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If it’s meant to be, it’s up to me.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Week starting 23rd January

    Monday: 45’ easy + 6x15s strides; Upper body pull strength

    Forecast was for dry but nippy weather … thick fog was what I got. Was grand except I was soaked through and required a complete change for the gym.

    Tuesday: 15’ easy, 2x15s strides, 5x5’ LT (7:50-8:00), 2’ easy-mod, 15’ v easy; Lower Body strength

    Disaster of a run. Really struggled in the first 5 min rep. Hit 7:57 but tough going. Second rep was 8:06 and the third 8:10 and I just gave up. The legs said no way, my left quad was hurting so I walked back to the gym and did leg day but only the exercises that didn’t hurt my quad. For the rest of the day my hips were hurting me and I was a crock. I think that was from lifting 25kg weights off the calf rails machine that somebody didn’t bother removing after their session … my pet hate in the gym. On a positive note the achilles didn’t bother me during her speed work … just the rest of my body 😂

    Wednesday: 40-45’ mins v easy; Upper Push strength

    Was going to take a rest day but my friend wanted to run and company seemed a nice option so off we went. Legs were fine and quad and hips no longer sore so all good. Upper Push day after.

    Thursday: Rest

    3.5 miles walk

    Friday: 50’ easy; Full Body strength

    Lovely weather and ran with 3 friends. Loved the run. Felt easy like it was supposed to.

    Saturday: 8 miles easy with 5x40s LT surges in second half

    Planned this to do 5 miles before Parkrun and then Parkrun. Mentioned it to a few in the club so a few joined me … they are faster runners so was a little faster than easy but I really enjoyed it. After 4 miles the others decided to take a break before Parkrun so I got my 5 surges in then before starting Parkrun. Met another friend at the start line so ran with her then … slower than all the previous miles. A very enjoyable morning out with coffee after and home baking which is becoming a big thing at our Parkrun. I brought chocolate orange energy balls which are my latest obsession to make and came home with none. They went down very well!

    28 miles in total and 4 strength sessions

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Week starting 30th January

    Monday: 65’ easy + 6x15s strides; Upper body pull strength

    Rn the first 5Km or so with a friend and toddled on by myself after that. 7.29 miles in then into the gym after.

    Tuesday: 15’ easy, 2x15s strides, 6x4’ LT (7:50-8:00), 2’ easy-mod, 15’ v easy; Lower Body strength

    So much better than the week before. Been wearing leggings all the time lately so donned the shorts and the endorphin Speed 2’s to give myself the best chance of succeeding this week. All went well and hit all the paces so happy out with that. Lower body in the gym then.

    Wednesday: Rest

    Thursday: 40-45’ mins v easy; Upper Push strength

    4.67 miles @ 9:39;

    Friday: 50’ easy;

    5miles @ 10:00; Ran both this run and Thursdays run according to feel and not looking at the watch. Funny how the “very easy” on Thursday was faster than the easy on Friday though HR the same both days. I should have gone to the gym to do lower body but skipped it was had Dungarvan planned for Sunday and even though the plan was to run it easy, it would be my longest run since Dublin so decided to leave the gym.

    Saturday: 5Km walk

    Sunday: Dungarvan 10 mile race

    My 3rd time entering but something always happened to stop me going. I was told by the physio not to do it this time either but then 10 miles easy appeared on my plan and I decided I’d go for the day out as loads going. My only concern was wearing the club singlet and running easy which is silly I know as I know nobody cares about what time I run. I was putting my stuff in the car this morning and decided to throw the speed 2’s into my boot … just in case. I was wearing my Hoka Arahis … my slow runners but nice and supportive. Headed off early to meet some of the gang down there. Didn’t even think about fuelling seeing as I was only going to jog around and had my usual baked oats for breakfast and coffee enroute. It was a fab day but so cold. Went for a walk with one of the girls and then a 1 mile warmup … just to keep warm really. Was just about to head to line up and one of the guys asked was I not changing my runners … I said no … but then when I was throwing my coat in the car I changed my runners.

    Jogged up to the start line and had some photos taken with the club and then myself and another girl realised we were at the front and not the back so had to battle our way through to get further back. Stopped between the 80 and 90 min pacers. I decided I’d run with the 90 min pacers to keep me honest and we set off … with me next to the 80 min pacers and subsequently in front of them 🙄. Pace felt fine, couldn’t look at my watch as so congested so was just trying not to trip. It was so cold that I decided was better to run a bit faster rather than freeze if I was jogging so just stayed at it. Was loving it anyway to be honest and just hoped the hip and achilles would behave. Could feel both but not bad. We ran past the finish line at 3 miles I think and there was a guy shouting the water station was coming up. I wasn’t thirsty but took 2 sips and threw away the bottle. Was feeling great and running steadily. Didn’t really look at my watch much but thought I was doing around 8 min miles or slightly faster. Not quite the plan but all good. Went through halfway at just under 40 mins I think so hoped I might be able to do sub 80. At this point I started wondering what my PB was … checked after and Mallow 2022 was my last 10 mile race and that was 84:23 but I actually did faster paced halves in Cork and Waterford then in September so I ran 10 miles in 78:17 within that half.

