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Run for your life!!!!



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,306 ✭✭✭ariana`

    coogy wrote: »
    Thanks D, it certainly helped to put the previous week's experience to bed.

    I think what I experienced more than anything that day was pure nerves and zero adrenaline.

    It's interesting you feel that way when adrenaline is typically released as a response to nerve wracking situations.

    Well done on the 5k. Nothing easy about getting a big PB like that in a solo TT.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,250 ✭✭✭coogy

    ariana` wrote: »
    It's interesting you feel that way when adrenaline is typically released as a response to nerve wracking situations.

    Well done on the 5k. Nothing easy about getting a big PB like that in a solo TT.

    Thanks E! I think I must associate the adrenaline rush with situations that cause excitement as well as nerves.

    On the whole, my experiences with time trials over the last few months have been hit and miss (mostly miss) so with each one that I prepare for, there is a huge amount of trepidation in the days leading up to it, which in turn creates a level of anxiety that is both irrational and uncontrollable.

    Basically, I just need to CHILL THE HELL OUT! :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,250 ✭✭✭coogy

    Brief update here, no details of any runs or sessions....more a moment of reflection and random ponderings.

    Since my failed 10k time trial on 4th July, I have been going through a period of a serious lack of confidence/form/ability that I am finding impossible to shake off. There have been several occasions since - almost exclusively on session days when I would be running at pace - where I have had to do everything in my power to not pull the plug and collapse like a sack of spuds.
    The 5k time trial I did a few weeks ago ("hilariously" illustrated above) was no joke. With my breathing once again all over the place, the last km was pure torture and I was so wasted that my pace for the last 100 metres dropped to what felt like walking pace. A 5k PB of 19:16 felt meaningless.
    Last week, a four mile session (6:40 pace) ended prematurely with a whole mile left to run, as a result of another meltdown.
    This morning's 6km run (6:50 pace) was also a struggle with me just about holding it together without having to pack it in early.
    The upshot of all of this is that the confidence has taken a severe pounding, not helped by the knock-on effect each of these episodes is having on my running. To the point where I am asking lots of questions of myself, the most frequent being "are you actually up to this?"
    The jury is still out.
    A week of no running a couple of weeks ago should have had me raring to go but all it did was put the feelings of anxiety on ice.

    What's the problem? Hard to say really. Coach says I should try not to over-analyse it and that things will just fall into place.
    However, over-analysing things is something I AM very good at so I have been doing plenty of it. My last race (the Naas 10 mile) back in March was a world away from what I am experiencing. Now, I can't even run 4 miles at that pace without thoughts of stopping or desperately trying to control out-of-control breathing.

    In short, I am clearly stuck in a rut and I just need to find a way to break out of it. How long that takes is down to me but the way things are right now, it can only get better. I know that sometimes we go through a bad patch from time to time. This feels different though.

    Would be very interested to hear if any of you out there have had similar experiences.

    Hope everyone's doing well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 735 ✭✭✭Treviso

    Hey K,

    Sorry to hear that you're suffering from a lack of confidence but I do think you are being incredible harsh on yourself. I am finding my training at the moment very tiring myself. Indeed this week, I have taken a mini break of easy running to give my legs some welcome relief. I had an abandoned session a few weeks back too, which came as a shock

    There are a number of factors that should be taken into consideration

    - Weather at the moment is incredibly hot and humid, it can cause the out of control breathing quite easily. If the weather is quite humid, I would normally dial back the pace a bit to allow for it.
    - These are unprecedented times with COVID. Everything has turned upside down and every which way. People seemed more focussed at the start of the initial lockdown but the longevity of the whole thing has worn down everyone. It has been mentally draining in different ways and there seems to be no end in sight.
    - Running 6:40 in a race is so different to running it in a session, even if it is only 4 miles. I ran a similar 10 mile in February and still find any session at that pace quite taxing
    - Similar to the last one, 10 seconds a mile is a big difference when you're running around the 6:xx mark. Trying to improve from 6:40 to 6:30 does not come as easy, unfortunately, as going from 7:10 to 7:00

    Lastly, you need to step back and look at the improvements you've made this year as a runner. You, like the rest of us, just need some races to happen in order to seek fulfilment for all our sacrifices. It will happen (I hope!!)

