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JFK Assassination Autopsy Details Revealed After 55 Years



  • Registered Users Posts: 12,732 ✭✭✭✭The Nal

    Dr Shaw is on video hearing disputing that. He states the bullet should have entered the left side of his shoulder, not the right side.

    "To strike the governor who was sitting directly in front."

    But he wasn't sitting directly in front was he? Why do you keep insisting on this? Another selective quote mine from you. Embarrassing.

    As for JFK and Connollys reaction times - they clearly react at the same time.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,893 ✭✭✭Cheerful Spring

    The Nal wrote: »
    "To strike the governor who was sitting directly in front."

    But he wasn't sitting directly in front was he? Why do you keep insisting on this? Another selective quote mine from you. Embarrassing.

    As for JFK and Connollys reaction times - they clearly react at the same time.


    Nal the bullet exited the throat region. That lines up with the centre-left of Connelly. The bullet hit him near the right shoulder near the right armpit. So it would have to move in the air and change direction to hit him.

    False Kennedy was hit behind the street sign before the car emerged from there. Connelly it still looking forward in frame 223 and 224

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,732 ✭✭✭✭The Nal

    Nal the bullet exited the throat region. That lines up with the centre-left of Connelly. The bullet hit him near the right shoulder near the right armpit. So it would have to move in the air and change direction to hit him.

    False Kennedy was hit behind the street sign before the car emerged from there. Connelly it still looking forward in frame 223 and 224

    OK sorry, but I think you're just willfully being an idiot now. Connolly is clearly turned to the right (as per above at Z222) when he comes from behind the sign.

    Aside from that, hes 6 inches in to the left and below, so the bullet from JFKs throat lines up perfectly with Connollys wounds. Why do you keep ignoring the fact that he was sitting below and left of JFK?!


    I should know better. I'm talking to someone who posted a crude drawing of them lined up straight at the same height claiming that was fact, someone who doesn't understand how a bullet going into 3 feet of wood can exit at a different point than it entered and and only today has drawn a circle around Abraham Zapruder claiming hes one of the shooters.

    As for the 7.65 envelope, the joke is very much on you. It's well known in the JFK assassination community that hoaxers bury shells in and around Dealey Plaza. I thought about doing it myself. It's almost like a tradition.

    They also found a .222 caliber shell casing in the knoll earth in 1987. James Files claimed it was his but then they discovered the shell wasn't actually made until 1971. And you claim people who believe the Warren Commissions findings are gullible!

    The Mauser theory is total BS. Mary Ferrell doesn't believe Roger Craig (Roger was a very sick young man) and his own daughter doesn't either. She speaks quite forcefully about how he wasn't stable and got caught up with the conspiracy guys thinking fame and money. File him beside Perry Russo and James Files. No credibility whatsoever among serious conspiracy theorists who have researched.

    Its amazing to me how you'll cling on to the tiniest pieces of unproven and inconsequential tidbits (most of them widely discredited) yet you keep repeating them after you've been proved wrong or contradicting your own points by posting evidence that disproves what you're trying to say but throw out or ignore the other 99% of evidence.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,893 ✭✭✭Cheerful Spring

    The Nal wrote: »
    OK sorry, but I think you're just willfully being an idiot now. Connolly is clearly turned to the right (as per above at Z222) when he comes from behind the sign.

    Aside from that, hes 6 inches in to the left and below, so the bullet from JFKs throat lines up perfectly with Connollys wounds. Why do you keep ignoring the fact that he was sitting below and left of JFK?!


    I should know better. I'm talking to someone who posted a crude drawing of them lined up straight at the same height claiming that was fact, someone who doesn't understand how a bullet going into 3 feet of wood can exit at a different point than it entered and and only today has drawn a circle around Abraham Zapruder claiming hes one of the shooters.

    As for the 7.65 envelope, the joke is very much on you. It's well known in the JFK assassination community that hoaxers bury shells in and around Dealey Plaza. I thought about doing it myself. It's almost like a tradition.

    They also found a .222 caliber shell casing in the knoll earth in 1987. James Files claimed it was his but then they discovered the shell wasn't actually made until 1971. And you claim people who believe the Warren Commissions findings are gullible!

    Its amazing to me how you'll cling on to the tiniest pieces of unproven and inconsequential tidbits (most of them widely discredited) but throw out the other 99%.

    The bullet came from TSBD? Are you saying the bullet came in from behind in a perfectly straight line struck his back and exited the throat area? I fairly certain Oswald was firing his gun at an angle looking through the scope. He was not in a building directly behind Kennedy and just had to line up a shot.

