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Monster Hunter World



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,326 ✭✭✭Zapp Brannigan

    I’m properly hooked on this!

    Just entered the rotten vale and taken up the hammer as my weapon. It’s incredibly satisfying smashing a monsters face in!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,230 ✭✭✭jaxxx

    derfderf wrote: »
    I've killed and captured Odogaron countless times now, no gem to be had. This game has really sucked me in now. Only thing annoying me now is the roar spam some monsters do when they're taking a beating.

    The bane of many a hunter since the very first MH on the PS2 :D What's nice about World is the ability to trade in for gems and other rare materials. Make sure to get them weekly bounties done guys 'n' gals, free gems!
    I’m properly hooked on this!

    Just entered the rotten vale and taken up the hammer as my weapon. It’s incredibly satisfying smashing a monsters face in!

    Yup! I love that new circle combo (PS4), smash -> smash -> smash -> smash -> MEGA SMASH! Ouchtown population you monster!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,588 ✭✭✭derfderf

    jaxxx wrote: »
    The bane of many a hunter since the very first MH on the PS2 :D What's nice about World is the ability to trade in for gems and other rare materials. Make sure to get them weekly bounties done guys 'n' gals

    This weeks bounty needs 5 tempered monsters. I haven't seen 1 yet. Used all my vouchers on odogaron, still no gem.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,230 ✭✭✭jaxxx

    derfderf wrote: »
    This weeks bounty needs 5 tempered monsters. I haven't seen 1 yet. Used all my vouchers on odogaron, still no gem.

    Oh yeah that's true. You won't encounter tempereds until after the HR29 urgent quest if I remember right. So lower ranked hunters won't be able to get the golden ticket this week. Shame.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,588 ✭✭✭derfderf

    Vaal Hazak wasn't up to much

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,230 ✭✭✭jaxxx

    derfderf wrote: »
    Vaal Hazak wasn't up to much

    Its death smoke (or whatever the proper name is) is so annoying -_-

    Had to fight a dual tempered Vaal Hazak/Odogaron earlier to get the Rocksteady Mantle. Searched online for like 5 minutes to see if there were any SOS's for it and not a one. So just yolo'd it with my hammer.

    Worth it for the Rocksteady Mantle :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,588 ✭✭✭derfderf

    jaxxx wrote: »
    Its death smoke (or whatever the proper name is) is so annoying -_-

    Had to fight a dual tempered Vaal Hazak/Odogaron earlier to get the Rocksteady Mantle. Searched online for like 5 minutes to see if there were any SOS's for it and not a one. So just yolo'd it with my hammer.

    Worth it for the Rocksteady Mantle :D

    Have you completed the story? I've just beaten kushala daora. Worst fight in the game. Like pissing with the lights off.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,230 ✭✭✭jaxxx

    derfderf wrote: »
    Have you completed the story? I've just beaten kushala daora. Worst fight in the game. Like pissing with the lights off.

    Ya finished it a while ago. Right now I'm trying to finalise my armour sets but I don't have that many good gems, although I got the elementless power up gem which is freakin' amazing for the Diablos hammer and charge blade. Kushala's wind is a pain in the butt. Though I still hate Kirin more.

    I'm brimming with glee right now cos I just smashed my old Nergigante record of under 6 minutes to 3 minutes 53 seconds. Wasn't a tempered Nergigante as I have yet to unlock an investigation for it, but seeing as professional speed runners can ace it in less than 2 minutes, 3:53 is more than good enough for me :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 423 ✭✭DarC_Kn1ght

    Kushala is a breeze with flash pods. Excuse the pun.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,041 ✭✭✭✭Potential-Monke

    OK, so i see a lot of people talking about this game. I've never played a MH game before, and when I heard about this one, I dismissed it as a co-op MP game. I play solo. Would this be any good solo?

    I also just read someone compare it to Dark Souls et al. A few videos make the combat look actually fun, so I don't know what that person meant when they compared it to DS. I'm not looking for a die/repeat game, so if it's anything like DS et al I've no interest whatsoever. But the idea has be intrigued. Would one recommend it to someone who doesn't like co-op or Dark Souls-esque games?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,230 ✭✭✭jaxxx

    OK, so i see a lot of people talking about this game. I've never played a MH game before, and when I heard about this one, I dismissed it as a co-op MP game. I play solo. Would this be any good solo?

