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The long route to Cork



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,424 ✭✭✭joey100

    Felt would generally have a decent name, my personal opinion would be to stay away from disc breaks at that price point, your sacrificing weight and probably money taken from other parts to go towards the discs.

    Wiggle have one or two nice vitus bikes I have seen recently. Be worth keeping an eye out, some decent deals local too with the new 2019 bikes starting to arrive in shops.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    I would suggest getting starting with a bike fit, and from the measurements you will be pointed towards a bike geometry that works for you.
    At the money you are looking at spending most bikes will feel similar and what will differentiate them is the groupset and wheels (both of which can be easily upgraded in time) but coming from what you have now any newer bike will feel amazing,

    buying from wiggle and I would be surprised if you could use the B2W as they are English companies so might be one to think about.

    if you could get a few B2W from work colleagues then you could combine them and get a more expensive bike for half the price, I know the Giant store in Cork will do this for you.

    all set for the lost sheep ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭NewCorkLad

    Feel like im going a bit stir crazy with tapering, possibly the reason behind my mad bike search at the moment. It seems you can use the B2W as long as you purchase the bike in the EU as long as your employer agrees. There seems to be good discounts around at the moment but I havent looked at bikes in years so these discounts could be available year round for all I know.

    Re Lost Sheep prep, I feel like I could have done more climbing on the bike after what happened in Waterville but have been increasing my time on the bike, so I guess Ill see if it pays off this weekend.

  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭NewCorkLad

    Last Full week before Lost Sheep

    Mon 20th 9k run in the morning with 3*1k in Zone 3
    Mon 20th 2hrs in the evening on the Turbo Trainer in Zone 2 to make up for the skipped session in Sunday
    Tue 21st OW Swim 1,600m in fairly choppy water
    Wed 22nd 9k run with 2*1k in Zone 3
    Thur 23rd Pool swim 1,700m straight
    Fri 24th Rest Day
    Sat 25th 10min Bike Zone 2 into 10min Zone 3 Run into 10min Bike Zone 3 into 10min Run Zone 2
    Sun 26th 100min bike ride out in the wind and rain good experience which I needed.
    Sun 26th 20min OW swim in Ballybunion being thrown around by the waves

    Total for the week 7hr 20 min

  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭NewCorkLad

    Easy Week Leading up to Lost Sheep

    Mon 27th 6k run done with 2k in Zone 3
    Tue 28th 1,500m OW swim in very choppy water trying to concentrate on form, should be able for whatever conditions on Saturday
    Wed 29th 65 min on the Turbo Trainer all in Zone 2
    Thurs 30th 1,300m pool swim
    Fri 31st Rest Day
    Sat 01st Lost Sheep
    Sun 02nd Rest Day

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  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭NewCorkLad

    Lost Sheep HIM A story of 2 halves

    Got down to Kenmare Friday evening happy to find out our Airbnb was at the turn off for the pier so only a 2 min walk to transition in the morning. Had dinner and went to register and attend the briefing, ran into a few club members and the excitment started to build.

    Daughter woke up at 5:30 and as I was gonna be up early anyway, I got up with her as we were in an apartment and didnt want her screaming the place down. Had planned on porridge for breakfast but opted to just have the cookies given in the goody bag last night. 6:50 grabbed my gear and headed down. Forgot to have my banana with breakfast and forgot to bring some for the bike but I had plenty of water, high five, bars and energy gels so not an issue. Got racked by 7:00 and was ready to go, number 44 down by the water so will be out of the wetsuit quickly but a long run with the bike. Got speaking to a marshall who warned me of a pull across the bay to the left on the way out.