    The bullet was found in the same week as the killing of JFK. So someone just randomly dropped a shell a week after the killing come off it. If it was not important the shell would still be in the envelope and not be hidden away in FBI archive for 30 years.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,893 ✭✭✭Cheerful Spring

    I never drew a circle to highlight Zapruder as a shooter. I highlighted these two men behind the picket fence one of them is harder to see. Show me where I said Zapruder was a shooter?


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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,732 ✭✭✭✭The Nal

    Why is Zapruder circled?

    Yes there are two people there, they're not behind the fence, they're behind the wall. Which is why you can see them. They're eating their lunch. The fence is 5ft. So your shooters would have to be giants.

    Read about Marilyn Sitzman. She was closest and just like Emmett Hudson, heard nothing from behind the fence. How can that be?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,893 ✭✭✭Cheerful Spring

    The Nal wrote: »
    Why is Zapruder circled?

    To give it scale and to show where he was in relation to the shooters. Do you think I did not know where Zapruder was that day?

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,211 ✭✭✭✭namloc1980

    Nal the bullet exited the throat region. That lines up with the centre-left of Connelly. The bullet hit him near the right shoulder near the right armpit. So it would have to move in the air and change direction to hit him.

    False Kennedy was hit behind the street sign before the car emerged from there. Connelly it still looking forward in frame 223 and 224

    More lies. Here's a picture of the limo. Connally is clearly well inboard in the car relative to JFK.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,893 ✭✭✭Cheerful Spring

    The Nal wrote: »
    Why is Zapruder circled?

    Yes there are two people there, they're not behind the fence, they're behind the wall. Which is why you can see them. They're eating their lunch. The fence is 5ft. So your shooters would have to be giants.

    Read about Marilyn Sitzman. She was closest and just like Emmett Hudson, heard nothing from behind the fence. How can that be?

    The black couple was not there (you mentioned them). They were photographed near the monument to the right of Zapruder laying on the ground. Their photos online you can find.

    Are you talking about someone else?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,893 ✭✭✭Cheerful Spring

    namloc1980 wrote: »
    More lies. Here's a picture of the limo. Connally is clearly well inboard in the car relative to JFK.


    What you ignorant about is the bullet did not come in a straight line from behind. Then it would be possible. The bullet came in from a Northeast point at an angle. That's why I believe the first shot came from the front and exited out the back. The throat wound measurements noted by the doctors at Parkland hospital support this.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,893 ✭✭✭Cheerful Spring

    The Nal So you agree there two men behind the wall or two people then?

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,732 ✭✭✭✭The Nal

    Let me post this yet again. We have Dealey Plaza, the 6th floor, where the car was, where they were sitting and where the wounds were. Videos, pictures, £d models and of course the fact that the TSBD is still there as is the road!

    Undeniable facts.

    With that said, if anyone has evidence (note - "evidence", I'm not even looking for proof) that this didn't happen I'm all ears.

    Its the only place the bullet could have come from. It lines up absolutely perfectly.


    The Nal So you agree there two men behind the wall or two people then?

    Assuming you mean "the two men behind the wall are two people then?" then maybe yes. They are not behind the fence. Black dog man is not a person - as hes too big and not visible in any other photo or video - but the other shape is likely one or the two people who Marilyn Sitzman saw. The bench they were on lines up perfectly with the Willis photo you keep posting and the corner of the picket fence.

    You can't claim anything for certain with photos only though. They're too low res. The sun was shining, there were leaves, sunlight etc.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,893 ✭✭✭Cheerful Spring

    The Nal wrote: »
    Let me post this yet again. We have Dealey Plaza, the 6th floor, where the car was, where they were sitting and where the wounds were. Videos, pictures, £d models and of course the fact that the TSBD is still there as is the road!

    Undeniable facts.

    With that said, if anyone has evidence (note - "evidence", I'm not even looking for proof) that this didn't happen I'm all ears.

    Its the only place the bullet could have come from. It lines up absolutely perfectly.


    That not true the Warren Commission placed the entry wound near the neckline. So it would line up with their theory.

    The autopsy factsheet shows a back wound in the wrong place.

    Doctors and nurses who were there have stated the wound was 6 inches below the neckline. For some reason, the Warren Commission placed it higher.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,732 ✭✭✭✭The Nal

    That not true the Warren Commission placed the entry wound near the neckline. So it would line up with their theory.

    The autopsy factsheet shows a back wound in the wrong place.

    Doctors and nurses who were there have stated the wound was 6 inches below the neckline. For some reason, the Warren Commission placed it higher.

    We have a photo of it.


    Bullet coming from high, car going down hill, JFKs head tilted back slightly. It matches a shot from the TSBD.

    "Doctors and nurses who were there" stated this.

