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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,273 ✭✭✭Tegan WW

    Conor WW wrote: »

    Tegan - Same reasons as yesterday, added aggression in her posts and is imo, not helping team village.

    Isla - hasn't done anything of note since.yesterday so keeping her in here. Probably suspect no 1 at this state

    Steve - Spent the day calling out Tegan and nothing else

    Getting desperate are we?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,273 ✭✭✭Tegan WW

    Are we sure the new accounts dont activate or wolf download for night phase?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,061 ✭✭✭Holly WW

    Katie WW wrote: »
    Cheers, you've a good track record so far so just wanted to see if it was hunch or you are relatively sure on it.

    if i had more bullets they'd be gone already, i was tempted to take fiona instead of henry!

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,972 ✭✭✭Conor WW

    Tegan WW wrote: »
    Getting desperate are we?

    Yes,clearly the post of a madman

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,972 ✭✭✭Conor WW

    Steve WW wrote: »
    Not sure if everyone is doing them today but

    Tegan - my original suspicion and then the lack of a real reason for suspecting me. I also reckon a wolf voted for Nigel yesterday.

    Following from that if I am wrong it would lead to Frank and Orla but I'm not quite sure enough to put Frank on my list anyway. So
    Orla - she was one of the last to vote I believe (perhaps waiting to see how everything panned out)

    Isla - Unless I got the wrong end of the stick, seemed happy enough to go with Holly's vetos. Maybe for a reason. I could be confusing Isla though, but think it was her.


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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,736 ✭✭✭Eva WW

    Holly WW wrote: »
    if i had more bullets they'd be gone already, i was tempted to take fiona instead of henry!

    Gonna follow your lead for tonight then

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,047 ✭✭✭Steve WW

    Tegan WW wrote: »
    So then.

    To be clear.

    Your FFAing me cause im suspect of you. Love it.

    Are you kidding me? My word, you were on my FFA yesterday. Was I on yours? No, because you didn't do one. But you rubbished my FFA, very promptly. Then have come up with a vague 'I've a bad feeling about Steve' all day and had ample opportunity to ask me the questions you said you would ask me around six and a half hours ago by this stage. At this stage I think you're more likely to be the one suspecting me because I was suspicious of you yesterday. That should be pretty clear to everyone by now anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,688 ✭✭✭✭TheValeyard

    Conor WW wrote: »
    Yes,clearly the post of a madman

    Agreed. You are mad. Useless, but mad.

    Possibly bad.

    All eyes on Kursk. Slava Ukraini.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,398 ✭✭✭Katie WW

    Agreed. You are mad. Useless, but mad.

    Possibly bad.

    Seriously dude get your **** together! :)

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,273 ✭✭✭Tegan WW


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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,749 ✭✭✭Frank WW

    Liam WW wrote: »
    Oisin and Abigail????

    Its all changing , I knew this game was to Vanilla to be Westworld ...........
    Isla WW wrote: »
    Conor WW
    Doris WW Dead Wolf
    Eva WW
    Ewan WW
    Fiona WW
    Frank WW
    Henry WW
    Holly WW
    Isla WW
    Jake WW Dead Wolf
    Katie WW
    Liam WW
    Mary WW Dead Seer
    Nigel WW Dead Villager
    Orla WW
    Riona WW Dead SK
    Steve WW
    Tegan WW

    So Oisin and Abigail aren't mentioned in the original line up so..................are they new players then? I assume this doesn't change the original balance of the game with 4 wolves and 1 SK? Or does it? Coz if it didn't then Oisin and Abigail are NRVs. If it did then they're likely wolves. And I don't know how we're supposed to play with that. :confused:
    Abigail WW wrote: »
    Morning folks, beautiful day in the park
    Frank WW wrote: »
    Hello Abigail
    Ewan WW wrote: »
    Obviously the mods are not going to tell us the alligence of the new players as then they would be identifying if 1 was a wolf. But what is our strategy? Are we gonna assume they are team village or be open to the possibility there may now be a new wolf?
    Ewan WW wrote: »
    Have there been any posts from Oisin or Abigail since they joined the game?
    Katie WW wrote: »
    Not that I've seen
    Ewan WW wrote: »
    I have had a look and this is the only post so far
    Katie WW wrote: »

