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Traveller: Incident Zero



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,800 ✭✭✭Evade

    Key pulls out her comm and opens a channel to Doctor Cole. "Doc, I don't suppose you've thought up an exit strategy in case things go even more sideways? Are there any suitable ships left in the spaceport that could get us out of here. Not that I doubt you skills or anything."

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,558 ✭✭✭✭Fourier

    OOC: Holding there for tonight, can people PM me what kind of times they are available in the next week or so. The game might speed up a bit and I just want to see if ye are free for fast-paced action.

  • Registered Users Posts: 123 ✭✭Nimroth

    Evade wrote: »
    Key pulls out her comm and opens a channel to Doctor Cole. "Doc, I don't suppose you've thought up an exit strategy in case things go even more sideways? Are there any suitable ships left in the spaceport that could get us out of here. Not that I doubt you skills or anything."

    "Don't worry Ms. Nijima. The authorities have been informed and are probably planning an intervention right now. Help is on the way." he says.
    This was a total lie and he knew that. Necessary unfortunately as he doesn't know who else is monitoring their conversations.

    Of course he had considered an exit strategy, but in his mind there are too many unknowns at the moment.
    The Estrella Gris is probably their best option as the captain might want to come back for his crew member, if not for his passengers. The problem is that the mandatory minimum quarantine period goes for another 20 minutes but he'll try to convince the other scientists that allowing a controlled evacuation is probably the best option. He's been successful in influencing them so far, so by now they're in so deep that they probably won't resist.

    At least he already had the other passengers close by. The fact that they would be safer here in the lab is just a fortunate side effect. In Nathans opinion the Estrella Gris's captain is a character who wouldn't want to leave someone behind if he had decided to come back after all, so why waste time collecting them one by one. He always like to be efficient and wouldn't want to see any delay in his own departure.
    This interesting outbreak can probably be studied much better from orbit.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,485 ✭✭✭✭Banjo

    ooc : not sure if you missed me accidentally or if you're deliberately trying to trigger one of my attention seeking meltdowns. If the former, let me know if I'm still in the game and if my schedule is relevant.

    If the latter.... Well I'd hate to disappoint... :)

    If there's a pistol and holster she'll take at least one for personal use and a few clips.

    She loads up on guns n ammo, looking for anything that might serve as a trolley, and carts as much as possible over to the lab.

    Along the way, she keeps an eye open for bulging necks and head holding.

    Lena punches the last of the ninja, her fist tearing straight through his chest as she screams "MINE!", withdrawing with the speed of a snake and the unbridled ferocity of toddler who really wants that rusk you're teasing it with, still clutching a fistful of wires and circuitry (Lena's fist, not the toddler, that was a metaphor)

    Of all the bastard luck. Cyborg ninjas raiding the weapon locker on the one day in all of universal time and space when she needed it more. God damn it. 8 of them were disabled and self destructing but their leader - a swarthy, heavily augmented gent whos face was more colander than Colin - was clinging on to the last vestiges of his scant humanity.

    "Who sent you!" She bellows.
    "I....brztzzzzx..will negatory..... Krrrrrkztttt... Upon the talking..."
    "Must....brrrrtzzzzkt.... Liberate.... weeeooooowwwww.... brother....shptttzzzz... Trolley"
    "Oh, you don't want the guns? Why didn't you say so hun?"
    A look of confusion passes over what passes for the cyborgs perforated face. Lena jogs across the room and pushes the trolley back over to the confused mechaman. He looks at her. She nods at him. He struggles to his feet, finds his balance, then places a wary hand on the trolley. Lena smiles.

    Is my.

    TROLLEY" She roars, grabbing the assassinoid by the chest and tearing his ribcage asunder. He screeches, an all too human sound at first but degenerating into piglike squealing and then the vague digital gurglings of an upset modem. One single word - "Kunitoki". A cacophonous rainbow of fluids ejaculate from the gaping mess that was his ribcage, and surprisingly so does a CD of 2Unlimiteds greatest hits. It's what passes for a soul in these cold synthetics.

    She looks around the room. It's only been seconds, but already the bodies have removed all trace of themselves, an ingenious series of nanofactories dissolving the bodies and reacting off the stains. A professional crew. She might never know why they were here. Hell, most people may never even believe there were here. But she'll know. And next time, she'll be waiting.

    She loads her cd, lots of guns, ammunition, grenades and a smart sentry weapon coincidentally named Colin onto the trolley. She Comms the group :
    "Sorry guys, had to go dark there for a minute. A friend needed to..."
    She turns the cd over in her hand,
    " Get something off his chest...."

    "Ha ha ha, gooood wun, bossssssztkkkk" Colin monotones.

