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The long route to Cork

  • 11-06-2018 12:37pm
    Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭

    Right have been thinking a while about getting this training log going not sure how long ill keep it up but need something to try and keep me on track.

    My back story is I swam club until I was 11 and then stopped due to pool getting renovated and never went back. Had no running experience till last year. Very little cycling experience apart from ROK twice but this was done just to complete it, with it taking over 11 hours to complete cycles. Main sport throughout has been rugby, but this was given up when I started working weekends at 17 and taken back up at 25 when I was at a very low base fitness wise. Since then due to injury's and getting pissoff with people's lack of commitment, I have walked away from rugby about 5 times.

    So last year at 33 I decided to try replace rugby with something I have always liked the look of Triathlon from afar so that was where I landed. Im a broad 6 foot and was 100kg when I started last year. I had a 6 month baby at home which meant finding time to train was fun but I managed thanks to a very understanding wife. I completed 2 official Sprint Tri's last year and a few training Tri's with my club my best time coming in at 1.21.00. My end goal for last season was to complete an Olympic Race which I did with the Hardman Olympic in Killarney. I found this race hard as the bouys were blown all over the place and had to slog through mud for about 150m which killed my legs but I completed it in 3.05.32 outside my target of 3hrs but was happy to finish.

    After Killarney I again returned to my addiction and went back to rugby, doing very little Tri training until January when I got started again with my running/biking/swimming and ended up tearing my hamstring during a rugby game(definitly final nail in the coffin). Had to take a few weeks off running but got a pool bouy and kept swimming( thanks to advice from here) and got my bike onto the turbo trainer building up my time on this.

    Since then I have been building up the training, my best week coming in at just over 10 hours. I have my weight down to 91kgs. Still having some trouble with my hamstring but it is only affecting my run which is getting better all the time. I have 2 70.3 races penciled in this year the Hardman in Waterville and Lost Sheep in Kenmare. 2019 was going to be my year for going full Ironman I wanted the bigger crowds to help me finish my first full event, was looking at Frankfurt or Maastricht as they were linking up with holidays, until the Ironman Gods decided to announce Ironman Cork which was too good an opportunity to pass up.

    So on the week I registered for my first full IM I have had a poor weeks training, which is what decided me on getting this thread started.

    I welcome all advice as I am a long way from knowing anything about this sport or endurance events



  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭NewCorkLad

    Fri 14km Run 83min
    Sat 83km Bike 183 min with 681m Ascent
    Sun Climbed Carrauntoohill
    Monday Leisure swim around Fenit Lighthouse 2550m
    Tues Club Training Sprint Tri 86min legs felt like logs after Carrauntoohill going into it so not too disappointed with time
    Wed Rest Day ( Registered For Ironman Cork what was I thinking)
    Thurs game of soccer with work 30min on the pitch( few pints after)
    Fri Rest Day
    Sat 17km Run 103min (4k Z2 4k Z3 30 sec rest 4k Z3 5k Z2)
    Sun Load of work at home and too tired so skipped long cycle.

    This brings me up to date for June and hopefully will stick to my more structured plan going forward

  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭NewCorkLad

    Managed to drag myself out for an OW swim last night only for the zip to come apart on my new wet suit as I was tying it up. One of the other swimmers managed a quick fix to get me in the water but will have to drop it in over the weekend to be fixed or replaced.

    Swam 2,150m in 41min, not happy with the swim kept waiting for the wetsuit to pop open and had trouble with my googles, but I am happy I managed to get out and hopefully back into a routine.

  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭NewCorkLad

    Got out for a easy run last night staying in zone 2. Did 7km in just under 45min, a bit slower than normal.

    Up this morning for an hour on the Turbo Trainer before heading off to work, again just an easy session maximising my effort while staying in Zone 2.

  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭NewCorkLad

    Into the pool for a swim last night. Havent been in the pool for 2 weeks and felt it. 2,000m doing 200m intervals with 20 sec rest, Free/Pull/Paddle. Average pace of 1.59sec/100m. New to using paddles, feel they are making a difference but will have to wait and see.

