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Are those my feet?



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,601 ✭✭✭Wubble Wubble

    Mr. Guappa wrote: »
    29th April - 5th May

    Monday: 60 mins very easy (5.46 miles @ 11:00)
    A late evening run after work around the grass pitches at UL. All felt good, and I had a very interesting PM in my Boards inbox when I got back!

    No running - felt like crap and had to leave work at 11 as I felt unwell. It kind of came out of nowhere, although it seems to have gone around the office.

    No running - took the day off work (really not like me). Not feeling a whole lot better than yesterday. Lots of sleep.

    No running - on the mend now and feeling fine, but decided to leave the running for another day in case there was anything lingering.

    Friday: 75 mins very easy (6.84 miles @ 11:00)
    Decided I was up to some very easy miles. Felt fine and good to be back out on the roads again!

    Saturday: 30 mins tempo
    Tempo range: 8:15 - 8:03
    Actual paces: 8:09, 8:10, 8:13, 8:02

    This got easier as it went on. The first 10-15 mins at tempo felt like more work than I thought they should, but by the end I was much more comfortable. I really like tempo pace. 7.77 miles for the day with w/u and c/d.

    Sunday: 1 hour 45 mins easy
    I had a long run planned for Sunday afternoon, but I woke feeling wrecked and grumpy (apparently!). Looking back on the week, I was probably still wrecked on Friday and Saturday from the midweek dose. Anyway, as advised by herself, I canned the long run and took an afternoon nap instead! Best decision I've made in a while as it turns out. Felt like a new man afterwards and got the long run on Monday instead. Sometimes the best run is no run.

    So this week left April behind us, and with 142 miles it ranks as my second highest mileage month to date. Most of the miles were easy due to the hamstring injury, but as Huzzah! and Kellygirl noted, it should stand to me as a great base. For perspective, I'll resurrect my mileage table:

    Total (mi)|83|301|1083

    For the week ahead, I've the 10km race in Clonmel on Sunday. This had been an "A-target" race for the first half of the year, but it's more of a "B-target" now. Given the recent lack of sessions I'm really not sure what to expect. Maybe a slight PB on 46:29, but not near my sub 45 goal for the year? I don't know. I'll give it a good rattle anyway, see what happens!

    And then there is the small matter of this! First off, I'm truly honoured to have been asked, so thanks very much to ariana' for deeming me worthy! Very big shoes to fill! It's a testament to the great job that she, Kellygirl and skyblue46 did last year that I had so many willing and capable candidates to assist me, but I'm delighted that Huzzah! and ReeReeG agreed to come on board. With those two looking out for them, the 2019 novices will be in great hands. I won't lie, it's a daunting task, but having gained so much from this forum, I'm thrilled to be in a position to give something back. Excited, but nervous!

    The very best of luck A. I'm sure you'll do a fine job.

  • Registered Users Posts: 485 ✭✭Applegirl26

    Best of luck with leading the novices A and good luck with the race!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Mr. Guappa wrote: »

    And then there is the small matter of this! First off, I'm truly honoured to have been asked, so thanks very much to ariana' for deeming me worthy! Very big shoes to fill! It's a testament to the great job that she, Kellygirl and skyblue46 did last year that I had so many willing and capable candidates to assist me, but I'm delighted that Huzzah! and ReeReeG agreed to come on board. With those two looking out for them, the 2019 novices will be in great hands. I won't lie, it's a daunting task, but having gained so much from this forum, I'm thrilled to be in a position to give something back. Excited, but nervous!

    I'm delighted you took it up. I have no doubt you and your well chosen sidekicks will do an absolutely super job! I hope you enjoy the experience of being involved from a different angle this year - it's very rewarding. It's very exciting to see the thread back up and running again, you're off to a great start already :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,735 ✭✭✭Mr. Guappa

    Kellygirl wrote: »
    You’ll be great - a brilliant mentor.

