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If I didn’t log it, it didn’t happen



  • Registered Users Posts: 391 ✭✭passinginterest

    Took my easy recovery week to the extreme last week. Just the one jog on Thursday 2.8 miles. Meant I didn’t make it to 100 for the month too.

    Week 2.85 miles
    Month of March 86 miles
    Year to Date 282 miles

    Won’t get too down on myself for taking the break. Still building from a very low base so I don’t think it’s doing any harm to let the body adjust. Plan for the next 6 weeks is to try get out 6 days a week with a tempo session on Tuesday and 400 meter intervals on Thursday. Loosely following the Hal higdon 5 mile training plan. Building to the Terenure 5 mile on 12 May.

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    Back at it and on fresh legs so really enjoyed the week. First time running 6 days, with the introduction of 3 recovery miles on Mondays. VO2 Max up to 49 according to Garmin from a low of 43.

    Monday 1 April
    3m at easy recovery pace 10.01/m AvgHR 148. Quicker than recovery but still easy having had nothing to recover from the previous week.

    Tuesday 2 April
    30 min Tempo
    5.12 miles total including warm up and cool down. 8.57/m Avg HR 161. Target tempo pace is 8.13-8.30. I covered 3.6 miles in 8.23, 8.21, 8.21 and 8.15 pace for the .6. Definitelt had to work for it but felt pretty good.

    Wednesday 3 April
    3m easy. Bit of a plod around the city centre. Total of 3.07 miles at 9.43/m AvgHR 145. Nothing of note really.

    Thursday 4 April
    5x400@mile pace.
    3.86m 9.15/m AvgHR 149bpm
    Mile warm up and then into the 400s with 200 recovery jog after each. Target pace was 1.45-1.50 for the 400s. Actual splits were 1.47, 1.45, 1.46, 1.45 and 1.48. 200 recovery's varied from 1.09 to 1.17. They were around Stephen's green rather than on a track so relying on Gps. Happy with this. Legs just aren't used to the quicker paces nor are the lungs! But hoping this type of sessions helps get some pace into them.

    Saturday 6 April
    5 with 2@5m pace
    5.02 9.06/m AvgHR 160
    Two easy miles to warm up and then picked up to 5m pace. Goal pace for Terenure 5 is 8.00/mile. Found it hard to hit the 8.00 pace. The 2 goal pace miles both clocked 8.05. was happy enough with the second one because I was really under pressure and it was mostly up hill. A good way off running a bit quicker than that for 5 miles though.

    Sunday 7 April
    8m long run.
    8.14m 9.56/m AvgHR 150bpm
    Nice run taking in Bancroft Park, the west side of Tymon and Dodder Valley park. Felt grand the whole way. Going to keep the long run to 8-10 miles with the longer term marathon goal in mind. The plan calls for slightly shorter long runs.

    Week Total: 28.22 miles
    Month To Date: 28.22 miles
    Year to Date: 308 miles

  • Registered Users Posts: 391 ✭✭passinginterest

    Two weeks to update. All going reasonably well.

    Monday 8 April
    3m recovery
    3.15m@10.43/m AvgHR 141.
    Nothing at all of note. HR good.

    Tuesday 9 April
    30 minute tempo with 10min warm up and 5min cool down
    5.12m@9.14 AvgHR 153.
    Around the grounds of Trinity. Quite busy so a bit awkward at times. 3.53miles covered in the 30min tempo. Split paces of 8.32, 8.19, 8.35 and 8.33 (.53). Should be between 8.13 and 8.30 so a bit slow for some of it. Partly down to crowds. Overall ok.

    Wednesday 10 April
    5m easy
    5.04m@9.58 AvgHR 145.
    Went with one of the lads from work at lunch. Nice jaunt out past the RDS and back via Leeson St, finish around the Green. Nice day and a nice run.

    Thursday 11 April
    8x400 with 200 jog recovery.
    5 and a bit with short warm-up 2.44m@8.42 AvgHR 160.
    Under time pressure as heading away for a few days. Lunch time flight so after getting everything packed I had a short window. Target of 1.45-1.50 for the 400s. Splits of 1.41, 1.44, 1.43, 1.46, 1.49 and 1.47 pace for the bit. Bit too quick for the first and found it tough.

    Saturday 13 April
    5m with 2@5m race pace
    4.46m@8.51 AvgHR 160.
    Staying beside the national indoor arena in Birmingham. As I'm away with wife and in-laws time a bit pressed again. Lovely out and back along the canal. Two miles 8.00 and 8.10. 8 is the target. Not too bad but couldn't hold the 8 pace comfortably.

    Sunday 14 April
    Travelling back from Birmingham and a combination of tiredness from time away and laziness meant I didn't get out at all.

    Week Miles 20.5
    Month to Date 48.7 miles
    Year to Date 328 miles

  • Registered Users Posts: 391 ✭✭passinginterest

    Monday 15 April.
    3m recovery
    3.12m@9.42 AvgHR 154.

    Debated doing a longer run as I missed Sunday. Started out unsure but wasn't feeling it. So kept it to the 3miles at easy pace. Pretty big week ahead.

    Tuesday 16 April
    45 minute tempo
    6.76m@8.52 AvgHR 168. Including 10 min warm up and 5 cool down.
    Around the outside of Stephen's Green at lunch. 5.34miles for the tempo. Split paces 8.39, 8.27, 8.16, 8.22, 8.25, 8.23 (.34). Really pleased with this. Eased into the first tempo mile so it was a bit outside Target but the others were all in the right range. Wasn't sure I had the 45mins in me so really happy.

    Wednesday 17 April
    6m easy
    6.02@9.42 AvgHR 146bpm.
    Similar route to the previous week with a bit of extension. Again, pleasant and unremarkable.

    Thursday 18 April
    9x400 with 200 jog recoveries.
    4.86m@9.37 AvgHR 153.
    Down to Merrion Sq with the weather starting to warm up. Joined by one of the work lads. Mile warm up and then into it. 1.49 for the first, 1.46 for the second and 1.43 for the third. At this stage pal had to take a breather and waited for me to come back around. 1.44 for the 4th, rejoined by pal for the 5th and 1.47. I was under pressure and he was really struggling. 1.52 for the 6th, he was going to quit so agreed to walk the recoveries from there. 1.44, 1.43 and 1.40 to finish. I found the walking recoveries maybe a bit too much, but it was nice to have company and meant I finished them out strong. Half a mile of a cool down. Another good session.

    Saturday 20 April
    5m with 3@5m race pace.
    Warm up 1.94m@9.38, 3.18m@7.41 AvgHR 168. Cool down 1m@10.47.
    Jogged from home to Tymon for parkrun. Lovely warm and still morning. Aim of 8 minute mile pace. Knew I could beat my December parkrun of 24.14 if I pushed it a bit and was feeling good. Started a little far back and the first half a km ended up being a bit too easy. I should probably switch the watch to km for these pace tests as it's easier to keep track. First mile came in at 8.07. one of the lads I used to play ball with came up on my shoulder just before the first mile marker. He's usually a bit quicker than me these days so we had a chat and I decided to stick with him and keep winding the pace up. Around 13mins through the first lap so knew sub 24 was unlikely but sub 25 was still on. 7.51 for the second mile. And kept picking up the pace, feeling ok but knew I was getting fairly close to Max. 7.14 for mile 3, pleasant surprise, didn't think I had picked up that much. Made up at least 15 places on the second lap too. Didn't have an awful lot left for the final stretch and it measured a bit long at .18 but managed a bit of a spring to unkindly beat my old pal/Pacer, 6.54 pace. Crossed the line in 24.25. good sign to the sub 40 5 mile goal and pretty sure I've got that sub 24 in the legs now if I don't start too conservative. Nice to feel a bit of pace coming into the legs. Still hard to believe I ran 24.14 in December after so little running and I haven't managed to better it off the 350 miles so far this year! Jogged a mile of the way back home to cool down and strolled the rest, taking in the birdsong on a glorious morning. Pleasant surprise as the Garming bumped the VO2 Max up to 50 for the first time too.

    Sunday 21 April
    8.02m@9.46 AvgHR 160bmp.
    After a big week for me, and giving consideration to the heat, decided to keep the long run to 8 miles. Can't remember the last time I sweated as much. Going out in peak afternoon sun didn't help. Breezier than Saturday but lovely all the same. Mostly run around Tymon, taking it off path and onto grass and trail a bit. Heart rate was high enough for the effort and I've lovely blisters on my arches from the Hoka's last week.
    Garmin decided the effort levels were high enough to cut the VO2 score back down to 48!

    Overall a really good week. Just touching 35miles. The most I've done since starting back and that include a good tempo session and 400s session. Bit of a step back this week, then another big week and an easier week leading into the Terenure 5 mile.

    Week Miles 34.9
    Month to date 83.6m
    Year to date 363m

  • Registered Users Posts: 391 ✭✭passinginterest

    I’m getting lazy with my updates.

    Mon 22 April
    3m recovery
    3.18m@10.48/m Avg HR 142.
    Easter Monday, don’t remember much about it at all. Nice easy jog anyway.

    Tue 23 April
    35 min Tempo
    5.61m@8.55/m AvgHR 158
    10 minute warm up and 5 cool down. Tempo pace miles came in at 8.28, 8.20, 8.21, 8.18 and 8.24 pace for the last .18. Really nice run, bang on with the tempo splits. Happy days.

    Wed 24 April
    3m easy
    3.19m@9.51/m AvgHR 150bpm
    Trail runners on and stuck to the grass in the local park. Not sure there’s enough support in the runners for me. Haven’t felt great any of the times I’ve worn them. Nothing else notable really.

    Thursday 25 April
    6x400 200 recovery
    4.24m@9.27/m AvgHR 147bpm
    Evening run so headed towards Tymon. Mile warm up and cool down. 400 splits came in at 1.53, 1.53, 1.44, 1.51, 1.44, 1.43. Felt pretty good and they were mostly on rolling hills, first couple a little too conservative.

    Saturday 27 April
    6m with 3@5m race pace
    7.08m including Tymon Parkrun 3.18m in 23.40 Avg Pace 7.27/m AvgHR 172bpm.

    Decided to jog over to park run and attack sub 24. Faster than my 5 mile goal pace but wanted to give it a go. Happened to be a 24 min pacer too which helped. Horrible windy conditions with the tail end of Storm Hannah still blowing. Started fairly near the front to avoid the very slow start of the previous week. Got a surprise when the 25min pacer was on my shoulder after a few hundred meters of what felt like a quick start. Settled into a rhythm and pulled ahead of the 25 and the 24 pacer on the first drag. 24 pacer flew past when we turned downhill, took my time and came back to him. Ran more or less with the pacer to the end of the first lap. Pulled away from him again the second time up the hill. Kept the pace steady and passed a few people along the way, turned back into the wind for the last half mile drag to the finish. Thought I might tie up altogether and could hear the 24min pacer making back a bit of ground. Gritted it out though and held the pace reasonably well. Mile splits were 7.28, 7.33 and 7.18 with the last bit at 7.44 to finish in 23.40. Glad to finally get through the 24min barrier, it was starting to bug me. In better conditions I feel like very low 23s are in reach now. Seems like the more speed focused training is starting to work. Jogged the 2 miles home, or most of it, bumped into the mother in law on the neighborhood park clean up and spend the next two hours picking up rubbish in the park.