    Out for my long run this morning, ending up getting out 15 mins late as I just needed to close my eyes for a sec before getting up and before I knew it my second backup alarm went off. Under a bit of pressure time wise but still got my 18k in, 4k Zone 2 2*4K Zone 3 with 30 sec rest and 6k Zone 2 to finish putting in an average pace of 5.51sec/km.

    Every so often I get a real buzz out of doing this training, usually after a good OW swim which I love doing, but for the first time I got it this morning from my run. Set off with no route in mind just wanted to get the distance in, weather was perfect, bright a bit cool and only a slight breeze. Ended up running clear around Tralee even taking in Blennerville windmill and the lock gates at the end of the canal with the Slieve Mish mountains in the background. Definitely better than sitting on my ass at home.

    Quick question, tomorrow Im down for a brisk session of 100min bike followed by 20min run, have been wondering would it be better to switch this to 2* 50min/10min bricks instead or is the longer bike session more benefical. Have a 3 hour ride down for Sunday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭NewCorkLad

    16th: Ended up doing the long version of the brick, 1hr 40 bike followed by 20 min run. Felt good off the bike into the run but had to pull myself back a bit as I felt the hamstring tightening up after 2km.

    17th: Got up for my long cycle and was exhausted after the brick the day before followed by putting together a huge wooden child swing set. Couldnt face the long cycle so set up the Turbo Trainer and did an hour and a half on this. This was the second Sunday in a row I was too tired to face my long cycle, on reviewing my routine I realised that my 3 long sessions(run, brick & cycle) all come one after the other. Im gonna try move my long run to earlier in the week and try an break them up.

    18th Pool Swim, just a slow swim still tired after the weekend did my 2km and home.

    19th Took a rest day.

    20th: Long Run: Out in the early morning and got my 19km done. 4km Zone 2, 4km Zone 3, 30sec break, 4km Zone 3 and finished it out in Zone 2. Felt good about this only took an extra 2 min to add on 1 km from last week.

    21st: Had to travel for work today so unfortunately got nothing done.

    22nd: The wife was away, so turbo trainer set up in the living room in front of the big tv with the baby monitor along side for a good 2 hour session. How things have changed this time last year it would have been the same place but with a few beers and a pizza.

    23rd: Short slow run, 7km done at a nice pace felt good. Followed by 4 hot horrible hours pulling out hedging.

    24th: Time for another long bike, wasnt feeling it but forced myself to get out. Spent 3hr 10 min slogging along in the heat, but managed to get my 80km done with 710m of ascent thrown in. Not happy with how I felt out there or the effort needed to complete it but I am happy that I got out there.

    25th: Meeting in the home town, so managed to get in for an interval swim this morning before work. 2km done 200m Free/Pull/Paddle with 20sec rests inbetween. No improvements in time this session but as Ive missed a few swims just happy I havent slowed down.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,424 ✭✭✭joey100

    Are you following any plan or have a coach or anything?

    I'd keep an eye on the three big days in a row too, especially if your already finding it hard to motivate yourself to get out. I'd try spreading them out a bit too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭NewCorkLad

    Im working off a time restricted plan I got on the interweb, which I rearranged around work/family/life.

    I had been getting the brick session done on a Monday but had to change that a few weeks ago due to work, so without really thinking about it my 3 harder sessions ended up together and I have just been feeling it in the last few weeks. This weekend for all my complaining was better than the previous few weekends so moving the long run has helped.