    All relevant rolls verified by an independent adjudicator

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,558 ✭✭✭✭Fourier

    OOC: It was the former

    Lena finishes off her crazy fantasy about cyborg ninjas just as she reaches the lab with Nathan.

    "Do you know her Dr. Cole?" Fulchz asks, hand on the door release.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,558 ✭✭✭✭Fourier

    Roland makes a sudden breakthrough faster than he predicted.

    "Dr. Cole, I'm not certain, but the broadcasts from this organ in the lab and the one on the platform are very similar and I believe parts of a computation."

  • Registered Users Posts: 123 ✭✭Nimroth

    Fourier wrote: »
    OOC: It was the former

    Lena finishes off her crazy fantasy about cyborg ninjas just as she reaches the lab with Nathan.

    "Do you know her Dr. Cole?" Fulchz asks, hand on the door release.

    Nathan looks up from the numbers flying over his screen.
    Did he just see Lena come around the corner doing air punches and kicks? He shakes his head slightly to dismiss the thought, looks over to Fulchz and says:
    "Yes, she is one of my fellow travellers and I asked her to get here." He picks up a medical scanner and walks up to the door. He places the scanner in a small airlock compartment next to the door and faces Lena.
    "Ms. Jaarg, good to see you in one piece. Would you be so kind and take this medical scanner and perform a scan of your head area? This is just a precaution. We'd rather be sure to grant entry to the lab to verified healthy people." He adds "at least physically" in his mind, thinking back to the air punching he thought he'd witnessed earlier.

    Looking at the trolly at Lena's side he raises his left eyebrow and adds: "Looks like you had a nice time here already."

  • Registered Users Posts: 123 ✭✭Nimroth

    Fourier wrote: »
    Roland makes a sudden breakthrough faster than he predicted.

    "Dr. Cole, I'm not certain, but the broadcasts from this organ in the lab and the one on the platform are very similar and I believe parts of a computation."

    "Thanks Roland. Any information on the range of this broadcast or details about what data is being processed?"

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,485 ✭✭✭✭Banjo

    Lena takes the scanner and scans first her head, then the cyber-heart she's carrying. That's when she realises that it's actually a half full bottle of solomani whiskey.
    "Did you know about this?" she asks Colin. He doesn't answer. Where did he go? And why did she put a kettle on the trolley with all of those guns?
    She puts the cap back on the bottle and puts it away. She whispers urgently to the kettle.
    "Word of this gets out it's gonna hurt my cut score. Zip it!"

    If she passes the scan:
    She draws and taps her one of her pistols on the glass of the door and says
    "Turn around and show me your necks."

    If she fails the scan :
    "Ruh roh!"

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,558 ✭✭✭✭Fourier

    Fortunately Lena passes the scanner's test.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 123 ✭✭Nimroth

    Banjo wrote: »
    Lena takes the scanner and scans first her head, then the cyber-heart she's carrying. That's when she realises that it's actually a half full bottle of solomani whiskey.
    "Did you know about this?" she asks Colin. He doesn't answer. Where did he go? And why did she put a kettle on the trolley with all of those guns?
    She puts the cap back on the bottle and puts it away. She whispers urgently to the kettle.
    "Word of this gets out it's gonna hurt my cut score. Zip it!"

    If she passes the scan:
    She draws and taps her one of her pistols on the glass of the door and says
    "Turn around and show me your necks."

    If she fails the scan :
    "Ruh roh!"
    Fourier wrote: »
    Fortunately Lena passes the scanner's test.

    Nathan looks over to Fulchz and nods. "She's clear."
    He turns around so Lena can see his back and lowers the collar of his coat so she can inspect his neck.
    "We have all been tested clear. No worries."

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,485 ✭✭✭✭Banjo

    She lowers her gun, wheeling in the trolley full of goodies.

    "No offense taken I hope, but I don't know what you're scanning for and I do know what I've seen. Look, I don't know what's going on but I do know that I'm not a lot of use in here, I'm not a scientist, I'm a soldier - I make beds and bust heads. And don't take this the wrong way but you guys look like you might be more comfortable dissecting snails than throwing slugs. Any of you even know how to hold one of these the right way around?"
    She holds up one of the many weapons of undisclosed nature from the cart.
    "If we're holing up in medical, who's organising the perimeter, have they been scanned and have their troops?

    What's the prognosis for the infected? Are they salvageable from a medical point of view, how dangerous are they and should we be shooting to incapacitate, kill or obliterate?

    Did Hotdog and Lion-O get here yet?"

  • Registered Users Posts: 123 ✭✭Nimroth

    Banjo wrote: »
    She lowers her gun, wheeling in the trolley full of goodies.

