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Positive Vibes. Negative Splits.



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    I'm a bit ambivalent towards J.J Marcus - some of the stuff he posts is good quality - other stuff is vague sentences or things that have no supporting information.
    But that one makes sense.

  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭KSU

    I'm a bit ambivalent towards J.J Marcus - some of the stuff he posts is good quality - other stuff is vague sentences or things that have no supporting information.
    But that one makes sense.

    I think that is part of the style though he is not always looking to give the answer but rather provoke thought within people to form their own opinions and belief's

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    I was going to post that tweet in the random running questions thread and ask if there was much merit to it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭KSU

    I was going to post that tweet in the random running questions thread and ask if there was much merit to it.

    Definitely Merit

    People don't develop speed. The try to maintain top speed as distance runners most people can go out and run an 80 sec (or whatever arbitrary time) for 400 so realistically there training is just about trying to maintain that speed for longer and longer which is which sprint training (true max speed stuff) and plyometrics rarely get a look in with training plans

    However there is huge benefits to fast twitch fibre recruitment and neural pathway development which often gets overlooked.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Best of luck tomorrow S, run well!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD


    Rest day.


    AM: Road. Easy plus 4x15 seconds hills 10.89km @4:50/km


    I couldn't get down to the track with B&A crew so I did a solo session on the road at home. Last time I did this one was during the Summer. I really like this one and always feel great afterwards.

    PM: Road. 4x200, 2x400, 800, 2x400, 4x200 with 90 seconds jog recovery

    Warm up was a bit longer than planned. The only flat road in town I hoped to do it on was too busy so plan B. I had to jog another 1.5km so total 4.4km warm with all the usual drills and activations.

    Not much point putting the splits up as I was using GPS and the road isn't very flat. I'd love to do this one on the track. The 800 was 2:42 so it was a good blow out without fatiguing me and nice bit of turnover.

    Cool down was 3km

    Total session 15.12km


    PM: Road. 13.19km @5:47/km.

    The first 5km I was on my own so the pace was under 4:45/km the next 3km I was with a few lads in the club jogging over 5:00/km then for the rest I was pacing some of the ladies in our club for 1km repeats with 2 minutes recovery.


    AM: Road. 30 minutes easy/recovery 6.04km @4:59/km


    AM: Easy with 4x20 seconds strides. 5.54km @4:41/km


    Raheny 5 mile

    I didn't sleep well Saturday night but sometimes that happens before a race. When I woke up it was windy sleet and rain. I thought this is going to be a struggle today. I parked up around 1:45, changed and headed out for my warm up. Around 3km before I did my activations and drills. Then I on my racers. I met skyblue46 when I was doing my strides and last bit of activations. Nice to meet you. I went into the pen early where I met a guy who occasionally trains with us and also Healy1835. We both would have liked to be further up the field for the start. I was getting a bit cold hanging around waiting for the gun. On the 1st km I passed a few lads I know who mush have been up with the elites. My plan was sub 29. The past two weeks have been dodgy enough with my training so just keep it controlled for the first 2km. Maybe starting back the field helped was it wasn't balls out for the first 400m. Myself and Healy1835 were both saying before the race the 3rd km was going to be tricky so the plan for this was to just let it take care of itself before pushing on again. My splits for the first 4km were the following.

    3:27, 3:31, 3:39, 3:26

    At the half way mark I noticed I was in a small group who were slowly picking off runners ahead of us. We'd kind of take turns leading it as we pushed on. This wasn't intentional just the way it panned out. When I got to the 5km mark I noticed 17:40 on my watch last year I knew it was 17:58 so this gave me a buzz to keep pushing. On the outward part in the park I picked off a few more and felt quite strong but taking the tight turn I felt I lost some momentum. Still I managed to get it together. That last km was hard I probably pushed too soon, I thought it would never end. I got a shout out from skyblue46 some where here. Thanks for that! I felt I needed something as I was starting to struggle
    Splits for the last 4km
    3:34, 3:33, 3:32, 3:31

    Gun time 28:41, chip time and a 31 seconds pb 28:35. Happy days. A wee chat with Healy1835 afterwards before I put on my long sleeves and tights for a 3km cool down. Then back down the N4 to the sleet and rain.

    Total distance this week 65.9km with six day running

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Great stuff S, another happy man with a shiny new PB. Very well done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    Great race! Interesting you say that you were starting to struggle as to my eye you were one of the better movers at that point of the race, definitely gaining places on those around you and looking very smooth...mellow even! Congrats on the PB.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    skyblue46 wrote: »
    Great race! Interesting you say that you were starting to struggle as to my eye you were one of the better movers at that point of the race, definitely gaining places on those around you and looking very smooth...mellow even! Congrats on the PB.
    My coach is always telling me I have a effortless style of running. Funny it never feels that way :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    Well done on the PB, great running :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Super run - congrats.