    Sunday 28 April
    8m LSR
    Made the mistake of leaving this late in the evening and after eating too much. Was also starting to feel a cold coming on. Sweated buckets and didn’t particularly enjoy it but got most of the distance done. Might have done a bit more but the stomach made the decision to hurry back to the bathroom!

    Overall a very nice week.
    Week Miles: 31.13
    Month to Date Miles: 114.75
    Year to Date Miles: 394

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    Monday 29 April
    3m recovery
    Missed this. A combination of missing my lunch window in work, feeling a cold coming on worse and just being lazy once I got home in the evening.

    Tuesday 30 April
    50 minute tempo
    7.01miles, including 10min warm up and 5 cool down. @9.16/m AvgHR 160
    This was always likely to be a tough one and I was feeling the full effects of a nasty head cold. Out at lunchtime and headed out past the RDS and into the leafy embassy belt, before coming back into town and doing a few laps of Merrion. Knew it would be tough and tried to ease into the tempo splits, 8.42 for the first tempo mile and I was sweating buckets and the HR was spiking, debates calling it a day but thought I’d preserve but accept I’d have to stay outside goal pace if there was any chance of completing it. 8.44 and 8.41 for the next two miles and I was pretty cooked, a 9.02 and a 9.03 to follow, more like marathon pace but felt like 5k race pace effort wise, managed another 0.65 of a mile at 8.56 pace to see out the 50 minutes. A very easy crawl back to the office then. Gear was sapping, like I’d been out in a monsoon. Not sure if it’s better to preserve when feeling that bad or to just give up, but this is meant to be a big week, and the last before the Terenure 5 mile so wanted to do as much as possible.

    That also brought up the end of April. 121.8 miles in total. A fraction below my highest ever month, which was August 2014 during marathon training. Looking back now, it’s a miracle I completed that marathon at all I was so undertrained. Regretting missing the three miles recovery on Monday as that would have seen me to a new record month.

    Wed 1 May
    6m easy
    3.6m@10.11 AvgHR 144
    Still not feeling great and with another big session on Thursday decided to be sensible. Helped by the fact one of the lads wanted to do an easy 5k at lunch. Some of the same route out as the day before. Still sweating buckets and not breathing very well but was a nice easy pace and the company helped drag me around.

    Thursday 2 May
    10x400 with 200 recovery
    5.73m@9.39 Avg HR 148bpm including a mile warm up and cool down.
    Same running buddy as the day before. Helped to reign things in, agreed we’d walk the first part of the recovery and jog into the 400s.
    Recover varied from 88 to 105 seconds. Most in the mid 90s. 400s went 1.47, 1.50, 1.47, 1.47, 1.46, 1.49, 1.48, 1.52, 1.47, 1.33.
    Running them around the outside of Stephens Green but only one outside target, mainly due to traffic. Felt a lot better than expected, blasted the last one a bit just for fun. Delighted to get through the session and be feeling pretty good.

    Saturday 4 May
    6m with 3@5m goal pace
    6.06m@9.05/m AvgHR 155
    Didn’t get up early enough for parkrun but headed to Tymon anyway and did the goal pace miles on the parkrun route, just starting and finishing in a different spot. This was always a tricky one to do solo, conditions were lovely, but breathing was a bit trick at times with phlegm still sticking in the back of the throat from this cold. 7.59, 7.44, 7.57 for the goal pace miles and happy enough with that. Still not 100% how I’ll approach the race next week, toying between staring with the 40min pace group and trying to pick it up after a couple of miles if I feel good just trying to go hard from the start, aiming for around 39 pace or just under and seeing how it goes.

    Sunday 5 May
    8 miles easy
    9.09m@10.05/m AvgHR 144
    Another perfect day for running. Felt good, breathing much better and HR staying nice and low. Added an extra mile because I wanted to make sure I had over 30 for the week again. Really enjoyed this, felt like I could have easily kept going for another hour if I wanted to push the distance.
    Bit of a taper now leading into the Terenure 5 mile. Hoping if it goes perfect that I can run around 39mins. Sub 40 was the original goal. I ran mid 38s back in 2014. If I get close to that I’ll be over the moon.

    Weekly Miles: 31.5
    April miles: 121.8
    May to Date: 24.5
    Year to Date: 426

  • Registered Users Posts: 391 ✭✭passinginterest

    Monday 6 May
    3m recovery
    3.08m@10.56 AvgHR 137
    Proper easy recovery jog. Nothing of note other than keeping the HR below 140 is a rare enough thing so obviously got the proper recovery pace.

    Tuesday 7 May
    30min Tempo
    5.35m@9.21 AvgHR 155
    Ten minute warm up and cool down. 3.54m at tempo pace 8.24, 8.28, 8.31, 8.35 pace for the .54. Not too bad, started a bit quick and a bit frustrated at dropping outside 8.30 pace. Still not feeling 100% and breathing was a bit all over the place with the lingering effects of a cold.

    Wednesday 8 May
    3m Easy
    3.05m@9.47 AvgHR 144
    Evening run from home, headed up the Airton Rd and back down through Tallaght Village, reminded me why I hate running on concrete footpaths. Felt a bit harder than it should.

    Thursday 9 May
    3.86m@9.19 AvgHR 150
    Evening run again. Down to the park at the bottom of the road. Not perfect for the 400s as there was a couple of tight turns over little bridges. Just ran them on feel without checking the watch and slow jogged the recoveries. Mile warm up and cool down. 400 splits were; 1.41, 1.39, 1.42, 1.43, 1.41. Recoveries 1.21-1.25. Very happy with these after. All at the quick end of goal pace so happy with that.

    Saturday 11 May
    2.1m@10.35 AvgHR 144
    Actually did two 1.05 mile easy runs. Two new pairs of runners arrived and I wanted to try them out. They were badly needed and was going to wear them for Terenure 5 mile if they felt good. All good with the test runs. Really liked the feel of the Hoka Gaviota’s so decided to gamble on using them Sunday.

    Sunday 12 May
    Terenure 5 mile Race.
    Warm up 1.01m@10.41 AvgHR 154
    Running a bit later than planned. Went to the wrong place for race HQ. Ended up jogging most of this in full tracksuit with my bag and the spiked HR shows the warmth and the worry at being disorganised. Got the back drop eventually and still had plenty of time.

    Race Official Time 38.21
    Garmin: 5.01m@7.38 (38.15) AvgHR 174
    Slotted in just ahead of the 40min pace with a primary goal to keep him behind me. Started the watch a bit late because I was looking for a matt rather than the gantry. Just before the first turn after a couple of hundred meters the 40min pacer came steaming past. I could here his partner saying he was going too fast but it threw me a bit, the watch was showing 7.10 pace at this stage, I knew it was way too hot for me but didn’t want to let him go either so kept pushing beside them.
    Eased a bit down the Terenure Road and I was determined to stay ahead of them. They were on my shoulder more or less for the first mile and it ended up being 7.33, I was planning on around 7.45 a mile if all went really well so I was worried, especially with the heat. Mentally decided to just try and settle now and not worry if I hit 7.50 or even 8.00. Saw the pace settling a bit but I didn’t want to get too comfortable so any time I felt someone in front was slowing a pushed past. 7.44 for the second mile and definitely feeling it, again thinking don’t worry you’re banking time, no harm running a 7.50 or 8.00, bit also thinking it turns downhill again in 3 so just relax into it. Remember seeing 8.00 on the watch at one point and then seeing 7.15 and thinking this is madness. I was annoying myself a bit with the inconsistency and really worried I’d just die once I passed 5k, 7.37 for mile 3, now I knew i had loads banked and again thought, save a bit, run 8.00 for mile 4 and save a bit for the last mile. But again I’d come behind someone, feel like they were slowing and push on again, pace fluctuating, definitely saw 8.00 but also 7.20’s again, eventually clocked at 7.40. I was working at my absolute limit, HR was in a zone I didn’t know existed but legs were still going and my breathing seemed less laboured than most around me. A lot of the last mile I was around female club runners from Crusaders and Rathfarnham. Stayed in this group swapping positions and pushing along each other. Didn’t have much left for the finish but put in a little spurt when the gantry eventually appeared, felt like the longest half a mile in history. 7.37 for mile 5. Absolutely knackered at the end don’t think I could have given anymore. Exceeded my best hopes. The Gaviota’s were lovely. Happy days. Great spread in the hall after.

    Weekly Miles: 23.5
    Month to date: 47.9
    Year to Date: 452

  • Registered Users Posts: 391 ✭✭passinginterest

    Monday 13 May
    I take my recovery very seriously and skipped the jog. A habit I need to break.

    Tuesday 14 May
    5.24m@10.40/m AvgHR 141
    Very easy run in the evening around Tymon, with some on the grass. Nice warm evening, body feeling grand.

    Wednesday 15 May
    5.36m@9.06/m AvgHR 155
    Session day in the half plan, but sticking to all easy stuff for this week. Recalculated easy paces after the 5 mile result. Trying it out a bit on the Trinity grass, with a few strides each mile in the absence of a real session this week. Pretty sweaty one and HR shows it was probably more moderate than easy.

    Thursday 16 May
    5.36m@9.45/m AvgHR 145
    This was more experimentation with the new easy pace, this time heading out via Ballsbridge and back into town via Donnybrook. Slightly slower than the calculated paces in parts. Average should be closer to 9, but felt good and kept the HR much more reasonable.

    Friday 17 May
    7.25m@9.56/m AvgHR 143
    Usually my rest day but with a Saturday communion and the Tallaght 5k on Sunday this was my only real chance for a longer run. Late enough (for me) heading out Friday evening. Mostly Tymon again making use of some of the grass and trail to mix things up. Felt good

    Sunday 18 May
    Tallaght 5k - Chip Time 21.58. Garmin: 3.1m@7.05 (21.59) AvgHR 174
    Couldn’t have been any more local for me. It’s an 8 minute walk from my house to the clubhouse. Strolled up to get the number about 10.15. Wandered home, no need to drop a bag, attached the number and back out for a warm up about 10.35. 1.12miles with a few strides and dynamic stretches @9.52/m. At the start with about 10 minutes to spare. Bumped into a few people I knew. Quick chats and try to figure out where to position myself for the start. Lots of club vests around, position myself maybe 10 rows back, well away from the speedsters! Obviously had a pretty good idea of the route, although I’d never run through the college campus. Airton road is a bit of a drag and with a 2 lap race it was going to be crucial to pace it right. Didn’t want to be too much of a slave to the watch, debated not having the pace visible and just running by feel but I bottled it.
    Start was pretty much bang on time and fairly hectic. Passing a good few people but trying not to get too carried away. Looked at the watch before the turn into Airton Road and pace was low enough 7s. Goal had been between 7.20 and 7.24/m so it was a bit fast. Settled into a rhythm along the Airton Road and was picking up places. Feeling it but also feeling pretty good when when we turned down the Belgard Rd. I knew the downhill was coming one we turned into the college again. Guy in an orange vest with a very distinctive bandanna passed me just before the roundabout turning in, mile beeped around here too and it was 7.16. Felt good and as soon as I hit the downhill the turnover picked up, I passed bandanna man again and was feeling good, think I saw 6 something pace at this stage and was a bit worried, but decided to just keep attacking it.

