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Just like starting over:The quest for a sub 18 5k



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Any races coming up J, Dunshaughlin?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,614 ✭✭✭overpronator

    Only found your new log now John. Brilliant to see you back at it and going well. Lovely session today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Singer

    Serious session there! Good stuff going on here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    If I had kept going for another 2.1miles at the same pace I would have bettered my marathon PB

    2.1 miles plus 11 isn’t a marathon, I know ye are mean in Cavan but come one........

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    OOnegative wrote: »
    Any races coming up J, Dunshaughlin?

    Dunshaughlin is the big one. First time I’ll be in the country for it in many years. Have Run With Catherina 5k next weekend so hopefully will we under 19 minutes for that.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    OOnegative wrote: »
    2.1 miles plus 11 isn’t a marathon, I know ye are mean in Cavan but come one........

    Fixed it now 🀣 couldn’t have left that there given my allergy to marathons!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Nice going today J.

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    OOnegative wrote: »
    Nice going today J.

    Cheers B. Happy with that - hard work is starting to pay off!

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Sunday 21st April: 5 mile easy @ 8:35 avg pace

    Nice and handy one at the gaa pitch track.

    Weekly total: 45 miles

    Monday 22nd April: 6.5 mile with 10x400 with 70sec recovery

    Still feeling a bit of the 11 miles in the legs and it was very hot at the track but got going after a few and hit the right rhythm. Target was 82-85

    Splits were: 84;85;84;83;84;83;81;84;84;82;

    Happy with that!!

    Tuesday 23rd April: 7 mile easy @ 8:15

    Very handy early morning easy run

    Wednesday 24th April: 6 mile tempo @ 6:25

    Strange one this as nothing went right for me. Decided to get out early as had a busy day planned. Had the breakfast and then got out the door - breakfast probably was a mistake as stomach felt ropey the whole time. I was also struggling to breath at times - didn't feel so bad later on as I met a few people struggling after the dust storm!!

    Anyhow only managed 4.75 miles tempo after a 5 minute warm up. splits for tempo were 6:24;6:31;6:28;6:25; 6:38 (for last .75 miles) Another mile cool down and was done.

    Putting this down to just one of those days!!!

    Total 6 miles:

    Thursday 25th April: 3x2 miles with 4min recovery

    Not part of the plan to do back to back sessions but was heading away fro a few days so wanted to get this done before I left.

    Headed down to track early and got stuck in after a quick warm-up.

    Target was 6:05 miles:
    Splits were: 6:04;6:05...….. 6:06;6:04...……. 6:09; 6:06

    Delighted with this even though pace slipped on the last rep. Was just delighted to finish it. A real toughie!!

    Total: 7.2 miles

    Friday 26th: Rest

    Saturday 27th April: 7 miles @ 7:43 avg pace

    Late evening run around Cavan Town - kept it real nice and handy

    Sunday 28th April: 6 mile incl Run With Catherina (18:21)

    Happy out with this as a nice chunk of last 5k before Christmas - it's starting to come together!! Might even do a report tomorrow :D

    Weekly Total: 39.7 mile

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Run With Catherina (18:21)

    I wasn't sure what shape I was in going into this and had no real plan to ease up on the training in advance of it. The one goal I had set myself was that I needed to be under 19 minutes given all the hard training I put in.

    The day started off early for me as I was helping to put the course together. I had done the course 3 times by the time the first people came for registration between putting out cones and barriers and marking the route!! Managed to slip away for a bowl of porridge at 12 o clock but was back placing cones and putting out hazard tape on the out and back bit of the course.

    Finally got the gear on with 20 minutes to go and had a quick warm-up with one of the lads from the club and a chat with my couch to 5k group (about 15 of them were running). Walked up to the start with the kids and took my place at the front. As I hit the button on the garmin to get a gps signal, I realised I never changed it to kms and didn't have time now to. I would therefore be a bit unsure of pace so just decided to ignore the watch and go by feel.

