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WW XXI: Christmas Chaos!



  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,061 ✭✭✭Holly WW

    Abigail WW wrote: »
    Can literally say the same thing about you.

    Im an open book, so much so ive posted my thoughts on players, going as far as to do an FFA. So while you can say taht, it holds very little weight.

    Youve done zero!

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,789 ✭✭✭Abigail WW

    Holly WW wrote: »
    Abigail....... is your grunt work up to Jakes standrad, hes set a high bar.

    I reach for the stars but I understand to have my feet firmly planted on the ground before I undertake a job.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,061 ✭✭✭Holly WW

    Abigail WW wrote: »
    Did you not read what I said about Holly and Orla.I have one or two more and would like to type it on the computer .

    Youve spent so much time telling us you need a computer, you'd be better off just telling us.

    Defelctions again.

    Im bumping Abi above Riona for now. Id liek to see Abi Lynched.

    Very unhelpful, deflecting questions, avoding answering questions, Id like to see Abi Lynched.

    If they are a villager, they havent been helping us what so ever

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,479 ✭✭✭Isla WW

    Abigail WW wrote: »
    Did I just get a nervous reaction I wonder?

    I literally have no idea what your talking about after just asking for you to share your opinion on whose bad given we have heard from you far less than most.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,789 ✭✭✭Abigail WW

    Holly WW wrote: »
    Im an open book, so much so ive posted my thoughts on players, going as far as to do an FFA. So while you can say taht, it holds very little weight.

    Youve done zero!

    I have commented on you and Orla .Not exactly zero."I am an open book " is an empty gusture.

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,061 ✭✭✭Holly WW

    Abigail WW wrote: »
    I reach for the stars but I understand to have my feet firmly planted on the ground before I undertake a job.

    A job which have yielded no results thus far.

    Again instead of pretending to do grunt work as you call it, please stop avoiding the question?

    Whom else besides me and Orla do you suspect?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,061 ✭✭✭Holly WW

    Abigail WW wrote: »
    I have commented on you and Orla .Not exactly zero."I am an open book " is an empty gusture.

    Empty? Ive answered all questions directed at me, I have given my thoughts on potential tasks and ratiionale of the wolves currently, ive given my FFA with reasons.

    You have done nothing but hinder the village today.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,158 ✭✭✭Doris WW

    Gotta watch this again. I love this part:

    You just noun and gremlin; its in the movie

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,061 ✭✭✭Holly WW

    Vote cast 14:18 for Abigail as a placeholder.

    I may change but right now my vote is for Abi

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,061 ✭✭✭Holly WW

    Doris WW wrote: »
    Gotta watch this again. I love this part:

    You just noun and gremlin; its in the movie

    potential #wwtask

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,307 ✭✭✭Riona WW

    Doris WW wrote: »
    This is huge. Mogwai has been doing tasks on thread.

    Ill ask this again - was gabbi not the mog - I am under the impression she was and is now dead!
    Orla WW wrote: »

    Is Riona with her weirdo posts too obvious a suggestion for Moggi?

    Apparently according to this we are still hunting moggy - so the mog is not dead - Can someone clear this up for me please.
    Holly WW wrote: »

    Riona : Claiming to be new and her behaviour is quite odd and erratic. Could be a moggi doing a task but it’s a reach. Don’t buy that they are new as they’re posting is some instances seems very clued in to the rationale of the game.

    Is there anything to be said for learning as you go??
    Barbara WW wrote: »
    What if Rionas ffa yesterday was a joke? I mean obviously it was a joke, but I mean mogwai task. Also they have been acting total confused throughout the game

    Wasnt a joke - No one stands out to me as anything to be honest, so if you have voted for me I will vote for you - simples
    Holly WW wrote: »
    My FFA3

    Riona – Eratic behaviour, claims they are new yet many examples of her posts suggests shes anything but. I think they are lying, and without a good explanation in place, if shes been caught in a lie then we may have caught a wolf. Top of my list and whom Id like to see lynched

    Holly your dodgy as they come - I like you - But your my go to vote for the forseeable!
    Jake WW wrote: »

    Riona: There is nothing of value in Riona's posts, except that from the get go, her posts have been super newbish. Like too much. The task could be to maintain that premise to the amusement of the mods, at our expense.