    Quick briefing, final warning about Healy pass and into the water. A bit of swimming to warm up and I was ready to go. Found a club mate and was having a bit of a chat when the shotgun went off without any warning and it was on. Overall I was very happy with the swim. I concentrated on keeping my form and didnt push to try go faster, Found some feet on and off which I stuck with. From what I could see everyone seemed to cut a good line on the way out, however on the way back in, the majority of the field seemed to get pulled off to the right, I was worried for a while as every breath to the right I could see a huge pack of swimmers 100 to 150 metres off but I kept my line and was happy with my time. 34.59

    Nothing much to report out of my wetsuit quickly and into my shoes, it was a long run with the bike out of transition but had no problems everyone kept well in while changing. 3.18

    Overall I was happy with the bike, the first 30k I got overtaken a good bit but I would expect that to happen to me for a long time yet but I managed to take back a few places in the last 15k without pushing myself too hard. Got plenty of water and nutrition on throughout the course. At no point did I have to contemplate getting off the bike and had no issues of my legs cramping, so overall very happy. 3.14.40

    Into T2. Was concious of the long run down transition again in T2 before I could offload the bike so decided to slip out of the shoes on the bike and run down in my socks. Never attempted this before and it almost ended in disaster as my left foot got stuck in the shoe and I panicked for a sec trying to pull it out, but managed it in the end. Into the tiolet for 2 min and off on the run. 5.27

    Heading out on the run I realised that if I could keep it together I could get finish this in under 6 hours something I would never have believed possible after the Hardman. My plan was to do 5.40/km which would get me home in under the 6 hours, managable for me without pushing it too hard. I finished the first k in 4.50min, I found this pace easy but I knew I was gonna get into trouble quickly if I didnt slow down. Managed to pull it back to 5.40min for the next few k's, however the heat seriously started to build and then I hit the hills. It was no longer easy to keep this pace and the course could really have used some additional aid stations. Kept it going until the 5k aid station got some water on and more over the head. I held my pace until 7k and hit a wall going up a hill and couldnt run any further, I had to walk. The next 14k were a misery of walking for 30 sec and running at a slow pace as long as I could, I tried to keep it to one walking session per kilometre but my body had completely given up. I dont know if it was the heat, the hills not enough water, energy drinks, the bananas I forgot that morning or if I need to take salt tablets with me but something went wrong. I had to forget about my 6 hour finish and the new aim was in under 6.21 to knock an hour off Waterville. But that was also not be be as for the last 4k my 2 calfs decided to cramp up and needed to be stretched on a regular basis. 2.24.03

    Overall Time 6.24.30

    If someone had told me I might get that time after Waterville I would have been very happy but I know I could have done better on that run, I just have to figure out now what went wrong.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    sorry should have looked for you to say hi, but I was pretty much the same died a thousand deaths on the hobble (cant call it a run), it was tuff out there the heat didn't help at all, but better to walk in the warmth than in cold rain :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭NewCorkLad


    Ya id say so, the heat and hills killed me but if I had been properly fueled it shouldnt have hit me so hard.

  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭NewCorkLad

    BennyMul wrote: »
    but better to walk in the warmth than in cold rain :)

    I knew there was a silver lining there somewhere :).

    It would have been nice to have put some names to faces but Im not too sure I would have been able to string too many words together for a while after :confused:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭NewCorkLad

    So I have decided to go with the Don Fink plan for Cork. My plan is to complete the build and peak phases of the intermediate program. However as the program isnt due to start until the 26th of November and I feel that the intermediate base phase is a bit light, I plan on starting the competitive base phase next week and doubling up the weeks. I just feel that if I take off between now and November I will lose a lot of what I have built up and if I dont work to some plan I will definitly back slide or would there be some benefit to easing off until November?

    Or is there any other plans I could work off until November to vary it up a bit???

  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭NewCorkLad

    Quiet week last week focused on recovery and rest after Lost Sheep.

    Tue 1000m pool swim followed by sauna
    Fri 40min Run
    Sun 60min Run

    So starting on Monday I will be working my way through the Don Fink Intermediate Plan, had been thinking of starting on the Competitive Plan and dropping down later but feel it would be better to stick with a plan and just fit in longer sessions when I can. As I will be around 40 weeks out I have decided to double up on the build phase as I know if I dont work to some plan I will let what I have built up to date slide. This will also give me a bit of flexibility, in a few weeks when all my plans could be thrown out the window to drop some of the double up weeks.