    See, I can make general bullshít statements too. Next I'll bounce around from talking point to talking point completely in an erratic and completely unfocused way, avoided digging deeper into any of my claims.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,893 ✭✭✭Cheerful Spring

    The Nal wrote: »
    We have a photo of it.


    Bullet coming from high, car going down hill, JFKs head tilted back slightly. It matches a shot from the TSBD.

    "Doctors and nurses who were there" stated this.

    See, I can make general bullshít statements too.

    The alleged autopsy photographs are not reliable. This well known and publicised.

    Evidence for this
    After that, Gunn turned to the official autopsy photographs, the ones that are kept in the National Archives. Humes had never handled them before; the Warren Commission had never shown them to him. In fact, when Humes testified before the Warren Commission, he complained that the artist who drew the schematics he was using for his testimony was not allowed to see the photos.

    When Humes did get a close look at the pictures — in his Review Board deposition — he said he found it hard to tell what was what in the pictures.

    In fact, Gunn says, it's hard for anyone to tell what's what in the pictures, especially such important details as how many bullet wounds there are, and whether they are entry wounds or exit wounds.

    Important to highlight this.
    So Gunn turned to a retired Navy warrant officer, Sandra Spencer, who, according to government records, had processed the autopsy film. She had not been questioned by the Warren Commission.When Gunn showed her the official photos from the National Archives during her deposition in 1997, she said they were not the pictures she remembered processing.

    For questioning, she brought with her some pictures she had printed just a few days before Kennedy was murdered. She explained that the lab bought huge quantities of photographic paper, so the markings on the back of the prints she brought would certainly match the autopsy photos she processed. But they didn't, suggesting they were printed at a different time or a different place.

    What's more, the official pictures weren't anything like the ones she remembered.

    "The prints that we printed did not have the massive head damages that is visible here," she told Gunn. "... The face, the eyes were closed and the face, the mouth was closed, and it was more of a rest position than these show."

    The National Archives' photos seemed to be taken in a bright, medical setting. The body was bloody. Spencer said the pictures she had processed seemed to be taken in a darkened room with a flash. She called them "pristine." "There was no blood or opening cavities ... or anything of that nature. It was quite reverent in how they handled it," she said.

    Not only this the person who took the photos claimed on the record the images he was shown in the archive are not the ones he took during the autopsy. And was the only person allowed to do so. I will look for his statement if you want it?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,893 ✭✭✭Cheerful Spring

    The release of the House Select Committee on Assassinations' files in the 1990s, and new interviews with autopsy participants, have added to concerns that the photographic and X-ray record of the autopsy has been tampered with. Saundra Kay Spencer, the woman who processed autopsy photos after the assassination, told the Review Board under oath that the pictures in existence are not from the set she developed. Photographer John Stringer similarly disavowed the existing brain photos which he is supposed to have taken.

    The HSCA did authenticate the X-rays as genuine using stereo viewing (which would detect tampering among pairs of photographs of the same subject), and verified via anthropomorphic analysis that it is indeed Kennedy in the photos.

    **** just stumbled onto this if that's true that clearly a sign of fraud.
    But HSCA files reveal that the photographs failed another key authenticity test, and this failure was buried and subsequently misrepresented in an HSCA report. The X-rays are similarly the subject of authenticity disputes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,732 ✭✭✭✭The Nal

    **** just stumbled onto this if that's true that clearly a sign of fraud.
    But HSCA files reveal that the photographs failed another key authenticity test, and this failure was buried and subsequently misrepresented in an HSCA report. The X-rays are similarly the subject of authenticity disputes.

    What key authenticity test did they fail? And how were they misrepresented in the HSCA report?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,893 ✭✭✭Cheerful Spring

    The Nal wrote: »
    What key authenticity test did they fail? And how were they misrepresented in the HSCA report?

    I don't know new information I just learned as you have. Have to research it and see if it holds up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,732 ✭✭✭✭The Nal

    I don't know new information I just learned as you have. Have to research it and see if it holds up.

    So you admit you're just blanket posting any old shíte and hoping that it holds up?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,893 ✭✭✭Cheerful Spring

    The Nal wrote: »
    So you admit you're just blanket posting any old shíte and hoping that it holds up?

    No, I was looking for something different and just stumbled onto this. You post ****e all the time :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,893 ✭✭✭Cheerful Spring

    [QUOTE=The Nal;108847628
    Assuming you mean "the two men behind the wall are two people then?" then maybe yes. They are not behind the fence. Black dog man is not a person - as hes too big and not visible in any other photo or video - but the other shape is likely one or the two people who marilyn SitMzman saw. The bench they were on lines up perfectly with the Willis photo you keep posting and the corner of the picket fence.

