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Due January 2019



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,809 ✭✭✭Jude13

    Thanks for the feedback, I hope this isnt taken the wrong way but in the last week snoring has become an issue. I was awake from 3 am so decided to get up. Is this nature training me for early feeds?

  • Registered Users Posts: 11 StillN

    So just an update, we traveled to South Africa, I didn't take the blood thinner injections just wore the compression socks and drank lots of water and stayed mobile and I'm still here to tell the tale! But on the day we were leaving, just as we were about to walk out the door I got a letter from the hospital stating that I have a Group B Strep Infection which was detected in the urine sample I gave at my anomaly scan appointment. Has anyone else had this? I managed to get a prescription for Antibiotics over there which I wasn't sure I'd get to be honest, but was really annoyed that the hospital didn't call me to tell me. There was 2 weeks or more between when I was at the hospital and when I left for hols so I feel they could have called. This might not be that serious but it was added to the stress of the day, not knowing anything about it I called the hospital to ask what GBS was and I kept getting answering machines, eventually I got to speak to one of the assistant doctors and they were so rude... Anyway, I'm feeling well it's not something that comes with symptoms but will ask my GP a bit more about it tomorrow at a routine check up. Hope you are all doing well x

  • Registered Users Posts: 289 ✭✭natc

    I’m very jealous of your trip to South Africa! I’d love to go there, don’t think I could manage that trip when pregnant though!

    I don’t know much about GBS but that’s a pretty ****ty bit of news to get when your away like that, especially when you had time beforehand to be contacted. Who knows what they were at with the sample.

    My husband will prob take the two weeks paternity leave whether his employer tops it up or not. Time spent with the baby is more important for us than money. We’ve managed before and we’ll make it work again.

    I’m at the 26wk mark now and feeling good. Managing a bit more walking these days although it is limited by my SPD but i just missed walking. Had to take a day here and there from work due to the pain in my hips/pelvis. My GP wants to see me at 30 wks to assess it and see about work. I have a belt now which is why I think walking is easier but in work I sit all day upright and all the pressure is going through my pelvis and it’s agony at the end of most days. If there was a way I could work half days it would be great but not going to happen!

    Have my next hospital appointment with scan and GTT etc in two weeks so can’t wait for that. Another chance to see the baby. Started putting my bags together. Just picking up bits and pieces each week now. Also clearing out and rewashing bits in the hot press to see what I have left over from the other two, needless to say it’s not a lot as after our second we thought we were done!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,920 ✭✭✭Cash_Q

    StillN wrote:
    I got a letter from the hospital stating that I have a Group B Strep Infection which was detected in the urine sample I gave at my anomaly scan appointment. Has anyone else had this?

    I was diagnosed with this at over 36w pregnant. I was phoned by the midwife clinic about it which was great as I could ask questions. They explained that I would need to be on IV antibiotics in labour and that I would be kept in for monitoring for 48 hours minimum post delivery. It is a very serious condition for baby and I would simply count yourself lucky that it was detected, as it is not routinely screened for, and can have a serious affect on baby if it's not treated in labour. I don't know if it can be treated ahead of labour.

    In the end I was diagnosed with pre eclampsia a couple of days later and this obviously impacted my labour, delivery etc much more so than the strep B but my baby girl is 11 days old here and snoozing on my lap so really it's nothing to worry about.

  • Registered Users Posts: 289 ✭✭natc

    Had 28 wk check up on wed and all going good. Had GTT done and passed that thankfully. I noticed though that when doing my fasting bloods wed morning the midwife said they were testing for thyroid problems now too. Is that a new regular test they include in bloods now? Was never mentioned before and I’ve never had any thyroid issues that would have flagged the need for a test.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 62 ✭✭Peppery

    Hope everyone is getting in well :)

    Just at 29 weeks now. Starting to get my bag ready for hospital. Also having a 3D scan next week, can’t wait to see the pictures!

    Have to say I’ve been so impressed with the public service is Holles St so far. I’ve had a scan and visit with a doctor at every hospital appointment and I’ve never spent more than 45mins at an appointment. Have been lucky!

    I’m waiting for the major discomfort of the third trimester to start but other than Braxton Hicks when I’ve been walking I’m still getting on okay.

  • Registered Users Posts: 41 wagonwheel2

    Hi everyone,

    All going pretty well with me so far. Nearly 29 weeks. Started getting heartburn though but not too bad so far.

