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If it’s meant to be, it’s up to me.



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Whoop whoop ! Delighted for you ! Bring in DCM

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    well done Karen so happy for you :) so great your coach was there as well and what a great friend to pace you he did a great job

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,044 ✭✭✭chickey2

    Fantastic! Well done. Sounds like a great pacer!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,739 ✭✭✭Mr. Guappa

    That's a serious chunk to knock off a 10k PB... you are on fire this year. Well done!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,601 ✭✭✭Wubble Wubble

    So you should be. What a year it's been for you. Keep it up!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 735 ✭✭✭Treviso

    Congrats on the PB and fantastic race report. Hope your personal pacer knows he now has to do the same thing for all your races in the future! Whats the next (PB) race?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Thanks all.
    Treviso wrote: »
    Congrats on the PB and fantastic race report. Hope your personal pacer knows he now has to do the same thing for all your races in the future! Whats the next (PB) race?

    I know, be hard to run by myself again after that service. :D

    Next target race is Charleville but no idea what time to aim for there now. My Cork time is 1:53:04 so I’ll have to have a good think.

    I’ll do John Buckley next week but as the last 10 miles of an 18 mile long run.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,250 ✭✭✭coogy

    K, you're running PB's for fun now!! :pac:

    Congrats on yet another!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,426 ✭✭✭scotindublin

    Cracker of a run Karen; very well done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Well done K, smashing time and great return on the training you've been doing all year.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,456 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Terrific! And what a pacer. Well done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Murph_D wrote: »
    Terrific! And what a pacer. Well done.

    He was amazing. I ran through water stops while he grabbed multiple bottles to pour over me and hold for me to drink. All I had to do was run and cling on. Hopefully I’ll get fast enough to join his pacing groups in HMs and marathons some day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    Amazing. That is all!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,338 ✭✭✭eyrie

    Brilliant!! No surprise whatsoever but delighted for you. Your coach and friend both sound like great supports!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,387 ✭✭✭Sunny Dayz

    Wow well done!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Thanks for the above comments.

    I had a quiet enough week after the race.

    Monday: 40 mins recovery
    After a day at the aqua dome we drove home to Cork and I went out for 40 mins recovery. My legs were fairly tired and ended up a bit faster than I’d have liked but was with a friend and chatting helped me forget my legs anyway. 4.17 miles @ 10:06 min miles

    Tuesday & Wednesday: Rest
    Unlike me to take prescribed rest but really felt I needed it this week and didn’t try to squeeze in even a very easy run. I usually do to keep the mileage up but decided to be good.

    Thursday: 30 min easy and 5x20s strides
    I obeyed this one too as just felt tired. Kids back in school and first run in months where I didn’t have to sort childcare or have to ask my husband if it suited for me to go at that time. I started off fine and noticed my pace got slower then. Did the strides and enjoyed them.

    Friday: Rest

    Saturday: 18 miles
    Planned: 5 easy, 3 moderate, (start John Buckley 10 mile race) 4 mp, 2 @ 8:40, 2 @ 8:30; 2 @ 8:25

    My coach checked in with me the day before to see how I was feeling and I said grand - I thought I was anyway even though I was tired all week. Put that down to the stress of back to school. Saturday was a strange day knowing my long run was in the evening and had a bowl of pasta and chicken for lunch - prob too much really.

    Met a friend and we set off at 4:40pm to do the 8 miles before the race planning on taking 78 mins to run and arrive at the start line just a few ,ins before the 6pm start. Pace should have been 10 min mile if not slightly slower for the first 5 miles. First mile was 10:02. That felt fast and realistically should have been more like 10:20 to warm up slowly. Next miles were 9:27 and 9:47. We pulled back slightly but not enough. Moved into the next 3 moderate miles which should have been 9-9:20. Again we were too fast with 8:5x min miles. Got to the start line and I really needed the break. I was dripping in sweat and had only brought 300 mls water with me which I gulped.

    The race started and we went with the 90 min pacers for the mp miles - I had planned 8:55 for these miles. First one was 8:41 and slowed a little but not much. By the end of mile 2 I was parched. We ran through the finish line where they were putting out drinks and one girl grabbed some form of energy drink. She passed some on and I gulped a good bit down. Kept up the pace knowing there was water at 4 miles. By the time we were nearly there I was in trouble. I told my friend go on and I took two bottles of water. Poured one over me and drank most of the other one. The pacer was telling everyone sip slowly as they pulled away from me and I started walking. I tried to run slowly then but all the liquids and a gel made my stomach bloat, my back was killing me and legs in pain too. As I came to Blackrock village I had a decision to make. I could pull out now and stroll back or keep going getting further away but do the 18 miles. I was so tempted to stop. Not like I was racing anyway. However I‘ve Charleville in 2 weeks and 15 easy for next week so didn’t want to have to change my plan if I didn’t do the 18 so I kept going.

