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St. Patrick's Principal resigns. See mod warning post #61



  • Registered Users Posts: 41,065 ✭✭✭✭Annasopra

    This sounds more and more like something from the 1950s Catholic Theocratic Ireland

    It was so much easier to blame it on Them. It was bleakly depressing to think that They were Us. If it was Them, then nothing was anyone's fault. If it was us, what did that make Me? After all, I'm one of Us. I must be. I've certainly never thought of myself as one of Them. No one ever thinks of themselves as one of Them. We're always one of Us. It's Them that do the bad things.

    Terry Pratchet

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,279 ✭✭✭The Bishop Basher

    In relation to the Church of Ireland, the only required and permissible means, in accordance with the Constitution of the Church of Ireland, for membership for a person of school-going age is a baptismal certificate.

    Great post and hits the point of all this perfectly..

    On a recent visit for a funeral, I watched the eulogy being made but it wasn't the person making the eulogy that I was watching. It was this picture, hanging on the wall, behind their head which showed a tree. One half of the tree was covered in foliage and looked healthy while the other half was dying. I forget the message but it gave the impression that those who had paid their "membership fees" were represented by the healthy side of the tree while those who hadn't paid were represented by the dead half. Having grown up in the parish I found this difficult to believe and was honestly shocked to find out that this was indeed what was meant by the tree..

    It seems no-one told recedite (which is fair enough :p) or the rector (which is definitely not fair enough), that membership of the church of Ireland comes with being baptised. Nothing less, nothing more. There is no payment. It's not run like a club.

    I grew up there, i'm still on the records, as are my kids who grew up through the school and the parish.

    <SNIP> <SNIP> ripped up a petition on my daughter. They all wanted to make their confirmation in their own clothes but <SNIP> adopted his usual tyrannical stance and demanded that they all wear uniforms. I suggested to my daughter that she collect signatures on a petition and hand them in requesting that they wear their own clothes. She took the time and trouble to do this and handed it to <SNIP> at a conformation class.

    He ripped it up in front of her and dismissed it and they were forced to wear their uniforms for no good reason other then the rector said so.

    Of course the policy changed again the following year when the rectors daughter was making hers but hey ho. He gets to make the rules.

    Anyway, my daughter's a bit like me. She has her own beliefs and doesn't really go in for this religion stuff. But that moment ended any relationship she, and we, had with that church.

    The stories I hear seem to be as endless as the ego. I'm particularly concerned this week to hear that the youth worker has some "fundamentalist" views on homosexuality.

    The list of questions i'd want answered if i was an active parishioner are growing by the day.. <SNIP> seems to be adopting a head in the sand approach. I'm not sure the gravity of the situation has dawned..

    What has happened to St Patrick's ?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,812 ✭✭✭✭evolving_doors

    Rennaws wrote: »
    In a word ? No.

    And it would seem a far simpler and more effective solution to providing school places if they were entirely secular and state funded.

    That said, I believe we should respect the right of other's to educate their children under the ethos of their own faith should they choose to do so.

    I think the key point though is that as it stands, and despite the fact that the church is owned by the CoI, it has, up to now, had a very deliberate ethos of admitting a diverse mix of families from all faiths and from none.

    It's also great to see more and more options lately outside of the standard faith based schools with the Gaelscoile and Educate Together jumping on board..

    So no to your question but i'm not sure we have a problem to fix on that front.

    Or at least we didn't until recently.

    Ruairi Quinn's Community National School was an attempt but just ended up with even more distinct segregation. Looking for articles it seemed to be a great idea in 2015 but from 2017 on it's not so

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,279 ✭✭✭The Bishop Basher

    Ruairi Quinn's Community National School was an attempt but just ended up with even more distinct segregation. Looking for articles it seemed to be a great idea in 2015 but from 2017 on it's not so

    But St. Patrick's have managed to run an incredibly successful, diverse and inclusive school for nearly 50 years.

    If you wanted to see how it could be done you need have looked no further then our own doorstep..

    The new regime have cleared out all the experienced members off the board, it would appear, so that they can assert complete control over the school. Now they've driven out the secretary, the vice principal and finally now the principal whose been there as long as any of us.