    Had a lot of stressful outside pregnancy events going on the last while, had to move out of our apartment as we thought the landlady was moving back in, turns out she wanted us out so she could up the rent by over €500 so lodged a complaint to RTB about her and her antics. (We were in the rent pressure zone). We were lucky though as we were in a position to buy and found a house but the dishonesty of her is what disappointed me so much. We are now waiting on our new build house to be finished while living at my In Laws which isn't the greatest as nice as my in laws are, their house seems to be stuck in a 1980s time warp, cleanliness and privacy isn't very forthcoming there either so the sooner i am out the better. They take care of my cat though while we go on holidays so I am very grateful to them but they are driving me and my husband a bit bonkers. Let's just say absence makes the heart grow fonder. The cat seems very happy though to be living in such a big space now rather than our tiny apartment as he is indoor only. :)

    All good with baby girl though. She is moving around like mad. In Holles Street too but semi private clinic, happy with it but usually only get seen for about 5 mins with consultant and that is it and I keep forgetting to ask questions then so i'm out the door before I think of what I should have asked. Going to bring a list with me next time. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 154 ✭✭__oc__

    Hi everyone. Just over the 30 weeks mark here and still feeling relatively ok. Feeling lots of movement and having fornightly checks, time seems to be dragging yet flying by at the same time.
    Have hospital bags nearly packed but working 12 hour shifts doesn’t leave a lot of energy to finish packing them in the evenings :)
    Hoping to keep working as long as I can will just see how the body copes with everything.

    Can’t believe I am at this stage and full term still seems so far away :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 105 ✭✭Brazzer

    Hi Girls,

    At the 30 week mark here too. Hard to believe it's been so long since we all tested and got the good news. I had my GTT 2 weeks ago and got a phone call to say my fasting bloods came in slightly risen, 5.2 and should ideally be 5.0. The Doctor said she wasn't concerned and to do the test again and hopefully the reading would be lower. Anyone else ever experience this? I never did on my other pregnancies. I feel fine and have no other symptoms. I have no idea how to get a good reading, breakfast club with 4 other kids under 5 is just a no go for me.

    Hope everyone else is doing good and are enjoying hitting the single digit countdown of weeks :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 289 ✭✭natc

    Gosh wagonwheel2 that’s a pain to have to deal with in the middle of pregnancy. Glad you’ll be sorted soon though!

    Just at 33 weeks here and seriously feeling the effects now. Heartburn is unrelenting, back ache is ramping up as are the constant cramps but thankfully SPD has settled a bit.

    I’m signed off work now due to my back. When I get up at first after sitting or lying down for any length I actually need to use something to support me as the pain is unbearable in my lower back/hips when I put my weight through them to walk. I’ll be lucky to make it to the end of Dec at this rate! Doc reckons baby is big and I’m already running out of space, uterus has reached the top of my torso. Looks like I’ll be 3 for 3 on the big babies!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 41 wagonwheel2

    @Natc, hope you are feeling better now. You seem to be going through a lot in the last few months with baby. My cousin has similar problems to you and is due in two weeks. Hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well.
    Had clinic yesterday and scan in hospital. Nearly 35 weeks now. Baby is 5.5lbs and Dr was happy with all with her. Got a nice little scan picture of her face too which I could actually tell was her face, not like the last few ones I got where i coudln't make head nor tail of it. :) It was my husband's birthday too yesterday and we were both off work so it was nice. :)
    Finishing up work 28th Dec so still a little bit to go yet. Bodywise, feeling a good bit of pressure and and pain in my back and side here and there especially when sitting for too long. Also getting a lot of heartburn. Moved into our new house too and delighted with it, got most of everything done and it is great to be settled. Brought a cat I used to feed in my old apartment with me and let's say he isn't adjusting too well to indoor life and has been hiding in our utility room for 2 weeks now. Eating and using the litter tray is the only reason i know he is still there. :-// My other (normal) cat has adjusted to the house as if he always lived there. :)
    All else is good. Setting up the baby's room this week.
    Hope everyone else is doing well and counting down the weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,591 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    I'd been keeping an eye on this thread as our second was due on January 2nd.

    Except he arrived last week :)

    Really good timing...2 weeks paternity takes me up to exactly the start of my Christmas holidays :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 41 wagonwheel2

    I'd been keeping an eye on this thread as our second was due on January 2nd.

