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Shotgun 2020



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Thursday 17 January
    Plan: Tempo 6 miles @MP
    Actual: Tempo 6 miles (7.04 miles total)

    Yesterday was a rest day but a long one up and down the Motorway. Plenty of energy today but the rib was sore. Anyway, no excuses and I had an hour window to get this done. No room for a warm up so I used the first mile to get into the 6 miles tempo. The purpose of this tempo run is to run it at PMP, planned marathon pace. I have no idea what that is so I should use HR as a guide or feel the effort to gauge a realistic pace goal. I did neither :rolleyes:

    I had 6:40 pace marked into the plan for when I thought I'd seriously be going for sub3 (pre hamstring injury). Knowing that would be a real challenge, I opted to try and keep it under 7 minute pace. The first mile was too fast but it got me into a tempo rhythm. I ran to a local 1.5 mile loop to avoid too many traffic light stops. I should have dropped the effort to what felt like marathon effort but I didn't let off. When I dropped a gear it went above 7 minute miles and I should have just been content to run that. Instead I pressed on. Miles 1-4 felt ok and mile 5 and 6 were tough. Overall it felt closer to 10k effort than marathon effort. I'm happy to get the 6 miles done at a tempo but I over cooked it. My heart rate average was 164 for the later miles and that is actually similar to my half marathon and marathon pb effort but it felt like harder work. I'm not fit enough to maintain that.

    Tempo miles
    6:34, 6:33, 6:43, 6:39, 6:36, 6:27

    Rookie mistakes today :rolleyes: At least I have 2 easy runs before the next session. The program repeats this run for the next 2 weeks before it increases to 7 miles @MP. I have opportunities to get it right yet.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Friday 18 January
    Plan: Easy 7 miles
    Actual: Easy 7.99 miles @8:02

    The legs were a little heavy and weary from the tempo yesterday so I planned to just do the easy 7 miles, not 8! As long as it started with 7 on the watch fine. Pretty fine it was too! Beautiful but cold today here in Limerick. I layered up only to be sweating after 10 minutes. Just steady miles limiting the movement of the rib. I was in a trance and jumped over a puddle once and yelped with pain to bring me back to the real world. The .99 miles was a detour to a local noodle shop to grab a menu for later. I got a hug from someone yesterday who said I had lost weight. The first sign that I'm getting fitter :) I saw 79.xx on the scale last week but put it down to an anomaly after health issues. This weekend I hope to still see 79.xx

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Saturday 19 January
    Plan: Easy 6 miles
    Actual: Easy 6.08 miles @7:51

    Misty, cold and miserable. Just getting miles done before breakfast. Busy day before another epic game at Thomond Park.

    Sunday 20 January
    Plan: Long Run 10 miles
    Actual: Long Run 10.38 miles @7:10

    I missed the morning window again. Rubbish sleep. 2nd day without pain killers and the rib just uncomfortable. Sneezed without thinking during the day and ouch! Dragged my sleepy self out of bed reluctantly and got the gear on only to see wind and rain. Easy decision, back to bed.

    I wanted to stay on track though so it meant a late one after the kids were asleep. This time it was baltic, calm and dry and I ran under a full moon. The program target pace for LRs is 7:17 but I didn't feel confident of hitting that. It was immediately freezing and mile 1 was just about getting warm but 7:16 was bang on. Mile 2 was too quick but I settled at target pace for the next 4 and felt great. It felt comfortably aerobic and I even held back a bit. I knew the hills were in the last 4 miles so I worked for them. Miles 7 and 8 were a bit quick considering the hills around Castletroy and it made the last 2 more work. For a finish the hamstrings were a little tight but I felt pumped to get it done and at a good clip, 154 avg HR and my best cadence of the week.

    Week 3 done and dusted. Weigh in 78.7kg woop. All good, except the stupid rib.