    Into my last hard week now before my taper begins, so Im hoping to get another good session in this weekend.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,359 ✭✭✭peter kern

    22nd: The wife was away, so turbo trainer set up in the living room in front of the big tv with the baby monitor along side for a good 2 hour session. How things have changed this time last year it would have been the same place but with a few beers and a pizza.

    great stuff
    and just built slowly in your case ( focus on the weight loss first and while doing that focus on cycling and swimmng) easy consistent miles will trump anything else

  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭NewCorkLad

    26th Got my long run done in the morning, again happy with the progress ,on this 20km done. Only negative was suffered from my first case of chaffing, didnt feel anything until a stopped and then didnt know what was happening to my nipples, the shower after was pure agony. Looks like ill have to throw away some of my running tshirts.

    27th Was meant to do a recovery run today but decided to jump on the bike to give my nipples a rest and with the wife away at the weekend need to build up some time on the bike before the weekend. 90mins easy pace.

    28th Got in for a swim before work 2km consistent steady pace.

    29th Rest Day

    30th Mrs NewCorkLad headed off this morning for the night but I got 90mins in on the bike before baby duty kicked in.

    01st Had planned to give my daughter to my parents for a while and get out on the bike but she has been a bit unwell so had to skip my long bike session today, priorities.

    02nd I have now entered my first taper with Waterville 2 weeks away but wanted to make up some of my lost bike session so up at 5 to get in 2 hrs on the bike before work.

    Got in for an interval swim in the evening, 1800m done 200m free/pull/paddle. Speed was down a bit but putting this down to it being my second session today. First time fitting in 2 proper sessions in a day and happy it didnt kill me.

    03rd Dropping my bike in for a full service this evening, so got in a brick session this morning. 45min on the bike followed by a 4km run(Glad to report that the chaffing seems to have had no lasting effects). Thought my legs would be dead after the previous day but surprised how strong they felt, enjoyed pushing myself on the bike and eased into the run nicely.

    Quick question. Is one water bottle enough for the 90km cycle as there is a water stop at the 46km mark or should I get a second cage?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    NewCorkLad wrote: »
    Quick question. Is one water bottle enough for the 90km cycle as there is a water stop at the 46km mark or should I get a second cage?

    In this weather bring two bottles, better to have it than want it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,424 ✭✭✭joey100

    I'd agree with Benny Mul, especially if you have an accident and drop a bottle or pops out of cage or something silly like that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭NewCorkLad

    04th Out for a quick 8km run this evening, legs feeling good and happy with my time without pushing myself.

    05th Out for my first OW swim in over 2 weeks, water was so warm it almost got incomfortable in the wet suit but really enjoyed it over 1,800m swam in a time I was very happy with, being stuck with the pool for the last few weeks might not have been a bad thing.

    06th Out for another 8k run, time down slightly for the same effort so happy with that.

    07th One week to Waterville. Heading to Dublin today for the weekend so got in a quick hour spin in, having got my bike back the evening before with my new second bottle cage, I feel like a serious athlete now :). The bike had definitely needed the once over.

    08th Rest Day

    09th Got back from Dublin this evening and headed out for a quick 6k run before having to go to a bbq.

    10th Interval swim this morning, 1,400m done 200m Free/Pull/Paddle with 20sec rests. Last swim before Waterville, not delighted with times but putting it down to a busy few days. Finally registered for Waterville this evening no turning back now.

    11th Got out for an hour spin on the bike before work this morning.

    Almost there now, plan calls for a rest day tomorrow, a 30min spin on the bike Friday before Waterville Saturday.

    Now for my weekly question. Just realised my tri suit doesnt have any pockets, for my long spins I had worn a cycling jersey where I kept a bar, banana and gels. I can store some gels on my race belt but not sure what to do with other food, or will I get away without it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 153 ✭✭Doeshedare

    NewCorkLad wrote: »

    Now for my weekly question. Just realised my tri suit doesnt have any pockets, for my long spins I had worn a cycling jersey where I kept a bar, banana and gels. I can store some gels on my race belt but not sure what to do with other food, or will I get away without it?

