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A Quiet Place (Emily Blunt and John Krasinski SciFi/Horror)

  • 05-02-2018 2:54am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,501 ✭✭✭✭Slydice

    Thought there was a thread for this already cos I'd seen the first trailer.


    Trailer 1:



  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 36,711 CMod ✭✭✭✭pixelburp

    I saw the first trailer donkeys ago and thought, as trailers go, it was a masterful slice of tension in of itself. That moment when the lamp gets tipped over was positively bum-clenching.

    That said, this might be interesting: lord knows modern horror films rely WAY too much on (what Kermode refers to), as the whole 'quietquietquiet BANG' lazy trop of jump scares. This COULD simply end up being 'Jump Scares: The Movie' if they don't know what they're doing; if they do, it could yet be a fantastic thriller, but we'll see I guess.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,501 ✭✭✭✭Slydice

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,832 ✭✭✭FortuneChip

    John Krasinski & Emily Blunt team up with the former directing.

    Gotta say, this looks tense as hell.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,809 ✭✭✭✭Skerries

    reminds me of The Last of Us

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,732 ✭✭✭Bacchus

    Looks good and tense. I've a feeling there is going to be some convenient happy resolution pulled out of the bag though as there is no way they could survive a labour (nevermind a crying baby) in that world. So, they either end on a bleak note or this random family manages to find a way to defeat the aliens.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 89,780 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1

    Is this a silent film :p

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,501 ✭✭✭✭Slydice

    Maybe it's the advertising campaign but I'm getting those hype tingles..

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 884 ✭✭✭Keplar240B



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,501 ✭✭✭✭Slydice

    OK! This is on the to-watch list!

    After seeing Grace's review, I googled and see it's got: google:

    Just need to find somewhere quiet to watch it.. or wait for it to come out.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 44,344 ✭✭✭✭Basq

    There's advance previews in my local Omniplex on Monday.. definitely considering going!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,356 ✭✭✭Heckler

    Didn't realise John Krasinski directed it as well.

    Pretty much only knew him as Jim from the US Office till 13 Hours where I thought he was very good.

    Interesting to see a real life husband and wife acting as a film husband and wife.

    I love the premise and the trailers look great.

    Reminds me of a book I started recently "Bird Box" where something inexplicable is happening but it affects those who see it so the protagonists have to navigate the world blindfolded.

    Looking forward to this one.

    Reviews are certainly encouraging.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,880 ✭✭✭Canis Lupus

    I enjoyed it. It's not particularly scary if you're going for the horror aspect although there are some tense moments. There's a nice play between it being deadly quiet (trying to eat your popcorn will make you self conscious for large parts of this movie) and then being loud and full of action. Everyone does a good job acting especially as there's barely any spoken dialogue and it doesn't outstay it's welcome by being overly long.

    If I put my nitpicking hat on I would say (one reasonable spoiler below just in case you're tempted):
    A sound brings a monster almost immediately but you see on a number of occasions that they don't move THAT fast yet they always appears within a second or two despite a note on a board saying there was only 3 spotted in the area.

    The monsters are also blind which is fine but despite their ability to navigate the world flawlessly whatever sort of echolocation they use appears to be completely unable to detect a moving human nor can their amazingly enhanced hearing pick up breathing even when only a few feet away.

    Blunt has a new born baby which makes virtually no noise despite just being newly fired out of a vagina. In a world where a dropped item can cause monsters to arrive they are stretching artistic licence showing a minutes old baby quietly sleeping.