    Hope the race goes really well next weekend.
    Cheers - time will tell on both counts I guess :)

    ReeReeG wrote: »
    I really think you could surprise yourself on Sunday and get more than a slight PB. You've had your second highest mileage month, so the fitness isn't lost after the setback, maaaaybe some sharpness but I dunno. What's the course profile like??
    Course is not the worst, but gently undulating throughout, plenty long drags and a finishing mile plus that is always into a headwind anytime I run there. Had a look at last years results, 300 runners and plenty in and around the 45-46 mark, so hopefully that will help!

    yido1882 wrote: »
    Best of luck with the Mentor role A, you'll do a great job.

    Good luck with the 10k on Sunday, back yourself, you've a load of great training behind you with great endurance built up. Don't worry about the lack of sessions.
    I would say, put yourself on pace for a PB for the first 3 or 4 kms and see how you're feeling then, you can always dial it back slightly if it's feeling too quick.
    Cheers A - Hopefully Spurs to the business in Amsterdam! My general approach is to take it handy to start and pick up the pace later, but my best 5k did come when I went out hard. I might just go out hard this time as I've no real expectations, so if I fall to pieces, well, what about it.

    tbukela wrote: »
    Best of luck with the Mentored Novice thread, you will do a great job with it.

    Similar to the others I think you will run a cracker in the 10K at the weekend, back yourself.
    Cheers for the double vote of confidence T!

    The very best of luck A. I'm sure you'll do a fine job.
    Thanks very much J!

    Best of luck with leading the novices A and good luck with the race!
    Cheers L, looking forward to both challenges!

    ariana` wrote: »
    I'm delighted you took it up. I have no doubt you and your well chosen sidekicks will do an absolutely super job! I hope you enjoy the experience of being involved from a different angle this year - it's very rewarding. It's very exciting to see the thread back up and running again, you're off to a great start already :)
    Thanks! The reports from Limerick and Belfast over the weekend really got my marathon juices flowing again, and now with the thread up it's after ratcheting up a whole other level. It's fun so far (one day!) seeing it from the other side this year, but ask me again in 6 months! :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    Good luck in the 10k at the weekend. As other have said, back yourself. Enjoy!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Best of luck A, you've got this!

  • Registered Users Posts: 470 ✭✭Dealerz2.0

    Good luck at the weekend

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    Best of luck today. It's a smashing day for a race.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Good luck today A.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,735 ✭✭✭Mr. Guappa

    6th May - 12th May

    Monday: 1 hour 45 mins easy, 10.43 miles at 10:24/mile
    As mentioned last week, this was pushed back from Sunday. Not ideal pushing the long run into the Monday of race week, but no biggie. Felt great heading out, and loved this run.

    Tuesday: 40 mins very easy (3.64 miles @ 11:01)
    Bit of a taper this week, so knocked the usual hour back to 40 mins.


    Thursday: 5 × 1 min @ VO2 max, 2 min recoveries
    The popular pre-race sharpener makes a welcome return. Reduced it by a rep as I was a day later doing this than I'd ideally like. Hit and miss with the paces (6:53-6:45) but there or thereabouts for all of them. Felt the session achieved its purpose anyway. A nice confidence builder.

    Friday: 45 mins very easy (4:09 miles @ 11:00)
    A nice Friday evening trot.

    Saturday: 20 mins very easy, plus a few strides (2.33 miles)
    Hamstring was sore Saturday morning, so I was fearful of a reoccurrence of the injury from March. Felt tight all the way around this run, so kept the strides very, very conservative. Looks like the run loosened out whatever was up with the hamstring anyway, as it was fine afterwards, and all good the following morning too.

    Sunday: Clonmel AC 10km race
    I'd decided during the week that I was going to give this everything I had, which meant attacking that 45 minute mark. The advice of so many here to back myself convinced me to go for it. The plan was to take the first 3 miles at 7:20 pace, then up it towards 7:00 for the final 3.2 odd miles. I'd built a little time buffer into that, and if I was under serious pressure after 3 miles I'd let the 45 min target go until another day.