    I also just read someone compare it to Dark Souls et al. A few videos make the combat look actually fun, so I don't know what that person meant when they compared it to DS. I'm not looking for a die/repeat game, so if it's anything like DS et al I've no interest whatsoever. But the idea has be intrigued. Would one recommend it to someone who doesn't like co-op or Dark Souls-esque games?

    100% playable solo, the game scales the monsters health depending on if you're playing solo or with others. In fact for many monsters it's quicker and easier to do solo than play with others. One new feature in MH World is that you can now join hunts already in progress. So say you were hunting a monster that you were struggling against, you could send an SOS flair and then anyone online could then join your hunt, or vice versa. Though once someone joins, the monster's health will be automatically increased to compensate for it not longer being a solo hunt.

    I've never played Dark Souls as I'm not a heavy gamer by any means, but I've heard the comparisons between it and MH before. Fact is MH has been a thing well before DS, since 2004 I think when it first came out on the PS2. MH is a repetitive game, essentially fighting the same monsters over and over again farming their parts to build armours and weapons. That being said the roster of monsters so far in MH World stands at 30 at the moment, with more planned to come later down the line, which will be 100% free.

    MH is essntially broken down to ranks - Low Rank and High Rank (and quite possinly G Rank though there's no confirmation yet if World will get G Rank). Those ranks scale with difficulty. Some monsters may not be available until you reach a certain rank. But all lower rank monsters do have higher rank equivalents, so fighting a High Rank monster is much more challenging than fighting its Low Rank counterpart, even though it's the same monster species. Its health, damage and possible moves will be higher and more difficult. But then so too do you get access to higher tier weapons/armours.

    Any typical quest has a 50 minute time limit and gives what is essentially 3 lives, though in MH it's called 'faints' as you never actually die in the game, just faint. So faint 3 times and the quest is failed. Now later on down the line, there are additional special quests that may have lower time limits and other conditions such as faint once and you fail. But that's getting towards the end game.

    Not every quest is a hunt either, some quests require you to gather certain items. Then of course hunts aren't just kill quests, you can capture monsters as well. The difference between the 2 is that each has its own loot table, and a certain monster part may be exclusive to killing or capturing. Before in the series, you had to look up online what to do to get a certain part. However now in MH World, as you progress through the game you 'research' monsters, unlocking more and more details about them including what elements they are weakest to, what parts they give, etc. So you no longer need to go online to find stuff like that out.

    There are 14 weapon types in the game, which are basically broken down to 2 groups: Blademaster and Gunner. Gunner weapons include the Light Bowgun (LGB), Heavy Bowgun (HBG) and the Bow. Blademaster comprise of the Long Sword , Great Sword , Sword and Shield , Dual Blades, Switch Axe, Charge Blade, Insect Glaive, Lance, Gunlance Hunting Horn and Hammer. Blademaster weapons are further broken down to 2 types: Cutting and Impact. Cutting weapons allow you to sever a monster's tail (if severable - research will allow you to see if a monster's tail is severable). Impact weapons cannot sever tails, however they do what is called 'stun' damage and can knock out monsters by continuously hitting their heads, allowing you to freely attack them for a few seconds. Each weapon is completely unique in its own gameplay style. So starting off, test out all the weapons first to get a feel for them and see which one best suits you. As a starter weapon. All former games before world had their armours split between Blademaster and Gunner. World however got rid of that, so all armours can be used by all weapons.

    There's a lot more to the game than that, including armour skills, decorations (which allow you to add additonal armour skills), etc. I suggest looking up videos on Youtube to get a feel for the game. I strongly recommend checking out Arrekz Gaming and GaijinHunter, they are by far the single best Youtubers about everything MH related. They have weapons tutorials, guides on how to unlock certain things, and other helpful stuff. Hope this is of help.