    I think dads (can't remember his name) death at the end was a bit unnecessary as well... I'd have just been as happy to see him make it through and I don't think it would have detracted at all from the film

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 17,300 ✭✭✭✭razorblunt

    They must have a huge advertising budget as this will won't have a huge word of mouth response ...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,501 ✭✭✭✭Slydice

    Final Trailer. I'm 99% sure it's an Alien Invasion after this trailer.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 55,600 ✭✭✭✭Mr E

    Excellent movie. I have a high suspense threshold (is that a thing? :)) but my nerves were shredded by the end of it. Really smart and clever.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,786 ✭✭✭wakka12

    I thought it was a very good watch, would definitely recommend even to people not a big fan of horror movies. The apocalypse/aliens idea is a bit done to death at this stage especially in recent years but the creatures are quite unique and the silence thing freshens it up a bit. Its ridiculously tense the entire way through, I was actually tired by the end from being so on edge :P But yeh I enjoyed it, nothing groundbreaking but a very decent watch is what id say.Good acting too

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 608 ✭✭✭Pete Moss

    Really enjoyed this movie. I could see the story developed further in subsequent films in a similar way to how The Purge universe built on the original movie.

    Great tension throughout, certainly not a flawless movie, but an interesting story and enjoyable take on the survival genre.

  • Subscribers Posts: 42,428 ✭✭✭✭sydthebeat

    Enjoyable movie, loved the way the tension build in scenes demands the audience to stfu.

    Not ground breaking but a good meld of classic themes.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭KilOit

    Really enjoyed this movie, all the characters were great and Emily Blunt is fantastic like always. very much recommended

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,423 ✭✭✭✭Outlaw Pete

    Didn't enjoy it much tbh......

    Quite predictable and the score irritated the hell out of me at times as it ruined the damn premise of the movie I felt.
    Scene with music through the earphones was cool though and the complete silence including all ambient sounds scenes were well done also....

    But there should have been more emphasize on that kind of thing I think to try and make it as authentic as possible.

    In saying that, I seen it in a packed screening and never knew people eating popcorn could make so much damn noise. Took me right out of the film quite a bit in fact. Perhaps I would have enjoyed it more going to see a screening that not so many people were attending.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,810 ✭✭✭✭jimmii

    Didn't enjoy it much tbh......

    Quite predictable and the score irritated the hell out of me at times as it ruined the damn premise of the movie I felt.
    Scene with music through the earphones was cool though and the complete silence including all ambient sounds scenes were well done also....

    But there should have been more emphasize on that kind of thing I think to try and make it as authentic as possible.

    In saying that, I seen it in a packed screening and never knew people eating popcorn could make so much damn noise. Took me right out of the film quite a bit in fact. Perhaps I would have enjoyed it more going to see a screening that not so many people were attending.

    I didn't think it was great either. Funnily enough on the empire podcast they were saying they wish they'd seen it in a packed cinema instead of a small screening as it would be better amongst a group! I agree with you though I think it would be better in a smaller setting.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,226 ✭✭✭ShagNastii

    Must stay I’d agree with the sediments of people thinking it really benefited from being seen in a packed cinema. I went in knowing nothing about the film and throughally enjoyed it. Thought it would be tough work when I caught the premise but after 10/15 minutes in it was as if the whole screen were tip-toeing with the characters.
    The scene with the nail on the stair. It had such a lead in and you could almost hear everybody screaming internally

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,423 ✭✭✭✭Outlaw Pete

    In danger of coming across as a bit of a snob by saying the following but it probably has a lot to do with which the kind of of crowd in attendence. I seen it in Cineworld and it was like the whole place had brought five packs of sweets and three bags of Doritos each.

    Lighthouse One I've been at packed screenings and you don't get nearly as much of that. They serve their popcorn in tubs for a start also, which is an instant plus, and not those damn noisy rustling paper bags.

    Most films it's not really an issue but for something like this it's for sure gonna be.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,755 ✭✭✭Whatsisname

    Felt like a mix of The Last of Us and Signs. I loved it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,812 ✭✭✭joe40

    Felt like a mix of The Last of Us and Signs. I loved it.