    People often tape a couple of gels to their bike frame, behind the headset. For my last HIM I ate a banana pretty close to the start and then left one in transition for the run start. According to the Hardman site there are SIS gels available at aid stations on the run (every 5k roughly). So if you have a couple on your belt, a couple on the bike, a banana and then take whats available on the run you should be covered. I will also have a High 5 energy drink in one of my bidons on the bike and I drank it plus another bidon during the recent Hell of the West which was half the distance (I sweat alot)

  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭NewCorkLad

    Doeshedare wrote: »
    People often tape a couple of gels to their bike frame, behind the headset. For my last HIM I ate a banana pretty close to the start and then left one in transition for the run start. According to the Hardman site there are SIS gels available at aid stations on the run (every 5k roughly). So if you have a couple on your belt, a couple on the bike, a banana and then take whats available on the run you should be covered. I will also have a High 5 energy drink in one of my bidons on the bike and I drank it plus another bidon during the recent Hell of the West which was half the distance (I sweat alot)

    Ya I have the High 5 energy drink which I planned on having in one bidon and the other water alone, Im with you on the sweating. I might go with a banana at the start of the bike and run and take what is offered throughout so.


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,424 ✭✭✭joey100

    Always the option to put a jersey on in T1 as well, with the stuff you need already in the pockets. A full zip jersey won't take a whole lot of time to put on really.

  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭NewCorkLad

    joey100 wrote: »
    Always the option to put a jersey on in T1 as well, with the stuff you need already in the pockets. A full zip jersey won't take a whole lot of time to put on really.

    Was more thinking about the added heat on the cycle, as the weather still looking warm, so I want to avoid that if possible.

  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭NewCorkLad

    12th Rest Day

    13th 40 Mins on the Turbo Trainer just getting the legs spinning.

    14th Waterville HIM

    15th Rest Day (A few recovery pints to rehydrate watching the world cup)

    Total for the week 10 hrs 6min

  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭NewCorkLad

    16th Planned second Rest Day to re-re-hydrate from watching world cup

    17th 6km run to test out the legs a bit slow but was to be expected

    18th 2km steady pool swim, held a decent pace but shoulders feeling a bit tight.

    19th Rest Day

    20th Out on the bike, 53km done in wet, breezy conditions, Im very much a fair weather cyclist so usually would have been on the Turbo Trainer on a day like this but needed to get out a climb some hills after Waterville.

    21st Got out for a nice run 17.24km first 4k Zone 2 followed by 8k Zone 3 with1 30sec rest then Zone 2 home. Happy with the pace.

    22nd First OW swim since Waterville, usually my favorite aspect of Triathlon but wasn't happy with how I performed this aspect down in Waterville and my problems continued with it. Swam 2.8km in relatively calm waters but had to fight the entire way, shoulders felt very stiff and found it very hard to extend my left arm fully without a fight. I was nearly 18 sec slower per 100m than I would normally expect swimming OW. Not sure if this is down to not enough stretching, warm up or not enough time in my new wetsuit.

    Total for the week 6 hrs 32min (Reduced load this week as didnt want to push it after my first HIM)

  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭NewCorkLad

    Waterville Race Report

    Ill start by saying that my stated aim for this was to finish it which I did so overall the day went as planned, however apart from that I had a time I wanted to acheive and I came nowhere near this.

    Got up at 5 and had my coffee and porridge. Hit the road for 5:30, Waterville only an hour and a half away but preferred being there noice and early and getting the lay of the land. Drove over the hills so got to see the last third of the cycle including Ballaghisheen Pass, which looked tough but managable(I still laugh when I think about that thought). Only 2 racked before me, got checked in quickly and all set up. Went and got another coffee and ate a snickers that I brought with me. Got talking to some club members as they started arriving and the excitment started to build. As with most Hardman events the the race brief was fairly brief but gave me time to eat my first banana.

