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What the mind believes the Body achieves!



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    Brilliant, two great races and reports. Enjoy Wexford!

    Thanks Wubble Wubble :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    Congrats on the PB - looks like we're both aiming for the sub-25 5k. Enjoy Wexico :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    Huzzah! wrote: »
    Congrats on the PB - looks like we're both aiming for the sub-25 5k. Enjoy Wexico :)

    Thanks Huzzah :) yep good luck getting yours it feels doable now with some good training

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,338 ✭✭✭eyrie

    Super race, congratulations! Well done on finishing strong. Great report :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Baby75 wrote: »
    Weeks training

    Sunday 28/1/18
    Race Charlie Curran 5km 26.46 average pace 5.21
    This run has been on my mind all week, from pacing it to can I get a good time or will I blow up I hope I do not go out to fast and its a suffer fest for the rest of the run with nothing in the tank for finish with a nice sprint.

    So I woke up this morning feeling fine nice and relaxed but the closer it came to leaving the more my tummy started spin and I started to feel very nervous I have not felt like this since the HM in Newbridge house during the run up to DCM :eek:

    Congrats on the PB! - Feelings like you describe happen to us all. For me it is every race and for a while it was quite a difficulty for me. I'm quite sure its the same for a lot of people.

    Great racing and nice even splits!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    Congrats on the PB! - Feelings like you describe happen to us all. For me it is every race and for a while it was quite a difficulty for me. I'm quite sure its the same for a lot of people.

    Great racing and nice even splits!

    Thanks AMK I used to feel it at every race so I am glad it is a lot better and does not put me off LOL I am always glad when we can start moving it goes a
    way then:)

    I am pretty proud of my splits I aimed not go way to fast on my first KM and keep to a certain pace and I did it :) my watch helped finally know how to use it

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    Early morning spin class, nice and easy spinning
    Run 8km @6.49 enjoyed this run with club stuck to easy pace
    S&C 30 minutes all core work

    Never got out for a run, kids stuff kept me busy

    LSR 12km nice and easy felt good to get out and start working a long run back in again.

    Early morning spinning class and a few stairs to help a friend

    Sunday Brick session Cycle 25KM and 10Km Trail run ( which was 7km not 10)

    Cycle 34km 1hr 39 mins
    So hubby wanted to go for a nice easy cycle 25km before the trail run and I believed him LOL but it was not easy very hilly and he detoured and it ended up a little longer with a killer hill well I thought it was a killer one!!! at the end ( I will admit I was not impressed LOL) lovely cycle though I would not have minded staying out for longer and taking in the scenery. But I was worried we would be late back and pushed harder on the hills than I would normally and I am paying for it today. I noticed when I stood up to cycle uphill I had a pain in my right arm from my elbow to my hand and towards the end a pain in my hip and into my groin with every downward pedal in my left leg. I wonder if my form was off or my position on the bike is wrong.

    we got back in time a quick change of clothes a quick snack, some water ( I think I needed more) the quickest little run to try and get my legs working and off to the start!

    IMRA CarrigByrne Trail run
    Another fantastic event so well organized

    We lined up at the start, a few words from the Director and countdown was on! a nice little easy run with a slight downhill until we had to turn right and run up a lovely forest path loads of winding and hard going near the stop when it got steep I needed a walk break but did not feel so bad about it when others were all walking as well, I actually thought we had 10km to run so did not mind the little walking break conserve energy for later on. it was nearly 1km to the top and out on to the forest road then back into the trees ( best bit love running through the trees on windy muddy paths ) I could not believe we had nearly 4km covered I was finding it hard going my legs felt heavy. another walk break as it was steep and loose stones underfoot.
    hubby was feeling fresh and I could tell he wanted to push on but did not want to leave me he was trying to get me to run at his pace Nope! :D So I told him to push on!
    I was in a small bunch 2 in front and 1 behind me! there was a lady in front of me and I made her my target I would catch her first and then see if I could pass her.
    We were coming up to 5km and moving nicely legs felt so much better, I was delighted when we turned off onto a little track and it was downhill loads of deep mud and so much fun. back out across the road and up through the trees I looked up and seen a few in front all walking, but felt ok so kept running passed a guy and the lady in front of me. up to 6km it was all uphill with a nice ''little'' downhill to recover on Sun was shining and I could hear whoops ahead of me which always spurs you on :D back out on the forest road & I knew we where back near the start and I felt disappointed about that! I met a guy running towards me and I asked him was he doing his cool down LOL he was oh well! met a lovely volunteer and she directed me back into the trees and uphill we go again I knew it would be slow going as I could see a few up ahead walking, the lady I passed caught up again and we chatted our way to the top and then back on to the forest road down through some trees and back on the same path we came up at the start to the finish.
    That downhill was fun loved it, out on the road and I just wanted to hold my position and finish strong and I did :)
    Finished the afternoon chatting and having cake and coffee in the sun!