    Regarding my bike I have managed to pick up a Felt F85 second hand. It is practically new with very little use. While not a super bike, it is a bike I feel I can upgrade overtime. For now I will settle for getting some aerobars and a proper bike fit done, and my Carrera can stay fixed to my Turbo.

  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭NewCorkLad

    Mon 10th Rest Day
    Tue 11th 30 min run in the morning
    Tue 11th 60min swim in the evening working to the fink program, felt like I got more out of it than my usual 2 unplanned swims a week. Some different drills and varied intervals. 2500m altogether.
    Wed 12th Brick session this morning 30 min on the Turbo followed by 15 min run.
    Thurs 13th 30min on the Turbo fast RPMs, was meant to get in my second swim this evening but collected my new bike instead will move swim to weekend
    Fri 14th 55min on the Turbo, 5 min to go and my tire went flat, didnt miss out on much time but seriously depressing.
    Sat 15th 56min swim Fink second swim program again more drills and then into intervals. 2500m
    Sun 16th 75min run was meant to be 45min but missed out on a 30 min run during the week so just kept going a bit longer this morning.

    Have had to rethink my plan for the moment. While the sessions are nice and short at the moment, there is more of them than I am used to doing, the swimming club is also back which has limited my access to the pool. Between that minding a toddler, being around to help Mrs CorkLad and the newest addition to the family due in the next 4 weeks, I am going to push the fink plan back to the official 30 week start time on Nov the 26th. In the mean time, the plan is 2 runs, 2 bike sessions, 2 gym sessions working on S&C and one swim at the weekend. That will give me Monday off one session a day for the rest of the week and doubling up on either Saturday and Sunday. With this I can be more flexible time wise and when my time gets limited I can drop back to 1 session each a week if needed but hopefully not for long.

  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭NewCorkLad

    Well Im back, my beautiful second daughter arrived a few weeks early back in September, everyone is happy and healthy. After a week of in and out to the hospital she came home. I have come to realise that having 2 kids is very different to 1 and while I thought I knew what was in store for us I was wrong. All training plans went out the window and I have been happy to fit in the odd run or turbo session when I could. Since my last update I have also hurt my back which lead to few physio sessions, been laid low by a bad case of man flue and the vomiting bug rampaged through the house.

    But that is all over now as it 30 weeks to IM Cork and my training plan is kicking off. I have accepted that I will miss sessions, get little sleep and will need to be as flexible as I can with my sessions but Im optimistic I will get enough done before Cork as I have a very supportive wife.

    So plan was meant to kick off this morning with a small brick session but my 2 year old woke crying at 5(she has not been sleeping properly since the vomiting bug) and didnt get her back down till 6:30 so that session has been moved to this evening, hopefully not an omen of whats to come.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,336 ✭✭✭EC1000

    NewCorkLad wrote: »
    I have come to realise that having 2 kids is very different to 1 and while I thought I knew what was in store for us I was wrong. All training plans went out the window and I have been happy to fit in the odd run or turbo session when I could.

    Best of luck with it. My training went from relatively organised and focused (before kids) to progressively more hap hazard (after one, two, then three kids). In all honesty (and with the benefit of hindsight), unless you decide that your training comes before your kids (which I don't believe it should), your best bet it to accept that there will be many, many compromises and not stress when sessions are missed due to tiredness, sickness, kids' sickness, etc., etc.

    As the kids get a little older and sleep patterns and timetables become less random, you can always improve things. Then again, they start their own activities then also!