    One would wonder why the current board is still in place given the events of last week but they are..

    Very worrying times for a once thriving church which is now giving the rest of the CoI a bad name.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,830 ✭✭✭✭Taltos

    The cynic in me wonders how much a developer would be willing to offer for that land...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,279 ✭✭✭The Bishop Basher

    Taltos wrote: »
    The cynic in me wonders how much a developer would be willing to offer for that land...

    Interesting notion..

    It must be worth savage money...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,992 ✭✭✭✭recedite

    Rennaws wrote: »
    It seems no-one told recedite (which is fair enough :p) or the rector (which is definitely not fair enough), that membership of the church of Ireland comes with being baptised.
    I didn't get the memo :(
    But no matter. On a recent holiday to Transylvania, I was impressed by the Eastern Orthodox Church of Western Moravia, and duly converted. I could produce a letter of affiliation signed by Reverend Dracula, if necessary.

    As it happens, the nearest school ethos available in Ireland is the CoI. And according to the new legislation (as of last week) that gives my kids priority admission to any CoI primary school.
    Its actually better than being a CoI member, because I get to choose between St. Pats NS and Delgany NS; I can apply to either one. Not being in the CoI, I am not subject to any restrictions relating to internal CoI parish boundaries.

    Any questions should be addressed to my solicitor directly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,279 ✭✭✭The Bishop Basher

    recedite wrote: »
    I didn't get the memo :(
    But no matter. On a recent holiday to Transylvania, I was impressed by the Eastern Orthodox Church of Western Moravia, and duly converted. I could produce a letter of affiliation signed by Reverend Dracula, if necessary.

    I'd love to see the reaction if you handed that in for the craic.. :D
    recedite wrote: »
    Its actually better than being a CoI member, because I get to choose between St. Pats NS and Delgany NS; I can apply to either one. Not being in the CoI, I am not subject to any restrictions relating to internal CoI parish boundaries.

    I agree. You have the best of all worlds.

    As someone who was raised in the tradition but never sat easy with religion, i've always appreciated the free thinking ethos and open and diverse culture I enjoyed both as a pupil and when my kids attended St Patrick's.

    Ironically though, this new law wouldn't have made any difference back then as there was no requirement for affiliation at the time.. Anyway, it's needed now and it's introduction is well timed

    It'll make a really huge difference to the Temple Carrig hopefuls who have been dutifully lined up to be counted every Sunday at morning roll call, I mean service..

    But honestly, up to now and anytime in the last 40 years, an atheist kid would have felt just as at home as a Roman Catholic kid, or any other kid and that speaks volumes about a school.

    It's a shame we need laws to force the board to apply what should be common sense policies that benefit the entire community but it is what it is..

    They need to get back to a point where non CoI applicants are not only admitted but are welcomed and included in a very real way and not in a way that the church and the board are just paying lip service for the sake of it.

    They've lost all of their most experienced and talented people. They have many mountains to climb.

    We'll see.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,279 ✭✭✭The Bishop Basher

    I see the rector has issued another letter.

    Seems there's a season for everything and this is the season for us all to shut up apparently.

    I believe a lot of people are too frightened to speak up in case they upset the rector and lose a coveted place in one of the schools so often used to threaten people and keep them in line.

    The longer this debacle rumbles on the more apparent it has become that St Patrick's is being run, to some extent, under a culture of silence and fear..

    Sound familiar anyone ?

    Well thankfully I don't share these concerns as my kids are raised however I do feel a connection with the parish and i have grave concerns about things i've witnessed and heard and so i'd like to ask the questions so many are asking quietly in the background..

    I don't believe people want platitudes, sound bites and patronising bible quotes..

    They want answers..

    - Like why has an incredibly talented and experienced principal who has happily served the school so well for so many decades, been left feeling like she had no option left but to resign ? What did it take to get her to that point ?

    - Why does this letter ignore the fact that she resigned because she felt she had no other option ? You could be forgiven from reading that letter that all these resignees danced away merrily into the sunset. They didn't. :confused:

    - Why did an equally talented and respected vice principal resign ? Did he also feel forced out and most importantly, did his religion have anything to do with it ?