    Back out of the colleges and into lap two. Found myself a bit isolated around the astropark and wasn’t sure what to do, didn’t want to use too much energy trying to close those in front. Then bandanna man appeared again and as he eased past I decided I’d try and latch on. This was a big help and I followed his heels for the whole Airton Road. Gap quickly closed on those ahead and recognized a couple of the Tallaght runners we passed from the nights I’d gone training up there during the open week. That gave me another boost and the fact the pace was still looking no worse than 7.20 along the drag, I knew I was well on track to hit my sub 23 target. The second mile buzzed before the end of the Airton Road and it was 7.06. Was getting really worried now but knew that even if I was tying up the majority of the last mile and a bit was downhill.

    Heading back into the college I pushed past my bandanna toting rival and picked of another 2 or 3 runners before we exited and crossed the road to turn into the club and run the last 300 meters or so on the track. I was wrecked at this stage and knew I wasn’t going to be able to kick on the track. I could hear steps coming up on me and I left a gap in the inside lane for bandanna to pass me again. Another runner also came by on the outside, but I really didn’t have anything left to pick up the pace more. Mile three buzzed on the top of the bend, 6.58, not surprised I didn’t have much of a kick. Into the straight and someone coming behind was getting great support. That encouraged me to pick it up a little, as did spotting the fact the clock was still in the 21’s. Held it together to the finish, held my place, and stopped the watch at 21.59. 6.10 pace for the final 100 yards. The strava upload gave me 22.00 but was delighted to see the chip time give me 21.58. Exceeded expectations again. I was properly gasping at the finish, definitely didn’t leave much out there. A minute faster than I expected so all around delighted.

    Lovely spread in the clubhouse after. Scoffed a banana and an egg sandwich, had a chat with bandanna man and thanked him for dragging me around, before jogging a slightly extended route home to cool down 0.54m@11.27.

    Weekly miles: 28
    Month to Date: 76
    Year to Date: 477

  • Registered Users Posts: 391 ✭✭passinginterest

    Monday 20 May
    20 min recovery
    2.05m@9.46 AvgHR 140
    Nice easy stuff on the grass in Trinity. Could have even been a bit slower for pure recovery but felt grand.

    Tuesday 21 May
    60 min very easy
    5.93m@10.07 AvgHR 146
    Bit of a wander around, again prob more easy than very easy going by the HR although well outside the easy pace my current predicted training paces suggest. Trinity was in use for cricket so did a bit of a loop around the campus then headed for Merrion Sq, good few laps of Merrion, can’t remember feeling so bored on many runs, decided to head for Stephens Green for a change of scenery, couple of laps there and back to the office. All very uninspiring.

    Wednesday 22 May
    7m with 5@hmp
    2.65m@10.04 AvgHR 147
    3.12m@7.15 AvgHR 174 (5k leg time 22.36)
    1.5m@10.50 AvgHR 163
    Total 7.27m
    Work social club had decided late enough to enter a team in the PWC Staff Relay. We got in on the additional night so while there was a decent crowd it wasn’t close to the numbers on the Thursday night.
    We actually had two teams in the end roughly divided by quicker and slower. Knew we had one sub 20 runner in our team and the rest of us aiming for 22-25. Other team were all in the 25-30 range.
    Good craic in the build up. I decided to take leg 3 so I’d have time to get my planned 7 miles in. Saw off our lead runner and headed for a few miles with our organiser who had decided to give up his place to let someone else run. Nice trot around and back into the changeover pen with about 5 mins to spare before the leg two runner came in. As it turned out our leg one and two runners both arrived ahead of expectation and clocked in the 22s. I didn’t know their times when I was starting out. In my head before I was thinking don’t race it, aim for a fast tempo, something in the 24s. As soon as the baton was in my hand though I burst into a sprint. There was another team handing over at the same time and the guy on my leg was wearing the same Terenure 5 Mile top as me. Immediately I had a target and thoughts of not racing were pretty much gone.
    Yer man took off at a good gallop and once he passed me I let him go a bit. I knew most of the first mile was downhill so I kept the effort up and made the most of it. Target was getting away a bit, but I was happy with my progress, mostly making up places and only passed by a couple of very strong runners. First mile clocked at 6.56 and then the course ramped uphill. It hit me pretty hard and there’s a very obvious spike in the HR and slowing of pace. I kept working though, if maybe not quite pushing to the limit. Still making up ground, although wasn’t sure where my target was as it’s a pretty twisty part of the course. Nice boost from the music at half way and seeing 11.26 I think it was on the watch. I knew it was stead climbing to the finish and lots of it on grass, but the steep bits were done.
    Not much further on and who do i spot with hands on hips and slower to a walk, only mr rival. Great boost. I know I’m working hard, but I also know I won’t be walking. Drive on past and mile 2 is 7.28.
    Mile 3 is pretty much all grass and gradual climb towards the tented village. I’m definitely working hard, but keeping a steady pace and making up places. The 1k to go banner is another boost, although it looks like miles away to the finish. Into the tented village with 500m to go, see the team cheering at about 300 to go so raise a bit of a pick up in speed, round a corner just beyond them, realise there’s still 200 to go and almost die a death. Sprint finish definitely wasn’t happening! Pretty much exhausted crossing the line and handing over, but really pleased to see 22.36 on the watch. 7.22 for mile 3 and 7.13 pace for the finish.
    Grab a banana a juice and water and make my way back to the team for the post mortem. All in good spirits and find out our first two leg runners ran very similar times to me. The I head out for a cool down jog. Run along side of the course and spot my mate coming into the last Km, give some encouragement/abuse while trotting alongside for a bit and cut back to join the cheer squad as he comes by.
    Just before our final runner heads out they announce the first finishers crossing the line. We had our best out last though and he came in just under the 20 for his leg to bring us home in 39th. Better than expected, even if we did get lapped. Our other team had a couple of surprises with one of them clocking in the 22s also and the slowest around 28, so everyone was delighted after.
    It’s a really well run event, even if it’s pricy (we paid for ourselves with a contribution from the social club). We also pirated into a sister organisations tent. Would definitely do it again.

    Thursday 23 May
    60 mins very easy
    4.06m@10.24 AvgHR 132
    Down to the Trinity grass again and with company for most of it. Decided to cut it a bit shorter after the hard run the night before. Pleased to have kept it properly very easy and the HR in the 130s.

    Saturday 25 May
    30 min Tempo
    5.66m@8.50 Avg HR 155
    Left this to the evening, after a busy enough day in the garden cutting grass and filling a skip. Dominos for dinner too so feeling bloated and lethargic. Would have been an easy one to skip, but dragged the gear on and out the door. Felt dreadful for most of the 10min warm up jog. Decided I’d try to build to the tempo pace gradually and see how it felt.
    Picked up the pace and started to feel ok. Tempo pace should be just under 8 and goal HMP is 8.12. Went through a mile in 8.32 so in the moderate range i suppose, kept the natural build of pace going and clocked 8.08 for mile two, so getting there and managed to keep it going and hit the desired pace for mile three, coming in at 7.51. Eased off a little again then and finished the 30 mins with 0.68 of a mile at 8.06 pace.
    Inevitably stomach cramps and very uncomfortable cool down after, but delighted to have got it done having come close to writing it off.

    Sunday 26 May
    90min Long Run
    9.25m@9.48 AvgHR 145
    Breezy and quite warm, headed out just before one. Felt fairly decent and tried to keep the pace between 9.30 and 10.00. Overall happy enough with it. Mixed in some running on grass and trail to break things up.

    Week miles: 34.22
    Month to Date: 110
    Year to Date: 512

    Delighted to pass 500 miles for the year this week. Making some nice steady progress and good consistency coming into the marathon block.

  • Registered Users Posts: 391 ✭✭passinginterest

    Mid week update seeing as I won’t be running today and it’s the end of the month.

    Some notable events, I think, this month. First time ever recording over 200k in a month (including 2014 marathon block). Better pace progress than expected with a 21.58 5k in there too.

    It was September 18 when I finally got a diagnosis and started treatment for the psoriatic arthritis that had trouble my right forefoot since 3 weeks before DCM 14. In that time I’d made a few half hearted attempts to run and play a bit of casual football but each time the pain and discomfort got too bad. The main consequence was a complete loss of fitness and a fair amount of weight gain. I was just under 11 stone after DCM 14 and was probably over 13 by September 18 (the scales got ‘lost’ when we were moving house that summer).

    In a wave of optimism I got a new Garmin in July 18. But apart from a short test run really only got back into running after treatment started in September. Interesting things from a progress perspective - Average HR has gone from a peak of 163 to 149, Resting HR has gone from 61 to 54, VO2 max has gone from 43 to 50.

    Monthly mileage, starting in Sept, has gone; 10.5, 24.66, 49.6, 50.2, 107.63, 86.30, 85.98, 121.79, 126.59.

    I’m starting to feel more like a runner now. I think I’m learning to keep the easy stuff properly easy and when the body needs a rest, rather than when I’m just feeling lazy. I’ve gotten into a good routine with 5-6 days running every week since the start of April. I’ve definitely lost a decent bit of weight, although the diet needs work if I’m really going to get in shape. The feeling of being somewhat fit is also returning.

    Hoping I’ve now got a good enough base to run a good Clontarf half and then attack the DCM plan.

    Monday 27 May
    Meant to be a few miles recovery, but felt some tightness in the hamstring and decided to go for a full rest day

    Tuesday 28 May
    Plan: 60mins very easy
    Actual: 40.42 4.06m@10.02 AvgHR 138
    For this half plan I’ve sort of taken bits from a couple of plans to tweak the plan I used for Wicklow. Don’t want to push it too much and after feeling the niggles on Monday decided to keep this a bit shorter. It was on the Grass around the perimeter of the cricket pitch in Trinity and felt good. Just the right side of easy. No niggles and legs felt better for it.

    Wednesday 29 May
    Plan: 3x1 mile tempo with half mile jog recovery
    Actual: 6.5m in 58.57 Avg Pace 9.04 AvgHR 155

    Trinity again. Warm up on the outskirts and onto the very quiet track for the mile intervals. 7.44, 7.43 and 7.34 for the tempo miles. With the recovery taking just over 5. Really pleased with this. Was working for the tempo splits but nothing crazy. Legs really felt the benefit of doing this on the grass too.

