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Due September 2019



  • Registered Users Posts: 508 ✭✭✭anndub

    Awake her with a toddler running a fever. Happy days!

    I've been prescribed zantac Gatica. It seems to be doing the trick and I've been able to cut back from taking it twice daily to just in the morning now I have a handle on it. I was prescribed losec on my last pregnancy but apparently there's a lot more data showing zantac is safe so consultant went with that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,300 ✭✭✭Gatica

    I've started getting really annoying Braxton Hicks two days ago, it can be a bit painful, like period craps but only as long as the tightness lasts. Anyone else getting it this early?

    I get them regularly, sometimes every few mins, but then might not have them for a couple of hours. It's frequent enough that they're bothering me though and I'm not sleeping well as I get them at night and it wakes me as I feel like I'm having intestinal cramps.

  • Registered Users Posts: 51 ✭✭Pudner7

    Gatica I would mention this to your doctor/midwife. I have had a few and as I am only 22 weeks I had to have an internal check. I was to ring back if the BH got more intense. They told me it could also mean I am doing too much and to take it easier.
    How is your SPD? Some days mine is cruel especially down my right leg. Other days its totally manageable.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,300 ✭✭✭Gatica

    I'll definitely mention it to them at next appt. I did a quick search and seems I posted on my last with same thing around 20 weeks, so I guess I'm just prone to getting them at this stage. I'm definitely doing a lot less than I was 2 weeks ago, so don't think it's that I'm doing too much.

    SPD has been manageable last few days. There are times when my lower back pinches though and I feel a huge pressure in my lower body sometimes, which is quite unpleasant. It's even hard to do the kegel exercises.

  • Registered Users Posts: 51 ✭✭Pudner7

    That's mad Gatica. It's a long few months with uncomfy BH and SPD on top of it. Still waiting on a physio referral here too. You've reminded me of kegels. I really should start doing them lol.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,300 ✭✭✭Gatica

    I'm hoping the BH eases off.

  • Registered Users Posts: 508 ✭✭✭anndub

    Ive been getting bouts these too. Usually if I've over done it or haven't been keeping myself well hydrated. Feeling much more achy painy this time round in general. Combination of lugging a two yr old round and muscles being more slack I guess.

  • Registered Users Posts: 51 ✭✭Pudner7

    How's everyone feeling? I had physio today and the belt they provide is amazing. The support from it took away the pain down one leg instantly. Back again in 2 weeks but resting up is basically all I can really do to alleviate it. Apparently hoovering, mopping and sweeping are a big no no too. OK!! Lol.
    Just discovered reusable breast pads too on Boots website. Anyone have any issues with them? I hated the sticky back ones so I'll definitely give the washable ones a go!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 508 ✭✭✭anndub

    Haven't seen them pudner, must have a look. Very hopeful breastfeeding will be more successful for me this time. Despite exploring every resource out there I could not get her to latch the nipple at all without using nipple shields.

    Glad you're getting relief with the belt. I can only imagine how debilitating spd must be.

    Anyone happen to know much about the new paternity leave entitlements? Is the 4 weeks only for babies born after November or if you were defer your leave until after November for a baby born in September would you then be entitled to 4 weeks? Anything I can find in line doesn't specify.

  • Registered Users Posts: 85 ✭✭Baby19

    Popping in from the August thread re. new parental leave. This might be helpful in understanding how it *might* work, nothing 100% decided yet.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,300 ✭✭✭Gatica

    How's everyone feeling? I noticed around 3 weeks ago that the heartburn I'd had for months was finally gone! can tolerate the smell of coffee again and feel like the nausea has finally gone, I think it all lasted until week 23 or so.

    SPD hasn't gotten worse yet thankfully, I do get aches if I get tired, but I also have better days, just discomfort, not pain. We did our last big pre-baby holiday and thank-goodness the 2 year-old a is a great little traveller. We were visiting family so there was a lot of help on hand too.

    BH still happens but not as often, occasionally it's painful but usually it's just tightness. Had my GP appt and she said to rest if I find BH gets worse, blood pressure a little low but since I feel fine she's not concerned, I did get my Whooping cough vaccine though earlier than last time.

    The kicking is amazing, he's a busy little boy and sometimes I wake in the middle of the night from regular taps. I have a feeling he is lying transverse at the mo as I get big kicks upper left and little taps bottom right.

  • Registered Users Posts: 51 ✭✭Pudner7

    Hi! Feeling good here. SPD is manageable thank goodness. I definitely can't walk very far or very fast but it's ok to slow down. I've been going places where I know my toddlers can't run too far and are enclosed so that's helped a lot too. I'm a lot bigger this pregnancy too. I notice the BH in the evenings now or if I've been doing a bit too much around the house.
    My clothes that fit at the end of last pregnancy are extremely tight now and I'm 3 months out!! Work is busy and I'm already dreaming of mat leave in August. Think I'll take the whole month of August. I feel like this baby might come early. Anyone else feeling like that?
    The kicks are amazing Gatica aren't they? It's so reassuring. This baba is definitely transverse too!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,300 ✭✭✭Gatica

    I was wondering if kicking pattern is a way to determine how the baby is lying. Even if not fully head down, I wonder if at least the head is in the lower half...?