    Miles 6&7 started to get a little more difficult and I could feel myself working harder. My ankle was hurting a bit and the top of my foot but I couldn’t give in now. Then I got this weird pain in my right shoulder. That happened in Dublin for a while too around mile 16 and also in the Little Island 5Km I did. Not sure what it is … just seems to happen while racing. Each time I’ve wondered is it going to stop me but then it goes away. People were passing me in mile 8 and I couldn’t pick it up. I just seemed to be running out of energy. Then it dawned on me that maybe I should have had my breakfast later to keep me going. On a normal day I’d have breakfast at 8:30 and a protein bar at 11ish and sure I’d an earlier breakfast and that was it. Oh well. Mile 9 was a real struggle as all a drag uphill and the 80 min pacers passed me out but luckily had a small bit of downhill then for the last mile …. And then turned left for the last half mile and it was uphill again! My legs said no with 400 meters to go and I just couldn’t get any speed into them. I felt dizzy for a bit. Once it flattened out though I realised where I was and that the finish line was just round the corner. I saw the finish line and somehow was able to sprint. Spotted a lad from the club with a camera so managed a big smile as I crossed the line and in all honesty I was delighted. 80:05. Not bad considering I haven’t run 10 miles since I did Dublin and only starting to build again. Hopefully is a good starting point for the year.

    Got a great Nike T-shirt and a nice cloth goodie bag with Tayto’s, Galaxy and flapjacks … all demolished fast! More club photos and a 1 mile cool down en route back to the car. Stopped in Youghal with a gang for lunch and headed for home. Fab day out. My hip is a little sore alright but the achilles doesn’t feel any worse. Think I’m ok though really. I’ll need to cop on with the exercises for the hip and do them more often. I’ve been better with the achilles ones.

    35.28 miles in total and 3 strength sessions

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,379 ✭✭✭diego_b

    Well done K, recover well!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Great goody bag ! I love that a 5:00 min Km pace is now your return from injury race pace ! Well done and wow 🤩

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    Well done K, I enjoyed reading that😊

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,425 ✭✭✭Sunny Dayz

    well done!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    I didn’t quite think of it like that. Hopefully it bodes well for the year.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    I’m like super fan girl here 🤣. I told my running buddies all about you . I also said to them - lads we need to be more ambitious in our goals because great things are achievable !!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    No pressure

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Week starting 6th February

    Monday: 45’ very easy; Upper body pull strength

    Recovery miles with a friend. 4.5 miles @ 10:02 and into the gym after

    Tuesday: 65’ easy + 6x15s strides; Lower Body strength

    Took the new Hoka Arahi’s down from the shelf where they have been sitting for months. I don’t like the most recent model 6 so found the Arahi 5 after a huge search. No choice in colour so they are white so not winter friendly. Anyway, decided to give them a try out and couldn’t believe the difference in cushioning between them and my other pair. Time to retire them and only 10 miles on them.

    Wednesday: 40 mins v easy

    Physio trip. Had hurt my arm a few weeks ago and was struggling to even hold a cup or pull open a ziplock bag. Managed to roll my foot running through the house before I left for physio. My arm and shoulder are black and blue afterwards but so much better now. I got her to look at my foot too as felt a bit sore. The hip and achilles needed the usual work. She felt it was ok to do an easy run after. I stopped in Mahon to run the line to Pairc Ui Chaoimh. It was really enjoyable. Some of the local race walkers were out doing a session with some well known Cork runners pacing them. The speed they were running and walking was in real. I kept passing them as they were going back and forward and felt so slow at my 10 min mile.

    Later on that day the foot started to really hurt. My whole body was sore so I knew a few days off were required

    Thursday: missed session

    Friday: rest

    Saturday: rest

    Sunday: 11 miles easy

    11 miles @ 9:44. The foot was feeling much better so I felt safe enough to do my long run. My youngest had a class party at 12:30 for 2 hours so a friend met me there and we set off once I’d dropped him. Really enjoyed it. Was a little tired toward the end alright. Didn’t bring water or anything and just seen my plan next week has 13 miles so might bring a soft bottle to sip away for that. The foot was gran, the achilles on the other side was grand, hip a bit sore since. Resting tomorrow so should be fine to get back at it Tuesday

    26.76 miles in total and 2 strength sessions

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Week starting 13th February

    Monday: 65’ easy;

    6.23 miles @ 9:42; Didn’t think I’d get a run in as took the kids to the aqua dome in Tralee for the day. We got home late afternoon and I really needed fresh air after a snooze in the car on the way back so headed straight out. Absolutely loved the run. It was such a lovely evening, getting dark, a warm breeze and I felt like I was just gliding along and kept pulling the pace back. A fab run.

