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gaurds took my phone

  • 27-01-2019 5:12am
    Registered Users Posts: 16

    hi all,

    just looking for advice, on new years eve i was in my local town having a few beers, plan was to be home early and reel in the new year with my family it was tradition as im 22 and have younger siblings who would not be going out for new tradition is to be at home for the count down.... so shortly after 10pm i made my way to the taxi rank....
    as i stood at the taxi rank for maybe 10 or 15 mins a car pulled in and said 'are ya looking for a lift?' i yes of course, and hopped in, the bloke seemed sound id never met him before but seemed genuine, after hopping in he says 'i got to get fuel and pick up a friend and the filling station' (all seemed okay) after waiting 10 maybe 15 mins there was no sign of the drivers friend to show up, so the driver says to me 'do u mind if i sign in on messenger on your phone to give him a call?' i seen no problem and let him sign in to contact his friend..... this is where things get interesting....

    the drivers friend never answered so we proceeded to my house to drop me home, 4 miles from the town... only a short journey, on the way home, there was a traffic core pulled in checking for speed not visable to oncoming traffic but you could see the car when u passed him we passed anyways and the blue lights came on behind and the driver pulled in... turns out there was no tax nct nor insurance on the car i was sitting in, and the guy driving hadnt even a liecnce..... i know i was stupid to hop into the car, but at the time i seen a lift home i no one could predict this after 7 beers!!

    i know its a long story but bare with me....

    when the driver pulled in, the cop asked the driver the usual questions liecence, where you going, had you consumed alcohol etc 'are u under the influnce of drugs then start asking why isnt the car insured and tested why he had no liecnce, the guy said he wasnt drinking hadnt taken stuff, he couldnt afford insurance at that time he hadnt the car long his plan was to get everything right when he had the few pound, the cop asked the driver to step out to see if he was impaired, when the driver stepped out the cop seen a grinder in the door and we where told the car is going to be searched if we had any drugs on us now was the time to tell the cop... neither of us had anything we where asked to remove items from our pockets and we where patted down, i was then told that i would be bought to the station to be searched, as would the driver and he would be tested for drugs i explained how i was in town trying to get a taxi home when this guy comes along and offers a lift, which i accepted, i explained how i presumed that the car was roadworthy etc, the cop was sound he knew i was being genuine, he explained why im getting getting searched and how the car was going to be searched, and asked had i any possesions in the vechile and i said no.. which i hadnt,

    they searched the car found nothing else... but of course 2 more squad cars came to bring and my new found friend and i to the station.. i guess the is proceedure... my wallet phone and cigs where taken of by the cop i was handcuffed when asked why i was told its for my saftey and theres in i went back into town in the squad car with the cop with me in the back holding my phone etc

    this is where the madness begins,
    my phone started to ring when i was in the back of the cop car, the gaurd sitting beside me looked at my phone and asked why is ***** calling you?
    i said ive no idea, i had forgot the guy who was driving me home had used my phone and never logged out, in the station i got searched anyways i explained my case, and i taught i was in the clear... next thing im asked to step into a room and start getting questioned.... why was this guy ringing me i was asked, he searched my messages and contacts as they asked me who was this that and another in my contacts i told them... next thing one cop bangs his hands on the table starts accusing me saying that i was with the bloke that was dropping me home bcoz i was going getting drugs, and the lad ringing my phone was a known dealer, i denied what the cop said, and told him i simply was getting a lift home....WHICH IS THE TRUTH.... i am 22 years old, and as the cop accused me of being this 'junkie/addict' he asked would my dad be happy of my involvment in narcotics... for the first time i got annoyed, and said ive nothin to do with it... cops got my dads number from my phone and asked him to come in, my dad came into the station and in front of me they told him what they belived had happend and i said my version, they said they where seizing my phone, which was a one plus 6, worth over 550 quid btw, and was told my dad would be rang when i could collect it..