  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭NewCorkLad

    Thanks EC1000. The family will always come before the training, so I will just have to be as flexible as possible with the training, I have already made adjustments to Finks plan to suit my schedule and im sure more changes will be made as I go along. No way will I hit all my training targets but ill get as close as possible without stressing too much about it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭NewCorkLad

    So Sunday evening, set out my schedule for the week on the kitchen blackboard. As alreeady stated I will be following the Fink Intermediate plan but will be making adjustments to suit my schedule.

    So first change to be made was the swims, my pool timetable really doesnt suit me as such, I will be fitting in one swim on Thursday morning before work but it will be a scramble every week. The second swim has been moved to Sunday, before my long run. Not sure how this will affect my long run but will give it a go.

    The runs, as already stated I will be doing a swim before my long run on Sunday. Currently there are 2 slow runs in the schedule, but I have decided to go to my club interval run sessions on a Wednesday night, which will account for these slow runs, but as the slow runs increase I will add back in another run. All my training is currently solo so feel the need to join up with other people once a week at least.

    The bike will be pretty much as per Finks plan(for the moment).

  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭NewCorkLad

    Week 30

    Day 1 Rest day(all going good so far)

    Day 2 Easy brick session planned for the morning, but older child woke at 5:30, couldnt get her settled properly so that was a no go. Changed till the evening and got session done. Feels good working to a program again.

    Day 3 Club interval run. Got there a little early and sat in my car as wasnt too sure what was happening. Eventually 2 got out and started a warm up jog around the track, so I followed after. Eventually we got into the intervals 3 sets of 90sec on, 90 sec on and 120sec on, with rest's inbetween, then cool down jog and stretching. Felt like the interval session could have gone on longer but I suppose they have to cater for everyone. Will get out as soon as I get there next week and get a bit extra running in.

    Day 4 First proper swim back in a while so decided to skip the swim program this morning and just bash out 2k in the pool, to get a feel for the water. Got a major shock, my swim fitness has disappeared, need a good bit of work there.

    Day 5 30min Turbo Trainer Zone 2 low resistance high RPM.

    Day 6 60 min Turbo Zone 2

    Day 7 Should have checked the schedules when setting out the week, pool was booked up for the day. So decided to get out for my long run should have been 45 mins but pushed on for the hour, I have fallen way back here too but onwards and upwards. I will move this swim to Monday evening(should be rest day) as I cant afford to miss out on swims at this stage and the training load is still low at the moment compared to what I was used to 2 months ago, so I can afford to miss a rest day.

    Total for the week is 5hr 15 min, not what was planned due to the missed swim.

  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭NewCorkLad

    Well I have been keeping up with the program but it has been a busy few weeks with parties and christmas.

    Week 29

    Mon 2.5k Swim Program 33, I shoved this extra swim in here to make up for the lost swim last week, getting a bit of feel for the water again.

    Tue 30min on the Turbo Trainer followed by a quick 15min brick run

    Wed Club Interval Run in the evening. Got here a little earlier and got straight into my warm up run which helped extend the total run out to the hour, feeling improvement from these sessions already.

    Thurs Swim Program 34. Headed to the pool early in the morning hoping to get in to the water a bit early but there was club swimmers in the water so no access(dont have this problem during the summer) So unfortunately had to cut this session short by 400m to make work. Will just have to do this swim on Thursday evenings which I was trying to avoid.

    Fri 30 min on the Turbo Trainer followed by a 15min brick run, flet fresher than the Tuesday run.

    Sat 90min on the Turbo Trainer

    Sun Swim Program 35 completed followed by a 60min run in zone 2

    Total for the week 471min

  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭NewCorkLad

    Week 28

    Mon Rest Day

    Tue 45 min on the Turbo Trainer followed by a 15 min brick run

    Wed Club Interval Run, got their early again to extend my run. Really enjoying this part of the training.

    Thurs Swim Program 36 completed, christmas party this evening so gave me a bit of flexibilty to fit a proper swim in the morning. got 30 min done on an exercise bike then in the hotel before heading out.

    Fri 45min Run the next morning on a treadmill, was very tempted to give this a skip, but managed to get it done, with zero energy left for the rest of the day.

