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Positive Vibes. Negative Splits.



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Quite happy with that session. Still a lot of work to break 17:30 5k in 6 weeks time.

    That was from the middle of August :eek:

    That was some 6 weeks!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    That was from the middle of August :eek:

    That was some 6 weeks!

    I'm supprised myself looking back. Since July I've really enjoyed my training. I've kept it as consistent as possible. Monday rest, Tuesday 45 minutes with strides, Wednesday on the track, Thursday easy hour, Friday easy 45 with hills or strides, Saturday tempo stuff and Sunday 16km to 20km. Add in the bit of strength and plyometrics too and I think I'm on the right track. Having a great coach that makes me believe along with quality sessions helps too. It sounds corny but the most enjoyable part of this block hasn't been the end result and big pb it's been the journey and having faith in the process. I won't lie six months ago when I was struggling with ITBS I didn't think I'd be where I am now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,426 ✭✭✭Dubh Geannain

    That's super going. And the most important thing, that you are enjoying it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    That's super going. And the most important thing, that you are enjoying it.
    Thanks. Also according to my Strava I ran a mile in 5:11 during that 5k race 1 second faster than the mile race in Longford :confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,426 ✭✭✭Dubh Geannain

    Thanks. Also according to my Strava I ran a mile in 5:11 during that 5k race 1 second faster than the mile race in Longford :confused:

    Maybe allow 1-2 seconds for a rolling start but either way that's great to hear.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    I ran a 35:56 on a hilly 10k today. I can't believe it. I'm shocked. Last km in 3:13! I didn't look at my watch during the race I just tried to hold onto the lead pack

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    I ran a 35:56 on a hilly 10k today. I can't believe it. I'm shocked. Last km in 3:13! I didn't look at my watch during the race I just tried to hold onto the lead pack

    Savage stuff, two super races the past week. Very well done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Great run S. Not all that surprising for those of us following the log. I think you underestimated how well you were training of late. Fantastic stuff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    Thanks lads. I had insulation tape on my watch so I'll couldn't see the paces. I just used this race as a tune up for xc. A few of the lads were asking what was I hoping for I told them low 38 high 37. The plan was the first 2km solid then see what happens. The group I was with were a good bit ahead at that point so I had no choice but to hold on or get isolated

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    It's amazing what you can do when the pressure is off.

    In all honesty you're in better shape than you realise. When you said a few weeks ago about targeting sub 60 it instantly struck me that youre already there. Well done today. Great to see coming back stronger from injury is possible!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    I've definitely changed the focus since coming back from injury. As my coach says quantity makes you a workhorse while quality makes you a race horse. Less focused on those easy miles just for miles sake. More focused on strides, sprints, hills, strength work, and to top it off quality sessions. Easy miles are important but they need to be used correctly along with other recovery methods like sleep!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,181 ✭✭✭healy1835

    Super stuff yesterday. Great to see you back in top form :) 3:13 last km :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Superb racing there - really great result!

    Top form!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    To start this weeks log I've really enjoyed these podcasts. Quite short but definitely worth a listen.


    PM: 40 minutes easy/recovery 8.4km @4:51/km. Wet, windy, and cold. But enjoyable jog around town. I needed that after the previous days 5k.


    PM: 45 minutes easy 10km @4:32/km. Felt great, perfect evening for running.


    PM: Tack 7x1km with around 1 minute recovery

    Target for was tempo, I was on my own for this so going by feel so the pace was a bit up and down. I wasn't going to beat myself up between races. The lads were doing faster stuff.

    Warm up mainly on gravel followed by activations, drills and a few strides etc. Just over 3.4km



    Average 3:46

    Cool down on grass 3.1km

    Instructions from the boss was to keep spinning the legs out all week.


    AM: Easy 45 minutes out before the storm in a teacup on mainly gravel trail 9.51km @4:45/km.


    PM: Easy 30 minutes 6.6km @4:37/km on the roads. Hilly enough route out home, perfect evening.