    i know this is a long story, and far fetched, but i have never ever had any hasstle with cops, never had involvement with drugs, i havnt even had as much as a tax fine..... but after 2 weeks into janaury, my dad got no call saying they where finished with the phone, so i went into the station and explained that my phone was taken, and was looking for an update, the offficer told me there was no record phone being taken, and was told to call back when the cop that questioned me was on duty, so thats what i done.. ik called back to the station when i was told and the cop wasnt there.. and i called back a week later and same **** keeps happening... i got no recipt of my phone being kept, nor did i sign any statment honestly i knew nothing about getting arrested or questioned,

    im innocent ive nothing to hide i tried to assit the cops everyway i could.. just one prick kept trying to twist my story, i told him the truth told him to check cameras etc.... but anyways i got my phone taken off me and cant get it back, ive been in the station many times cant get it back... what can i do? do they need a warrent to take my phone? keep in mind i didnt commit ANY crime

    any advice is appreciated


  • Registered Users Posts: 8,054 ✭✭✭joeguevara

    Was xxxxxx phoning your phone or calling your Facebook messenger? Did you allow the driver use your messenger or did he sign into his own? If xxxx was calling the drivers messenger then the police would have seen that and would have let you go immediately as they had no reasonable suspicion to arrest you and bring you to the station.

    Was your interview recorded and did you sign your statement. If so it would have been recorded there that the phone was taken. Did you consent to giving your phone was it taken as evidence which would have had to have been explained to you and you should have been given a receipt.

    What paperwork do you have? Have a look at that and see if it says anything. If the messages are being used as evidence in a court case then they could be downloaded and the police would have no need for your phone.

    But if no drugs were found then this is where it gets strange. Trying to get drugs isn’t a criminal offense. Possession sale and supply are. So unless they had a message that they could use for a search warrant then it is strange that they took your phone. Especially when the caller was a known drug dealer. They wouldn’t need a text which probably said ‘u around bud’ and a call on a ransomers phone and probably wouldn’t get a warrant.

    Ask when the officer is next in duty and arrange a meeting with them. Bring your paperwork. If you haven’t been charged and you have no paperwork then proceed to a data access request for the interview and any video recording. If they refuse citing that it is being used in an ongoing investigation then say that as there is nothing in your answers that can be used as probitive evidence and if there is it can be redacted. You should see them taking your phone in the video or written on the sheet and you can use that to get your phone.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,226 ✭✭✭Sam Quentin

    So his accomplice didn't show up and you got stopped at a checkpoint and rescued..
    I'd say you're a lucky boy!?
    Ohhhhh and keep the pressure up for the return of your phone.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16 kennethh1844

    So his accomplice didn't show up and you got stopped at a checkpoint and rescued..
    I'd say you're a lucky boy!?
    Ohhhhh and keep the pressure up for the return of your phone.

    thanks for your response..

    No the drivers accomplice did not show up after waiting several minutes at the filling station and unable to get in touch, the driver procceded to drop me home... in all fairness he seemed like a regular joe, all happened so sudden, i even offered to pay for the fuel and handed him 20 quid, the bloke returned and gave me 15 quid back...... on the way home the cop car was hidden checking for speed, i asked the cop what was the reason for us being stopped in the first place when i was being questioned, (thinking prehaps that the cop pulled us over as the car was known to the cops) if this was so I taught that it would prove my innocence... the gaurd said that they where checking for speed that the car was going 92km/h in a 80.. it wasnt a checkpoint, just that the driver was breaking the speed limit

    im not sure what you mean by 'rescued'?


  • Registered Users Posts: 8,054 ✭✭✭joeguevara

    Were you arrested? Why consent to getting into the back of a squad car? Did they really arrest a passenger of a car who they had a reasonable belief had no connection for a grinder? What did they do with the drivers car as the squad car drove you to the station. Garda driver and the one in the back. They hardly left their checkpoint on New Year’s Eve to drive to the station for a grinder. Mmmmm....

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,054 ✭✭✭joeguevara

    Needs Must wrote: »
    Has to be a wind up, new poster and at this hour of the day.

