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If it’s meant to be, it’s up to me.



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    Twas a great day, I loved the rain and wind as well it helped keep you cool

    Well done on a cracking run and enjoy the taper madness mine wont start till next week ;)
    maybe you might help me with my pacebands but I was thinking of setting it up on my watch as a workout :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Baby75 wrote: »
    Twas a great day, I loved the rain and wind as well it helped keep you cool

    Well done on a cracking run and enjoy the taper madness mine wont start till next week ;)
    maybe you might help me with my pacebands but I was thinking of setting it up on my watch as a workout :D

    Of course I will. You’d just need to consider that if you set it up mile by mile then the watch could end up being a bit off. Last year both E and I found that our watches were beeping a good bit before the markers from very early on - as in the 2 mile mark and the gap got bigger. I think it would be too confusing to remember to do lap button press at each mile marker but it could work maybe?? I think I’ll go for the paper wristband anyway and thinking about something on the watch then.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Kellygirl wrote: »
    It’s all coming together...

    Monday 30th Sep: 10min Easy; 60 min 9-9:10 pace
    8.07 miles: pace miles were 8:56, 9:02, 8:53, 8:53, 8:55, 8:58, 9:07

    I loved this run - it was perfect. Pouring rain and windy but that seems to help me and stuck to the pitches so not going through too much mud. I realise the paces were a little fast but they didn’t feel it. It just felt right.

    This run brought me to 180.8 miles for September- highest mileage I’ve ever done in a month.

    Wednesday: 2M Easy; 8x1min moderate hills at CV
    CV pace 7:45-55: 7:20; 7:17; 7:35; 7:22; 7:28; 7:25; 7:52; 7:47

    Running in the sun - wow! It was actually really cold but I warmed up once I started the hill repeats. I’m not good at pacing myself on the hills so I went out way too hot - 6 times :rolleyes: I was wrecked at the top each time but I finally got the last 2 right.

    Thursday: 45 mins recovery: 4.59miles @ 9:50 min mile

    Storm Lorenzo was making it’s presence felt so normal service resumed. I’d arranged to meet a friend and I nearly bailed but we decided we’d just go for it. We felt like kids running through puddles in pouring rain and howling wind - it was great fun :D I ignored pace and just had fun.

    Saturday: Run Galway Bay 10k + HM Double up
    2M Easy; 4M 9-9:10; 3M Easy; 5M 8:50-9:00; 1M Easy; 4M 8:50-9:00

    Had a plan A (above), B and C for this as similar sessions a few weeks ago hadn’t worked out. My easy pace is officially 9:45-10:15 though I often run slower for easy days but I decided that I was very much sticking to prescribed paces for this one. Also 10:15 is the pace for the first mile in DCM on my 4:10 paceband so I decided I’d do the 1st mile of Galway at that pace too and see how I felt.

    Browneyes and I carbloaded very well on Friday and got up and had a good breakfast before strolling down to the start line. It was, yet again pouring rain but all my best runs seem to be in rain now so that was ok. We queued for bag drop and proceeded to be late for the 10k start but not like we were racing it anyway. Joined in the back of the race and we started nice and slowly behind all the walkers. We ambled along and I felt fresh as a daisy as we passed out the hoards. After 2 miles I left Browneyes to start into my 9-9:10 stuff and the pace was just right again like last Monday. It felt so good passing out all these people and felt like I was putting in no effort at all. The wind was quite strong when we turned back along the prom and it was comical going out the causeway. I had to hold my hat to stop it blowing off. Gave Browneyes a High 5 as we passed each other on the causeway and then I was back at the start ready to start into my second lap. My paces were 9:04; 9:04; 8:48; 8:48. The 10k people finished here and I went on and started chatting to another guy doing the Double Up. I was back doing easy at this stage for 3 miles. We started chatting to a couple doing the same race and the 4 of us had some good chats and laughs for a while.

    I was back heading into the wind when I had to pick up the pace to 8:50-9:00. This was all fine. Paces were 9:00; 8:48; 8:48; 8:39; 8:44. The Half Marathon started as I was heading back and I could see them flying along. I headed into the back of them and started passing people out again. There was a short loop to be done here so next thing they were all coming back against me. Browneyes flew past me here on the tempo part of her run and I caught up with her then as she went back to easy and I finished out my 5 miles. I had 1M easy to do and found it hard to slow right down. C reminded me a few times that we were doing 9:30 so I pulled back to try get as much as a breather as possible. C ran on ahead to catch up with Baby75 as we’d just passed her husband who shouted that she was only a few seconds ahead. I had been taking Maurten gels every 30 mins and my 4th one was one of the new caffeine gels. I took that round the start of the easy mile I think.

