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  • Registered Users Posts: 485 ✭✭Applegirl26

    Kellygirl wrote: »
    Hi L, just wondering how you are?

    Hi k, ah your so sweet.
    I'm OK, no running allowed this past week just cross training once nothing hurts. I can try a run later this week to see how I am.
    I will update this log hopefully later on today after the St Pats shenanigans.

  • Registered Users Posts: 485 ✭✭Applegirl26

    It's taken me a week to update this log. I think I thought if I didn't document it, it wasn't happening but that attitude always catches you out in the end.

    OK, before I tell you about week 10, I have to back track a little to the previous week. No injuries or niggles, my training was going great (or so I thought). I did however notice my calf muscles seemed quite taut despite my stretching, and I distinctly remember thinking “I'm a sitting duck here for an injury “. Thinking I was being super pro active in avoiding injury, I booked myself in to see my physio the following week just to get him to check it out.

    I finished that week with my lsr as planned. What I didn't tell you about in my last entry was that my right leg felt “a little achy” on and off throughout the run. On the final mile home, I got a sharp pain in my shin. Not good. I have a pretty decent pain threshold but this stopped me in my tracks. I stretched it out and it went. I was home a few minutes later. My leg felt a little tender but I couldn't shake the feeling that I was in big trouble here. This was the one and only run in my training that I hadn't enjoyed. The only nice thing about it was the playlist I was listening to.

    The next day was a scheduled rest day though I was in work so I don't know if I really did rest at all!

    I spent the rest of the weekend minding my leg with RICE when I could and taking ibuprofen. I was conscious not to mask any injury but my right shin was swollen so it was needed.

    Week 10:

    I had recently changed my shoes so I wore my old ones and headed out for the 60 mins very easy as planned. This was an early run so there was still a lot of ice and slush around. I slowed down as much as I could and ran on grass as much as possible resulting in 5 miles @ 13:36
    My leg felt OK until about halfway in. Then the now familiar ache started to come and go.
    My physio apt was today and I thought I'd never get to see him! I gave him my update and he did some work on my leg. OMG I had tears in my eyes. I'm not as tough as I'd like to think… PT, aware that I was running a marathon very soon, said I could run but to stop if it hurt. I wasn't to run through the pain and to continue with the RICE. The plan was now to get through the next 2 weeks until the taper started. All I could think about was the 3 hour lsr I still had to do… And if I was worried about getting through that, I can't tell you how worried I was about the race itself. PT had said “I won't lie to you, this could get very nasty. Any pain and you stop.”

    I ran 60 mins very easy before work. 5 miles @ 12:44. I wore my old shoes and experienced no pain just an ache or two but nothing I felt I should stop for. I started to think maybe all was not lost…

    Plan was 90 mins easy and because yesterday had gone well I thought I'd give it a go.
    8 miles @ 12:12, still keeping it slow.
    I ran on grass when I could. Ever mindful of my impending marathon I tried my new shoes again. Big mistake as they are for stability not cushioning, but I didn't know it then. Just as I left the PP and hit the pavement my leg gave in. It felt like someone had kicked me full force. I struggled home, not a happy bunny at all.

    Pain++, I wore compression sleeves and RICEed my leg. It was now very painful walking upstairs and driving.

    After having a good night, I tried to keep to the plan and salvage some of my training.
    6 miles @ 12:39.
    The pain returned after 20 mins or so and I thought I'd never get home

    It was now blatantly obvious to even me that I was in big trouble here and that rest, proper rest, was what was needed.

    Rest, RICE

    Rest. No Bohermeen.


    I was due to see my PT again today and I wanted to have an accurate up to date report for him. So, I tried 5 miles @ 13:16 hoping and praying that a weekend of rest would have taken some effect.
    It didn't. I finished with tears, knowing….it was all over. How could I have let this happen?

