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accommodation in Sligo

  • 01-01-2019 4:35pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 16

    HI, advice needed please! My son is going to be starting at Sligo IT this september ( 19). I am thinking of the purpose built accommodation on site - e.g Gateway. Does anyone have any experience of these apartmentsnor other ones? Are they ok??? Thanks in advance


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 524 ✭✭✭Vlove

    sarahq1962 wrote: »
    HI, advice needed please! My son is going to be starting at Sligo IT this september ( 19). I am thinking of the purpose built accommodation on site - e.g Gateway. Does anyone have any experience of these apartmentsnor other ones? Are they ok??? Thanks in advance

    As a Sligo local, I often hear stories that the Gateway apartments are meant to be cold but Milligan Court and Yeats village are better. Although its up to your lad wherever he wants to live..