    The worst thing you could do now is to ease up/stop your running - I think you would regret it and then find you'll need to build up the fitness all over again. Maybe a change of strategy, focus on HM training maybe? Longer runs at a slower pace

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,476 ✭✭✭Comic Book Guy

    Hey K,

    T has done a great job above so not much I would add.
    I wouldn't underestimate the mental side of things at the moment. Those speed sessions are so much easier when you actually have a race and a goal to focus on and drive you on.

    Race pace is also what it says- pace you are capable of running in a race. I know I can't replicate race pace in solo sessions. There's nothing like having runners on the road up ahead to drive you on through the pain, it's only natural that your body and mind will give out when trying to push when you are by yourself on a training run.

    Like T said focus on how far you have come in the last 2 years. You have made unreal progress in that time and I'm certain you will continue to do so.
    Try mix up your training, new routes, new sessions etc.
    Heck all the inspiration you need is in this log, just flick back to your DCM19 report!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,250 ✭✭✭coogy

    Treviso wrote: »
    Hey K,

    Sorry to hear that you're suffering from a lack of confidence but I do think you are being incredible harsh on yourself. I am finding my training at the moment very tiring myself. Indeed this week, I have taken a mini break of easy running to give my legs some welcome relief. I had an abandoned session a few weeks back too, which came as a shock

    There are a number of factors that should be taken into consideration

    - Weather at the moment is incredibly hot and humid, it can cause the out of control breathing quite easily. If the weather is quite humid, I would normally dial back the pace a bit to allow for it.
    - These are unprecedented times with COVID. Everything has turned upside down and every which way. People seemed more focussed at the start of the initial lockdown but the longevity of the whole thing has worn down everyone. It has been mentally draining in different ways and there seems to be no end in sight.
    - Running 6:40 in a race is so different to running it in a session, even if it is only 4 miles. I ran a similar 10 mile in February and still find any session at that pace quite taxing
    - Similar to the last one, 10 seconds a mile is a big difference when you're running around the 6:xx mark. Trying to improve from 6:40 to 6:30 does not come as easy, unfortunately, as going from 7:10 to 7:00

    Lastly, you need to step back and look at the improvements you've made this year as a runner. You, like the rest of us, just need some races to happen in order to seek fulfilment for all our sacrifices. It will happen (I hope!!)

    The worst thing you could do now is to ease up/stop your running - I think you would regret it and then find you'll need to build up the fitness all over again. Maybe a change of strategy, focus on HM training maybe? Longer runs at a slower pace

    Thanks for your input T, much appreciated.
    I think what you've said makes perfect sense and I know that the race environment is a different kettle of fish completely to a session or time trial. Sometimes it surprises me, or sometimes I simply forget just how different.
    In some ways, in running terms, perhaps I've been oblivious to the impact the last 5 or 6 months has had and that right now, it's starting to show.
    You're right too, I am most likely being hard on myself. This is not new. What I always thrived on was not only taking part in races but also seeing how I was improving with each one.
    Training for such a sustained period without a target race to aim for is that is a hard pill to swallow but as you said, we're all in the same boat.
    Definitely lots of food for thought here.


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,250 ✭✭✭coogy

    Hey K,

    T has done a great job above so not much I would add.
    I wouldn't underestimate the mental side of things at the moment. Those speed sessions are so much easier when you actually have a race and a goal to focus on and drive you on.

    Race pace is also what it says- pace you are capable of running in a race. I know I can't replicate race pace in solo sessions. There's nothing like having runners on the road up ahead to drive you on through the pain, it's only natural that your body and mind will give out when trying to push when you are by yourself on a training run.

    Like T said focus on how far you have come in the last 2 years. You have made unreal progress in that time and I'm certain you will continue to do so.
    Try mix up your training, new routes, new sessions etc.
    Heck all the inspiration you need is in this log, just flick back to your DCM19 report!