    Wednesday 30 May
    Plan: 60 mins very easy
    Actual: 1.01.18 5.87m@10.26 AvgHR 144

    Missed my lunchtime window and knew the wife was out for the evening and I had no plans so decided to do it then. Late enough getting home, tired, hungry etc. Eventually dragged myself out after 8.30. Long bottoms and Lon sleeve too, looked like it might be chilly out. I was very wrong. Extremely muggy and between that the hunger and tiredness the whole run was a bit all over the place. HR was higher than it should be for the pace, pace was up and down too, tried to time it so I’d hit the hour mark and the chipper so that I could reward myself with junk. Got that wrong too (no harm). A tin of tuna with some soy sauce and a bowl of Lidl’s finest crunchy nut cornflakes was the ultimate reward! And Garmin took my 50 VO2 max that finally seemed to be stable for a week and dropped it back to 49!!

    Weekly Miles to Date: 16.43
    May Miles: 126.6
    Year Miles to Date: 528

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,044 ✭✭✭chickey2

    You're making great progress there, well done.

    I follow Steve Magness on twitter and he recently posted a tweet:
    "One of the most wonderful parts of being an athlete is when your sport becomes not just something you do but something you are."

    I was reminded of it when you said you "feel more like a runner now". I'd say you ARE a runner!

  • Registered Users Posts: 391 ✭✭passinginterest

    Just to finish off last week.

    Saturday 1 June
    4x10@hmp w/2 rec

    7.3m in 1.06.29 avg pace 9.06 AvgHR 156

    Ten minute warm up and then into the session around Tymon. It was pretty humid but not too warm and pretty good conditions for it overall. Target HMP is around 8.12. I jogged the first couple of recoveries, looking at the analysis I should have walked a bit on the second because my HR never really recovered. Walked a bit of the others. Had to work pretty hard to hit the pace but managed them all pretty well, averages coming in around 8.14, 8.13, 8.13 and 8.12.

    Sunday 2 June
    1hr 45 long run
    10.26 miles in 1.44.37 Avg pace 10.12 AvgHR 142

    Very much a run dictated by the wind. Did more or less an out and back route up to the end of the lower reservoir and back. Mostly into the wind on the out leg and wind assisted on the way back. Was worried about how hard it felt at times, but it was only on the way back that I really felt how strong the wind was. Happy enough in the end.

    After the Saturday and Sunday runs I had a bit of a think about how I was approaching things. I realized that in he last 4 weeks I’ve done 3 races quite a few hard sessions and upped my goal training paces. The body was feeling a bit beaten and it was feeling a bit too much like hard work. I’ve made some big advances but not really allowed the body to adjust and soak up some of it. Decided to take an extra rest day and to at least drop one session this week. So took Monday and Tuesday as total rest. Today I’ll run but keep it 5 or 6 miles easy with maybe a few strides. I’ll still aim for the planned 2hr long run on Sunday but I might do just easy and very easy on Thursday and Saturday. I think I was getting a bit too caught up in trying to hit targets that are not the goal at the moment. As one of the great logs on here says, it’s about keeping the main thing the main thing. For me that’s getting through DCM in one piece. Something that this time last year I wouldn’t even have been able to imagine with the amount of pain and discomfort I was having with my foot. I’ll still aim to complete the plan I have going into Clontarf, but maybe with less sessions and more easy miles. I plan on continuing to run for the foreseeable future so there’s plenty of time to get faster and push the limits, but this cycle is about completing a marathon.

    Weekly miles: 34
    Month to Date: 17.5
    Year to Date: 545

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,735 ✭✭✭Mr. Guappa

    Seems like a very sensible decision to dial it back a touch this week - I like it. It will do you lots of good.

    Belated congrats on the 5k too, very nice racing

  • Registered Users Posts: 391 ✭✭passinginterest

    Mr. Guappa wrote: »
    Seems like a very sensible decision to dial it back a touch this week - I like it. It will do you lots of good.

    Belated congrats on the 5k too, very nice racing

    Thanks. I was starting to feel like I might burn myself out before I even hit the marathon plan. I was getting carried away with getting faster over shorter distances, but that’s not what I really need at this stage at all. I’m more than happy with where I’ve got to with the 5k time for now. Back to slow and steady to ‘win’ the race!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,735 ✭✭✭Mr. Guappa

    Thanks. I was starting to feel like I might burn myself out before I even hit the marathon plan. I was getting carried away with getting faster over shorter distances, but that’s not what I really need at this stage at all. I’m more than happy with where I’ve got to with the 5k time for now. Back to slow and steady to ‘win’ the race!

    Smart move I think. You've built the mileage up quiet quickly over the past 9 months, so giving the body a chance to adapt over the next few weeks would be no bad thing. You're in a great position heading into the marathon block, some very good training under your belt.

  • Registered Users Posts: 391 ✭✭passinginterest

    Really embraced taking a break last week. Did a bit of reevaluating and with 20 weeks to go to DCM I’ve decided to scale things back a bit on what I’d previously planned for the lead into Clontarf half. I’ll still run Clontarf but don’t think I’ll race it. I’ll probably do it as a long progression run or something.

    I’ll be back at it tomorrow and looking to do 5 days this week, mostly easy but bringing back in some session stuff, just maybe broadening the goal pace brackets a bit and reducing the distance.

    Body feels really good for the break. I’m glad I did it now and looking forward to hopefully putting together 20 consistent weeks.

    Wednesday 05 June
    3.77m@10.13 Avg HR 135

    Just a lunch jog down to Merrion Sq. Nice and easy.

    Thursday 06 June
    4.53m@10.00 AvgHR 141

    Evening run over to Tymon. Nice evening and a nice free run. Barely looked at the watch and ran at whatever pace felt nice.

    A few evening strolls over the rest of the week but no running.

    Weekly miles: 8.3
    Month miles to Date: 25.86
    Year miles to Date: 554

  • Registered Users Posts: 391 ✭✭passinginterest

    Two weeks to update.

    The plan was to take one week of rest and recuperation and then to run at least 4 or 5 days the week after. But I slipped a bit from rest I felt was needed into making excuses and being lazy.

    Tuesday 11 June
    3.14 miles 32.53 (10.29/m AvgHR 142)
    This was around the grounds in Trinity. Felt really bad, calves were cramping a bit and generally not a good run.

    Took Wednesday off even though I had planned on doing something.

    Thursday 13 June
    4.06 miles 41.22 (10.05/m AvgHR 151)
    Trinity again on the grass. GPS coverage was dodgy so not sure exactly on the distance and HR seemed a bit off too. Threw in a 400m at pace just to try give myself a shake. Didn’t feel great again.

    Planned rest day Friday. Meant to run Saturday but had a lie in and we were heading to Bon Jovi so out early for food and into the RDS to get a spot near the front by 6.30. No running but loads of jumping around and hours on the feet.
    Sunday was another easy write off, had a few bits on, wrecked from standing and jumping around all evening. Easy to make excuses.

    Week miles: 7.23
    Month to Date: 33.09
    Year to Date: 561

    Monday 17 June
    No more excuses, back to six days a week.
    3.12m 29.40 (9.31/m AvgHR 152)
    Bit quicker than some of the very easy runs I’ve been doing. HR a bit spiky. Too much sand bagging the last few weeks so need to push on a bit.

    Tuesday 18 June
    4.91m 51.50 (10.33/m AvgHR 139)
    Evening run around Tymon. Kept an eye on HR to keep the effort really easy. Enjoyable plod around.

    Wednesday 19 June
    5.02m 43.30 (8.40/m AvgHR 162)
    Decided to do some sort of session to shake the body into some sort of life. Ran a progression from Easy to PMP to HMP to Tempo with a very easy mile to finish. This was on the Trinity grass with he tempo mile on the grass track. Splits were 9.09, 8.32, 8.06, 7.33. Probably a bit quick for MP and HMP but felt really good to give the legs a proper stretch.

    Thursday 20 June
    4.16m 41.00 (9.51/m AvgHR 144)
    Trinity grass again. Nice and easy in the sunshine. Nothing major of note, all felt pretty good.

    Saturday 22 June
    10.02m 1.42.31 (10.14/m AvgHR 152)
    Went out in the hottest part of the day. No hat, dodgy tummy issues. All spiked the HR a bit. Not my favorite run ever. Felt awful later in the evening, had taken plenty of fluid so not really dehydrated, more just the sun exposure. Common enough occurrence for me and a reminder to get myself a cap or something to keep the sun off my face.

    Sunday 23 June
    5.16m 45.43 (8.52/m 152bpm)
    Felt good on Sunday. Decided to be a bit more experimental with the run. I’ve been doing a fair bit of very easy running which doesn’t really fit the novices plan or the McMillan paces. So the idea was just run at what felt reasonable effort bit sustainable. Tried not to look at the watch, apart from mile splits and didn’t look at HR at all. Knew the effort was a bit too much in mile 4 but was surprised that I’d sped up in mile 5 when I though I dropped the effort back a bit. It was a really nice run overall and made me feel like the easy paces suggested by McMillan are reasonable.

    Week Miles: 32.39
    Month to Date: 65.48
    Year to Date: 593

    I had been sort of following a plan to race Clontarf half but I’ve scrapped that idea. I’m switching to the boards novices plan, with just a few extra miles this week, rather than stepping back more from where I’m at. Plan for Clontarf now is to run it as a long run, maybe around 9.00/m a bit quicker than normal, but within the McMillan range. Aim will be to really race the South Dublin 10k to get a real picture of where things are at.

  • Registered Users Posts: 391 ✭✭passinginterest

    DCM 2019 18 week plan

    Week 1
    Monday 24 June
    3.17m 31.14 9.52/mile AvgHR 143
    Will usually be recovery but started a bit more like easy this week. Nothing really notable.

    Tuesday 25 June
    4.15m 39.23 9.29/mile AvgHR 146
    Because my mileage is a bit ahead of plan I did 4 rather than 3 at easy pace. Consciously a bit quicker than I’ve done some easy runs lately, to take it more in line with the McMillan paces used for the novices plan.

    Wednesday 26 June
    4.88m 48.00 9.51/mile AvgHR 146
    Plan called for 4miles easy with 5x100 meters strides. Did the strides on the football pitch in Bancroft with walk back recoveries. Maybe sprinted them a bit more than I should and hamstrings were a bit tight the next few days.

    Friday 28 June
    4.05m 40.01 9.53/mile AvgHR 148bpm
    Supposed to be Thursday but a busy one in work and a day off Friday facilitated the move. HR a bit up. It was very humid.

    Saturday 29 June
    3.15m 33.17 10.34/mile AvgHR 142
    Another slight shift of plan. Sunday suited better for the LSR so recovery only. Mostly on grass and legs felt good after.

    Sunday 30 June
    10.09m 1.41.59 10.06/mile AvgHR 151
    Kept putting his off all day so didn’t eat properly. Eventually getting out after watching Wexford do the business. Felt good for the first 4 miles or so but energy levels dropped big time. Took a gel after an hour and finished out ok. Recovered well.

