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Crossout - When MadMax and Lego made a baby!

  • 01-12-2018 1:15am
    Registered Users Posts: 22,929 ✭✭✭✭

    I presume a good few people know about this game, but I only started playing it 2 weeks ago on xbox. I am in love. So far 50h in ( Dont judge me, I fell off the stairs and my foot is messed up, off work for a week)

    So yeah, I love both of those things. So build your own monstrosity on wheels, tracks, hovers, legs, then arm it with machine guns, cannons, flame throwers, saws and go against other maniacs.

    Why I like it so much? Because building your car is like putting blocks together, not just presets where you can swap things around. Then taking your creation and see how well you do against someones else crazy imagination.

    Now its free to play game, and some argue its pay to win. After 50h I disagree. Paying helps to make things go faster, but not too extreme.
    I spent so far 30eu. 20eu pack for a pack, which gave me 2100 coins and a vehicle. Cool thing is that buying a pack is like buying a lego set. You get a bunch of cool parts you can use for your own creations. Then 10eu for monthly scanner which gives 50% in recourses and daily mission for 40 coins. Usual f2p stuff.
    Now the game has economy, and you buy and sell recourses or parts with coins. Its really neat and does not forces you to buy coins all the time. You can just sell some of unwanted recourses to make a few coins. Only one currency. No split free and premium bull****.

    So after 50h playing I still have 2100 coins and have about 5k coins worth of parts. And I made my first epic auto cannon today!

    Now you dont need to have all epic or legendary weapons. They are nice, but so far I never felt that I lost because someone had more expensive weapons.
    For example I got my low power score jeep with two blue autocannons, which is a cheap build and I mamage to be mvp in majority of games.
    Then I made myself a truck of 5k power score with two common cannons and I managed to win a lot of games with it.

    Seriously, its great crack. Really worth a go.


  • Registered Users Posts: 14,046 ✭✭✭✭Potential-Monke

    The idea has be intrigued, but I usually hate F2P games due to the MT's giving unfair advantages. I went to the PS Store and got the game for free, as you mentioned, but there's also some add on free for PS+ members, so got that too. Will give it a go at some stage. I loved games like twisted metal, so this should be right up my street. However, I reckon I would have preferred if they had a premium version of the game with all the building blocks included, because the store really makes it look like you need to spend money to get anything decent, but I'll take your word for it and give it a lash.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,929 ✭✭✭✭ShadowHearth

    The idea has be intrigued, but I usually hate F2P games due to the MT's giving unfair advantages. I went to the PS Store and got the game for free, as you mentioned, but there's also some add on free for PS+ members, so got that too. Will give it a go at some stage. I loved games like twisted metal, so this should be right up my street. However, I reckon I would have preferred if they had a premium version of the game with all the building blocks included, because the store really makes it look like you need to spend money to get anything decent, but I'll take your word for it and give it a lash.

    I am no stranger to f2p games. I went through a lot of crap ones and played a lot of good ones.
    Now when I tackle a f2p game I always see how they handle it. And I never expect to play f2p game and never spend a penny on it. It just depends on value I get for paying and how much fun I get out of it. As I said, I payed 30eu so far and my xbox is showing 57h played. Still have 2k coins that I got with a pack and that 40 coins per day with extra 50% recourses for a tenner makes my life very comfortable. For me, so far its excellent value per euro.
    Now to give comparison. I played a lot of wot and I have spent around 200eu over the years. No regrets, but I cant say I had fun all the time, because of the progression system.
    In Wot you check which research tree you want to tackle and which tank you want to get, lets say I wanted tier 10 e100 German heavy. So you start at the bottom unlocking tanks. The issue with that system is, that you need to go through so many horrible tanks before you get to first decent tank like Tiger. You need to play the particular tank in that research tree to reach next one. To make it worse, when you finally unlock that tiger, you get it bare bones. In fact its worse then your fully upgraded tier 6 you just came from. So you are forced to grind in underpowered tank in higher matchmaking tier, before you unlock tracks, turrets, guns etc! Trust me, its not fun one bit!
    In here, you build your own "tank" with your own power score. Then matchmaking puts you in to very similar lobbies with others. And you can play any missions to get reputation for faction you chose. I never felt playing a game where I was forced in particular vehicle that I hated. I built the damn thing, if it sucks, I did that. Go back to garage and redo your design. So in 57h I played, I enjoyed most of the time.

    Important thing is, not to hang up on idea of "oh, I dont have epics or legendaries, so I clearly will be rolled over". Legendary weapons have higher power scores, so if you will put one, you will need to sacrifice something else. Your speed or armour? And thing is, they are not much better.

    Like any game, there are some OP things and balancing always ongoing. For example junkbows in low level matches can destroy you easily if you have all your guns exposed. I prefer my sniper auto cannon builds with very light and fast chassis. If there is a prick with junkbows and I notice in time, I can pretty much kite him all over the place and put him down without him even touching me.

    Sorry for another wall of text, but I really feel like this is such a gem of a game and it needs to be seen by more people. It deserves it.

    Edit: just to add about store and packs.

    All parts that are in these packs can be bought in game from other players. Some are very cheap some are very very expensive. You dont need those packs. For me, they are like lego sets for kids ( adults ). You can check them in game and take them for test drive. You can check all parts you get in pack too. Some packs are just good value for coins with added bonus of parts. I very very rarely use coins to buy parts. I use them to rent workbenches to craft your own parts or buy some materials I am missing.