    As I picked up into the last 4 8:50-9min miles I caught up with C and N and had a little chat but kept going. I was buzzing. A few mins later my stomach cramped and I thought I was in trouble and reacting to the caffeine gel. I panicked a bit and started checking for hotels to run to the loo if need be. I knew the portaloos were another while off. The feeling passed though and I got back to focusing on my running. I was definitely feeling the pace a little more but I remember seeing 3 miles to go and thinking no way am I going to slow down now. The wind seemed to have changed direction so I had it against me for the first couple of miles this time and I slowed a bit on the one hilly part but I had no problem picking it up again. I was due to take another caffeine gel with 20 mins to go. Seemed pointless in terms of energy and I didn’t need it but I took it anyway to see how my stomach would react ... no bother luckily. My miles were 8:55, 9:02, 8:55 and 8:41. I could have kept going at the end but deliberately slowed to cool down pace for the last .38 mile. I was over the moon going through the finish line though. It felt like DCM 17 when I had a ball the whole way round. I just loved it, even when the rain was so heavy it was stinging. That just made me feel strong :D

    It took my coach and Ariana to point out that my average pace for the whole run was 9:11 - 4 hour marathon pace practically. That definitely throws up a few questions about DCM now. I had thought 4:10 was doable. My coach was saying last week that I’d be well able for 4:05 and now I’ve run close to 4 hour pace for the guts of 20miles. :confused::confused:

    Thing is Galway is a flat course and yes it was a bit windy but often that was side on rather than head on. Sure I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t start playing with pacebands and dithering left, right and centre at this point :D

    38.3 miles for the week and so begins Taper Time. Woohoo!

    Super stuff . You know what you have to do !! 4:10 pace until 7 mile then ...............

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Bluesquare wrote: »
    Super stuff . You know what you have to do !! 4:10 pace until 7 mile then ...............

    Thanks. That’s 9:32 I think. I’d be thinking even slower for the first 7 miles - must workout if I do close to 10 min miles for those miles, what would I need to do for the rest.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    For sub 4 if you do 10:00 for first mile then 9:25 for 6 mile your talking 8:55 average after that till finish.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Kellygirl wrote: »
    It’s all coming together...

    It sure it and it's super to see your confidence grow week by week.
    Kellygirl wrote: »
    It took my coach and Ariana to point out that my average pace for the whole run was 9:11 - 4 hour marathon pace practically. That definitely throws up a few questions about DCM now. I had thought 4:10 was doable. My coach was saying last week that I’d be well able for 4:05 and now I’ve run close to 4 hour pace for the guts of 20miles. :confused::confused:

    Thing is Galway is a flat course and yes it was a bit windy but often that was side on rather than head on. Sure I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t start playing with pacebands and dithering left, right and centre at this point :D

    38.3 miles for the week and so begins Taper Time. Woohoo!

    Happy to help :P

    It was a super run for you K, another real confidence boost, whatever you decide you're in a great place now to run a strong marathon and to build on it again in 2020. I'd say try not to over-think it but that's next to impossible i know :pac:. Yes Galway is flat but it's also a bit of a slog, it's one big long straight stretching in front of you, all those laps and on concrete too... You will be tapered for DCM after 3 weeks of gradually reducing the volume and with the crowd support and adrenaline of the day.... anything is possible ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    ariana` wrote: »
    It sure it and it's super to see your confidence grow week by week.

    Happy to help :P

    It was a super run for you K, another real confidence boost, whatever you decide you're in a great place now to run a strong marathon and to build on it again in 2020. I'd say try not to over-think it but that's next to impossible i know :pac:. Yes Galway is flat but it's also a bit of a slog, it's one big long straight stretching in front of you, all those laps and on concrete too... You will be tapered for DCM after 3 weeks of gradually reducing the volume and with the crowd support and adrenaline of the day.... anything is possible ;)

    Thanks a mill. I think I’m now fairly confident that ai should be anywhere between 4 and 4:10 depending on weather and whatever else happens on the day so that’s a confidence boost as I wasn’t sure of 4:10 was even ambitious for me. Just have to stay healthy now for 3 weeks!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Taper week 1

    Monday: 30-35 mins recovery: 3.55 miles @ 10:45
    Even though I felt good my legs and hips were more tired than I thought so earlier notions of doing an hour were out right back out of my head.