    I presume this isn't a spoiler since the premise of the movie is known, so why not set up remote controlled loud speakers to provide a constant noise and therefore "cover"

    In terms of acting, suspense, and music I really enjoyed the movie (wish they would fix the nail though)

    The music reminded me of the brilliant "Sicario" I think emily Blunt was also in that but don't know of any other connection

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,885 ✭✭✭Optimalprimerib

    Great fun. They took a premise and stuck with it. The tension throughout the film was immense and I'd say I lost a stone in sweat.

    I'm not a huge horror fan and never find monster horrors scary, but I felt that this was genuinely scary. I felt the first 10-15 minutes we're a bit gimmicky but once the threat ramped up I was completely invested in what was going on.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,786 ✭✭✭wakka12

    joe40 wrote: »
    I presume this isn't a spoiler since the premise of the movie is known, so why not set up remote controlled loud speakers to provide a constant noise and therefore "cover"

    In terms of acting, suspense, and music I really enjoyed the movie (wish they would fix the nail though)

    The music reminded me of the brilliant "Sicario" I think emily Blunt was also in that but don't know of any other connection

    Well that cover noise would have to be close to them to cover their noise and so would bring monsters to the area and if they are in the area they would get used to the rhythm /frequency of the cover noise and begin to pick up on noises the family were making as they differ from it, they seem to be smart creatures who would begin to acclimatise to that noise. I guess..?
    Also no electricity..dont know if theres any loud constant noise they could keep up without it? That I can think of

    I thought they were relatively consistent with the concept but it annoyed me a bit that these monsters could hear an object drop a kilometre away and then couldnt pick up on silent breathing in the same room

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 18,503 ✭✭✭✭Also Starring LeVar Burton

    Really enjoyed it - saw it in a fairly packed Screen 1 in Rathmines and the audience tension definitely added to the experience.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 18,109 ✭✭✭✭Thargor

    No idea where the rave reviews are coming from, utterly generic invasion movie imo, boring unoriginal aliens with piss poor CGI that they ripped off Stranger Things for right down to the same generic clicking sound they've been copying since Predator (how did these aliens defeat the US army btw?), boring unoriginal jump scares everywhere, boring unoriginal "somethings in the corn" scenes from how many films? Did not enjoy that at all tbh. I wanted to see Michael Inside but got outvoted.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,358 ✭✭✭p to the e

    Thargor wrote: »
    No idea where the rave reviews are coming from

    Well one of them is coming from me. One of the best films I've seen this year. The tension built up in some scenes was very well done and there was no fannying about with back stories. You're just dropped straight into it. The gore wasn't over the top and you can just feel their frustration at not being able to even speak. One question that bugged me and it's a small one.
    Where did the sand that they use come from?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,032 ✭✭✭homerun_homer

    I loved this film. Brilliant tension the whole way through, great performances from everyone involved. It's very hard to not like Krasinski and Blunt as a couple both in and outside of this movie. The film belongs ultimately to Millicent Simmonds though, she is fantastic.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,423 ✭✭✭✭Outlaw Pete

    Thargor wrote: »
    ....boring unoriginal jump scares everywhere, boring unoriginal "somethings in the corn" scenes from how many films?

    I think that's another reason I didn't like it. Apart from the scene where
    the lamp is knocked over at the beginning
    I saw most everything else coming a mile off. There was a million times more tension in five minutes of an episode of Lost than there was in this whole film (which by the way, I actually think much of the scoring of some of the 'dramatic' scenes was ripped off from). Also, about ten minutes in I remember thinking to myself
    'I bet it's only a matter of time now before someone goes kamikaze and screams to save a family member'

    Glad people liked it so much. Just can't understand why.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,032 ✭✭✭homerun_homer

    I think that's another reason I didn't like it. Apart from the scene where
    the lamp is knocked over at the beginning
    I saw most everything else coming a mile off. There was a million times more tension in five minutes of an episode of Lost than there was in this whole film (which by the way, I actually think much of the scoring of some of the 'dramatic' scenes was ripped off from). Also, about ten minutes in I remember thinking to myself
    'I bet it's only a matter of time now before someone goes kamikaze and screams to save a family member'

    Glad people liked it so much. Just can't understand why.