    Total Weekly Miles: 29.49
    Total June Miles: 95
    Total Year to Date: 623

    Great to have the first official training week for DCM in the bag. Sunday’s run took me past a few milestones, hit 1000km for the year, 100 hours and 5000 meters elevation gain.

    Happy enough to hit 95 miles for the month considering I had an 8 and a 7 mile week in there. Body feels in a good place to see the training through. Clontarf half on Saturday. Plan now is to run it as a relatively quick training run. I think I’ll aim to run with the 2hour pace group. If I was racing it I’d be aiming for 1.47 I think so 2 seems like reasonable compromise. If it feels like too much effort I won’t have a problem slowing down. Open to other suggestions or views of anyone has them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 391 ✭✭passinginterest

    DCM Novices Plan Week 2

    Monday 1 July
    3.12 miles 32.17 (10.21/mile AvgHR 141)
    Recovery run, mostly around Merrion Square on a warm lunchtime.

    Tuesday 2 July
    4.28 miles 42.00 (9.48/mile AvgHR 148)
    Lunchtime again with one of the lads from work. Pretty humid out, nice relaxed and chatty run. HR a bit spiky, possibly due to the chat and humidity combined.

    Wednesday 3 July
    5 miles 46.12 (9.14/mile AvgHR 152)
    Same company again at lunchtime. Warm and sunny. The company helped keep the pace about right. He’s trying to get running regularly and fitness is a bit off still so it kept me sensible. Plan was mile easy warm up, 3 miles PMP, mile easy cool down. Warm up came in at 10.15, PMP miles of; 8.43, 8.29, 8.35 and cool down 10.10. Felt really strong and controlled for the PMP miles, comfortable work was how I’d describe it.

    Thursday 4 July
    3.01 miles 30.43 (10.11/mile AvgHR 143)
    Recovery run, another warm lunchtime with the majority in Merrion Square. Nothing remarkable about it, body was fine after the PMP session the day before.

    Saturday 6 July
    Clontarf Half Marathon.
    Was a bit unsure how to approach this, but had settled on running with the 2 hour pacers for a faster than normal LSR rather than trying to race it and to push on to HMP if I felt really comfortable in the later stages.
    Wasn’t expecting it to be quite so damp and drizzly. Forecast had been just for cloud. Felt chilly enough hanging around. I jumped out on the Alford Byrne road while my wife went off to park the car. Made use of the thankfully plentiful portaloos and had a scout around the start area to see what was in store. A few gentle dynamic stretches and strides to get the heart pumping a bit, but nothing major, the about five to 10 made my way over to the 2 hour pacers.

    Start was relatively calm given how narrow it is. Took a bit too get up to pace and thought it felt a bit quick at times early on, but that’s probably because I’m used to running my slow runs around 10mins a mile. Heart rate seemed to hit the 160’s very quickly which had me a bit worried when added to the fact it was feeling quick. As soon as we were moving the soupy humid heat was a lot more evident too.
    Once we hit the wooden bridge things had settled into more of a rhythm and I was feeling more comfortable. 9.03 and 9.06 for the first 2 miles. Bit of confusion at first water station (was meant for return journey but pacer spotted it last second thinking it was the first proper one, quite a few made last second jinks to grab bottles and it could have caused someone to go down but I think everyone got away ok). Not long into mile 3 and we were turning onto the beach, some loose sand to cross to the firmer stuff, but with loads of slimy seaweed washed up there was little more than single track to run on. A step right and it was a slip nightmare, a step left and it was soft loose sand. Was chatting a bit to one of the pacers and we had slowed a bit with the conditions and lost a bit of ground on the other one. Eventually the more firm section widened and we closed the gap, very soft sand turning off the beach again and glad to see the back of it at mile 4. 9.19, 8.59 for miles 3 and 4.
    I was quite enjoying running in the group and being comfortable. Others were obviously working harder chasing time, there was a nice atmosphere with everyone and the pacers were very encouraging. I think it was just after mile 5 we met the leader on the way back. A bit of excitement with meeting the front runners and pace picked up a bit as a result I think. Miles of 8.54 and 9.01.
    I think I like the out and back, it was nice knowing exactly what was coming when we turned. Pace was nice and calm around the turn, and now we were meeting people still on the way out. Found myself running right behind the pacer coming towards the 8th mile and his balloon kept bopping me in the head.Feeing really good now and in a nice comfort zone. 9.09 and 9.04 for the miles.
    It was somewhere just after mile 8, I think, that I found myself ahead of the pace group, the balloon must have been annoying me. I was in a nice groove and started to pull ahead a little without intending to. As I opened a little gap I decided to just keep going rather than ease off, logic being to give myself room to take it handy on the beach and let them come back to me if necessary. Also needed a pee and was debating using the portaloo but two girls with the same idea beat me to them so that made my decision for me to keep going. Back onto the beach just after hitting mile 9. The soft sand was a bit of a shock to the system but I was moving well and better than others around me. Onto the firmer stuff and as things were pretty strung out now there was no need for moving off the line. Mile 10 hit about half way through the beach section. 8.59 and 8.59 for miles 9 and 10.

    I stayed a bit wider than others for a bit when we hit the seaweed, it was ok for a while but kept getting more slippery so cut back to the single track rather than risk landing on my ass and pulling something. Passed a couple more here but didn’t have to spend long on the soft sand. Back off the beach before hitting mile 11. Feeling good and heart rate had stayed solid in the low 160s all the way so decided to pick it up for the last 2 and a bit miles. Felt like I was eating up the ground over the bridge and heading for home. Passing loads of people and concentrating on using my arms and striding properly. 8.56 and 8.26 for mile 11 and 12.
    Into the last mile and could sense the donut waiting for me. Got a bit carried away really. Passed one of the lads I used to play ball with, quick hello and chat having passed each other down in Wicklow back in March too, he’s made big strides since. Pushed on again was obviously having to work now. Didn’t look a the watch until the finish. 7.55 for the last mile and 7.07 pace for the .1.
    A bit silly picking it up to what’s more like my 10k pace, risking an injury for no real benefit. It felt great to have that much energy and strength though. If I’m finishing DCM and have the energy for a finish like that I’ll be ecstatic (and also probably a bit disappointed that I haven’t run the rest hard enough!).
    Chip time of 1.56.34. Overall really happy. I was recovered pretty well by the time I collected my donut. A bit achy getting out of the car when we got home but no ill effects, an odd little blister behind my toes where I must have had a sock wrinkle but otherwise all good and out to do the Time Warp at Rocky Horror in the Bord Gais that evening.

    Sunday 7 July
    2.02 miles 22.15 (11.00/mile AvgHR 134)
    Proper recovery run. Mostly on grass in the park, absolutely glorious day. Body all feels fine, no more aches than to be expected.

    Total Weekly Miles: 30.5
    Total Month Miles to Date: 30.5
    Total Year to Date: 653

  • Registered Users Posts: 391 ✭✭passinginterest

    Log is suffering from neglect!

    DCM Novices Week 3

    Monday 8 July
    3.12m 31.32 (10.06/mile AvgHR 136)
    Nice run with a couple of the lads from work.

    Tuesday 9 July
    Unplanned rest day. Work and other plans in the way.

    Wednesday 10 July
    5 miles with 5xhill sprints
    5.58m 55.33 (9.57/mile AvgHR 154)
    It was warm, felt the effort a bit more than I’d like at times. Sprints on the hill at Christchurch were good.

    Thursday 11 July
    Another one of those days and unplanned rest the result.

    Saturday 13 July
    3m 30.32 (10.10/mile AvgHR 149)
    Was going to be the LR but it was warm, I wasn’t feeling great and dodgy tummy kicked in early so headed for home. The HR says it all really.

    Sunday 14 July
    Long Run
    13.11m 2.13.05 (10.09/mile AvgHR 152)
    Got out in the late afternoon. Never felt great and it was really a slog. Only positive was getting it done.

    Week Miles: 24.8
    Month to Date: 55.3
    Year to Date: 678

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  • Registered Users Posts: 391 ✭✭passinginterest

    DCM novices plan Week 4

    Monday 15 July
    3m 31.34 (10.32/mile AvgHR 137)
    Jog around the grounds of Trinity. All felt ok.

    Tuesday 16 July
    3.1m 29.32 (9.30/mile AvgHR 149)
    Very humid, with one of the work lads. Pace ok but HR a bit high for easy.

    Wednesday 17 July
    Planned Marathon Pace 4 miles
    6.0m 54.43 (9.07/mile AvgHR 157)
    PMP splits: 8.41, 8.37, 8.41, 8.36
    Bit of a cooler day and a few little showers which were welcome. Got a great run on the junctions so never had to pause the PMP. Probably a little quick and it wasn’t easy, but don’t think I was killing myself either. Felt like a good balance as a workout.

    Thursday 18 July
    3.1m 32.12 (10.22/mile AvgHR 138)
    Pretty much the same route as Monday for the most part. Felt fine and HR was ok.

    Saturday 20 July
    3.11m 30.54 (9.56/mile AvgHR 138)
    Mostly at recovery pace quickening to easy and with a few strides at pace. Didn’t get out until evening which wasn’t the plan. Thinking back the effort felt a bit more than it should have. Didn’t hydrate properly in the evening either.

    Sunday 21 July
    Race: South Dublin 10k - target sub 47
    1m 10.33 AvgHR 150: warmup
    6.26m 51.23 (8.13/mile AvgHR 168)
    Race report on the novices thread says it all really. Woke up feeling awful and considered not running. Tried to hit goal pace but couldn’t get to it and by the end of mile two race was effectively run. Added to not feeling well was ache/discomfort from top of foot up the shin. At least that cleared up and I managed to come around a bit before the end. Only the second time I’ve ever stopped in a race. Didn’t feel great Monday either and resting HR was elevated so thinking possibly something viral. Fingers crossed it was a one off really bad day. Chip time 51.22.

    Week Miles: 25.5
    Month to Date: 80.3
    Year to Date: 704

  • Registered Users Posts: 391 ✭✭passinginterest

    DCM Novices Plan Week 5

    Monday 22 July
    Plan 3mi Recovery
    Skipped the recovery. After the disappointing race and generally not feeling great, thought a full rest day was the better option.

    Tuesday 23 July
    Plan 4mi Easy
    4.03mi 39.06 (9.40/mile AvgHR 145)
    Evening run. Warm one but not nearly as humid as recently. Legs a bit heavy at the start but once I got going felt good. HR was in the right range and Garmin even bumped the VO2 score up to 50 so happy days.

    Wednesday 24 July
    Plan 6mi with 5x100m strides
    6.56mi 1.04.58 (9.54/mile AvgHR 147)
    Evening run around Tymon again. Humidity was back but I was feeling strong. Average pace was closer to 9.30 before the strides. Started the strides towards the end of mile 6. Length of the Bancroft football pitch with walk back recoveries. Nice session overall.