    Also her FFA yesterday. WHICH WAS A JOKE

    Also she called Desmond a Dickhead.

    Wasnt a joke

    Desmond is a Dickhead

    All in all can someone explain the following.

    It was explained to me - in detail, why gabbi was definately the mogwai! So why are you all still looking for the mogwai?? Would love a direct concise answer to this!

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,158 ✭✭✭Doris WW

    Holly WW wrote: »
    potential #wwtask


  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,789 ✭✭✭Abigail WW

    Holly WW wrote: »
    Empty? Ive answered all questions directed at me, I have given my thoughts on potential tasks and ratiionale of the wolves currently, ive given my FFA with reasons.

    You have done nothing but hinder the village today.

    But I have tried to help,I said I didnt know where to start to find Mogwai and is willing to help if a good plan could be put together,all your doing to slating me everytime I post while derailing a potentional plan.I given my thoughts about you and Orla and I potentially have one more,what quesitons have you asked me or anyone have that I have not answered am I not an open book aswell.
    I firmly believe you and Orla seen me as a soft number to target to deflect away from your selfs ,mainly because of my low post count and potentially would not be mod killed.Your back is against the wall now and all I hear is deflection deflection.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,202 ✭✭✭Jake WW

    Riona WW wrote: »
    Wasnt a joke

    Desmond is a Dickhead

    All in all can someone explain the following.

    It was explained to me - in detail, why gabbi was definately the mogwai! So why are you all still looking for the mogwai?? Would love a direct concise answer to this!

    Ah - Its Vale.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,146 ✭✭✭Barbara WW

    Jake WW wrote: »
    Ah - Its Vale.

    In that case...


  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,307 ✭✭✭Riona WW

    Jake WW wrote: »
    Ah - Its Vale.

    I presume thats a person? Or do you mean a vale of deceit?


    Anyhoo - Nobody seems to want to answer the gabbi moggy question :(

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,202 ✭✭✭Jake WW

    Nigel WW wrote: »
    Id say you need to be more entertaining Gab, try harder
    Nigel WW wrote: »
    Still not very entertaining

    Mentions of entertainment. Meh maybe but probably not.
    Nigel WW wrote: »
    Ah **** the bed, just reread the OP there, im an idiot!

    Calling himself an idiot. I find this amusing anyway.
    Nigel WW wrote: »
    I dont think your dodgy so far but consistently thanking posts at various times throughout the day without commenting makes it clear your reading but not contributing which is in itself suspicious behaviour
    Nigel WW wrote: »
    I thought you were a little bogey earlier by getting such a turn on for peeking low posters (despite you only startingto contribute), the only thing ive done different since this post below is to point out you yourself were a low poster.

    Use of dodgey and bogey in consecutive days. Keep an eye out for a 3rd word that ends in ey that means 'suspicious'.

    Barbara WW wrote: »


    Gif Post
    Barbara WW wrote: »
    At the risk of being accused of doing a task, I have to point out my disgust at the lack of gifs


    More gif posting (and plausable deniability because she says it could be a task.
    Barbara WW wrote: »
    So gabri was mogwai

    Not a task behaviour, but was one of the people who went along with Gabri being Mogwai.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,927 ✭✭✭Orla WW

    Abigail WW wrote: »
    I didnt see anyone else offering to help and do the dog work of a plan was created.
    And I didn't post what I thought of you and Orla.
    You posted up something about a comment I made about an armbar and then Orla jumped on the bandwagon only after seeing my low post count .Then there's again pointing out to everyone about the low post count and demanding to engage more when I am been today.I think you seen an easy mark and it backfired.