    I basically jogged and walked the rest of the route feeling pretty miserable. I started seeing the smoke from the Douglas Car park fire and wondered where it was coming from. I stopped on the bridge over the link to look at it for a few seconds. It’s awful and a lot of businesses will suffer. Going down the railway line there was 3 miles to go and I stopped and started a lot. There were others around me doing the same and myself and another girl ran together for a while which was great. I tried to drag her on with me later on. My knee was in trouble at this stage and they only reason I was stopping. I’d say my IT Band is giving trouble and a few mins walking would fix it and allow me run again. I’ve a sports massage Wednesday anyway. A friend caught up with me with a mile to go and we spoke briefly and I went on. Somebody passed and said the 100 min pacers were on their way and that spurred me on. No way were they passing me out. The knee hurt and I walked, they passed and tried to pull me along and I did for a bit and gave up- and then decided feck this and took off, knee forgotten and ran to the finish line. Couldn’t even see it with the sun so was really running blindly. My friends were panicking a bit that I was injured I was so far behind my time but all ok besides dented pride.

    Amazing spread after and a great top so wasn’t all bad! I suppose maybe I wasn’t recovered but I think the paces at the start probably did the damage - I hope anyway. I think I need to do my long runs on my own. When I run with friends I just go too fast.

    Sunday: Junior Parkrun

    Been trying to get my 6 year old to do this for ages but he wouldn’t. After supporting me in Tralee last week he announced he wanted to do it this week so I had to take him. We went in and My husband came with my 3 year old to support - but my 3 year old grabbed my hand and insisted on running too and ran the whole thing without stopping. I was the proudest mum ever today. The older guy loved it too and it was probably a big benefit that the 3 year old came as we had to stay slow. He would have been trying to run fast and blown up otherwise ... like me yesterday :-)

    27.6 miles for the week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Forgot to add I hit my 1000 miles yesterday - 1 day earlier than last year!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    I know your long run didn’t go to plan - but it was still impressive with 6 miles plus consecutive MP . Remember you still carrying the super pb race from last weeks in your legs!

    Running with the kids is such a nice feeling - it’s good to enjoy our hobby with them!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,338 ✭✭✭eyrie

    That's a very big run to get done K, well done! How's the knee/ITB now?
    Loved the photos from the Junior parkrun on Strava :) Congrats on 1000 miles!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Bluesquare wrote: »
    I know your long run didn’t go to plan - but it was still impressive with 6 miles plus consecutive MP . Remember you still carrying the super pb race from last weeks in your legs!

    Running with the kids is such a nice feeling - it’s good to enjoy our hobby with them!

    I was so proud of the kids and the best part is they are dying to go back. They were out ‘training’ in the garden earlier - one lap but they are getting the idea :D
    eyrie wrote: »
    That's a very big run to get done K, well done! How's the knee/ITB now?
    Loved the photos from the Junior parkrun on Strava :) Congrats on 1000 miles!

    Thanks C. I can feel a tightness in the quad / ITB and I know if I did a long run it would get me but seeing the physical therapist tomorrow morning anyway for a massage. I have a fairly substantial session to do today or tomorrow and have been putting it off all day but think I’ll just go get it out of the way tonight. I’ll call it a day if any issues anyway but think I’ll be ok.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Monday: 1 hour easy: 5.5 miles @ 11:06
    Lovely chatty run. Enjoyed it.

    Tuesday: Harman’s Threshold Session: 4x(4' @ 8.20 w/1' @ 8.30-40); 2’ rec; 5x(3' @ 8.15, w/1' @ 8:30-40); 2’ rec; 7x(2' @ 8.05 w/1' 8:30-40)⛅

    I was living in fear of this session and was putting it off for as long as I could. My confidence was knocked after the previous long run and legs still felt heavy. I was postponing it until Wednesday morn but I’d sports massage that morning so he could have said not to do it and also the wind was forecast to be strong - so out I went that evening with a few too many negative thoughts. Warmed up and legs were heavy but just went for it anyway and started the 4x4 mins @ 8:20. My paces were pretty much spot on and while it wasn’t easy only ‘recovering’ with 1 min of tempo pace I coped with it so kept going. That set took 20 mins and had 2mins recovery then. Slow jog and onto the next set of 5x3 mins @ 8:15. Paces weren’t perfect here but within range. 20 mins of that and I walked the recovery and started into the 7x2mins @ 8:05. Surprisingly I was ok with these and pacing pretty good too. Slight issue in that it was now quite dark, the teams playing on the pitches had left and I just didn’t want to quit. I did think of crime watch and people watching thinking ‘how thick can you be’ when they were trying to solve my murder but completing this session was the only thing on my mind at this point :rolleyes: Anyway, I did it and finished with 9 miles of running and quite pleased with myself. My husband rang then to know where exactly I was. Luckily I could tell the truth and say just jogging back to the car at that point or I may have been murdered by him!