    Swim 43.25

    This is the part Im most disappointed with as it was under my control. I had counted on a time under 35min and while the swim was long according to my Garmin and everyone I talked to, it doesnt account for this. It didnt start well as most people swam out beyond the bouy to warm up, we were then called back for the start and as I went behind the bouy a shout went out to just go which ensued a scramble of about 5 of us trying to get back around the bouy. I ended up getting stuck behind three slow swimmers who I had to swim around and the race was on. After that it was mostly clear water for the rest of the swim but after a few hundred metres I was in a bit of trouble, my shoulders tightened up until I had trouble fully extending my left arm. As I could keep swimming, I just kept going rounded the first bouy and headed out to sea where being unable to fully extend my arm meant I found it hard to keep going in a straight line and kept veering to the left, so I had to increase my sightings to make sure I didnt end up back on the beach. Rounded the second bouy and more of the same back home. Putting this all down to a lacklustre warm up and not enough time in the wetsuit.

    T1 4.17

    Out of the wetsuit ate my second banana and off on the bike. Was surprised how many bikes were left in Transition so this picked me up a little.

    Bike 4.10.01

    Im not disappointed with my bike but God did I underestimate how hard this was going to be. I set off well and held my own going up Coomakista( I have memories of this from doing the Ring of Kerry Cycle and found it much easier now). Through Sneem off to the left and up some nice country hills until Ballaghbeama Gap. This is where I got into trouble, I had not been expecting anything like this verticle wall of a road. Half way up and I had one in front of me and one behind me taking turns muturing expletives as we inched our way up and 50 metres ahead someone else walking their bike up who was nearly going as fast as us. I very nearly gave in and got off my bike but I knew if I got off here I wouldnt finiah out the day so stuck it out and got to the top of the Gap where I jumped off the bike and got some fresh water and stretched out my legs. However that wasnt the end of my troubles with the Gap. Back down I went taking it handy as it was very narrow and windy until I hit a nice flat stretch and got my legs going. First my left hamstring seized and while stretching that out my right hamstring seized so I unclipped my legs and came to a stop. Spent 5 mins stretching and off again until Ballaghisheen Pass. While the Gap didnt beat me the Pass sure did at this point my legs were beat and I didnt know what was gonna happen with the run so I ended up walking the last 400m. Im putting this all down to doig the majority of my cycling on the Turbo Trainer and not building in enough intensity, because while the hills beat me and I could only watch as I was repeatably overtaken, for the last 30 km back to Waterville I managed to take back a few of those spots and drive on.

    T2 0.48(according to Sports Timings but I definitly took a bit longer than this)Arrived back to the encouragement of a few club members down to support and to hear the call as the third finisher crossed the line which was very deflating but I was there to finish. I got changed ate a snickers and off I went.

    Run 2.23.20
    At this stage I knew I would be happy to just finish, this would be my first time running 21km and I wasnt exactly in a fit state. It was 4 laps so early on I found a pace I could manage to hold down from what I had planned but all plans were out the window at this stage. Half way through the first lap a stitch started to dig in but a quick trip to the toilet for a piss which had been nagging me for most of the day helped releive that. I got into a routine after the first lap of 4 glasses of water and one energy gel per lap. Club memebers were offering me additional gels and water at various points of the run but at this point I was afraid to change anything in case my stomach went on me. Round and round I went got picked off by one or 2 and picked off 1 or 2 myself until I hit the finish line, slower than I wanted but I had completed my first HIM.

    Overall 7.21.55

    While overall it was slower than I wanted on a positive note I now have my base line which shouldnt be too hard to beat.

    As a day it knocked me, at points I really felt I wouldnt finish, however having completed it( at a snails pace) it has given me the confidence to know I can do this

  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭NewCorkLad

    Mon 23rd Short Run 9k , these are proscribed as Zone 2 runs but have decided to add 3*1k Zone 3 sprints to build some more intensity into it.

    Tue 24th Interval Swim 2k 200m Free/Pull/Paddle

    Wed 25th Long Run 21k with 8k in Zone 3 the rest as Zone 2

    Thurs 26th Brick Session 95 min on the Turbo into 22 min Run all staying in Zone 2

    Fri 27th Rest Day

    Sat 28th 3 Hour bike had planned on heading out but weather was all over the place so jumped onto the Turbo Trainer, as would probably have cut it short if I went out.