    You haven't actually read the posts from this morning, I posted the list of posters, then multi quoted all your 8 posts, and asked where you'd been, saying I didn't think you'd done a task because the content of your posts had been so minimal.

    After that someone asked about the armbar, then I said I didn't think it was a task, it seemed WWE related.

    Then you woke up and started spouting out your factual inaccuracies. You can't even get the timeline of events straight. I don't care if you think i'm a wolf, if it's based on things that actually happened, but right now you're just spouting made up stuff to suit some fictional narrative in your head!

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,202 ✭✭✭Jake WW

    Riona WW wrote: »
    I presume thats a person? Or do you mean a vale of deceit?


    Anyhoo - Nobody seems to want to answer the gabbi moggy question :(

    Increasingly open to the idea that your task is to get us to answer stupid questions for you.

    Answer your stupid question yourself by reading the thread.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,307 ✭✭✭Riona WW

    Barbara WW wrote: »
    So gabri was mogwai
    Liam WW wrote: »
    If the gremlins munched Mogwai they got another member. They munched Gabriel last so it makes sense that it was Gabby, the turn just wasn't until after the next lynch
    Riona WW wrote: »
    How do we no that? Is it not possible wini was mogwai and when lynched, a new gremlin was born? Instead of going back to the last person, which I see no mention of anywhere!
    Angus WW wrote: »
    If Wini was Moggy, then there wouldn't be a Gremlin conversion. The only way Gremlins get a conversion is if they munched Moggy. A lynch would have given us the prize, not them.
    Riona WW wrote: »
    Ah - gotcha!

    Still not sure why it didnt happen last night but whatever!

    This is my understanding!

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,927 ✭✭✭Orla WW

    Riona WW wrote: »

    Anyhoo - Nobody seems to want to answer the gabbi moggy question :(

    nobody knows the answer!

    Are you doing a task?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,307 ✭✭✭Riona WW

    Jake WW wrote: »
    Increasingly open to the idea that your task is to get us to answer stupid questions for you.

    Answer your stupid question yourself by reading the thread.

    It's not a stupid question - I genuinely dont know

    Your a f*cking asshat!

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,307 ✭✭✭Riona WW

    Orla WW wrote: »
    nobody knows the answer!

    Are you doing a task?

    Task on your face!

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,479 ✭✭✭Isla WW

    I'm not sure why it's taboo to answer but it seems weird the person does not know for themselves. Then again I was asking after the mod post if everyone thought the Mogwai was still alive and didn't get much response. If alive we want to get it before the wolves do

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,307 ✭✭✭Riona WW

    Im sure i'll be accused next - hopefully I am - This game isnt for me - Beyond ridiculous!

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,202 ✭✭✭Jake WW

    Riona WW wrote: »
    It's not a stupid question - I genuinely dont know

    Your a f*cking asshat!

    Player called a name and insulted in consecutive days. #wwtask

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,927 ✭✭✭Orla WW

    Riona WW wrote: »
    Task on your face!

    Riona petal, just answer the question, tell us your game and we'll be nice (or you know we won't, whatever)

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,202 ✭✭✭Jake WW

    Isla WW wrote: »
    I'm not sure why it's taboo to answer but it seems weird the person does not know for themselves. Then again I was asking after the mod post if everyone thought the Mogwai was still alive and didn't get much response. If alive we want to get it before the wolves do

    Its one thing asking during the course of a discussion. Its another not to reread the last few pages to see said discussion, and instead ask the thread to summarise everything and explain everything.

    A couple of days in a row. I cant say whether Riona is new or not, but if the task was to play dumb, she would be doing it very well.

    Trit's clarification indicates to me that Mogwai had in fact been completing their entertainment task well so far.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,479 ✭✭✭Isla WW

    Jake WW wrote: »
    Player called a name and insulted in consecutive days. #wwtask

    maybe not a task but methinks the man doth protest too much

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,307 ✭✭✭Riona WW

    Jake WW wrote: »
    Player called a name and insulted in consecutive days. #wwtask

    For the love of god!!!