    Tuesday: 45’ easy + 6x15s strides; Upper Body strength

    5k+6x15s strides; 3.72 miles in total. Legs felt a little tired on this run so decided to do the strides after 5Km and call it a day as wanted to try get myself nice and fresh for the season the follow morning. 

    Wednesday: 15 mins, 8’ MP, 2’ easy, 8X2’ on(5k Approx)/off, 15’v easy; lower Body strength

    7.94 miles; This was the session I had to skip last week after I rolled my foot and I had been looking forward to it. Set off for my warmup and had planned to run into the park after my 8’MP for the rest of the session. Decided to head for the straight road for variety though. My watch beeped to signal the end of the MP part and I thought I must have programmed my watch incorrectly as felt I had done 5 mins max. The distance seemed about right so went with it. The 8x2’ were a little more challenging. The 2nd 4 reps were slightly slower and I think it was partly as I was against the wind but I suppose I was tiring too. Anyway, I was happy overall with the session I was roasting at the end. Amazing how warm and humid it is at the moment.

    Thursday: Rest day from Running, Upper body strength

    Friday: 40-45’ v easy

    4.01m @ 9:59; This didn’t go that well. Had DOMs from the gym and heavy legs. Not that enjoyable.  

    Saturday: 13 miles with last 5 at tempo

    13.1 miles @ 8:55 in total; This was great. A few of us from the club met at 7:45am at the parkrun start point and set off in two different paced groups. I was setting the pace for the slower group. 4 of us toddled off and did an 8 mile loop bringing us back to start line, at which point 2 of us continued for 2 miles at 8:30ish pace returning again to start line. Had a 5 min break here approx before starting into Parkrun, where I shot off too fast at 8:09 for the first mile and struggled through the next 2. I was delighted afterwards with the run though as it’s my longest run since Dublin. Coffee and goodies afterwards with all the Parkrun and club gang who were there and then home to spend the day baking for our club race which was on today.

    Sunday: Rest (of sorts)

    The Carrigaline 5 mile race was on and as it was our club race we were all volunteering instead of running. I left the house at 8:30 and drove very carefully to Carrigaline hoping my home baking would not be wrecked by the time I got there … all my cupcakes survived! I really enjoyed the day and was stewarding just before the 1 mile mark and then the 4.5 mile point. Great supporting and fun directing traffic and only one rude driver to deal with. A nice police man had stopped earlier and given me his mobile number and said to ring him if anybody giving any jip as there’d always be one but no calls needed. The running was amazing. I never get to see the front runners and it was a right treat. A fab spread afterwards and plenty left for us too after all the runners were fed. Tidied up and headed to get my eldest son to take him to a birthday party and had to stand and watch soccer for 2 hours - finally got home at 7ish absolutely shattered.

    35.02 miles in total and 3 strength sessions

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    A nice week . I love looking at races especially - close to the end makes me all teary eyed ! The front runners always look so composed controlled and effortless , middle of the pack look like harassed haggard try hards most of of the back of the pack guys begin to look relaxed and like they are having great crack !

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Week starting 20th February

    Monday: 60’ easy; Upper Body strength

    6.21 miles @ 9:40; Ran with a friend who did 4 miles and stopped to chat when she finished before doing my last 2 miles.

    Tuesday: 15' easy, 2 x 15s strides, 5 x 5' LT off 2' easy-mod, 3 x 2' hill reps, 15' v easy; Leg strength

    9m total. This was a good session. Tough but doable. The LT reps weren’t as hard as a few weeks ago. The hill reps after were a killer. I was buzzing after. Had a fulfil bar and went into the gym and all motivated to do a great leg workout.

    Wednesday: 40-45’ v easy; Upper Body strength 

    6.24m@9:37; my friend was doing 10Km and I was doing 4 miles. We came back past the cars at 4 miles and I said I’d do another 5 mins with her to get to 45mins or so and sure then just decided to keep going as was a lovely run gym after as usual.

    Thursday: Rest day from Running, Lower body strength

    Lovely walk in the woods first to get my steps in.

