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Peter Casey believes Travellers should not be recognised as an ethnic minority



  • Registered Users Posts: 13,999 ✭✭✭✭Potential-Monke

    I stayed up to watch Peter Casey last night. Aside from the fact that I wanted to murder Tubridy by the time they brought him on (how do people listen to him for any length of time is beyond me), there was a few points made.

    Casey done quite well at not answering the question directly, so there's already a touch of politician in him. But he won me over with his line about running the country like a business. He's spot on. I'm sure the Navy and Air Force won't be happy, but he has a point there. I did feel he was under the influence of something, but maybe that's just how he is. My parents (70+) were very impressed with him and may vote for him going forward. I did feel though that he was cornered, Tubridy was against him, no doubt, and 3 travellers. And who was doing the most shouting in the audience when they weren't getting their way? Yeah.

    He's not someone I will straight out vote for right now, but I want to see where he's going. He has me interested in voting again, but i'm not sure if I like his intent to go with FF, but I can understand why as someone stated above, the big parties have it tied up so it would be extremely hard to get a new party into power. I don't care who he's with tbh, as long as he does what he intends to do.

    Also loved the uproar and obvious disgust in Tubs voice when Casey suggested travellers go to Phoenix Park. It would never happen, too many vested interests and regardless of what anyone says, there's no way anyone in RTE or anyone with a bit of wealth would like to see Travellers taking over Phoenix Park. I'd love to see it, just so the rest of the country could see what actually happens at halting sites.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,630 ✭✭✭Seathrun66

    The United Nations document. They're trying to centralize and make migration a human right. Link to the document:

    International cooperation: The Global Compact is a non-legally binding cooperative framework that recognizes that no State can address migration on its own due to the inherently transnational nature of the phenomenon. It requires international, regional and bilateral cooperation and dialogue. Its authority rests on its consensual nature, credibility, collective
    ownership, joint implementation, follow-up and review.

    National sovereignty: The Global Compact reaffirms the sovereign right of States to determine their national migration policy and their prerogative to govern migration within their jurisdiction, in conformity with international law. Within their sovereign jurisdiction, States may distinguish between regular and irregular migration status, including as they determine their legislative and policy measures for the implementation of the Global Compact, taking into account different national realities, policies, priorities and requirements for entry, residence and work, in accordance with international law.

    People like Mary Robinson are moving towards centralizing the movement of people across different countries. So when I say, open borders and globalism, that is completely true.

    You do know that’s not a UN document, don’t you? Drafted under the auspices of the UN but not in any way official. Happens with hundreds of papers yearly that are then put up for review. Don’t mislead people.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,885 ✭✭✭✭nullzero


    Doin' no harm to nobody.

    Glazers Out!

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,820 ✭✭✭✭mfceiling

    listermint wrote: »
    We don't have and never had a left government.

    Do you even know what a left government is.?

    It's this sort of foolish rethoric that really makes it painful to debate with someone.

    Here is the real problem people like you labelling centerist governments as left. People like you labelling anything that isn't ultra conservative as left. Anything remotely social is left. If you had your way we'd have no healthcare at all like people in the States.

    You are devisive you are deviding people your rethoric your pretending to be the victim. Oh no people won't let me say what I want to say.

    Heres a news flash for you. We live in an open democracy. No one is keeping you one is stopping you saying anything you want. There is no reality that backs up your statements.

    If you view not being a prick in public as being too liberal then I'd scratch my head at what sort of nation you want to live in. Because there is people that fought and died for the freedom you have today and they are ten times the person.

    Why is there a move to the right in politics?

    Is mass immigration a great idea for a country or countries that are struggling to house their citizens?

    Where is the money going to come from for the additional strain on resources?

    Will there be proper employment opportunities, education, health care and housing for the new migrant population?

    There has been a shift to the left in Europe in the last 2 hasn't worked particularly well. It's moving back towards the right. Maybe in another 20 years it might move left again?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,630 ✭✭✭Seathrun66

    Fun fact - the mayo Bourke family she comes from were major slave holders.


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,800 ✭✭✭tretorn

    MFPM wrote: »
    You do like your generalities, don't you?

    What 'people' are upset?

    So you're unhappy that he didn't have people that might suit your stereotype?

    Again with the homogeneity....'rural people' voted overwhelmingly for other candidates notably MDH, so your 'analysis' is a little askew to say the least.