    Tuesday: Planned 60 mins easy /mod
    Actual: 15’ easy; 35’ @ 9:00; 15’ @ 8:30

    Ended up with 2 sick kids at home and a husband away travelling so didn’t get out for my run that morning, had to cancel my planned sports massage and didn’t know would I be in trouble Wednesday too. I texted my babysitter to see if she was free either evening and she could do a Tuesday so decided I‘d better do my week’s session in case I missed more runs during the week. A friend said she’d join me for as long as she could keep up and we set off. Funny how the 9 min mile felt fast when on Saturday in Galway it felt slow. Legs were obviously tired. my friend stayed with me until about a mile before the end of the 9 min miles and `I continue used myself. I knew the 8:30 would be challenging as a good half mile was a drag up hill but I belted up it anyway and ran out of road so had to run through an estate to get it done. It was a serious workout and I was very happy with the paces:

    9 min miles: 8:58, 9:03; 8:59; 8:39
    8:30 min miles: 8:34, 8:16

    Wednesday: 3.02 miles @ 10:35 min miles
    Kids deposited in school and went out to do an easy hour but was very tired from the night before so left it at 3 miles and decided less is more at this stage.

    Thursday: 75 mins easy: 7.32 miles @ 10:17 min mile
    Had my rescheduled sports massage so squeezed in my run before it. It wasn’t hectic but got it done. wore a rain jacket and was a bit too warm. Sports massage was the usual torture but he’s happy with my legs etc.

    Saturday: 14 miler: 2 Easy, 5 Mod (9-9:20), 1 Tempo (8:25-40), 5 mod, 1 tempo
    Delayed this run as wanted to watch Kipchoge do his thing and wow, what a spectacle. Fab to watch. Nicely motivated I headed off. The first Moderate set was fine - hard to describe but I never fully settled into the pace. It just felt clunky or something even though my paces were fine. 9 9:11; 9:18; 8:54; 9:07; 9:19. I took a Maurten gel at 45 mins, more for practise than anything else. My lower back was hurting so took my phone out of my flip belt and stuck it in my pocket. Didn’t help.

    The first tempo mile was 8:30 so spot on with pacing. That started just round the end of Mardyke walk and I noticed a tent with 3 homeless people drinking cans as I passed - this morning it was on the news that the tent was burnt last night and a homicide investigation opened as a homeless person was killed there last night. :-(

    On into my next moderate set and this was tougher. I was determined to finish it out though no matter how I was feeling. paces were grand again. 9:06; 9:13; 9:18; 9:31 (uphill); 9:10. Took a caffeine Maurten gel here, again to test, as my stomach cramped in Galway. I did get a funny cramp a while after taking it but it went away. Need to decide on whether to risk it on the day.

    The last tempo mile came in at 8:31. That was tough. I walked at the end of it before jogging my cool down.

    So on paper or Strava it looks a good run but didn’t feel wonderful. People kept getting in my way too. Drives me nuts when you are running towards people (coming towards me) and they take up the whole footpath and couldn’t be bothered moving aside. It happened loads. Then a child on a bike thought it would be fun to cycle long side me and jeer at me before cycling into the halting site on the straight road. Grrrrrr!

    Sunday: Junior parkrun

    37.5 miles for the week. Less than 2 weeks to go now. Feeling good about Dublin and the dithering continues as I try to decide what mp is and what pace to do for the first 7 miles etc.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    With regard to the last line of your post....what does coach say?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    skyblue46 wrote: »
    With regard to the last line of your post....what does coach say?

    That I’m trained for 4 hour but my confidence is lacking :rolleyes: I do have a fear of blowing up but with Dublin being the way it is I’ll be starting out a bit slower anyway and I think I’ll know myself how I’m feeling and whether I can pick it up or not. I’m conscious that in 2017 I’d a 7 min negative split and started out so easy that the going didn’t get tough until much later on. I’m nervous that if I start too easy this time I wouldn’t be able to pick up as much as I need to.