    Race started without a hitch and I tried to hold back as its a generous downhill first km and didn't want to overcook it. After about 200mtrs I was running beside Catherina Mc Kiernan which should have told me I was probably ahead of where I should be! I let her off after the 1st km and focussed on keeping the effort and form right. The first mile beeped in 5:44 and tried to do the maths but gave up!!!

    After 2km the course turned onto the long straight and I was out on my own with the next runners about 60metres ahead. I decided not to hunt them down but just keep them in sight. The course has a gradual drag for 1.5km so just focused on effort and keeping the people ahead in sight. Near the end of the drag (about 3.5km in) I realised that the two people ahead of me were struggling so focussed on reeling them in by the 4km mark. Managed to do this surprisingly easily and was now feeling strong. There was loads of support on this part of the course too as it doubles back to a nice downhill finish. I started counting the people ahead of me and was nicely surprised to see I was in 12th. When I made the turn I managed to catch another 2 people and pushed on knowing the downhill finish was coming. The finish line is clearly visible for about 200mtrs so could see the next person ahead of me was a local guy who is usually way ahead of me and tried to close the gap on him, knowing he had also picked up the pace.

    Finished nice and strong and was delighted and pleasantly surprised to see 18:21 on the clock as I crossed the line.

    Had a lovely spread afterwards, including a free bbq, helped the tidy up and then headed to the pub with my couch to 5k group for the afternoon!!

    This was a nice confidence booster and proof that the plan is working. As an added bonus I was 2nd over 35 male so got a prize for that too!! Also thrilled that my couch to 5k groups done so well and enjoyed the race.

    Of course, afterwards I started to wonder if I had the pace information would I have held back a bit more. Must try this run by feel more often in race situations!! Having thought about it a fair bit since Sunday, there definitely was more in the tank so will be gunning for my 5k PB of 17:48 by the end of the year!!

    Next target race is Bob Heffernan 5k and hopefully another chunk off this time!

    Onwards and upwards

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  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Monday 29th April: 8 mile easy @ 7:58 avg pace

    Nice and handy run around the forest trails.

    Tuesday 30th April: 9 mile easy @ 8:05 avg pace

    Very easy 9 mile around town at 5:30 am

    Monthly Mileage: 189.1

    Wed 1st May: 7 mile tempo [EMAIL="5@ 6:25"]5@ 6:25[/EMAIL]; 2@ 6:15

    This was bloody tough!! Done it on a lumpy course while young lad was at athletics training. Was finding it tough from the word go but got into it as the miles went by. Things took a turn for the worse on mile 6 when I swallowed a mouthful of midges running by the river and then was passed by a truck full of pigs heading to the factory. My dinner ended up in the river after that :o:o but managed to get going again!! Was never going to pick up the pace to hit 6:15 pace but happy enough that I got the 7 mile done - not perfect but a good honest workout.

    I could have done this on the track and hit the paces ok but want a more honest effort on the roads so can take not knocking these out of the park every time while I get out of my comfort zone.

    Splits were:

    Total: 8 miles

    Thurs 2nd May: Rest

    Friday 3rd May: 8x 1k @3:35 with 70sec recovery

    Squeezed this in before work down at the local gaa track. Started with a few laps slow warm-up and then some stretches. First one was tough and I felt it would be a long slog of a session as I felt creaky!! Thankfully I loosened up and this turned out to be fairly enjoyable.

    Splits were:

    Total: 6.5 miles

    Saturday 4th May: 5.7 miles @ 8:30 avg pace

    7am start for this as had my running group at 8am. Done laps of the football field keeping the pace nice and handy.

    3 miles @ 10:50 pace - joined my group for their long slow run

    Total: 8.7 miles

    Sunday 5th May: 11 mile ([EMAIL="9@7:15"]9@7:15[/EMAIL]; 2 @ 7:00)

    A bit of a funny run!! Had to go early even though I was wrecked as had a busy day ahead with a christening planned.