    People voted for Casey for a number of reasons but of course his scapegoating of travellers played a role which resulted in sections of Irish society voting for him but there's always a minority who will echo dog whistle politics, - are you suggesting that everybody who voted for Trump is a misogynistic, racist arseho!e? Clearly they're not but if one took a lazy analysis of his vote that's a conclusion one could reach.

    What does that mean? I pay a TV licence and I wouldn't vote for an incoherent pampered, privileged millionaire like Casey in a fit.

    So Casey can give it but not take it, is that what you're suggesting? Given that Casey has made generalsied attacks on people, he's fair game for questions on his income - I'd be interested to see how much corporate welfare he and his companies have received?

    Perhaps because Casey was the subject of the interview and not Travellers, secondly, Casey was being asked a question about his own finances, you are suggesting Tubridy ask people about how other unnamed people earn their money, could you answer that question for your local community or is it only appropriate for Travellers because they're all the same, aren't they?

    Casey didnt make attacks on anyone.

    He said he couldnt understand why travellers got ethnic status and can you reply to the question I put previously.

    What is there about their culture that is deserving of ethnic status, why is it being proposed that my children should learn about their culture in school. How would you fill even one lesson time if after hundreds of posts here no one can explain what traveller culture is.

    The rest of your post is just nonsense and its people like you are the major stumbling block in the State not enforcing the right of traveller children to a decent lifestyle beginning with their right to education being enforced without exception even if that means a Garda escort to school in the morning.

    Keep on keeping on the way you are going and in twenty years time the current travellers infants will mostly still be uneducated and therefore unemployable and untrustworthy. The girls will still be taken out of school at sixteen and married off because their parents have ensured they have no escape route because they have been denied an education, the resistance to education is probably mostly coming from male travellers because how can they exert their dominance through their fists if their wives and daughters have economic independence and arent pregnant every nine months from age sixteen.

    ETA, people voted for Casey for one reason and one reason only and that was to do with real concerns about travellers.

    If you look at the pattern of voting Caseys main support came from areas where travellers are present in large numbers, things have never been worse between travellers and people who abide for the most part rules in civi society and for the most part dont cause problems for their neighbours.

    Its time now to stop Government funding of Pavee Point, its serving no purpose, for the love of God wouldnt you think someone from that outfit would acknowledge that the travellers are responsible for Peter Caseys success and no point in deflecting the elephant in the room by shouting racism. Own up to the effects members of your community are having on rural Ireland for the love of God.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,279 ✭✭✭The Bishop Basher

    Also loved the uproar and obvious disgust in Tubs voice when Casey suggested travellers go to Phoenix Park. It would never happen, too many vested interests and regardless of what anyone says, there's no way anyone in RTE or anyone with a bit of wealth would like to see Travellers taking over Phoenix Park. I'd love to see it, just so the rest of the country could see what actually happens at halting sites.

    I have visions of Mickey D shouting over the Aras wall at 3am asking the lads if they could "keep it down a bit" :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,630 ✭✭✭Seathrun66

    Fun fact - the mayo Bourke family she comes from were major slave holders.


  • Registered Users Posts: 33,931 ✭✭✭✭listermint

    The United Nations document. They're trying to centralize and make migration a human right. Link to the document:

    International cooperation: The Global Compact is a non-legally binding cooperative framework that recognizes that no State can address migration on its own due to the inherently transnational nature of the phenomenon. It requires international, regional and bilateral cooperation and dialogue. Its authority rests on its consensual nature, credibility, collective
    ownership, joint implementation, follow-up and review.

    National sovereignty: The Global Compact reaffirms the sovereign right of States to determine their national migration policy and their prerogative to govern migration within their jurisdiction, in conformity with international law. Within their sovereign jurisdiction, States may distinguish between regular and irregular migration status, including as they determine their legislative and policy measures for the implementation of the Global Compact, taking into account different national realities, policies, priorities and requirements for entry, residence and work, in accordance with international law.

    People like Mary Robinson are moving towards centralizing the movement of people across different countries. So when I say, open borders and globalism, that is completely true.

    What are you even talking about ?

    That is literally rethoric the document days nothing if he sort.

    Are you seriously saying we are looking for open borders. Is that your argument . This is the lies like bendy bananas that started brexit problems .

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,630 ✭✭✭Seathrun66

    Idbatterim wrote: »
    Now even the Irish times saying how we have gone to the left. Leo the leftist liar. If a party like renua can get 15-20% of vote, it would throw a hand grenade into Irish politics ...