    Friday: 40-45’ v easy

    4.31m @ 9:20; ran with 3 friends and a little faster than easy. Body was a hit sore from tossing and moving black bags of clothes at a school cash for clothes collection.  

    Saturday: rest day

    Walked to get my steps done. Back very sore

    Sunday: Kinsale 10 mile race

    Initially planned on just jogging this until I spoke to my coach last week and told her I was doing it as part of my long run - she told me to race it if I felt like it and rejigged my plan for the week to allow me to do that. She recommended 2 miles before and after to bring it up to 14 miles. She rang last night and I said I didn’t think I could PB as much hiller than Dungarvan so we agreed a good strong run was more important than the PB and Mallow is my target for that anyway. Only issue was my banjaxed back so I made a decision not to wear the alphaflies in case I needed to jog or walk and wore Vaporflies instead. Was ok’ish doing my 2 mile warmup and went to change into the Vaporflies. Silly move as my back hurt more walking in them 🙈. It was bitter and never dawned on me to bring arm sleeves, though the wind was behind is for the first half so didn’t feel so cold anyway. I went to line up, took a gel (as not sure how to fuel for an 12 noon race) and we were off down the hill. My back was very sore and for a few minutes I thought I should stop there and then but kept going because I haven’t an ounce of sense at times and I was giving one if the lads a lift home so had nowhere to go anyway! It eased a little as I ran but the Vaporflies are too soft for me and it hurt running downhill. Should have worn the Speed 2’s. My first 2 miles came in at 7:44 and 7:46 but they were easy miles with downhills. I was working quite hard too … or at least my breathing was hard. The hills really started in mile 3 and we climbed until mile 5. My pace slowed to 7:56, 8:21 and 8:15 but feeling relatively strong. Passed the water station at 3 miles. It was cups and people were spilling it everywhere I didn’t take any as had 300mls of Tailwind in my pocket anyway. One of the girls in the club was in front of me the whole time and I was holding my own staying behind her. She finished Dungarvan 1-2 mins ahead of me so was good to stick with her.

    The downhills started after mile 5. I knew though that they were steep with a few uphills but overall the 2nd half should be easier than the 1st. I was working hard though and took a big sip of tailwind as I came to where we take a left at Eli Lilly. Next thing I looked up and there were my husband, 2 kids and sister in law who lives near there at the corner all cheering me on. It was a lovely boost. Round the corner we went and whoosh, the wind I was running next 2 girls and considered jumping in behind them but figured it would be a bit rude. Mile 6 came in at 7:56. Miles 7 and 8 had some steep and long downhills and weirdly I couldn’t pick up on them. I actually slowed down to 8:02 and 8:13 and a good few people passed me on the hill which was unusual. The wind was strong but I just felt the endurance wasn’t there. I faded at the same point in Dungarvan and blamed lack of fuelling but today I was fuelled. The last 2 miles were really tough and I felt I was crawling at 8:33 and 8:29. I was tempted to give up and just jog in seeing as I knew I wasn’t going for a pb anyway so why the pressure. Still, I’d have to come up with an excuse as to why I just gave up so I didn’t. Anyway, turned up the road towards to the school where the finish line is … seemed so much longer than on my warm up! Felt like I was crawling up the short steep hill onto the track which is a form of torture at a finish line and into the 300m track to finish. I crawled around it but then the finish line was in front of me and one of the lads from the club was standing there taking photos and somewhere I got the energy to sprint and raised my arms pretending I got a PB for the photo! Was handed water and lay back against the wall to catch my breath. My club mate came in just 40s ahead of me so I was delighted I stayed close enough to her. She had stayed steady in the last 3 miles when I slowed. We set off to do 2 slow miles cooling down and got back for sandwiches and tea and a catch up with all the others.

    I’m pleased enough with the race and don’t feel I’d anything more in me but that disappoints me a little. Looking at Strava a lot of people seemed to slow in the last 3 miles whereas it just seemed to be me in Dungarvan. Mallow is my target though so I hope I can stay stronger for the whole 10 miles there. My back is in very sore since and I’ve take nurofen and deep heat and a hot water bottle on it I’ve physio anyway on Wednesday.

    40.07 miles in total and 4 strength sessions

  • Registered Users Posts: 519 ✭✭✭Infoseeker1975

    I did the Kinsale 10 yesterday as well and it was a biting wind into you for the last few miles with the nasty uphill leading to the track. I am a late to life runner, starting doing some runs over a year ago aged 46 and did two 10 miles last year. When I finished yesterday, my watch said I did 16.25km, is that normal? I am guessing the route is marked via the centre of the road so that should be where one aims to run if possible?

