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On the road again...

  • 06-07-2018 9:13pm
    Registered Users Posts: 138 ✭✭

    Not sure if there'll actually be any interest in this training log but sure I'll post away for a bit anyway to help stay focussed and motivated!

    So the background here is probably a bit unusual in that I used to do a fair bit of running back in the day, but haven't gone for a single run in years now. I'm not very active these days but would like to be back running regularly again.

    Short and sweet summary of things:

    - Goal: To simply get back running regularly at a nice pace like 6-7 min miles, build up core fitness and lose a few pounds. No intention at this point to run races but simply to enjoy the running/training.

    - Plan: To get mileage and speed up VERY quickly, on a 'make it up as I go along' basis. Initial plan is to go from having not run in years to 2 days a week for 30 mins and increase to 3 days a week after a fortnight. Will probably incorporate intervals at a later point to get the speed up. It will all be on a suck it and see approach.

    - Risks: Clearly injury is the big risk, but I've never been injury prone in the past. Back then, my approach was always to run through niggles and I never ever had a bother. Perhaps my aging years means that this luck is about to change but I'm not too concerned as I'm running for enjoyment rather than a specific race.

    - Progress: Started back running around a week ago now, although not quite as planned. But the plan was never to follow a rigid plan anyway, so all is going to plan in a sense! Will post a brief update on the first week when I get a chance over the weekend.


  • Registered Users Posts: 138 ✭✭Subtle

    Right, playing catch-up with things here. Had first week under my belt last weekend, and all went well.

    Bought a cheap pair of shorts and runners the day of my first run, and just got out there. Ended up doing 3 runs that week rather than the planned 2 as I felt okay-ish and figured I'd be better taking an extra recovery day instead the following week.

    Headed off a bit too fast on the first run, surprise, surprise! Felt generally unfit and the first 5 mins of each run felt like I'd done 15! Not a nice feeling!! Time passed very slowly during all the runs, and it was a case of watching the mins tick slowly by till I got to 30! Pace was between 8 and 9 min miles, probably closer to 9 at a guess - although I should check this some time, rather than going by an outdated 'sense'!

    Week 1:
    - Sun - 30 mins, slow, calf's very tight/stiff for next few days
    - Wed - 30 mins, slow, calf's surprisingly back to normal afterwards!
    - Sat - 30 mins, slow, looking forward to few days off!

  • Registered Users Posts: 138 ✭✭Subtle

    All caught up here now with the last two weeks.

    Wanted to increase the duration of the runs last week to 40 mins or more but sense got the better of me and I settled for 35. Did an estimate of pace for the run yesterday and was pleasantly surprised to find it was bang on 8 min miles. Trying to get my head around that... must have been running faster than previous week I guess. Anyway, I'll probably keep doing 35 min runs this week before increasing the duration again.

    Week 2:
    - Wed - 35 mins, slow, calf's very tight and like blocks afterwards
    - Sat - 35 mins, slow, legs in great form, maybe helped by a long walk earlier in the day

  • Registered Users Posts: 138 ✭✭Subtle

    Week 3:
    - Tue - 35 mins, slow (8), feeling tired
    - Fri - 35 mins, slow (8), tired

    All grand, body just catching up with new routine. Expected this after a few weeks in. Debating now whether to up run days per week or run duration from next week. Will probably increase days per week as runs are a bit too spaced out at mo. So a run every second day with an extra recovery day at the weekend. Can then increase duration again once that base is there. Sounds like a plan!

  • Registered Users Posts: 138 ✭✭Subtle

    Week 4:
    - Mon - 35 mins, slow (8)
    - Wed - 35 mins, slow (8)
    - Fri - 35 mins, slow (8)

    On fire this week, no tiredness at all and easily drifting into sub 8 min miles. No niggles or post run stiffness either. Feels like the body has got used to the new routine.

    Will up the duration to 40 mins next week but will have to tweak which days I run for logistical reasons.

