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Travel Insurance for Australia

  • 22-07-2018 6:37pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2

    Hi Im looking for Travel Insurance for Australia.

    Travelling to Australia in December from ireland

    Im confused by the array of different travel insurance policies.

    So what I am asking is, can anyone with pre existing medical condition(s) recommend travel insurance please, any tips or ideas on what to look for?

    Also do I need travel insurance for domestic flights in Australia?

    I do not want to be out of pocket in relation to flights and accommodation, so I want to be covered for the unexpected. I have been told by 3 insurers that they do not cover domestic flights. They will cover from the time you leave your home country and when you leave Australia but not in between.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,145 ✭✭✭✭Gael23

    Regarding pre existing conditions, the advice I was given by someone up to speed with this is that if you have private health insurance that also offers health insurance go with that.
    I went with VHI multitrip and they already had a record of all my hospital admissions etc so it was easy. If you don’t have health insurance then you just disclose your condition, it might well cost you s bit more but then your covered if anything happens.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,944 ✭✭✭pete4130

    Generally nobody would have domestic flight insurance. If you miss the flight at your own fault, then its your own fault. If the flight is cancelled or delayed the airlines rebook you on the next available seat and if the wait is over a certain amount of time, maybe 2 hours you get a meal voucher. Each airline is different but I wouldn't worry about domestic flight insurance.
