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Once in a Lifetime....for now

  • 07-11-2017 5:12pm
    Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭

    So here I am. As the great David Byrne sang, "And you may ask yourself
    Well...How did I get here?" Maybe DCM will not be a once in a lifetime experience, maybe it will. How did I get here starting a training log? Sure isn't it the done thing for newly graduated, former Novice, DCM runners to do. Far be it from me to buck the trend.

    A little bit about me: Well I'm male and a well worn half century of years on this little planet. I blame my Dad for the genetic contribution to the accelerated aging (male pattern baldness and white hair) but I forgive him 'cos I love him. I'm totally responsible for the rest which is 30 years of 30 fags a day and 30 drinks a week!

    So was there a Eureka moment? Did my life flash before me and show me the ills of my ways? Nope, I'm afraid not. I blame love, meeting a wonderful woman who just happened to run....a lot.

    August: It was on a trip to Galway Bay 10k (no, I wasn't running or walking it) that I decided I'd do C25K as a token gesture towards “getting into shape”. I was perfectly happy with my 15st 7lb shape thanks very much but I had to be seen to be doing something. It felt a bit weird having a smoke last thing before setting off and first thing after falling back into the hotel smoking area after my 8 x 60 seconds of running. So weird that it was my last cigarette. I will admit to having joined the vaping community since that day.

    November: C25K completed, 3 weeks more of jogging and off I set into the big bad world, the Run in the Dark 5k. Absolutely thrilled with a 24:10 and it led to renewed and faster training and achilles injury. I had fallen victim to what I now know to be the too much, too fast, too soon form of training!

    The injury and associated deflation meant a 6 month hiatus from my new hobby until May. My OH had decided to do DCM 15 and I being the gentleman offered to join her on some of her runs. To my horror she accepted. In for a penny, in for a pound says I. New runners, a Garmin watch and an entry to the race series. No stopping me now! A bit of training, better eating, down to 13st and a bit... the series picked up speed. IR5 in 42.20, Fingal in 50:50, FD10 in 1:22:14, Streets of Galway 8k in 38:29 and the
    Dublin Half in 1:48:03. That was that! A stress fracture in my foot brought on by all training sessions being flat out pace wise. Who said you learn from your mistakes? My shiny new Garmin shows my total miles for the year at 360.4

    Yes, another 6 month blank before trying again in February. Clocked up a massive 60 miles during February before something strange happened me one side of me stopped to work. My hand, arm, leg just refused to follow orders. One quick 999 call later, 2 brilliant ambulance workers, me feeling fine again after a few minutes, a trip to the Mater with blue lights overhead and I was told I had a TIA. What's that I asked....a quick passing stroke says they in lay mans terms. I just lost interest in running and didn't recover it until October. I did a few 3 & 4k runs to ease back in and then did a bit of Parkrun tourism in Dublin for a few consecutive weeks...Porterstown, St Annes, Marlay, Castletown, Poppintree, Donabate and then Waterstown where that uphill finish played a part in my hamstring going pop! Tried Hartstown a couple of weeks later but hobbled over the line. End of year. My not so new Garmin laughed as it showed my years total at 165 miles. :-)

    I wasn't going to let this running lark beat me so come February I eased my way back into it. Some wise soul suggested I try Bikram Yoga to help my flexibility. Off I went to this little sweatbox, the smell of stale sweat everywhere. I got hot, I created a lake sized puddle of sweat around me, I stretched and touched places where I didn't even know I had places. I woke up the next day like a poker and moved around like an unoiled C3PO for the next week. Somewhere along the line though something had happened. I was really liking this running lark. The runs became regular, at last the paces became sensibly slow and the bug had bitten. I entered the Terenure 5 Mile and did 38.2x. Back to where I was in 2015. I loosely followed a HH plan for 5 miles over the next few weeks and ran the IR5 in 37:16. This strange concept of training to a plan seemed to work...amazing! I entered the race series including the DCM and swore I'd both follow a plan and train slowly to avoid the higher risk of injury. Google and a strange quirk of fate led me to the Boards Novices Plan. Why not thought I, lets give this thing a lash. Fingal 10k in 46:14, FD10 as a MP run in what felt like a silly easy 1:27 and then the half in 1:40:45. Nearly 5 months after my Boards adventure began and weighing in at a (for me) featherweight 11st 7lb I started and finished (along with a fantastic group of Novice boardsies) my first DCM in 3:47:20. The memories of the day will never leave me as most of you (still) reading this will understand. Miles so far this year 1028.2

    So here I stand before you, still on a high, making plans for what comes next. I want to avoid injury so I'm kinda scared of speedwork. I'll have to ease my way into that. Join a club? Definitely...after my legs refind themselves, most probably early in the new year. I'm still awaiting contact from Raheny but if the offer is right I'll join them. Like most others I'm looking at PB's and looking at setting targets. I'm toying with the idea of using age grading to set these targets rather than picking some arbitrary round figures. My Pbs (basically this years race series) are all eerily close by age grading at about 65%. To my mind the target times needed to hit 70% are a bit too far away and all going well might be 2019 targets. I won't include the marathon as those targets seem way too optimistic....EVER! So getting my age gradings to a mid point between the two might be a plan. I'd really love an opinion from those who know a lot more than me about these things. Below is a table with PBs, age grading for them and times needed to hit higher age grading.

