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Werewolf XX - WWE: The Monday Night Wars



  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,927 ✭✭✭Orla WW

    Jake WW wrote: »
    Seems unlikely today. We do need to worry about hem tomorrow tough

    Well after the munch we will have to watch out. Would agree with you though, no tasks till after munch at least.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,307 ✭✭✭Riona WW

    Gabriel WW wrote: »
    Riona who did you vote for in the end?

    I voted for Jake around 8.45pm.

    After missing much of yesterday, I wanted to take a good look at the heat surrounding Derry and Mary, but hadn't the time before the vote. From a quick glance through the thread, Mary's posts were making me raise an eyebrow yesterday, but definitely not enough for me to potentially be a deciding vote if there was a tie between her and Derry.

    So I went for Jake who was in no danger at all, but who I do have a strong suspicion about.

    On Mary - I couldn't bring myself to vote for her despite some erratic posting and the tide moving against her. A couple of nights back when she thought that she was heading for the gallows, I got the feeling in one post that she was hinting at being The Rock. Of course, as a member of the WWF roster myself, I didn't call it at the time because why out one our own like that?

    I could be way off, but it's possible that we lynched The Rock last night. Hopefully I am way off, and The Rock is reading this now thinking 'Don't worry, you didn't'. Whether Mary was The Rock or not, I don't think she was a wolf.
    Isla WW wrote: »
    So currently out on thread we have:

    Me as Shawn Michaels

    Wendy as Bret Hart:

    Frank as Kurt Angle:

    Tegan as Chris Jericho:

    And now Derry as Kane:

    + Liam as X-Pac now.

    So many reveals. Should so many of our WWF roster be coming out so soon?
    Isla WW wrote: »
    Why not. We need all the help we can get to be honest. Can't kill us all!

    I disagree. I fear that we have now gone from the safety of 'they can't kill us all' to a situation where with so many reveals, the wolves can greatly narrow down the pool when searching for our most powerful WWF stars.

    Sure they can take an easy munch and choose a definite WWF kill from the list of low-powered reveals we've supplied. Or, they can take a calculated shot and aim for some of our bigger, unrevealed stars. Worst case for them - They hit another villager or a rival wolf. With two munches coming this morning, I'm concerned that at least one of the wolf teams would take that gamble.


    Having gone back over yesterday's posts now in more detail, I have suspicions about Jake. Angus was on my radar too, but I'm pretty sure that I spotted something that eased my suspicions over Angus for now.

    Jake was already on my radar. On the morning of the first munch, he was first in to post around 7am with a helpful list of posters and their post counts so far. He was then away until 10:57am when he returned to agree with another poster that from the info supplied in the OP, it seemed that Bret Hart could be turned.

    Nothing much there, just a sign that despite a busy morning, Jake wanted to be back online/on the thread for around munch-time. Also, I believe that there were wolves present that morning on-thread for the very first munch to try to stir the pot and encourage discourse. Jake getting in early and helpful, then disappearing until munch-time when he returned to comment on who could or couldn't be turned, raised a red flag with me.

    Gertrude, who got munched the morning after consulting with Tegan over safelists, believed that wolves like to get in early to try to steer the debate. I agree.

    That's why I thought it a bit suspicious that Jake was in early yesterday morning, straight away starting on Derry over his confusion about who he had voted for the night before. Sure Derry's confusion was odd, but as we've seen with Nigel, confusion about what you've posted/where you posted it does not automatically make you a wolf. I thought that going hard after Derry here was very easy. Loose wolf accusation #1 yesterday morning.

    My attention was also drawn to who was vocal against Tegan's safelist - No, I don't see much point in them myself, but they don't offend me or give me great cause for concern. Not as a WWF villager anyway, whether I appear on the safelist or not, and I didn't appear on Tegan's.

    A little later yesterday morning, Jake's attention had moved from Derry (who was already a hot topic) to Tegan and his safelist (which was already a hot topic)...
    Jake wrote:
    Theyre also a way for wolves to butter up some villagers and try look useful at the same time.