    Felt sluggish from the get go and actually stopped twice on the warm-up. Was heading back to the car when I stopped the second time until I decided to give it a few miles forgetting about the pace to see how I felt. By mile 3 I got into the zone and was in the groove. Knowing the last mile was mainly uphill upped the pace after 8 mile with the intention of slowing back down on the last. When I hit the 10 I felt strong so kept to the quicker pace


    A funny old run but delighted that I stuck with it and got it done.

    Weekly total: 51.2 miles

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Super training going on here!

    Wheres the approach from - club coach or other?

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Super training going on here!

    Wheres the approach from - club coach or other?

    Cheers A, Yes getting a bit of help with the plan and thankfully it's starting to pay off!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Monday 7th May: 7 mile @ 8:43 avg pace

    Done 2 mile very easy with couch 2 5k group and then 5 mile on my own at 8:43 around the pitch on my own. Legs were dead and heavy after climbing the cuilcagh boardwalk earlier in the day.

    Tuesday 8th May: 8 mile @ 7:45 avg pace

    Late evening run around Cavan town

    Wednesday 9th May: 6.5 mile @ 8:13 avg pace

    Moved the session back a day as legs still dead after the climbing. Squeezed this in while young lad was at athletics training.

    Thursday 10th May: Plan - 5 x 1mile @ 5:50 avg pace w 90sec recovery

    Had to get this in before work so headed down to the track around the gaa pitch for this.

    Quick warm-up and then a few stretches before getting stuck in. Legs were dead from the word go and this was a real slog to get through. Only managed 4 reps before I threw into the towel as quads had completed seized up and was afraid of doing damage. Tortured myself with a foam roller that evening which helped.

    Splits: 6:03;5:54;5:51; 5:54

    Total: 7 mile

    Friday 10th May: 9 mile easy @ 8:06 avg pace

    Nice and handy early morning run and legs finally had a bit of life in them.

    Saturday 11th May: 6x1k @ 3:28 w 90 sec recovery

    Used my running groups lsr as a warm-up doing 3.5 mile with them. The gentle pace helped and was feeling ready to get stuck in. A real tough session but delighted to ground it out after I got the first one out of the way!!

    Total: 8.5 mile

    Sunday 12th May: 9 mile @ 8:00 avg pace

    Handy run in the late afternoon sunshine around Cavan Town - felt like summer!!

    Weekly total: 55 mile

    Stepped on the scales after my run and have hit the 150lbs mark so delighted with that after cutting out some of the crap from the diet. First big target race of the year is Bob Heffernan and feeling in good shape for that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    I dont think I'd want to race you anytime soon.............flying it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    I dont think I'd want to race you anytime soon.............flying it.

    Eh thanks ….. but you can leave them sandbags behind you!!!:D:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    All the best tomorrow evening J, run well!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    OOnegative wrote: »
    All the best tomorrow evening J, run well!!!

    Cheers B

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Monday 13th May:
    7 mile easy @ 8:08 avg pace

    Early start for this around the streets of Cavan - zoned out

    Tues 14th May: 4 mile @ 6:35 pace /3 min jog/ 3 x 1K(.62 mile)in 3:27 off 90 sec recovery:

    Done this early down at the track with a 7:30am start. Splits were 6:28;6:31;6:29;6:30 (3:33;3:37;3:34). Found the first 4 mile reasonably comfortable but couldn't get the legs to move any quicker for the 1km recoveries and had to dig deep to grind it out.

    Total 6.4 miles

    Wed 15th May - 6 mile @ 8:08 avg pace -

    Done this with running buddy who is training for Cork marathon. We picked a very hilly route and he had 3x8min @ threshold in his plan so done that with him. Threshold pace was closer to my marathon pace so wasn't too strenuous.

    Thurs 16th May 7 miles @ 8:57 -

    Got out very late for this and was wrecked so kept the pace very handy.

    Friday 17th May: 3 mile @ 6:15 pace / 3min jog / 3 x 1k in 3:25 with 60 sec rec: Total 9.5 miles.