    It hurt to walk, drive, walk upstairs…
    I met with my PT and told him all about it.. His face looked grim while my eyes filled up. No running for a week at least, maybe more. Maybe more, probably more, and when I did get back running, it wouldn't be to do a 3 hr lsr nevermind a 26 mile race. Then to my embarrassment I started to cry hard. He was just amazing though. The plan was now to recover. My PT said he was devastated for me but that he would make a recovery plan with me to get through this. I was still training but I had to move off the road and into the gym. He assured me my training hadn't been for nothing and that when I get through this, I'll come out the other side fitter and more importantly, smarter.

    I went and sat in Starbucks staring at my uneaten brownie. How could I have let this happen? I trained so hard. There wasn't a single run I had dreaded. I gave it all I had. My biggest fear while training for Dublin had been getting injured. How could I have taken my eye off the ball now? I joined a local gym online as I sat there. They didn't open midweek until after 0600 and after 0800 on a weekend! Sheesh, sometimes I really miss the States. Anyway, it was all there was so I joined up. My brother sent me funny memes of Rocky pulling Paulie into the pool to cheer me up. He agreed with my PT and said I was to let Manchester go, recover, and focus on Berlin in September.

    I won't lie. I spent most of this day crying and feeling sorry for myself.

    I woke up at my usual early time with nothing to get up for. Gym wasn't open. I got up anyway. Eventually, after finishing the school run I was on my way. The gym was noisy, crowded and the exact environment I tend to avoid. Still it was offering me something to focus on while I recovered. Something to keep my cardio up. I swam for 60 mins. My PT had warned me it would be tough. He didn't lie! At one point I bumped into another swimmer. My leg was starting to ache so I had switched from the front crawl to the back stroke. I apologised to the guy but he just grunted back. Swimmers aren't as friendly as runners, that's for sure. On my way out of the gym I got lost and had to ask someone for directions.
    Few more tears that day. It was time to pull up my big girl pants. I told myself the mantra I always do when life is throwing curve balls. “No one is sick and no one has died. I can deal with this”.

    I cycled for 30 mins before my 60 min swim. I put my headphones on while on the bike and listened to a fav play list. It felt good. I didn't find the swim as tough going as the day before. I even braved venturing into a lane so I couldn't annoy anyone.
    Leg feeling fine, only hurts now waking up stairs and driving.
    My new running shoes arrived this evening. Soon as I took them out of the box I just had to try them on. It was like walking on clouds. As they're black I decided to wear them to work the next day as I'm on my feet a lot at work.

    This day became a rest day as I was at work. My running buddies at work sympathised with me and I listened to some of them tell me stories of not resting when injured and the consequences of that such as pulling out of races at mile 18 or so. They told me to focus on Berlin and that I'd get through this.
    I swear I have the best job for putting things in perspective. Crazy hectic day and I drove home feeling very blessed as I thought of what many families are going through today.
    My top and flag for Manchester arrived today and were waiting for me when I got home. I folded them carefully and put them into my closet. Maybe I'll get to wear them for Berlin…

    This became a rest day due to work. I had thought about going for a swim after work but the day had been crazy and I just wanted to go home to my guys and hear how their day was before they went to bed.

    I volunteered again at my fav parkrun. Even if I can't run, I need to be around it. I loved seeing the runners arrive and cheering on the kids. After, I headed to the gym and did a 60 min cycle. No swim today as we had family plans and I needed to get home.
    Leg only sore now driving. Have yet to go a day without needing pain killers.

    Gym closed. Give me strength….

    So, my homework for this week is a recovery of swimming, cycling and I will try some walking too. I can try a run this week to see how I am before I see my PT again but I've to stop if I have any discomfort at all.
    I am reading a book about marathon training by Hal Higdon. I'm only a few pages in and already I've learnt so much. To avoid injury keep your weekly mileage below 25, and increase up by 10% each week. I can't wait until he starts talking about cutback weeks.