    - if it did, was this sanctioned by the Archbishop ?

    - Why did the school secretary leave ? Did she feel forced out ?

    - Why did the church office secretary leave ? Was she forced out ?

    - Is it true that people have left the church over homophobic comments made by the parish youth worker ?

    - When did the CoI introduce a club type membership system with fees and has the Archbishop approved this ?

    - What happens to those who don't pay their fees. Apart from public shaming from the pulpit, do they just get off peak access to the church or something :confused:

    - When did the CoI become a fundamentalist, evangelical church and has the archbishop approved this massive shift in direction ?

    - Why is the Rector refusing to baptise people based on his own assumptions regarding their intentions ? When was he granted this right and has the archbishop approved this ?

    - Why is the Rector refusing to marry people based on his own assumptions regarding their intentions ? When was he granted this right and has the archbishop approved this ?

    - Why is the Rector making unilateral decisions about which families get places in either school.. When was he granted that power and by whom ?

    - Why are members of the board and teachers continuing to resign ?

    - Why did we turn down an extra teacher which was "unprecedented" according to the minister, Richard Bruton ?

    - Why have the admission criteria for Temple Carrig been amended by stealth to favour CoI children since the patronage was awarded ?

    - Why have I heard of at least 5 people leaving the church and the parish in the last week alone and is this trend indicative of a wider problem in the church ?

    - And finally where does Christianity come into any of this because recent actions on behalf of the parish seem utterly devoid of any level of Christianity to me. I've personally witnessed some appalling behavior which I won't get into here but it has been on a number of occasions, each of which were distasteful, ego driven and incredibly self serving.

    It's a shame to see a once thriving and happy parish find itself in this quagmire. It's such a mess.

    I know so many of these people personally and I know they work with honesty, integrity and to the best of their ability to make the parish what it is but their efforts are being undermined from within.

    Templecarrig and St Patrick's admission policies are just a symptom of a much deeper and a far more sinister problem in Greystones.

    Fundamentalism and evangelism have found their way to St Patrick's so it seems to be a case of be born again or be away with you.

    They're giving the CoI a bad name and destroying generations of great work that has gone on before them. They're damaging relations with the community and driving away people who've been faithful to the Church for many generations.

    The damage done is already immense and the only people left to fix the problem seem to be those that have caused it. As any good manager will tell you, always hire people that are better then you. Poor managers do the opposite.

    They've pushed out all the loyal stalwarts, the talent, the experience and all the good will that they had at their disposal..

    Not to mention the much needed moolah..

    Watch this space..

  • Registered Users Posts: 138 ✭✭Wicklow Will

    Rennaws wrote: »
    I see the rector has issued another letter.

    Seems there's a season for everything and this is the season for us all to shut up apparently.

    I believe a lot of people are too frightened to speak up in case they upset the rector and lose a coveted place in one of the schools so often used to threaten people and keep them in line.

    The longer this debacle rumbles on the more apparent it has become that St Patrick's is being run, to some extent, under a culture of silence and fear..

    Sound familiar anyone ?

    Well thankfully I don't share these concerns as my kids are raised however I do feel a connection with the parish and i have grave concerns about things i've witnessed and heard and so i'd like to ask the questions so many are asking quietly in the background..

    I don't believe people want platitudes, sound bites and irrelevant bible quotes..

    They want answers..

    - Like why has an incredibly talented and experienced principal who has happily served the school so well for so many decades, been left feeling like she had no option left but to resign ? What did it take to get her to that point ?

    - Why does this letter ignore the fact that she resigned because she felt she had no other option ? You could be forgiven from reading that letter that all these resignees danced away merrily into the sunset. They didn't. :confused:

    - Why did the vice principal resign ? Did he also feel forced out and most importantly, did his religion have anything to do with it ?

    - if it did, was this sanctioned by the Archbishop ?

    - Why did the school secretary leave ? Did she feel forced out ?

    - Why did the church office secretary leave ? Was she forced out ?

    - Is it true that people have left the church over homophobic comments made by the parish youth worker ?

    - When did the CoI introduce a club type membership system with fees and has the Archbishop approved this ?