    Except he arrived last week :)

    Really good timing...2 weeks paternity takes me up to exactly the start of my Christmas holidays :)

    Congratulations. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 105 ✭✭Brazzer

    Well girls how are you all doing? Went in today for my apt, 34 weeks and all measuring nicely. Baby has a mop of hair, so funny seeing it flowing in the water. 4 weeks to go until my section, actually if I last until the date she's giving me I only have 26 days until I meet my new little bundle. My other kids are hyper for santa at this stage and it's been a great distraction. I'm doing ok at night, some nights I don't wake to go to the loo at all, not saying i'm sleeping through but I am getting sleep which I don't remember getting at this stage on the other 4!!

    Hope everyone is doing good, final hurdle now for most of us, good luck girls x

  • Registered Users Posts: 289 ✭✭natc

    Brazzer, I’m so jealous of you knowing when your going to hold baba! I was convinced I would be gone by now... was on both previous pregnancies so into unknown territory now! 39 weeks now.

    I hope everyone had a nice Christmas and got through the last week in one piece. It went surprisingly smooth for me. I even managed to brave some of the sales yesterday, the joys of having a 10yr old daughter with gift cards burning a hole in her pocket!

    I have to say today is the most uncomfortable day I’ve had so far in the past month. Wondering is it a sign or just another ****e day!

    Here’s hoping things start to kick off soon!

  • Registered Users Posts: 41 wagonwheel2

    Hi everyone, my waters broke on Saturday and due to being positive for Strep B I was induced Sunday morning, after 10 hours of nothing happening in labour, I had a C section and now have a beautiful baby girl. Still in Holles Street recovering. Not easy at all. A bit traumatic. Had alot of pain relief throughout and all the staff here have been fantastic.

    Éadbha was born on 30th Dec 2018 at 38 weeks and 2 days, 8lbs 2oz so also bigger than we had expected . She is perfect.

  • Registered Users Posts: 289 ✭✭natc

    Hi everyone, my waters broke on Saturday and due to being positive for Strep B I was induced Sunday morning, after 10 hours of nothing happening in labour, I had a C section and now have a beautiful baby girl. Still in Holles Street recovering. Not easy at all. A bit traumatic. Had alot of pain relief throughout and all the staff here have been fantastic.

    Éadbha was born on 30th Dec 2018 at 38 weeks and 2 days, 8lbs 2oz so also bigger than we had expected . She is perfect.

    Congrats Wagonwheel! Sorry it didn’t go quite to plan but at least you have baby with you now and you can enjoy all this precious cuddles. Beautiful name by the way.

    I’m 39+3 today and in the clinic so hoping they might do an internal and maybe a sweep if possible. Had a show on Konday but not a thing since!

  • Registered Users Posts: 41 wagonwheel2

    natc wrote: »
    Congrats Wagonwheel! Sorry it didn’t go quite to plan but at least you have baby with you now and you can enjoy all this precious cuddles. Beautiful name by the way.

    I’m 39+3 today and in the clinic so hoping they might do an internal and maybe a sweep if possible. Had a show on Konday but not a thing since!

    Hi Natc, thanks for the lovely words. Yes, didnt go to plan but we have her now and wouldn't change a thing about that. :)

    Hope today went well for you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 289 ✭✭natc

    So I’m nearing the end of week 39 now and still nothing to show for it! Had my clinic on Wednesday and doc did a sweep. I was already 2-3cm dilated after having a show on Monday and she could feel baby’s head was low. However nothing has happened since. Was getting regular contractions both Wednesday evening and yesterday evening but they stopped after a couple of hours both times.

    Baby has definitely dropped as I can feel a lot of pressure on my lower back and a constant feeling of needing to go to the toilet...(sorry for TMI)

    Hopefully these January babies will start making an appearance soon! I know I’m so over being pregnant now!

  • Registered Users Posts: 62 ✭✭Peppery

    Also have only a few days to go to my due date. Have been getting irregular contractions which feel like mild period pain for a few days on and off and very bad lightening pains...but it all keeps stopping!! The wait is tough and the feeling of being out of control, i don’t want to do anything or go anywhere in case my waters break.

    Congratulations on the babies born already! I can’t wait to come out the other side.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 154 ✭✭__oc__

    hi everyone,

    currently 38+3 so uncomfortable and sleep is elusive :(

    had appointment last week and baby seems to be in no rush to come out, which tends to be the trend on first babies!