    Sun 29th OW Swim. First OW swim of the year with some proper chop. No one else was swimming so kept it shallow ended up cutting it short after 1350m

    Total for the week 9 hours

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  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭NewCorkLad

    Mon 30th Short Run,9k continuing with the 3*1km sprints, these runs are slowly getting faster and I feel more comfortable doing them.

    Tue 31st Interval Swim 2k 200m Free/Pull/Paddle

    Tue 31st Got out of work a bit early so got in 1hr on the Turbo Trainer 2* 10min in Zone 3

    Wed 01st Long Run 21k with 10k of it in Zone 3 with 2*30 sec rests

    Thur 02nd Delighted I snuck in the extra session Tue as my alarm didnt go off this morning so started 45 mins late and then my Turbo Trainer wheel had a blow out 47 min in. Followed this up with a 24min brick run but was just a bit p**sed off with the morning at this stage.

    Fri 03rd Rest Day

    Sat 04th Swam as an angel swimmmer for the Tralee Tri, no intensive swimming but swam about 1.5k, nice to be out in the water enjoying it and not be worrying about times.

    Sun 05th Wanted to get in some family time today so moved the bike to Monday and got out for a Short Run 9k with 3*1k Zone 3, loving seeing my times coming down at the moment, every run.

    Sun 5th Got out for a 1k swim in Fenit without a wetsuit, very different feeling , happy with the time, without the added bouyancy.

    Total for the week 7.15 hours(Time down a bit this week as I did no long cycle)

  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭NewCorkLad

    Mon 06th Due to mechanical difficulty was unable to use my bike today but needed to get the legs turning so headed to the gym and did 90min on an exercise bike, not ideal and hopefully never to be repeated.

    Tue 07th Interval Swim 2k 200m Free/Pull/Paddle

    Tue 07th Long Run 21k with 10k of it in Zone 3 with 2 *30sec rests.( 13sec faster per km compared to last week :) run done in the evening compared to early morning which might have had an affect )

    Wed 08th Out on the bike for 90 min followed by a 4km Zone 3 brick run. It was nice to be able to do this session out on the road instead of on the Turbo Trainer for one.

    Thurs 09th Rest Day

    Fri 10th 60 min on the Turbo Trainer 2*10min Zone 3

    Sat 11th Rest Day longer session planned for tomorrow.

    Sun 12th Got out with some club mates who are heading to Dublin next weeekend. 2,130m OW Swim followed by 80km bike and a 5km run. For some reason my swim speed is staying down around the 2min per 100m, a loss of around 10sec per 100m , cant get it back to where it was and dont know why it dropped but at least Im feeling fresh coming out of the water. Found the long bike session a lot easier when done with a group, would love to be able to do more of these but with my schedule will find it hard. Really enjoyed this as a session only 15km short on the run for the Lost Sheep, happy with the time and wasnt really pushing myself on the bike.

    Heading into my last week before taper begins.

    Total for the week 10 hr 55 min. My longest week to date.

  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭NewCorkLad

    Mon 13th Out for my 9k run kept it in Zone 2 today as a recovery run following my longer session yesterday.

    Tue 14th 1 hour 40 on the Turbo Trainer mostly Zone 2 with the final 30 min in Zone 3 followed by a fast 4k run.

    Wed 15th Interval Swim Day, 200m Free/pull/paddle

    Thurs 16th Rest Day

    Fri 17th Long Run, I pushed onto 22k for my final run before taper, 19k of it in Zone 3 with 2*30 sec rests.

    Sat 18th Couldnt get free today so jumped on the Turbo Trainer for an hour wihile my daughter was in bed 2*10min in Zone 3

    Sun 19th Meant to get out for my long cycle but came up with some excuses and went to the pool instead, swimming 2,400m straight.