    - What happens to those who don't pay their fees. Apart from public shaming from the pulpit, do they just get off peak access to the church or something :confused:

    - When did the CoI become a fundamentalist, evangelical church and has the archbishop approved this massive shift in direction ?

    - Why is the Rector refusing to baptise people based on his own assumptions regarding their intentions ? When was he granted this right and has the archbishop approved this ?

    - Why is the Rector refusing to marry people based on his own assumptions regarding their intentions ? When was he granted this right and has the archbishop approved this ?

    - Why is the Rector making unilateral decisions about which families get places in either school.. When was he granted that power ?

    - Why are members of the board and teachers continuing to resign ?

    - Why did we turn down an extra teacher which was "unprecedented" according to the minister, Richard Bruton ?

    - Why have the admission criteria for Temple Carrig been amended by stealth to favour CoI children since the patronage was awarded ?

    - Why have I heard of at least 5 people leaving the church and the parish in the last week alone and is this trend indicative of a wider problem in the church ?

    - And finally where does Christianity come into any of this because recent actions on behalf of the parish seem utterly devoid of any level of Christianity to me. I've personally witnessed some appalling behavior which I won't get into here but it has been on a number of occasions, each of which were distasteful, ego driven and incredibly self serving.

    It's a shame to see a once thriving and happy parish find itself in this quagmire. It's such a mess.

    I know so many of these people personally and I know they work with honesty, integrity and to the best of their ability to make the parish what it is. But it is being destroyed from within.

    Templecarrig and St Patrick's admission policies are just a symptom of a much deeper and a far more sinister problem in Greystones.

    Fundamentalism and evangelism have found their way to St Patrick's so it seems to be a case of be born again or be away with you.

    They're giving the CoI a bad name and destroying generations of great work that has gone on before them. They're damaging relations with the community and driving away people who've been faithful to the Church for many generations.

    The damage done is already immense and the only people left to fix the problem seem to be those that have caused it. As any good manager will tell you, always hire people that are better then you. Poor managers do the opposite.

    They've pushed out all the loyal stalwarts, the talent, the experience and all the good will that they had at their disposal..

    Not to mention the much needed moolah..

    Watch this space..

    I could have written this post myself! I’m currently a disaffected member of St Patricks parish and can say that you’re spot on with your questions! You’ve got the right angle on the core problems. I’d love to see the answers, if any were forthcoming, although I suspect you’d only get more of same ‘canon fodder’ - justification for actions taken (inexcusable and inexplicable as they appear). Sad to say, my disaffection with the present regime is such that I will be another casualty as I cannot continue worshipping there and by doing so make a hypocrite of myself whilst lending tacit support to the ministry of this Rector. My family has been Anglican as far back as we can trace its lineage (eight generations) so it is a sad day when I have to admit this to be the case. There’s something rotten in the state of Denmark, me thinks!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,279 ✭✭✭The Bishop Basher

    Sad to say, my disaffection with the present regime is such that I will be another casualty as I cannot continue worshipping there and by doing so make a hypocrite of myself whilst lending tacit support to the ministry of this Rector.

    Unfortunately you’re not alone. Quite a few people feel as you do. I’ve also spoken to people who are of the view that the Church is much more then just the rector and on that basis they won’t leave. I can also understand and respect that view..

    But after much consideration and consultation with the family, we’ve also asked that our names be removed from the parish record. Probably should have done it a long time ago but I always felt a strong tie to the old place and so kept putting it off..

    But we just don’t recognise it anymore and we certainly don’t seem to share any values and so it’s become a very easy decision for us..

  • Registered Users Posts: 59 ✭✭stilltryingit

    Rennaws, what a humiliating thuggish thing to do to a little girl. Fair play to her, probably one of her first attempts to get up and do something to try to have her voice heard and it was ripped up in front of her? Really Not the way to interact with children!

  • Registered Users Posts: 13 TheBun44

    The legislation makes what the Canon is doing illegal starting for admissions for Sept 2019 which is in October and November this year. I can only assume that this is one of the reasons why the principle choose now to resign - it highlights it just at the right time.

