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If it’s meant to be, it’s up to me.



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Bluesquare wrote: »
    I was going to be a little easier on myself ! I was going with 9 miles easy on Tuesday , and 4 miles easy on Wednesday and maybe 3/4 on Thursday.

    Not too different so mileage wise. Good to know.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    I started into this week with the main aim being to fix my nutrition and get back on track. I upped my calorie intake by about 500 calories per day and what a difference that made within 2-3 days! I‘ve eaten really well all week and feel I‘ve been eating loads but still down about 2lbs but happy with that as my running is feeling good again and that tired all day feeling is gone.

    Monday: Recovery Run: 3miles @ 10:52
    Ran by feel and felt I was very steady and the run got easier as time passed - looked at Strava afterwards and it was like a progression run: 11:11; 10:54; 10:34

    Tuesday: 75 mins easy: 7.25 miles @ 10:22

    Loved this run as felt totally back on track. Ran with a friend and lovely weather, great chatting and just enjoyed it. Felt really strong and could have kept going no bother at the end.

    Wednesday: 12 min Threshold (8:05-15); 5 min easy; 5 x (2min CV (7:45-55) with 1min recovery)
    Threshold paces: 8:08; 7:59
    CV paces: 7:57; 45; 26; 37; 38

    This was grand if a bit on the fast side. It felt hard and I worked at it but doable. Was doing laps of the pitches and kept passing a girl jogging pushing a pram and passed her again as I was cooling down when she was feeding her baby on a bench so stopped and had a chat. Jogged back to the car then and 6 miles done.

    Friday: 40 mins easy: 4 miles @ 10:03
    Ran with 2 friends. Lovely run. Felt good. Prob should have been slower but tried to pull them back a couple of times and gave up after that.

    Charleville tomorrow. Feeling good and all the brilliant results from Ratoath today have given me confidence. My training has been good and I feel I’m back on form again so fingers crossed it goes my way. 1:53:04 is the number to beat.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Best of luck tomorrow Karen, your in great shape. Back yourself when it gets tough, run well!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    OOnegative wrote: »
    Best of luck tomorrow Karen, your in great shape. Back yourself when it gets tough, run well!!

    Thanks B. Will do my best.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,739 ✭✭✭Mr. Guappa

    Best of luck tomorrow!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 470 ✭✭Dealerz2.0

    Very best of luck tomorrow K

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Singer

    "Enjoy" :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,473 ✭✭✭Comic Book Guy

    All the very best tomorrow K, you have a great block of training in your legs and lungs!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,250 ✭✭✭coogy

    Best o' luck tomorrow K!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,426 ✭✭✭scotindublin

    Good luck today Karen; you have a great block of training done; knock this 1/2 out of the park!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Charleville HM report

    Going to get this out of the way and put it behind me and try not to dwell too much on it. It had to happen sometime but my streak of PBs has come to an end. Now at 9 races but 8 PBs this year.

    Woke up and had a good breakfast, shower and got on the road feeling great and feeling strong. Got to Charleville, parked and met a few people. Weather seemed good with even a bit of drizzle on the way down. It was 15 degrees at 8am so I thought drizzle would be nice during the race. Dumped my bag in bag drop and headed for a warm up. Remembered my pacebands were in the car so went back to the multistory for them and came out to continue my warm up - watch told me I had done a mile in 7:24. Must have been the multistory made the gps go wonky but slight panic. In my wisdom I had made 3 pacebands. I was wearing sub 1:50 and had put 1:51 and 1:52 in my pocket just in case :rolleyes:

    Anyway, lined up behind the 1:50 pacers mainly as I was chatting to one of them who I know. They were going to be doing 8:21 and I felt that was really doable but planned to hang back at the start anyway. Race started before I knew it and we were off. The start was a nice decline but narrow so I couldn’t pull back as much as I wanted and the pace was fast. I held back as much as I could seeing 7:50 on the watch at one stage but felt slow. I let the pacers pull away straight away. Pace felt fine but I noticed I was starting to sweat very quickly and I worried I was working too hard even though I didn’t feel like it. Checked my heart rate and it was 17x and thought that was a bit high for a few mins in. Hopefully just nerves. Passed the 1 mile marked at 8:06 and the field was spreading out so pulled back aiming for 8:25. My next 3 miles were 8:23; 8:24; 8:28 and heart rate was now up in the 180s. I was dripping in sweat and sipping away at my tailwind and took water to pour over me at 3 miles. Didn’t help. I was bang on for 1:49:30.