    Mile Splits
    7:16, 6:59, 7:16, 7:14, 7:10, 7:14, 7:05, 7:04, 7:16, 7:09

    Mileage summary: Actual (Plan)
    Week 3 : 46.94 (42)
    Total program : 125.21 (109)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Monday 21 January - Week 4 of 18 starts
    Plan: Easy 6 miles
    Actual: Easy 7.25 miles @8:10

    It was cold, with a bitter wind and the rain made it feel colder. Over the last few years I've run once or twice a week and gear wasn't an issue. Now that I'm running 6 days week I'm short. Packages on the way and can't come soon enough!

    These easy miles felt uncomfortable. I expected the legs to be heavy from last night but they were OK. My rib was sore, especially on my back in the cold and breathing was shallow as a result. My heart rate was about 15-20 bpm over normal. I had a stich because it was too soon after dinner and I was just wet, cold and not enjoying it. Happy it's done I suppose.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Wednesday 23 January
    Plan: Rest Day
    Actual: Intervals 6x800m (8.72 miles total)

    I felt a bit off yesterday (everyone in the house with head cold symptoms) so I swapped today's rest day with yesterdays interval session and got a decent nights sleep. Its the same volume of intensity, 4.8k, and I didn't think the jump from 600m to 800m would be so tough. I found this really hard work today. It was and is positively miserable outside and it was pre breakfast but that matters little. I figured if I could hit 3 minutes or just below for each rep that would do. **I more or less hit the target paces but rep 3 was a case of thinking I was way off and boosting the last 100m. On the last rep I mistook the pace alert for the end of the rep and eased off a tad early.

    Truth be told I just found these harder than last week. I was breathing very heavily and the rib hurt and that was a factor. I also approached them wrong. On the 400s 2 weeks ago I went off hard and settled and by the time 400m came around I was comfortable. Over 800m I burned too many matches for the first 200, I then settled too much only to have to push on again the last 100m. Next week I'm going to try and run them steadier, within the pace range :rolleyes:

    A note on the program. 3 weeks in and I'm enjoying it. Today is the first "fatigue" kind of day I've had. I rejigged this week a little as it only has 2 sessions. Without a long run on Sunday I could push the planned Thursday Tempo out a day.

    6x800m w/400m recovery
    Target pace 5:52-6:00
    rep#|rep time|avg pace

    **Edit: Eh I missed the target pace on 4 of 6 so I class this session as a fail!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Thursday 24 January
    Plan: Easy 6 miles
    Actual: Easy 8.04 mils @8:03

    Milder today. I was half asleep starting out at 0530 with 3 layers on. 3 layers that became soaked after the first 2 miles under a heavy mist. The rain stopped and I thought it odd I could still feel my knuckles. 6 more miles of easy running and heavy sweating under 3 layers. By 6am a few other runners appeared, all dressed for the end of the world. I smiled and waved at them with my hat in my hand :)

    The usual mayhem with kids followed but they decided to play with my roller and left it as a trip hazard in the hall on the way out the door. If I don't fall over it and injure myself later it will be a good reminder to roll out and stretch a slightly stiff right quad.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Enjoying the log - interested to see how Hanson's goes for you - thinking of using it for Dublin (after my journey with Daniels finishes with Rotterdam)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Friday 25 January
    Plan: Tempo 6 miles @MP
    Actual: Tempo 6 miles (10.09 miles total)

    Tough session again. Bit annoying tonight on the loop as traffic was busy and I was hopping up and down curbs, pausing at lights. I need to move this session to the morning for both energy and sanity. A bit tired from 2 longer than usual work days and kids getting up with the birds. Motivation waned. Last week was too enthusiastic. I aimed for 6:40 and the whole lot was too quick.

    This week I reduced the general target to 6:50 and while I averaged that, mile 2 was too hard and mile 5 too soft. Heart rate average was 158 which is about marathon effort but this felt harder than marathon effort again. I just didn't find a rhythm consistently and the legs were heavy and less willing. It wasn't as mad as last week but MP is still a work in progress.

    On the program at least easy miles feel easy and sessions feel tough/hard so I have something basic right. Also I prefer to feel the sessions are a little too tough and backing off than feeling too confident and upping the ante through the programme. The plan is to run whatever I can on the day and the target pace will get more realistic as the plan progresses.