    What drills & activations do you do -I'm pretty useless at these.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    I'll see if I can find videos on YouTube because I don't know all the names of each one. Basically I start of with a 15 to 20 minutes jog, I then do some light activations before moving onto dynamic stretching, then I do my drills starting off with the lighter one and progressing onto the more intense ones. Finally to finish off 4 to 5 20 seconds strides. Maybe and 20 minutes in total. It's just a habit now and it's what I do before any session.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,426 ✭✭✭Dubh Geannain

    Only on the days I've raced have I actually done a full warm up with jogging, strides, stretching, dynamics etc. For any sessions it's usually a jog warm up and then a few short stretches. The odd time I'll do a few dynamic stretches.

    I'll have a slightly longer stretch at the end of a run/session.

    It's funny, when I was playing the GAA I'd always do more of a warm up. Lads (young and old) would be straight out kicking the ball over the bar until the manager came out. I'd be tut tutting as I trotted over and back the pitch on my own.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    Only on the days I've raced have I actually done a full warm up with jogging, strides, stretching, dynamics etc. For any sessions it's usually a jog warm up and then a few short stretches. The odd time I'll do a few dynamic stretches.

    I'll have a slightly longer stretch at the end of a run/session.

    It's funny, when I was playing the GAA I'd always do more of a warm up. Lads (young and old) would be straight out kicking the ball over the bar until the manager came out. I'd be tut tutting as I trotted over and back the pitch on my own.

    Our coach has it driving into us all at this stage. If your late you still have to do it. For short/fast sessions I'll spend more time than I would for tempo stuff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    What drills & activations do you do -I'm pretty useless at these.

    I see pop up races are using you to advertise their races

    I often wonder is it a bit pointless doing all this stuff. But I think it puts me in the right mind set and helps with the nerves before a race because I am thinking about my technique rather than the race. I start off with light dynamic stretching after 15 mins jog like knee hugs, quad strech, and stuff to focus on hips

    Other stuff I do

    High knee lunge


    A Skip

    B Skip

    High knee bum kicks

    Straight leg bounds

    Leg swings

    This video is excellent on all drills. I'll do a good few of these.

    A few strides, then off I go.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Cheers for those links S.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    I see pop up races are using you to advertise their races

    Pure eye candy :P

    Cheers for those links.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD


    Rest day.
    I was hoping to do 30 minutes recovery but it was snowing was very heavy.


    AM: Trail. Easy 10km @4:50/km

    There was a good bit of snow on the footpath so I stayed on the road which was okay until I got to the forest. The snow wasn't to bad in the forest. I had my Salomon trail shoes on.


    PM: Track. 4 mile progression tempo plus 10x100m on/off

    I was the pacer for some of the young guns some were doing 2 others 3 mile.

    3.4km warm up with all the usual drills and activations.

    4 mile tempo 24:26 starting around 6:10 working down to 5:50 miles. Then around 90 seconds off before doing 10x100m on for the straight then off 100m on the bends 17-19seconds for the 100m on. I was on my own for this bit.

    Cool down was 3km

    Total session 15.12km


    PM: Mainly Trail. 9.26km @5:07/km with a few of the lads in our club

    PM: Road. 5.02km @5:32/km pacing duty with the club session. Fartlek stuff.


    AM: Road. 30 minutes easy 6.29km @4:48/km


    AM: Trail/Road. Easy with 4x20 seconds strides. 5.52km @4:48/km


    Local 5k race. I felt quite tired before the race. Between Raheny, the 4 mile tempo on Wednesday and on Saturday I took out our kitchen and removed a good bit of the tiles (not finished yet). I knew this wasn't going to be pretty. Nice to race a local one. When I was getting ready in the house before I left Mrs Mellow Yellow spotted me in my split shorts are said there's no way you are wearing them to a local 5k :) It's a extremely well organised race by people in the local running community. In and out course. It was quite a strong head wind out but mainly down hill, on the in we were climbing a bit but the wind was on our back. I was in a tight group up to the 3km mark. One of the girls dropped off here, about 500m later I started to fade. The last km was a solo effort but I got loads of support all the way back from other local runners still heading out. I took it home in 17:34 and 7th place. I'm not disappointed or happy with that result to be honest especially after my Saturday. I won't be going to Armagh for the open 3km in a few weeks, I'm not sure what to target next. I think a solid 6 to 8 weeks of general 5 to 10k training will do me the world of good but I'll do what the boss says.