    (Jake also thanked Barbara saying to Tegan 'Just don't post one'.)

    That's true, but I argue, is Jake posting a list of posters and their post-counts first thing on Monday morning not another way to butter up some villagers and try to look useful at the same time? Loose wolf accusation #2 yesterday morning.

    Shortly after that, it was Mary's turn. Yes, Mary was a bit all over the place yesterday and there were some logical concerns expressed with and about her. However, Jake's suggestion that Mary was talking to her fellow wolves in code through the FFAs was really out there and quite a stretch IMO.

    It just seemed to be another wheel to add to the Mary Bandwagon, no matter how unlikely the accusation/suggestion seemed. Then when questioned about the likelihood of that scenario actually occurring, Jake doubled-down with "It's a kill order between teams." Loose wolf accusation #3 yesterday morning.

    Mary responded to Jake with this...
    Mary wrote:
    Hey Jake ! I've been the easy mark since day 0 when Isla took a tiny throw away remark and used it to back up her required accusation. When the wolves feel threatened they look for an easy mark. Confess! Roll over and let me tickle your belly, give up your cohorts and we'll lynch you last!

    I agree. I think that Jake has been going after 'easy marks' while lying low. There are at least 3 from what I can see yesterday morning alone. If Jake had something like 200 posts in this game, I can see how he might cover so much ground and manage to throw suspicion onto so many people. However, at around 50 posts, I think he is skimming the water and just dropping a loose/easy accusation each time he touches the surface.

    I'm sorry Jake, especially if I'm wrong, but I suspect that you might not be a member of the WWF roster.

    P.S. Isla, now that is an essay.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,479 ✭✭✭Isla WW

    Steve WW wrote: »
    Right, don’t lynch me because I no nothing about wrestling and you think my suggestions for Kane’s trigger are stoopid...

    Has Kane been part of a tag team?
    Has a knockout from Kane led to someone’s retirement?
    Did Kane sleep with another wrestlers wife?
    Did Kane take a prestigious belt off someone?

    Bar the retirement... Yes to all the other questions.

    Many tag teams. Brothers of Destruction, Team Hell No, X-Pac, Rob Van Dam, Big Show.... to name but a few.

    Not quite sleep with someone's wife but he did have an on screen wife in Lita. And a girlfriend in Tori. Both were stolen from him.

    He won the WWF Title one night and lost it back to Stone Cold the next. Later won the World Title by crushing a midget... but that's not in this timeline I expect. Although... Rey Mysterio was WCW at this time??

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,479 ✭✭✭Isla WW

    Riona WW wrote: »
    I voted for Jake around 8.45pm.

    After missing much of yesterday, I wanted to take a good look at the heat surrounding Derry and Mary, but hadn't the time before the vote. From a quick glance through the thread, Mary's posts were making me raise an eyebrow yesterday, but definitely not enough for me to potentially be a deciding vote if there was a tie between her and Derry.

    So I went for Jake who was in no danger at all, but who I do have a strong suspicion about.

    On Mary - I couldn't bring myself to vote for her despite some erratic posting and the tide moving against her. A couple of nights back when she thought that she was heading for the gallows, I got the feeling in one post that she was hinting at being The Rock. Of course, as a member of the WWF roster myself, I didn't call it at the time because why out one our own like that?

    I could be way off, but it's possible that we lynched The Rock last night. Hopefully I am way off, and The Rock is reading this now thinking 'Don't worry, you didn't'. Whether Mary was The Rock or not, I don't think she was a wolf.

    + Liam as X-Pac now.

    So many reveals. Should so many of our WWF roster be coming out so soon?

    I disagree. I fear that we have now gone from the safety of 'they can't kill us all' to a situation where with so many reveals, the wolves can greatly narrow down the pool when searching for our most powerful WWF stars.

    Sure they can take an easy munch and choose a definite WWF kill from the list of low-powered reveals we've supplied. Or, they can take a calculated shot and aim for some of our bigger, unrevealed stars. Worst case for them - They hit another villager or a rival wolf. With two munches coming this morning, I'm concerned that at least one of the wolf teams would take that gamble.