    So that's it. I knew I'd need to run Manchester with my heart not my head so I tried to train with my heart and not my head if that makes sense. So many things to remember, nutrition, cross training, good weekly mileage, don't forget recovery weeks, core work…. The list is endless and a little overwhelming at times. It's like while I focus on one element and try to get that right, I'm taking my eye off the ball somewhere else. My marathon training took me through the winter which is what I wanted. Still, I never thought I wouldn't make it to the start line. Perhaps my goal race should have been Bohermeen. Anyway, that's a lesson I will taking with me into my 2018 winter training.

    It's been a humbling experience.

    Anyone that stayed reading until the end, thank you and I'm sorry for the long moan.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Awe L, I’m so so sorry you won’t make Manchester. That’s just gutting and so unfair after all your hard work. As usual you attitude is great though. You know yourself the training will stand to you. Has your pool got a deep end? When I was injured before Dublin I went Pool Running. It was brilliant. I remember Lazare found classes to go to in (I think it was) the Mespil.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,761 ✭✭✭ReeReeG

    Ah jesus, this is really horrible to read and I can only imagine how hard it has been for you. It seems extra cruel as you appear to have done the right thing in terms of booking the PT as soon you thought you might be leading up to an injury. Most of us would have left it a lot later.
    Let the tears flow as much as they need, it's therapeutic in its own way and you've been dealt a cruel blow. Hope the recovery is as swift as possible

  • Registered Users Posts: 485 ✭✭Applegirl26

    Kellygirl wrote: »
    Awe L, I’m so so sorry you won’t make Manchester. That’s just gutting and so unfair after all your hard work. As usual you attitude is great though. You know yourself the training will stand to you. Has your pool got a deep end? When I was injured before Dublin I went Pool Running. It was brilliant. I remember Lazare found classes to go to in (I think it was) the Mespil.

    Thanks K. The pool is the same depth the whole way around but yup I've been thinking about pool running. When I thought Manchester might be salvageable initially with some rest, I was going to give it a try but then my leg disimproved. It's definitely something I would try.

    I tell you the next time I get to run into the PP and up to my beloved acres loop, I'm gonna be like the pope kissing the ground!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 485 ✭✭Applegirl26

    ReeReeG wrote: »
    Ah jesus, this is really horrible to read and I can only imagine how hard it has been for you. It seems extra cruel as you appear to have done the right thing in terms of booking the PT as soon you thought you might be leading up to an injury. Most of us would have left it a lot later.
    Let the tears flow as much as they need, it's therapeutic in its own way and you've been dealt a cruel blow. Hope the recovery is as swift as possible

    Thanks ReeReeG. Ah its my own fault I guess. I had been warned by experienced runners (who I deeply respect) who after kindly reading my log told me to take it easy. I thought I was though. That's the thing. Marathon training is not supposed to be easy. What did they see that I didn't?

    Anyways, I'll get back out there, just need to heal up a little bit first. I'll be fine. X

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,759 ✭✭✭Mr. Guappa

    That's a tough read, and I'm gutted for you that Manchester has bitten the dust. Hopefully you're not out of action for too long.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Very sorry to hear Manchester is off the table, been there worn the T-shirt with missing marathons but there is plenty of others further down the line. It sucks big time to miss it but you come back stronger next time. Chin up, there’s always Berlin!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Don't be too hard on yourself. We all get injured. Sometimes you can be as careful as you should be and it doesn't make a difference. There's no questioning your attitude though. It's pretty staggering to be honest. I'm not sure I've ever seen someone with an attitude as strong as yours. Impressive.

    Sorry to hear though. Gutting. You'll be OK though. The commitment you have will get you back in no time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    I'm really sorry to read you're injured and Manchester is off the table. It's really lousy after all your hard work. Hope you're back to your beloved PP soonest.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,673 ✭✭✭juke

    L, what a tough couple of weeks you have had. So sorry this has happened to you. The miles are certainly not wasted and you'll come back stronger & wiser.

  • Registered Users Posts: 485 ✭✭Applegirl26

    Mr. Guappa wrote: »
    That's a tough read, and I'm gutted for you that Manchester has bitten the dust. Hopefully you're not out of action for too long.