    Splits were 6:20;6:22;6:25 and then (3:36;3:32;3:30) - never came within an asses roar of hitting the paces. I had already done a 4 mile run with my couch 2 5k group and then took a gaa training session and then straight into this so not ideal preparation for a tough session.

    Saturday 18th May:
    5 mile @ 8:11 avg pace

    Sunday 19th May: 3 mile easy then 2 x 1k in 3:25 with 90 sec recovery -

    Done this down at local gaa pitch track - kept the easy bits very easy as it was quite warm out.

    Total: 4.3 mile (splits 3:29;3:26)

    Weekly Total: 45.2 miles

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Monday 20th May: 2 mile easy

    Done a few very handy miles with c25k group.

    Tuesday 21st May: Bob Heffernan 5k: 18:20

    So managed to go 1 second quicker than RwC a few weeks ago)!!

    I started out with the aim of hitting 18 minutes and was targeting 3:35 splits. I'm thinking that maybe that was the wrong strategy given the conditions - I was drenched in sweat after the warm-up!! Used the run from the hotel to the start to warm-up.

    I wasn't in the greatest position starting out but made sure not to go weaving in and out but let the field thin out without exerting too much energy.

    Delighted to hit the first 2kms in 3:32 and 3:33 and was feeling very good and comfortable and delighted to have a few seconds in the bag but it got tough after that and was hanging on for the next 2km (3:46; 3:48) but managed to pick it up a bit on the last km (3:37).

    I was a bit disappointed afterwards but given the conditions I think it was a solid run and maybe I was a bit unrealistic targeting 18mins on the night!

    Had a chat with AMK who had a brilliant run (he left the sandbags at home) before heading back.

    Love this race - one of the best around. Next focus is Dunshaughlin.

    Total 6 miles

    Wednesday 22nd May: Rest

    Treated myself to a sports massage first thing so took the day as a rest day

    Thursday 23rd May: 6 mile @ 9:05 avg pace

    Went up to the pitch early and squeezed this is before training my c25k group.

    Friday 24th May: 6 mile @ 7:43

    Nice and handy and legs felt great.

    Saturday 25th May: 8.25 miles @ 8:45

    Another very handy run - again squeezed in between coaching c25k group and Gaa training

    Sunday 26th May: Rest

    House succumbed to a bug that's doing the rounds. Attempted to get out a few times but thought better of it and couldn't trust the stomach to behave.
    No harm in another rest day!!

    Weekly Total: 28.25 mile

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Well done at the Bob H - didn’t realise you were there. Nice run - that third and fourth km seems to bite everyone!

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Monday 27th May: Rest

    Tues 28th May: 8 mile @ 7:31 avg pace

    Out at 6am for this around Cavan Town

    Wed 29th May: Plan was for a progression run (7:10,7:00,6:50,6:45,6:40,6:35,6:30,6:20)
    Actual was 6:43;6:48;6:45; 6:52;6:42;6:33;6:27; 6:22; (total 9 miles with warm-up & cool down). Delighted with this especially at 6:30am. Started way too fast but reined it in a wee bit then!!

    Thurs 30th May: 7 miles @ 7:32 avg pace

    Another 6am start for this - legs feeling nice and fresh

    Fri 31st May: 7 x 1 mile @ 5:48 pace with 90 sec rec

    Splits were 5:53;5:49;5:49;5:55;5:50;5:58; 5:55.
    I didn't manage to hit the prescribed paces but thought the form was good and couldn't have gone any faster and last the 7 reps. A real killer of a session!! Total - 8 miles

    May total mileage: 194.65 miles.

    Sat 1st June:10 mile @ 8:04 Avg pace

    Done the last few with my running group at a very handy pace.

    Sunday 2nd June: 10.3 mile @ 7:00

    Tough to get going on this one but once I did the miles flew by and was feeling good - a very satisfying run.

    Weekly total:52.30 miles

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Monday 3rd June:7 x 1k with 80 secs recovery

    Splits 3:32;3:26;3:30;3:32;3:32;3:33;3:32 - Total 6 miles. Another toughie but happy enough with the paces

    Tuesday 4th June:6 mile @ 8:20 in a monsoon!!