    Some films are ruined by being predictable, but I think that is more the case when the film tries to outsmart it's audience, or think it's more original than it is. From the trailer of this I figured
    One of the parents will die saving the kids and as a betting man I bet it's Krasinski.
    That didn't ruin my enjoyment of the movie. It's still brilliantly performed and filled with great tension.

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Arts Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 30,181 CMod ✭✭✭✭johnny_ultimate

    The cool thing about this premise is it forces the filmmakers to think in terms of form. Dialogue, as a rule, has to be limited. Sound, of course, has to be at the forefront - as well as the absence of it (kudos to any multiplex-bound film that requests audience silence). Visuals must convey a lot of information (how cool is it when
    those lights turn horrible, horrible red?
    ). The actors have to communicate a lot with expressions rather than explanation (Blunt is particularly capable in that respect). While I'm sure other filmmakers could have done that in a more interesting way again, Krasinski goes with it - and it's a welcome pleasure to watch a mainstream horror film that is crafted so exactly. Little details such as the way it isolates the sound for the point-of-view of the deaf daughter push it that bit above what it could've been.

    It's also the rare film that benefits from some degree of predictability. There's overt visual foreshadowing that cleverly builds up and delivers on audience expectations. When we see
    the nail, we know someone's going to step on it (Chekhov's rusty nail)
    . When we see
    that Blunt's character is pregnant, we know a crying baby is going to complicate matters
    . What allows that to work is that the audience instantly has this sense of dread, and start predicting the consequences. These are familiar ideas with obvious consequences, but we know they're going to be more complicated and dangerous in this hostile context. It's a very classical, rules-driven sort of genre storytelling and world-building - helped by the fact that the narrative is a straightforward but effective family drama.

    None of this is to say this is a perfect film or anything like that. Krasinski finds ways to deliver a kind of visual exposition at times (newspapers, for example) that I found a tad clunky - especially when some of the other details are introduced with such wonderful nonchalance. Some of the complications feel more contrived and awkward than others, such as the
    flooded basement
    . And the monsters have the sort of overdesigned look you get with a lot of modern CG creatures in films of this ilk. Its formula doesn't always work in its favour. These thankfully don't dull the impact of the film as a whole: what it lacks in radicalness, it makes up for in being a tightly-designed machine that does what it does with confidence.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 18,109 ✭✭✭✭Thargor

    I think that's another reason I didn't like it. Apart from the scene where
    the lamp is knocked over at the beginning
    I saw most everything else coming a mile off. There was a million times more tension in five minutes of an episode of Lost than there was in this whole film (which by the way, I actually think much of the scoring of some of the 'dramatic' scenes was ripped off from). Also, about ten minutes in I remember thinking to myself
    'I bet it's only a matter of time now before someone goes kamikaze and screams to save a family member'

    Glad people liked it so much. Just can't understand why.
    Some films are ruined by being predictable, but I think that is more the case when the film tries to outsmart it's audience, or think it's more original than it is. From the trailer of this I figured
    One of the parents will die saving the kids and as a betting man I bet it's Krasinski.
    That didn't ruin my enjoyment of the movie. It's still brilliantly performed and filled with great tension.
    The minute it zoomed in
    on the girls cochlear implant at the start I knew it was going to be the bad guys weakness in some way.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,815 ✭✭✭SimonTemplar

    I saw the film last week and loved it and was thinking about it a lot, so I saw it again today. It really holds up on second viewing. Here are some of the things I noticed:
    - The whole labor sequence is one of the best horror sequences I've seen in a long time. Giving birth is bad enough, but adding the restriction of being unable to make a sound PLUS the creature literally feet away from her with the knowledge that a slightest sound would mean the death of both herself and her baby was so incredibly tense. Blunt really excelled in those scenes and her eventual scream felt so cathartic for both the character and the audience.