    Having gone back over yesterday's posts now in more detail, I have suspicions about Jake. Angus was on my radar too, but I'm pretty sure that I spotted something that eased my suspicions over Angus for now.

    Jake was already on my radar. On the morning of the first munch, he was first in to post around 7am with a helpful list of posters and their post counts so far. He was then away until 10:57am when he returned to agree with another poster that from the info supplied in the OP, it seemed that Bret Hart could be turned.

    Nothing much there, just a sign that despite a busy morning, Jake wanted to be back online/on the thread for around munch-time. Also, I believe that there were wolves present that morning on-thread for the very first munch to try to stir the pot and encourage discourse. Jake getting in early and helpful, then disappearing until munch-time when he returned to comment on who could or couldn't be turned, raised a red flag with me.

    Gertrude, who got munched the morning after consulting with Tegan over safelists, believed that wolves like to get in early to try to steer the debate. I agree.

    That's why I thought it a bit suspicious that Jake was in early yesterday morning, straight away starting on Derry over his confusion about who he had voted for the night before. Sure Derry's confusion was odd, but as we've seen with Nigel, confusion about what you've posted/where you posted it does not automatically make you a wolf. I thought that going hard after Derry here was very easy. Loose wolf accusation #1 yesterday morning.

    My attention was also drawn to who was vocal against Tegan's safelist - No, I don't see much point in them myself, but they don't offend me or give me great cause for concern. Not as a WWF villager anyway, whether I appear on the safelist or not, and I didn't appear on Tegan's.

    A little later yesterday morning, Jake's attention had moved from Derry (who was already a hot topic) to Tegan and his safelist (which was already a hot topic)...

    That's true, but I argue, is Jake posting a list of posters and their post-counts first thing on Monday morning not another way to butter up some villagers and try to look useful at the same time? Loose wolf accusation #2 yesterday morning.

    Shortly after that, it was Mary's turn. Yes, Mary was a bit all over the place yesterday and there were some logical concerns expressed with and about her. However, Jake's suggestion that Mary was talking to her fellow wolves in code through the FFAs was really out there and quite a stretch IMO.

    It just seemed to be another wheel to add to the Mary Bandwagon, no matter how unlikely the accusation/suggestion seemed. Then when questioned about the likelihood of that scenario actually occurring, Jake doubled-down with "It's a kill order between teams." Loose wolf accusation #3 yesterday morning.

    Mary responded to Jake with this...

    I agree. I think that Jake has been going after 'easy marks' while lying low. There are at least 3 from what I can see yesterday morning alone. If Jake had something like 200 posts in this game, I can see how he might cover so much ground and manage to throw suspicion onto so many people. However, at around 50 posts, I think he is skimming the water and just dropping a loose/easy accusation each time he touches the surface.

    I'm sorry Jake, especially if I'm wrong, but I suspect that you might not be a member of the WWF roster.

    P.S. Isla, now that is an essay.

    Ok, Stunner to Jake. Go for it.

    Nice essay by the way.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,479 ✭✭✭Isla WW

    I know we got off track last night... hehe, I may have had something to do with it. But are we still feeling funny about the votes from last night, as if there was some creative control used perhaps?

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,158 ✭✭✭Doris WW

    What was the last tally of vote we had? Mary and Derry were top 2? Let me go back and check

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,760 ✭✭✭Angus WW

    Catching up but a few things worth noting

    For the 3rd time in a row I stook to my FFAs and voted for Mary. I stated my time of voting on thread yesterday after voting (was a placeholder that stayed in place at the time).

    Not a fan at all of more role reveals. Are we trying to give the Wolves our whole roster to pick and choose from or something. I honestly almost feel like revealing my role now just so you lads don't lynch me next time. Not that I think I've done anything to draw suspicion but surely your just going to start lynching anyone who hasn't revealed their WWE roles.