    I pulled the pace back and hoped if I ran a bit slower then I would cool down. Mile 5 came in at 9:09 and I wasn’t feeling any better so pulled in back further and miles 6 was 9:39. These felt like a drag and I thought the course was supposed to be flat but I realise now that they were a small drag - enough to be felt when I wasn’t on top form anyway. I had put a caffeine gel in my pocket just in case I didn’t like the tailwind or carrying the bottles so I decided to take it while running through Kilmallock. Whether it was just mental or not I got a boost and miles 7 and 8 were 8:55 and 8:39. I was feeling ok and the paceband was saying I was 3 mins behind at those miles. The 1:55 pacers passed a bit after and I stuck with them for a bit but started struggling again and dropped back. I tore off the paceband and just gave up on any hope of a pb and just plodded along. Miles 10-12 were 9:54; 9:56; 9:43. The ambulance passed a couple of times during this part with the sirens on and could hear sirens up ahead too.

    As I started into mile 13 the 2 hour pacers passed. Well I could definitely stick with this crowd and go sub 2 hr at least. Then one of the pacers said “we’re on for 1:59:30 ... for anybody that started long side us that is” ... and I stopped and walked and threw my toys out of the pram for a minute or so. A girl passed me and I started running behind her and kept going until the end. She collapsed at the finish line. It was really strange as one second she was fine and I looked away looking for my friend and then looked back and people were running to her and holding her up. I went over the finish line in 2:00:45 or something - not really bothered what it was and haven’t checked the official results.

    Initially I was upset but as I spoke to others who had pulled out or been much slower than they wanted I realised I wasn’t alone. Walking to get my bag I had to go round a few people being dealt with by medics.

    So if I was to analyse - yes my first mile was too fast. I’d planned on it being 8:25-35 not 8:06. Maybe 1:50 was too big a drop in PB for me - funnily enough I still don’t think it is and if it had been a cold day I think I would have got closer to it. I’ll just blame the weather :D

    DCM next .... hmmmm I won’t let today derail me too much as I know I’m well capable of more than today but I do need to think hard over the next few weeks how I want to run it - I do not want it to be a slog fest though and would get more enjoyment out of breezing over the finish line a few minutes slower than crawling over it in bits. Still leaves me with the question what to aim for but sure we’ll see how training goes for the next while.

    Oh and my eldest got a 3 min PB in junior parkrun and is delighted with himself so I gave him my Charleville medal. I’ll wear the top alright though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,426 ✭✭✭scotindublin

    Sorry to hear that today didn't go as planned. Sounds like one to put to the back of the mind quickly; reading the comments on the thread about the race it seems like it was tough enough.

    Time to look back on what you have achieved the past while and all the PBs that you have run and take confidence from that aswell as the training you are putting in. Another few solid weeks and the hard work will be done for Dublin.

    Not every day is going to go to plan; get back on the horse and ride it out until marathon day. The cumulative affect of this year will see you through I have no doubts about that at all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,473 ✭✭✭Comic Book Guy

    Unlucky today K but reading your report 8 PBs this year is phenomenal so you are still in brilliant shape for DCM and should approach it with great confidence.
    Also you showed great awareness to recognise the warning signs early on today and dealt with it accordingly. I know I would love to have that maturity and discipline.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    Don't worry too much about it. You've a good solid block behind you which will stand to yo come DCM. I think it's better not to leave your best potential marathon behind you on the the roads around Charleville

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Sorry to hear that today didn't go as planned. Sounds like one to put to the back of the mind quickly; reading the comments on the thread about the race it seems like it was tough enough.

    Time to look back on what you have achieved the past while and all the PBs that you have run and take confidence from that aswell as the training you are putting in. Another few solid weeks and the hard work will be done for Dublin.

    Not every day is going to go to plan; get back on the horse and ride it out until marathon day. The cumulative affect of this year will see you through I have no doubts about that at all.

