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Female singer available

  • 19-11-2017 4:12pm
    Registered Users Posts: 6

    Hi everyone :)

    I'm a 27y old singer/songwriter/musician, I live in Dublin (near the Red Line LUAS) and available for musical projects. I've been singing for +13 years, and had many bands between 2005-2009. Got away from it for a bit and was only keeping a YouTube channel and releasing stuff online on my own, but now definitely want to start to work with other Musicians/Producers and do gigs again.

    I'm up to try any styles, but I'm guessing my voice would fit better with folk/acoustic/electroacoustic stuff as it's not that 'big'. My main influences at the moment are Aurora, Anneke van Giersbergen, Lana del Rey and Bonobo. Here's my channel: (it has originals and covers that range from Disney songs to Heavy Metal haha)

    Looking forward to hearing from you :)

