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PSNI Recruitment 1710 Campaign



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 289 ✭✭Slo85

    Maxi515 wrote: »
    Ultimately the RUC where done away with for a reason. 50:50 was introduced for s reason. If the RUC were without flaw we wouldn’t be where we are now with the PSNI. I’m not on the offensive, I’m just being objective with the reality of our situation. Further, the SDLP etc have supported the PSNI from their inception and I also believe they would favour a reintroduction of 50:50. They cannot be so easily blamed for hatred of the police.

    We have something we can all buy into now and I’m greatdul for that.

    It’s interesting this time around vetting will take place before the AC results in early May! That should speed everything up.
    I noticed that in the email, so are the vetting papers being sent out now ?

    I got the impression that the vetting papers are being sent out now before some of us have even been to A/C.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,620 ✭✭✭Banterbus28

    Maxi515 wrote: »
    Ultimately the RUC where done away with for a reason. 50:50 was introduced for s reason. If the RUC were without flaw we wouldn’t be where we are now with the PSNI. I’m not on the offensive, I’m just being objective with the reality of our situation. Further, the SDLP etc have supported the PSNI from their inception and I also believe they would favour a reintroduction of 50:50. They cannot be so easily blamed for hatred of the police.

    We have something we can all buy into now and I’m greatdul for that.

    It’s interesting this time around vetting will take place before the AC results in early May! That should speed everything up.

    Not talking about SDLP. Sinn Fein refused to sit on the policing board until 2007...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,620 ✭✭✭Banterbus28

    But anyways, it's about serving the community. I don't see two communities, I think that's why nothing will change. There is one community of two halves.

    Good luck with AC guys.

    And yes vetting is running concurrently

  • Registered Users Posts: 277 ✭✭KN1231999

    Kinda weird seeing that vetting is happening along with the AC, Maybe thenreally are trying to get this campaign done and out of the way as fast as possible and get people into training

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,620 ✭✭✭Banterbus28

    KN1231999 wrote: »
    Kinda weird seeing that vetting is happening along with the AC, Maybe thenreally are trying to get this campaign done and out of the way as fast as possible and get people into training

    Chief constable needs bodies, if they deny retirement to those eligible, then there will be industrial tribunals galore

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,620 ✭✭✭Banterbus28

    And further more relying on mutual aid officers from other forces to fill the gaps would be mightily embarrassing for him

  • Registered Users Posts: 277 ✭✭KN1231999

    And further more relying on mutual aid officers from other forces to fill the gaps would be mightily embarrassing for him
    That is very true, of both your statements. I can feel another campaign opening in Sep- October this year (if we get our government back or direct rule)

  • Registered Users Posts: 277 ✭✭KN1231999

    Relating to the topic I have a little question for you all, do you feel if we did in fact have direct rule would more money be allocated to the running of the Police Serivice to get it back to the standards it should actually be at in terms of it getting so many cuts and a ever tight budget?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,620 ✭✭✭Banterbus28

    It would literally be one of the DUPs trump cards due to the coalition, Westminster would be coughing the money up of the DUP could start voting against the tories...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,620 ✭✭✭Banterbus28

    Honestly we can't be trusted to look after our own affairs at the minute.

    Look at us.

    We have one party who denies the democratic right voted for by the people for equal marriage and love big liz.

    Then we have the other party who are essentially having a tantrum over the introduction of an Irish language act that on 2% of the population speak fluently. Yes Irish language is important Michelle but dying kids in hospitals and woeful mental health provisions come first.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 492 ✭✭jwhdkl5736

    Honestly we can't be trusted to look after our own affairs at the minute.

    Look at us.

    We have one party who denies the democratic right voted for by the people for equal marriage and love big liz.

    Then we have the other party who are essentially having a tantrum over the introduction of an Irish language act that on 2% of the population speak fluently. Yes Irish language is important Michelle but dying kids in hospitals and woeful mental health provisions come first.

    Okay - this is getting into murky territory. The Irish language is an indigenous language of our country. Like Gaelic in Scotland or Welsh in England. It's certainly not a "tantrum". If you keep putting peoples rights behind the social issues of the day you will never get around to acknowledging rights at all. I'm intentionally softening my language out of courtesy.

    The fact you have this view is really concerning to me. Maybe this is why we need a return to 50:50?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,620 ✭✭✭Banterbus28

    Indigenous language yes.

    Welsh gets appropriate funding because 21.7% of the population speaks Welsh.

    Scotland only have 1.1% of population speaking the Gaelic.

    Why should Irish be treated any differently.

    The Irish language is as much mine as it yours because I was born on this island as well. Like I said I don't see two communities.