    "No offense taken I hope, but I don't know what you're scanning for and I do know what I've seen. Look, I don't know what's going on but I do know that I'm not a lot of use in here, I'm not a scientist, I'm a soldier - I make beds and bust heads. And don't take this the wrong way but you guys look like you might be more comfortable dissecting snails than throwing slugs. Any of you even know how to hold one of these the right way around?"
    She holds up one of the many weapons of undisclosed nature from the cart.
    "If we're holing up in medical, who's organising the perimeter, have they been scanned and have their troops?

    What's the prognosis for the infected? Are they salvageable from a medical point of view, how dangerous are they and should we be shooting to incapacitate, kill or obliterate?

    Did Hotdog and Lion-O get here yet?"

    "You are very right with your assessment. At least I haven't held a gun since the laser tag basic training for scientific personnel back in the academy." he says.
    With a laugh he adds "And let's say I was lucky that we didn't handle real weapons."

    "Dr. Spachens is currently in contact with authorities and I suggested to establish a perimeter around the lab facilities. I would assume someone of your background would probably very helpful as I don't expect the local security teams to be even half as trained as you given your military background."

    "As to the details of the situation we're facing, I usually wouldn't share this information as you unfortunately lack the required clearance. Surely you are familiar with the concept of need to know, but since we're facing rather volatile circumstances and I believe it's in all our interest to have some basic awareness."
    He looks over to the other doctors to make sure he's not out of line but given their cooperation so far and the appearance of them being rather happy to have someone around taking the reigns other than them, he continues.
    He swipes his hand over his datapad and assigns the required security clearance to all the other passengers.
    "Congratulations Miss Jaarg, you have just been deputized and your clearance has been upgraded."

    He summarizes their current findings to Lena and concludes with "As you see we currently have only the means to detect an infection but the simulations on a possible cure or preventive measures are still running as we speak. I hope we will get some more insight soon."

    "As you yourself realized quite appropriately your skillset isn't very helpful with the lab work, but I think Dr. Spachens would be happy for a hand talking to the authorities on Guardian. While he certainly has previous experience dealing with them I think you might find it easier to convince them from one soldier to another so to speak. I also wonder why there hasn't been more intervention by now, so maybe there's something you can pick up on."
    "Also making this building or this lab in particular more defendable would probably also be a good use of your skills, but I have full confidence you will find a way to utilize your abilities best in the interest of our survival."

    He also updates Lena on the current position of the others.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,558 ✭✭✭✭Fourier

    "We need to get the situation under control, before we become seriously implicated... best not to allow runners in the hub".

    He looks at his party and shrugs.

    "What?! I like my safe space...". He says.
    The little biobots begin to guide Mufasta'r and Kei back toward the main medical wing.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,558 ✭✭✭✭Fourier

    Mant ambles up to Lena.

    "What kind of experience do you have? Been on bug hunts before?"

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,558 ✭✭✭✭Fourier

    An alert begins to flash on Nathan's medical console, scans have been complete and several people in the medical hub are infected, though none in this room.

    Roland's simulations have also determined that Mant cannot be infected, his genetics are incompatible with the virus.

  • Registered Users Posts: 123 ✭✭Nimroth

    Fourier wrote: »
    An alert begins to flash on Nathan's medical console, scans have been complete and several people in the medical hub are infected, though none in this room.

    Nathan puts the information on the big display for everyone to see.
    "Ms. Jaarg, I think our priorities have just shifted." he says pointing towards the part of the screen showing the last known location of the infected.
    Fourier wrote: »
    Roland's simulations have also determined that Mant cannot be infected, his genetics are incompatible with the virus.

    "That's odd" he thinks remembering Mants earlier statement that he, too, could be infected. "Could be a mistake but he's a good doctor and these hivers are masters of games like this. I wonder what reason he has."

    He turns towards Mant that just started to talk to Lena and moves a little closer, hypo-spray in hand.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,485 ✭✭✭✭Banjo

    Fourier wrote: »
    Mant ambles up to Lena.

    "What kind of experience do you have? Been on bug hunts before?"

    "JESUS CHRIST! Sorry, i... Just we never... Uh, anyway.. yeah I'm more partial to a stand-up fight. Fought some anti-guerilla actions out in the Favebula, Sons of Sol, kinda the same thing. Everyone you see is a hostile under your protection, every shot fired is 750 grains of guilt, death comes creeping out if every doorway and from under every rock. 2900 Marines landed on that damned slumrock. 263 made it out. But we root and stemmed the Sons alright....

    That is to say, no. No I haven't. How hard can it be? They bleed. Bluey whitey gunk, but they bleed. We can kill them."