  • Registered Users Posts: 138 ✭✭Subtle

    Week 5:
    - Mon - 45 mins, steady (<8)
    - Wed - 45 mins, steady (<8)
    - Fri - 45 mins, steady (<8)

    Interesting week. Got notion to just increase run durations to 45 mins. Was running at 7.30 to 7.45 min miles but the legs were tired afterwards, with slight niggles appearing. Need to keep the pace down and just get a solid base in place for now, and then up the pace and bring in intervals etc.

    One odd thing is that I had stomach cramps in the evening after two of the runs. Could be down to the increased duration and pace, or simply to dehydration maybe. Will bear in mind next week.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 138 ✭✭Subtle

    Playing catch-up again with this log...!

    Week 6:
    - Mon - 45 mins, steady (<8)
    - Wed - 45 mins, steady (<8)
    - Fri - 45 mins, steady (<8)

    Can't remember much about the week really!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 138 ✭✭Subtle

    Almost up to date with things now...

    Week 7:
    - Tue - 45 mins, steady (<8)
    - Thr - 45 mins, steady (<8)
    - Sat - 45 mins, steady (<8)

    Legs were quite stiff in general. Runs are getting a bit boring now so will be good to incorporate intervals soon...

  • Registered Users Posts: 138 ✭✭Subtle

    Been a crazy two weeks, with all training planned for the last week falling by the wayside due to factors outside of my control.

    Week 8:
    - Mon - 45 mins, steady (<8)
    - Wed - 45 mins, slow, 5x45s intervals w 45s recovery
    - Fri - 45 mins, slow, 5x90s intervals w 60s rec

    Started intervals at last as was getting a bit bored with the regular runs. Not surprisingly, the intervals were unpleasant!

    Week 9
    - No runs at all!! Not possible to do so.

    Not certain where I'll go from here' but will try getting back out a bit next week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 138 ✭✭Subtle

    Just really going through the motions at this stage. The reality is that it's quite boring running on your own! But a crazy work schedule means there's no alternative at the mo.

    Week 10:
    - Mon - 45 mins, slow
    - Wed - 45 mins, steady (<8)
    - Fri - 45 mins, slow

    Anyway, will get back on track with doing intervals this week...

  • Registered Users Posts: 138 ✭✭Subtle

    Legs very stiff on runs. Tried a few strides for the sake of it but body definitely off for some reason.

    Week 11:
    - Mon - 45 mins, slow
    - Wed - 45 mins, steady
    - Fri - 35 mins, slow

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  • Registered Users Posts: 138 ✭✭Subtle

    Another bad week. Legs tired and no motivation in general. Did some random untimed strides again here and there.

    Week 12:
    - Mon - 35 mins, slow
    - Wed - 45 mins, slow
    - Fri - 45 mins, slow

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,761 ✭✭✭ReeReeG

    Would you sign up for a race to try get some motivation? Particularly if you're running on your own all the time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 138 ✭✭Subtle

    Thanks for the suggestion - that there is the issue really. It's hard to be motivated out running on your own and not having any real goal like a race to aim towards.

    The problem is that I don't want to get all absorbed in the racing side of things again - it's the same reason I'm resisting joining a running club (not that I'd have the time anyway!) or running on a daily basis. I appreciate this probably sounds odd enough!

    On a lighter note, I had a flying week with runs -> speed was up again and no pains or stiffness in calfs. Maybe I had a virus or something recently, but hopefully things are back to normal now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 138 ✭✭Subtle

    A good week at last! No stiff or sore calfs, and speed back to normal again. Hopefully the form is back...

    - Tue - 45 mins, steady
    - Thu - 45 mins, steady
    - Sun - 45 min, steady

  • Registered Users Posts: 138 ✭✭Subtle

    In good form, no issues really. Just needed to be less regimented about run times etc. I think. Measured pace properly and steady = 7.5 min miles.

    The intervals are a bit of novelty really, and a break or challenge from just steady (boring) runs! Will start incorporating variants of these in at least 2 runs per week.

    Week 14:
    - Tue - 45 mins, steady
    - Thr - 30 mins, slow, intervals - 3 or 4 x3.5mins with 2min recovery
    - Sat - 50 mins, steady