    Speaking of which some of those have to be unconfirmed. I mean Kane for example, it could be a bluff for all I know. Probably not as it had a whiff of self preservation off it in it's reveal but still I'd prefer if we werent left in a position where the Wolves know so many of us and the important roled ones we have left may be easy to spot too given I'd assume the WOlves know whose on their own team (thankfully there are two) so would actually have a better chance at guessing our remaining roled guys than we would of lynching their people instead of our own important roled people.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,158 ✭✭✭Doris WW

    Orla WW wrote: »
    Wendy - Mary 7.30pm
    Doris - Jake 7.45pm
    Liam - Derry 8.15pm
    Phil - Mary 8.27pm
    Derry - Mary 8.30pm
    Gabriel - Tegan 8.30pm
    Frank - Derry 8.30pm
    Barbara - Tegan 8.50pm
    Holly - Orla 8.52pm
    Isla - Riona 8.58pm
    Tegan - Derry ???pm
    Orla - Mary 8.30ish

    Sorry lads had a bit of a real life work emergency today so was fairly inactive this afternoon/evening.

    Made a vote at 8.30 based on earlier FFA. Nothing has changed to make me see different, absolute cluster**** on thread from 8.40 onwards when reading back.

    I think post munch tomorrow we may be in a good place but its hard to know what we've got so far!
    Frank WW wrote: »
    So that gives me
    4 votes for Mary
    1 vote for Jake
    3 Votes for Derry
    2 Votes for Tegan
    1 Vote for Orla
    I Vote for Riona

    That would make sense. Depending on who the remaining 4 voted for of course.

    That the last I can find, but missing data from some players.

    So if Hogan was top, he could save him self and 2nd place be lynched?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,722 ✭✭✭Derry WW

    Isla WW wrote: »
    I know we got off track last night... hehe, I may have had something to do with it. But are we still feeling funny about the votes from last night, as if there was some creative control used perhaps?

    O i was pulling a big T on it. Looking for reactions. Thought you were doing the same.

    Dont believe liam's x-pac claim but tbh its a claim so even if i could, i wouldnt. Would leave it to the village. I assume I'll be munched today as im the only revealed role that cam hurt the wolves.


    Oossibly doris?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,760 ✭✭✭Angus WW

    Oh not fan of so any people trying to say something on thread to trigger Kane's (if he is Kane) power. Surely an action would be more likely to trigger it and I'd imagine it'd be easy for a wolf to sneak a task by by pretending they are posting a wrestling reference trying to trigger it.

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,479 ✭✭✭Isla WW

    Doris WW wrote: »
    That the last I can find, but missing data from some players.

    So if Hogan was top, he could save him self and 2nd place be lynched?

    That is my interpretation of the OP yes.

    Since that Angus has said he voted Mary.

    And Riona I think went for Jake.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,722 ✭✭✭Derry WW

    Derry WW wrote: »
    O i was pulling a big T on it. Looking for reactions. Thought you were doing the same.

    Dont believe liam's x-pac claim but tbh its a claim so even if i could, i wouldnt. Would leave it to the village. I assume I'll be munched today as im the only revealed role that cam hurt the wolves.


    Oossibly doris?

    Maybe not doris.

    I look for little trigger sentances or reactions now but unfortunately the wolves have become so good at this stage they know what to and what not to say and how to make things look like they're not.... eg. Angus setting isla up day 1

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,760 ✭✭✭Angus WW

    Derry WW wrote: »
    O i was pulling a big T on it. Looking for reactions. Thought you were doing the same.

    Dont believe liam's x-pac claim but tbh its a claim so even if i could, i wouldnt. Would leave it to the village. I assume I'll be munched today as im the only revealed role that cam hurt the wolves.


    Oossibly doris?

    I know this will draw heat on myself and I think you have been the only one to repeatidly mention me but what did I do that was in any way wolfie beyond not yet reveal a role?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,722 ✭✭✭Derry WW

    Angus WW wrote: »
    Oh not fan of so any people trying to say something on thread to trigger Kane's (if he is Kane) power. Surely an action would be more likely to trigger it and I'd imagine it'd be easy for a wolf to sneak a task by by pretending they are posting a wrestling reference trying to trigger it.