    Next Trail run is in Brandon Hill which will have less forest trail and more trail on the open mountain.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    Jaysus I'm surprised the sun was still in the sky by the time you finished chatting!

    Pain in the leg is more likely to be from your position on the bike particularly if either saddle height, stem height or stem length were changed recently.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,601 ✭✭✭Wubble Wubble

    Baby75 wrote: »
    Early morning spin class, nice and easy spinning
    Run 8km @6.49 enjoyed this run with club stuck to easy pace
    S&C 30 minutes all core work

    Never got out for a run, kids stuff kept me busy

    LSR 12km nice and easy felt good to get out and start working a long run back in again.

    Early morning spinning class and a few stairs to help a friend

    Sunday Brick session Cycle 25KM and 10Km Trail run ( which was 7km not 10)

    Cycle 34km 1hr 39 mins
    So hubby wanted to go for a nice easy cycle 25km before the trail run and I believed him LOL but it was not easy very hilly and he detoured and it ended up a little longer with a killer hill well I thought it was a killer one!!! at the end ( I will admit I was not impressed LOL) lovely cycle though I would not have minded staying out for longer and taking in the scenery. But I was worried we would be late back and pushed harder on the hills than I would normally and I am paying for it today. I noticed when I stood up to cycle uphill I had a pain in my right arm from my elbow to my hand and towards the end a pain in my hip and into my groin with every downward pedal in my left leg. I wonder if my form was off or my position on the bike is wrong.

    we got back in time a quick change of clothes a quick snack, some water ( I think I needed more) the quickest little run to try and get my legs working and off to the start!

    IMRA CarrigByrne Trail run
    Another fantastic event so well organized

    We lined up at the start, a few words from the Director and countdown was on! a nice little easy run with a slight downhill until we had to turn right and run up a lovely forest path loads of winding and hard going near the stop when it got steep I needed a walk break but did not feel so bad about it when others were all walking as well, I actually thought we had 10km to run so did not mind the little walking break conserve energy for later on. it was nearly 1km to the top and out on to the forest road then back into the trees ( best bit love running through the trees on windy muddy paths ) I could not believe we had nearly 4km covered I was finding it hard going my legs felt heavy. another walk break as it was steep and loose stones underfoot.
    hubby was feeling fresh and I could tell he wanted to push on but did not want to leave me he was trying to get me to run at his pace Nope! :D So I told him to push on!
    I was in a small bunch 2 in front and 1 behind me! there was a lady in front of me and I made her my target I would catch her first and then see if I could pass her.
    We were coming up to 5km and moving nicely legs felt so much better, I was delighted when we turned off onto a little track and it was downhill loads of deep mud and so much fun. back out across the road and up through the trees I looked up and seen a few in front all walking, but felt ok so kept running passed a guy and the lady in front of me. up to 6km it was all uphill with a nice ''little'' downhill to recover on Sun was shining and I could hear whoops ahead of me which always spurs you on :D back out on the forest road & I knew we where back near the start and I felt disappointed about that! I met a guy running towards me and I asked him was he doing his cool down LOL he was oh well! met a lovely volunteer and she directed me back into the trees and uphill we go again I knew it would be slow going as I could see a few up ahead walking, the lady I passed caught up again and we chatted our way to the top and then back on to the forest road down through some trees and back on the same path we came up at the start to the finish.
    That downhill was fun loved it, out on the road and I just wanted to hold my position and finish strong and I did :)
    Finished the afternoon chatting and having cake and coffee in the sun!

    Next Trail run is in Brandon Hill which will have less forest trail and more trail on the open mountain.

    Another great race in the bag. Seems like you really enjoyed this one too :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    skyblue46 wrote: »
    Jaysus I'm surprised the sun was still in the sky by the time you finished chatting!

    Pain in the leg is more likely to be from your position on the bike particularly if either saddle height, stem height or stem length were changed recently.

    :):D Hubby did more of that than me LOL did not help he knew some guys there cannot bring him anywhere
    actually I did change my saddle height the last time we were out I had one of those covers on it but took it off as I do not need it anymore and it felt to low! I will check it out again.

    Wubble Wubble I did once I stopped trying to match hubby pace :D and settled into my own pace .running uphill really works the cardiovascular system I hope mine improves so I can manage them better. it was a great run though.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Sounds like a great day. Hope the pains in the leg and arm go away quickly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    Kellygirl wrote: »
    Sounds like a great day. Hope the pains in the leg and arm go away quickly.