    - Krasinski built excellent tension with that nail in the step. When Blunt walked down the stairs, the whole audience in both screenings tensed up with the dread of knowing what was about to happen. That's great film making.

    - However, the film definitely peaked at that sequence and the subsequent set pieces (flooded basement, grain tower) were good but never reached the heights of that earlier scene.

    - The red lights were a great visual idea. Thankfully Krasinski didn't fall into the trap of treating the audience like idiots by having an earlier seen telegraphing the lights with a test or explaining them to the children.

    - I wasn't too keen on the father's death the first time I saw it and that was confirmed when I saw it today. I get that he wanted to sacrifice himself for his children but that really didn't tell us anything new about that character. Also, it happens very soon before the end so there is no time for the audience to really see how it affected the rest of the family for it to be truly meaningful within the scope of the story. The "I love you. I have always loved you" moment would have been just as powerful with everyone back in the basement. (Actually, just thinking off the top of my head - it might have been cool if the father was just about to scream when the daughter realized that her hearing aid can be used as a weapon thus saving her father. It might have been a nice twist on people's expectations).

    - The circumstances of the father's death bothered my a little too. The family are shown to be extremely adept at adjusting to their situation with impressive countermeasures such as the red warning lights and the rockets for a distraction. Keeping with this narrative, it would have made sense for the parents to have some sort of small portable object on their person that could be used as a temporary sound distraction for exactly the situation where they are trapped in the car. They are shown to have access to fireworks so maybe the father could have been carrying a firecracker. It would have made sense as a means of defense after the death of their son, similar to how Blunt used the timer in the basement. If I could think of it, surely he could have too.

    - This is a small thing, but Blunt's facial expression in that final shot was a little too much of action hero confidence given that she just lost her husband and her children are in mortal danger.

    - On the white board of exposition in the basement, it says there are three creatures in the area. After the shotgun blast, two creatures are shown in the monitor running towards the house. Assuming they kill those two with the hearing aid sound / shotgun, that would leave the area free of creatures for a while which would help to raise a noisy baby. I didn't pick up on that after first viewing.

    Overall these are fairly minor criticisms, and I loved it. I would really like to see Blunt and Krasinski doing a joint DVD commentary. That would be very interesting.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,812 ✭✭✭joe40

    I wonder did anyone with kids see the movie, I know my two wouldn't last long in that world.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,021 ✭✭✭Greyfox

    WOW! That was absolutely superb. best horror film I've seen in a very very long time. Very very tense, left the cinema half an hour ago and only now feel like I can relax. the director made some excellent decisions and and excellent acting all round particularly from Emily Blunt. Reminds me of playing the last of us or watching Alien for the first time, top notch film and a perfect example of how to do horror films correctly

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,096 ✭✭✭xalot

    That was a really good lesson in how to keep people on their toes for 90 minutes. zero fat. I saw the trailer for mission impossible 9billion before the movie and thought afterwards that I bet there were more thrills in what I'd just watched than 3 hours of Tom Cruise jumping off stuff.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,949 ✭✭✭Hande hoche!

    Enjoyable film, very tense. Predictable in parts but still very well done.
    xalot wrote: »
    That was a really good lesson in how to keep people on their toes for 90 minutes. zero fat. I saw the trailer for mission impossible 9billion before the movie and thought afterwards that I bet there were more thrills in what I'd just watched than 3 hours of Tom Cruise jumping off stuff.

    You got lucky. All three trailers in the viewing I went to were for Marvel films.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 44,344 ✭✭✭✭Basq

    Very good, tense and extremely well paced and directed by Krasinski. Some obvious moments in the final third but incredibly good stuff all the same.

    Jim Halpert done good!