    Lynch form isn't working? Just trying to see if Abigail and Oisin have been added
    Ewan WW wrote: »
    Abigail has been on it from the start, don't remember seeing Oisin on it.
    not open yet, needs to be updated to exclude the recently departed.
    I can't think why they wouldn't be added...
    Katie WW wrote: »
    Interesting to note the above FFAs were in before Jake was killed, there was a few thrown in shortly after which is interesting in itself when you note Henry and Doris were to of those to put theres in shortly afterwards

    This is interesting and makes me a but paranoid, Jake mentioned Abigail despite her not listed in the OP? Possible he knew of the replacements coming in somehow?
    Ewan WW wrote: »
    Abigail's name was on the lynch form
    Conor WW wrote: »
    She was in the Lynch form I believe

    Good posts KT fair play to ya
    Fiona WW wrote: »
    Look into Liam but this bit I could understand, Liam was the only one on Jake for instance, insight into how she chose wolves succesfully could be helpful (admit wolves might want to know to) and potentially confirm her, though without a counter claim I'm siding with going with the claim for now.

    Also i'd imagine players (wolves included) who were legit shot or lynched wouldn't come back but unexpected deaths might. That however is an assumption but when way I might look into who the new players might be given so many dead were bad before, hence them being a group worth looking into despite potentially just a name change
    Fiona WW wrote: »
    I think everything shifted up a gear with Ford's shenanigans, think the thing said no more new players are joining from now on though. I was guessing early we might have some sort of characters awakening (given the theme) but instead it just seems to be accounts.
    Fiona WW wrote: »
    So this is our new (potentially recycled) player? not surprising that she is Busy as then she does not have to be instantly accountable.

    Were you previously in the WW westworld? Are you claiming to be a villager? why not ask
    Fiona WW wrote: »
    Yeah I should have waited till I had read everything before responding tbh.

    Riona was SK. vig kill

    Doris was wolf. Vig kill

    Henry dead wolf

    Jake dead wolf

    Henry & Jake's deaths are unnactounted for yes? they weren't lynched but died so they would be the likely Oisin and Abigail no? woken wolves.
    Mod Note

    Due to a password technical issue, Oisin can not join us. But can you put your hands together and give Vernon a warm Westworld welcome!
    Isla WW wrote: »
    Does Oisín have a fada no? Is that why he can't get in?
    Tegan WW wrote: »
    F*ck off Vernon. Wolfy G*mp. :D:D
    Liam WW wrote: »
    Given we have hidden roles and new players, things are a changing.

    But my line of questioning is fair regardless.
    Fiona WW wrote: »
    Are people considering putting Abigail and Wendel on FFAs? We don't know how 2 wolves died right? and now we have two new (wolf?) players.
    Frank WW wrote: »
    I think my FFA is gonna be Conor, Isla and Steve.

    I’ve taken out who I think is good and also Abigail and Vernon and that’s all I’m left with. Those ^^^^ 3
    Ewan WW wrote: »
    Ok so I am caught up.

    Very surprised at the lack of discussion about who could have killed Jake and if it possible they have more bullets? We do not yet know if they are team killer or another evil team so we need to keep this in mind.

    We also need to bare in mind the possibility of new people joining tomorrow too as the munch post this morning said that people had paid top dollar to join tomorrow. Could just be flavour but I wouldn't rule it out.

    Still no sign of Vernon and not much from Abigail so we can't really analyse them yet.
    Isla WW wrote: »
    User Name| Posts
    Frank WW| 126
    Liam WW |89
    Tegan WW| 75
    Holly WW |71
    Katie WW |65
    Fiona WW |58
    Ewan WW| 54
    Eva WW |50
    Steve WW| 47
    Conor WW| 44
    Isla WW |41
    Orla WW |27
    Abigail WW |2

    This is a short table.
    Holly WW wrote: »
    dont forget vernon
    Fiona WW wrote: »
    You can consider this FFA#2

    Right now 1 and 2 on my FFA are Wendel & Abigail unless they speak up. 2 reported wolf deaths are unnacounted for in terms of they were not done by Lynch or Holly. Two new players have appeared, have Henry and Jake actually just taken on new characters and are still wolves we should kill. Unless I hear evidence otherwise im likely to say yes.

    for no.3 I'm tied between, Frank, Tegan & Conor but I guess if you don't like using the first 2 the those three could be an FFA for you. If pushed i'd probably put Frank top but gut can be swayed by post count and he has posted a lot but im still unsure on him
    Isla WW wrote: »
    Why do you keep calling Vernon Wendel? Are you doing it on purpose?