    It was so late when I showered and dried my hair I forgot to eat u til I was in bed and hungry and couldn’t be bothered then.

    Wednesday: Sports massage and very easy run
    My lower back and IT Band were sore so the session was torture. I was supposed to do 60 mins easy but gave up after 30 mins very easy which wasn’t remotely easy or very easy. I was starving all day and presumed it was because of the session the night before.

    Friday: 60mins easy and 10x20sec strides
    This was ok, didn’t feel as easy as it should have and didn’t really enjoy it. Negative thoughts back about the long run I had to do the next day. Tried to be conscious of eating plenty to fuel me for Saturday.

    Saturday: 19 miles @ 10:27
    Ugh! Went over to Rochestown so plenty of variety. My coach had prescribed 17 but told me try do 19 if feeling good. As I ran in through Douglas I couldn't take my normal route as they had it blocked due to last week’s fire and the crane was being set up in a new place to lift cars out of the Carpark. They’d loads out when I passed by after my run in the car. Took my detour and added an extra hill in. As I got to Turners cross I decided to take a left rather than stick to my planned route and was going to add the 2 extra miles into my route there. Then I decided to just stick to the Cork marathon route. That was pure stupid as it was the hilly part and all drags. I spent the first 10 miles deciding to pull out of DCM. The route got flatter then and I felt a little better. Ran through the mardyke and on into city and noticed it was all foreigners. Where are all the Irish? I’d 550mls water with me but that was nearly gone at 13 miles so I stopped at a shop and got another 500ml bottle, filled my squeezy bottle and drank the rest. I’d just taken a caffeine gel and that kicked in as I ran along Centre Park road so I decided I’d do 20 miles altogether. However another fade at mile 19 and ran past the car to finish the last half mile and completed it. Run banked and done!

    Sunday: Junior parkrun 1.25 miles Very very very slow with a 4 and 6 year old.

    44.8 miles for the week .... was so tempted to go and run around the house do to .2 to round up to 45 miles earlier.

    So, bit of a negative end to the week but I think I (or the 2017 novices girls) have figured out the problem. I had decided I needed to get down a few pounds and went back to the nutritionist I was with at the start of the year. Back in January she had me on about 1450 calories a day so without asking her I just did that again ... yet yesterday morning I apparently burned 1950 calories on my run. I’m hoping that it’s just a case that I wasn’t eating enough during the week and that there’ll be a big improvement this week. I thought I was eating really well but for I’d say the first time in my life I haven’t been eating enough. And with that ... I’m off to eat a bit more as just worked out what I‘ve eaten today and not enough again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Kellygirl wrote:
    So, bit of a negative end to the week but I think I (or the 2017 novices girls) have figured out the problem. I had decided I needed to get down a few pounds and went back to the nutritionist I was with at the start of the year. Back in January she had me on about 1450 calories a day so without asking her I just did that again ... yet yesterday morning I apparently burned 1950 calories on my run. I’m hoping that it’s just a case that I wasn’t eating enough during the week and that there’ll be a big improvement this week. I thought I was eating really well but for I’d say the first time in my life I haven’t been eating enough. And with that ... I’m off to eat a bit more as just worked out what I‘ve eaten today and not enough again.

    Seems like you've worked it out without me throwing my tuppence in. If you don't eat after running (especially after a session like that) then it'll have a knock on effect throughout the week. Mood will be off. You'll be more fatigued. You'll be severly depleted in a 19 miler. There's no mysteries there anyway. Make sure you stay nourished. It's fairly heavy duty training youre doing so now more than ever you need to stay fed! Not giving out as I'm guilty of the same myself.

    Well done on a tough week though. Stay fed!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Your week sounds very like mine! I also had a sports massage last week . Found runs very hard for 4 days after to the point were I was convinced he’d injured me! Grand now though .

    Also with the food - I’d put on a few pounds on holiday . I was happy enough not to loose it as didn’t want to diet from an energy perspective but was trying to make sure I didn’t gain weight. I was sticking to 1600 calories a day , but have added more protein to my diet so during the week the odd day I wasn’t eating full amount . I was also ignoring the running calories . This week I tried ( for the first time ever in my life) to eat a bit more and lost two pounds . My husband thinks it’s very funny - He’s a very intuitive eater ( high metabolism ) and doesn’t get it that the struggle is real. So you maybe in for surprise loss pretty soon !

    Cork city is very hilly - your going to run into some good hills in a twenty miler I suppose no matter what way you go . My in-laws live at the top of a giant hill , so dread the climb home always !