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 44,344 ✭✭✭✭Basq

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,150 ✭✭✭kumate_champ07

    I enjoyed it. It's not particularly scary if you're going for the horror aspect although there are some tense moments. There's a nice play between it being deadly quiet (trying to eat your popcorn will make you self conscious for large parts of this movie) and then being loud and full of action. Everyone does a good job acting especially as there's barely any spoken dialogue and it doesn't outstay it's welcome by being overly long.

    If I put my nitpicking hat on I would say (one reasonable spoiler below just in case you're tempted):
    A sound brings a monster almost immediately but you see on a number of occasions that they don't move THAT fast yet they always appears within a second or two despite a note on a board saying there was only 3 spotted in the area.

    The monsters are also blind which is fine but despite their ability to navigate the world flawlessly whatever sort of echolocation they use appears to be completely unable to detect a moving human nor can their amazingly enhanced hearing pick up breathing even when only a few feet away.

    Blunt has a new born baby which makes virtually no noise despite just being newly fired out of a vagina. In a world where a dropped item can cause monsters to arrive they are stretching artistic licence showing a minutes old baby quietly sleeping.

    I think dads (can't remember his name) death at the end was a bit unnecessary as well... I'd have just been as happy to see him make it through and I don't think it would have detracted at all from the film
    he didnt need to drop the axe, he could have at least tried to fight. maybe he knew his wound was fatal, but the creature would still be alive after it kills him and still could be a threat to his children

    there were too many holes in it for me to give it more than 7/10. I was expecting 9/10 from what I initially heard.

    * Im not a horror fan so maybe thats why I didnt enjoy it as much as others. I enjoyed Get Out tho

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 1,066 ✭✭✭restive

    I thought this was brilliant. Very tense.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,545 ✭✭✭tunguska

    Saw it last night and I thought it was top class. A proper edge of the seat thriller. I cant remember feeling so tense during a film. A master class in show dont tell. Id say it was made for comparitively little. I mean it looks great but its a film that works extremely well on very little.

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators Posts: 18,273 Mod ✭✭✭✭CatFromHue

    According to Wikipedia it cost 17m and has made 103m

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,434 ✭✭✭northgirl

    Worst film I've seen at the movies in a while. Really didn't enjoy it at all.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,423 ✭✭✭✭Outlaw Pete

    Seen it again as had to take someone to it and I disliked it more than the first time. Not just for all the classical music and violins on scenes that should have been ambient sound only, but also, and mainly, by how bland and daft it is. That some are saying they were gripped by this baffles me. Gripped by what? It's as predictable as it gets.
    If they make noise they're gonna die!!! OMG don't make noise!!! He almost made a noise!!!! Phew!!!! Oh wait!!! He made a noise!!!! What's gonna happen!!! HE'S DEAD!!!!!!!!! UNBELIEVABLE!!!

    She keeps messing with her hearing aid that makes screeching noises! The aliens track humans by the noise they make! Hmmmm. Focusing a lot on this hearing aid. Hmmmmmm.

    Will she stand on the nail????? Oh my God she's going to stand on the nail!!!! Here it comes!!! One more step!!! Will she stand in it???? SHE'S STOOD ON IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!

  • Seen it again as had to take someone to it and I disliked it more than the first time. Not just for all the classical music and violins on scenes that should have been ambient sound only, but also, and mainly, by how bland and daft it is. That some are saying they were gripped by this baffles me. Gripped by what? It's as predictable as it gets.

    Totally agree here it's just a boring horror movie. There is definitely a good concept here but the scares were predictable (except for the first showing of the monster) overall I felt it dragged on too long and the monster looked like cloverfield monster rip

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,021 ✭✭✭Greyfox

    That some are saying they were gripped by this baffles me. Gripped by what? It's as predictable as it gets.
    Gripped by the absolutely superb tension that remained for pretty much the whole film due to the audience appreciating it would be impossible for a family to never make a sound and the moment you hide in the spoiler is one that everyone would find very very difficult to stay quiet with and its followed by a moment almost impossible to stay quiet with. Also the acting was much better than in your average horror film.

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