far. I still haven't sourced a hill either which is always my dilemma, plenty of little drags but not enough hills around me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Well done on those sessions ! No idea how you managed in this heat . The last few mornings here it’s been 25 degrees at 7 and 27/28 by 9. I could barely manage “easy” pace. Maybe I need to stay off the cava !

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    eyrie wrote: »
    Fair play getting any running in in that heat!
    I'm only catching up on things here now and finally reading your report from the Cork Half. I'd seen the result on Strava anyway but it's great to read it! Some first half of the year you've had, it's lovely to see all the hard work pay off :)

    Thanks a mill Eyrie. I hope all is getting back to normal for you.
    ariana` wrote: »
    Really interesting K to get the detail on the purpose of that session, thanks for sharing. There are 12 second hills on the Faster Road Racing plans also but i doesn't specify a recovery - or if it does i missed that bit, i must check again actually.

    Great week, well done. Enjoy the rest of the hols.
    ReeReeG wrote: »
    No it doesn't... I just jogged them back, presuming now I wasn't allowing enough recovery. Must read on it in the notes for the plan also.

    I deliberately shared it to keep it for myself as I know I’ll forget the explanation. It felt weird just standing there at the end of the hill but at least the phone was in my belt so I looked at that :D
    Bluesquare wrote: »
    Well done on those sessions ! No idea how you managed in this heat . The last few mornings here it’s been 25 degrees at 7 and 27/28 by 9. I could barely manage “easy” pace. Maybe I need to stay off the cava !

    I’m not finding it too bad here, I think mainly because it’s not as humid as at home. I’m sweating a lot but just wear a wrist band to keep wiping it out of my eyes. Sticking to beer at night as it doesn’t really seem to give me a hangover here whereas wine would kill me. Just read your log. Well done on getting out yourself

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Running in Salou

    Monday: 45 mins easy: 4.12 miles @ 10:56 min mile
    Legs were tired today but was trying to plan my week around the holiday and we’d had an earlyish night so made myself get up. Normally I’d extend my easy runs to an hour but was allowing myself a little break while on holidays and sticking to the plan!! Took a few photos of where I was running. Got breakfast in the bakery on the way back and discovered chilled coffees in the fridge there which was great as couldn’t risk waking up the troops with the Nespresso machine. Loved the time sitting on the veranda by myself every morning before the kids woke up!

    Tuesday: rest day
    Was anticipating the session that was next in the plan and trying to get my legs some way fresh for it.

    Wednesday: Fartlek
    15' easy, 2 x 60s(AP), 2 x 90s(AP), 3 x 2'(CV), 1 x 3'(CV), 5 mins mod; 3 x 2'(CV), 2 x 90s(AP), 2 x 60s(AP), 15' easy
    Recoveries: half the effort’s time except for the 60s

    Mod: 9:00-9:20
    CV: 7:45-7:55
    AP: 7:25-7:35

    AP: 7:24; 51; 46; 46;
    CV: 8:08; 7:52; 44; 8:01
    Mod: 9:12
    CV: 8:01; 08; 11;
    AP: 7:31; 45; 38; 43

    I was awake during the night worried about this session - which is mad really! It was as tough as I expected and didn’t quite hit the paces. When I got to the cool down part I had to walk the first few minutes. Wonder how I’d have gotten on at home.

    7.51 miles in total.

    The rest of the day was spent on my feet as my husband doesn’t like the sun and decided he’d stay in the bungalow so I was going between pools watching the kids and playing with them. My ankles were quite swollen by the end of the day and a bit sore. They tended to swell most evenings which was odd and don’t think has happened on hols before but never ran so much on hols before either. Home now and I’m fine. I watched my hydration the next few days and took zero tablets each day too. I booked a physio appointment too for me to Thursday as slight niggle in my foot and might as well make sure I’m keeping in good shape.

    Thursday: 45 mins very easy - 4.54 miles @ 10:11
    My friend joined me. As our legs loosened up we got a little faster so was more easy than very easy.

    Friday: 10’ E; 2x8’ LT (8:05-15) w/ 1’ recovery; 6 min LT; CD
    Actual paces: 8:18; 8:15; 8:17

    This was definitely tougher than I would normally find this sort of session. Maybe the beer each night wasn’t helping! Felt hotter than usual too and I walked rather than jogged between reps and even walked for 10 mins before jogging again.

    5.25 miles

    Saturday: 70 mins easy: 6.61 miles @ 10:39 min miles
    My last holiday run and woke up to clouds and very hot and heavy. My friend joined me for 20 mins and I continued on by myself. I’d no notions to do anything extra today and was just looking forward to getting it done. We were flying late last night and I knew I’d be exhausted today and loads to do so wanted to make sure I’d the run out of the way.

    28 miles for the week

    That’s Phase 1 of my DCM training done and I start phase 2 tomorrow. Very pleased with the 4 weeks and enjoying the plan. Missed my S&C while I was away so must get back into that this week. I‘ve only one hard session to do this week on Wednesday as a little tired after the holiday. The long runs start increasing time and start adding stuff in too. Looks like fun!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Enjoyed the photos on Strava, fair play for getting out in that weather K, will stand to you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    OOnegative wrote: »
    Enjoyed the photos on Strava, fair play for getting out in that weather K, will stand to you.

    Thanks B. I was kind of keeping them as a log too. Was good for me to stop and take them and take in my surroundings. We got the bus to Cambrils the last night and I was looking out the window and where I’d been running most days and was surprised at how much I missed because I was concentrating on pace or a session. Glad I did the easy runs too to take in a bit more - I’d considered skipping them at times.

    Looking forward to running here tomorrow so see what it feels like in normal weather again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,761 ✭✭✭ReeReeG

    Kellygirl wrote:
    The rest of the day was spent on my feet as my husband doesn’t like the sun and decided he’d stay in the bungalow so I was going between pools watching the kids and playing with them. My ankles were quite swollen by the end of the day and a bit sore. They tended to swell most evenings which was odd and don’t think has happened on hols before but never ran so much on hols before either. Home now and I’m fine. I watched my hydration the next few days and took zero tablets each day too. I booked a physio appointment too for me to Thursday as slight niggle in my foot and might as well make sure I’m keeping in good shape.

    Myself and my friends feet were swelling up every day on hols too. I assumed just the heat.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    ReeReeG wrote: »
    Myself and my friends feet were swelling up every day on hols too. I assumed just the heat.

    Glad to hear that actually. It ruined my evening attire as couldn’t wear certain footwear and therefore certain dresses 😂

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,761 ✭✭✭ReeReeG

    Kellygirl wrote:
    Glad to hear that actually. It ruined my evening attire as couldn’t wear certain footwear and therefore certain dresses 😂

    We were just glad runners and dresses are the fashion now! Life can be hard on hols eh :p
    I was conscious of staying hydrated so I definitely think it was just heat.