    Thanks J.
    You both reminded me how far I've come in the last two years which is definitely a positive but what I forget is that I've really only been running at this level for three years. I'm still a relative newbie compared to most folks on here.
    My downfall is that I am sometimes impatient for success and that when I dont see any evidence of any improvements being made - or in this case, when I feeling am going backwards - it gets inside my head and niggles away until I start questioning myself. Just like I am right now.
    I know things will come good eventually. Patience!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    I'm really sorry to hear that you are struggling K but I have absolutely no doubt that it will pass & that's not me being dismissive! I completely echo what the 2 boys have already said...
    Times are different & I think it's something we are going to have to get used to for a long time yet. No races plays a huge factor in us runners having a lack of motivation as they have always been there previously as a target at the end of a plan & now they are not. At the start of lockdown most people were super motivated about one thing or another but the longer this has gone on I feel the more people are being affected by it mentally. I still run 6 days a week & luckily I found my love for it again as I did have a huge wobble during the height of lockdown. As the boys mentioned you have made huge gains since I started on here!! I remember messaging you about the marathon for a bit of advice as so many people said we were quite simular & you gave me some sound advice so I would like to repay that! Find your love for running again! If it means dialing back from the numbers & pressure of sessions then try that, but find that enjoyment again :D
    I have absolutely no doubt that we will see a lot more gains from you in the future but for now be kind to yourself, you will get there:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,250 ✭✭✭coogy

    I'm really sorry to hear that you are struggling K but I have absolutely no doubt that it will pass & that's not me being dismissive! I completely echo what the 2 boys have already said...
    Times are different & I think it's something we are going to have to get used to for a long time yet. No races plays a huge factor in us runners having a lack of motivation as they have always been there previously as a target at the end of a plan & now they are not. At the start of lockdown most people were super motivated about one thing or another but the longer this has gone on I feel the more people are being affected by it mentally. I still run 6 days a week & luckily I found my love for it again as I did have a huge wobble during the height of lockdown. As the boys mentioned you have made huge gains since I started on here!! I remember messaging you about the marathon for a bit of advice as so many people said we were quite simular & you gave me some sound advice so I would like to repay that! Find your love for running again! If it means dialing back from the numbers & pressure of sessions then try that, but find that enjoyment again :D
    I have absolutely no doubt that we will see a lot more gains from you in the future but for now be kind to yourself, you will get there:)

    And the award for the most delayed response to a posT on the Training Logs thread goes to.........(seriously, can we please make that a thing?)

    E, I did read your message that you posted (over a month ago!) but I completely forgot to acknowledge it!!! :rolleyes:

    Thanks for your words of encouragement, I do appreciate it.

    Thankfully, in a much better place now, and am able to think way more clearly in terms of my running and my goals. More importantly, I am enjoying my running now more than I ever did.
    I guess life throws us these curveballs from time to time and some are just more prickly to deal with than others.

    Onwards and upwards!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,250 ✭✭✭coogy

    Is this thing on?

    Ok, I think it míght be time to resurrect the ol' logging. No harm eh? Let's see if I can remember how to do this......

    Hope you've all been well. In short, it's been a bit of a mixed bag since my last log entry. Finished 2020 on a reasonably high note, running a sub-1:30 half marathon for the first time and ending the year with a 19:05 5k time trial.
    Sat out most of January, February and March with a niggly knee so gave it plenty of rest and treated myself to a few physio appointments.
    Very gradually eased my way back into it and am happy to say that all appears to be tickety-boo. Ran a 20:02 5k time trial last weekend so lots to work on but defo heading in the right direction. Training paces are picking up too so all is good.

    Can't say I'm keen on running any virtual races, would rather hold out for whatever actual races become available between now and the end of the year.
    So yeah, raring to go again!! :)

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,476 ✭✭✭Comic Book Guy

    Welcome back K!

    Great to see the mileage creeping up after your injury layoff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    Ah welcome back. Glad to hear things are going in the right direction for you :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,250 ✭✭✭coogy

    Ok, may as well get this show back on the road........