    Final question😀 I have only ever completed the Kinsale 10 mile and John Buckley 10 miler, is the Mallow 10 miler an easier route than Kinsale as I might try to do that also.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Hi there, well done on yesterday! That wind was bitter! Totally normal to have a longer distance run on your watch and I was actually thinking about it for a lot of the route yesterday. It was very hard to run the race line as it was a really bendy route and the route is measured as the shortest possible distance from corner to corner normally but we couldn’t run that with the crowds for the first few miles … if you are taking a bend wide you are adding distance on to your run. There’s a great article about it on the Cork running page I’ll link to it here:

    I would consider Mallow an easier route. I ran it last year too and it starts with a bit of a pull up but after that then it’s relatively flat. There’s a lovely downhill at about 3 miles down the main Cork - Mallow road to recover and then you have fairly flat after all that. Will you do the Cork half? (The article above is very relevant if you are doing it as you can add on huge distance for yourself.)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,306 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Those last few miles sound tough from the wind. I can't actually decide which I find harder - running into the wind or running up a hill and it sounds like you might have been doing both at the same time so I wouldn't beat yourself up over it 😧

    Recover well, mind the back 😊

  • Registered Users Posts: 519 ✭✭✭Infoseeker1975

    Thanks a million for the link, I will give it a read as every bit helps!!!

    The furthest I have gone in a race is 10 miles so not sure about the half but could be something to aim towards.

    Mallow sounds nicer:) so I think I will give that a go.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Thanks for posting that link K - not sure I’m any wiser lol - my husband did try to demonstrate using chairs in the kitchen . I’ve been literally tapped on the shoulder in a race by a bloke saying - are you ok you’re running mad zigzags all over the road .

    Well done on the race - great pace given weather and terrain .

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    If you can do 10 miles on the 26th March you’ll be well able for another 3 on June 4th. Go for it … it’s a great day out. I really enjoyed Mallow last year so hopefully you will too.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Thanks E. The downhill was into the wind and then the last 2 flat miles but the wind was so strong and bitter it wasn’t pleasant. Ah sure, done now anyway.

    You always make me laugh R! Just think what is the shortest distance from one point to another … running zig zags is not the answer. 😂

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Week starting 27th February

    Monday: Rest, Upper Body strength

    Back in bits after Kinsale so just walked to get my steps done and into the gym.

    Tuesday: 35' easy,

    32’ @ 10:15 … didn’t feel like walking so a gentle run but not really a bright idea with a sore back so skipped leg day in the gym then.

    Wednesday: Physio and yoga 

    Torture session with the physio kneeling up on the bed with her elbow into my back and side. I’m still sore to touch today but she sorted me and worked out whatever I had done to my back. Also gave me brace for my arm as I have tennis elbow which at least doesn’t affect my running and in good news the achilles is vastly improved only a little tight in the mornings but not an issue during the day. A very gentle yoga session after with a friend who is a yoga teacher.

    New Saucony Endorphin Speed 3s delivered and they felt lovely. Much more stable than the 2’s

    Thursday: Walk

    Physio had said I could run but I was too sore from her handiwork so decided to leave the muscles settle and just walk. I went home to declutter the house but baked a ton of stuff instead. I was exhausted that afternoon and evening and really fatigued. It was very strange. I felt I was starting to come down with something but interestingly enough my resting heart rate was the lowest it’s ever been all week so not sure what was going on

    Friday: 40-45’ v easy, Upper Body Strength

    3.85 miles @ 9:52; while my back was tender the stiffness was gone new issue was sore throat. I’m a crock.

    Saturday: Planned: 14 miles easy with 5x50s LT surges in 2nd half

    Was nervous Friday night that I wouldn’t make this as had advertised it on the club Strava group with a start time of 7:30am and wasn’t sure who was turning up to join me. Had a lemsip and laid out all my gear anyway. Coach had said if my back was sore just do 10 miles. My alarm went off at 6:30am and I felt great, bright as a button. Throat was fine besides a little hoarse and nothing else. Heated up my raspberry and white chocolate baked oats, had a coffee, made up my 300mls of Tailwind and headed in. Just 2 turned up as most were racing today. One girl just wanted 8 miles so I’d planned a loop to bring us back to the start and then myself and the other guy would head off again. I was wearing my new Speed 3’s and loved them from the very start. I had spare runners in the car just in case. The weather was perfect running weather if a little cold. I’d shorts and long sleeves on and very comfortable. Our pace was a little faster than I had planned (9:30-10) but very consistent and felt easy ranging from 9:11-9:23 for the most part. I forgot about my Tailwind and didn’t touch it. My friend ended up doing 9 miles and myself and P continued on round the pitches in the park. We were well ahead of time which meant we’d be starting Parkrun with only 1.5-2 miles left to do of our 14 miles and we didn’t want to stop before Parkrun as we’d freeze so we figured we’d just keep going and maybe just do one lap of Parkrun. We did the 5x50s surges in the couple of miles before Parkrun and looped back to the start point again with just over 12 miles done at that point. It was pacer Saturday so we thought they might keep us in check. When we right behind the 23 min pacers we pulled back! We were both feeling really good and as we finished the first lap of Parkrun we decided there was no need to stop and we’d go for the 15 miles. Each mile of Parkrun was faster than the last and I literally felt I was gliding along. I could have easily kept going and toyed with the idea for a couple of mins as I approached the finish line and was at 15.2 miles. Would I go to 16? My son needed to be at GAA though so that put a halt to my gallop and I called it a day. I was buzzing after that - was just the nicest run and I felt brilliant the whole time. Never touched my tailwind which I decided after was actually great as was going out last night so would use the calories on gin and tonic instead … I’m sorry today about that one 🥴 . Love love love the Speed 3s. Busy reading reviews of the Pro 3 and Endorphins Elites then today.