    Tempo miles last week - Avg 6:36
    6:34, 6:33, 6:43, 6:39, 6:36, 6:27

    Tempo miles this week - Avg 6:50
    6:51, 6:39, 6:50, 6:46, 7:03, 6:51

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Saturday 26 Jaunary
    Plan: Easy 8 miles
    Actual: Easy 8.39 miles @8:10

    0530 start, hard to get out of bed for this. After a reluctant first mile plod, it was a nice loop of the city taking in the touristy spots and graffiti spots. I like talented graffiti. It was otherwise just miles. Headwind was a chore and 2 decent hills sapped my breath away.

    I'm rotating 2 pairs of New Balance 880v7 all rounders for chugging out miles. A grey and a blue pair. The grey pair have about 500m on them but quite worn on the mid to fore foot. The shoes are grand for a few more hundred miles but skidding up the wet promenade this morning made me think, dry conditions only. On the lookout now to bring another pair of something into rotation.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Sunday 27 January
    Plan: Steady (Easy B) 8 miles
    Actual: Steady 9.73 @7:31

    Daylight for this one which meant I had breakfast and more energy. Hansons has 2x easy levels and a recovery level. Easy B is the steady level with a pace target of 7:36. Cold enough to see your breath but sunny for the first 3 miles. Then a cloud rolled in and it started to rain/sleet and gust, altogether less pleasant.

    I did plan on doing 8 miles but thought I'd kill 2 birds with one stone and drop a package to my brothers gaff. It meant an extra mile and a bit but the legs were willing. Solid run, I almost felt like I could go back out and do it again.

    Overall hit the 50 mile mark this week and feel very pleased about that. 4 weeks done and on track. On track for completing the program that is, not running x time for the marathon! Also, weight came in at 78.9 so now consistently under 80 which is good.

    Week 5 is back up to 3 sessions. Tomorrow should be very easy as the Tuesday intervals will be the 7th day on the trot. Motivation is healthy and because the rib is getting better I can start S&C this week too, maybe even a swim.

    Mileage summary: Actual (Plan)
    Week 4 : 52.22 (45)
    Total program : 178.43 (154)

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Monday 28 January
    Plan: Easy 6 miles
    Actual V Easy 7.35 miles @8:39

    Lovely blue sky out there now, though it is Baltic. Out at 6 this morning to run in the cold rain again. I kept thinking about feeling warm sun and feeling fit this summer and by the time I stepped out of my day dream the rain eased off to be replaced by a biting northerly. It was an out an back so I began to defrost after the turnaround. Pretty uneventful miles until a joke on 2fm about January being 214 days long made me laugh out loud over and over, running up a hill, in the dark, in the cold. A walker in a big jacket with a furry hood passed on the other side of the road and must have though I was mad!

    Good start to week 5

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Tuesday 29 January
    Plan: Intervals 5x 1,000m
    Actual: Intervals 5x 1,000m (9.23 miles total)

    B,B,B,Baltic out there! Hail shower was savage! Wasn't looking forward to these and they were hard work. I started hard and settled as soon as I could into a rhythm. My lungs were screaming at me, legs screaming at me, wind screaming at me, head screaming at me. This was at the end of 7 days running so the legs were not fresh. Caught the last of daylight, although the thick dark clouds blocked out much of it :rolleyes: I'm still holding the paces of the 400s 4 weeks ago, just. I had to stop for a few seconds after the last 3 just to take a deep breath to set off on the recovery jog. The cold air was in my lungs and a recent health scare made me see some caution. Happy to simply get through this, day off tomorrow whoop!