    Monday 17th May
    Rest day

    Tuesday 18th May
    5 miles @ 8:00

    Wednesday 19th May
    6 x 800s @ 6:30 pace, off 90 secs
    Started off with a 1.5 mile warm up of Griffeen Park before the session.
    The loop I was using measures 600m exactly and it's nice a flat too so it's great for sessions like this one.
    Can't quite remember the last time I did 800's but what I do remember is the feeling after rep number six.
    Paces were: 6:25/6:24/6:17/6:21/6:24/6:23

    Thursday 20th May
    4 miles easy

    Friday 21st May
    Rest day

    Saturday 22nd May
    4 mile progression run
    Back down to Griffeen for 4 loops of the main park. Woke up that morning with a feeling of dread about the session ahead and the hurt that it would involve. So much so, that half way through my warm up, I was in two minds about turning back for home. Just didn't feel right.
    Anyway, we'll not go over old ground......
    Finished the warm up and did some drills and stretches and got ready for the off.
    Target pace for mile 1 - 7:30 min/mile pace. Actual - 7:28. Handy enough without any problems
    Target pace for mile 2 - 7:00 min/mile pace. Actual - 6:58. Reasonably manageable pace but conscious of the effort levels needed here
    Target pace for mile 3 - 6:45 min/mile pace. Actual - 6:43. First signs of having to push hard to hit target pace
    Target pace for mile 4 - 6:30 min/mile pace. Actual - 6:31. Most of this mile was spent really struggling to reach the desired pace and even for the last quarter of a mile, when I put the foot down even ore, I just about managed to shade it.

    Clearly, still in 'comeback' mode but boy, that was by far the toughest test in the last few weeks.

    Sunday 23rd May
    10 miles easy
    Headed down to St. Catherine's Park for a mixture of forest trails, fields and paths. Weather was ok but the skies showed ominous signs of what was in store. Managed to avoid the worst of the rain and kept the paces in and around the 8:15/8:20 mark. Enjoyed this.

    Miles for the week: 33
    Miles for the year: 366

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,250 ✭✭✭coogy

    Forgot to post this at the weekend! :p

    Monday 24th May
    Rest day

    Tuesday 25th May
    4 miles @ approx 8:15
    Yadda yadda yadda.

    Wednesday 26th May
    6 mile out and back run - 3 miles @7:30/3 miles @7:00
    Warm day for this I seem to recall (my memory is shot!) and by the end of the 3 miles @7:30, I wasn't sure if I had another 3 miles in me at a quicker pace.
    Turns out, I did, but just about. I started to wonder what coach had in store for me with this particular session. I had a hunch but I tried my best to put it out of my head

    Thursday 27th May
    5.5 miles @ 8:00

    Friday 28th May
    Rest day

    Saturday 29th May
    4 x 2 mins, off 1 min/4 x 1 min, off 30 sec/4 x 30 sec, off 15 secs. 2 mins rec between sets.
    Beautiful morning for it, and in a way, I was grateful for the presence of the Griffeen (not Parkrun) crowd who were gathered just beside where I was doing the session. Most of them had just finished their runs and having them there made me feel more confident of the session going well. Hard to explain.
    That said, I was also quite self-conscious of them being there also in case I ended up looking like a pleb. :o
    Average paces for each set were: 6:15, 5:45, 5:30

    Sunday 23rd May

    9 miles easy
    Absolutely stunning morning out, and knowing that St. Catherine's Park gives some wonderful views out over Dublin, I decided to head there again for a nice relaxing Sunday stretch.

    Afterwards, the following week's schedule was waiting for me in my inbox and lo and behold, my hunch was right. 'Saturday, 5k TT'. :rolleyes:

    Miles for the week: 33.72
    Miles for the year: 400

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,250 ✭✭✭coogy

    Sorry, a little more about this 5k TT at the weekend.

    Coach is thinking that I'll do it in or around 19:20 and I would be reasonably pleased with that but he also said that he wouldn't be surprised if I just shaded a sub-19. Obviously, going into a 5k time trial, it's not ideal to not have a pacing strategy so I'm trying to get a sense of where I'm at and what I think I might be capable of on Saturday.
    Currently looking at possible locations that I'm familiar enough with but where I've not done a 5k time trial before. Maybe Phoenix Park (Ashtown Castle loop) or Catherine's Park.