    Sunday: Day of rest

    Went out last night so no voice today and shattered … a hangover I think it’s called - not familiar with them anymore!

    22.19 miles in total and 2 strength sessions, one yoga

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,481 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    How's the back now? What did the physio say about it? Lugging those heavy bags looks like the trigger.

    Some great work going on between runs, gym, volunteering - do you ever stop? 😉

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Ha ha. I’m always doing something D! Not very good at sitting still. The physio reckoned she sorted me out. My ribs were all caught I think from throwing the bags and she was happy I was good to go again after she fixed me. There is no comparison to how I feel now compare to this day last week. I’m literally just tender to touch now from physiobut not stiff or anything. I felt brilliant running yesterday and not in the slightest bit caught up. Of course I should have come home and stretched but no time for that as was on the go with kids activities form the moment I got home for the rest of the day.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,481 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    "Caught up" is a phrase I don't know - is that a Cork thing? Glad it feels better, back trouble is the worst! Looking forward to seeing how you get on in Mallow. Should be a good day of boardsie racing as a few over this part of the country will be doing Dunboyne.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    I don’t know actually. It could be me making up phrases in my head. I was completely stiff and couldn’t twist properly last week. I really hope Mallow goes well. I’d like to get a few solid weeks under my belt before it so hoping ice or weather won’t scupper anything this week. Yesterday’s run definitely had me feeling that I was back on track. Hopefully a few of us will get to meet there!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Week starting 6th March

    I didn’t know what the week would bring weather wise as all the forecasters were predicting all sorts. My plan had a very nice session in for Wednesday with 60 mins easy Monday and 45 mins easy + strides Tuesday and I was nervous the weather would scupper my session so mixed the plan around to ensure I was doing it Tuesday when the weather looked good.

    Monday: 60’ easy + 5x15s strides, Upper Body strength

    6.59 miles. Set off by myself for this run expecting it to be cold so was in leggings and long sleeves. Turned out the cold hadn’t hit yet so was a hit over dressed and warm. It was a bit of a sleepy boring run. I was running back up out of the park to the gym when I hit 60 mins and decided to throw in the strides planned for the next day to wake myself up and get a bit of zip into the legs. Into the gym then for upper body work.

    Tuesday: 15' easy, 12' MP, 3' easy, 2 x 6' LT off 2' easy,4 x 90s vo2max off 90s easy, 10' easy; Lower Body strength

    7.74 miles With Wednesday’s forecast being for snow and ice I did my session. Donned the Speed 3’s again. I really love them. Felt good for my warm up and picked up the pace to MP and headed down a hill into the park and felt my hip going yet again. Normally I don’t feel it going hit this was a sharp pain and much more sore than usual … so I kept going to see if it was going to disappear. I was only a mile or so from the gym if I needed to stop but prob had 6 miles to go for the session so kept running. It eased slightly and I finished out the 12 mins MP (8:22) and probably slightly unwisely kept going with the session which was only going to get faster. Next I had 2x6mins at LT (7:54, 7:46) which I did round the pitches in the park and lastly I had 4x90s VO2Max (7:03, 7:13, 7:00, 7:15). I actually forgot it was 4 of the VO2 and after 3 were done was heading back to the gym and next thing my watch beeped to tell me go again rather than to cool down. I topped briefly to check my plan in case I was supposed to be doing 6 of them or something and then took off on my 90s sprint around the church car park that I happened to be passing. Toddled back to the gym after that for a good leg session. The hip was fine and sore after all that so I decided rest was definitely required the next day.