    But there is no on thread tasks until after the munch.... no?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,479 ✭✭✭Isla WW

    Derry WW wrote: »
    Maybe not doris.

    I look for little trigger sentances or reactions now but unfortunately the wolves have become so good at this stage they know what to and what not to say and how to make things look like they're not.... eg. Angus setting isla up day 1

    Angus set me up? Huh?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,479 ✭✭✭Isla WW

    Derry WW wrote: »
    But there is no on thread tasks until after the munch.... no?

    That's our belief for now. It's possible they may be able to do them at any stage though. Possible but not likely.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,760 ✭✭✭Angus WW

    Isla WW wrote: »
    Angus set me up? Huh?

    I don't recall doing so but umm sorry if I did :pac:

    Derry seems to be the only one mentioning me and I just asked him directly so hopefully we will see why soon anyway

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,479 ✭✭✭Isla WW

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,047 ✭✭✭Steve WW

    Doris WW wrote: »
    That the last I can find, but missing data from some players.

    So if Hogan was top, he could save him self and 2nd place be lynched?

    I added my vote to it at around 7:30 this morning.

    I voted Barbara at 5:30pm

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,202 ✭✭✭Jake WW

    Riona WW wrote: »
    I voted for Jake around 8.45pm.

    After missing much of yesterday, I wanted to take a good look at the heat surrounding Derry and Mary, but hadn't the time before the vote. From a quick glance through the thread, Mary's posts were making me raise an eyebrow yesterday, but definitely not enough for me to potentially be a deciding vote if there was a tie between her and Derry.

    So I went for Jake who was in no danger at all, but who I do have a strong suspicion about.

    On Mary - I couldn't bring myself to vote for her despite some erratic posting and the tide moving against her. A couple of nights back when she thought that she was heading for the gallows, I got the feeling in one post that she was hinting at being The Rock. Of course, as a member of the WWF roster myself, I didn't call it at the time because why out one our own like that?

    I could be way off, but it's possible that we lynched The Rock last night. Hopefully I am way off, and The Rock is reading this now thinking 'Don't worry, you didn't'. Whether Mary was The Rock or not, I don't think she was a wolf.

    + Liam as X-Pac now.

    So many reveals. Should so many of our WWF roster be coming out so soon?

    I disagree. I fear that we have now gone from the safety of 'they can't kill us all' to a situation where with so many reveals, the wolves can greatly narrow down the pool when searching for our most powerful WWF stars.

    Sure they can take an easy munch and choose a definite WWF kill from the list of low-powered reveals we've supplied. Or, they can take a calculated shot and aim for some of our bigger, unrevealed stars. Worst case for them - They hit another villager or a rival wolf. With two munches coming this morning, I'm concerned that at least one of the wolf teams would take that gamble.


    Having gone back over yesterday's posts now in more detail, I have suspicions about Jake. Angus was on my radar too, but I'm pretty sure that I spotted something that eased my suspicions over Angus for now.

    Jake was already on my radar. On the morning of the first munch, he was first in to post around 7am with a helpful list of posters and their post counts so far. He was then away until 10:57am when he returned to agree with another poster that from the info supplied in the OP, it seemed that Bret Hart could be turned.

    Nothing much there, just a sign that despite a busy morning, Jake wanted to be back online/on the thread for around munch-time. Also, I believe that there were wolves present that morning on-thread for the very first munch to try to stir the pot and encourage discourse. Jake getting in early and helpful, then disappearing until munch-time when he returned to comment on who could or couldn't be turned, raised a red flag with me.

    Gertrude, who got munched the morning after consulting with Tegan over safelists, believed that wolves like to get in early to try to steer the debate. I agree.

    That's why I thought it a bit suspicious that Jake was in early yesterday morning, straight away starting on Derry over his confusion about who he had voted for the night before. Sure Derry's confusion was odd, but as we've seen with Nigel, confusion about what you've posted/where you posted it does not automatically make you a wolf. I thought that going hard after Derry here was very easy. Loose wolf accusation #1 yesterday morning.