    5x 1,000m w/400m recovery
    Target pace 5:52-6:00
    rep#|rep time|avg pace

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    Super stuff. Great to see you coming back into form :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Super stuff. Great to see you coming back into form :D

    Thanks Kate! Yeah actually running again eh lol

    As cold as it was out running today, it was even colder out on the field coaching rugby this evening! Feicin freezin

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Thursday 31 January
    Plan: Tempo 6 miles @MP
    Actual: Tempo 6 miles (11.02 miles total)

    3rd attempt at this Hanson's tempo run and dialing in the marathon pace. That target is a WIP. The program does 6m for a block of 3 weeks then 7m for a block then 8 etc.. up to 10m tempo for the last 3 weeks.

    I opted for a straight out and back the Cabra/Navan roads to avoid the city and constant stops, obstacles etc.. Manky day. I was conscious of a wind pushing me out the road that I would have to run into on the way back. After 2 miles easy I focused on finding a groove and did. Finally a comfortable but aerobic tempo! The 3m out finished down a long hill and I knew mile 4 would be tough. Turnaround and back up the hill into the wind was a slog but once back on the straight road I settled again into a rhythm with cadence and effort. The wind was not too bad but a few gusts and sleet showers were brutal. Still, it felt good to find a pace and hold it. Could I do it for a marathon? Hell no, but that's 13 weeks away and I had a bit in the tank. I missed the turnoff for my hotel so had to circle the block, another mile in Dublin, for a 3 mile "cool down" (I was already frozen). Pleased with this run, the rest day yesterday was needed.

    There were points above the aerobic threshold, hills, gusts of wind etc but I dealt with them. The program is on track and I feel good. I absolutely must start S&C soon though.

    Tempo miles this week - Avg 6:46 - Better control
    6:48, 6:45, 6:47, 6:47, 6:43, 6:46

    Tempo miles last week - Avg 6:50 - Tapered but inconsistent
    6:51, 6:39, 6:50, 6:46, 7:03, 6:51

    Tempo miles 2 weeks ago - Avg 6:36 - Way too quick, more like 10k effort
    6:34, 6:33, 6:43, 6:39, 6:36, 6:27

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Saturday 2 February
    Plan: Steady 6 miles
    Actual: Steady 9.08 miles @7:34

    I missed yesterday's run. No excuses I had one late window and missed it. Just an easy run so no significant loss. It was a late window again tonight but I wasn't going to miss it again. Long run is less than 12hrs away and the Hanson approach is to run it not to be fresh. So, I pressed on for a couple more miles to ensure there is some fatigue the legs for the morning.

    The run itself was treacherous. Some freezing fog and icy footpaths. I ran on the road when I could until the honk and roar of the gritting truck scared the bejeezus out of me. I felt good and held back at times when the pace snuck below the target 7:36. Perhaps I was running in anger after watching the Rugby. The legs feel suitably loaded for the morning now.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Sunday 3 February
    Plan: Long Run 12 miles
    Actual: Long Run 13.16 miles @7:14

    Out at 7 as planned 10hrs after last night's steady run. I warmed up down to the start of the GLR route and took in 12 miles of the second half at a good clip. The legs were not fresh and it was work from 6 miles on. I had planned to eat a gel after an hour but was tempted at 7 miles as I struggled to hold the target 7:17 pace. I held off to the hour and ate it slowly over a few minutes. A GU caffeinated vanilla gel. It went down fine. By the end of mile 10 it kicked in and I had the energy to keep it up. Actually miles 11 and 12 were a bit quick but every time I checked the watch showed 7:20-7:25. They also felt like much later marathon miles than 11 and 12. Very happy to get it done ahead of a busy day.

    Splits: 7:21, 7:10, 7:16, 7:14, 7:14, 7:16, 7:19, 7:11, 7:08, 7:21, 7:04, 7:08, 7:18.

    Half marathon dusted off in 1:35 before breakfast. Weigh in at 78.6. Overall a bit more fatigue in week 5 but hit the mileage target over 5 runs and completed the 3 key sessions.