    The traffic Corp wouldn’t leave their post on New Year’s Eve, leave an uninsured car on the side of the road and arrest two guys and bring them to a station on the foot of a grinder.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 16 kennethh1844

    Hi Joe thanks for your advice,

    The dude i shall refer to as XXX i do not know, the driver logged into his messenger on my phone to contact XXX at the filling station, but did not get through to him... he the driver had not logged out of his messenger, i only noticed this when XXX called back when i was on my way to the garda station on my journey to the station to get searched XXX rang my phone as drivers messenger was still logged in, ive nothing to hide, ive no problem with them looking thru my phone.. i showed the cop that it was the drivers account that XXX was contacting. It was the drivers account that rang XXX at the filling station and the drivers account that XXX rang when i was in the cop car.

    i signed no statement, and i was not told i was being recorded, but there was a camera in the corner in the room i was being questioned in, when the cop was going through my phone he left it on the table scrolling through it.. Once when i was being asked questions the phone locked, the cop gave it to me to unlock it and when i gave it back the cop placed it down on the table again in view of the camera. But i was never told i was being recorded, before i was released i was asked to remove the security lock off the phone which i did

    i was given no paperwork when released..... all that was given was a3 sheet with my rights when i was being searched.... but i i left that down when i was being searched, after bring searched i was escorted to a differnt room leaving the sheet behind.... when i was told i could leave i was given back my ciggies and my wallet, i asked for my phone and they said they would ring my dad in a few days, which never happened.. i had no problem with them holding it for a day or two or even a week, but its almost a month now and each time i go to get my phone im sent on a goose chase.. the phone was only new i paid over 500 quid for it, i cannot afford another one im litterly using a nokia with bottons atm...

    no drugs was found only a grinder in the car, thats why i was told i was being bought to the station, i was told i was going to be searched because there was paraphernalia found.

    the thing i find odd is im 22 years of age, no convictions was never even in a cat fight this is my first ever incident, obviously if i commited a crime, i will prosucuted as an adult..?? why was my dad called in this situation? ive nothing to hide but this was on new years night...why was he called? it ruined the night for him, he was embarassed having to go there...

    for the record i was as respectful as possible and tried to assist them in everyway i could and told them that, when i was told i could go i even apologized to the officers for the inconvince and wished them a happy new year (except the **** that took my phone)

    the answer im looking for here is do gardai need a warrent to take my phone? if so i need to get on to the ombudsman

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,490 ✭✭✭stefanovich

    hi all,

    just looking for advice, on new years eve i was in my local town having a few beers early on in the evening, plan was to be home to spend time at home with my family to reel in the new year, im 22 years of age and have younger bros and sisters.. family tradition is to be at home for the count down....
    early on in the night around 10pm i left the pub to get a taxi home, as i stood at the taxi rank a car pulled in and said was 'are ya looking for a lift?' i yes of course, and hopped in, the bloke seemed sound id never met him before but seemed genuine, after hopping in he says 'i got to get fuel and pick up a friend and the filling station' (all seemed okay) after waiting 10 maybe 15 mins there was no sign of the drivers friend to show up, so the driver says to me 'do u mind if i sign in on messenger on your phone?' i seen no problem and let him sign in to contact his friend..... this is where things get interesting....

    the drivers friend never answered so we preceeded to my house to drop me home, 4 miles from the town... only a short journey, on the way home, there was a traffic core pulled in... hidden, and the blue lights came on behind, i didnt know what was happening and told him to pull in,... turns out there was no tax nct nor insurance on the car i was sitting in, and the guy driving hadnt even a liecnce..... i know i was stupid to hop into the car, but at the time i seen a lift home i no one could predict this after 7 beers!!

    i know its a long story but bare with me....

    when the driver pulled in, the cop asked the driver questions and says to the driver 'are u under the influnce of drugs or alcohol, the guy says no' the cop then asks is there any weapons or drugs in the veichle and the bloke says no.... then the other cop comes and asks me to step out of the vechile, asks my name where im from etc, and asks me is there any drugs or weapons in the car, i said not that im aware... and i explained how i was in town trying to get a taxi home when this guy comes along and offers a lift, which i accepted, i explained how i presumed that the car was roadworthy etc, the cop was sound he knew i was being genuine, he explained how the car was going to be searched, and asked had i any possesions in the vechile and i said no.. which i hadnt,

    apon searching the vechile, the cops found a grinder... so of course me and my new found friend ended up in the station, both of us where to be searched and the driver to be drug tested... i guess the is proceedure... my wallet phone and cigs where taken both of us handcuffed, another cop car arrived and we where bought in,