    The new legislation covers admissions to all schools not just primary. Hence the admissions policy’s listed on both St. Patrick’s and Templecarraig websites are illegal. It is up to the people of Greystones to start complaining to the department of education now so that these policy’s are changed and department takes note of what the Canon is doing. The issue of whether or not the part of the legislation protection minority religions should have been included is a different debate altogether.

    If you abhor what the Canon is doing like I do, you should contact the department as soon as possible.

    Don’t let this continue.

  • Registered Users Posts: 41,065 ✭✭✭✭Annasopra

    TheBun44 wrote: »
    The legislation makes what the Canon is doing illegal starting for admissions for Sept 2019 which is in October and November this year.

    I dont think you are correct here. Perhaps you are but please tell us where the Ministerial Order or Statutory Instrument where the Minister specifically enacts the Admissions act?

    It was so much easier to blame it on Them. It was bleakly depressing to think that They were Us. If it was Them, then nothing was anyone's fault. If it was us, what did that make Me? After all, I'm one of Us. I must be. I've certainly never thought of myself as one of Them. No one ever thinks of themselves as one of Them. We're always one of Us. It's Them that do the bad things.

    Terry Pratchet

  • Registered Users Posts: 13 TheBun44

    I’m not entirely sure how the department would handle it but they have got government orders to enroll students in schools before or to reinstate a student who was expelled. Also when Templecarraig got the patronage for their school they changed the admissions policy to prioritise church of Ireland kids who lived miles away over non Church of Ireland kids who lived next door to the school. Enough people complained to the department and they forced the school to change their policy.

    If what they are doing is illegal and enough people complain they would find a way to take the school on. I know they audited the Templecarraig schools admission policy again the following year to make sure they were doing the lottery fairly.

    I’ll have to do some more research on how the department would enforce the legislation but I think this will all blow up at some stage once a parent doesn’t get their kid in and launches an appeal. That’s why it’s better to raise it with the department now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 41,065 ✭✭✭✭Annasopra

    TheBun44 wrote: »
    I’m not entirely sure how the department would handle it but they have got government orders to enroll students in schools before or to reinstate a student who was expelled. Also when Templecarraig got the patronage for their school they changed the admissions policy to prioritise church of Ireland kids who lived miles away over non Church of Ireland kids who lived next door to the school. Enough people complained to the department and they forced the school to change their policy.

    If what they are doing is illegal and enough people complain they would find a way to take the school on. I know they audited the Templecarraig schools admission policy again the following year to make sure they were doing the lottery fairly.

    I’ll have to do some more research on how the department would enforce the legislation but I think this will all blow up at some stage once a parent doesn’t get their kid in and launches an appeal. That’s why it’s better to raise it with the department now.

    This is all just ifs buts maybes.

    You dont seem to have any concrete proof the Minister has signed a Ministerial Order or Statutory Instrument to enact the legislation so I dont really see what any of your points are.

    It was so much easier to blame it on Them. It was bleakly depressing to think that They were Us. If it was Them, then nothing was anyone's fault. If it was us, what did that make Me? After all, I'm one of Us. I must be. I've certainly never thought of myself as one of Them. No one ever thinks of themselves as one of Them. We're always one of Us. It's Them that do the bad things.

    Terry Pratchet

  • Registered Users Posts: 13 TheBun44

    Yeah sorry you are right I don’t know that, I just assumed that once the president signed it into law, it is enacted. I don’t fully undestrand the legislative process and am open to learning more about it.

    Either way it will be law for admissions for Sept 2019 or Sept 2020 so I’m just saying if people want the admissions policy’s of these two schools changed and enforced to adhere to the legislation, they will have to raise it with the department at some stage.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,928 ✭✭✭✭loyatemu

    I thought the legislation contains exceptions for "minority faiths" such as COI.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13 TheBun44

    They can prioritise based on membership of the church but not based on how often they attend a church service. Baptism cert is enough to prove membership

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,928 ✭✭✭✭loyatemu

    TheBun44 wrote: »
    Baptism cert is enough to prove membership

    In general it's enough for schools, but I don't know if the legislation actually says anything about it if a school wanted to define "member of the parish" in a more stringent fashion.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 13 TheBun44

    A spokesperson for the department came out afterwords and said that it would be baptismal cert only and that proof of frequency of attendance of church services could not be used. Also the minority religion part of the legislation is to be reviewed by the department after 3 years to see if it needs to be modified or removed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13 TheBun44

    What will most likely happen with St. Patrick’s is that a non church service attending church of Ireland kid will not be granted admission and then then the parents will make an appeal to the department.