    After a gentle 15 minute warm-up I was all set. Looking back, the weather was way too hot to be PB hunting, but I didn't care.

    Miles 1-3: 7:16, 7:21, 7:22
    Pace felt nice and sedate in the very early going, but the watch told me I was going just as I wanted. The effort levels soon increased, and I was soon working reasonably hard. When I thought of it I tried to concentrate on breathing, keeping the head up, and keeping the course as short as possible, without resorting to using footpaths. Pretty much right on target through 3 miles, and feeling not too bad, and quite determined, I pushed on with the sub 45 plan.

    Miles 4-6.2: 7:17, 7:06, 7:06 6:38
    I found myself a bit isolated during the 4th mile, effort had definitely increased, but time for that mile didn't reflect this. I considered bailing on the 45 minute target, but my calculations at the 6k marker let me know it was well within reach, if I could just lift it again. Lift it again? I was working so hard here, it was horrible! Knuckled down again anyway, and went through a phase of reeling in and passing target after target. I was breathing so heavy now and again briefly considered settling for 45:xx, but quickly got over that. The faster you go the sooner this will be over. 5th mile beeped at 7:06 and my calculations at 8k told me me I was still a fraction outside the the 45 minute mark. Just sustain this pace for the remainder and I'll get it. Easier said than done though. I'd managed to pull in behind a guy at this stage, and apologies to him for taking a tow for so long but I didn't have the strength to pull past him. My heart felt like it was going to explode, my legs felt weak as hell, but still the watch showed 7:0x. Remember thinking around here that I need to do more shorter races to get used to this pain. Even passing a 400m to go sign I didn't know if I'd make the finish, saw the last corner approaching and thought please let the finish be just around the corner. 44:40 on the clock as I rounded the corner, knew I had it then! Drove for the line and crossed in a chip time of 44:50. :)

    I was too wrecked to enjoy it in the immediate aftermath. A photo of me at that last corner confirms my suspicion that I wringed every last second I could out of myself today - it's a ridiculously unflattering snap, I look demented! After a few chats and sandwiches I went for a cool down, and it was only then that the sense of satisfaction came over me. I'm thrilled with that result, goes to show what can be achieved with lots and lots of easy miles!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Well done on the PB, great racing!! Gritted it out to achieve the sub 45.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,760 ✭✭✭ReeReeG

    Really brilliant racing A, delighted for you. That's how to put everything into a 10k! When are you going to share that photo though?!

    Totally jealous of your time as well of course :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭tbukela

    Congratulations on a gutsy run and a serious time. I was delighted when I saw it pop up on Strava. You really seem to have settled into a training program that works for you.

    I'd be interested to know what your next target race will be, plenty more PBs to come.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,735 ✭✭✭Mr. Guappa

    OOnegative wrote: »
    Well done on the PB, great racing!! Gritted it out to achieve the sub 45.
    Cheers! I don't think I'd be able to dig out that type of performance every time, but happy to know I could when I really wanted it.
    ReeReeG wrote: »
    Really brilliant racing A, delighted for you. That's how to put everything into a 10k! When are you going to share that photo though?!

    Totally jealous of your time as well of course :pac:
    Thanks again V! I wouldn't have went for it without the reassurance from yourself and others here, so thanks for that!

    Heavy airbrushing currently underway..... :pac:
    tbukela wrote: »
    Congratulations on a gutsy run and a serious time. I was delighted when I saw it pop up on Strava. You really seem to have settled into a training program that works for you.

    I'd be interested to know what your next target race will be, plenty more PBs to come.
    Cheers T! Yeah, I love the format of the grads plans, looking forward to seeing how I get on following them for DCM.