    Just don't belive it should come before sick kids, peoples benefits, mental health, roads, infrastructure, schools etc

    Tell me exactly how that is sectarian?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,620 ✭✭✭Banterbus28

    Welsh gets loads of money because a fifth of the population speak it. Gaelic gets little funding because barely anyone speaks it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 277 ✭✭KN1231999

    Maxi515 wrote: »
    Honestly we can't be trusted to look after our own affairs at the minute.

    Look at us.

    We have one party who denies the democratic right voted for by the people for equal marriage and love big liz.

    Then we have the other party who are essentially having a tantrum over the introduction of an Irish language act that on 2% of the population speak fluently. Yes Irish language is important Michelle but dying kids in hospitals and woeful mental health provisions come first.

    Okay - this is getting into murky territory. The Irish language is an indigenous language of our country. Like Gaelic in Scotland or Welsh in England. It's certainly not a "tantrum". If you keep putting peoples rights behind the social issues of the day you will never get around to acknowledging rights at all. I'm intentionally softening my language out of courtesy.

    The fact you have this view is really concerning to me. Maybe this is why we need a return to 50:50?
    Obviously the cultural value of a language that has been spoken on this island whether it's in Ireland or Northern Ireland it does maintain its value. It always will. The Irish language isn't the only think keeping us from having a government. It's the point scoring of the DUP and Sein Fein constantly trying to out so each other in provacitive and tit for tat nonsense.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,620 ✭✭✭Banterbus28

    50:50 was abolished because the Sinn Fein member of the policing board Gerry Kelly said the "wrong type of Catholic" was joining,.

    Of course every unionist Catholic from North Down, Ards and South Belfast jumped on it.

    Whilst republicans feared being ostracised by other republicans for joining.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,620 ✭✭✭Banterbus28

    Exactly why we cant be trusted to look after ourselves.

    Until our parent generation are dead an buried.

    We are dead and buried and the next generation are dead and buried there will be those who essentially just sling poo at eachother on a political stage.

    And will just continue to polarise our country and deepen divides.

  • Registered Users Posts: 492 ✭✭jwhdkl5736

    Indigenous language yes.

    Welsh gets appropriate funding because 21.7% of the population speaks Welsh.

    Scotland only have 1.1% of population speaking the Gaelic.

    Why should Irish be treated any differently.

    The Irish language is as much mine as it yours because I was born on this island as well. Like I said I don't see two communities.

    Just don't belive it should come before sick kids, peoples benefits, mental health, roads, infrastructure, schools etc

    Tell me exactly how that is sectarian?

    I'm not saying that the language is mine or yours, I said "our country". I've friends who are fluent Irish speakers right here in Belfast. I've family who where members of Sinn Fein. Going down this road for me is not a common thing to do. For Catholics and nationalists, this is a big step, a road less travelled. A significant risk. All PSNI officers killed by terrorists have been Catholics. It upsets me when people so openly expressed prejudiced views. Maybe this is why Catholics aren't applying? Maybe this is why the police is a cold house for nationalists - because these views you have expressed are not shared by nearly half the community (more than half if you include Alliance Party support). There is no objectivity or even sensitivity about people who would hold a different view. It's obviously a controversial topic yet you reduce demands for language rights to 'Michelle's Tantrum'?! What planet are you on?

    If anyone expressed this narrow-minded and offensive view at GV or out on the beat I would have no hesitation in making a complaint. How can nationalists have the confidence of their police if potential officers are willy-nilly spouting this crap?

    Did the language ever even need to be made an issue on this thread?

    This is exactly why we need a return to 50:50 - but I'm happy to pursue this without.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,620 ✭✭✭Banterbus28

    Ok mate,

    I clearly have hurt your feelings.

    Not gonna apologise for that because believe it or not people are allowed to disagree with you.

    I'm hardly prejudiced when I can see that unionist are complete morons as well and am happy to voice that.

    I am unionist based solely on economic reasons absolutely nothing to do with the "community" I was born into.

    Seriously grow a thicker skin and learn to have a debate.

    I am not in a uniform and until a time that I am i will voice my views when I want.

  • Registered Users Posts: 492 ✭✭jwhdkl5736

    50:50 was abolished because the Sinn Fein member of the policing board Gerry Kelly said the "wrong type of Catholic" was joining,.

    Of course every unionist Catholic from North Down, Ards and South Belfast jumped on it.

    Whilst republicans feared being ostracised by other republicans for joining.

    We don't have 50:50 because there was a sunset clause. Patten didn't envisage terrorism to persist nearly 20 years after the GFA. Gerry Kelly is the justice spokesperson for the hundreds of thousands of people who voted Sinn Fein. Your attacks on nationalist values and nationalist politicians is downright wrong.