    I think the Canon and school board think/hope this will all blow over but it probably won’t, it will blow up again.

    They will however by able to make the school 100% Church of Ireland over time as this is allowed under the legislation. Thus would fine for most Irish Church of Ireland people but the Canon is Scottish (I believe) and is trying introduce the same practices they have in the UK where some Church’s make you sign in each week and you have to hit a certain number to have your child considered for the school.

    This is why people should stand up and stop this. It’s ridiculous to think a Canon in a church can have power over who gets into a state funded school.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,279 ✭✭✭The Bishop Basher

    TheBun44 wrote: »
    What will most likely happen with St. Patrick’s is that a non church service attending church of Ireland kid will not be granted admission and then then the parents will make an appeal to the department.

    I think the Canon and school board think/hope this will all blow over but it probably won’t, it will blow up again.

    They will however by able to make the school 100% Church of Ireland over time as this is allowed under the legislation. Thus would fine for most Irish Church of Ireland people but the Canon is Scottish (I believe) and is trying introduce the same practices they have in the UK where some Church’s make you sign in each week and you have to hit a certain number to have your child considered for the school.

    This is why people should stand up and stop this. It’s ridiculous to think a Canon in a church can have power over who gets into a state funded school.

    The term "loose canon" is more than appropriate in this scenario and unfortunately and he can and will get away with this..

    The majority of people are focusing on the school issues but they're really only a symptom of far greater problems in the parish..

    The canon is on a solo run here. This is not how the CoI operates. In fact very little of what he does is in keeping with how the CoI operates..

    WRT the school, he spent the last few years clearing out all the tenured and experienced members of the board so that he could do as he pleased..

    This is the result..

  • Registered Users Posts: 13 TheBun44

    Good point, so it really is up to the people of Greystones to not let him get away with it. People need to raise it with the department and ask journalists to follow up on previous articles to keep the debate alive and most importantly contact the two schools and ask them when they intend changing their policy to adhere to the legislation.

    If you are reading this and feel strongly about it, do something

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,928 ✭✭✭✭loyatemu

    well there's war among the parents over it and an EGM this week so we'll see what happens.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,279 ✭✭✭The Bishop Basher

    loyatemu wrote: »
    well there's war among the parents over it and an EGM this week so we'll see what happens.

    The problems run far far deeper then the school and until people realise that, nothing will get resolved.

    The response from <SNIP> has been nothing short of extraordinary and at this stage it demonstrates how worryingly out of touch he is with his parishioners and the parents of the school..

    He's single handedly destroying what was until a few years ago, a happy and thriving parish and a school that rivaled the best in the country.

    On the school issue, he has been deliberately attempting to divide and conquer parents by holding separate meetings for each year and trying to hush people which is obviously pure naivety in this age of social media.

    Checking ID at the doors to make sure people are parents ? Does he not know them ? If not why not ?

    Why did <SNIP> the vice principal, write a letter to state that he knew nothing about the decision to turn down an extra teacher. Surely a vice principal should have been informed of such an important decision or were they edging him out at the time too ?

    Why does the BoM continue to lie about the fact that there aren't enough school places in the town when we all know this is a lie.

    It's also really important that people realise..

    Only 2 out of the 24 children being taken in this year are non CoI.

    This is unprecedented in St. Patrick's.. and why are they taking in so few on the back of turning down a teacher ?

    And why is <SNIP> blaming everything on the archbishop in these meetings ? Is the archbishop aware that he's being held responsible by <SNIP>and if he is, why isn't he out here explaining these crazy decisions ?

    Is there no leadership in this time of crisis ?

    And what of this youth worker quoting scripture at a gay couple forcing them out of the church.. Does this youth worker have access to children in the school and are parents aware that children are potentially being indoctrinated with homophobic teaching ?