    Sat Swim program 37(Pool was booked up on the Sunday) completed first thing in the morning, followed by a hard 105min Turbo session that evening.

    Sun 60min Run, felt very comfortable on this run, putting in my best average speed while maintaining my heart in zone 2 in a long while.

    Total for the week 479min

    Very happy with completing everything this week, I had some worries coming into it with the party on Thursday night.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭NewCorkLad

    Week 27 Program takes a slight step back this week to allow some recovery

    Mon Rest Day

    Tue 30min on the Turbo followed by 15min Brick Run

    I had a retirement party to attend on Tuesday night at which we had a very good night but unfortunately led to the next 2 days being a complete right off.

    Wed Recovery

    Thurs Recovery

    Fri I went to see Hozier in the INEC last night, good session but very short set by Hozier. Set off this morning for a 60min run in zone 2 could feel the effects of the last few nights but was happy with the average speed considering. Got into the pool this evening to get my first swim for the week in Program 33

    Sat 120min on the Turbo Trainer

    Sun Swim Session 34 completed, followed by a 75min run

    Total for the week 419min

    Happy I got the times completed for the week, unfortunately it was all back loaded so didnt get too much benefit for the reduced load over the week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭NewCorkLad

    Week 26 I had Christmas with 2 smallies this week and a Christening for the youngest to organise around

    Mon 45 min run today to free up Christmas day.

    Tue Not sure if the Christmas swim would count as a very short Aquathlon so will put it down as a rest day

    Wed 60min on the Turbo Trainer followed by 15 min Brick Run, legs felt very fatigued after the previous days eating and drinking.

    Thurs Swim Program 35 completed followed by a 60min run later in the evening

    Fri Out in the morning for a 45min Turbo Session followed by Swim Program 36 later in the evening, unfortunately my timetable was out of date and the guy in reception never told me but the swim club had the pool booked 30min into my swim which I didnt realise until they started arriving and stretching so had to cut the swim short.

    Sat Family down for the christening so out for some food and drinks Friday night lead into me doing the Park Run Sat morning with my wifes cousin, while feeling the effects of the last few weeks overindulgence I still managed to post my fastest 5k onto which I tagged another 4k slow to stretch out the session.

    Sun Eventually got everyone out of the house the next day after 3 o clock after a late night which allowed me to finish off the week with a 75min Turbo Session, really struggled through this session, cant wait for all these parties to be done and get back to normalacy.

    Total for the week 437min

    While I might have over indulged this week if you had told me 2 years ago I would put in over 7 hours of exercise on Christmas week I would have thought you were mad, now Im just starting to think I might be mad.

  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭NewCorkLad

    Week 6 of Training Program

    Mon Everywhere closed tomorrow for New Years so moved my rest day. Got my 2.5k swim in this morning P37, followed by a 45min Turbo Sesssion and 15min brick run in the evening, followed by a few New Years drinks

    Tue Rest Day

    Wed Slow 62 min run this morning before getting back to work 10.25k

    Thurs 60min Turbo Session in the morning. Headed to the pool in the evening but forgot my shorts so home and on with the runnning gear for a 60min run 10.28k

    Fri Got to the pool to complete last nights session back to P33

    Sat 120min Turbo Session this morning up nice and early to get it completed. Watched the Barkley Marathons documentary on Netflix during the session mad b*****ds.