    I was also reading that sleeping on left side is supposed to help get baby into better position. I have been mostly sleeping on my right because it's easier as I'm on the right side of the bed and sleeping on the left means I've to rotate more which is achy on my hips. I've made appointment with a Chiropractor who is supposed to help with alignment, aid with breech (which I had last time) and help with labour.

  • Registered Users Posts: 508 ✭✭✭anndub

    Not sure about positioning Gatica. I do remember reading about it somewhere but can't for the life of me remember what it said. I am feeling a very similar pattern to you though and baby was head up at my last scan. I have an anterior placenta so I tend to only feel movement up high, down low and around the sides anyway though.

    This little guys kicks are some lot more aggressive than my daughters so his presence is already being felt. I think it was only fun about thirty weeks only I could "see" her acrobatics but this baby has my tummy jiggling every evening!

    I think ill finish up for the month of August too. Don't fancy trying to work after sleep gets less easy and would like to spend a little bit of extra time with my Girl when I can.

  • Registered Users Posts: 51 ✭✭Pudner7

    That's interesting. Same I sleep on the right hand side of the bed and favour my right but honestly no side is comfortable at the moment. I wonder is because baby is transverse. There's definitely a growth spurt happening right now because I can barely stay awake in work in the afternoons and I'm in bed by 7pm the last few nights. Plus I feel huge! I'm definitely bigger in this pregnancy.
    Did the baby turn in the end last time Gatica?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,300 ✭✭✭Gatica

    Pudner7 wrote: »
    Did the baby turn in the end last time Gatica?

    Nope she didn't. She stayed put from fairly early on. She had legs straight up and I just imagine her like a little peg wedged in, we tried every remedy going and nothing worked.
    I've had 3 chiro appointments now and if not for baby position, at least it's certainly helped with lower back pain. At last m/w appt she thought baby was head-down (but they thought that on my first too, and she wasn't). I'm a lot more mobile from my lower back walking etc... but unfortunately the bump is huge (same as you said, much bigger than last time around) and sits quite low, so it's really heavy and uncomfortable to walk anyway.

    I'm gonna get a private scan this Friday as I really wanna know how baby is lying. I'm also feeling enormous, so if they give any guidance on possible baby size, would be useful. I declined the GTT, but now think I might call back and request it if baby is looking big.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,794 ✭✭✭Squall Leonhart

    We had a scan today...
    Heartbeat gone.

    Missed miscarriage at 11 weeks.

    I feel a useless sad husband who can't do anything to fix this.

    This still puts a lump in my throat...

    ..but my wife is pregnant again, very early, not due til Feb 2020.

    Obviously delighted but both a bit sick with worry after last time. Trying to be full of the joys and excitement that we had last time but the gloss has gone off it from before. It's like we're afraid to get excited, hope kills etc!

    Come on new little baby, be sticky!!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,300 ✭✭✭Gatica

    All the best to you guys, really hope it works out... if that was your first, know that first time miscarriages are incredibly common (we'd the same, but the second pregnancy went whole way) and hopefully the fact that she got pregnant within a few months means you guys are lucky enough to be fertile (not to diminish your pain from the first loss)!

    fingers crossed for you that it goes all smoothly from now on. It's tough waiting out the first trimester, but hopefully once you're past the first hurdle the excitement and hope can come back again.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,794 ✭✭✭Squall Leonhart

    Yes, last pregnancy was our first, I actually started this thread :) my wife miscarried in February. Luckily got pregnant again pretty fast., much faster than first time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 508 ✭✭✭anndub

    This still puts a lump in my throat...

    ..but my wife is pregnant again, very early, not due til Feb 2020.

    Obviously delighted but both a bit sick with worry after last time. Trying to be full of the joys and excitement that we had last time but the gloss has gone off it from before. It's like we're afraid to get excited, hope kills etc!

    Come on new little baby, be sticky!!! :)


    I can empathise with how you're feeling having been through the same thing. The innocence of pregnancy is lost once when you experience a loss so just allow yourself to feel whatever you feel without putting pressure on yourselves to act or think a certain way.