    Thursday 25 July
    Plan 4mi Easy
    4.02mi 37.27 (9.19/mile AvgHR 151bpm)
    First time in ages where I was running way too quick at times. Was under a bit of time pressure getting out at lunch, so possibly explains the quick start. Didn’t feel too crazy, although it was very humid and it started to show as the HR crept up. After the disappointment of the 10k race it was good to be feeling this much better.

    Friday 26 July
    Plan Rest
    Debated a recovery jog but embraced the rest.

    Saturday 27 July
    Plan 15mi LSR
    11.37mi 1.59.19 (10.30/mi AvgHR 154)
    Oh dear. A catalogue of errors really. Morning started off well. Woke up at a reasonable time, had a sensible bit light enough breakfast, chocolate rice cakes, banana, coffee. What I should have done was gone for a stroll to get the system moving. What happened was eating in bed, watching crap on Netflix for hours, then thinking I’ve left it too long now and I’m hungry.

    Decide to have lunch, sweet and sour chicken noodles, a rather healthy portion. Two episodes of love island to catch up on while eating and digesting, sprawled on the couch. Discovered a caffeine energy tab thing in the cupboard so threw that in my water bottle, along with a zero tab, to keep hydrated while lounging!

    Eventually decided to head out around 4.30 in the evening. Bought a little hydration pack from Decathlon last week so first time trying that out too. Started off relatively ok, but didn’t take long to start to unravel. Average heart rate was shooting up, i felt like my lunch was sitting in the top of my chest too. Managed to get through the first 5 miles at an ok pace, but then it really started to go wrong. Pace kept dropping, HR kept rising and I was feeling dreadful. When mile 7 clocked in just over 11mins I was very close to calling it quits.

    Persevered for another few miles, but it was an awful slog. Add wearing the Hokas to my list of terrible decisions when I fee the blisters on my left arch getting worse. Mile 11 takes me back to the turn for home point in Tymon. To make the 15 miles I’d need another lap of the park first. Decide to take a pit stop at the toilets to see if that makes me fee any better, but as soon as I try to run again the blisters are unbearable and the HR spikes. Decide then to just stroll back home and not do any more damage.

    Many lessons learned the painful way.

    Sunday 28 July
    Plan 3mi Recovery
    6.57mi 1.06.30 (10.08/mile AvgHR 147)
    I know chasing miles etc. is a bad idea. But this one was as much about reassuring myself that I wasn’t falling apart as it was about making up the lost miles. Cooler and noticeably less humid again, even if I did head out at the warmest part of the day again. Felt an awful lot more comfortable and thankfully the ASICS don’t rub on the blisters. Pace between easy and recovery for the most part. Ran a couple of short steep hills a bit quicker, just to keep the legs moving. Went well and felt like I could have done 15 miles if I’d needed to. Definitely didn’t feel like that when actually trying to run 15 miles the day before!!

    Week Mile: 32.57
    Month to Date: 113.56
    Year to Date: 737

  • Registered Users Posts: 391 ✭✭passinginterest

    Posted this in the novices thread but putting it here for myself. I’ve said a few times I wish I’d seen something like the novices thread back then and the advice so far this year has been super. I’ve concentrated on the long runs in the post, but I was running all the midweek stuff too fast too. I just wasn’t giving myself a chance to build my aerobic base nearly enough and I skipped far too many runs. I was following the plan from Irish Runner magazine at the time, but I don’t think I came close to understand the idea of easy running.

    I missed or aborted a couple of other long runs too. One, in particular, stands out when I called for a lift home after 4 miles. Rather than do the LR a day later, I decided to race the Grant Thornton 5k instead. I ran 20.18 a two minute pb. I’ve only broke 22 one other time and that was the Tallaght 5k this year. Madness now looking back.

    Weight is a concern for me at the moment. I was under 11 stone when I finished DCM 14. I’m nearly 2 stone heavier at the moment. It’s not muscle and I don’t have a big frame so it’s a significant factor. Hope to get down close to 11 and a half at least. I wouldn’t have said I was super skinny in 14 either. I was probably around 10 and a half in my early 20’s. The metabolism is obviously a fair bit slower now at 36 so it’s going to take some discipline, but I think it’ll be worth the effort.
    Doing a bit of analysis of my 2014 marathon out of curiosity and being reminded of the potentially painful finish if the training goes wrong. Looking back I didn’t do many long runs at all, only 13 over 10 miles and I never even actually hit the 20. Every time I ran further it was my longest run ever. Those 13 runs looked like this;
    6 July 10.1mi@8.28
    13 July 10.02mi@8.20
    27 July 13.11mi@9.05
    3 August 13.12mi@9.25 - 10.19, 10.23 last couple as I died. Poor route choice didn’t help with a serious climb in the middle.
    10 August 14.01mi@9.24 low nines first half but high nines second. Matched the profile so prob one of my better LRs
    17 August 15.6mi@8.47. Super flat 3 mile loop. A 7.53 mile 6, 9.37, 9.50 miles 14 and 15. Warning signs!
    23 August RACE 10m@7.23. Hit my target perfectly.
    7 September 18.02mi@9.26. 8.33 in mile 4 and mostly under 9 for first 10. 9.50 for 16 and 17 and 13.48 for 18 as I walked. Major warning signs!
    14 September 17.7mi@9.47. Again mostly under 9 to mile 10. 10.39, 10.27, 12.38, 11.58 as it unraveled after mile 15 and I walked and quit before even finishing mile 18. Still ignoring the warnings!
    20 September RACE Half Marathon 13.1mi@7.26. Great run. Bang on target, even a slight negative split despite the hard finish.
    28 September 17.11mi@10.12. More sensible pace early but tough route and fell off the cliff again at mile 15 and finished walking. 11.18, 11.27, 17.51 last 3 full miles. Big flashing warning sign!!
    5 October Athlone 3/4 Marathon 19.67mi@9.07. Worst run ever. Wanted to crawl into a ditch. Went with 3.40 marathon goal pace group. Nothing slower than 8.45 to mile 14 mostly under 8.30. Then I hit the wall. Zero energy, pale as a ghost, completely isolated and desperate for someone to pick me up and carry me to the finish. 11.51, 11.13, 10.12, 14.19 for the last four full miles. I’d been away in Romania for work the three days before, arrived back with a dodgy tummy. Didn’t really eat at all before. Add that to all the ignored warnings about lack of stamina beyond 15mi and this was torture. Was also the week my psoriatic arthritis first started to effect me.
    By this stage I was also missing chunks of midweek running due to extra rest days taken because of the tiredness from running the LRs too fast and struggling to finish them.
    13 October 10.56mi@9.52. This wasn’t actually that bad. Think it was a run home from work and I stopped at the chipper but didn’t stop the watch!!

    Overall, I completely ignored all the warning signs about running the long runs too fast and not building the stamina. I absolutely nailed my goals for the 10mile and the Half, but my overall mileage suffered and I only ran 11 times from the half marathon on 20 September to the marathon itself.

    The marathon followed the same pattern as training and resulted in an identical pace to the 3/4. I set out on 3.50 pace. Went through half way exactly on target. All miles between 8.35 and 9.17 to mile 20 but my closing 6 miles were; 9.46, 10.16, 9.57, 9.46, 10.52, 10.28. I didn’t suffer as much as Athlone, but it was painful. Finished in 4.00.48. Almost had to stop with cramp in both calves with half a mile to go because I tried to push on and make the 4hr. It was an amazing feeling to finish, and missing the 4hrs wasn’t all that important when I crossed the line and got the medal and the support and congrats from family and friends. But, it’s partly the reason I’m back now and trying to do things sensible.

    This year I already have 12 runs over 10 miles. I’m trying to keep the easy stuff easy and not miss midweek runs. Given my history beyond 15 miles, my only slight worry is making a hash of my first 15 mile attempt this year. I’d like to run under 4 this time, and I think it’s possible, despite the fact I won’t get close to my 10 mile and half marathon times from 2014. I’m more concerned though with doing things sensibly and hopefully not having to endure another really painful finish.

  • Registered Users Posts: 735 ✭✭✭Treviso

    What do you think is the biggest factor in the lack of weight loss? Given that you've been running for quite a while, it isn't the lack of exercise

    When I started running, the pounds were flying off me as the mileage increased - it did coincide with me improving my diet somewhat (no takeaways, cut down on junk etc) and reducing the amount of alcohol I drank. Now I'm at the stage where I've plateau'd in weight. No matter how much extra miles I run, I'm staying the same - I figure I'm eating more. It's something I'm not worried about these days thankfully

  • Registered Users Posts: 391 ✭✭passinginterest

    I think the lack of weightloss is simply down to calories in greater than calories out. I probably lost half a stone in the early part of the year, when I first started building some decent mileage. The intensity is a bit lower with the marathon specific training and I've been eating with no discipline. I've a sweet tooth at the best of times. I can be disciplined when I put my mind to it, but haven't managed to flip that switch yet. Making gradual improvements now I think, and will start calorie counting if I'm still not seeing improvement in the next few weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 391 ✭✭passinginterest

    DCM Novices Plan Week 6

    Tuesday 30 July
    5 miles easy
    5.09mi 49.28 (9.43/mi AvgHR 146)
    Nice evening run around Tymon. Wearing my 5 year old Kayano’s to try avoid the blisters from the weekend. Overall a nice run.

    Wednesday 31 July
    5 miles PMP with warmup and cool down miles
    7mi 1.05.14 (9.19/mi AvgHR 156)
    Lunchtime run, taking in the closing miles of the marathon backwards. Very easy warm up mile, stopping at lights a few times and not bothering to stop the watch. Don’t mind stop starting during the warm up mile. It’s a good route after the first mile for crossing and managed to not get held up at all. PMP miles came in at 8.53, 8.53, 8.57, 8.54 and 8.42. Not sure where the quicker last mile came from. Very happy with this overall. Found the pace and could have comfortably kept going after the 5th mile.

    Thursday 1 August
    3 miles recovery
    3.11mi 31.24 (10.06/mi AvgHR 142)
    Down to the Trinity cricket pitch at lunch time. Had to keep slowing things down. First mile was under 10 somehow, even though it felt like I was barely moving. It was a lovely afternoon and I did a good stretch before heading back to the office.

    Saturday 3 August
    16 mile Long Run
    16.03mi 2.47.26 (10.27/mi AvgHR 156)
    I was determined to get things right for this. Got in a breakfast of porridge with a spoon of peanut butter and Nutella. Plenty of fluids and out the door at 11.30. Started very conservatively in an effort to make sure I wouldn’t come to a halt by mile 15.

    Took a route I love down to Bohernabreena reservoir, it’s beautiful but also means a good amount of climbing, so all the more reason to start slow. Miles ranging from 10.21-11.18 over the first 8. Next 8 9.44-10.39. Felt fine throughout although there was a few aches in the last few miles and I could feel my blister growing again.

    I had a gel with me and a liter of water in a hydration pack. I thought I was running out of water, but it turned out I had just partially switched the valve off somehow, so didn’t take on as much water as I’d have liked in the last 5 miles. I was going to take the gel around mile 10 but felt fine so gave it a miss.