    AM: Shake out plus 4x 15 seconds hills 5.27km @4:57/km


    So as I've said I ran this race last year its a hilly one but not overly hilly aa races go in this part of the world. Last year I was 38:31 but the weather was cat that day. Today it was as close as you'd get to perfect. Still a nice head wind at times. All week I was very relaxed about this race all week. I didn't put much thought into my strategy. Anyway before I left the house I wrote my splits from last year on the back of my hand. I was half thinking of trying to race against myself last year if you know what I mean. But when I got there I decided just to run it like xc and don't worry about time, just see how far I can finish up the field.

    I did a big warm up 4.58km and spent a lot of time doing activations, dynamic stretches, drills. I was there a bit too early it wasn't really planned. Then a few minutes before the race I put on my racers and spotted a roll of insulation tape on the seat of my car and decided to cover my watch. I just said f**k it you won't be looking at your watch now. Dermot is always saying race without a watch. I did another 1km doing my strides... At the start line the usual chit chat. I love local races, always good craic and banter. Its a small enough community. I was saying to the lads high 37 or low 38 was the target but if the first 2km went good I'd keep it up as long as I could.

    Off we go. The top two lads took off really fast. I found myself in the next pack I was in 7th place. We were quite tight for that 1st km and with a gentle slope of a 13m elevation gain it was in 3:36. I felt good. The second km was a almost a excat copy of the 1st one 13m elevation gain on a gentle slope and again 3:36. I had fallen a slight bit back but not much. I was doubting myself when I saw the runners in this pack and knew what most were capable of doing. But a quick glimpse behind me I had to make the decision to stay with the pack or get isolated. I decided to keep pushing. There was a 14m elevation gain on the 3rd km with a steeper pull I was falling off the group a little bit 3:41 for it. We then took a turn into a head wind but not to bad and the course leveled out 3:37 on this km the gap was getting bigger elevation was - 1m for it. I decided I needed to push on was we started started a decent I was able to close the gap a bit -14m elevation, the head wind was a factor but not still not to bad. I did this km in 3:30. Half way there! I think I hit the half point in 18minutes flat.
    Time to work the group ahead were starting to split up. The next two km were non eventful 3:40 and 3:39 on a sheltered lane. I was really closing in on 6th place now. Start of the 8th km was where the real race began for me. This was a big climb for 700m non stop. The guy in front of me was slowing down. I could have taken him on the hill as I was right up his hole but I decided to let him dictate the pace as soon as we got to the top of the I just went hard and left him for dust down a steep short decent. Keep pushing and try to open a gap was the plan. That was a 3:49 km. Into the last two km I didn't think I'd catch the guy in 5th place is was a good bit away but I wasn't giving up 6th place I had the the head wind back so I couldn't hear how far behind the guy I just over took was, so I just kept pushing 3:30 for that 9th km. The final km. Hang on I can get into 5th place now I'm closing the gap. Your man was isolated and couldn't hear me coming hard. I flew past him, he picked it up, so did I. What the f**k am I doing I've no business racing his guy crossed my mind. He's a very good club runner. But also I'm in 5th now hold on to it and keep pushing. Again I couldn't hear how close he was with the head wind so I said empty the tank. The finish line was a clockwise loop of the track. I had no idea how far I was ahead. I caught a glimpse of the clock 36:xx head down push harder get that sub 37.

    F**k yeah! Sub 37 PB absolutely buzzing. Caught my breath. Still didn't look at my watch. Other lads I know started to finish. One says the clock is 40 seconds off So I look at my watch 35:56 that can't be right can it? It is! Holy sh*t. What a buzz I really didn't expect that. That last km was 3:13. I'm happier with this result than Rathfarnham even do my equivalent 10k time should be faster but on that course and I'm delighted. I did 3km cool down with the lads I know then into the community centre to reflect on it all.

    Total distance this week 72.3km with 7 days running.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    For this weeks log I'd recommend



    PM: Light bit of strength work


    AM: Easy 45 minutes on mainly gravel trail 9.72km @4:48/km.


    AM:Road 2x4km with 2 minutes recovery target was supposed to be close to 4 minutes per km on the 1st 4km and the second 4km was supposed to start at that pace but with a progression but I misinterpreted the paces and made a balls of it. Too fast on the 1st 4km and then suffered on the second 4km. Dark, cold, wet morning. I woke at 5:30am, on the road at 5:45am

    Warm up 3.9km a bit longer than usual I still had the 10k in my legs and it takes longer to get ready for speed at that time.