    Had 8 in the plan but 6 was enough after 24 laps around a half flooded track!!

    Wednesday 5th June: Plan 8 mile tempo 5 @ 6:35 last 2 @ 6:15 pace

    Actual - 7.6 miles; 6:23;6:36;6:27; 0.4 mile @ 6:44; 4 min rest; 6:21;6:38; 0.4 @ 6:39; 4 min rest; 0.83 @ 6:46.

    Did this at 7 am in Kerry on a very hilly route after 2 hours sleep - had to go down for a funeral. Heart rate all over the place and felt crap the whole way through and never felt comfortable. Putting this down to fatigue and lack of sleep!!

    Thurs 6th June: - 8 mile @ 8:25 avg pace.

    A handy run around the gaa pitch track.

    Friday 7th June: Rest

    Saturday 8th June: 2 x 3 mile @ 6:00 pace with half mile recovery in 4:00 mins

    I ended up pushing this to Saturday morning as I felt I badly needed a rest on Friday, where it was down for in the plan. Managed 2.2 mile @ 6:20 pace before pulling the plug as I felt wrecked. Took the 4 minute walking recovery and tried again. Managed 1 mile @ 6:00 pace before pulling the plug as was working way too hard and feeling awful. Total 4 mile.

    Took a training session and then headed for Slane and Metallica gig. Got home at 4 am (should that be in Sunday's update!! :))

    Sunday 9th June: Plan -11 miles 9 @ 7:10 last 2 @ 6:55 pace.

    So after 3 hours of broken sleep I hauled my very tired self out of bed and headed off for a local half marathon - It was for a very good cause and the running group I'm training were raising money for it and I had been training them towards it for past 7 weeks (well the 10km option anyway!)

    Had half a plan to do the training session with usual running buddy but he decided (sensibly) to take it easy as he had done Cork Marathon the week before. So to say I was in 2 minds before the start on how to approach this was an understatement - not helped by the fact that I didn't have time for a warm-up run either just a quick dart to the start - said hello to a few people as I knew most of the 100 runners who were lining up for the start.

    I took it handy for 100mtrs :D and then started working my way up the field to find a nice spot and somebody to work with. I had been warned that the course was very hilly but was still surprised to be into the hills almost immediately but surprisingly didn't feel too bad on the first one. Was out on my own for the first few miles with the leaders long gone and the bulk of the field far behind. Had the first glance of the watch after 3 miles and happy with how I was feeling and the pace. (6:39;6:52;6:56)

    A reasonably flat bit of the route. Thought about pulling back after this and trying to go closer to 7 min miles but caught a glimpse of a runner ahead on one of the long stretches ahead so focused on catching them and maybe working with them for a few miles. Eventually got up to him at about 5 miles but soon realised that his legs were gone so moved on. At about 6 miles on another long straight I spotted another runner ahead about 150 metres or so, so again decided to go after them. (6:40;6:39;6:36)

    We were now into the second loop of the race and back to a couple of the major climbs. Caught up with the guy ahead near the top of the second hill and powered on. He caught up with on the downhill part - he knew me by name and introduced himself!!! He is normally a 1:24 min half marathon guy so was surprised to see myself near him. We chatted through a few miles which was a great distraction as I was starting to feel the pressure. Told him to push on anytime he wanted but he was happy to work with me and for the company. We ran through a monsoon for a mile and a half and got drenched - this was 1 mile after chucking water on ourselves to cool down at one of the water stops.

    After 11 miles, he was struggling and while I had been entertaining thoughts of just finishing my 11 miles in the plan and jogging to the finish, after saying my good byes I pushed on and started dreaming of a sub 90 minutes half (something I've only achieved once before!!)

    12th mile was unremarkable apart from feeling good and got a boost from seeing the watch beep for a 6:39 mile!!