    The 5k distance will always torment me, no matter what.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1 AL_Andreasen

    coogy wrote: »
    Sorry, a little more about this 5k TT at the weekend.

    Coach is thinking that I'll do it in or around 19:20 and I would be reasonably pleased with that but he also said that he wouldn't be surprised if I just shaded a sub-19. Obviously, going into a 5k time trial, it's not ideal to not have a pacing strategy so I'm trying to get a sense of where I'm at and what I think I might be capable of on Saturday.
    Currently looking at possible locations that I'm familiar enough with but where I've not done a 5k time trial before. Maybe Phoenix Park (Ashtown Castle loop) or Catherine's Park.

    The 5k distance will always torment me, no matter what.

    Just remember to save some energy for the last 500m. 5k is a brutal distance - I ran my PB a few months ago 18:39 (very pleased with this result).

    Personally I'm more into the longer distances e.g. half and above.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,250 ✭✭✭coogy

    Monday 31st May
    5 miles easy

    Tuesday 1st June
    6 x 1200 @ 6:35 pace/off 2 mins
    It was a stunning day out and I knew that no matter what time I did this session, it would be hot, hot, hot. Was well hydrated from the day before and made sure I was well topped up beforehand too.
    Even after the 2 mile warm up, I was already dripping with sweat. There was a nice cooling breeze too which did help.
    I think these 1200's may have been the longest distance I've done for a session like this so I knew I'd have to work hard to keep the effort levels consistent (2 laps of the Griffeen park GAA football pitch).
    The heat, even though it was still only late morning, was pretty strong so I decided to walk the 2 minutes recoveries. Definitely the right thing to do.
    Overall, the session went well and the paces were averaging around a pace of 6:25 per rep. Happy with that.
    Finished with a two mile cooldown.

    Also got the first of my two Pfizer vaccines out of the way! :)

    Wednesday 2nd June
    4 miles easy (approx 8:30 pace)

    Thursday 3rd June
    Rest day

    Friday 4th June
    3 miles easy

    Saturday 5th June
    5k time trial, Phoenix Park.
    I was going to post a long-winded account of what went down but I will spare the readers of this log the details of what can only be described as an utter sh*tshow.
    To the extent that it made me seriously question whether or not I should just pull the plug and pack it all in completely.
    I feel like I am putting myself under way too much pressure with these time trials and if I am to carry on with running, I think the first thing that needs to happen is to lower my expectations and set myself more realistic goals. I am pretty much nailing the weekly sessions but when it comes down to executing a time trial, it seems to all count for nothing.
    Anyway, I need to let the dust settle and to clear my head of any more irrational thoughts before moving on.
    Bloody hell.

    Sunday 6th June
    8 miles easy
    With yesterday's omnishambles still fresh in the memory, I was reluctant to do this run at all and even when I eventually did set out to do it, there were several moments where I almost came to a stop and walk the rest of the way home.
    Something's clearly not clicking so I need to figure out what it is and I need to do to rectify it.

    Miles for the week: 35-ish
    Miles for the year: 430

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,476 ✭✭✭Comic Book Guy

    I wouldn't stress the TT K, that can happen to anyone at any level.
    Despite what ya are telling yourself about them, deep down you know its not a race so it's easy to just mentally bail out.
    There's no replicating the adrenaline rush of toeing the line at a proper race and have people around you, behind you and just a few metres in front of you.

    You aren't long back from injury either so defo think it's a case of you being too hard on yourself.
    Head up and go again tomorrow!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,250 ✭✭✭coogy

    I wouldn't stress the TT K, that can happen to anyone at any level.
    Despite what ya are telling yourself about them, deep down you know its not a race so it's easy to just mentally bail out.
    There's no replicating the adrenaline rush of toeing the line at a proper race and have people around you, behind you and just a few metres in front of you.

    You aren't long back from injury either so defo think it's a case of you being too hard on yourself.
    Head up and go again tomorrow!