    this is where the madness begins,
    my phone started to ring when i was in the back of the cop car, the gaurd sitting beside me looked at my phone and asked why is ***** calling you?
    i said ive no idea, i had forgot the guy who was driving me home had used my phone and never logged out, i got searched anyways i explained my case, and i taught i was in the clear... next thing im asked to step into a room and start getting questioned.... why was this guy ringing me i was asked, the searched my messages and contacts as they asked me who was this that and another in my contacts i told them... next thing one cop bangs his hands on the table starts accusing me saying that i was with the bloke that was dropping me home bcoz i was going getting drugs, and the lad ringing my phone was a known dealer, i denied what the cop said, and told him i simply was getting a lift home....WHICH IS THE TRUTH.... i am 22 years old, and as the cop accused me of being this 'junkie/addict' he asked would my dad be happy of my involvment in narcotics... for the first time i got annoyed, and said ive nothin to do with it... cops got my dads number from my phone and asked him to come in, my dad came into the station and in front of me they told him what happend and i said version, they said they where seizing my phone, which was a one plus 6, worth over 550 quid btw, and was told my dad would be rang when i could collect it..

    i know this is a long story, and far fetched, but i have never ever had any hasstle with cops, never had involvement with drugs, i havnt even had as much as a tax fine..... but after 2 weeks into janaury, my dad got no call saying they where finished with the phone, so i went into the station and explained that my phone was taken, and was looking for an update, the gaurd told me there was no record phone being taken, and was told to call back when the gaurd that questioned me was on duty, so thats what i done.. ik called back to the station when i was told and the gaurd wasnt there.. and i called back a week later and same **** keeps happening...

    i dont think when i was being questioned that my dad should of been called in but idm, im innocent ive nothing to hide... but i got my phone taken off me and cant get it back, so long story short do gaurds need a warrent to take my phone? keep in mind i didnt commit ANY crime

    any advice is appreciated
    Guards were trying to mess with your head to get information and it worked. You did nothing wrong. Go to the station and ask for your phone.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16 kennethh1844


    it wasnt a checkpoint, the cops where pulled in, not in view of traffic on the road till you passed them they were checking for speed... when we pulled and being questioned over 2 more squad cars came, the driver went in one squad car and me in the other handcuffed and everything.. i overheard the cop telling the driver that the car would be impounded, and to bring whatever belongings where his... i was also asked if i had belongings in the car, i told the cop i hadnt..... its no wind up lads i genuinely want my phone back, i often read other fourms on here but never had registered... only looking for advice, dont know what to do,

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,490 ✭✭✭stefanovich

    Hi Joe thanks for your advice,

    The dude i shall refer to as XXX i do not know, the driver logged into his messenger on my phone to contact XXX at the filling station, but did not get through to him... he the driver had not logged out of his messenger, i only noticed this when XXX called back when i was on my way to the garda station on my journey to the station to get searched XXX rang my phone as drivers messenger was still logged in, ive nothing to hide, ive no problem with them looking thru my phone.. i showed the cop that it was the drivers account that XXX was contacting. It was the drivers account that rang XXX at the filling station and the drivers account that XXX rang when i was in the cop car.

    i signed no statement, and i was not told i was being recorded, but there was a camera in the corner in the room i was being questioned in, when the cop was going through my phone he left it on the table scrolling through it.. Once when i was being asked questions the phone locked, the cop gave it to me to unlock it and when i gave it back the cop placed it down on the table again in view of the camera. But i was never told i was being recorded, before i was released i was asked to remove the security lock off the phone which i did

    i was given no paperwork when released..... all that was given was a3 sheet with my rights when i was being searched.... but i i left that down when i was being searched, after bring searched i was escorted to a differnt room leaving the sheet behind.... when i was told i could leave i was given back my ciggies and my wallet, i asked for my phone and they said they would ring my dad in a few days, which never happened.. i had no problem with them holding it for a day or two or even a week, but its almost a month now and each time i go to get my phone im sent on a goose chase.. the phone was only new i paid over 500 quid for it, i cannot afford another one im litterly using a nokia with bottons atm...

    no drugs was found only a grinder in the car, thats why i was told i was being bought to the station, i was told i was going to be searched because there was paraphernalia found.

    the thing i find odd is im 22 years of age, no convictions was never even in a cat fight this is my first ever incident, obviously if i commited a crime, i will prosucuted as an adult..?? why was my dad called in this situation? ive nothing to hide but this was on new years night...why was he called? it ruined the night for him, he was embarassed having to go there...

    for the record i was as respectful as possible and tried to assist them in everyway i could and told them that, when i was told i could go i even apologized to the officers for the inconvince and wished them a happy new year (except the **** that took my phone)

    the answer im looking for here is do gardai need a warrent to take my phone? if so i need to get on to the ombudsman

    If this is a true story then my god what a waste of time and resources. Sounds like the guards were bored and malicious in equal measure.