    You hold a different view. Keep it to yourself. Why? Because this isnt the place for it. This isn't the place to be injecting nostalgic notions about the RUC (who were reformed for a reason), run down the Irish language or insult thousands of people for who they chose to vote for.

    Just stop.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,620 ✭✭✭Banterbus28

    Maxi515 wrote: »
    50:50 was abolished because the Sinn Fein member of the policing board Gerry Kelly said the "wrong type of Catholic" was joining,.

    Of course every unionist Catholic from North Down, Ards and South Belfast jumped on it.

    Whilst republicans feared being ostracised by other republicans for joining.

    We don't have 50:50 because there was a sunset clause. Patten didn't envisage terrorism to persist nearly 20 years after the GFA. Gerry Kelly is the justice spokesperson for the hundreds of thousands of people who voted Sinn Fein. Your attacks on nationalist values and nationalist politicians is downright wrong.

    You hold a different view. Keep it to yourself. Why? Because this isnt the place for it. This isn't the place to be injecting nostalgic notions about the RUC (who were reformed for a reason), run down the Irish language or insult thousands of people for who they chose to vote for.

    Just stop.

    I can hold this view if I want to. I can voice this view if I want to. Just like you can voice your views. This is how we move forward as a country by talking and listening, and debating.

    No scientific discovery ever made was made without pushing boundaries, debating the status quo.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,620 ✭✭✭Banterbus28

    We asked our views on direct rule and funding for the police.

    DUP MPs of that happens will demand money for the PSNI which is in all of our interests for getting this career. This wonderful, stressful career of self messiness that we want with our souls.

    Yet you latched onto the fact that I commented on the ridiculousness of NI politics...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,620 ✭✭✭Banterbus28


  • Registered Users Posts: 277 ✭✭KN1231999

    alright guys try keep it civil, keep it to the question please, no need to dig deeper. Shield will end up closing the thread.
    Thanks :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,620 ✭✭✭Banterbus28

    Any who.

    Yes direct rule would get the police more money.

    However it would also cause a lot of contention to general stability.

    Marriage equality the DUP kicks off

    Water charges everybody kicks off

    Bedroom tax everybody kicks off

    So no real win until those on the hill learn to play nice again. Will happen when their salaries disappear inexpect

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,620 ✭✭✭Banterbus28

    Any who.

    Yes direct rule would get the police more money.

    However it would also cause a lot of contention to general stability.

    Marriage equality the DUP kicks off

    Water charges everybody kicks off

    Bedroom tax everybody kicks off

    So no real win until those on the hill learn to play nice again. Will happen when their salaries disappear inexpect

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,620 ✭✭✭Banterbus28

    I expect*

  • Registered Users Posts: 492 ✭✭jwhdkl5736

    KN1231999 wrote: »
    alright guys try keep it civil, keep it to the question please, no need to dig deeper. Shield will end up closing the thread.
    Thanks :)

    I haven't heard tell of him in a while? It's a shame if he's gone for good. A wealth of info.

    Is anyone concerned about resisting a mini IST at the AC given at how close to the line the IST was this time around??

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 771 ✭✭✭NiK9

    I wish I could post the Michael Jackson eating popcorn picture lol. I'm slap bang in the middle of both your opinions lol.

  • Registered Users Posts: 277 ✭✭KN1231999

    Any who.

    Yes direct rule would get the police more money.

    However it would also cause a lot of contention to general stability.

    Marriage equality the DUP kicks off

    Water charges everybody kicks off

    Bedroom tax everybody kicks off

    So no real win until those on the hill learn to play nice again. Will happen when their salaries disappear inexpect
    You're definitely right there. There's a lot of bouncebacks from every decision made. I think this is the main problem. More money towards the PSNI to higher the standards. but then we will suffer somewhere else (as you said water tax, bedroom tax etc...)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,620 ✭✭✭Banterbus28

    Maxi515 wrote: »
    KN1231999 wrote: »
    alright guys try keep it civil, keep it to the question please, no need to dig deeper. Shield will end up closing the thread.
    Thanks :)

    I haven't heard tell of him in a while? It's a shame if he's gone for good. A wealth of info.

    Is anyone concerned about resisting a mini IST at the AC given at how close to the line the IST was this time around??

    You will have a saved test profile based on your answers to questions etc and time taken on original IST. Very complicated formula my mathsy friend tell me but it pumps out a pattern as well as a score so when you do the IST they will be compared to your IST profile.

    Psychometric tests are odd