    Thanks C. Looking forward to just getting on with it now and getting to taper time.
    Unlucky today K but reading your report 8 PBs this year is phenomenal so you are still in brilliant shape for DCM and should approach it with great confidence.
    Also you showed great awareness to recognise the warning signs early on today and dealt with it accordingly. I know I would love to have that maturity and discipline.

    Thanks J. I do have a fear of blowing up or even getting myself to the point of overheating and fainting. I spent years with a tendency to faint from dehydration and/or low blood sugars always in heat so I’m possibly too careful when I start to feel hot.
    Don't worry too much about it. You've a good solid block behind you which will stand to yo come DCM. I think it's better not to leave your best potential marathon behind you on the the roads around Charleville

    No not going to worry too much about this one. I was maybe a bit over confident of getting a PB today and maybe I needed to be put in my place a bit. I went in to this year saying I was going to chip away at my PBs and did that but today went for a bigger Pb and slowest HM in a couple of years. Back to plan A now!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Sorry it didn’t go as plan. 8/9 pbs is an amazing stat to have under your belt .

    Don’t be wavering on your target time - your strong , your training is great - own it!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Monday: Rest
    Was a bit sore after Charleville so did some jobs instead of a recovery run but plenty walking round loosened me up and had Junior Athletics that evening too. It’s a nice little leg loosener jogging round the track with the kids and doing a few drills and sprints etc.

    Tuesday: Easy Hour: 6 miles @ 10:08 min mile
    Had a sports massage where I was given a good pep talk and walked out feeling invincible. Took myself over to Rochestown after for my run. It was an amazing morning and I really enjoyed the easy run and legs felt great. They always do after the massage.

    Wednesday: 60’ easy + 10x 200m hard with 200m jog recoveries: 8.5 miles
    Grand easy run and had picked a 200m path in the park to do the 200m hard part. I had set it up on my watch but funny how I’d run 200m one direction and turn around and jog back but watch would tell me I was back at the start before I actually was so kept having to stop it to run a bit further to get me back to the start and the finishing point wasn’t identical each time either even though I tried to start at the same point. Anyway, I was given guidelines to aim for between 45-48 seconds but not be concerned with pace and more about form. My times ended up being 50, 52, 51, 49, 49, 48, 48, 47, 46, 48. Not a hope of 45 but I got faster as time went on which is good I think.

    Friday: Plan: 19 miles: 3 easy, 6x2 miles @ 105% MP w/ 800m float at 40s slower, 1 easy
    Actual ....... 20 miles of I don’t quite know what :rolleyes:

    Had to bring this run forward due to family commitments over the weekend. Maybe not ideal after Charleville but went for it anyway. I knew the forecast was for strong winds so went over to Rochestown hoping the changing direction frequently would make it a bit easier. As I wouldn’t be passing shops and I knew it was going to be hot I decided to use tailwind and a hydration pack. After a couple of minutes I barely noticed the backpack. I had 2 sachets on tailwind in 1.3L of water.

    Anyway, set off for the easy miles. They were ok - not as easy as today’s miles I thought this morn. When I picked up the pace for the first 105% MP I was supposed to be hitting 8:42 min miles ... but I wasn’t any faster than 8:50 for some reason. The 800m was at 9:27 and back into the next 2 miles. The last 1.5 miles of this was into the wind and I really felt it. Gave myself a slower recovery before the next set which started into the wind again. The 2nd mile of the 4th set was very tough and after that I pulled back on the 5th set and didn’t even try and pick up the pace for the 6th set. Actually I stopped and took a breather on a bench with about 4 miles to go. Oddly enough while I couldn’t do the faster paces I was fine trotting along at an easy pace so I decided I’d do an extra mile to make up for not doing the pace stuff and do 20 miles.

    Like Charleville I was sweating like crazy and all my tailwind was gone at 18 miles. I bought 750mls water at 18.5 miles and set off again. I could have probably gone more than 20 miles but my hip was a bit sore and I’d a funny pain behind my knee so I called it a day.

    I got onto my coach as I was feeling like a failure for not achieving the session but I knew I should be pleased that I had just run 20 miles with 8 of them around MP - which realistically isn’t MP I think at this stage. Anyway, my training plan is changing for the next couple of weeks to hopefully suit me better. I’m currently not bothered about a time in DCM. I just want to finish strongly and do a better time than 2017.