    You can't claim anything for certain with photos only though. They're too low res. The sun was shining, there were leaves, sunlight etc.


    Yep, I see least one man behind the wall. The other guy could be a man it hard to tell from that photo alone. I don't believe the guy in the suit is the shooter. I think he is a watcher and observing the scene to look out for trouble. I think his the guy with the fake secret service badge the policemen met when they investigated after the shooting. In my opinion, the guy with the hard hat (railway outfit) most likely is the shooter?

    It not coloured couple we see. By the way moments after the shooting, the couple was seen laying on the ground near the monument way over to the right of the picket fence and wall.

    Sitzman: Some ran ... I mean ... I finally got back up to the alcove. There was bunches of people just swarming back there, and I think almost everybody on that hill ran back up that way. And another thing that I remember this day: there was a colored couple. I figure they were between 18 and 21, a boy and a girl, sitting on a bench, just almost, oh, parallel with me, on my right side, close to the fence.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,995 ✭✭✭Ipso

    No, I was looking for something different and just stumbled onto this. You post ****e all the time :)

    Why the need to cling to this narrative (and others), despite people constantly pointing out flaws?
    Does it make you feel better that you think you are right, and others are wrong?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,893 ✭✭✭Cheerful Spring

    Ipso wrote: »
    Why the need to cling to this narrative (and others), despite people constantly pointing out flaws?
    Does it make you feel better that you think you are right, and others are wrong?

    Let's be honest Ipso the JFK files were to be released unredacted and untouched after 25 years. This was a court order. The CIA and FBI came in and told Trump these files cannot be released due to national security concerns and if released in full would do undue harm to the US position in the world. This was reported by mainstream news channels

    Sorry but clear as day this was coup and CIA are afraid of what will come about that. They killed JFK and covering up what their members did 60 years ago.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,893 ✭✭✭Cheerful Spring

    Oswald did it alone is just bullcrap.

    Men waving fake secret service badges around after the shooting is a clear sign this was a professional well organised planned hit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,936 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    Ipso wrote: »
    Why the need to cling to this narrative (and others), despite people constantly pointing out flaws?
    Does it make you feel better that you think you are right, and others are wrong?

    Well if someone believes in multiple conspiracy theories, there are signs it's more rooted in psychology


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,893 ✭✭✭Cheerful Spring

    Another eyewitnesses to the man in the suit. Malcolm Summers, owner Summers Mailing Co, was at North Lawn - South of Elm - West of Altgens, heard two shots - did not say where they came from.

    Sources: Warren Hearings, vol.19, 500.

    Accounts: Summers 11/23/63 Dallas County Sheriff's Office statement, in Decker Ex. 5323.

    Malcolm Summers ran to the knoll moments after the shooting. He related the following in the 1988 documentary "Who Murdered JFK?":

    "I ran across the--Elm Street to right there toward the knoll. It was there [pointing to a spot on the knoll]--and we were stopped by a man in a suit and he had an overcoat--over his arm and he, he, I saw a gun under that overcoat. And he--his comment was, "Don't you all come up here any further, you could get shot, or killed," one of those words. A few months later, they told me they didn't have an FBI man in that area. If they didn't have anybody, it's a good question who it was. " (Anderson 14)

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,936 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    Oswald did it alone is just bullcrap.

    Men waving fake secret service badges around after the shooting is a clear sign this was a professional well organised planned hit.

    Convincing yourself might be easy, but you aren't convincing to others.

    You can't take a historical event, fling a whole bunch of unconnected random mud at it, then walk off declaring it's some sort of vague "cover-up". That's not how history or investigation (or science) works

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,893 ✭✭✭Cheerful Spring

    Dohnjoe wrote: »
    Well if someone believes in multiple conspiracy theories, there are signs it's more rooted in psychology


    She posts at International Skeptics i bet:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,893 ✭✭✭Cheerful Spring

    Dohnjoe wrote: »
    Convincing yourself might be easy, but you aren't convincing to others.

    You can't take a historical event, fling a whole bunch of unconnected random mud at it, then walk off declaring it's some sort of vague "cover-up". That's not how history or investigation (or science) works

    It not unconnected. You decided it is unconnected., In my mind, the headline should be The psychology of Dohnjoe and people like him.

    Explain to me how this unconnected? Men were flashing fake secret service badges after the JFK shooting. Who are they if you so certain it's unconnected?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,936 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    Men were flashing fake secret service badges after the JFK shooting.

    Yup, maybe they had a role.

    No paste-dumping or videos from conspiracy sites please (or diverting and jumping to something else) What were the names of the men? how many? what was their purpose? what was their role in your theory?

    If you demand credible, sourced, corroborating and supporting evidence from other people, then in turn you need to supply your own to support your theory