    It was a post count list. Seeing as how Vernon hasn't posted yet, that's why he's not on it.

    Unfortunately I can't defend against a feeling sooooo........ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    Fiona WW wrote: »
    Bit weak on day 2 to put someone on an FFA just for being the first to see the thread open and post but at least you gave a reason. Honestly not sure why I kept saying Wendel instead of Vernon. Not intentional just another WW account I remember who also hasn't posted in this game (cos its not in use). I hope the two new players get more talkative though.
    Isla WW wrote: »
    Don't think there was ever a Wendel. There was a Winifred?
    Vernon WW wrote: »

    Evenin folks ! :cool::cool:

    Fiona WW wrote: »
    So penny for your thoughts Mr Vernon?
    Frank WW wrote: »
    Hiya Vernon.

    What ya doin?
    Eva WW wrote: »
    We need a full report on your thoughts with regards the 1000 posts within the next 15 minutes, kthxbye
    Steve WW wrote: »
    Vernon WW wrote: »
    Yeah so I've not had a chance to read through 27 pages of posts yet.

    But I think it's too early to tell.
    Also...not sure with being anonymous but you can probably tell who some people are anyways by their profile avatars...unless they're being shneeky :P
    Fiona WW wrote: »
    Not sure if everyones doing this and im fine either way but, was it cos of the post you quoted? I just want to hear from Vernon as at time of posting his gif post was potentially (unless he is someone reanimated) his first of the game mid day 2.
    Fiona WW wrote: »
    Why is discussing if people would consider lynching the new accounts TMI? Assuming TMI equals too much information here its hard to tell given you asked what is not a legit kill and then also put it (TMI) in brackets after. afaik 1/2 of the wolves killed were not killed by you (I believe you corrected me that it was only 1 when I thought 2) or Lynch so I was questioning if that may have been part of the game narrative and that the 1/2 unnacounted for deaths may have been people whose game didn't actually end but who were awoken as the new players instead.

    Nobody else seemed to be mentioning this until I think Steve a few posts back and I even got thrown on an FFA for suggesting it in my FFA but is it not more likely that if we really hit the wolves we were told we did that there would be a good chance that any new players introduced could be team wolf in order to balance the scales and therefore should be strongly discussed.
    Holly WW wrote: »
    But why say "but if I was a NRV" if you are an NRV?
    This was the beginning.

    Then the bolded part. What is this respawning being introduced like everyone knows what you are talking about.

    What is not a legit kill? (TMI)

    Yo, i FFAd Henry, i must be good

    who were not legit killed, i get the picture now, so one of the two returned is the unlegit kill

    this is so my Yo from above makes sense in some peoples minds.

    so, its either jake or henry, lol.

    people aint as dumb as you think.

    sure, why not smear the other 3 a bit more from your immunity castle.

    TMI again. so, one of the two new entries are a wolf, lol, you made this so easy.

    If you are wolf, which i think you are, all the TMI vommited on thread, then last wolf is in Abi/Vern.
    Guffy wrote: »
    Are the new accounts bad?

    One or both?

    Are they good?

    Is the openning the gate tomorriw referring to an existing player turning and the new accounts are actually good?

    Haven't watched westworld (on ep 3) but i assume if they control the gate they are good no?
    Holly WW wrote: »
    What is a non legit kill?

