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Severe night tremors and sleepwalking 30yo

  • 05-02-2019 7:48pm
    Registered Users Posts: 10

    Hello everyone

    I'll try to make this as short as I can, thanks for reading anyway :)

    I'm currently going through the whole mental help etc, I'm taking meds for Anxiety, insomnia, depression and somesort of sleep walking combined with severe night tremors. Seen my GP today and explained the situation is getting worse and worse. Nearly every night I am having night tremors with sleep walking to the extent of running outside my house in pure panic.. I never remeber the dreams though... but whatever is happening, its got me to the point of utter panic, like you're about to die or something. Its truly frighting, recently enough it happened so bad I literally though I was going to have heart attack, my heart was nearly pounding out of my chest. It was so violent, it really scared me and I cant seem to control it.... its worrying me. But there has been some funny moments I gotta admit, I wont go into detail lol

    Anyway, I stressed to my GP about this situation and he happily agreed that I need something thats going to conk me out for the night. He doesnt want me addicted, but at this point its too much... I need something to fix this

    The medical health board have sent me in circles, right back to where I started. That took a year and a half of being ushers onto other mental health groups etc. My GP is also "WTF" about this....... socialized healthcare? Love having to wait 60+ mins in the waiting room every 1-2 months, anxiety looms.

    So thats the basic story, not much hope for the health system here in Leitrim. Theres so much more to it.. but I've rambled enough

    Anyone else experiencing night tremors combined with sleepwalking? I'll probably be waiting another year before anything gets fully examined

    What happened to the days you could just walk into your GP and only wait 5-10 mins, its now nearly 60 mins waiting in the waiting room and this is rural

    Sorry for the ramble, folks... its frustrating as feck and feels like I'm getting the run around. The first mental help (which was a bunch of student malarkey) people referred me to another, they then referred me to another and another and now I'm back at the start with the unprofessional twits... if that mental health doctor tried to offload his students like.. we can have words!! Bordline unaccepted and slightly unprofessional and inconsiderate due to the lack of connection to your doctor that is trying to be empathetic and listen

    Thats the break down of the jazz......... anyone else suffering sever night tremors with mild-sever sleepwalking........ ITS DRIVING ME BONKERS, maybe the new meds will help. Thankfully my GP is a real guy, good man. doesnt just fling meds at you

    But I've neem waiting nearly a year and a half to get any official diagnoses


    If you're in the same boat, please hit me up.. would love to hear some similar stories and how people are coping with it.. is sleeping pills really the only way? This cant continue... its severly frightning what going through my head

    Hope this make some sort of sense, its all confusing af right now, my mind is all over the place... I'm sure I've ADD and possible bi-polar, where in the feck are this people i need a proper diagnoses from. Never ending roundabout

    Sorry for the long rant, its so infuriating. But hopefully someone hear can chine in that has gone through similar... I'm really needing help here, but the system is so slow (year and a half been waiting for this ****)