    Distance| PB | Age Grading | Target 67.5% | Target 70%
    5k| 22.52 | 64.5% | 21:58 | 21:04
    5 Mile| 37:16 | 64.6% | 35:50 | 34:23
    10k| 46:14 | 65% | 44:34 | 42:55
    10 Mile| n/a | n/a | 1:13:31 | 1:10:21
    Half| 1:40:45 | 64.7% | 1:36:52 | 1:33:00
    Marathon| 3:47:20 | 60.4% | 3:31:40 | 3:16:00

    Here endeth perhaps the longest intro to a training log since time began. Please accept my apologies for my meanderings.



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Well done Skyblue! Great start to your log. How is your knee by the way?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    It is as good as I expected, what a great intro to a training log :D what a journey you have been on looking forward to following and seeing you smash those goals :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,426 ✭✭✭scotindublin

    Welcome aboard.....expexting great things next year!

    Just on the club thing don't be afraid to drop down on one of the training evenings.....from experience the hardest part of joint a club is making the initial move ...if you are like me you will be full of self doubts don't be worried there will be people at all levels and the faster/more experienced lads will be glad to offer you advice and pull you through sessions.


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    Week 1 Post DCM

    Very little running was done! Lots of craft beers were taken! Went away for a couple of days rest, relaxation and pampering. It was brilliant. :D

    Run 1 Wednesday 1st November : 2 miles @ 12:44
    Nope that's not a typo...12.44 per mile and it killed me. Hotel was on a hillside so it was a mile of vertical ;) climbing tearing at my calf muscles and a one mile descent which I would have been better absailing which felt like hot pokers were being stuck in my quads! Back to the pool and the bar :o

    Run 2 Friday 3rd November: 3.1 miles @ 8:45
    Amazing the difference a couple of days can make. Covered up the watch with a relic from the 80's, a towel wristband in Man Utd colours, and just let the legs do their own thing. When I looked at the watch afterwards I had a brief few seconds guilt that I had gone too fast. I allowed myself that after months of "if it feels slow, go slower". The recovery seems to be happening thank God.

    Run 3 Monday 6th November: 5 miles @ 8:35
    Ok, I know. Nowhere ever does it say increase speed and distance as part of marathon recovery. I'm a fool. I promise that's the end of it for now. Very easy runs for the next week. Take away the discipline brought on by a watching Wubble Wubble and AMK and I'm back to Forrest Gumping it. :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,507 ✭✭✭Damo 2k9

    Very best of luck on the journey S, your an absolute gent and I really hope that injurys are kept at bay. Definitely need to meet up for a run sometime!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Super reading Sean. You've been through the ringer with injuries & illness but you've persevered and are still here with an amazing marathon debut time, very impressive. Exciting times ahead no doubt :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    Kellygirl wrote: »
    Well done Skyblue! Great start to your log. How is your knee by the way?

    I'm taking the burying the head in the sand approach to the injury. When I did my first ran after the marathon we did a mile out, turned and came back. When I put all my weight on my left leg to do the u-turn it kinda gave under me again. I had no problems on the 2 subsequent runs. I'm hoping it was a strain that won't return.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    Damo 2k9 wrote: »
    Very best of luck on the journey S, your an absolute gent and I really hope that injurys are kept at bay. Definitely need to meet up for a run sometime!!

    There will be no runs with you while you're doing 21 minute 5K training runs! :eek: :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,338 ✭✭✭eyrie

    Referencing Talking Heads in your log title and opening paragraph = you're my new training log hero :p

    Congratulations on an amazing run in DCM! Will be looking forward to seeing where you go next with it all. Welcome to the logs :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    eyrie wrote: »
    Referencing Talking Heads in your log title and opening paragraph = you're my new training log hero :p

    Congratulations on an amazing run in DCM! Will be looking forward to seeing where you go next with it all. Welcome to the logs :)

    As long as I'm not on the Road to Nowhere :eek:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    ariana` wrote: »
    Super reading Sean. You've been through the ringer with injuries & illness but you've persevered and are still here with an amazing marathon debut time, very impressive. Exciting times ahead no doubt :)

    Thanks Elaine. Better late than never. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,601 ✭✭✭Wubble Wubble

    "And you may say to yourself
    My God!....What have I done?!"