    Ok I forgot elements and ailments. There are 5 elements in the game: Fire/Water/Ice/Thunder/Dragon. Certain monsters will have attacks belonging to those elements, as well as being weak to certain elements. The weapons you craft will have elements essentially imbued in them, so choose a weapon with an element that a monster is weakest to to deal the most damage to it. Then there are ailments: Sleep/Paralysis/Poison/Blast/Stun. Some monsters are more prone to certain ailments than others, but you can find out how weak a monster is to elements and ailments as your research continues. You research monsters by collecting their footprints and other tracks out in the wild. Over time your research level will increase, giving you more info about that particular monster.

    One more thing as well, certain weapons are more dependent on raw damage than elemental damage. Generally speaking, Great Swords, Hammers and Charge Blades do not rely on elemental damage as much as physical raw damage, so when forging/upgrading weapons or choosing the best one for a hunt, for these 3 the highest raw damage is the best.

    I think I covered everything now... I think!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,909 ✭✭✭nix

    OK, so i see a lot of people talking about this game. I've never played a MH game before, and when I heard about this one, I dismissed it as a co-op MP game. I play solo. Would this be any good solo?

    I also just read someone compare it to Dark Souls et al. A few videos make the combat look actually fun, so I don't know what that person meant when they compared it to DS. I'm not looking for a die/repeat game, so if it's anything like DS et al I've no interest whatsoever. But the idea has be intrigued. Would one recommend it to someone who doesn't like co-op or Dark Souls-esque games?

    If you're looking for mindless/easy gameplay and heavier on the story telling ala assassins creed/uncharted/witcher, this is not the game for you. Its similar to dark souls in terms of combat but its alot more active, its also difficult and has a learning curve to it, like dark souls. But i wouldnt class it as difficult as dark souls or as unforgiving. But really, that all just boils down to how quick you are on the uptake.

    But you can make progressing easier by taking your time and grinding out better gear by hunting the monsters you can kill. The armor/weapon upgrades make a big difference in this, where in dark souls the differences would be negligible.

    But its alot more colourful and its story is played out in a narrative , where darks souls lore is buried in item and weapon descriptions mostly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,013 ✭✭✭✭Wonda-Boy

    Lads if you need a rare drop from a monster be aware that sometimes you can ONLY get it from a CARVE (in another words you have to kill the monster) and sometimes its a reward (so a capture is a must) you will get the info from the monster hunter notes in game. Caught me out a few times farming at the start.....

    Another good tip is if you where 3 pieces of lower rank leginiana gear you get a perk for getting the better rewards or rare items, you only need 2 pieces of the higher rank armor.

    We have a few lads playing this all the time now if anyone is stuck or needs a hand giz a shout on line we have a clan squad set up and alot of us are just farming now getting to rank 100 (currently 70) so if we can get your story done along the way its a win win.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,588 ✭✭✭derfderf

    3 Negrigante gems in a row while farming his horns, but nothing from Odogaron

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,727 ✭✭✭amadablam

    I've only started playing but is it pointless going on the quests solo?

    I've tried posting SOS flare and tried posting a mission but no one comes to help and there are no pass codes set.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,347 ✭✭✭✭Grayditch

    I did the first like, 6 Monsters solo. The more you get into it, the more the S.O.S flares will work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,727 ✭✭✭amadablam

    Grayditch wrote: »
    I did the first like, 6 Monsters solo. The more you get into it, the more the S.O.S flares will work.

    Cheers dude. I think I made progress :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,230 ✭✭✭jaxxx

    amadablam wrote: »
    I've only started playing but is it pointless going on the quests solo?

    I've tried posting SOS flare and tried posting a mission but no one comes to help and there are no pass codes set.

    Any advice? I'm still to do the great jagras hunt :o

    Solo quests are generally easier because once someone else joins the quest, the monster's health will scale up to account for there being another player so it actually makes the quest more difficult. Great jagras isn't much of a threat really, just spam your attacks and dodge whenever it makes a lunge for you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,727 ✭✭✭amadablam

    jaxxx wrote: »
    Solo quests are generally easier because once someone else joins the quest, the monster's health will scale up to account for there being another player so it actually makes the quest more difficult. Great jagras isn't much of a threat really, just spam your attacks and dodge whenever it makes a lunge for you.