    My attention was also drawn to who was vocal against Tegan's safelist - No, I don't see much point in them myself, but they don't offend me or give me great cause for concern. Not as a WWF villager anyway, whether I appear on the safelist or not, and I didn't appear on Tegan's.

    A little later yesterday morning, Jake's attention had moved from Derry (who was already a hot topic) to Tegan and his safelist (which was already a hot topic)...

    That's true, but I argue, is Jake posting a list of posters and their post-counts first thing on Monday morning not another way to butter up some villagers and try to look useful at the same time? Loose wolf accusation #2 yesterday morning.

    Shortly after that, it was Mary's turn. Yes, Mary was a bit all over the place yesterday and there were some logical concerns expressed with and about her. However, Jake's suggestion that Mary was talking to her fellow wolves in code through the FFAs was really out there and quite a stretch IMO.

    It just seemed to be another wheel to add to the Mary Bandwagon, no matter how unlikely the accusation/suggestion seemed. Then when questioned about the likelihood of that scenario actually occurring, Jake doubled-down with "It's a kill order between teams." Loose wolf accusation #3 yesterday morning.

    Mary responded to Jake with this...

    I agree. I think that Jake has been going after 'easy marks' while lying low. There are at least 3 from what I can see yesterday morning alone. If Jake had something like 200 posts in this game, I can see how he might cover so much ground and manage to throw suspicion onto so many people. However, at around 50 posts, I think he is skimming the water and just dropping a loose/easy accusation each time he touches the surface.

    I'm sorry Jake, especially if I'm wrong, but I suspect that you might not be a member of the WWF roster.

    P.S. Isla, now that is an essay.

    Theyre all fair points, but im not a wolf. Real life end of month has ended up being insane and its fair that i havent had as much time to engage as i should have. Basically its journey into work, maybe lunchtime if i take one and then whatever i have left lateish at night. Apart from that i cant really play.

    On Mary, i voted her because i thought she was a wolf sending messages. Looking at the posts i still think that and im pretty convinced we got a wokf last night. I dont see how you can post what she did as pure coincidence. If the priest eventually says im wrong fair enough, but i dont think i am.

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,722 ✭✭✭Derry WW

    Angus WW wrote: »
    I don't recall doing so but umm sorry if I did :pac:

    Derry seems to be the only one mentioning me and I just asked him directly so hopefully we will see why soon anyway


    You spent the whole morning leading up to munch one telling everyone that if the wolves dont munch isla she was a wolf and had to be lynched

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,307 ✭✭✭Riona WW

    Without going back over the thread, again, does anyone feel like putting together a list of who voted for Mary? Ol' Isla ol' buddy ol' pal??

    It's not that I think everyone on it should be assumed suspicious, but it would be interesting to see who's there.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,479 ✭✭✭Isla WW

    Orla WW wrote: »
    Wendy - Mary 7.30pm
    Doris - Jake 7.45pm
    Liam - Derry 8.15pm
    Phil - Mary 8.27pm
    Derry - Mary 8.30pm
    Gabriel - Tegan 8.30pm
    Frank - Derry 8.30pm
    Barbara - Tegan 8.50pm
    Holly - Orla 8.52pm
    Isla - Riona 8.58pm
    Tegan - Derry ???pm
    Orla - Mary 8.30ish

    Sorry lads had a bit of a real life work emergency today so was fairly inactive this afternoon/evening.

    Made a vote at 8.30 based on earlier FFA. Nothing has changed to make me see different, absolute cluster**** on thread from 8.40 onwards when reading back.

    I think post munch tomorrow we may be in a good place but its hard to know what we've got so far!
    Frank WW wrote: »
    So that gives me
    4 votes for Mary
    1 vote for Jake
    3 Votes for Derry
    2 Votes for Tegan
    1 Vote for Orla
    I Vote for Riona

    That would make sense. Depending on who the remaining 4 voted for of course.
    Riona WW wrote: »
    Without going back over the thread, again, does anyone feel like putting together a list of who voted for Mary? Ol' Isla ol' buddy ol' pal??