    Cool down 3.3km


    AM: Easy 45 minutes on road 9.58km @4:45/km.


    AM: Easy 45 minutes with 5x 20 seconds strides included 9.76km @4:38/km on the roads.


    PM: Track after work 1km, 4x300m, 1km, 4x300, 1km with 100m jog for all recoveries target of 3:40-3:45 for the 1km and 60 seconds for the 300m

    Solo session. It went good but I suffered on the second 1km a bit but I came good after that.

    Warm up 3.2km I didn't spend as long doing my activations and drills because I was on call for work and anxious to get on with the session in case I got a call.


    1km (3:42)
    4x300 (59,60,61,60)
    1km (3:48)
    4x300 (58,60,59,60)
    1km (3:41)

    Cool down 3.8km


    PM: After work mainly on the roads. I suspose a easy to moderate 18.06km @4:31/km

    Total distance this week 76.5km with 6 days running.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    This is how my last 12 weeks have looked in terms of increasing my mileage.


    Just to follow up on the past 12 weeks since posting this.
    This is what the past few weeks looked like in terms of distance. There was a small drop the week of Rathfarnham 5k


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Thanks for that. How often do you do S&C? (I'm terrible at it recently)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    Not good the past month because I've been racing more. But reintroduced it last week again. Normally I do S+C on Monday followed a myrtl routine using resistance bands. On Fridays I do some plyometrics after my run or if it's a morning run I do them in the evening.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Not good the past month because I've been racing more. But reintroduced it last week again. Normally I do S+C on Monday followed a myrtl routine using resistance bands. On Fridays I do some plyometrics after my run or if it's a morning run I do them in the evening.

    Is your s&c injury specific or general? Hope I didn't ask that before

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    Mainly general stuff but all running specific. I'm mindful of past injuries so that plays a roll in it alright but there's a big cross over.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD


    PM: Strength work


    PM: Road. Easy-ish 45 minutes with 5x20 seconds strides 9.95km @4:37/km.


    PM:Track 5x1mile with 2 minutes standing recovery target was close to 10km pace 5:45/mile

    Warm up 3.1km with all the usuals

    We had turns on who'd lead the pain train I took rep 3 and 5. I was feeling really good so I was allowed to open it up a bit on the last one.



    Cool down 3km


    PM: Road. Easy 45 minutes on road 11.2km @4:50/km.


    AM: Grass. Easy/Recovery 30 minutes 6.22km @4:52/km

    I was at a gig Friday night with some old friends. I didn't want to drink up ended up having 4 pints. It did absolutely nothing for me, I'm happier going out with out drinking these days.


    Tired and groggy all day.

    PM: Grass. Shakeout with 4x15 seconds strides 6.24km @4:33/km

    Didn't get to bed until late I was at a football match.


    Autumn open xc

    I knew heading up up this wouldn't be a outstanding preformance, but I expected a bit better. I still had that 5x 1 mile in me from Wednesdays session and Friday really took its toll. Warm up 3.54km plus another 700m or so doing strides waiting for the race to start. There was a high standard at the race. I actually think I would be better off doing the xc experience as I haven't much experience at xc and most my races are 5km. I found 7500m very long. I started too fast but even with that in mind my legs didn't have it in them, more so my head wasn't in it. I considered a DNF but I stuck with it. I was isolated in the last lap. Even though I was just going through the emotions after 3 laps. I finished 75th over all out of 96 in 29:50. Excellent course and facilities. 3.46km cool down with some friends from neighbouring clubs. I'm going to miss two local enough xc races dues to work but I hope to race in the national novice in December.

    Total distance this week 63.3km with six days running.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    Normal service has resumed.


    PM: Strength work


    PM: Road. Easy 45 minutes 9.62km @4:42/km.


    PM:Track 8x600/400 target was 2 minutes for both the 600m and 400m

    Warm up 3.2km with all the usual.

    Splits 600, (400)

    2:00, (1:52)
    2:00, (1:56)
    2:01, (1:56)
    2:01, (1:59)
    2:02, (2:01)
    2:04, (2:02)
    2:06, (1:58)
    2:05, (1:45)

    Cool down 3km


    PM: Road. Moderate 14.05km @4:31/km.


    AM: Road. Easy 45 minutes 8.55km @4:46/km.


    AM: Road. 25 minutes tempo target to start at 3:55/km for 5 minutes then slightly faster for the next 10 minutes, and again slightly faster for the final 10 minutes.

    Warm up 3.2km

    25 minutes tempo 6.5km
    5 minutes @3:55/km
    10 minutes @3:52/km
    10 minutes @3:48/km

    Cool down 3.3km


    AM:Road. 100 minutes 21.87km @4:35/km
    Probably a bit hot

    Total distance this week 82.4km with six days racing.

    Can't but help think about a marathon next year this weekend...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    Splits 600, (400)

    2:00, (1:52)
    2:00, (1:56)
    2:01, (1:56)
    2:01, (1:59)
    2:02, (2:01)
    2:04, (2:02)
    2:06, (1:58)
    2:05, (1:45)
    Forgot to mention that's 4.8km of quality 16:17 minutes at just over 3:23/km

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    So is it official? Are we signing up S? ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    So is it official? Are we signing up S? ;)

    I wonder should I just register and see how the first six months of next year pans out :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    That's my plan anyway

    Edit: looks like it's a lottery.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    That's my plan anyway

    Edit: looks like it's a lottery.
    Would you consider Frankfurt for a debut or would the buzz of doing it in Dublin be the biggest appeal IF you were to race a marathon?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Would you consider Frankfurt for a debut or would the buzz of doing it in Dublin be the biggest appeal IF you were to race a marathon?

    Wouldn't consider foreign with family costs and commitments a priority. Not for another few years anyway. I'd sooner do another Irish one

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD


    PM: Strength work


    AM: Road. Easy 9.71km @4:46/km including 5x 20 strides near the end.


    PM:Track 6x1200m with 2 to 2:30 standing recovery target was to strart at 10km pace and work down.

    Warm up just over 4km with all the usual. I was a bit early at the track.

    Ourselves and the younger lads were put together for this one. We went to the back of the train and let them do the work. The first one was a bit hot, I'm a bit chesty this week so I found that a bit hard going. The second rep was probably closer to what we should have started at, I was breathing a bit better after that one. By the 3rd one I was in the swing of things. On the final rep the boys put down the hammer on the second lap I couldn't hold on. It was hard to keep the momentum going when I was off the train and it was very windy on the track. Still happy with that. Good session.



    Happy with that session 4:08 average.

    Cool down 3.15km


    AM: Trail/Road. Easy 60 minutes 12.42km @4:52/km.


    AM: Road. 10km @4:55/km.

    I decided to take Saturday and Sunday off. I'll take Monday off too and see how I am Tuesday evening. That chesty cough I was feeling on Wednesday has got a bit of a hold. It's not to bad I feel I can run easy but I'm not chancing it. Part of the reason I picked up a injury at the start of the year was that I tried to run though having a cold, then I ended up getting worse and off longer. I then rushed getting back and picked up a injury. So I'm taking it easy for a few days.

    Total distance this week 47.5km with four days running

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    Last week I took a few days off with a chesty cough. That continued up Friday this week, so I took a total of seven consecutive days off. Actually Wednesday I packed my gear going to work with the full intention of going to training but I decided at lunch time to be cautious and give it a miss. Going into a hard session straight after a some time off probably isn't the smartest. Thursday there was a club meeting about the senior side of things etc. So I gave running a miss for another day. I've stepped away from training with my club in the past two years. For most races I'll wear the club singlet, I help out with club races, and help out with the clubs C25k program in January but on but I feel a bit of a disconnect. Anyway senior training has seemed to be non existing at the moment, with various groups doing their own thing. I can include myself in that. The jist of it is that sizeable number of the more novice runners wanted to reintroduce senior training again but none of the experienced guys were willing to grab the bull by the horns and take the lead. To be honest I can understand why but that's a different story. Anyway I was kinda volunteered to help them get going. I'll give it a few weeks and see how it goes. It might mean double days on Thursdays.


    PM: Road. Easy 30ish minutes 6.8km @4:35/km.


    PM: Road. Easy 45ish minutes 9.5km @4:37/km


    AM: Road. Easy 16.26km @4:40/km

    Total distance this week 32.5km with three days running.