    To keep the motivation up I decided to aim to make my last mile my fastest and I hit that target with 9.44. Only two others under 10 were 9.58 and 9.59. Happy to break the 15 mile barrier successfully, after realizing the difficulty I had in my previous marathon attempt. Only negative was having to make an unplanned pit stop after 3 miles.

    Sunday should have been 3 recovery miles, but with a busy day for wife’s birthday and the need to let the blisters heal a bit I gave it a miss.

    July Summary
    A bit of an up and down month. 125.6 miles which was decent. Clontarf half, early in the month, ran as a slightly quicker than normal long run, went perfectly. I was delighted. A 7.55 last mile felt great.
    South Dublin 10k was a bit of a disaster. 51.22 was at least 4 minutes slower than hoped. I wasn’t feeling well, but even still expected better. Only miles 1 and 2 were quicker than the last mile I’d run in the Clontarf half.
    The 15 mile LR was also aborted. Poor planning and prep being the main reason. Lessons learned I think. Otherwise hit all the sessions and long runs. Just missed a couple of midweeks, also mainly down to bad planning.

    Week Miles: 31.2
    July miles: 125.6
    August miles to Date: 19.1
    Year to Date: 768

  • Registered Users Posts: 391 ✭✭passinginterest

    Couple of weeks to catch up on again. Congratulations if you manage to read it all!

    DCM Novices Plan Week 7

    Tuesday 6 August
    Plan: Easy 4 Miles
    Actual: 4.03mi 38.35 (9.35/mi AvgHR 145)
    On a week off work so left it late to get out in the evening. Had the benefit of being cooler and I really enjoyed it. Pace was relatively brisk but felt good.

    Wednesday 7 August
    Plan: 5 Miles PMP with 1 Mile warmup and cooldown
    Actual: 7mi 1.05.16 (9.20/mi AvgHR 156)
    PMP Splits; 8.53, 8.45, 8.56, 8.52, 8.48
    Warm and humid evening. Felt like I was working a bit harder than the same workout the previous week. Splits still probably a bit quick, no need to be dipping under 8.50 really.

    Thursday 8 August
    Plan: Easy 4 Miles
    Actual: 4.09 39.28 (9.40/mi AvgHR 148)
    A cool evening again. Average heart rate a bit up on what it should be for easy. Probably a sign that the previous night was a little too hard and I could have eased off a bit more on this one too.

    Saturday 10 August
    Plan: Long Run 14 Miles
    Actual: 3.07mi 31.41 (10.19/mi AvgHR 140)
    One of those runs, I didn’t manage to get out in the morning, so planned to do the LR in the evening. Raining heavily for most of the evening and I didn’t feel like my dinner was settling in my stomach. I’ve had stomach issues on long runs all too frequently so didn’t want to take too many risks. Got ready as I would for the LR, brought the hydration pack and all. Decided to keep the first few miles close to the house and make a call on it. Couldn’t decide if the tummy was going to be OK or night, so rather than take the risk in the lashing rain, decided to call it a recovery run and shift the long run back to Sunday.

    Sunday 11 August
    Plan: Recovery 3 Miles
    Actual: 14.02mi 2.19.03 (9.55/mi AvgHR 149)
    Really pleased with this one. Stayed away from the steeper hills I regularly include in the long run. Kept it to the confines of Tymon and even avoided the short sharp climbs there. Because it was a step back and I wasn’t taking on the hills I decided to try and run in as level paced as possible with a target of 10min miles. All miles between 9.50 and 10.06 for the first 13 miles and finished with a 9.30. Felt pretty good throughout but got quite dehydrated and headachy after. Didn’t drink enough during the run.

    Week Miles: 32.2
    Month to Date: 53.4
    Year to Date: 800

    DCM Novices Plan Week 8

    Tuesday 13 August
    Plan: Easy 4 Miles
    Actual: 4.01 38.32 (9.37/mi AvgHR 146)
    This was very close to being skipped. I didn’t manage to get out at lunchtime and when I got home, I was tired and hungry and feeling sorry for myself. Had all but decided not to bother when the other half had to pop out to the shops, and I changed my mind. It turned out to be a prefect evening for an easy run and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Probably a bit quicker than it needed to be, but it was very even paced. It was the first time I’d work the Hoka’s in a while after the horrible blisters the week of the 15 mile failure. I loosened the laces all the way down and it seemed to make a difference as there was no sign of blister after this. Great result around.

    Wednesday 14 August
    Plan: 6 Miles PMP with 1 Mile warmup and cooldown.
    Actual: Missed
    Packed my gear as normal before leaving the house in the morning. Was busy all day in work but was going to head out at lunch anyway, went to get ready and realised I’d left the gear at home. Plans to head to the Stella straight after work for ‘Once Upon a Time in Hollywood’ (first time in the Stella and couldn’t have picked a better film to see there, the 60’s Hollywood matched nicely with the retro cinema). Anyway, that meant no chance to squeeze a run in so everything pushed back for the rest of the week.

    Thursday 15 August
    Plan: 6 Miles PMP with 1 Mile warmup and cooldown.
    Actual: 8mi 1.15.32 (9.27/mi AvgHR 150)
    PMP Splits; 9.05, 9.02, 8.55, 9.01, 8.57, 9.02
    This was a really weird one. Had the evening free so left the run to after work. Headed out for the warm up mile and it was super slow, I didn’t mind, I sometimes head out a bit quick anyway, but legs were feeling fairly dead. Tried to pick it up coming into the PMP miles but the legs were like lead. The effort felt more like a flat out sprint at times, yet every look at the watch or bleep told me I was behind target. I wouldn’t mid but I’d decided to slow it down to closer to 9 minute miles anyway, so expected it to feel fairly easy, but the pace just wouldn’t seem to come.
    Kept dragging myself along and eventually got up to speed and found some sort of rhythm, but it was never easy. Having said that, I sort of lost track of the miles and coming to the end of the last PMP mile I was thinking I might have another one, and I knew I could keep going if needed. Can’t really explain why the legs were so dead, maybe the last few weeks I had too many runs a little on the quick side. The bonus was that even though it was hard, I could have kept going, so the engine seems to be grinding away, even if the gear box is in questionable shape! The average HR seems to back that up too because it stayed pretty low, average of 78% of max for the marathon paced miles, compared to 81% for the previous two sessions.

    Friday 16 August
    Plan: Easy 4 Miles
    Actual: 3.17mi 33.30 (10.34/mi AvgHR 139)
    Because I was a day behind schedule, this should have been a rest or optional recovery run day. I went for the recovery version, rather than trying to force the easy four miles the day before the long run. I got out and lunch and it was very humid, but it was a pleasant enough plod around and the HR stayed nice and low.

    Saturday 17 August
    Plan: Long Run 16 Miles
    Actual: 16.02mi 2.44.33 (10.16/mi AvgHR 147)
    Went to head out and couldn’t get the watch to start. Back to the house and poked around at it and the stop start was working intermittently. Made sure to have the hydration bladder properly full and reminded myself to take regular sips, brought a gel with the intention of only using it if it was badly needed. Chanced wearing the Hoka’s again, very loosely tied in the hope the blisters would stay away. Almost a disaster when I bumped into a former football team mate a couple of miles in, instinctively stopped the watch to say hello, then struggled to get it going again, luckily enough it eventually beeped and only lost about 30 yards.
    Took my favourite route into Tymon, out by the basketball arena, under the M50 to Dodder Valley, then across into Kiltipper park and down to Glensamole reservoir, a lap of the upper reservoir and the reverse route home. Not as conservative pace wise as the first 16 mile attempt, but still relatively careful. First 9 miles all between 10.02 and 10.45 with most of the climbing in this half. Miles 10-16 mostly dipping under the 10. Unfortunately, dodgy tummy struck again in last few miles, so pit stop required and didn’t want to risk stopping the watch so a slow mile 15.
    Kept drinking regularly throughout this and was just at the end of the litre of water as I got home. Didn’t get nearly as dehydrated after as I did the previous week, so seem to have got the hydration a bit better overall.

    Sunday 18 August
    Plan: Recovery 2 Miles
    Actual: 3.02mi 32.47 (10.51/mi AvgHR 131)
    Around the block, kept it to proper recovery pace, but added a mile to bring the weekly mileage up to plan. Hopefully the fitness is finally starting to really kick in. That’s the lowest average HR I’ve recorded for any kind of run (where the reading has looked reliable).

    Week Miles: 34.2
    Month to Date: 85.59
    Year to Date: 834.59

  • Registered Users Posts: 391 ✭✭passinginterest

    DCM Novices Plan Week 9 – The Halfway Point

    Tuesday 20 August
    Plan: Easy 4 Miles with 5xStrides
    Actual: 4.69mi 49.57 (10.38/mi AvgHR 141)
    Nice misty lunchtime run. Down around the East link and finished on the grass in Trinity. Strides on the track, with walk back recoveries, kept the easy miles very easy as part of the mini taper for the 10 mile.

    Wednesday 21 August
    Plan: 5 Miles Easy
    Actual: 5mi 51.25 (10.16/mi AvgHR 143)
    Route I’ve used a good bit, out past Ballsbridge and back into town via Donnybrook. Keeping it nice and easy again. Legs feeling pretty fresh and nothing of note going on really.

    Thursday 22 August
    Plan: 3 Miles Recovery
    Actual: 3.20mi 34.35 (10.49/mi AvgHR 136)
    Keeping it nice and gentle. Evening run over to Tymon and along Tymon lane. Feeling good.

    Friday 23 August
    Plan: 2 Miles Easy
    Actual: 2.02 19.35 (9.42/mi AvgHR 152)
    Very warm, on the grass in Trinity. Picked it up for a lap of the track to get a feel for race pace. Spiked the HR very quickly. Probably a good warning.

    Saturday 24 August
    Plan: Frank Duffy 10 Mile Race
    Warmup: 1mi 9.44 Avg HR 150bpm
    Race: Chip Time 1.26.07. Watch: 10.13mi 1.26.08 (8.30/mi AvgHR 175)
    Detailed report in the Novices thread. Arrived in good time, with the wife along for support. Parked at the Georgian Village, so a nice 20 minute stroll down to start area. Mile of a warm up with a few strides and activations. Feeling pretty good. No sickness like the 10k at least. Legs fresh. The heat was the biggest concern. Probably a bit too ambitious with my goal time, and trying to chase it a bit in the first couple of miles didn’t help. Mentally found it tough, I think I was too aware of other people suffering around me and seeing people walking etc. Feel like I was never breathing as heavy as people around me and that makes me think I had more to give. I do think the energy levels dropped pretty dramatically in the second half, given the conditions bringing a gel and taking it would have made sense, the struggles with the cups of water also didn’t help. Looking at the average HR it’s in line with other hard race efforts, so probably wasn’t a huge amount extra to give. Felt a twinge in my glute in mile 8 but seems to be fine now. Overall, recovered really quickly, even walking back to the car I was fine, although I made a poor sock choice and had an annoying blister under my little toe. Another learning experience. Not setting any final goals for DCM until after the half and the 20 mile efforts.