    Saturday: Rest
    Lots of rest after a kids party. Was feeling pretty miserable with the start of a head cold and sore throat so had a few lemsips during the day. Went to bed at 6pm and watched TV for hours. It was great!

    Sunday: Planned 75 mins easy
    Woke up feeling good so fought off whatever was trying to take hold and organized the boys for Junior parkrun. Got my husband to drive them so I could run myself after. I jogged over to the start line, ran it holding my eldest’s hand and after a trip to the playground I went off for my own run. My legs felt really good and it was a lovely run. Just did 4.25 miles and decided that was enough as was about to rain and didn’t want to get wet. 6.25 miles in total

    41.6 miles in total for the week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Tried to post a reply there doing fancy stuff so made a mess of it .!

    My legs always feel awful after a massage for days - funny how things effect people differently !

    From reading your long run posts I think maybe you need to look at hydration . Your fueling with tailwind but it maybe not answering your hydration needs - the formula you are using is too dense for hydration .( according to my bestie Stacy who was asked the direct question on Instagram recently ) . If you use half the powder in the same water you will have the optimal hydration formula . You will need additional fuel though as less calories . ( try kinder choc bon bons - yummy). The other option is to use as is but drink water as well .
    This maybe why your over heating.

    I’ve been using Osmo which is exactly the same as tailwind only half the concentration . 70 calories per 500 ML.

    Your training is great - you have had a great year - you shouldn’t start doubting yourself now .

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Bluesquare wrote: »
    Tried to post a reply there doing fancy stuff so made a mess of it .!

    My legs always feel awful after a massage for days - funny how things effect people differently !

    From reading your long run posts I think maybe you need to look at hydration . Your fueling with tailwind but it maybe not answering your hydration needs - the formula you are using is too dense for hydration .( according to my bestie Stacy who was asked the direct question on Instagram recently ) . If you use half the powder in the same water you will have the optimal hydration formula . You will need additional fuel though as less calories . ( try kinder choc bon bons - yummy). The other option is to use as is but drink water as well .
    This maybe why your over heating.

    I’ve been using Osmo which is exactly the same as tailwind only half the concentration . 70 calories per 500 ML.

    Your training is great - you have had a great year - you shouldn’t start doubting yourself now .

    Thanks Bluesquare. That’s interesting. I’m looking forward to a cooler day to see how I get on. Today’s session was incredible and I breezed through it in pouring rain and wind. I didn’t feel hot or anything and I wonder if it was that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Monday: 15’ WU, 7x5’ LT (8:05-15) w/ 1’ Rec, 15’ CD
    8 Miles: (8:09; 8:03; 8:10; 8:01; 7:54; 8:07; 8:07)

    This was like the perfect session. It was pouring and windy but no choice of when to run so just had to go with it. It’s warm though at the moment so I discovered rain is fine! Every 5 min rep was just grand. No bother at all. I was surprised by the watch a few times when it vibrated to tell me the 5 mins was up. 1 min jog recovery and I’d be off again. I’d have happily kept going at any point and would have been able for more reps too. Was so so pleased with this and best I’ve felt in weeks.

    Tuesday: 45’ recovery: Actual: 5.52 miles @ 9:47
    Ran with a friend so definitely not recovery pace but enjoyed it anyway. Got wet again.

    Wednesday: 75’ very easy: 7.03 miles @ 10:43

    Did what I was told for this one and when it started raining heading into the last mile I picked up the pace to 9:30 but all my other miles were very easy.

    Friday: 19M: 5 Easy; 5 Easy Mod (9:20-10:10); 5 MP (9-9:20)
    Yet more wind and rain forecast so donned my sleeveless rain jacket and a cap and toddled off with my hydration pack again. 1.5L of tailwind this time. Kept the first 5 miles very easy and got soaked 1 mile in! I didn’t mind it though. Was feeling good. Moved up a gear for the next 7 miles and no bother. Got rained on every now and then and wind was strong in parts but wasn’t bothering me. At mile 13 I moved into the MP miles. Funnily enough it felt more natural in terms of pace or stride or something. The sun came out and I started feeling the heat. I stopped for a minute or 2 to take off my hat and put it in the bag and check how much tailwind I’d left. Took off again and did another 2 miles and had to stop to take off the jacket and pack it away. Off I went again and finished the run. My mp miles were 9:09, 9:23; 9:09; 9:25; 9:17; 9:04; 9:04.