    Mileage summary: Actual (Plan)
    Week 5: 49.84 (47)
    Total program : 227.27 (201)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Monday 4 February
    Plan: Easy 6 miles
    Actual: Easy 6.91 miles @8:07

    Perfect running day out there, slight chill in the shade, sight warmth in the sun. Country side route and I ran across the old Cork road this time to tack on an extra mile. A small narrow botharín with rbbbits and robins. However also potholes, a big dog jumping out of a gate at me and swarms of midgies descending. Seriously, it was freezing a few days a go and the midgies are out already! I bailed on this route option and turned back. Overall a nice run but my quads felt heavy climbing a long hill.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Tuesday 5 February
    Plan: Intervals 4x 1,200m
    Actual: Intervals 4x 1,200m (9.67 miles total)

    Again I was dreading these. Just not feeling 100% and a bit of a cough back to annoy me. Plus the weather sucks. Nothing but to get out the door and get on with it. After 2 miles warm up I got stuck in. 4 weeks ago the reps were one and a half minutes and now they are 4 and a half. Could I hold on to target pace? Rep 1, check, but it was hard and the lungs were burning. Then, strangely I found a groove for reps 2 and 3. They were still bloody hard but I settled into the target pace and just kept working. The wind seemed to stop. It came back for the final rep though and this one broke my heart. I willed the watch to beep and release me from the pain and when it finally did I stopped and gulped air. I set off again immediately to keep going. 3 miles to cool down back up town, up hills, into the wind, was tougher than usual. I'm happy its done. It went better than expected but I feel smashed now.

    Tomorrow is a day off running.

    4x 1,200m w/400m recovery
    Target pace 5:52-6:00
    rep distance|rep time|avg pace

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Wednesday 6 February
    Plan: Swim
    Actual: Swim 1,800m and 20min S&C

    Back into the pool this morning. The rib not 100% but good enough to swim. I like swimming anyway but it was nice to train with a group and have a bit of banter. I also have company for a run this weekend that I'm looking forward to.

    I was late down and hopped into the middle of the lane group for the remainder of the set. 1,200m of 200s and 100s at about 1:41-1:43 pace. I found the pace comfortable but my stroke was all over the place. Next up I lead out 8x50m odd hard, even easy. The hard 50s were 39, 40, 41, 41. Not bad given the absence. One of the lads joked in the shower afterwards that it was my 5th comeback :rolleyes:

    A few swims this month to simply not make a show of myself at the National Masters Long Course Gala.

    The S&C was the reason I was late. I had to roll out tight crampy calves and threw in a few core exercises with Zoe for company. Her plank is better than mine!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    A few swims this month to simply not make a show of myself at the National Masters Long Course Gala.

    Eyes on the prize Mike, the LC Champs are just a side affair!

    Having said that, let's be having your predictions for each of your swim events...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Kurt.Godel wrote: »
    Having said that, let's be having your predictions for each of your swim events...
    No Chance KG. I'm not swim fit and that's it. Obviously there is a base there so I won't drown and I'll complete the 1,500m but speed and stamina are not there. I'll do the best I can with whatever I have on the day. I won't be postponing the marathon programme either so I'll be running each day. Chances of cramp will be high. The Gala will be a first for me and I intend to soak it up and enjoy it. I can always get fitter and do better. Safe to say if you find yourself in a lane next to me, you have nothing to worry about... this time :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Thursday 7 February
    Plan: 7m MP Tempo
    Actual: 9.29 miles w/7m @6:44 avg

    This turned out better than expected, albeit the expectation was pretty low. Pretty disrupted sleep and I was awake at 0430. I had an ambitious 0530 alarm set so I just got up, crept down the stairs and pulled the gear on sleepily. I opened the door to feel cold vertical rain, and promptly closed it again. I needed another layer and some motivation. This was to be 11 miles with 7 at a MP tempo. I pocketed a gel too just in case.