    In my head, someone got Jake before I did, thoughts went through my mind were that the wolves were given a gun, and liamwolf says, sorry jake, we need to bus you to get me into end game.

    or some other weird narrative, this morning i took off the tin foil hat and put liam back up to top tier were he deserved to be.

    you calling jakes kill not legit is TMI, yes, too much information. Why was it not legit? could you not think of any scenario where somebody other that the vig gets a shot off? unless, there was info in the den about kill being not legit, and that you get you buddy back when the new character are intro'ed tomorrow.
    Fiona WW wrote: »
    Another reason I asked about the new players appearing in peoples FFAs is because if nobody else is considering that it'd be a wasted vote from me to go that way. Gonna vote for someone else (for tonight) soon as things stand given the response
    Fiona WW wrote: »
    Of course I could imagine a scenario where someone else got a shot off but given we had so many day 1 deaths and then 2 new players introduced I thought it interesting that we don't know why one of those deaths occured.

    A non legit death is very simply, one I think may not have really happened. Nobody is claiming to have shot him, he wasn't lynched and there are replacement characters so although I admit its not definite I think there is a possibility he may have respawned, awoken, been brough back etc as one of the new accounts.

    Unless we were being lied to about the deads alignment I would be suspicious of any new players added as team village was flying it without them
    Holly WW wrote: »
    so, there is a 1 in 2 chance the vernon is a wolf?
    Holly WW wrote: »

    Fiona because she is that remaining wolf that has not died yet.
    Vernon because there is a 1 in 2 chance he is Jake respawned
    Abigale because there is a 1 in 2 chance he is Jake respawned
    Fiona WW wrote: »
    I think there is a better probability that either Abigail or Vernon are a wolf than virtually anyone else atm but tbh I of course can't be 100% the unaccounted for dead are a new account.

    That said I don't see the village chiming in on this so maybe im alone and as a result have just voted for oneof the other 3 names I mentioned on my FFA
    Frank WW wrote: »
    If I had written the above paragraph it would have read..,,,,

    Unless we were being lied to about the dead’s alignment I would be suspicious of any new players added as we were flying it without them
    Fiona WW wrote: »
    So your basing 2/3 of your FFA off a theory of mine even though you think im bad? odd but at least my theory must be making some sense.
    Frank WW wrote: »
    I’m not sold on the abi or Vernon thing. They could well have been subs and bit sh1ttty to get thrown onto FFAs without a chance to converse and play the game.
    Tegan WW wrote: »
    Had all players posted up until that point?
    Frank WW wrote: »
    Not sure whether Vernon had. I’ll look back.

    I’d say between them they have had a handful of posts


    Ewan WW wrote: »
    Yes everyone had posted by then

    All posts that are from or mention Abi and Oisin/Vernon. Please take note of the two bolded posts from Fiona


    Look at when Vernon first posted and cast your eyes above his post, just a few centimetres.

    Nb: I may have the first 2 pots (Liam's & Isla's) in the wrong order but the list is chronological from this morning.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,273 ✭✭✭Tegan WW

    Also, ill be offline from about 10pm onwards, until 9am following morning.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,972 ✭✭✭Conor WW

    Agreed. You are mad. Useless, but mad.

    Possibly bad.

    Claiming gob****e?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,273 ✭✭✭Tegan WW


  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,398 ✭✭✭Katie WW

    Steve WW wrote: »
    Are you kidding me? My word, you were on my FFA yesterday. Was I on yours? No, because you didn't do one. But you rubbished my FFA, very promptly. Then have come up with a vague 'I've a bad feeling about Steve' all day and had ample opportunity to ask me the questions you said you would ask me around six and a half hours ago by this stage. At this stage I think you're more likely to be the one suspecting me because I was suspicious of you yesterday. That should be pretty clear to everyone by now anyway.

    Me and you were the only two on her FFA today, you had her on one yesterday and I today. Very obvious to me, she then came back to add a few more, one of which was Doris. FFS that's almost a desperate attempt to say "oh look I forgot Doris is dead, I didn't know she was a wolf"

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,273 ✭✭✭Tegan WW

    Katie WW wrote: »
    Me and you were the only two on her FFA today, you had her on one yesterday and I today. Very obvious to me, she then came back to add a few more, one of which was Doris. FFS that's almost a desperate attempt to say "oh look I forgot Doris is dead, I didn't know she was a wolf"

    ┻━┻ ┻━┻

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,273 ✭✭✭Tegan WW

    Conor WW wrote: »
    Claiming gob****e?