    Sun 60min slow recovery run 9.02km

    Total for the week 543min

  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭NewCorkLad

    Week 7

    Mon Rest Day

    Tue 2.5k swim in the morning P34. The programs include about 700metres of drills, I had been doing only fists but I managed to get a list of alternative drills so will be working in 2 drills a week(Fits and Catch Up with a float)

    Tue evening 45min Turbo session followed by 15min brick run

    Wed 2.5k swim in the morning P35( Leg kicks with float & Doggy Paddle)

    Wed evening club interval run session, happy to see I completed my first ever 4min Kilometre

    Thurs 60 min Turbo Session

    Fri 75min Run 12.17km

    Sat 150min Turbo Session

    Sun 90min long run 14km

    Total for the week 610min

    After having a discussion with someone in my club Ive started trying to get my nutrition sorted. Under their recommendation I have bought some Powerbar Isotonic mix, to start drinking on the Turbo instead of water, since starting this I have felt fresher coming off the bike, I now just need to decide on something more solid I can have on the bike all recommendations welcome.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,424 ✭✭✭joey100

    If I'm on the turbo I like rice cakes and some jellies or something, usually what ever is around the house, doesn't have to be 'cycling/triathlon' specific. If I'm out on the bike I like the wiggle bars or high5 bars, I usually just buy what ever is cheap enough really, the prices of them two bars can vary a bit so keep an eye on them.

    Decent amount of grams of carbs in the wiggle bars, little stodgy and dense though so definitely need to drink with them.

    Decent carbs again and a little easier to eat than the wiggle ones.

    Plenty make their own ones too. Try a few different things and see what works for you, I know I like a mix of flavours and bars were some lads in my club prefer the same bar the whole time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    I used Tailwind last year. Found it excellent.

  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭NewCorkLad

    Right it feels like only yesterday that i last updated this the last few months have flown by, cant beleive IM Cork is only 12 days away.

    Well I stuck with the training, had some tough weeks and some great weeks, having 2 under 2 while trying to train for this has been interesting. Would recommend the Don Fink plan for anyone thinking about taking this on while being a bit time starved. Luckily I have a very understanding wife and her maternity leave definitly helped not sure if I would have been able to continue without the flexibility it gave us.

    I managed two training days down in Youghal the updated bike course is definitely an improvement, it added a bit of climbing but the course flows a lot better. Not too impressed with the updated swim route, the T shape makes 6 turn/choke points will be interesting to see how that turns out, I wonder why they changed it from the triangle?

    All was going well till week 25, heading out for a run on the Tuesday when my calf tightened 3 minutes in, tried to stretch it out but no luck so walked home, continued the weeks program avoiding my runs while stretching and foam rolling when I could hoping it was just overly tight. Seeing no improvement I eventually headed to see my physio the Tuesday after, who came to the opinion over the next few weeks that I tore it. Since then it has been rest and ice and gradually building up a bit of biking, the last few days Ive managed some time on a crosstrainer to similate running. I continued with swimming using a pullbouy and my foot at 90 degrees to not put pressure on my calf but unfortunately the extra drag this created ruined my shoulders so had to ease off the swimming aswell.

    I probably wont get a run in before the big day so will have to see how it is after the bike but I am getting more optimistic as time goes by that I wont have to walk the whole thing. It isnt going to be the day I had hoped but I will get around in under 17 hours one way or the other and I will be an IM

    Really looking forward to the whole experience of the weekend and best of luck to everyone heading down for the day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,811 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Where did you see the ‘T’ shaped swim route? Website and race manual still showing a circular route from what I can see.

    Edit: I think we’re talking about the same route. One mans T is another mans circle!

  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭NewCorkLad

    griffin100 wrote: »
    Where did you see the ‘T’ shaped swim route? Website and race manual still showing a circular route from what I can see.

    Edit: I think we’re talking about the same route. One mans T is another mans circle!

    Once I squint a bit I see what you mean :D.

    Im assuming from the diagram you must swim inside the first bouys and outside the four outside bouys, creating 6 choke points which will be fun.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,811 ✭✭✭griffin100

    NewCorkLad wrote: »
    Once I squint a bit I see what you mean :D.

    Im assuming from the diagram you must swim inside the first bouys and outside the four outside bouys, creating 6 choke points which will be fun.

    It won’t be that bad. Rolling start, a long course and lots of space will help with any congestion. Like most big races I reckon only the first buoy will be rough.