    There is now one less jagras in monster hunter world :D

    I'm enjoying it the more I get into it too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,588 ✭✭✭derfderf

    amadablam wrote: »
    There is now one less jagras in monster hunter world :D

    I'm enjoying it the more I get into it too.

    You'll have no problem with SOSs on difficult monsters as they tend to have the drops people want to farm.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 876 ✭✭✭bigphil2

    Had a blast last night doing the escort the scientists quest ,defeated the Barroth and the Jyuratodus (fainted twice),up to the Barroth i was using the long Bone Sword,but i changed to the Switch axe and was able to upgrade it a couple of slots.. Wow that thing is fun to use,a game changer if you will..

    Ive still no idea what im doing re: materials and upgrading but thats a testement to how fun the game is that at this stage that i dont really care?

    Ive a couple of investigations to go through tonight and then on to The Anjanath!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,230 ✭✭✭jaxxx

    Useful video for official rare drops rates (High Rank)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,588 ✭✭✭derfderf

    Finally got the two Odogaron gems i needed to finish the armour and charm. Never want to see him again.
    Has anyone got a weakness exploit jewel yet?

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,870 ✭✭✭✭Generic Dreadhead

    So, I've just unlocked the Quest to kill 2 Tempered BezelGeese.
    I've finished the 2nd part of the "story/engame" and I'm level 29.
    This seems like a vast jump in skill and specing/gearing up.
    Any tips? The fact I'm using the longsword probably doesn't help against these mofos

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,909 ✭✭✭nix

    So, I've just unlocked the Quest to kill 2 Tempered BezelGeese.
    I've finished the 2nd part of the "story/engame" and I'm level 29.
    This seems like a vast jump in skill and specing/gearing up.
    Any tips? The fact I'm using the longsword probably doesn't help against these mofos

    Give the greatswords a whirl, i tried them after playing the longswords mostly and never went back, they are slower sure, but when they connect they do so much damage, and frequently knock a monster on his ass. No better feeling than landing the 3rd combo supercharged hit into the face of a monster, smashing pieces off and making them curl into a ball crying in pain.. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,870 ✭✭✭✭Generic Dreadhead

    How to Train Your Dragon is on RTE2 now lads if anyone needs some tips

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,230 ✭✭✭jaxxx

    Went online today to look for some tempered elder hunts as I've exhausted my own investigations. Was able to join one Teostra hunt. Wasn't in the hunt 5 minutes when: cart -> cart -> cart. Yay!

    Only got better after that, as any tempered elder hunt I tried to enter wouldn't connect me, kept getting some network error message AND YET I could join any other quest just fine!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,230 ✭✭✭jaxxx

    New set of limited bounties out, again you'll only be able to complete them all for that gold ticket if you're high rank and have access to 8* quests.

    - Slay 3 brute wyverns
    - Complete 5 Quests in Coral Highlands
    - Complete 5 8* Quests

    You can double up on the last two bounties by hunting the 8* Kirin quests -> 5 Kirin runs and both bounties are complete -> 2 birds, 1 stone as it were. The brute bounties can be low or high rank so if you wanna complete it quickly, just do low rank.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,230 ✭✭✭jaxxx

    BREAKING (unofficial/non-confirmed) NEWS: Apparently...
    Deviljho will be gracing the new world with its presence on March 9th! There is a new event quest coming on that date, it's a seemingly simple gather quest but there is one big detail about it... it's a 9* quest. The speculations have led to it possibly being a teaser that the almighty Pickle him/her-self because there is evidence of tempered Pukei-Pukei footprints on the screenshot for the event quest on the official site. Now what does this have to do with the Pickle lord? To explain this, we need to go back in time 9 years to MH Tri on the Nintendo Wii. Similar circumstances, you were given a relatively simple quest - hunt a high rank Quropeco for the first time, which like Pukei is a bird wyvern. Now during that quest on first attempt, it was destined that you would run into the Pickle while hunting Quropeco. That was the very first time any hunter experienced Deviljho in the entire MH series. So this time around it's a seemingly simple gather quest, Pukei-Pukei footprints in the background... but a 9* quest. The Picklelord is coming!!! (I hope). Get ready to sh*t your pants hunters!!!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,870 ✭✭✭✭Generic Dreadhead