    Thanks A. It took me a week to tell you guys about it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 485 ✭✭Applegirl26

    OOnegative wrote: »
    Very sorry to hear Manchester is off the table, been there worn the T-shirt with missing marathons but there is plenty of others further down the line. It sucks big time to miss it but you come back stronger next time. Chin up, there’s always Berlin!!

    Thanks OOnegative. It's a lesson I won't ever forget!

    Yeah, TG I got into Berlin....

  • Registered Users Posts: 485 ✭✭Applegirl26

    Don't be too hard on yourself. We all get injured. Sometimes you can be as careful as you should be and it doesn't make a difference. There's no questioning your attitude though. It's pretty staggering to be honest. I'm not sure I've ever seen someone with an attitude as strong as yours. Impressive.

    Sorry to hear though. Gutting. You'll be OK though. The commitment you have will get you back in no time.

    Thanks Swashbuckler! That really means a lot to me. Thank you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 485 ✭✭Applegirl26

    Huzzah! wrote: »
    I'm really sorry to read you're injured and Manchester is off the table. It's really lousy after all your hard work. Hope you're back to your beloved PP soonest.

    Thanks Huzzah. The day I'm back you'll hear me laugh with joy like a little kid!

  • Registered Users Posts: 485 ✭✭Applegirl26

    juke wrote: »
    L, what a tough couple of weeks you have had. So sorry this has happened to you. The miles are certainly not wasted and you'll come back stronger & wiser.

    Thanks J. I sure hope so.

    I only realised the other day that you were injured yourself. Hope you are OK x

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    Thanks ReeReeG. Ah its my own fault I guess. I had been warned by experienced runners (who I deeply respect) who after kindly reading my log told me to take it easy. I thought I was though. That's the thing. Marathon training is not supposed to be easy. What did they see that I didn't?

    Anyways, I'll get back out there, just need to heal up a little bit first. I'll be fine. X

    Aw sh1t, this is terrible news. I'm really sorry. I can only add to what others have said. Your dedication and singlemindedness have been staggering to behold. The miles you have done will stand to you. Look forward to Berlin...that should be special.

  • Registered Users Posts: 485 ✭✭Applegirl26

    skyblue46 wrote: »
    Aw sh1t, this is terrible news. I'm really sorry. I can only add to what others have said. Your dedication and singlemindedness have been staggering to behold. The miles you have done will stand to you. Look forward to Berlin...that should be special.

    Thanks S. I really appreciate that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 470 ✭✭Dealerz2.0

    Ah god L, my heart was sinking for you reading your post.

    Stay strong and recover well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 64 ✭✭yido1882

    Sorry to read your news L. Give yourself the time you need to get right and no doubt we'll see you with your mad 5 a.m runs on strava again in no time!

    The training you've put in will stand to you and I'm sure you'll run a great marathon in Berlin.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 485 ✭✭Applegirl26

    Dealerz2.0 wrote: »
    Ah god L, my heart was sinking for you reading your post.

    Stay strong and recover well.

    Thanks F.

    I love following your training for Belfast. You are flying it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 485 ✭✭Applegirl26

    yido1882 wrote: »
    Sorry to read your news L. Give yourself the time you need to get right and no doubt we'll see you with your mad 5 a.m runs on strava again in no time!

    The training you've put in will stand to you and I'm sure you'll run a great marathon in Berlin.

    Thanks so much yido1882. 0500.... Best time of the day to go running!! To do anything. Early bird and all that. Ha.