    Michael D is left. Leo is not. C’mon man, do some basic research.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 29,386 ✭✭✭✭Wanderer78

    mfceiling wrote: »
    Why is there a move to the right in politics?

    Is mass immigration a great idea for a country or countries that are struggling to house their citizens?

    Where is the money going to come from for the additional strain on resources?

    Will there be proper employment opportunities, education, health care and housing for the new migrant population?

    There has been a shift to the left in Europe in the last 2 hasn't worked particularly well. It's moving back towards the right. Maybe in another 20 years it might move left again?

    by any chance would we be moving further right than our current position?

    there has been a shift towards a more neoliberial/neoclassical europe of the last couple of decades, a move in which left leaning parties have been equally compliced in

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,931 ✭✭✭✭listermint

    Rennaws wrote: »
    You are demonstrating a staggering ignorance of the political system in this country.

    The main parties have it sewn up which is why it's near impossible for new parties to form let alone actually get anywhere near power.

    We don't have a functioning democracy.

    We don't even have a functioning government at the moment.

    And they get away with it because this country is made up of people like you who can't think for themselves and just spout the establishment line because that's all they know as they vote for the party their parents voted for.

    It's pathetic but thankfully this way of thinking is slowly dying away as the older generations die off..

    Roll on the Peter Casey's and plenty more like him..

    People are done. The liberals have over done it..

    The days of political correctness are coming to an end.

    What liberals!?

    Will you stop with this guff.

    We don't have a left government. You sir are a liar. I can call you that because you are spreading untruths.

    And our government isn't functioning? They seem fairly consistent and cohesive on our negotiation for brexit deals.

    Why do you spread lies is it for the thanks ? Or you just enjoy the ranty stuff.

    Again I'll ask you sure I'll ask anyone who thanked you. Is our government lefty liberal if so which party ? And what policies. Cite examples of you don't then you are a liar

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,280 ✭✭✭sonic85

    When Tubridy made that comment about Caseys intellect right at the start of the interview Peter should've just walked off the stage. Disgraceful excuse for an interview.

    I have to say though - I like Casey, I voted for him and I agree with the sentiment of what he's saying but he does himself no favours showing up for interviews with little or no actual research done. He could've really shown up Tubridy last night with a little bit of effort. Car crash all round

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,800 ✭✭✭tretorn

    Rennaws wrote: »
    I have visions of Mickey D shouting over the Aras wall at 3am asking the lads if they could "keep it down a bit" :pac:

    Mickey D will be able to ride around the park on the ponies.

    I am sure the travellers could source a little Connemara pony for him or maybe a donkey or two.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,800 ✭✭✭tretorn

    The comment about Caseys intellect was appalling.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,931 ✭✭✭✭listermint

    Roark wrote: »
    We don’t know what the result of the protest vote will be yet. It’s too early to tell. A perceived bogeyman? You honestly don’t have a clue. I live in one of the towns where Casey topped the pole. People here didn’t vote for Casey because they were manipulated and/or are stupid/hateful/racist. They supported him because they live in a town with a high traveller population and have to live everyday with the problems that that often brings. I won’t bore you with anecdotes. Google has pages and pages of newspaper articles if you wish to educate yourself.

    There are no candidates that will touch traveller issues or the growing welfare state at the moment. Maybe that will change. We’ll see.

    Comparing the presidential election with Brexit makes no sense. One outcome has pretty much no impact on voters lives and the other has huge impact.

    Here is something to think about. Maybe people that think/vote differently to you aren’t idiots. Maybe we havent been manipulated and are blaming all our woes on a bogeyman. Maybe we have genuine real concerns that you and people like you have very little experience of and frankly don’t give a damn about.

    That’s me done for a while. Please don’t expect a reply.

    They're may be some fair points in what you are saying but you are throwing your Oar in with people that have an agenda the thread is dotted with them .

    They go around telling lies. Spreading misinformation and these folks want us to leave the EU, they go on about the traveller stuff as if it's part of a pc globalist agenda and then in the same breath talk about open borders.

    You really need to examine whether your being played.

    There are legitimate concerns about criminality but don't be taken for a fool for voting with right wing organisations. These people will cause you more harm than any traveller stealing your oil out or your fuel tank.

    There's a clear narrative they spread this stuff right through multiple threads. Focusing on one group and vilifiying them suits that narrative.

