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Human rights

  • 10-05-2018 2:43pm
    Registered Users Posts: 11,794 ✭✭✭✭

    on these issues at what stage do you think is infringing on peoples rights and wishes (whether it be courts / the law / other peoples strong opinions and beliefs) and that other people should not be allowed to intervene? :

    1.) Someone who is Terminally ill and wishes to end their life by euthanasia.

    2.) Someone who is not terminally ill or have any illness whatsoever but is old and wishes to end their life by euthanasia.

    3.) someone who has exercised all options available and still personally feels that their life is not worth living and they would be better off taking their own life (suicide)

    4.) machine keeping a child alive and parents feel that that the machine should be withdrawn (or kept going)

    5.) woman to abort her own baby she is carrying if she wishes or decides to

    if there is anything I have missed and that you think other people should not intervene on or get involved in but they do, but you believe it is an infringement of peoples liberty/rights/wishes please can you add to the list here?

    Sorry to add such a depressive post and I know it says "fun and social" for 'after hours' but I couldnt think of what other thread to add it to. But I am interested in what others think.