    I am hoping that I go myself, before my due date but have mentally prepared myself for going over.

    hoping everyone else is getting on ok and looking forward to all of the January babies :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 289 ✭✭natc

    Due date today and not a peep from baby! Ended up in hospital with a very minor bleed last night so back down today for anti D. Everything looks good though with baby so they were happy to leave me be. Registrar was amazed at how low baby is and that after having sweep etc I still haven’t had baby.

    I did talk to midwife about what happens with going overdue and she said they will induce on day 11 if nothing happens before then. So at least I have an end in sight now!

    Won’t be long before the flood gates open in this group and we have plenty of babies making their arrivals!

  • Registered Users Posts: 149 ✭✭calgary bound

    Hi ladies, I have been keeping an eye on this thread but haven't posted yet. I was due baby no.2 on New Years Day but ended up going for an elective c section on 14th Dec when baby was 37 + 3 as I had high bp and wasn't keen on the chances of induction working. Little fella is 3 weeks old and it's just the best feeling in the world. Wishing you all the very best xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 289 ✭✭natc

    Hi ladies, I have been keeping an eye on this thread but haven't posted yet. I was due baby no.2 on New Years Day but ended up going for an elective c section on 14th Dec when baby was 37 + 3 as I had high bp and wasn't keen on the chances of induction working. Little fella is 3 weeks old and it's just the best feeling in the world. Wishing you all the very best xx

    Congratulations on the early Christmas present!

  • Registered Users Posts: 289 ✭✭natc

    She kept us waiting but Baby Amelia Josephine arrived just after midnight tonight. She’s a bruiser at 9lbs 9oz!! 3 hours from start to finish but she’s doing great.

    Ended up having her with just gas and air as I didn’t have time for any other pain relief. Midwife knew it would end up like that but never said anything to me until I was 10cm!!

    Ah well, all is good though. Much better experience this time around so a nice lasting memory given she is definitely my last! Can’t stop looking at her.....need to sleep!

    Best of luck to everyone else x

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 110 ✭✭MaryBrosnan

    Congratulations natc

  • Registered Users Posts: 11 StillN

    Congrats Natc and all the other ladies! I am officially 40 weeks tomorrow and longing to look into my babies eyes! Little twinges here and there the past while but nothing major, I don't even think they are Braxton Hicks as I never had them on my first. I don't think head is engaged either as I am managing to walk fine without that feeling of something between my legs lol! But I guess baby has her own agenda! Look forward to hearing from the rest of you and hopefully I'll be able to post some news soon!

  • Registered Users Posts: 154 ✭✭__oc__

    hi everyone,

    still nothing happening here and 9 days over. had sweep on Thursday but didn't really kickstart anything so in tonight for induction tomorrow. feeling a bit nervous but hoping that the little one makes an appearance before the dreaded oxytocin drip :)

    I am relieved to have an end date in sight, feel like I have been pregnant forever

  • Registered Users Posts: 289 ✭✭natc

    __oc__ wrote: »
    hi everyone,

    still nothing happening here and 9 days over. had sweep on Thursday but didn't really kickstart anything so in tonight for induction tomorrow. feeling a bit nervous but hoping that the little one makes an appearance before the dreaded oxytocin drip :)

    I am relieved to have an end date in sight, feel like I have been pregnant forever

    God I don’t know how your still sane having gone 9 days over...I was losing the will to go on after 4 days! I know induction is not ideal but at least the end is in sight now so just rest as much as you can now because sleep is precious once baby arrives!

    I had forgotten just how tiring a newborn can be and coupled with a 4 year old makes for a very tiring experience but as that’s all I have to complain about I’ll count my blessings!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11 StillN

    Hi folks I didn't get to post but our little bundle arrived via section on 23rd Jan she's only gorgeous! Waters broke on the Tuesday night so waited till the following morning to head to the hospital and they gave me till 8.30pm that night for contractions to start themselves. No contractions started but cervix was quite favourable. I'd say had they given me a bit more time things would've kick started. I couldn't be induced due to previous section however had I started having contractions myself they could've augmented with a little oxytocin, but couldn't start me off on it as it might be too much on my body. They were also hesitant to give me more than 24hrs after waters breaking due to having GBS so I was caught that way too. Otherwise we are all doing well! Can't believe it's all over, felt like I had been pregnant forever so it's nice now to fit in normal clothes and not have those pesky pregnancy aches and pains!!!