    I sure hope so. I will keep up with the cross training even when I go back running.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,306 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Ah f*** (excuse my language), I'm so sorry to read this. What everyone else has said though L, your training was astounding, so don't beat yourself up there, you were doing so well, running at the right paces consistently, you don't deserve this. BUT your attitude in the face of this is exemplary! You will come back from this and have an amazing marathon in your future - Berlin will be extra sweet! Mind yourself now misses physically and emotionally, it's not an easy hand to deal with x

  • Registered Users Posts: 485 ✭✭Applegirl26

    ariana` wrote: »
    Ah f*** (excuse my language), I'm so sorry to read this. What everyone else has said though L, your training was astounding, so don't beat yourself up there, you were doing so well, running at the right paces consistently, you don't deserve this. BUT your attitude in the face of this is exemplary! You will come back from this and have an amazing marathon in your future - Berlin will be extra sweet! Mind yourself now misses physically and emotionally, it's not an easy hand to deal with x

    Aw thanks so much ariana. That means a lot.
    I really slowed down my easy runs and everything! Ah well...
    It happened for a reason. There's a lesson for me to learn here.
    I'm sure I'll feel a little sad when the day comes that I should be flying to Manchester and on the day itself but.... I will run again. In the great scheme of things, this is a temporary problem. It also helps that I'm a week past knowing Manchester is gone. This time last week I was a blubbering mess!

    I'm delighted now that I threw my hat in the ring for Berlin. If I get there, we will make a weekend out of it. I've never been to Germany and it will be the first Berlin medal to add to the collection my Dad started! That will be wonderful.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 746 ✭✭✭gypsylee

    Oh bloody hell. I am so so sorry for you L. Your dedication to your training has been second to none and something I could never aspire too. I feel like crying for you! Your day in Berlin will be all the sweeter for this set back. Focus on your recovery and you will be back stronger and fitter for it. Take care.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,306 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Aw thanks so much ariana. That means a lot.
    I really slowed down my easy runs and everything! Ah well...
    It happened for a reason. There's a lesson for me to learn here.
    I'm sure I'll feel a little sad when the day comes that I should be flying to Manchester and on the day itself but.... I will run again. In the great scheme of things, this is a temporary problem. It also helps that I'm a week past knowing Manchester is gone. This time last week I was a blubbering mess!

    I'm delighted now that I threw my hat in the ring for Berlin. If I get there, we will make a weekend out of it. I've never been to Germany and it will be the first Berlin medal to add to the collection my Dad started! That will be wonderful.

    That's really lovely, following in your dad's footsteps :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 485 ✭✭Applegirl26

    gypsylee wrote: »
    Oh bloody hell. I am so so sorry for you L. Your dedication to your training has been second to none and something I could never aspire too. I feel like crying for you! Your day in Berlin will be all the sweeter for this set back. Focus on your recovery and you will be back stronger and fitter for it. Take care.

    Thanks J. That's very kind though I think you're selling yourself short there! I've seen your runs on strava and I think you're amazing.

    Yup, I need to let this leg heal up, then get back out there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 485 ✭✭Applegirl26

    ariana` wrote: »
    That's really lovely, following in your dad's footsteps :)

    And when I'm in the PP, I literally am! I love running the routes I used to hear him talk about. It was his fav place to run.

    Thanks ariana.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,338 ✭✭✭eyrie

    Ah no, I've been wondering about you a lot over the last while and I'm really sorry to hear this news. It will be a distant memory eventually when you've gone on to bigger and better things in your running, but that doesn't mean it isn't really, really crap now.
    Don't be afraid to give yourself a total break too, it's emotionally exhausting going through this kind of thing and all the rehab too, and there's nothing at all wrong with a week off and then starting fresh to look towards Berlin. But you'll know what will suit you.
    Keep us posted and mind yourself :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 485 ✭✭Applegirl26

    eyrie wrote: »
    Ah no, I've been wondering about you a lot over the last while and I'm really sorry to hear this news. It will be a distant memory eventually when you've gone on to bigger and better things in your running, but that doesn't mean it isn't really, really crap now.
    Don't be afraid to give yourself a total break too, it's emotionally exhausting going through this kind of thing and all the rehab too, and there's nothing at all wrong with a week off and then starting fresh to look towards Berlin. But you'll know what will suit you.
    Keep us posted and mind yourself :)

    Thanks eyrie. You're a rock of sense as always.
    I will be sensible about getting back to running, I promise. The thoughts of training again over the summer are keeping my spirits up now. I don't want to jeopardise that race too.
    Thanks again.