    It's not that I think everyone on it should be assumed suspicious, but it would be interesting to see who's there.

    Adding to that we have Angus voting for Mary, Riona for Jake and Steve said Barbara. It's starting to seemingly make sense.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,047 ✭✭✭Steve WW

    As list from last nights lynch or from the start?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,479 ✭✭✭Isla WW

    Isla WW wrote: »
    Adding to that we have Angus voting for Mary, Riona for Jake and Steve said Barbara. It's starting to seemingly make sense.

    Oh and Jake for Mary. That's everyone. Now, we could have some telling porkies to skew make it look like the result is the result. So I guess we have to isolate the Mary voters in that case. And possibly the single voters.

    Holly voting for Orla is an odd one.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,307 ✭✭✭Riona WW

    Jake WW wrote: »
    Theyre all fair points, but im not a wolf. Real life end of month has ended up being insane and its fair that i havent had as much time to engage as i should have. Basically its journey into work, maybe lunchtime if i take one and then whatever i have left lateish at night. Apart from that i cant really play.

    On Mary, i voted her because i thought she was a wolf sending messages. Looking at the posts i still think that and im pretty convinced we got a wokf last night. I dont see how you can post what she did as pure coincidence. If the priest eventually says im wrong fair enough, but i dont think i am.

    Fair enough Jake. I'm trying here to suss out a wolf and you're the best I have at the moment. If Mary was communicating as you said, I will offer my sincerest apologies to you and then ask Mary and her fellow wolf/wolves for a selfie and an autograph. It would be amazing.

    BTW, while I was looking for an earlier post of yours I saw the one about your goldfish :( As an aquarium owner, sorry to hear that. Made me feel worse about accusing you.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,104 ✭✭✭Wendy WW

    Surely with all the vote reveals and after this mornings munch we should be able to narrow down whoever is left to reveal a few wolves?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,760 ✭✭✭Angus WW

    Derry WW wrote: »

    You spent the whole morning leading up to munch one telling everyone that if the wolves dont munch isla she was a wolf and had to be lynched

    That was before Bret backed up Isla's HBK claim. As the only villager to have come out as a roled player at the time she would be the obvious munch candidate at the time, so I was still suspicious. Bret and Kurt coming out meant she was no longer the obvious candidate and if anything Kurt was then the most likely one not to be who they said they were although more likely they were all who they said they were.

    Still feel all those people coming out so early including Kane & X-Pac (whom I believe) haven't helped as now our important roled guys like HHH, The Rock etc are more likely to get lynched by ourselves while surprisingly people like Kurt aren't that helpful and already revealed that only against Vigilante's has he a power. Hope those lads held back on some of the things they can do.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,479 ✭✭✭Isla WW

    So that gives me
    6 votes for Mary
    2 votes for Jake
    3 Votes for Derry
    2 Votes for Tegan
    1 Vote for Orla
    1 Vote for Riona
    1 vote for Barbara

    Updating Frank's post here. Angus, Jake, Wendy, Phil, Derry, Orla all voted for Mary or at least have stated they did.

    I voted for Riona.

    Steve for Barbara.

    Holly for Orla.

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,722 ✭✭✭Derry WW

    Angus WW wrote: »
    That was before Bret backed up Isla's HBK claim. As the only villager to have come out as a roled player at the time she would be the obvious munch candidate at the time, so I was still suspicious. Bret and Kurt coming out meant she was no longer the obvious candidate and if anything Kurt was then the most likely one not to be who they said they were although more likely they were all who they said they were.

    Still feel all those people coming out so early including Kane & X-Pac (whom I believe) haven't helped as now our important roled guys like HHH, The Rock etc are more likely to get lynched by ourselves while surprisingly people like Kurt aren't that helpful and already revealed that only against Vigilante's has he a power. Hope those lads held back on some of the things they can do.

    Agree completely. There's to many out.....

    In saying that.... paul bearer, reveal yourself. Bearer brought kane into the wwe didnt he? Maybe he can bring me to life too