    Over 4km warm up


    3:28, 3:30, 3:36, 3:35

    Just over 3km cool down and a recovery steak in FX Buckleys as a after race treat :)

    Total distance this week 63.4km with six day running

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD


    Rest day.
    But in reality I was walking around Dublin for most the day then a long drive home


    PM: Road. Easy 13km @4:40/km

    Took off a bit fast for the 1st 3km. I wasn't looking at my watch and all mainly down hill. I put manners on myself when I realised the pace.


    PM: Track. 3x1km, 4x400, 3x1km with 60s recovery

    The first 3x1km target was 3:45, the 400s target 75 and on the last 3x1km I was allowed to progress but not to over cook it.

    I was pacing two of the young girls today. When I'm put on pacing duty I have to be more accountable and more switched on. So no taking off too fast like I normally do when I'm doing a solo session. I'll check my watch 100m then again at 200m and I'm normally in the rhythm of it by 400m. So I just check again at 800m. Most of the time I just have to jump on the the train and stay with it so I'm quite happy pacing as if benefits me too. Dermot had a flight to catch literally straight after the session. His commitment to athletics and his athletes is phenomenal.

    3km warm up with all the usual drills and activations.

    3x1km tempo
    3:45, 3:42, 3:45 60 seconds standing recovery.

    76, 74, 75, 75 60 seconds off recovery again. Expect after the last one when it was nearly 3 minutes recovery before we did our last 3x1km because one of the girls was changing out of her spikes into her flats.

    3x1km progression
    3:43, 3:39, 3:34 again 60 seconds off recovery.

    Cool down was 3.1km

    Total session 14.32km that felt really good. I was very happy with my splits. I had a bit of a wobble on my cool down where I stepped off the path on my right foot. I think it's okay...


    A bit like last week. Maybe 2 or 3km longer than I'd like but the pace was slow...

    PM: Mainly Trail. 9.57km @5:07/km with one of the guys from our club

    PM: Road. 7.57km @5:39/km pacing duty with the club session. 3x2km.


    "Unfortunately you have not been successful in securing an entry in round 2"

    PM: Road. Easy plus 4x15 seconds hills 11km @4:43/km


    I forgot to ask on Wednesday what session to do on Saturday. The boss is over at the Milrose in NY games so I wasn't going to bother him. I was tight for time too because I'm doing home renovations so I decided just a straight tempo. It turned out to be a terrible day and I was pretty beat up after my day doing up the gaff so I was glad I went out early.

    AM: Trail. 5km tempo target 3:50-55/km

    Warm up 3.2km plus the usuals

    5km tempo 19:26

    Cool down 3.2km


    AM:Road/Trail/Water. Easy 80 minutes 17.26km @4:40/km

    Total distance this week 84.3km with six day running

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    I'm not getting any S&C stuff done the past two weeks with home renovations but I'll leave this here for my own reference when I can get back at it in a week or two

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD


    Rest day...


    AM: Mainly trail. Easy plus 5x20 seconds strides 9.4km @4:48/km

    Light dusting of snow, the trail was okay but had to be careful on the footpath down to it.


    AM: Trail. 3x 10 minutes tempo with recovery off just over 2 minutes.

    More snow and the body not full awake made this a struggle. Quite windy at times too the underfoot conditions far from ideal. I couldn't really get into it but I got through it

    Warm up 3.1km. I didn't spend too much time on my activations, drills, and strides. It's no craic with a head lamp in a forest at 6am.

    Paces for each 10 minutes...


    Cool down was 3km

    Total session 13.87km


    AM: Road. 12.71km @4:44/km

    I couldn't make the club session this week with work, hence all my mid week runs are in the morning.


    AM: Mainly trail. Easy plus 7x 20 seconds strides 10.29km @4:53/km very windy


    PM: Road. 2 miles steady plus 5x3 minutes hills

    Warm up 3.4km plus the usuals

    Conditions starting off were okay... But it turned into one of those character building sessions.

    2 miles steady (probably better described as "MP" than steady) 12:59 @4:02/km pace

    For the 5x3 minutes hills there is a Strava segment for where I did it. It has a grade of 3.2% so not a hectic hill but over 3 minutes I found myself working a bit.

    Paces for each 5x3 minutes approximately 800m

    Cool down 3.1km

    Total session 17.71km


    AM:Road. Easy 21.1km @4:41/km

    Total distance this week 85.1km with six day running

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD


    Rest day...