    Wednesday: Rest

    Thursday: Walk on treadmill and Upper Body Strength

    No way was I running in torrential sleet and anyway the hip was sore (though had eased a bit) so I decided another rest day was in order and off to the gym I went.

    Friday: 60’ easy with last 5’ at MP, 6.51 miles

    Ice forecast so I went to the greenway - there was no ice but handy to run there anyway as nearest home. I’d need to run it twice to get an hour done. A friend met me to do the first half or so with me. That kind of resulted in the pace being a bit fast. She left after 4 miles and my pace dropped after that to proper easy pace and then I picked up again for the last 5 mins to 8:21. Hip was no worse really after but didn’t do leg day at the gym as didn’t want to make my weekend running any harder.

    Saturday: 14 miles easy

    Some of my club mates were meeting in the park starting at 8am to do 12 miles finishing with Parkrun . I started just after 7:40am to get 2 miles done first and came back to meet two of the girls and we went off and did 3 more miles before picking up another girl back at the start point at 8:30am. Once again my paces were easy by myself but once I met others they picked up and the average of the whole run turned out to be 8:58. It was grand really and it was only the last 2 miles of Parkrun where I was really feeling it. The time passed quickly though and I’m not sure I have ever done 14 miles without leaving the park before but with everybody joining at different times it was easiest and I didn’t really notice. I think I’d go off my rocker doing laps of the park for 14 hours by myself. It rained throughout and was quite warm. I was in shorts and filthy dirty by the time I finished Parkrun. My poor Speed 3’s were in an awful state. I was supposed to go straight to breakfast with two other friends who were doing Parkrun so I told them I’d meet them there, drove up to the gym, ran in and hopped into the shower to get the mud off me, dried myself with a facecloth and put on dry gear and went for a fab brunch looking a million dollars … actually my hair looked like I’d been dragged through a bush but I was relatively clean and dry. Finally went home for a proper shower and off to do kid’s stuff for the rest of the day. A girl I kind of know to see from running stopped me as I left Parkrun and asked if I was doing Cork full marathon - I said no and she said she knew I did marathons and she was doing Cork and he nobody to train with. She sees me with people all the time wondered if she could train with us or do long runs with me. We swapped numbers and I’ve made a new running friend.

    Sunday: The Runners Diary Coffee Charity morning run - 6.09 miles @ 9:15

    Planned on doing my 45 mins very easy that I’d missed during the week. The girl who did 12 miles with me yesterday was doing 10Km and wanted to do it slowly and stick to planned pace today so we said we’d try to do that. Up at 6:15am again and off over to Silversprings. ASICS were coming with sample runners that we could try. Met up with all the gang at 7:45 and tried on the Novablast first and ran and jumped around the car park. Wasn’t sure what I’d want them for as the guy said they were for speed work and I have my Speed 3’s so tried the Nimbus 25. Reminded me of a broomstick from Harry Potter. Anyway, they were really comfy so once we were all in runners we liked and took photos of each other jumping around the place we set off. There were 6 of us in our group but T and I held back a little and watched the pace. My hip was letting me know it was there and my legs were heavy but T’s legs were really tired too. I was very happy to turn round at the 30 minute point. Handed back the Nimbus, was informed they were €200 and I put back on my Hoka’s. Maybe I’d be interested when the price comes down as a replacement for my Hoka’s but not at €200. Changed into dry gear and went in for the coffee morning. There were loads of runners there and I’d 3 coffee’s and a couple of pastries, won a voucher for The Edge and really enjoyed the chats was home by 11am or so after a great morning. It really was a great social weekend running wise. Pacing atrocious with all my socialising so need to watch that as I’m not keeping easy runs easy … but I’m finishing all my runs delighted with life at the same time.

    41.08 miles in total and 3 strength sessions

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Week starting 13th March

    Monday: Walk, Upper Body strength

    Was supposed to be doing 60 mins easy and had ranged to meet a friend but woke up and my hip and achilles were not in a happy place so did the responsible thing and texted to cancel and went to the gym instead. Did half an hour walking on the treadmill and upper push strength work. I also texted the physio looking for an emergency appointment.