    I was happy with this run. I ate really well afterwards and while my legs were tired during the day I felt really good yesterday morning and not a twinge.

    Sunday: 75 mins very easy
    Had junior parkrun so ran a mile to that, did the run with my youngest who was 4 yesterday so it was his first official one. I then went off for my own run. I kept it very easy but wanted to do 7.5 miles to make my mileage up to 50 miles this week so ran for a little extra time. 10 miles altogether this morn.

    50.2 miles for the week - my highest mileage week this year. I‘ve also done 172.7 miles this month with about 7 more to go tomorrow. Highest mileage month too.

    So all in all a great week and feeling good. One more week before taper ... phew!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 470 ✭✭Dealerz2.0

    A great week, well done K

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Great week ! One big one left ! Hope that hurricane doesn’t mess with the mileage !

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Bluesquare wrote: »
    Great week ! One big one left ! Hope that hurricane doesn’t mess with the mileage !

    I know! Thinking the same. Tomorrow’s session is going be pouring rain and wind yet again it seems. Can’t run Tuesday so hopefully can on Wednesday and Thursday and my long run is going to be the Run Galway Bay 10k+HM double up on Saturday ... and roll on taper time then.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Kellygirl wrote: »
    I know! Thinking the same. Tomorrow’s session is going be pouring rain and wind yet again it seems. Can’t run Tuesday so hopefully can on Wednesday and Thursday and my long run is going to be the Run Galway Bay 10k+HM double up on Saturday ... and roll on taper time then.

    Is it not always raining in cork though ? Well apart from the June bank holiday weekend ! The tropical south.

    Interested to know what that HM course is like - been talking about it for a few years but haven’t got around to it yet !

    I’m planning to front load just in case . I’ll do the longer MP session on Tuesday , And see how it goes .

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Bluesquare wrote: »
    Is it not always raining in cork though ? Well apart from the June bank holiday weekend ! The tropical south.

    Interested to know what that HM course is like - been talking about it for a few years but haven’t got around to it yet !

    I’m planning to front load just in case . I’ll do the longer MP session on Tuesday , And see how it goes .

    Seems to be always raining right now :rolleyes:

    The HM course in Galway? It’s 2 and a bit laps of the 10k course so 3 laps with a bit extra for the double up. I did the 10k in 2016. It’s flat and runs out along the water and back again in a kind of loop. Was very nice in clear blue skies in 2016. On a windy rainy day it could be a different kettle of fish :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Nice week K. You're flying through the training :D
    Bluesquare wrote: »
    Great week ! One big one left ! Hope that hurricane doesn’t mess with the mileage !

    What's this about a hurricane :eek:?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,250 ✭✭✭coogy

    Great week for you K! Seems to be all coming together very nicely!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,507 ✭✭✭Damo 2k9

    I find the long runs with 'stuff' as S would call it, really help break it up and make it into a more enjoyable run instead of the plodding along for 19-20 miles that we all hate.

    Brilliant week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    It’s all coming together...

    Monday 30th Sep: 10min Easy; 60 min 9-9:10 pace
    8.07 miles: pace miles were 8:56, 9:02, 8:53, 8:53, 8:55, 8:58, 9:07

    I loved this run - it was perfect. Pouring rain and windy but that seems to help me and stuck to the pitches so not going through too much mud. I realise the paces were a little fast but they didn’t feel it. It just felt right.

    This run brought me to 180.8 miles for September- highest mileage I’ve ever done in a month.

    Wednesday: 2M Easy; 8x1min moderate hills at CV
    CV pace 7:45-55: 7:20; 7:17; 7:35; 7:22; 7:28; 7:25; 7:52; 7:47

    Running in the sun - wow! It was actually really cold but I warmed up once I started the hill repeats. I’m not good at pacing myself on the hills so I went out way too hot - 6 times :rolleyes: I was wrecked at the top each time but I finally got the last 2 right.

    Thursday: 45 mins recovery: 4.59miles @ 9:50 min mile

    Storm Lorenzo was making it’s presence felt so normal service resumed. I’d arranged to meet a friend and I nearly bailed but we decided we’d just go for it. We felt like kids running through puddles in pouring rain and howling wind - it was great fun :D I ignored pace and just had fun.