    Honestly I think I can do between 4 and 4:05.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    Kellygirl wrote: »
    That I’m trained for 4 hour but my confidence is lacking :rolleyes: I do have a fear of blowing up but with Dublin being the way it is I’ll be starting out a bit slower anyway and I think I’ll know myself how I’m feeling and whether I can pick it up or not. I’m conscious that in 2017 I’d a 7 min negative split and started out so easy that the going didn’t get tough until much later on. I’m nervous that if I start too easy this time I wouldn’t be able to pick up as much as I need to.

    Honestly I think I can do between 4 and 4:05.

    I think she's right! You're doing the training for sub 4. Get out there and run it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    skyblue46 wrote: »
    I think she's right! You're doing the training for sub 4. Get out there and run it!

    Thanks Sean. :eek:

    I’m trying to work up to it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    Kellygirl wrote: »
    Thanks Sean. :eek:

    I’m trying to work up to it.

    This might be your best chance. Look at Paul and I, you can never assume you'll get a better chance. You've trained well so give yourself the possibility

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    skyblue46 wrote: »
    This might be your best chance. Look at Paul and I, you can never assume you'll get a better chance. You've trained well so give yourself the possibility

    True and I don’t intend doing another marathon any time soon. Certainly not next year. Thanks!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    Kellygirl wrote: »
    skyblue46 wrote: »
    This might be your best chance. Look at Paul and I, you can never assume you'll get a better chance. You've trained well so give yourself the possibility

    True and I don’t intend doing another marathon any time soon. Certainly not next year. Thanks!

    I know I'm only new to all this & have never run a full marathon before(& i may be eating my words this time 2 weeks) but from the start & still now my belief is the exact same as Sean, you've put the hard work in & if you are feeling it go for it! I think regret haunts us no matter what choices we make but you wouldn't be doing this on a whim, you have done the hard work & advised by your coach:) It's yours for the taking :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    If it’s meant to be - it’s up to ?????

    At this stage you just need to embrace it - put yourself in the mix and go for it !

    What’s the worse thing that can happen ???

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    I know I'm only new to all this & have never run a full marathon before(& i may be eating my words this time 2 weeks) but from the start & still now my belief is the exact same as Sean, you've put the hard work in & if you are feeling it go for it! I think regret haunts us no matter what choices we make but you wouldn't be doing this on a whim, you have done the hard work & advised by your coach:) It's yours for the taking :D

    Thanks E. You are right!
    Bluesquare wrote: »
    If it’s meant to be - it’s up to ?????

    At this stage you just need to embrace it - put yourself in the mix and go for it !

    What’s the worse thing that can happen ???

    Eh ... good point :D

    Ok I’m going for it. :eek: I can’t believe I’ve said that now. I’ll need a few things to line up on the day like weather etc but yes, I can do it! :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Good stuff ! Bring it on!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Brilliant to hear fighting talk K... finally :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    Love it!!! Only you can do it :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 258 ✭✭BrownEyes79

    Kellygirl wrote: »

    Ok I’m going for it. :eek: I can’t believe I’ve said that now. I’ll need a few things to line up on the day like weather etc but yes, I can do it! :eek:

    Woohoo finally!!! ..... you’ve got this K

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Entertainment Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Regional East Moderators Posts: 18,421 CMod ✭✭✭✭The Black Oil

    Kellygirl wrote: »
    That I’m trained for 4 hour but my confidence is lacking :rolleyes: I do have a fear of blowing up but with Dublin being the way it is I’ll be starting out a bit slower anyway and I think I’ll know myself how I’m feeling and whether I can pick it up or not. I’m conscious that in 2017 I’d a 7 min negative split and started out so easy that the going didn’t get tough until much later on. I’m nervous that if I start too easy this time I wouldn’t be able to pick up as much as I need to.

    Honestly I think I can do between 4 and 4:05.

    Understand where you're coming from. Still undecided my own strategy. Keep a mental note of optimism in your back pocket, try and get up in the morning with this in mind too. You've done the training, you know the course. All going well you'll happily glide past the pacers towards the end with a 'thanks for pacing', then the final crowd with 800m to go and it all hits home. :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    At last!! believe it and achieve it :D and remember run the mile you are in ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 746 ✭✭✭gypsylee

    So glad to read your decision. You have done all the hard work so time to go and enjoy the victory lap. Give it socks!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Thanks for all the encouragement. Still feeling good and haven’t changed my mind anyway!