    Believe me, this is the tip of the ice berg.. If people only knew the half of it..

    Teachers are resigning in their droves.. They're having to ask old teachers back. I feel very sorry for <SNIP> who has to work in that atmosphere for the next few months. <SNIP>will make it as difficult as possible for her.

    This won't end till <SNIP> resigns.

    The Arch Bishop also needs to resign for his abject failure to act.

    Failing that the Primate will eventually have to step in but it has reached that stage..

    This is beyond repair..

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,992 ✭✭✭✭recedite

    Rennaws wrote: »
    The Arch Bishop also needs to resign for his abject failure to act.

    Failing that the Primate will eventually have to step in but it has reached that stage..
    From what I know of the structures within the CoI, it is considerably more decentralised than the RCC. The rector serves at the invitation of the parish, and is not imposed on them by the archbishop. Therefore he must have a certain level of support from the active parishioners.

    The issue of inactive parishioners being disadvantaged due to active parishioners controlling the flow of state funded education is only part of the problem IMO. The bigger issue is everyone else in the wider community being disadvantaged.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,279 ✭✭✭The Bishop Basher

    recedite wrote: »
    From what I know of the structures within the CoI, it is considerably more decentralised than the RCC. The rector serves at the invitation of the parish, and is not imposed on them by the archbishop. Therefore he must have a certain level of support from the active parishioners.

    Agreed but that support is now in question and as the rector appears to be incompetent, it requires the archbishop to step in and resolve the issue.

    The problem is the archbishop is equally incompetent.

    So where do you go from there :confused:

    There should be a vote of confidence in the rector but unfortunately it doesn't work that way.
    recedite wrote: »
    The issue of inactive parishioners being disadvantaged due to active parishioners controlling the flow of state funded education is only part of the problem IMO. The bigger issue is everyone else in the wider community being disadvantaged.

    I couldn't agree more and they are already being disadvantaged.

    The BoM has been cleared out of anyone that might oppose him. The Roman Catholic staff have been pushed out. The extra teacher has been refused and we now have a situation where 22 out of this years 24 admissions are active and affiliated members of the parish as approved by David.

    Sectarianism is alive and well in Greystones in 2018.

    It won't be long before these admission policies take effect in Temple Carrig as he's trying the same tricks there..

  • Registered Users Posts: 13 TheBun44

    I think it’s important to focus on the issue at hand. In a very short period of time the Canon/Rector has made a mess of the school and also the parish but if it is possible to get the department to force the school to alter the admissions policies and stop him from signing off on who is admitted, that in itself would be a victory.

    The wider issue of the minority part of the legislation is a battle for another day. I personally have no issue with a primary school in a place like Greystones being allowed prioritise Church of Ireland kids in the short term as Ireland moves to a much more secular society. It’s not a problem in Greystones as there is a wide variety of primary schools but it may be a problem elsewhere (notwithstanding the lack of places problem- as they throw up new housing estates in every field). I do have a problem with prioritising access to secondary schools because there is currently only two and it should be a lottery for all kids from the 7 primary schools to gain access to these.

    This may backfire on them in the long run as these types of issues may force a Minister of Education to just remove the minority part of the legislation in the future.

    Basing school admissions on Church attendance and allowing a local small town priest/Canon to control who is allowed attend a school is 1950’s stuff. People should focus on this as the first battle in a longer term goal of removing these people from the school board and returning the Parish to a more normal modern part of society.

    Write to the department with your concerns, ask other people to write to the department - don’t let this blow over.

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    Hi All, I have removed personal names from a lot of the posts as the individuals concerned are not on here to defend themselves and may not appreciate some of the comments and/or allegations made about them.
    I understand that some of them have been named in the linked articles and thus could be considered public domain but It would be fairer to all to just refer to them by their title/role in the school (ex-principal, ex-secretary, rector, etc). It's also important that unsubstantiated allegations about people are not thrown about in here (for example the comments about the youth worker), remember this is a public forum.

    I apologise if the <SNIP>s everywhere look a bit odd, but it was that or delete the thread which would have been a shame