    Tuesday: 15' easy, 2 x 15s strides, 6 x (3' cv, 1' easy, 1' vo2max) 3' easy between sets, 20' v easy; Lower Body strength 

    9.21 miles in total. So I know I shouldn’t really have done this session but the day’s rest had helped and I really wanted to get the session in before Mallow next Sunday. Lovely weather for running and I knew the next day was not going to be so off I went. Started the workout and off I went for the warmup and did my two strides and started into the workout … and wrong workout was on so stopped and found the correct one on the watch and skipped straight to the speed stuff. CV pace is 7:35-45 and VO2Max is 7:00-7:10. I’m really not too wonderful at getting paces spot on and all my CV reps were a bit too fast at 7:19, 7:30, 7:22,7:33, 7:25 and 7:36. I’d really need the minute recovery before starting the VO2 1 minute reps which were paced where they were supposed to be at 7:00, 7:02, 7:12, 6:49, 7:01 and 7:10. At the start of the session I though I wouldn’t have a hope of finishing it and it was tough but I was very pleased afterwards. I crawled back up to the gym doing my 20 minute cool down and then did a really good leg workout where I increased the weights in a few of the exercises. Hip wasn’t great after but head stuck firmly in the sand. Physio texted me back late that night asking if I was still in trouble and said she’d squeeze me in Thursday.

    Wednesday: Rest and Upper Body strength

    Walked on the treadmill for 30 mins and Upper Pull session. Increased the weights on every single exercise. Feeling really strong. Physio texted that evening to say 1:15 the next day.

    Thursday: 60’ easy and Lower Body Strength

    6.26miles @ 9:39 with a friend after school drop. Hip didn’t feel too bad at that pace …. Slowest pace in a while though. Showered in the gym and did my lower body strength work before heading for physio. Another couple of weight increases which I was delighted with. Physio wasn’t too worried once she checked me over. She said she was worried before I got there that she’d be sending me for an MRI but turned out to be the ligament connecting my pelvis to lower lumbar (or something like that) that needed fixing and she went to work and job done. Bit more work on my tennis elbow and showed me again how to wear the brace … I was wearing it wrong and it was doing nothing 🙄. She sent me off with warnings to behave myself pace wise over the weekend and to keep easy pace easy!

    Friday, St Patrick’s Day: 5miles @ 9:02

    Went out to meet the Parkrun / Club crew and brought coffee and flapjacks for after. We got soaked but it was very warm so not too bad running in the rain. Ran too fast as a result even though I was with a gang who all planned on running slower. All changed in our cars and moved up to a drive through coffee place that has sheltered benches where we all sat like a bunch of hobos drinking our coffee and sharing all our home baking. I never stopped eating for the rest of the day after that then as we did a local parade and the community hall afterwards for a kids disco and tea / coffee and loads of biscuits for the parents. Very enjoyable day though

    Saturday: 12 miles easy - 12:03 miles @ 9:37

    Deliberately didn’t join the club runners for this as I needed to watch the pace. I did text my new running friend from last week to ask if she wanted to join me and we’d do 10 min miles … which I didn’t achieve but 9:37 did me no harm. Not a twinge from the hip which was great. It was really humid so could have done with some water but was grand really. Quads a bit sore from Thursday’s strength session … I Think. Later on I took my boys in shopping and I popped into the health shop for a Magnesium rub for my 7 year old who is getting leg cramps. I brought a magnesium spray for myself too. Been meaning to start taking magnesium for ages. The shop assistant was telling me to go sparingly on my son and that your skin can itch/tingle if you put on too much and if you are deficient so I only put a tiny bit on him. When I was going to bed I sprayed my quads with plenty of the spray and rubbed it in and rubbed it into my calves and IT Band area. Within minutes my skin was tearing itchy and ‘tingling’ was putting mild. I remember years ago I lived in Cameroon and we did this jungle walk and upset a nest (?) of fire ants or stinging ants and we all had to run and all jumped fully clothed into a waterfall to get them off of us. That was back in 2003 and I hadn’t thought about it in years. Anyway I hoped it would stop soon and started googling. Google told me it would stop in 1-2 weeks 😱. I was panicking at this point and Google also told me that it would absorb in about 30 minutes and some people remove the residue then. The more deficient you are the more it itches as it’s absorbed. After about 20 minutes I couldn’t take any more and hopped into the shower. That did the job luckily. I’m sitting here this evening and I have put one spray on each quad and it’s tingling slightly but nothing like last night. Apparently as my level comes up in 1-2 weeks that will stop and I can increase the amount. Must read the instructions in future 😏.

    Sunday: Rest

    I missed a 45’ very easy run during the week but my husband was away, having gone to the rugby yesterday and I was cooking for my parents and sister’s family too for Mother’s Day and then go to removal so no run for me. No harm done.

    32.51 miles in total and 4 strength sessions

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    One of my kids was suffering from really bad “ growing pains” . I had magnesium spray in the house for myself , so one night in the middle in the night he was in agony so I sprayed him with it on the legs . Within seconds he was screaming his head off ( he had already been crying ) , turn on the lights and he had hives everywhere I’d just put the spray . We had to throw him in the shower at 3 am - needless to say we have never used in since. !

    Living in Cameroon ? Sounds like a great story to tell over a few beers!!

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