    Your doing great training and your runs look very strong ! When is your half ? Are you going to race it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Seems like you've worked it out without me throwing my tuppence in. If you don't eat after running (especially after a session like that) then it'll have a knock on effect throughout the week. Mood will be off. You'll be more fatigued. You'll be severly depleted in a 19 miler. There's no mysteries there anyway. Make sure you stay nourished. It's fairly heavy duty training youre doing so now more than ever you need to stay fed! Not giving out as I'm guilty of the same myself.

    Well done on a tough week though. Stay fed!

    Thanks P. Yeah, I feel like a bit of an eegit. Not the time to be reducing calories to lose weight. All I have to do is stay away from the crap and make up the calories from good food. I’ve been getting PBs all year while always being a bit heavier than I’d like to be so I’m nice and strong so I need to not ruin that. I baked and made lots of healthy treats today so hopefully with a week of easy running ahead I’ll be back in track.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Bluesquare wrote: »
    Your week sounds very like mine! I also had a sports massage last week . Found runs very hard for 4 days after to the point were I was convinced he’d injured me! Grand now though .

    Also with the food - I’d put on a few pounds on holiday . I was happy enough not to loose it as didn’t want to diet from an energy perspective but was trying to make sure I didn’t gain weight. I was sticking to 1600 calories a day , but have added more protein to my diet so during the week the odd day I wasn’t eating full amount . I was also ignoring the running calories . This week I tried ( for the first time ever in my life) to eat a bit more and lost two pounds . My husband thinks it’s very funny - He’s a very intuitive eater ( high metabolism ) and doesn’t get it that the struggle is real. So you maybe in for surprise loss pretty soon ! W

    Cork city is very hilly - your going to run into some good hills in a twenty miler I dispose no matter what way you go . My in-laws live at the top of a giant hill , so dread the climb home always !

    Your doing great training and your runs look very strong ! When is your half ? Are you going to race it?

    Thanks BS. If I’d stuck to the planned route hills would have been limited so I was a clown to change mid run.

    I’m always careful to have protein and carbs in each meal so I haven’t been too hungry outside my meals and my snacks have been very healthy too. I can have more of them now.

    The half is Charleville next weekend. Current plan is to race it so hopefully will get the body in shape for that during the week. Hoping for a PB.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Kellygirl wrote: »
    Thanks BS. If I’d stuck to the planned route hills would have been limited so I was a clown to change mid run.

    I’m always careful to have protein and carbs in each meal so I haven’t been too hungry outside my meals and my snacks have been very healthy too. I can have more of them now.

    The half is Charleville next weekend. Current plan is to race it so hopefully will get the body in shape for that during the week. Hoping for a PB.

    What kind of runs are you planning to do mid week ? I’m going ratoath on Saturday - I’m planning on racing but very conservatively.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Kellygirl wrote: »
    So, bit of a negative end to the week but I think I (or the 2017 novices girls) have figured out the problem. I had decided I needed to get down a few pounds and went back to the nutritionist I was with at the start of the year. Back in January she had me on about 1450 calories a day so without asking her I just did that again ... yet yesterday morning I apparently burned 1950 calories on my run.

    1450calories a day is *bonkers* for anyone in marathon training, esp someone on a schedule like yours. I am always eating a bit extra when I go over 30 miles a week.

    But to be honest I don't think a marathon schedule is ever the right time for dieting, I could never understand those guys on the Novices thread who were avoiding the chip shop. We *need* our carbs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Bluesquare wrote: »
    What kind of runs are you planning to do mid week ? I’m going ratoath on Saturday - I’m planning on racing but very conservatively.

    I’m doing 30 mins very easy tomorrow; 75 mins easy Tuesday, a short Threshold and CV session Wednesday and then just 45 mins very easy on Friday. Race is Sunday then. What are you planning?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    1450calories a day is *bonkers* for anyone in marathon training, esp someone on a schedule like yours. I am always eating a bit extra when I go over 30 miles a week.

    But to be honest I don't think a marathon schedule is ever the right time for dieting, I could never understand those guys on the Novices thread who were avoiding the chip shop. We *need* our carbs.

    I know. :o I don’t know what I was thinking at all. I was tracking on My Fitness Pal and eating really good meals and snacks with what I thought was plenty carbs but I can add in more so that’s good news! If I hadn’t been tracking I’d still be totally unaware as there I was thinking my food intake was great!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Kellygirl wrote: »
    I’m doing 30 mins very easy tomorrow; 75 mins easy Tuesday, a short Threshold and CV session Wednesday and then just 45 mins very easy on Friday. Race is Sunday then. What are you planning?

    I was going to be a little easier on myself ! I was going with 9 miles easy on Tuesday , and 4 miles easy on Wednesday and maybe 3/4 on Thursday.