    So do I, my hip worries me I had to go to physio before over it! its eased after some walking today

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,831 ✭✭✭Annie get your Run

    Sounds lovely between the bike and the run!! Maybe some foam rolling might help the hip and do your neck & shoulders which might help the arm :). Which reminds me........:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    Sounds lovely between the bike and the run!! Maybe some foam rolling might help the hip and do your neck & shoulders which might help the arm :). Which reminds me........:D

    I will try that, I think it is muscle sure my legs could do with a bit of foam rolling!

    Just looking at Quest adventure racing training plans they are not bad and I am not sure but I thought they would cover longer distances for running and more workouts during the week esp for the expert routes nice brick sessions though I think I like to run more once or twice a week!

    How much training should you be doing for adventure races or longer say 12 hour onwards events some friends are doing the Race this year and are training a lot :eek: 6 days a week and all hard days, Sunday they cycled 160km up around mount lenister then a run of about 20km or more, I think some of it on trails and that is the first trail run and back in this morning to the club to do stairs with 4kg jackets on and spinning bikes turned up to the max and staying standing up :eek:
    I think they should have rested today, every day seems to be a race day crazy

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Great race!!

    My right hip bothers me sometimes - caused by tight ITB and tight quad/hip flexors. In my case my physio says it's down to weak glutes :o I'm not giving medical advice obviously as everyone is different but foam rolling can't do any harm though i find i can't really get into mine with a foam roller - i have to use a baseball, ouch :eek: And i get a deep tissue massage every so often when i can afford it/arrange it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    ariana` wrote: »
    Great race!!

    My right hip bothers me sometimes - caused by tight ITB and tight quad/hip flexors. In my case my physio says it's down to weak glutes :o I'm not giving medical advice obviously as everyone is different but foam rolling can't do any harm though i find i can't really get into mine with a foam roller - i have to use a baseball, ouch :eek: And i get a deep tissue massage every so often when i can afford it/arrange it.

    The foam roller just does not get it does it! I can get hubby to work on my pressure points but I may go back the physio and get him to do a deep tissue massage thankfully he is very affordable.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    Monday: Rest day, hip was much better in the morning got out for a walk and no issues some foam rolling and that was as much as I got done

    Spin for 1 hour
    We double checked my position on the bike, saddle height and position and one I do not check handlebars which I had set high. a great class and no issues at all during or after. came home and got out the mat for some stretching and more foam rolling. used a ball to really work my glutes which worked a treat.

    8km @ avg 6.55/km
    A nice easy run, before I left I did some dynamic stretches concentrating on my hips glutes and quads and upper body felt really good after them and enjoyed the run

    Spin for 1 hour no problems good class
    Easy run 6.6Km @avg 6.45/km
    stretches, then out for nice easy run legs felt a little tired it was nice getting out earlier in the day and not in the dark roads were a little quieter as well.

    Friday and Saturday I took as rest days as a friend who is training for the Race in Donegal as part of a team needed to get a long run so asked if we would go with him on Sunday morning they guy he has helping him with training wanted 30 to 35 KM which we did come up with a plan to get done with the least amount of stress on the body plan was 3 x 10km loops with a break between each one and walking breaks. But I think wisely he decided to do 21KM

    22.3KM @avg 6.34/km
    I was a little excited getting up Sunday morning and trying out my new head torch got it in Lidil the day before have to say well impressed with it. We met F at 6am it was cold but after some dynamic stretching, we did not hang about and headed off we decided on a lovely route up some lovely country roads and taking in some good hills to try and mimic the first few KM of the first run in the race. I had set the pace on my watch at F 10km pace which is similar to mine so knew it would be ok for me as well. We had a nice little Drag up Browns hill on to Brownshill avenue meeting our first hill at the 1km mark, it was lovely and quiet sky was clear and such fun in the dark with our head torches only lighting up a few feet in front of us. We kept it nice and easy and calfs felt great normally they are letting me know they are working hard when I run hills early on in a run ( must be the trail running paying off yay)
    The rest of the run passed nicely it started snowing a few times and as soon as it got bright the temp dropped we all got so cold. We were all very happy to finish

    Legs felt a little stiff did some more stretches had a lovely breakfast and fine today

    It felt great to get out and run a long run again I really do love the longer distance stuff reminded me of DCM training glad I have my tickets booked

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Great going N!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Wow, you're simulating training for the Race already :) It's only a matter of time before you'll be signing up :)

    Sounds like a fab Sunday morning run :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    Neady83 wrote: »
    Wow, you're simulating training for the Race already :) It's only a matter of time before you'll be signing up :)

    Sounds like a fab Sunday morning run :)

    LOL not on my ever extending list of runs to do yet :) There is about 9 going up from our club to run 3 are part of a team We had considered going up as a team I was meant to be in an all girls team doing the first run and kyack but it fell through. Probably just as well my 11 year old confirmation is on the 1st of March.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    What a strange week I missed some of my runs as kids on midterm break and minding my friends 3 kids as well looking forward to having more structure this week.