    There's lots of research out there to say the miscarriage rate in babies conceived within 6 months of a loss is much lower. That fact gave me a lot of comfort. Get yourself an early scan booked too, good to have a short term date goal OK hand

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  • Registered Users Posts: 51 ✭✭Pudner7

    Oh my heart - Congrats Squall & Mrs Squall. It's never easy and it's a long 40 weeks regardless but everything crossed this is a sticky one for you guys. We're all here to chat to and support. Isn't the female body amazing though that she is pregnant again so fast. My sister got pregnant within 2 months of her first miscarriage and she has a healthy toddler today.
    On the count down here. Roll on September. Have a feeling this baby will be early but I thought that the last 2 times.
    Good luck at the scan Gatica.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,300 ✭✭✭Gatica

    Had scan today, baby is head-down! thank goodness... he's lying sideways though with legs stretched out, so hopefully his back moves more forward over time and he folds his legs in. While they thought bump looked big, the baby actually measured correct to dates, and there was lots of fluid around him, probably making bump look bigger than it would otherwise.

  • Registered Users Posts: 51 ✭✭Pudner7

    How is everyone doing in this heat? I love it but night time is a killer now. I've caught a head cold from sleeping with no bed clothes and windows wide open.
    In other news I've developed an addiction to sniffing bathroom cleaning products. One in particular. Anyone else have a smell addiction while pregnant? It's never happened me before!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,300 ✭✭✭Gatica

    I'm delighted with the fact that it's been a cooler summer. I've been going to sleep with windows open and only a sheet. My hubby goes to bed later and closes the windows etc... Sleeping is not easy anyway, stomach aches, SPD, fibroid pains and need to wake to change positions couple of times a night.

    The visits to the chiro have been great, I'm still uncomfortable but I've been doing my physio exercises and going for regular adjustments and I've found, I've a better gait, no normal back-ache anymore, and baby is head-down and staying put.

    Unfortunately got diagnosed with GD. It was a bit late because I didn't have the test done, however, I noticed my weight gain was really sudden (though MW and GP haven't been weighing me, I've been keeping an eye myself). I kept ringing the MW clinic with no replies, so just went into the hospital and requested to get GTT and sure enough it came back positive. I'm managing it with diet and a little walking. Being this late though the endocrinologist wasn't convinced diet alone will work to bring baby weight under control in time. Fingers crossed, as he jumped from 75% to >95% in about 3 weeks :(

    If you notice anything you don't think is right yourself, keep insisting on seeing someone. They would've happily let me wait 4 weeks between my mw appointments if I didn't turn up at the hospital looking to talk to someone.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2 Jammyswan

    Hi all, glad all is going well for you all.
    Query for you, I was at a gp visit today, my due antenatal visit, I mentioned when there re green discharge I was having so the Dr checked me with a speculum and told me to get canestan pessaries. She did the urine check, blood pressure and the doppler check for heartbeat.

    On leaving, the receptionist asked me to pay 60euro, I was a bit surprised and told her politely this was an antenatal and assumed the mistake would be rectified. She said to check with gp so I walked back and asked the gp was this not antenatal and she said it's for doing the other thing. I didn't query any further but was a bit upset to be honest. I'm not one to cause a fuss and I'm quite and honest person. I thought 60 euro was steep just because I had a speculum check of my cervix too, since I mentioned the discharge issue. I thought this was pregnancy related. So what is counted as non related? Now I'm afraid she will charge me on the next antenatal visit also, am I not to mention the discharge? Very upset to be honest.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,300 ✭✭✭Gatica

    hard to call it to be honest. The mention of discharge is usually normal as part of your care with midwives, however, I wonder if the midwives would just refer you back to your GP if they thought you should get checked for infections. Since the GP recommended Canesten, I'm guess they felt it was a thrush infection, which is quite common irrespective of pregnancy and they would've probably treated it in the same way if you weren't pregnant. I doubt they'd charge you on next visit just because you had an issue on this one, especially if all clears up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 508 ✭✭✭anndub

    How is everyone doing? Into the last few weeks! I've just finished work. It was good timing condidering insomnia has hit hard this week.

    Interested to hear how you went about finding a good chiropractor Gatica? I have a touch of sciatica (pregnancy induced) and am nearly sure this baby is back to back again and I'm wondering if both are linked to a misalignment somewhere.

    Would really like to avoid another back labour!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,300 ✭✭✭Gatica

    Got the chiropractic's name from a friend that went to him for balancing her pelvis, etc.. she said labour went quick and she attributes it to him. I dunno if it's entirely the case, but I do find that it helped me with back ache and SPD immensely, I could barely put one foot in front of the other on my last pregnancy, especially last few weeks.
    If you're in Galway, can PM you his details. Otherwise, I presume it should be possible to search for a practice near you and see if they have any references/referrals that you could verify or would trust.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,300 ✭✭✭Gatica

    Aldi baby and toddler event on tomorrow!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 51 ✭✭Pudner7

    anndub is sciatica before labour a sign of back to back labour? I'm having some seriously painful twinges the past week all in my lower back like baby is hitting a nerve. I'm afraid of my life of a back to back labour. I'm suffering badly with hemarroids the past week too. The end is just the worst. I'm so ready for this baby to be here.