    AM: Road. Easy plus 8x10 seconds hills 12.26km @4:47/km


    PM: Road. 7x1km Progression with between 60 and 90 seconds off recovery.

    Track was closed this evening so I did it as a solo session at home.

    Warm up 3km plus the usuals


    3:34, 3:33, 3:32, 3:30, 3:30, 3:28, 3:24

    Cool down was 3km

    Total session 13.74km


    PM: Road. 16.06km @5:13/km

    For the first 9km I was on my own, a bit nippy tbh all sub 4:35/km pace the next 7km was pacing duty at our session. The were doing LT + 800s


    AM: Road Recovery 7km @5:07/km


    AM: Road. 25 minutes tempo

    Warm up 3.4km plus the usuals

    Conditions starting off were good... But like last Saturday it turned really nasty with strong winds and hailstones. I started conservative enough into the hail and headwind at around 3:55/km pace. I kept progressing it and by the end off the 25 minutes around the pace was 3:45/km

    Cool down 3.3km

    Total session 13.15km


    AM:Road. Easy 23.2km @4:41/km
    Two laps of our local 10km route. The boss wants me to race it but we're always short volunteers so unlikely I will be able to race it. Its a really hard route so I'm happy enough volunteering for it but it would be nice to race a local one

    Total distance this week 85.4km with six day running

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Solid week - great 7x1km progression - you seem to be in fine fettle!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    Solid week - great 7x1km progression - you seem to be in fine fettle!!

    I feel I'm in good shape and enjoying training the last few weeks despite the really bad weather. That 7x1 supprised me I thought I'd struggle with it but it was all very controlled and smooth

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    MONDAY Rest
    Tuesday Easy with 6x10 seconds hills. 12.17km @4:46/km
    Wednesday 10x400s average 79 seconds with 200 float 55 seconds
    Thursday Easy 55 minutes plus club training 16.78km @4:59/km
    Friday Easy/Recovery 45 minutes 9.14km @4:57/km
    Saturday 3km Tempo, 3x60sec, 4x30sec,3x60sec Hills, 3km tempo
    Sunday Long run 22.25 @4:40/km

    90.1km with 6 days running this week. Very happy with February's training

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    I've registered for the national 10km in the Phoenix Park. I know it's a hard course but I'll see what happens. I don't expect a PB in it but it will be a good blow out all the same. I'm hoping to race another 10km at the end of April. Its a fairly low key local one but a good course I'm told (I've never raced it) . That's my main target for my current block of training.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD


    Rest day...


    AM: Road/Trail. Easy plus 5x20 seconds strides 9.53km @4:56/km


    PM: Road. 5x1mile with between 60 and 90 seconds off recovery. Target 5:45

    Perfect conditions. Bit of a up hill drag on the 1st, 3rd and 5th mile. I couldn't make it to the track because of work...

    Warm up 3km plus the usuals


    5:44, 5:43, 5:46, 5:44, 5:48

    Cool down was 3.1km

    Total session 14.66km


    AM: Road/Trail. Easy 12.71km 4:44@/km


    AM: Road/Trail. Easy with 4x15 seconds hills 11.08km @4:56/km


    AM: Road. 870m..... I was only after leaving the house when I was called in to work...

    PM: Road/Trail 8km tempo
    target 6:10-15/mile

    Conditions were good at 6am when I fist planned to head out before I was called into work. I find morning sessions difficult. At 4pm the weather was terrible with the wind very strong. I don't know which is worse a morning session or one in the wind.

    Warm up 3.1km plus the usuals

    8km tempo in 30:53

    Cool down 3.5km

    Total session 14.69km

    I did a 8km tempo on the same route in January in 30:52 but weather conditions that were perfect unlike today. I was alot more fatigued in January too but today I felt good, although in the middle of the sessions when the wind got really strong I struggled for a kilometer. So overall hopefully it a sign I'm getting stronger.


    PM:Road. Moderate/Easy 22.56km @4:39/km

    Total distance this week 86.1km with six day running

    I have taken my eye off the ball in terms of diet and weight since Christmas and I noticed my weight was slowly creeping up I was up at 78kg last week so I cut out all the sh*te from my diet and lost 2kg this week. I plan to drop down to 68kg by June as long as if doesn't affect my preformance too much getting there. 72-73kg would be normal weight

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD


    Rest day...