    Im claiming you are.


    (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,927 ✭✭✭Orla WW

    Frank WW wrote: »
    All posts that are from or mention Abi and Oisin/Vernon. Please take note of the two bolded posts from Fiona


    Look at when Vernon first posted and cast your eyes above his post, just a few centimetres.

    Nb: I may have the first 2 pots (Liam's & Isla's) in the wrong order but the list is chronological from this morning.

    Tltr.... what?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,927 ✭✭✭Orla WW

    Is it really feesable that the two new players would be made wolves? What would the point of that be?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,273 ✭✭✭Tegan WW

    Orla WW wrote: »
    Is it really feesable that the two new players would be made wolves? What would the point of that be?

    Revenge? Pretend to be new people, try blend in.

    It would put two innocent players at a disadvantage i suppose

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,736 ✭✭✭Eva WW

    Orla WW wrote: »
    Is it really feesable that the two new players would be made wolves? What would the point of that be?

    Is the implication that Fiona got Vernon's name wrong on purpose to drive people towards Abi or something?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,749 ✭✭✭Frank WW

    I musn't have clicked the quote button on one of Abigails other posts.

    I have just listed everything in order so if people are interested in the fact that Fiona put the 2 new players on an FFA before one of them had even posted.

    C'mon Fiona, there is an original wolf out there yet you disregard all the detective work you may have already done and concentrate on the noobs instead?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,927 ✭✭✭Orla WW

    Tegan WW wrote: »
    Revenge? Pretend to be new people, try blend in.

    It would put two innocent players at a disadvantage i suppose

    Would it not be putting the wolves at a disadvantage to give us two known wolves?

    Are we ignoring that there is also some sort ofchoice to be made in the morning?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,749 ✭✭✭Frank WW

    That took an age to do. I'm going for a soak in the bath so won't have time to collate FFAs.

    Voting now too

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,273 ✭✭✭Tegan WW

    Orla WW wrote: »
    Would it not be putting the wolves at a disadvantage to give us two known wolves?

    Are we ignoring that there is also some sort ofchoice to be made in the morning?

    What choice? Ive missed that part.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,927 ✭✭✭Orla WW

    Frank WW wrote: »
    I musn't have clicked the quote button on one of Abigails other posts.

    I have just listed everything in order so if people are interested in the fact that Fiona put the 2 new players on an FFA before one of them had even posted.

    C'mon Fiona, there is an original wolf out there yet you disregard all the detective work you may have already done and concentrate on the noobs instead?

    That is interesting, it is up there with Steve's ffa tbh but did she do it because she assumed from the munch post this morning that the two new players are wolves? It doesnt say that anywhere but a few people have assumed 2 or 1 is today.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,972 ✭✭✭Conor WW

    Still literally unplayable

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,736 ✭✭✭Eva WW

    I've voted Fiona.

    If Holly is telling the truth by taking credit for three successful vig kills, I feel they deserve to be indulged a little. Plus it feels as if we're in a position to lynch an NRV by accident and not be too hurt by it.

    If we off Fiona, and they come back as bad but the game continues, then the two noobs are going to be focused on tomorrow as we'd have got the original wolves but not won.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,927 ✭✭✭Orla WW

    After they got back to the control room. Bernard spoke to Robert and it was agreed that they needed to shut the park, something was really wrong. Two people, were dead and no one knew what was going on.

    Oisin WW and Abigail WW are possibly the last two guests into the park, could they let the ones for tomorrow in? they paid top dollar for this.

    Hmm ok maybe its not a choice. Think i misread it

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,273 ✭✭✭Tegan WW

    Eva WW wrote: »
    I've voted Fiona.

    If Holly is telling the truth by taking credit for three successful vig kills, I feel they deserve to be indulged a little. Plus it feels as if we're in a position to lynch an NRV by accident and not be too hurt by it.

    If we off Fiona, and they come back as bad but the game continues, then the two noobs are going to be focused on tomorrow as we'd have got the original wolves but not won.

    This actually makes the most sense ive seen all evening.