    You do know that even if there was weed found it is a really minor offence? Don't stress at all. They are messing you about.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,054 ✭✭✭joeguevara

    Hi Joe thanks for your advice,

    The dude i shall refer to as XXX i do not know, the driver logged into his messenger on my phone to contact XXX at the filling station, but did not get through to him... he the driver had not logged out of his messenger, i only noticed this when XXX called back when i was on my way to the garda station on my journey to the station to get searched XXX rang my phone as drivers messenger was still logged in, ive nothing to hide, ive no problem with them looking thru my phone.. i showed the cop that it was the drivers account that XXX was contacting. It was the drivers account that rang XXX at the filling station and the drivers account that XXX rang when i was in the cop car.

    i signed no statement, and i was not told i was being recorded, but there was a camera in the corner in the room i was being questioned in, when the cop was going through my phone he left it on the table scrolling through it.. Once when i was being asked questions the phone locked, the cop gave it to me to unlock it and when i gave it back the cop placed it down on the table again in view of the camera. But i was never told i was being recorded, before i was released i was asked to remove the security lock off the phone which i did

    i was given no paperwork when released..... all that was given was a3 sheet with my rights when i was being searched.... but i i left that down when i was being searched, after bring searched i was escorted to a differnt room leaving the sheet behind.... when i was told i could leave i was given back my ciggies and my wallet, i asked for my phone and they said they would ring my dad in a few days, which never happened.. i had no problem with them holding it for a day or two or even a week, but its almost a month now and each time i go to get my phone im sent on a goose chase.. the phone was only new i paid over 500 quid for it, i cannot afford another one im litterly using a nokia with bottons atm...

    no drugs was found only a grinder in the car, thats why i was told i was being bought to the station, i was told i was going to be searched because there was paraphernalia found.

    the thing i find odd is im 22 years of age, no convictions was never even in a cat fight this is my first ever incident, obviously if i commited a crime, i will prosucuted as an adult..?? why was my dad called in this situation? ive nothing to hide but this was on new years night...why was he called? it ruined the night for him, he was embarassed having to go there...

    for the record i was as respectful as possible and tried to assist them in everyway i could and told them that, when i was told i could go i even apologized to the officers for the inconvince and wished them a happy new year (except the **** that took my phone)

    the answer im looking for here is do gardai need a warrent to take my phone? if so i need to get on to the ombudsman

    The Gardai do not need a warrant to confiscate a phone if they believe it is evidence that can be used in a potential court case. But they do need a reasonable belief that you were committing an arrestable offense to arrest you in the first place to bring you to the station. As no drugs were found at the scene and you had no connection to the car or driver I find it hard to believe that the Gardai would risk detaining you without proper authority. It is also strange that you said they were bringing you to the station to be searched. They were hardly going to do a strip search on foot of a grinder and could have done a pat down at the scene.

    I also find it strange that all due process was forgotten about at the station and you have no paperwork or signed statement. I also find it strange that they took the phone without getting you to sign that they took it and give you a receipt as there would be a gap in the chain of custody and if it was being used in a court case the barrister would just argue that it could not be admitted as anyone could have made those calls and/or messages as no one has proof of where the phone was at any given time.

    It was either the worst case of police procedure that I have ever heard of or you were starring in Police Academy 14: Grinder.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 16 kennethh1844

    yes handcuffed and put in the back of the squad car, i never got in bother with the law before i was told why i was being a searched and understood why...
    shortly after being pulled over 2 more squad cars arrived, i overheard the cop saying to the driver the car would be impounded, we both where asked if the car was stolen the driver said he purchased it recently, then the driver was asked if he had the log book which he did in the glove box, this is when he was told the car would be impounded