    I had thought I'd miss the sub 45 here, so was aiming for Dundrum 10k in early July (I think) as the next target. It's a super fast course so figured I'd get my time there. Not sure what I'll do now though. I'll still do Dundrum I'd say, but it won't be so much of a target. I'm leaning towards lots of racing ahead of the DCM block, and just following the general format of the grads plans, putting in the sessions that I liked (and some that i didn't!). Need to sit down this week and pick out a few races, then work the training around those.

  • Registered Users Posts: 258 ✭✭BrownEyes79

    Wow well done on an amazing PB, it sounds like it was a mental and physical battle which you won!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    Cracking run. Well done!

  • Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭tbukela

    I’ve Dundrum circled in the calendar myself for a PB effort. Also thinking of Cahir & Clonmel Half Marathons so I could be spending a lot of the summer in the Premier county. There are loads of great races around that part of the country with a very high standard.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,338 ✭✭✭eyrie

    Mr. Guappa wrote: »
    A photo of me at that last corner confirms my suspicion that I wringed every last second I could out of myself today
    Sounds like pretty much perfect racing in that case! But I agree with V, we need to see the photo!
    Great report and well done on the sub 45

  • Registered Users Posts: 63 ✭✭yido1882

    Great result and well deserved. Keep backing yourself and you'll be hitting more PBs this year I've no doubt.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,735 ✭✭✭Mr. Guappa

    tbukela wrote: »
    I’ve Dundrum circled in the calendar myself for a PB effort. Also thinking of Cahir & Clonmel Half Marathons so I could be spending a lot of the summer in the Premier county. There are loads of great races around that part of the country with a very high standard.

    I did both the Clonmel and Cahir Half Marathons last year. Definitely doing Clonmel again this year, it fits nicely into the DCM block. I had considered Cahir a non-runner this year, but I might reconsider now. Cahir last year was a disaster on an absolute scorcher of a day as I walked most of the last 6km to get home in 2:09, so I've unfinished business there. Start is earlier in the day this year too, which was a badly needed change after last year when we were out in the worst of the afternoon heat.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭tbukela

    I had the same experience in Cahir last year, horrible day for a race. I want to banish the horror of last year, the only enjoyable part was walking into the river for a dip afterwards. It's always a bad sign when there are giving out salt tablets at the end of a race.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,250 ✭✭✭coogy

    A, a very very belated congrats and well done on a smashing performance!

    Even reading that report, I was willing you on for the last couple of miles!!!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,735 ✭✭✭Mr. Guappa

    Bit of catching up to do here. Thanks to everyone for the 10k comments, I'm still chuffed with that one!

    13th May - 19th May

    Monday: recovery run, 3.40 miles at 11:11/mile
    A gentle recovery run after the 10k exertions of the previous day.

    Tuesday: 40 mins very easy (3.93 miles @ 10:57)
    More recovery miles. Calf felt a bit tight so was mindful of not doing too much. There was a local 8km race coming up on the Friday night, which originally I had no intention of doing, but now I was beginning to consider it. Decided I'd do it if the calf cleared up.


    Thursday: 45 mins very easy (4.08 miles @ 11:10)
    More gentle stuff. Calf felt fine, so that was the green light for Friday's race. Doing back-to-back races would be a new one for me, but I'd see how it went.

    Friday: Poulmucka 8km - 35:58
    I was really pleased with this time. I'd ran the same race last year in 38:07, so nice to get a substantial improvement on tired legs. Last year there was outdoor music and food afterwards, but poor weather meant those festivities had to be moved indoors this year, which was a pity. Got nicely soaked on my warm-up and cool-down, but the rain held off for the race itself thankfully.

    From last year, I knew to expect a hilly route, with the worst of the hills coming in the third mile. I went with a plan of taking it handy for the first two miles, getting through the third, then picking up the pace over the closing two miles if I could. The legs felt very dead over the first two miles, and I was passed by a good few runners through this section. Kept the pace in check, although I felt myself slowing a bit too much, perhaps saving something subconsciously for the hill ahead. First two miles clocked at 7:18 and 7:10.