    Layer on, some beats in the ears and I set off. Thankfully the heavy shower abated. I did the last 3 weeks of 6m tempo on a flat loop but decided to take on a bit more challenge as I need to be realistic about it. The body and mind were unwilling but my legs thankfully walked out the door and started running. My mind caught up about a mile later when I stepped into a cold filled pothole and went over on my right ankle. Great, a cold wet sock and shoe just made this silly o clock even better. The real kick in the nuts came towards the end of the 2m warm up when I realized I'd be starting the tempo on a hill and into the wind. Great planning Mike! :rolleyes:

    I struggled to find the right pace/effort for the first mile that came in on 6:46. On target but matches burned. I entered the Raheen Industrial Estate where I planned 2.5 long loop that took me through it and back out on the road by the motorway. The next mile was a bit sheltered and flatter and 6:36, too quick. I tackled the hill in the park for the first time but didn't enjoy much recovery on the downhill that followed. Out onto the main road and the wind was sideways for half a mile but right behind me for another half mile back into the park. 6:45, 6:40 for the next 2m, a bit quick but I felt more relaxed and settled into the effort.

    Back over the park hill again was a 6:50 and felt better despite a sudden heavy cold shower. Overall I spent 26 mins in zone 4 effort. The marathon effort reaches into that, but the lower end and for hills and last 10k. So still over cooked but I'm starting to get a grip on pace/effort and still lots of time to figure it out. Finished this before 7am and I was fairly hungry, wet and sleepy.

    Mile Splits (HR)
    6:46 (158)
    6:36 (165)
    6:45 (165)
    6:40 (167)
    6:50 (160)
    6:48 (155)
    6:38 (156)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Thursday 7 February Session 2
    Masters Swim 1,700m

    The club are gearing up for race season after a winter of training. Good to be back in the pool but awful swim. After 600m warm up half free/back stroke and half with fins, the set started.

    Simple 8x100m and 4x50m holding steady pace
    100m reps: 1:28, 1:29, 1:30, 1:31, 1:32, 1:36: 1:38, 1:43
    50m reps: 45, 46, 46, 47

    Ahem... you get the idea. My pace gradually fell off a cliff and I was swimming through treacle alone. Next up was 4x50m with progressively longer max starts 15m, 25m, 35 etc.. I knew the cramps were there and sure enough I lasted just one rep before my toes curled rigid and the soles of my feet cramped. Unpleasant! It took me minutes just to get back down the pool to hop out gingerly. As I showered I watched the group do practice turns and diving starts at either end. Stuff I most need to learn!!

    The cramps in my calves and feet getting dressed validated the fact that I got as much as I could from this session tonight. No suprise, very long day, hard run, no swim fitness, kicking with fins, swimming faster than I'm capable....

    2nd swim back would always be a challenge, especially as my lane pace is near max effort. However, a progressively longer Thursday Tempo run will only make it more challenging.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Friday 8 February
    Plan: Easy 6 miles
    Actual: Easy 6.26 miles @8:08, time 50:55, HR 141

    Pretty hairy out there! I saw some blue sky behind the latest dark downpour and bolted. I immediately met the brunt of the wind for half a mile before urban shelter. By mile 2 I was in the countryside climbing a long hill, enveloped by trees for cover. I turned away from the wind after cresting the hill and the noise stopped..

    A thing about running
    As soon as the noise of the wind stopped I caught sight of a tiny rippling stream running down the hill at the side of the road. I followed it in silence to the bottom and its exit through a drain, mesmerized by its singular travel. A moment of serene, effortless running, that I felt I could hold forever...

    When I looked up I noticed everything. The sound of the wind through the tree branches, the soaked hills across the fields, the last fat raindrops from the disappearing dark clouds. The miles just breezed by and soon enough on the return journey I met the stream again, incessant. I didn't even feel the climb. Back down the long hill I acknowledged a runner ascending, that I had passed in the other direct some time ago. Before I knew it I was leaning into the wind over a bypass and savoring the last piece of dry daylight I'll see today.