    AM: Road Easy plus 4x15 seconds hill sprints 11km @4:52/km

    Facebook tells me this day 7 years ago today I ran my first road race 10km on very hilly, very wet and windy course in Achill. I was something like 56 minutes! I ran a lot in my 20s but non competitive. A good bit of mountain running too. I gave it up but made a half arse few attempts to get back at it but never stuck with it long enough. In the autumn of 2014 I started to get consistent with it. 2015 I decided to loose weight because the weight I was carrying was making running difficult. I dropped from a 100kg fatso down to 75kg in 3 months. I started taking my running more seriously, following plans etc. In 2016 I joined my local athletic club and meet the legend Dermot Mc. The rest is history. I don't know if I ever wrote in this log how I got involved in competitive running


    PM: Track. 8x600/400 Targeting 2:05-10 on the 600s and 1:45-55 on the 400 float.

    Horrible conditions during my warm up, but it was grand during the session although quite windy on the track. I was pacing one of the younger girls, she was doing 5k of work at the same pace but she was struggling a good bit today. I slowed down a bit on the 3rd 600 but had to let her go after that. I felt really strong during this session even though as I said it was quite windy at times. I decided to run our local 10km on St Patricks day today. I am normally helping out setting up and stewarding etc but with all the races getting cancelled I thought this might be my last chance to race for some time given the way things were going with the Coronavirus.

    Warm up 2.6km plus the usual and a cool down of 3.3km

    Total session 14.12km


    Onto the scales this morning and I've dropped to just under 75kg. I don't want to loose weight too quickly so I'll watch that. As soon as I decided to race our local 10km it was officially cancelled but I expected it would be if I'm honest. I can't see any races happening for a substantial amount of time now. I'm registered for the national 10km but it won't be happening either. No club training tonight. Nothing feels real right now but the safety of the vulnerable in our community is more important than races that's for sure.

    PM: Road. Easy 16.1km 4:41@/km


    PM: Road. Easy 10km @4:46/km


    AM: Road 25 minutes tempo

    Warm up 3.2km

    25 minutes tempo 6.44km @3:53/km average

    Cool down 3.4km

    Absolutely rank conditions


    PM:Road/Bog Road. Easy 20.45km @4:45/km

    Total distance this week 84.8km with six day running

    I have been really enjoying this training block. It reminds me of last summer despite the weather in February and March been rotten. I would have loved to race but hey that's not important anymore. If we don't go into complete lock down I'll probably reduce the training slowly. But I get the feeling next week will be completely different.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    I've picked up a bit of a injury/injuries. Not really sure what it is. I had what felt like a tendon injury between my ankle and achilles so I took 7 days off. I did two easy 5ks last Thursday and Friday. All felt good. Saturday at work I got a really sore pain on the sole of my foot out of the blue (same foot) . I changed my work boots recently so not sure if them or the dreaded PF which I never had before but it has the symptoms. Saturday evening the pain went away so I decided to do a few km on grass it felt okay but I stopped once it got sore again. I was off work Sunday so just resting it up. It was a little sore at times, again at work today I wore one of my Salomon trail boots instead of my work boots. Not too bad today but it was sore on and off at times. It feels grand now but I'll take today off again and see how it is tomorrow. I don't seem to have that tendon pain anymore. If I can get out running I'll stick to my 400meter loop on grass on my Dads land and see how it goes. This is my view

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    So the good news is that I don't think I've PF, the bad news is that I'm still struggling a bit...


    Rest day.

    Still a bit of on/off pain. But a massive improvement on the previous days. I'm putting the pain down to the new work boots. I'm back wearing my old ones again.


    PM: Easy 30 minutes on grass 6.78km
    I'm running on my Dad's land, flash backs of training for the community games. Egg and spoon race champion.


    PM: Easy 30 minutes on grass 6.65km


    PM: Easy 40 minutes on grass.8.56km @4:41/km


    I was feeling confident that I could go back on the roads again but took the day off so not to over do it too quickly. But unfortunately stepping off a ladder at work today I had a wobble on came down awkwardly on my left foot (the one I've been having trouble with) it was sore at the time but it felt okay Friday night.


    AM: Road 2km @5:22/km

    It felt grand until I started to run. Then it was extremely painful on the outside of my foot. I turned back after 800m. My foot was quite sore all day at work but it was okay again in the evening.


    PM: Easy 50 minutes on grass .10.51km @4:41/km

    No pain. Wet and windy loops but enjoyable.

    Weekly distance 34.5km with 5ish days of running, but more like 4. I suppose the good thing about this bad spell I'm going though is that I'm under no pressure with no races on the horizon for quite some time. I also have a great grass surface to run on.