    Total for the week 7 hr 20min

    Finding my long cycle the hardest session to get out on, as it is my weakest discipline its something I have to get sorted. Not sure if its the thought of the long cycle, doing it on my own or actually down to the exhaustion of running around after my toddler all day on Saturdays. There are solutions to all the above so will get this sorted during my brief down period after Lost Sheep and before kicking on again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭NewCorkLad

    A question for the bike nuts, Im fairly bike illiterate, Im currenttly on a 6 year old Carrera that originally cost around €450 so fairly standard. 2 Gears on front and 8 on the back wheel. So while I know the main way to improve my cycling is to get out and cycle Im sure a bit of an ungrade cant hurt.

    So my question, if I spend a few hundred on upgrades would it make a significant difference or would it just be a case of putting lipstick on a pig and I should just save up for a new steed?


  • Registered Users Posts: 132 ✭✭9Crimes

    let me start by saying that nearly everyone that answers your question will have a different opinion! But hear is mine!

    Use your bike to work to upgrade to a newer model. You might get a bargain this time of year as we head into winter.

    If your better half has a bike to work use theirs too - to upgrade wheels, get clip on tri bars, lights, tyres, helmet, etc.

    You can then leave the Carrera on the turbo full time and/or use it as your winter bike. (Also note: most road bikes have 10/11 speed on the back).

    If possible speak to your work and better half's work and get them to pay by cheque/ bank transfer rather than bike to work vouchers as the vouchers take a % from the bike shop so if the bike shop is getting the full amount, they will be happier to negotiate.

    Another tip - if buying tech (bike computer, watch, power meter) wait to Black Friday and buy online.

    If you don't have bike to work, look at second hand, but beware there is a thriving business selling stolen bikes so beware.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,424 ✭✭✭joey100

    The main upgrades you would be looking at would be new wheelset or new groupset, other bits can be upgraded but more for comfort. Either of these your looking at around 300 euro to make it worth your while. I'd think your better off keeping that and putting it towards something newer. No rush to get it, your main goal race isn't til next year but the parts are only as good as the frame they are on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭NewCorkLad

    Thanks, that is what I was thinking but just trying to justify it to myself with a baby on the way.

    Im looking at the two bikes for £999 which will come in at about €660 on the bike to work scheme with sterling the way it is. Anybody bought from this crowd before, are they dependable or would I be better off buying something closer to home that I can walk into?

    Thanks for any help.

  • Registered Users Posts: 281 ✭✭TriFirst

    NewCorkLad wrote: »
    A question for the bike nuts, Im fairly bike illiterate, Im currenttly on a 6 year old Carrera that originally cost around €450 so fairly standard. 2 Gears on front and 8 on the back wheel. So while I know the main way to improve my cycling is to get out and cycle Im sure a bit of an ungrade cant hurt.

    So my question, if I spend a few hundred on upgrades would it make a significant difference or would it just be a case of putting lipstick on a pig and I should just save up for a new steed?


    If the Carrera you have is the one im thinking of it weights almost 12 kg , not helped by the deep section wheels that came with it that weight 4kg between them. If you spent about 150 euro youd get mavic aksium wheels which will weigh1.8kg , thereby saving you 2kg straight away. Replace the fork, handle bars, seatpost with carbon parts and you'll save another 1kg , now you have a 9kg bike. for less than 500 euro

  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭NewCorkLad

    TriFirst wrote: »
    If the Carrera you have is the one im thinking of it weights almost 12 kg , not helped by the deep section wheels that came with it that weight 4kg between them. If you spent about 150 euro youd get mavic aksium wheels which will weigh1.8kg , thereby saving you 2kg straight away. Replace the fork, handle bars, seatpost with carbon parts and you'll save another 1kg , now you have a 9kg bike. for less than 500 euro

    But would I not be better off getting a new bike through the BTW scheme spending roughly the same amount???

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  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭NewCorkLad

    Any opinions on the below bike greatly appreciated.