    Cheers J. There was no real need for me to post any of the above but I thought that if I did, it might wake me up a bit and see for myself that - as you say yourself - it's not the end of the world. I guess I take things too hard when they don't go according to plan and the knee-jerk reactions soon follow.
    Plan is to go again in a few week's time. By then, I should be over this little wobble.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    I agree with J, TT'S will never ever replicate a race! It's a hard blow at the time when it doesn't go your way but to me it's not a true reflection of your capability! I was like this when I started running, so hard on myself & got upset by times, quite a pain in the a$$ to be around, but the longer I'm running I'm realizing that we have to take the bad days along with the good! It's good to write it down too so that you can look back & see how you felt! When i've had a bad TT recently I've wrote about & then looked back through my log on good days where a session went well or I raced well(always cheers me up)it helps me remember that this is a journey that will have bumps along the way but if it's something you love then you'll pick yourself up & start again tomorrow:D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,250 ✭✭✭coogy

    I agree with J, TT'S will never ever replicate a race! It's a hard blow at the time when it doesn't go your way but to me it's not a true reflection of your capability! I was like this when I started running, so hard on myself & got upset by times, quite a pain in the a$$ to be around, but the longer I'm running I'm realizing that we have to take the bad days along with the good! It's good to write it down too so that you can look back & see how you felt! When i've had a bad TT recently I've wrote about & then looked back through my log on good days where a session went well or I raced well(always cheers me up)it helps me remember that this is a journey that will have bumps along the way but if it's something you love then you'll pick yourself up & start again tomorrow:D

    Thanks E!
    As you can see, my activity around these parts is about as infrequent as it comes so apologies for the delayed response!! (again).
    I totally get what you are saying but I've had a couple of runs since my last log entry and something still doesn't feel right. Yesterday was a classic example,13 miles at about 30 seconds quicker than easy pace. I was really looking forward to it but by mile 11, the end couldn't come quickly enough, I was spent. That should not happen. It's almost like my mind and body has forgotten how to run.
    Don't know if you've experienced anything similar, but for me, that's when I have thoughts of just giving up. I convince myself that there's no real reason to keep running and worryingly, it seems to be getting easier for me to actually stop. It's definitely more than a physical thing. That said, I am currently working on building up my stamina levels with coach (hence yesterday's 13 miler) and next weekend will be the same again. Perhaps that's all I need but definitely not enjoying this prolonged wobble.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    coogy wrote: »
    Thanks E!
    As you can see, my activity around these parts is about as infrequent as it comes so apologies for the delayed response!! (again).
    I totally get what you are saying but I've had a couple of runs since my last log entry and something still doesn't feel right. Yesterday was a classic example,13 miles at about 30 seconds quicker than easy pace. I was really looking forward to it but by mile 11, the end couldn't come quickly enough, I was spent. That should not happen. It's almost like my mind and body has forgotten how to run.
    Don't know if you've experienced anything similar, but for me, that's when I have thoughts of just giving up. I convince myself that there's no real reason to keep running and worryingly, it seems to be getting easier for me to actually stop. It's definitely more than a physical thing. That said, I am currently working on building up my stamina levels with coach (hence yesterday's 13 miler) and next weekend will be the same again. Perhaps that's all I need but definitely not enjoying this prolonged wobble.

    You know your body best so do what feels right to make your running better & more enjoyable. We put a lot of pressure on ourselves a lot of time when there's actually no need to!
    Best of luck on building the stamina, keep going & hopefully this wobble will end soon enough.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,250 ✭✭✭coogy

    Time to get back on the Boards train I reckon.....I figured 6 months was enough of a hiatus. 😀

    Perhaps getting back into the habit of keeping a weekly/regular log will help keeping things focused.

    So what has happened in 6 months? Been running as consistently as ever and apart from a couple of time trials and one race (Bohermeen 5 mile back in August which could only be described as a horror show) not a lot to report. Took a couple of months away from training, replacing it with a handful of casual runs a week.

    For the most part, my weekly running schedules have been going exactly as planned and I feel I am in pretty decent shape so it's time to start thinking about some target races.

    Manchester marathon 2022 was the preferred option but having just learned that it's now sold out, that won't be happening. Limerick is now a possibility but with our daughter's confirmation happening around that time, I can't really book anything until I know exact dates.