    Hit the third mile and made it up the hill in one piece. It was tough going, but I was passing people now and not being passed myself. Took on board some water at the top, and once I'd regrouped after the hill I felt like I was finally hitting my stride. There was a 5km walk/race running simultaneously (they had started at our 3k mark) and I was now coming onto the walkers, which was a bit of a hindrance. They were walking two and three abreast on narrow country roads, and on whichever side took their fancy, so it meant a little bit of weaving and praying they didn't make any sudden movements that landed me in the ditch. Through miles 3 and 4 in 7:48 and 7:18.

    Into the last mile and tried to lift the effort again. I was still passing the odd 8km runner, as well as 5km participants too. Although annoying, they were a target at least, which helped keep the focus. Back onto the main road and I was really pushing now. The last couple of hundred metres were a lovely downhill and I clocked 6:48 average pace for the last 0.94 of a mile.

    Really pleased with this in the end. I didn't put forth anything like the effort of the previous Sunday, so I was happy that I was able to finish strong. I had gone in with a 36:30 aim, so I beat that nicely.

    Saturday: 20 mins recovery (1.96 miles @ 11:15)
    A short early morning recovery run as we were flying out to Lanzarote that afternoon.

    Rest, and a bit of scouting potential running locations

    20th May - 26th May

    Monday: 65 mins very easy (5.79 miles @ 11:14)
    A nice run along the paths by the seafront in Puerto del Carmen. Plenty of people out and about running the same paths. There was an Ironman coming up at the weekend, so lots of setting up being done from that, and lots of triathlon looking types out and about.

    Tuesday: 75 mins very easy (6.72 miles @ 11:28)
    Kellygirl had spotted my location on strava and pointed me in the direction of a trail run over to Puerto Calero. It was great advice. I followed her directions and found myself on the trail easily enough. It was a lovely route and really enjoyable. I can see why people get into trail running, it's very different to road running. I made plenty of pit stops to take photos, and it was so intersting to see what the island looks like outside of the resort towns. This was the running highlight of the holiday - thanks K!

    Rest - calves were pretty sore from the day before. I had wanted to bring the foam roller on holidays, but I was over-ruled :rolleyes:

    Thursday: 40 mins very easy (3.7 miles @ 11:06)
    Had a short window before a day trip so got in a few very easy miles back on the seafront. Calves felt better after than before.

    Friday: 90 mins easy (8.77 miles @ 10:24)
    I knew if I continued on past where I ran on Monday that it would take me out to the airport. Typically, this was the hottest day of the week. The running path goes right under the flight path as the planes come into land - it really is an awesome sight. Took a 5-minute break to take some photos out there, which re-energised me for the return leg back to the house. Very pleased with the mileage I managed to get in for the week over there - lots of cross-training too between walking and larking about in the pool.

    Rest - and travelling home :(

    Sunday: 60 mins very easy (5.52 miles @ 11:05)
    Back in Ireland and back on one of my bread and butter loops. Felt very appreciative of the greenery we have around us in this country.

    I've a few races earmarked for the next eight weeks, taking me up to the start of DCM training. First up is a 5km race tomorrow night - this will give me a benchmark for the next few weeks as I've another couple of 5k's on the schedule.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Delighted you liked that trail run. The highlight of my trip to Puerto Calero at Easter was a trail run over to Playa Quemada and a bit further. Pace goes out the window but fab runs. I only went half way to Puerto Del Carmen the day I went that direction as was after my hamstring had gone and didn’t want to risk going too far until I was more confident in it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭tbukela

    Best of luck with the 5K, what is the target? If it's the one I'm thinking of I was told bit of a climb for the first 2k and then fast finish.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,735 ✭✭✭Mr. Guappa

    Kellygirl wrote: »
    Delighted you liked that trail run. The highlight of my trip to Puerto Calero at Easter was a trail run over to Playa Quemada and a bit further. Pace goes out the window but fab runs. I only went half way to Puerto Del Carmen the day I went that direction as was after my hamstring had gone and didn’t want to risk going too far until I was more confident in it.