    The pace on the last 4 miles... 8:12, 8:13, 8:13, 8:13... in the zone

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Saturday 9 February
    Plan: Easy 10 miles
    Actual: Long Run 14.25 miles @7:36 w/2m Tempo @6:45, HR 150, Time 1:48:17

    Deviation from the program today but all good. Ran with a mate also training for GLR. This was his LR day. I thought he planned 2m tempo within 10m not 10m plus 2m tempo. Oh well. Out a bit before 7 and chatted our way around the city for 6 miles. They flew. Looked at the watch and 9.5m running at 7:40 pace I hardly noticed. Ate a gel and a mile later into tempo. 6:47 and 6:42 and done. Great to have someone to pace with. Kept a check on it and pulled it back if I saw 6:3x. Another half marathon done before breakfast. Right quad a bit tight but I'll roll it out later. Might be an idea to bring the LR to Saturday if the opportunity allows. Happy to have 2 easy days before a tough speed session Tuesday.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Sunday 10 February
    Plan: Easy 8 miles
    Actual: Easy 8.96 miles @7:55

    Sun, wind, hail and rainbows.
    This should have been easier but miles 3, 4 and 5 were all leaning into the wind, including a savage brain freezing horizontal hail shower. The reverse 3 mlies felt like I had a propellor on my back. The right quad felt a bit dead or strained. I need to take it very easy tomorrow and make the right call on the speed session Tuesday. Overall despite the gnarly cold wind, it was a grand run, except for the quad.

    57m this week is my biggest run week ever. Weight down to 77.7kg which is my lightest in 7 years. On top of 7hr16 running I did an hour of swiming and an hour of S&C. Overall the fatigue is fine but this week it steps up a little.

    Mileage summary: Actual (Plan)
    Week 6: 57.35 (49)
    Total program : 285.61 (250)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Monday 11 February - T minus 11 weeks
    Plan: Easy 6 miles
    Actual: Easy 6.75 miles @8:32

    6 weeks of the year done and I've already run more miles that any of the yearly totals over the last 4 years. Actually starting to feel fit, feel my core and enjoying running!

    This was a pre breakfast cold run mainly feeling out the quad. Its not as stiff as yesterday but still stiff. The outside of my right ankle was also stiff. I did go over on it into a puddle last Thursday but it may be my stride compensating for the right quad. It may also be the shoes. I only have 2 pairs of NB 880V7s in rotation and both have approx. 500 miles on them. The pair this morning have 575m and the other 425m. I do have new shoes on their way. NB 880v8 and Nike Zoom Pegausus 35. I've never worn Nike so interested to see how they fare.

    Anyway the run was pleasant. Day started to break and bit of dawn pink on the horizon is always nice to see. Great to get a run done first thing.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Monday 11 February Session 2
    Swim 1,900m

    Masters session. Basically demoted myself down a lane and actually finished a session. The warm up was lots if kicking. Lead out for 2 sets off 200m/150m/100m/50m more or less holding 1:35-1:36 pace until a fade to 1:38-1:39 at the end. I dropped back into the group for a few short max sprints. Just as well as the cramps came on as usual. Everyone gearing up for the National Champs in 2 weeks while I'm just starting. Really great vibe about the club. Hard but social session and I look forward to them.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Tuesday 12 February
    Plan: Speed Pyramid 400m/800m/1,200m/1,600m/1,200m/800m/400m w/400m rec
    Actual: Pyramid as above (10.01 miles total)

    This was the toughest interval session yet. The quad felt better but I was prepared to back off completely if it gave out. I broke in a new pair of New Balance 880v8s which was not a great idea. They felt new and clunky. I'm not sure they are the best for speed sessions anyway.

    I wasn't looking forward to this again. 25% more work volume. Perhaps if I did intervals regularly and/or on a track with others it would be more enjoyable to hurt but on your own can be grim. The main thing would be to see if I could hold the pace. I did, but a max heart rate of 184 is near real max, proper pain cave! I stopped on the mile rep for a second but got going again before my head could win over the legs. The legs were heavy as expected after another week of running with this as the tail end. Cumulative fatigue eh, check! Tomorrow is a day off running and will be needed for the legs to have the juice for Thursday Tempo. Plus the quad was tight on the cool down back up town. Again, happy to hit the paces and even more happy this is done. Just 3 speed sessions left in the plan...

    Speed Pyramid w/400m recovery
    Target pace 5:52-6:00
    rep distance|rep time|avg pace