    Brilliant intro Seán. Plenty more good reading to follow no doubt :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,199 ✭✭✭denis b

    skyblue46 wrote: »
    Better late than never. :)

    Now that rings a bell :). Welcome on board Sean. I think your easy pace running paved the way to DCM and 2017 success. Keep it up and my money would be on you to get under 21 mins at 5 km next year.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    denis b wrote: »
    Now that rings a bell :). Welcome on board Sean. I think your easy pace running paved the way to DCM and 2017 success. Keep it up and my money would be on you to get under 21 mins at 5 km next year.

    Thanks Denis. That would be another dream come true. I think I need a new race strategy to get there maybe. All my races have been run with a very negative split, from 5k to marathon. I tend not to believe I could sustain a faster pace for the complete distance. I might have to pick a target pace and go for it from the start. There's a risk I'd blow up but at least it would be a lesson learned.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,199 ✭✭✭denis b

    I think a fairly realistic target pace is a good idea and will allow for more even pacing for shorter distance races. Some runners can just go out hard over 5 km and hope to hang on but it isn't something that I do myself. Racing experience will facilitate a more customised approach for your own racing over time. That is purely my own experience, but I continue to learn.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    Another supposed post DCM recovery week and another absolute failure to take it easy enough. Was feeling fresh enough so just got out for the early in the week runs and didn't pay much attention to pace. I went to my local Parkrun on Saturday morning with the intention of sauntering around for 4K before unleashing my devastating finishing kick. I did this alright and it seems to have been a mistake. Felt grand on Saturday and Sunday morning so decided to head out for a gentle 60-90 mins with my beloved. :) For once I stuck to a sensible pace but after 6 miles the knee that acted up in DCM started to feel a bit iffy. Straight back to the car and resting today as well. It'll be very gentle miles for the next couple of weeks.

    Wednesday 3.2m @ 8.51
    Thursday 4.6m @ 8.44
    Saturday Parkrun @ 7.37
    Sunday 6.3m @ 10.03

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Have you a foam roller Sean? Or would it be worth doing a physio session or a sports massage? Just to loosen out the muscles/fibres connecting to the knee. It may help.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    ariana` wrote: »
    Have you a foam roller Sean? Or would it be worth doing a physio session or a sports massage? Just to loosen out the muscles/fibres connecting to the knee. It may help.

    Yep I've been foam rolling and have a sports massage organised later in the week. I'd be with you in thinking that the weakness in the knee is referred pain from other tired/ weakened muscles. If the rolling, massage and slower running don't help I'll go see a physio.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    skyblue46 wrote: »
    Yep I've been foam rolling and have a sports massage organised later in the week. I'd be with you in thinking that the weakness in the knee is referred pain from other tired/ weakened muscles. If the rolling, massage and slower running don't help I'll go see a physio.

    Hopefully the sports massage will make a difference. And i'd definitely be staying with easy running for another week or more. You were a star pupil for sticking to the correct paces training for DCM so what's another couple of weeks. Plenty of time for speedy stuff when you're fully recovered ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    I've been neglecting this so better fill in the blanks for posterity. As all those who had done it before knew, and those of us who hadn't worried about it, the time to get over DCM was a difficult period. Injuries, niggles and lack of motivation really tested the spirit and morale. Thankfully I seem to be emerging at the far end now. :)

    Tuesday 14th: 4.1 miles @ 9:40. A gentle jog around the local park filled with trepidation about the knee that niggled on the Sunday. All went ok.

    Thursday 16th: 7.4 miles @ 9:30. Rested on the Wednesday and decided to increase the miles a bit. Pace still on the slow side of easy. Had a sports massage after. It seems tight hamstrings may be the root of my knee issues so I've now started regular stretching exercises.

    Friday 17th: 8.3 miles @ 9:13. Did this in the PP. Started to feel more like myself on this run. Nice comfortable pace.

    I rested for the weekend after doing my two longest runs since DCM back to back. I must be listening to all the sage advice! :D

    Monday 20th: 3.1 miles @ 8:25. This was to be another gentle jog but the impressions I had of getting stronger again seemed to be confirmed. I went with what felt comfortable even if it was a bit faster than planned.

    Tuesday 21st: 10.5 miles @ 9:04. Had only planned a local 6 mile loop but I was loving how I was feeling and threw in a lap or two in each of the 3 public parks in the area.

    Thursday 23rd: 4.1 miles @ 8:31. Took Wednesday off after the long-ish run on Tuesday. A wet and windy morning in Marlay Park. Started off slowly but the cold made me speed up to get it finished ASAP. I think I'll call it a progression run ;)

    Friday 24th: 4.2 miles @ 8:49. Another comfortable little run finished a little quicker than normal.