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,558 ✭✭✭✭Fourier

    Banjo wrote: »
    That is to say, no. No I haven't. How hard can it be? They bleed. Bluey whitey gunk, but they bleed. We can kill them."
    "Glad to see you are confident, but honest. We should get your other two crew members up here, soon, for their safety.

    I think we should get those walkers out in the mines moving and up here."

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,485 ✭✭✭✭Banjo

    "You have walkers? Them I can drive but... Christ how bad do you think this is going to get? It's a civilian population, I'll grant you theyre getting rowdy but sticks and stones vs a couple of those cybersquatches... I'll make the mess if those are the orders but don't ask me to clean up.

    What level of automation they have? Can we remote them from here or do they just play follow the leader?"

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,558 ✭✭✭✭Fourier

    Banjo wrote: »
    "You have walkers? Them I can drive but... Christ how bad do you think this is going to get? It's a civilian population, I'll grant you theyre getting rowdy but sticks and stones vs a couple of those cybersquatches... I'll make the mess if those are the orders but don't ask me to clean up.

    What level of automation they have? Can we remote them from here or do they just play follow the leader?"
    "I know little of them, but I've seen them loading at the docks, they'd make decent armour, should we need to leave"

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,558 ✭✭✭✭Fourier

    The biobots arrive at the tank room's door.

  • Registered Users Posts: 123 ✭✭Nimroth

    Nimroth wrote: »
    While talking Nathan instructs one of the droids to perform a scan of the others when they arrive.
    Fourier wrote: »
    The biobots arrive at the tank room's door.

    Nathan checks the scanner logs for the results of the scan.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,800 ✭✭✭Evade

    "Hey Doc, could you take these off my hands?" Kei old up the bottle and 'Ash's' arm.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,558 ✭✭✭✭Fourier

    Nimroth wrote: »
    Nathan checks the scanner logs for the results of the scan.
    Kei's immune system seems to fighting something, but does not yet show a clear trace of the infection.

    Mufasta'r seems clean, though traces of a virus with the new gene seed are present in his fur, they have no affect.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,558 ✭✭✭✭Fourier

    "Analysis complete Dr. Cole..." Roland says " should take a look Sir...I hope you don't mind, I've backed my memories up to an orbital satellite, to have a record."

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,558 ✭✭✭✭Fourier

    OOC: Holding there. Fast day is Saturday in the evening, after 19.00

  • Registered Users Posts: 123 ✭✭Nimroth

    Evade wrote: »
    "Hey Doc, could you take these off my hands?" Kei old up the bottle and 'Ash's' arm.

    "Please place the samples in the container I provided in the airlock. Just need a second to make sure you are not infected."
    He looks over to Fulchz and asks him if he would be kind enough to prepare the samples for analysis.
    Fourier wrote: »
    Kei's immune system seems to fighting something, but does not yet show a clear trace of the infection.

    Mufasta'r seems clean, though traces of a virus with the new gene seed are present in his fur, they have no affect.

    "Mr. Hoasoslow, I'm afraid I have to ask you to proceed to one of the decontamination showers. You haven't been infected but you carry traces in your fur and this could endanger the others."
    Nathan turns to Kei and says with his best bedside manner voice: "Your immunesystem seems to be rather busy which could be everything from having picked up a cold to picked up a stowaway. I would suggest you pick up one of the mobile scanning units on the desk over there and place it on one of your arms. It will monitor your status and keep us informed. Just a precaution."

    He looks to the crew member and says "Ms. Golpspirot, I presume. Unfortunately your scan result seems to take just a little bit longer."
    Fourier wrote: »
    "Analysis complete Dr. Cole..." Roland says " should take a look Sir...I hope you don't mind, I've backed my memories up to an orbital satellite, to have a record."

    "Thank you Roland, please walk us through the results."

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,800 ✭✭✭Evade

    Nimroth wrote: »
    "Please place the samples in the container I provided in the airlock. Just need a second to make sure you are not infected."

    Nathan turns to Kei and says with his best bedside manner voice: "Your immunesystem seems to be rather busy which could be everything from having picked up a cold to picked up a stowaway. I would suggest you pick up one of the mobile scanning units on the desk over there and place it on one of your arms. It will monitor your status and keep us informed. Just a precaution."
    Kei places the samples in the container and one of the mobile scanners on her arm.

    "Odd question Doc but are there any clothes in there?"

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,485 ✭✭✭✭Banjo

    As the Aslan passes, Lena spits out a "mother****er!" and grabs her rifle, leveling it at him.
    "Scan him again Doc - either he's infected or he's smuggling a ****ing golf ball in the back of his neck."