    Have entered Trim 10 miler in February so at least there's that to train for. Goal time for that will become known to me over the next month or so.

    So, yesterday we had Jingle Bells 5k. Beautiful morning for it despite the Baltic conditions. Going into this, I had visions in my head of what I thought was a realistic goal time and although a sub-19 would have been a great way to finish off the year, I didn't feel quite ready yet. I think of all the race distances, a sub-19 5k feels like the one that - for lots of reasons - feels the furthest from reach. Crossed the finish line in 19:40 with splits of 6:26/6:34/5:55 (6:03). In hindsight, if I had approached the race with a different mentality and run 20 seconds quicker for each of the first two miles, I'd have ended up where I needed to be. Hard to see it as anything other than a missed opportunity but no point dwelling on these things. Lesson learned and move on.

    Was great to meet up with so many of the Boards gang afterwards too. Chatting with Wubble Wubble afterwards, I learned the value of keeping a log of a regular basis, hence my decision to make these entries more of a regular 'thing'. 🙂

    Post edited by coogy on

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,481 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Good result K - wouldn't say missed opportunity. 20 secs a mile is a huge difference, and those opening two miles are uphill! Good to see you afterwards.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,250 ✭✭✭coogy

    Thanks D. Yeah, I appreciate that that's a big chunk in the difference alright but I do think I could have left a bit more out there than I actually did.

    Still, really enjoyed it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,250 ✭✭✭coogy

    Monday 6th December - 5 miles @ approx 8:15 pace -

    Nice bright sunny morning out, no signs of Storm Barra just yet but already wondering if I am going to get all my runs in this week!

    Tuesday 7th December - Rest day

    Wednesday 8th December - 3 miles @ 7:40 pace/4 miles @ 6:50 pace/3 miles @7:40 pace

    Was looking forward to this ever since the weekly schedule arrived in my inbox but with Storm Barra having already landed and the schools off, it didn't look good for a while. By the time I headed out, the worst of the conditions seemed to have eased off but no sooner had I reached the end of the first 3 miles, who decides to show up in the form of the worst headwind I have ever run in, but Barra itself. After half a mile of running (?) at 6:40 pace, the gusts were so bad that the target pace was the furthest thing from my mind and stopping completely seemed like the sensible option. As soon as I turned the corner, I was back into a cross-wind which was less of an issue and once I got back on to the canal, I was sailing. Still horrendous running conditions though. Pacing wise, it was all on the nose and I was delighted that I managed to squeeze this one in.

    Thursday 9th December - 4 miles easy -

    Another very pleasant morning run

    Friday 10th December - Rest day

    Saturday 11th December - 10 x 20 second hills (fast)/off 60 secs

    Hill sessions are always a favorite of mine. It's that feeling of not knowing if you have that last hill in you but somehow you manage to do it. Next week will see the reps double in duration with the same efforts. Bring it on.

    Sunday 12th December - 11 miles easy

    With Lucan Harriers Juniors having officially finished up last week, it's time to get back into the weekly Junior Parkruns! Would have managed the 11 miles if I'd just woken up earlier but I figured I'd just head out after my son's Parkrun. Lots of his Lucan Harriers pals out on force and they almost exclusively made up the top 10 finishers (including my son, who finished 9th). Yes, I know it's not a race but, you know......... 😏

    Anyway, between one thing and another (watching European Cross Country on tv, amongst other things) my run didn't happen during the afternoon and by the time I started my run, it was 9pm. Not much of a spring in the step at that time of night but managed a decent enough run nonetheless. Knackered afterwards though but slept like a baby. ☺️

    Miles for the week - 36

    Miles for the year - 1,254

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,426 ✭✭✭Sunny Dayz

    "Hill sessions are always a favorite of mine. It's that feeling of not knowing if you have that last hill in you but somehow you manage to do it. "

    This comment is so true, there's always just enough in the tank for one last hill rep!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,250 ✭✭✭coogy

    Ok, let's give this another go shall we?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,418 ✭✭✭Lazare

    Absolutely K, nice one. Great to see.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl
