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Breech baby

  • 30-05-2018 5:50pm
    Registered Users Posts: 4

    I'm 37 weeks and baby is breech still, has been at least 10 weeks now. He does turn transverse to breech now and then but he's never head down. He was confirm breech via scan on su day and again yesterday by midwife. I have an app in the Rotunda tomorrow.
    I'm going to refuse an ECV and go for an ELSC
    This is my third baby and other 2 where vaginal births weighing 4.5kg and 5kg. So you can imagine this one is also measuring big (No GD or anything just have big babies all my sisters and mum same) and 3 Dr's I've spoke to are not hopeful baby will turn as so big also have anterior placenta at the front and top of my womb. Now I was told weeks ago I wouldn't be allowed go to 40 weeks so I assume that will still stand now with a section.
    Anyone know the procedure of ELCS in the rotunda, I'm hoping I will get a date for next week (38+odd) and can make childcare arrangements and Oh can get off work.
    Also what happens after the section, I was home within hours of having the other 2 now I assume that won't be the case this time.


  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    YellowWall wrote: »
    I'm 37 weeks and baby is breech still, has been at least 10 weeks now. He does turn transverse to breech now and then but he's never head down. He was confirm breech via scan on su day and again yesterday by midwife. I have an app in the Rotunda tomorrow.
    I'm going to refuse an ECV and go for an ELSC
    This is my third baby and other 2 where vaginal births weighing 4.5kg and 5kg. So you can imagine this one is also measuring big (No GD or anything just have big babies all my sisters and mum same) and 3 Dr's I've spoke to are not hopeful baby will turn as so big also have anterior placenta at the front and top of my womb. Now I was told weeks ago I wouldn't be allowed go to 40 weeks so I assume that will still stand now with a section.
    Anyone know the procedure of ELCS in the rotunda, I'm hoping I will get a date for next week (38+odd) and can make childcare arrangements and Oh can get off work.
    Also what happens after the section, I was home within hours of having the other 2 now I assume that won't be the case this time.

    Hi YellowWall,

    I am not sure on the Rotundas policy 're: Elective c-sections, but I know of a few people who have had them done around the 39 week mark.

    I had an emergency c-section and was told you are able to be discharged 72 hours after the birth once all is going ok with mother and baby but I could request to stay the 5 days.

    Hope this helps somewhat and all goes well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,825 ✭✭✭LirW

    I had an elective, my baby was breech aswell and I was in the Rotunda. If you're about 37-38 weeks, they'll give you a date for a C-Section at the end of 38 or the beginning on 39 weeks.
    I ended up going into labour a week before my scheduled section and had an emergency-C section at 38+3 because letting labour progress would have been to dangerous. If you have any signs of labour, go in asap, if your waters break, call the ambulance.
    If the section is scheduled, they'll ive you a date, you come in in the morning and need to be fasting from 8pm the night before. Private patients will have their section first, eventual emergencies have priority of course and then public patients have their turn, if you start feeling dizzy or thirsty, ask for a drip.
    You need to stay in for 72 hours after giving birth, if you recover well, they let you go, if not, they keep you in a day or two longer. You can have painkillers every 4 hours, ask for them! Sometimes they just forget, I rang the bell every 4 hours bang on and asked for more, you'll need it and be thankful for it. The first 24 hours you have a catheder in and need to keep your compression socks on. Don't be afraid to ask for help lifting the baby out of its bed.

    And keep in mind, you're not allowed to drive for 6-8 weeks unless a doctor signs you off. I recovered very well and at the 2 week GP visit I asked her to sign me off, I feel good to drive and send that on to the insurance company, otherwise you aren't covered in case of an accident. Chances are nobody will tell you about that, but it's important to keep that in mind.

    Best of luck!

  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭FurBabyMomma

    Most babies will turn before birth but someone unfortunately has to make up the 3% that don't. If your baby has never been head down then at this stage it's unlikely alright. I was in almost the same position as yourself, with a baby who never once moved from breech despite me doing everything in my power, including 3 ECVs and spending hours on my head - I laugh now, but at the time I was desperate!

    You are normally given a date for 38-39 weeks and given a spinal in theatre. That way your birthing partner can then enter the room. If you end up with a general then they'll meet you in recovery instead. I ended up with a general on my first so my husband did skin to skin with baby under his shirt until I came around. He was delighted with himself :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭FurBabyMomma

    Oh and unfortunately you'll be in the hospital for quite some time, usually 4 nights. My advice is to try take it easy and don't overstretch yourself as it will take your body some time to recover.

  • Registered Users Posts: 465 ✭✭Meeeee79

    My baby was breech at the 21 week scan I had. Have had 2 midwife and one GP appointment since (now at 28 weeks) and at all the appointments they tell me they still cant tell by feeling what position the baby is in. Does anyone know at what stage the baby is big enough for the to be able tot ell position without a scan? I have no further scheduled scans so im guessing at some stage it may be necessary but when?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,825 ✭✭✭LirW

    From around 30 weeks on the midwives can tell very well on how the baby is positioned. But I wouldn't worry too much at this stage, my first was going up and down every few days and got into position head down in week 32 or 33, which is pretty normal, because they have so much room in there at your stage.
    If the baby is still breech at 37 weeks, they refer you to the hospital for a quick check and will go through all the options with you, they will probably quickly scan then to confirm the position of the head. But you still have loads of time it could very well be that it turns on its own.

  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭FurBabyMomma

    Meeeee79 wrote: »
    My baby was breech at the 21 week scan I had. Have had 2 midwife and one GP appointment since (now at 28 weeks) and at all the appointments they tell me they still cant tell by feeling what position the baby is in. Does anyone know at what stage the baby is big enough for the to be able tot ell position without a scan? I have no further scheduled scans so im guessing at some stage it may be necessary but when?

    I'd ask to be scheduled in for an extra scan around 37 weeks to check the position. They are usually good like that when it comes to breech. Plenty of time yet, so fingers crossed baby gets the idea!

  • Registered Users Posts: 627 ✭✭✭Minier81

    My baby is still breech too. 31 weeks now, moved from transversee to breech somtime bewtween 25 and 28 weeks. Hoping it'll twirl around over the next few weeks...

  • Registered Users Posts: 4 YellowWall

    I should update here.
    I went for my app and as I was there baby turned, he was literally transverse one minute and head down the next. Anyway I'm 40 weeks today and currently 12 hours into the tampon induction. I'm being induced because of previous big babies and this one is expected to be big too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 627 ✭✭✭Minier81

    YellowWall wrote: »
    I should update here.
    I went for my app and as I was there baby turned, he was literally transverse one minute and head down the next. Anyway I'm 40 weeks today and currently 12 hours into the tampon induction. I'm being induced because of previous big babies and this one is expected to be big too.
    That's brilliant! Hope all goes well.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭FurBabyMomma

    That's fab YellowWall! Those pesky babies are some wind up merchants with their messing around with positions :D Really hope the induction goes well for you and congratulations!