    I was very tempted to head over to Playa Quemada another day like you suggested, but wanted to get over to the airport too so couldn't fit them all in.
    tbukela wrote: »
    Best of luck with the 5K, what is the target? If it's the one I'm thinking of I was told bit of a climb for the first 2k and then fast finish.

    Based on my most recent races, the calculators put me in the 22:00 - 21:30 range, so I'll go with a sub 22 target I think, and see where that takes me. The race is in Rosegreen, first time being held, so I've no indicators of what the course is like, or what type of turnout to expect. I'll use it very much as a trial run to set a target for the next couple of 5k's.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    Nice running in the 8k. Best of luck tonight!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    As trial runs go that was pretty special. Great time!! Going from strength to strength. It's great to see.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,735 ✭✭✭Mr. Guappa

    skyblue46 wrote: »
    As trial runs go that was pretty special. Great time!! Going from strength to strength. It's great to see.

    Cheers! Really happy with the time. Not to put too much pressure on myself but felt like there was a bit in the tank as well. I'm loving this regular racing phase I'm having at the moment!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,735 ✭✭✭Mr. Guappa

    Rosegreen 5km race report
    As I mentioned beforehand, I wasn't sure what to expect from this race. 65 runners as it turned out, with a few I recognised as pacy from previous races. Race HQ was at the Tipperary Raceway car track, but disappointingly we wouldn't be racing around the car track, as the 5k route was on the road outside. Got in a short 12 minutes of a warm up along the early part of the race route, which was a flat section. Then made my way up towards the start line.

    Bit of a Craggy Island vibe from the set up as the start was delayed due to some late arrivals but eventually we were off. The lead van took off with a loud speaker attached providing commentary on the leaders efforts, a new one on me. My initial pace was a tad too hot, but I soon settled in to a solid 7:00 or just under, and went through the first mile in 6:53.

    The second mile was pretty much all uphill. Not a monster hill, but a substantial, prolonged incline all the same. Went stride for stride up the hill alongside a girl in a black top, at a controlled, solid pace. She pulled away from me as we reached the top. I was working reasonably hard at this stage, without being at absolute max levels. The road surface for a lot of this mile, and most of the next was absolutely shocking, basically a bad bohereen. Clocked the mile in 7:22.

    Another bit of a climb to start the third mile, before what Strava shows as a downhill finish. It didn't feel as downhill as it looks. I was now passing people, and not being passed myself, and I made a mental note of a pattern I've noticed, where I seem to corner faster than most around me. Maybe most people slow approaching corners or something, I dunno, but I seem to reel people in approaching a bend, get onto their shoulder through the bend, then slingshot out of the bend and shoot past them. Effort levels were high now, and I was working hard. My mental calculations as the race went told me 21:15 or thereabouts was within reach if I maintained the pace. I briefly thought I'd catch the girl in the black top from the earlier hill, but she kicked for home and I raced myself to the finish, in 21:06.

    6:36 for the third mile, and 6:01 for the final 0.05 as GC measured it. I'm over the moon with the time, although noted some mention on Strava of the course being short. Even with an added 15-20 seconds I'd still be very happy. It was actually my first "proper" 5km race, any others have been fun runs or parkruns, and this was a huge PB over any of those. Decent spread of buns and cakes afterwards. I've spent many less productive Tuesday evenings!

    I'm interested to hear people's thoughts on whether I should adjust my training paces after three good races in the past few weeks? My current paces are from a Stephens Day 4 miler. Taking the slowest of the recent races (the 8km), it wouldn't exactly be a giant leap, my easy pace would drop from 10:20 to 10:11, tempo from 8:09 to 8:03. Using the recent 10k time would knock the same again off both. Thinking of using the 8km time so I don't totally lose the run of myself!