    Saturday 25th: 3.1 miles @ 6:59. Parkrun in Corkagh Park. It's a great route and a lovely crowd. The timekeeper looked like he was out on day release though :p Runwise I was more than happy too. 21:49 which was a 1:03 PB from pre DCM training period. A tangible representation of the gains made over the 5 months. It also achieved my 2018 target for that distance so I'll have to look at that again!

    Sunday 26th: 5.7 miles @ 9:15. A nice gentle Sunday morning jog to ease out the legs after their exertions yesterday.

    So that's me up to date and feeling good again. I have managed to stick with the stretching which I could never do before totally down to laziness. Looking forward to Jingle Bells next weekend and then starting on one of the 14 week plans on the Graduates thread. I miss the structure of a plan having adhered rigidly to the Novices plan. I'm sure I'll wreck our esteemed mentor's head looking for advice :pac:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    Another week down and all in all a successful one. After posting here last week I had a look at the training paces on the graduates plan which indicate that I'm still running too fast on easy and very easy runs. I decided the week would be all about getting used to easy pace. I was hoping this would give my tight hamstrings a bit of a break too. I stretched after every run and used the roller twice a day.

    Monday 27th: 5.2m @ 10:00 per mile - a nice easy evening run. It felt more like a recovery run after the paces I'd been training at recently.

    Tuesday 28th: 3.2m @ 9:50 - more of the same. Nippy morning.

    Wednesday- Rest day

    Thursday 30th: 8.7m @ 9:33 - my long run for the week due to Jingle Bells at the weekend. Did a section of the canal from Phibsboro to Ashtown for the first time. I'll be back to do a longer section for sure.

    Friday 1st: 4.1m @ 10:16 - a lovely little jog around Marley and then down to St Endas Park for the first time. What a lovely little park. It's a short lap but lovely undulating trail type paths. Really really nice place to run.

    Saturday 2nd: Jingle Bells - well my new 5k PB lasted a week and I knocked over a minute off it. 20:37ish ( still not official as I'm missing from the results) I was obviously thrilled to bits! Still need to work on pacing as I undoubtedly start off too slowly. KM splits were 4:38, 4:21, 4:09, 3:51 and 3:38. Even allowing for the course elevation I think that's a bit much!
    I met Browneyes and Lazare afterwards, both thrilled to also have PBs. We had a brief introduction to AMK as he chatted with WW at the end. We waited in the hope of seeing quickbeam finish but must have missed her as we left after she had got in for her own landmark PB. Elf scotindublin introduced himself at the finish too...he looks great in tights! A great morning and a fantastic event, well done to all involved.

    Sunday 3rd: Rest Day

    So tomorrow is the start of a new adventure, The Graduates 10k-HM plan. I'll stick to it like a leech and see where it takes me, paces and all. Can't wait for the sessions. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Super! Well done on a great PB. Only good things to come from you!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    I knew you would get that PB :) hope they sort out the results for you it is nice having the cert they do when you get a PB

    Good luck starting the new plan!

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Entertainment Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Regional East Moderators Posts: 18,393 CMod ✭✭✭✭The Black Oil

    10k-HM plan will serve you well. Enjoy and well done on the PB.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    Baby75 wrote: »
    I knew you would get that PB :) hope they sort out the results for you it is nice having the cert they do when you get a PB

    Good luck starting the new plan!

    Well I got my official time, 20:48. I would have bitten your hand off for that time before but losing 11 seconds to my watch time is a bummer. :confused: I suppose it makes it a softer PB target for next December :pac:

  • Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators Posts: 16,287 Mod ✭✭✭✭quickbeam

    skyblue46 wrote: »
    Well I got my official time, 20:48. I would have bitten your hand off for that time before but losing 11 seconds to my watch time is a bummer. :confused: I suppose it makes it a softer PB target for next December :pac:

    I doubt you'll be waiting until next December to beat that.

    Glad it got sorted all the same.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    quickbeam wrote: »
    I doubt you'll be waiting until next December to beat that.

    Glad it got sorted all the same.

    Hopefully you're right. Not sure when I'll race one again. I'll be on plan from now to mid March except for the Raheny 5.

  • Registered Users Posts: 228 ✭✭leesider77

    Congrats on the PB! Think I'll be waiting for the pints you promised after Raheny ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    leesider77 wrote: »
    Congrats on the PB! Think I'll be waiting for the pints you promised after Raheny ;)

    The way I feel today it feels like I'll never run again! DOMS on a big scale after the hills yesterday!!! 😞

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    skyblue46 wrote: »
    The way I feel today it feels like I'll never run again! DOMS on a big scale after the hills yesterday!!! ��

    Wow they must have been tough :eek: What's on plan for today?