    But also have started a new marathon training plan for the Clare Burren Marathon challenge

    Rest day
    Just foam rolling and S&C I was eating my words about my calfs as both felt tight when I got up!

    60 minutes, nice class lots of giggles
    Evening Physio, I booked this appointment when my hip was hurting after my cycle, thankfully hip was much better but I thought no harm to go anyway. I am glad I did my QL was very tight and had pelvis a little off balance so I was overcompensating on my right leg lucky I had no issues well pain wise I had noticed a tightness in my knee but it was not consistent or there every time. So he sorted all that out I have a list of exercises to do. But overall he was happy with me I had corrected my weak glutes and my ankle is much stronger as well. Cleared to keep running and report back if I have any other problems

    No run, minding kids and my back was a little sore after physio
    S&C with some foam rolling instead

    Tempo run 30 minutes @ 5:45 / 5:50 min/km
    quite enjoyed this run, fitted it in before heading to do my shopping I did feel a little silly with my backpack on :D left calf felt a little tight when I finished but the walk to the shop afterward and it was gone.

    Friday & Saturday
    Minding kids so apart from walking and doing my exercises from physio not much else I had a major case of run envy when hubby headed out on Friday

    Warm up
    Lots of talk about running drills on here in a great thread 'training to train' so I had fun on Sunday practicing a few Drills and really love the knee-high rhythm kick took me a while to get it:)
    Followed by
    LSR 12km @ 7 min /KM
    Kept it nice and easy and the little bit tightness in my legs had worked itself out by the end, finished with some strides in the last KM which and walked home to let the legs cool down

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    What training plan did you decide on in the end?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    Kellygirl wrote: »
    What training plan did you decide on in the end?

    Its a 16 week marathon plan for a hilly trail run im going to adapt some of the sessions and tempo runs to reduce the risk of injury and the focus is not on racing it or chasing a time just to enjoy it and have a good base for DCM and what ever else I do lol

    Im still putting it in to a spread sheet ill share it with you tomorrow😊

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    Kellygirl wrote: »
    What training plan did you decide on in the end?

    Its a 16 week marathon plan for a hilly trail run im going to adapt some of the sessions and tempo runs to reduce the risk of injury and the focus is not on racing it or chasing a time just to enjoy it and have a good base for DCM and what ever else I do lol

    Im still putting it in to a spread sheet ill share it with you tomorrow😊

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Baby75 wrote: »
    Its a 16 week marathon plan for a hilly trail run im going to adapt some of the sessions and tempo runs to reduce the risk of injury and the focus is not on racing it or chasing a time just to enjoy it and have a good base for DCM and what ever else I do lol

    Im still putting it in to a spread sheet ill share it with you tomorrow��

    Cool. Would love to see it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    Kellygirl wrote: »
    Cool. Would love to see it.

    Here is the original link to plan

    I am still changing it to KM and to suit me :) on a go slow today

    more info on the plan

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Baby75 wrote: »
    Here is the original link to plan

    I am still changing it to KM and to suit me :) on a go slow today

    more info on the plan

    It’s interesting and I like the hill stuff in it. I wonder should I amend some of my weeks to include hill stuff as HH3 doesn’t have it. There’s no step back weeks though which is unusual?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    Kellygirl wrote: »
    It’s interesting and I like the hill stuff in it. I wonder should I amend some of my weeks to include hill stuff as HH3 doesn’t have it. There’s no step back weeks though which is unusual?

    Yea I noticed, I will add them in myself and I am not overly pushed on speed sessions so will keep them easy instead.

    I think you could pick a hilly route for some of your easy runs or an LSR and even take in some trails :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Baby75 wrote: »
    Yea I noticed, I will add them in myself and I am not overly pushed on speed sessions so will keep them easy instead.

    I think you could pick a hilly route for some of your easy runs or an LSR and even take in some trails :)

    True, had already deliberately included hills in my planned route for tomorrow actually.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    Kellygirl wrote: »
    True, had already deliberately included hills in my planned route for tomorrow actually.

    No bother to ya :)