    Last mile was tough though as we were back into the hills - I figured a sadist designed the route to finish at the top of the hill! Ended up walking for 20 seconds up one of the hills I was so goosed but quickly got going again. Watch beeped for mile 13 soon (6:58) after and I no longer cared about time or anything only finishing the race. Was concerned that I couldn't see the finish line and was starting to climb again - again had to walk for a few seconds to the top as the body was in bits. Thankfully once I crested the hill I could see the finish line and the clock still under 1:29 so mustered a fast shuffle for the line and managed to get in at 1:28:55

    Absolutely thrilled with this and totally unexpected after a day at Slane, no sleep and a really tough week!!

    It was a fantastically organised race but unfortunately I couldn't stick around as I had to get out fairly sharpish to get to the Cavan match in Clones. That rounded off a pretty good weekend seeing Cavan reach our first Ulster Final in 18 years - I've had worse weekends!! :D:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Sounds like a great end to a very tough week.
    With proper prep and a flatter course, you'll take a chunk out of that HM time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,426 ✭✭✭Dubh Geannain

    C'mon Cavan! ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Monday 10th June: 7 mile easy @ 7:49 avg pace

    Local football pitch for this one

    Tuesday 11th June: 7 mile with last 2 @ 6:45 avg pace

    Early start for this and only git 6:55 avg for last two as legs were still tired from Sunday's exertions.

    Wednesday 12th June - Plan 7 mile tempo @ 6:22

    Actual 6 mile @ tempo pace 6:31;6:37;6:44;6:29;6:40;6:34

    This was a torture fest and never felt comfortable at all - really struggled to even get close to the prescribed pace

    Total: 7 mile with w/u and c/d

    Thursday 13th June - 8 mile easy @ 8:57 avg pace

    Very handy around football pitch

    Friday 14th June: Plan had me down for 3 mile @ 5k and then 4x1km

    Made a last minute call to swap this for a local 5k race just down the road. Had vague notions of doing the 1km repeats afterwards on the track but got sucked into a race early on and went for it on a reasonably tricky course.

    Splits were: 3:38; 3:41;3:39;3:41;3:40 - looks remarkably consistent but felt like a race of two halfs - first half I was comfortable but second half was tough and had to grind it out. Still happy enough with a 18:24 and second over 40!!

    Saturday 15th: rest

    Ended up doing 3 mile with the running group I'm coaching @ 9:47 recovery pace - felt better after it.

    Sunday 16th June: 11 mile @ 7:13 avg pace

    Plan had me down for 11mile @ 7:10. Got out early for this and found it tough but delighted with myself for grinding this one out. It got done!!

    Weekly total: 48 miles

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Monday 17th - Rest

    Took an unscheduled rest day to let the body recover as was feeling tired and run down

    Tuesday 18th June: 7 mile easy @ 8:35 avg pace

    Nice and handy one around the football pitch track

    Wednesday 19th June: 3 x 1 mile @ 6:05 with 90 sec rec

    Had to sneak this in at lunch time which wasn't ideal from a warm-up and cool down perspective but felt good and fresh.

    Splits 5:57;5:55; 6:00

    To0tal 3.5 miles

    Thursday 20th June: 5 mile easy@ 8:25 avg pace

    Done this while young lad was at football training - nice and handy.

    Friday: rest

    Saturday: Dunshaughlin 10k - DNS

    This was the goal race but unfortunately never made it to the start line. A vomiting bug had visited the house the previous weekend and while I though I had escaped, it hit me today and I knew straight away the race was gone. Disappointed to miss the race especially as I'm usually on holidays for it but the training has been good and won't go to waste!!

    Sunday 23rd June: Rest
    Still not 100% so took the sensible option. Anyway it was Ulster Final day so had other stuff to keep me busy!!!

    Weekly total: 15.5 miles

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Bit of a catch up needed after the holidays!!