    Saturday: Run Galway Bay 10k + HM Double up
    2M Easy; 4M 9-9:10; 3M Easy; 5M 8:50-9:00; 1M Easy; 4M 8:50-9:00

    Had a plan A (above), B and C for this as similar sessions a few weeks ago hadn’t worked out. My easy pace is officially 9:45-10:15 though I often run slower for easy days but I decided that I was very much sticking to prescribed paces for this one. Also 10:15 is the pace for the first mile in DCM on my 4:10 paceband so I decided I’d do the 1st mile of Galway at that pace too and see how I felt.

    Browneyes and I carbloaded very well on Friday and got up and had a good breakfast before strolling down to the start line. It was, yet again pouring rain but all my best runs seem to be in rain now so that was ok. We queued for bag drop and proceeded to be late for the 10k start but not like we were racing it anyway. Joined in the back of the race and we started nice and slowly behind all the walkers. We ambled along and I felt fresh as a daisy as we passed out the hoards. After 2 miles I left Browneyes to start into my 9-9:10 stuff and the pace was just right again like last Monday. It felt so good passing out all these people and felt like I was putting in no effort at all. The wind was quite strong when we turned back along the prom and it was comical going out the causeway. I had to hold my hat to stop it blowing off. Gave Browneyes a High 5 as we passed each other on the causeway and then I was back at the start ready to start into my second lap. My paces were 9:04; 9:04; 8:48; 8:48. The 10k people finished here and I went on and started chatting to another guy doing the Double Up. I was back doing easy at this stage for 3 miles. We started chatting to a couple doing the same race and the 4 of us had some good chats and laughs for a while.

    I was back heading into the wind when I had to pick up the pace to 8:50-9:00. This was all fine. Paces were 9:00; 8:48; 8:48; 8:39; 8:44. The Half Marathon started as I was heading back and I could see them flying along. I headed into the back of them and started passing people out again. There was a short loop to be done here so next thing they were all coming back against me. Browneyes flew past me here on the tempo part of her run and I caught up with her then as she went back to easy and I finished out my 5 miles. I had 1M easy to do and found it hard to slow right down. C reminded me a few times that we were doing 9:30 so I pulled back to try get as much as a breather as possible. C ran on ahead to catch up with Baby75 as we’d just passed her husband who shouted that she was only a few seconds ahead. I had been taking Maurten gels every 30 mins and my 4th one was one of the new caffeine gels. I took that round the start of the easy mile I think.

    As I picked up into the last 4 8:50-9min miles I caught up with C and N and had a little chat but kept going. I was buzzing. A few mins later my stomach cramped and I thought I was in trouble and reacting to the caffeine gel. I panicked a bit and started checking for hotels to run to the loo if need be. I knew the portaloos were another while off. The feeling passed though and I got back to focusing on my running. I was definitely feeling the pace a little more but I remember seeing 3 miles to go and thinking no way am I going to slow down now. The wind seemed to have changed direction so I had it against me for the first couple of miles this time and I slowed a bit on the one hilly part but I had no problem picking it up again. I was due to take another caffeine gel with 20 mins to go. Seemed pointless in terms of energy and I didn’t need it but I took it anyway to see how my stomach would react ... no bother luckily. My miles were 8:55, 9:02, 8:55 and 8:41. I could have kept going at the end but deliberately slowed to cool down pace for the last .38 mile. I was over the moon going through the finish line though. It felt like DCM 17 when I had a ball the whole way round. I just loved it, even when the rain was so heavy it was stinging. That just made me feel strong :D

    It took my coach and Ariana to point out that my average pace for the whole run was 9:11 - 4 hour marathon pace practically. That definitely throws up a few questions about DCM now. I had thought 4:10 was doable. My coach was saying last week that I’d be well able for 4:05 and now I’ve run close to 4 hour pace for the guts of 20miles. :confused::confused:

    Thing is Galway is a flat course and yes it was a bit windy but often that was side on rather than head on. Sure I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t start playing with pacebands and dithering left, right and centre at this point :D

    38.3 miles for the week and so begins Taper Time. Woohoo!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    Savage stuff all systems go!