  • Registered Users Posts: 16 kennethh1844

    thanks for your response,

    i agree its strange, ive nothing to hide and made that clear, i told the cop when i was in being questioned about my connection to the driver, to check the street cam at the taxi rank and it would show me waiting several minutes and show the driver pulling up offering the lift, again i told him to check at the filling station and to refernce that against the time the other 2 squad cars where called, how that would show the lenght i was with the driver, anything else has nothing to do with me, i said this as the cop was determained that me and the driver where friendly which was not the case i dont know the bloke

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,054 ✭✭✭joeguevara

    yes handcuffed and put in the back of the squad car, i never got in bother with the law before i was told why i was being a searched and understood why...
    shortly after being pulled over 2 more squad cars arrived, i overheard the cop saying to the driver the car would be impounded, we both where asked if the car was stolen the driver said he purchased it recently, then the driver was asked if he had the log book which he did in the glove box, this is when he was told the car would be impounded

    Handcuffed for a grinder that had no link to you? Two squad cars just arrive on New Year’s Eve which is the busiest night of the year for what was basically a tax and insurance case. The phone call from the well known drug dealer was only received when you were in the back of the car so the cavalry had arrived before that?

    The officer in the back who only caught a glimpse of the callers name was able to make the link to a well known drug dealer. If messenger is calling on a locked phone, only a name will come up not a picture. Quite a leap to make unless the name was so unique that no one else on the entire Facebook community would have that name. If you were in handcuffs in the back of the car how did you get your phone for the officer to see. They wouldn’t have let you have it in your hands as you could be deleting incriminating evidence and it would be impossible to get it out of your pocket if you were in handcuffs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16 kennethh1844

    its as true as im saying it man, im here looking for advice.... i agree a waste of resorces, but the driver was wrong to be driving in an uninsured, non roadworthy car whilst having no liecnce... you and i are paying more on our insurance policies for accidents caused by people like the driver of the car i was in... i was unaware of this until we got stopped.... the problem i have is ive a phone barely 2 weeks old before confiscated worth over 500 quid and im unable to get it back.. im delighted with the responses, but so far im none the wiser on getting it back

  • Registered Users Posts: 16 kennethh1844

    i was in handcuffs in the back of the car, before this when asked to step out of the car, i was asked to remove any items in pockets which i did, i lay out my phone, wallet, fags and lighter on the roof of the car, i was then handcuffed and the officer patted me down and put me in the squad car he then sat in the back of the squad car with me, my phone rang on messenger revealing the guys name and profile pic to the cop when he looked at it, he asked my why is XXX ringing me, i explained that i had no idea who he was how it was the driver of the car who had logged in on my phone, he asked me repeatidly liike 20 times....i told him to check himself to see it was not my account XXX was ringing, i didnt know and dont know the scumbag

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,490 ✭✭✭stefanovich

    i was in handcuffs in the back of the car, before this when asked to step out of the car, i was asked to remove any items in pockets which i did, i lay out my phone, wallet, fags and lighter on the roof of the car, i was then handcuffed and the officer patted me down and put me in the squad car he then sat in the back of the squad car with me, my phone rang on messenger revealing the guys name and profile pic to the cop when he looked at it, he asked my why is XXX ringing me, i explained that i had no idea who he was how it was the driver of the car who had logged in on my phone, he asked me repeatidly liike 20 times....i told him to check himself to see it was not my account XXX was ringing, i didnt know and dont know the scumbag

    Just go an ask for your phone back at the station. The guards have no case against you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16 kennethh1844

    i had no idea who the bloke was, i never seen him before in my life, he offered a lift and at the time i was thankful, many young lads do be driving around showing off there cars, i presumed he was no differnt when he offered the lift, i often got home the same way many times before..... i dont think the driver that offered me a lift was a dealer he seemed too innocent, my guess is he was just a young lad dropping a few home for a few handy pound..... find it funny to think a dealer would offer lifts home if he was? maybe a customer not a dealer

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,490 ✭✭✭stefanovich

    i had no idea who the bloke was, i never seen him before in my life, he offered a lift and at the time i was thankful, many young lads do be driving around showing off there cars, i presumed he was no differnt when he offered the lift, i often got home the same way many times before..... i dont think the driver that offered me a lift was a dealer he seemed too innocent, my guess is he was just a young lad dropping a few home for a few handy pound..... find it funny to think a dealer would offer lifts home if he was? maybe a customer not a dealer

    This is all nonsense though. Even if, lets say, you got into the car and the intention was to go to your local dealer to buy a bag of weed.