    Monday 24th June:7 mile @ 7:50 avg pace

    Nice and handy 6 am run around Cavan town

    Tuesday 25th June: 5 mile easy with 15x30sec hill repeats

    Left this till late in the evening and ran from the house down to the football pitch. Took in a nice steep hill back up to the house for the hill repeats. Hit the first one hard and marked the spot and managed to hit that spot for each of the repeats.

    A toughie but over quickly!

    Total: 6.4 miles

    Wednesday 26th June: 9 mile easy @ 7:34 avg pace

    Another 5:30 am start and nice and handy run around Cavan Town

    Thursday 27th June: 6 x 1 mile @ 6:08 pace off 1 min recovery.

    The session that always make me gulp and get nervous when I see it on the plan but what doesn't kill you and all that!!!

    Had to slot this in at 7am just to make it harder so go out at 5:30 for the porridge and let it settle!

    Splits for the 1 miles were:


    Absolutely thrilled with how this went.

    Total: 7.5 miles

    Friday 28th June: 6 mile easy @ 8:34

    Last run before the holidays and headed out nice and early (6am) with running buddy on a very hilly route. Legs were tired starting out but soon got going but was tired enough doing it!

    Saturday 29th June: Restspent the day travelling across France

    Sunday 30th June: 6 mile 4 @ 7:50 last 2 @ 7:40pace:

    First run in France and got out nice and early. Just by feel and was enjoying the scenery so shocked to see the splits when I finished. 7:31;7:14;6:57;7:01;6:59;6:57

    Weekly Total: 41.9 miles

    Monthly Total: 172.7 miles

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Holidays Continued.....

    Monday July 1st: 5 mile tempo 3@ 7:25 last 2 @ 7:10 pace:
    Another early start and legs had loads of zip in them again, even though I was trying to slow things down: Splits 7:07;7:05;7:02;6:56;6:51

    Tues 2nd July: 4 mile @: 8:01 avg pace Late evening for this as we were on the road for the day. No trouble slowing this down!!

    Wed 3rd July: 3 x 1 mile @ 6:10 pace with 90 sec rec. Another earlyish start but got very hot as the sun started to come out. Splits were 6:04; 6:10; 6:15. Was hanging on for dear life on the last one. Total 5 miles.

    Thurs 4th July
    Rest - away for the day and no chance to get out!!

    Fri 5th July: 2 x 2 mile @ 7:05 pace with half mile recovery in 5:00 mins between each 3 mile: Early start but another hot one when the sun came out. Splits were 6:53;6:41; 6:46; 6:56. Again surprised that the pace was so far ahead but felt fairly comfortable. Total 6 mile.

    Sat 6th July: 5 mile @ 7:59 avg pace - kept this nice and handy.

    Sun 7th July:
    6 miles 4 @ 7:30 last 2 @ 7:20 pace: Another one of those that I couldn't slow down so just went with it. Splits were 7:11;7:20;7:16;7:17; 7:12; 7:04

    Weekly Total: 31 miles

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  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Mon 8th July: 6 mile 5 easy last 1 @ 7:30 pace: Out early again for this and legs felt nice and fresh and soon got into the zone. Splits 7:59;7:40;7:37;7:47;7:36; 7:15.

    Tues 9th July: 4.1 mile @ 8:12 avg pace. Late evening run through the forest.

    Wed 10th July 5 mile tempo @ 7:15 pace: Out nice and early for this and it was nice and cool. Avg pace was 7:04

    Thurs 11th July
    : Rest - Heading for the ferry so a very early start left no chance for a run.

    Fri 12th July: 2 mile @ 6:55 pace / 3min jog/ 3 x 1km in 3:45 with 50 sec recovery: Back home for this one. Splits were 6:50;6:51; 3:39;3:39; 3:42. Total 6 miles. Body was a little tired after all the travelling and it was hot out so worked hard to hit the paces.

    Sat 13th July: 6 mile @ 7:45 avg pace.

    Sun 14th July:
    Hit the forest trails with a buddy for this one. He had 90 minutes in his plan so stayed with him. Ended up with 11 miles @ 8:17 average pace and felt nice and handy.

    Weekly Total: 37.1 miles