    Plan for this week was
    -75 mins easy
    -6 easy + strides
    -2 easy, 6 MP
    -60 mins easy
    -10 MP

    Monday: 8.75 miles
    Had to move things round a bit as had physio Wednesday so wanted the MP midweek run done Tuesday and Coach said do the 6 easy with strides the day before. That was to include 2 mins @ Threshold in each mile. I couldn’t figure out how to program that on the watch and god forbid I do it without the watch so decided to add the 2 mins in after each mile. Then I’d 3 mins easy before 5x20s strides. The rain couldn’t have been much heavier. There wasn’t a wind so it was like running in one of those rain shower things. It was kind of mad. I wasn’t the only one out and everybody I passed just laughed and big cheery hellos. I think we were all just happy we weren’t the only lunatics out in the weather. I enjoyed the run.

    Tuesday: 10:46, 10:29, 9:21, 9:13, 8:39, 8:56, 8:48, 8:49
    Two friends joined me. First 2 MP miles were a little slow and I could feel myself pulling away from the girls - we’d agreed beforehand that I may do that. One girl backed off then and the other stuck with me and we picked up the pace. It was slightly all over the place and I felt the pace a bit but maybe because we were talking the whole time.

    Wednesday: Physio

    Thursday: 5.51 miles @ 9.54 min miles
    I felt having done the guts of 17 miles or so on Monday or Tuesday that my mileage was going to be too high for the week so I decided to pull back the runs for Thursday and Friday.

    Friday: 4.5 miles @ 9:50 min mile
    Ooh the legs were heavy and I considered giving up after 2.5 miles. I kept going purely because I was with a friend and I said I’d go as far as the pitches with her and then just kept going. I was hot in my rain jacket when it stopped raining but felt better when I took it off.

    Saturday: 10MP: 9:00, 8:46, 8:44, 8:51, 8:33, 8:53, 8:34, 8:39, 8:26, 9:13
    Started with a plan of doing 2 easy and 8 MP. Was frozen so just ran faster to warm up and was running into the back of parkrun so decided to just keep doing MP miles until I finished parkrun which happened to be 9.3 miles. Anyway, I loved loved loved this run. I felt just great. The pace felt natural though I kept pulling myself back as I was getting faster as time went on. I’d a bit of running back and forward to keep going during the parkrun briefing and then I popped into the group just stopping for 20 seconds maybe and we were off. Slightly too fast again and got chatting to a girl doing Dublin for the first time. I pulled back after a W hile as much as I was loving the faster pace I knew I shouldn’t be doing it. One of the regular volunteers was pacing a guy to sub 27 so I just ran beside them to keep myself well behaved. Stayed with him until he was over the line and he was thrilled as he came in at 26:12 - an exact minute of a PB. We chatted for a while and I went off to do the last .7 mile slowly, hard and all as it was to slow down. I was buzzing when I finished this. My watch said Peaking which is hopefully not a week too early!!

    This confirmed that I want to go back to the shorter stuff next year. I loved the shorter long run. Anything over 2 hours doesn’t do it for me.

    Feeling so ready for next week. I’m confident I’ll do well. I’m going to aim for sub 4 but I will be happy if I run well to sub 4:05 too. I’ve a great training block behind me and ready to rock! Looking forward to McGrattans afterwards too of course!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,473 ✭✭✭Comic Book Guy

    Great to see you so up for the challenge! Great block of training done so ya have every right to be confident K.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Great run on Saturday - a good buzz a week before DCM!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,387 ✭✭✭Sunny Dayz

    Well done! The very best of luck on Sunday - you sound more than ready for it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    Great week :) Also loving your positivity & confidence! Very best of luck on Sunday :D

    Hopefully i'll get to meet you in McGrattons afterwards & i promise not to cry ;) ... well maybe!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Great week :) Also loving your positivity & confidence! Very best of luck on Sunday :D

    Hopefully i'll get to meet you in McGrattons afterwards & i promise not to cry ;) ... well maybe!

    Oh I’m sure you won’t be alone. I burst into tears going over the finish line both years in Dublin - that’s how I know the medal givers give hugs :D