    You hadn't yet committed a crime. Even if you bought and they found it you are not going to go to court for something so minor.

    Sounds like the guard was being an ass with you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16 kennethh1844

    i dont care about lets say or what if,
    ive done nothing wrong im innocent i want my phone,

    should i go to a solictor?
    i never got the cops name but if i found out and went to the station and asked to have a meeting with him, and if they ask for my name say i wish the matter and my name to remain private, surely the have to accomadate me?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,054 ✭✭✭joeguevara

    i dont care about lets say or what if,
    ive done nothing wrong im innocent i want my phone,

    should i go to a solictor?
    i never got the cops name but if i found out and went to the station and asked to have a meeting with him, and if they ask for my name say i wish the matter and my name to remain private, surely the have to accomadate me?

    Just go to the station and refuse to leave until you get your phone or proof that they have it and an agreed time to come and collect it. You will be paying a lot more than the cost of the phone to see a solicitor.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 16 kennethh1844

    ill go in today again and see, thanks for your help on the matter joe, its much appreciated, ill let ye know how i get on

  • Registered Users Posts: 16 kennethh1844

    thinking back on it id be better off if i stayed in the pub,

  • Registered Users Posts: 16 kennethh1844

    im not trolling man seriously, im simply looking for advice, i dont know what to do

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,560 ✭✭✭✭kippy

    im not trolling man seriously, im simply looking for advice, i dont know what to do

    Engage a solicitor and outline all the facts and what you would like to do.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16 kennethh1844

    hi Pete , thank you... i appreciate your maturity
    my dad was phoned unkown to me and was bought into the room where i was being question, my dad was then filled with the officers side of the story... the cops had my phone before my dad arrived, i was asked to unlock my phone when being questioned, while being questioned one officer left with my phone 15 mins later my dad walks in, i guess that the officer left to get his number and contact him at that time.., i didnt even know my dad was called until he came into room where i was being questioned,

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,054 ✭✭✭joeguevara

    kippy wrote: »
    Engage a solicitor and outline all the facts and what you would like to do.

    Solicitor would cost more than the phone and would be able to do no more than what the op could do. The OP should stop phoning the station where the person on the phone has no clue what he is talking about and cares even less. Op should go to station and refuse to leave until he gets his phone or arranges a time where he could pick it up. Assertiveness wins the day here and talk about going to a solicitor is smashing a walnut with a sledgehammer.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16 kennethh1844

    i taught of this and suggested it earlier, but as someone said, it would be cheaper to buy another phone than pay a solicitor

  • Registered Users Posts: 16 kennethh1844

    sorry joe, i never said i phoned the station, when i asked for my phone back the night of the incident i was told that my cop would contact my dad when they have finished with it, they have not done so.. i went to the station numerous times over the past weeks and was told come back when the officer that was in took my phone was on, when i went back the cop isnt there or is out patroling etc, when they look it up in the system there log of it etc differnt day differnt excuse

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,054 ✭✭✭joeguevara

    sorry joe, i never said i phoned the station, when i asked for my phone back the night of the incident i was told that my cop would contact my dad when they have finished with it, they have not done so.. i went to the station numerous times over the past weeks and was told come back when the officer that was in took my phone was on, when i went back the cop isnt there or is out patroling etc, when they look it up in the system there log of it etc differnt day differnt excuse

    It doesn’t have to be the same officer to give it back as took it. Say you won’t leave until you get a receipt for the phone and the reason why it hasn’t been given back. There will be a log of evidence at the station and any Garda can process giving back an item if it not being used in an investigation. Take notes of everything that was said. Don’t let them give you the runaround. If needs be say you will wait until somebody arrives that can help you. If you aren’t assertive this will drag on. If they say they don’t have your phone go down the data access route that I posted earlier.

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  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators, Help & Feedback Category Moderators Posts: 9,815 CMod ✭✭✭✭Shield


    The best advice at this time is to keep contacting them directly until you get an acknowledgement that your phone has been lost.

    If your phone can't be located, get a solicitor involved, or make a complaint through the Garda Ombudsman at and you'll receive the appropriate advice from then.

    Good luck.

    Thread closed.


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