    Sunday 25 August
    Plan: 2 Miles Recovery
    Actual: 2.18mi 23.37 (10.51/mi AvgHR 138)
    Evening run around the block. All felt surprisingly fine. Decent stretch and a bit of rolling after and soak in an Epsom salt bath. No niggles so very pleased with how the body is holding up at least.

    And that marks the half way point of the plan. I’ve had a few ups and downs so far. Haven’t hit the times I’d like for the warm up races, but completed the key sessions and LSRs. I keep comparing to five years ago, which I know is not doing any good. It was around this time five years ago that I was starting to get burned out and missing key sessions and not completing long runs. This time around I’m optimistic that the more sensible approach is going to pay off and it’s this half of the plan where everything will start falling into place.

    Week Miles: 28.23
    Month to Date: 113.78
    Year to Date: 862.68

  • Registered Users Posts: 391 ✭✭passinginterest

    DCM Novices Plan Week 10
    Tuesday 27 August
    Plan: Easy 4 Miles
    Actual: 4.11mi 42.48 (10.24/mi AvgHR 134)
    Warmest day of the week. Slowed things down a bit, got caught at a few crossings which helped keep it slower too. No harm with the recovery from a tough race.

    Wednesday 28 August
    Plan: PMP 6 Miles with 1 Warmup and Recovery
    Actual: 8mi 1.13.40 (9.13/mi AvgHR 156)
    PMP Miles: 9.03, 8.47, 8.55, 8.47, 8.46, 9.03
    Planned a new route, worked out at 8 miles if I ran to the start of the Pigeon House pier and back. Not an area I know well, so missed a turn and ended up in a very industrial area for a lot of it. Quiet roads and interesting enough anyway. Pace was a bit quick for some of the PMP but was feeling quite strong.

    Thursday 29 August
    Plan: Easy 4 Miles
    Actual: 4.16mi 44.01 (10.34/mi AvgHR 139)
    Evening run over to Tymon. Nice evening, feeling a bit fatigued, not so much the legs but the breathing and HR were noticeable with any bit of effort. Think I’m getting a bit better at listening to the body so didn’t keep checking the pace and just slowed down any time I felt the effort rising a bit. It was slow but it was enjoyable and the benefits of doing it properly easy were evident on Saturday.

    Saturday 31 August
    Plan: 19 Miles Long Run
    Actual: 19.01mi 3.18.02 (10.25/mi AvgHR 145)
    Slept well the previous couple of nights. Woke at a reasonable time, although feeling a bit tired. Wholemeal bagel with whole nut peanut butter and a banana for breakfast and a small coffee to wash it down. Pint of water with a zero tab too. About two hours later when breakfast was digested was ready to hit the road. Just over a litre in the hydration pack, two high5 aqua gels and 6 squares of Dairy milk for fuel. Took an immodium instant to help avoid unwanted pitstops!
    Wasn’t a particularly enthusiastic start. Helped to keep the pace nice and steady though. Usual mind wandering in the early miles, feeling every imaginary niggle and thinking about turning for home. Similar to the first 16 mile attempt, decided to keep mainly to Tymon and avoid the steepest hills, advantage of toilets on route and relatively close to home at all times. Worked out to be about 3 laps of my preferred route, switched the direction for the middle one to add to the variety and extended it a bit to make sure I got enough distance. Took the first gel just over 6 miles in, was feeling ok but not amazing. Miles 7 and 8 were too of the slowest, but the gel seemed to kick in a bit and the pace went up as I started to feel better. Half way point is a real psychological barrier, once the miles start counting down rather than up the doubts and negative thoughts magically disappear. I think it was in mile 11 that I was starting to feel hungry so had half the chocolate. This was another little boost.
    Felt like my legs almost went numb for a while between miles 11 and 13, odd sensation of not being able to feel where I was planting my feet. Took the second gel around 12.5 miles and again seemed to be mile 15 and 16 where the benefits kicked in. At this stage I was feeling really confident and happy with myself. Fuelling seemed to be working, no major issues with the body, no toilet breaks needed. Finished the chocolate in mile 17 and decided I’d try pick up to PMP if I was still feeling good in mile 19. Picking up the pace definitely spiked the heart rate, but I was OK holding it for the last mile. Finishing with a 9.07 mile having mainly been running around 10.30.
    Even immediately afterwards I was feeling better than previous long runs. Calves weren’t as tight and didn’t feel too wrecked. Sipped another pint of water with a zero and had a banana as soon as I got in. Didn’t develop the usual dehydration headache in the evening either, feasted on Dominos to celebrate! Getting the hydration and fuelling right definitely made a big difference and that’ll be a focus for all the long runs now. I was avoiding taking gels and eating on runs because I didn’t want to be dependent on them, but the benefits are clear so I’ll probably take 3 gels for the 20 milers and the chocolate was very welcome too, so I’ll keep that up.

    Sunday 1 September
    Plan: Recovery 2 Miles
    Actual: 3.21mi 34.57 (10.53/mi AvgHR 133)
    Kept to the local park for this and all on the grass. Body felt surprisingly fine. Added a mile because I felt I was just starting to loosen up after the 2nd and the 3rd would only help more. It also took me over 900 miles for the year.

    Slowing things down all week has definitely been a benefit. Arguably my best week of training so far. Finishing out the 19 strong was a huge boost. Biggest mileage in a week and a month ever recorded. On target to hit 1000 miles for the year the week of the half marathon. Renewed faith in the methodology, hopefully the half will go to plan now too and it will be all systems go!

    Week Miles: 38.49 (single biggest weekly mileage ever)
    August Miles: 149.1 (single biggest monthly mileage ever)
    Sept to date: 3.21
    Year to Date: 901.29 Miles

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    DCM Novices Plan Week 11
    Tuesday 3rd September
    Plan: 4mi Easy
    Actual: 4.09mi 42.35 (10.25/mi AvgHR 135)
    Unusual one for me, busy week work wise so no time to get out at lunch. I was at the Ireland women’s football international in Tallaght stadium, so the only space to run was after. Decided to throw my gear on under my jacket and run home, leaving the jacket etc. with my wife to carry home. First time in ages running in the dark. There’s plenty of street lighting but it’s not great and neither is my night vision. Found it hard to adjust and my form definitely changes, I’m stiffer and step differently because I’m wary of tripping. It meant the pace was never going to be too quick anyway and I got through it ok.

    Wednesday 4th September
    Plan: 8mi Easy
    Actual: 8.08m 1.19.11 (9.48/mi AvgHR 149)
    Managed to get out at lunch and follow the route I had planned for the previous week. Some nice new scenery, taking in some of Sean Moore park and Irishtown nature park. Much windier than I had realised, with the wind behind me and pushing the pace up on the way down. Nearly stepped on a rat at the turn around point at the Great South Wall, he was happily nibbling on a discarded bread roll, while I was trying to check I was on the correct route on Strava, think he go the bigger fright, but my HR elevated a bit too. Turning back the wind was blowing a bit of a gale, nearly lost my cap, but managed to catch it just in time. Was happy to run a touch quicker than easy for this seeing as there was no PMP miles and felt it a bit running into the gale. Enjoyable all the same.

    Thursday 5th September
    Plan: 4mi Easy & Strides
    Actual: 4.48mi 44.41 (9.58/mi AvgHR 141)
    Another evening run. Got home at a reasonable time so was just about able to squeeze it in before most of the Ireland game (missed the first 10 minutes or so). Lovely run, meeting loads of other runners out and about. Headed to Tymon and did an out and back on Tymon lane. The rolling hills and shade make it a great spot for this type of run. Back to Bancroft Park for the strides on the football pitch. Didn’t want to miss too much of the match so light jog rather than walking recoveries. No drama with it and legs felt pretty good.

    Saturday 7th September
    Plan: 20mi Long Run
    Actual: 20.1mi 3.29.28 (10.25/mi AvgHR 145)
    At the cinema Friday evening, so loads of popcorn and maltesers, preceded by a large double quarter pounder meal in McD’s. Not ideal fuelling, and I’d been a bit dehydrated most of the week. Wasn’t feeling overly enthusiastic Saturday morning and knew the digestive system was likely to be an issue. Breakfast of banana, rice cakes and a nature valley peanut protein bar and a little nespresso. Just over two hours later left the house and headed for Tymon, planning a similar route to the 19 miles. Had popped an immodium instant but knew within half a mile a pitstop would be required. Ended up heading directly to the Tymon toilets (tmi?!). Was also trying the gel belt from the 10k gift bag for the first time. Gels fell out within a about half a mile. High5 Aqua gels so not exactly small, I’ll have to figure out how to secure them. Luckily had a space in the pocket of the hydration pack so just switched to carrying them in that, won’t be wearing that on the big day though.
    After the disruptions in the first miles, settled into a nice conservative easy pace. Felt grand for the first 5 miles, took a gel at that stage. Then time started to drag, I was feeling a bit chilly, I was getting bored and starting to have negative thoughts. Questioning why I was bothering as much as anything. Briefly considered just heading home. Had a bit of chocolate to try improve my mood. Other than that nothing much to note about the first ten miles. Took a second gel at mile 10 and decided to pick up the pace a bit.
    There’s definitely a psychological shift once the miles start counting down. That and the increase in pace had me feeling much better. Wouldn’t say it was feeling easy or anything but I had no doubt I could pick up the pace more and still finish it out if I wanted to. Had to have a splash and dash in mile 11, didn’t bother stopping the watch, was curious about how much time I’d lose if I had to stop in a race, probably around 30 seconds. Nibbled a bit more chocolate around 12 miles I think and decided to save the rest for nearer the end. Third and final gel at mile 15, the aqua gels seem to work quite well for me and don’t upset the stomach. I’ll use six on race day I think. Will try them in a race situation for the half.
    Last five miles ticked along fine. Last two are pretty much inevitably uphill for me given the routes (more drag than hill). Finished my bits of chocolate, took the 19th mile fairly handy and pushed on a bit to make the last mile the fastest. Really please to get a full 20 miles under the belt successfully.
    Shower, then into a cold Epsom bath immediately after, with warm water running to gradually warm back up. Legs reacted really well after and it’s the least stiff I’ve been later in the day. Hydration and fuelling also working because I didn’t get a dehydration headache and actually felt really good. Big feed of Chinese while the UFC the round off a good day overall.

    Sunday 8th September
    Plan: 3mi Recovery
    Actual: 3.04 34.16 (11.17/mi AvgHR 131)
    Lazy, morning, more indulgent food in the evening and late getting out afterwards. Dark and rainy, with a full belly added to the mix the first mile was a crawl. Picked up gently and got the 3 miles done. Would have added .3 to get over the 40 for the week but the full stomach objected and it wasn’t worth the stress.

    Week Miles: 39.79
    Month to Date: 43.01
    Year to Date: 941