    Be open to seeing who these people are and what they are up to.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,800 ✭✭✭tretorn

    mfceiling wrote: »
    Why is there a move to the right in politics?

    Is mass immigration a great idea for a country or countries that are struggling to house their citizens?

    Where is the money going to come from for the additional strain on resources?

    Will there be proper employment opportunities, education, health care and housing for the new migrant population?

    There has been a shift to the left in Europe in the last 2 hasn't worked particularly well. It's moving back towards the right. Maybe in another 20 years it might move left again?

    Mass immigration of people who dont belong in a western democracy where everyone has equal rights is doomed to fail. These people dont belong here and will never belong here while they hang onto their feudal beliefs and way of life.

    Look at France and see what has happened there, look at Germany and envisage what it will be like in ten years. Look at the Netherlands where Muslims are becoming very strident and causing even this most liberal of all countries to move to the right.Look at Sweden, the same effect there.

    Do we really want all these problems in twenty years time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,931 ✭✭✭✭listermint

    tretorn wrote: »
    Mass immigration of people who dont belong in a western democracy where everyone has equal rights is doomed to fail. These people dont belong here and will never belong here while they hang onto their feudal beliefs and way of life.

    Look at France and see what has happened there, look at Germany and envisage what it will be like in ten years. Look at the Netherlands where Muslims are becoming very strident and causing even this most liberal of all countries to move to the right.Look at Sweden, the same effect there.

    Do we really want all these problems in twenty years time.

    All what problems.

    Ireland doesn't have mass immigration we don't have open borders.

    The only people pushing for people to go to the far right. And I don't use that lightly I mean far right is the likes of yourself and other obvious posters using terms like globalist and liberal left etc.

    It's as transparent as a washed window.






  • Registered Users Posts: 17,852 ✭✭✭✭Idbatterim

    People keep saying his vote was about the travelers. Yes a part of it was that. Another part was speaking the truth and his rightful claim of workers not being rewarded! You’re made feel like a pariah here, for someone who would probably agree with the conservatives, ie those currently governing Britain!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,987 ✭✭✭normanoffside

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 163 ✭✭shady acres

    the highlight of last nights "debate" for me was when the traveller woman was ranting at peter for 5 minutes
    and peter, cool as a cucumber turns to rubridy " are you losing control, ryan?

    classic Peter :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,630 ✭✭✭Seathrun66

    tretorn wrote: »
    Mass immigration of people who dont belong in a western democracy where everyone has equal rights is doomed to fail. These people dont belong here and will never belong here while they hang onto their feudal beliefs and way of life.

    Look at France and see what has happened there, look at Germany and envisage what it will be like in ten years. Look at the Netherlands where Muslims are becoming very strident and causing even this most liberal of all countries to move to the right.Look at Sweden, the same effect there.

    Do we really want all these problems in twenty years time.

    Who does belong here? Please clarify on grounds of race, religion & ethnicity?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭valoren

    Re the tweet from Jennifer Maguire;

    It's possible Casey replied "what's that?" but not in ignorance more so in mishearing her "what was that?/ What did you say?". But it's convenient now for an RTE stooge like her to manipulate, exploit and twist words to try and sully an outspoken guy.

    My guess is that Casey telling obvious truths about travelers and seeing the response from it is just a start and he's perceived as a threat by a cosseted RTE. What next? He might be outspoken about the shambles RTE is.

    Best to lay into him now and label him racist etc to discredit him and keep the show going. Sully the messenger, sully the message. The guy is a millionaire. That affords him freedom to speak out and that is a danger to sacred cows.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,279 ✭✭✭The Bishop Basher

    listermint wrote: »
    What liberals!?

    Will you stop with this guff.

    We don't have a left government. You sir are a liar. I can call you that because you are spreading untruths.

    And our government isn't functioning? They seem fairly consistent and cohesive on our negotiation for brexit deals.

    Why do you spread lies is it for the thanks ? Or you just enjoy the ranty stuff.

    Again I'll ask you sure I'll ask anyone who thanked you. Is our government lefty liberal if so which party ? And what policies. Cite examples of you don't then you are a liar

    Yeah whatever..

    You're like a dying wasp desperately trying to land a final sting..

    Our "government" don't even know what they are..

    The mere mention of FG and FF sharing power would have been completely unheard of less then a decade ago..

    And look at them now, all loved up in their thirst for power..

