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Computershare - I need to vent..

  • 29-03-2018 10:29am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,158 ✭✭✭

    Computershare have been holding onto one of my dividends since early February and there are absolutely useless to deal with

    Their current instructions are to send out a cheque, but they have failed to do so. Their online system wont let enter any SEPA details and they seem to ignore the Global Payments option too. Two weeks ago I eventually got through and they tried to fob me off with yet another form, while having all my SEPA details on their system. They promised me immediate payment and the only thing thats happened since is that the payment has disappeared from their system!

    I have tried ringing the appropriate UK number for my shareholding and of course none of the automated selection options are relevant to me, so after being on hold for an age, they put me on hold again while they transfer me, and then ignore me. I've now tried the Irish number which at least provides more automated options, but again I'm put on hold for ages and I gave up.

    I've been on hold now for a combined 3 hours or so (doing other things while I wait) but this is ridiculous. Has anyone had any success in dealing with this shower?


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,459 ✭✭✭garrettod


    I agree with you entirely, they are a nightmare to deal with. WTF so many companies engage them, I just don't know.

    Anyway, have you submitted a formal complaint yet ?

    If not, you might find this helpful.

    I see that they are regulated through the FCA, so the faster you can get through their internal complaints procedure and get the FCA on to them, the better imho.