    As I said, we don't have a functioning democracy or government..

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,630 ✭✭✭Seathrun66

    the highlight of last nights "debate" for me was when the traveller woman was ranting at peter for 5 minutes
    and peter, cool as a cucumber turns to rubridy " are you losing control, ryan?

    classic Peter :D

    Less than 90 seconds of making her point. Casey rudely interrupted her twice as unable to hear a challenge. And the man wanted to be our chief diplomat. FFS.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,931 ✭✭✭✭listermint

    Idbatterim wrote: »
    People keep saying his vote was about the travelers. Yes a part of it was that. Another part was speaking the truth and his rightful claim of workers not being rewarded! You’re made feel like a pariah here, for someone who would probably agree with the conservatives, ie those currently governing Britain!!!

    Made feel like a pariah for working ?

    By who?

    Do your neighbours , your friends make you feel like a pariah ?

    There is no conservative government left in the UK. A conservative government wouldnt go for the national nonsensical rethoric that they are pulling and remove market access. That is not conservative that is right wing thinking.

    It simply doesn't allign with what conservative means.

    And people trying to rewrite what the lines of liberal are , are wrong.

    There's a reason there's a constant pressure to label centerist governments as liberal left because it suits the far right to put distance to centerist policies . And no centerist policies do not include making you a pariah for working.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,373 ✭✭✭tonycascarino

    the highlight of last nights "debate" for me was when the traveller woman was ranting at peter for 5 minutes
    and peter, cool as a cucumber turns to rubridy " are you losing control, ryan?

    classic Peter :D

    ''You would know all about it if I lost control,'' says Ryan the tough man who the wind would blow away like a piece of paper.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,931 ✭✭✭✭listermint

    Rennaws wrote: »
    Yeah whatever..

    You're like a dying wasp desperately trying to land a final sting..

    Our "government" don't even know what they are..

    The mere mention of FG and FF sharing power would have been completely unheard of less then a decade ago..

    And look at them now, all loved up in their thirst for power..

    As I said, we don't have a functioning democracy or government..

    Do you even know our parties ? FG and FF have always been two sides of slapped arse.

    Few popular things mixed in with center or right of centre policies

    You actually think we have a radical left government?

    This is quality comedy . I'd love to see you on stage

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,813 ✭✭✭Noveight

    valoren wrote: »
    My guess is that Casey telling obvious truths about travelers and seeing the response from it is just a start and he's perceived as a threat by a cosseted RTE. What next? He might be outspoken about the shambles RTE is.

    Good point. Time for RTÉ to circle the wagons in defense of their own interests.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 68,817 ✭✭✭✭FrancieBrady

    tretorn wrote: »
    People are upset because Tubridy presented a non threatening group of travellers to the country last night. I predicted this is what he would do but it’s another kick in the teeth to rural people to see this response by the national broadcaster to the misery that led to them voting for Casey.

    If the majority of the thirty thousand travellers are good law abiding citizens who go to college and then work why did 347,000 people vote for Peter Casey.

    RTE should remember who pays the licence fee and who doesn’t.

    Tubridy and his rude questions about where Casey got his money, I think this was the first question asked. Tubridy is on a huge salary and every licence payer is being fleeced to pay for his nose in the trough. He isn’t afraid to leave his house in case someone arrives pretending to be selling something but in reality looking for an opportunity to rob it.

    Why didn’t Tubridy ask the travellers how come many appear to be wealthy but officially the vast majority claim welfare payments, if its ok to ask Casey where he made his money then ask the travellers the same question.
    I'd say that after last night's epic fail by RTE Casey's vote would be much higher if the Presidential election was next week.
    As I said to you numerous times now they keep shooting the messenger but are very much afraid of the message. You are also addressing the wrong IQ's. Look inwards Francie.
    Edward M wrote: »
    By whom?
    We had an irate tubs, three travellers in the audience spoke and asked questions, not another person contributed or was asked to.
    A bad farce and the only one who came out of it with any credibility was Casey.
    No big audience boo's or demands he shut up, in fact a warm round of applause when he entered and at the end of his interview.
    But keep the faith there Francie.

    When has Casey ever mentioned the 'traveller crime' stuff that you all claim is the real issue? Can you link me to one statement he has made about this?

    He said something about SEMS and got challenged on it and failed the challenge on backing up what he said with any substantial evidence of travellers being treated as more equal because of SEMS.

This discussion has been closed.