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  • 30-03-2019 3:37pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 163 ✭✭


    Anyone know how many liters of very fizzy water you get from a sodastream gas canister? It says 60 but I'm curious what the real world experience is.

    We use about 45 500ml bottles per week and that amount of plastic waste is nuts. Working it out based on 60L the cost/L is about the same as shop bought, but if yield is significantly less it would work out expensive.




  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,648 ✭✭✭facehugger99

    Depends how fizzy you want it, i'd say you certainly get 50 litres anyway.

    It's worth switching over to - it really annoyed me how much plastic bottles we were going through every month.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 163 ✭✭timmythesheep

    Depends how fizzy you want it, i'd say you certainly get 50 litres anyway.

    It's worth switching over to - it really annoyed me how much plastic bottles we were going through every month.

    Thermos now have a carbonated insulated flask, so fizz it then decant. Much better than all the single use plastic.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,782 ✭✭✭54and56

    Just ordered the OneTouch Hydration pack for £119 - delivered via AddressPal.

    Hope it'll enable me to stop buying carbonated water which is a pain in the a$$ to have to go buy every week or two and ends up creating a lot of plastic waste.

    Hope I can also use one of the CO2 adaptors to refill the SodaStream canisters myself, it's easy, dirt cheap and only takes 30 seconds.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 354 ✭✭robbe

    Be interested to hear how you get on with the self filling of cannisters.....considered it a few weeks ago when stock disappeared (or seemed to) of replacement cannisters from the Argos site. What put me off was knowing which cannister adaptor to buy - there are some relatively cheap ones available (mainly on ebay) and some more expensive ones (looks like the one in the vid you linked) which are around €50.......can you please post if and when you get set up?

    54and56 wrote: »
    Just ordered the OneTouch Hydration pack for £119 - delivered via AddressPal.

    Hope it'll enable me to stop buying carbonated water which is a pain in the a$$ to have to go buy every week or two and ends up creating a lot of plastic waste.

    Hope I can also use one of the CO2 adaptors to refill the SodaStream canisters myself, it's easy, dirt cheap and only takes 30 seconds.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,782 ✭✭✭54and56

    robbe wrote: »
    Be interested to hear how you get on with the self filling of cannisters.....considered it a few weeks ago when stock disappeared (or seemed to) of replacement cannisters from the Argos site. What put me off was knowing which cannister adaptor to buy - there are some relatively cheap ones available (mainly on ebay) and some more expensive ones (looks like the one in the vid you linked) which are around €50.......can you please post if and when you get set up?


    Hi Robbe,

    I just purchased this adapter which should be delivered this week.

    The home brew guys have a constant requirement for Co2 so I found this thread which recommends one place in Bray (which suits me as I'm in Sandyford) where you can buy a filled 5KG cylinder for a once off €45 and then have it refilled for €10 once it's empty, see The Co2 needs to be "Food Safe" apparently so check that it is before getting it refilled.
    I'm sure there must be lot's of similar places around the country.

    Given the Sodastream cylinder is less than 0.5KG of Co2 I guess I'll get 10X Sodastream refills out of one €10 refill of the 5KG cylinder.

    €1 per refill DIY Vs €28 per Sodastream sounds a good plan to me plus I'll only have to refill the 5KG once or twice max a year.

    Edit: I have an aquarium hobby and use all the time. They sell a 3L filled cyclinder for €130 and after that refills would be €30 a go. Not as cheap as the place in Bray but they confirmed to me their Co2 is "Food Safe" so might be a more secure supply chain. 3L for €30 would equate to €5 a refill of the Sodastream cylinder so still a very good saving on €28.

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  • Posts: 11,614 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Its funny this thread has come up because it's something I've been thinking about for a while. I too am both fed up with the amount of single use plastic I use and even more annoyed at the amount other people use.

    When you go into the local shop and there is a huge fridge of plastic bottles and you know they are all going to be used only once... Imagine how much better things would be if instead you went into the shop with your refillable soda bottle, selected Coke, and got freshly carbonated, chilled Coca-Cola, into your bottle.

    I just looked at some Soda stream syrups. 500ml of tonic concentrate costs £15, and makes 12 litres of tonic water.

    I've already made changes myself, e.g. I have a keep cup for my morning cup of tea during my commute and throughout the day. I have a number of refillable water bottles for water through out the day, one which lives in my bag and another which lives in my desk drawer.

    I definitely think I will go down this route to reduce my plastic dependency even further.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 354 ✭✭robbe

    I bought the soda stream about 2 years ago after it came up on a bargain thread......we use quite a bit of sparkling water and like you I was not happy with the amount of plastic bottles used and then discarded. Overall the experience has been positive with the one slightly negative being the relatively expensive co2 cannister refills (€17.99) and the fact that there is only 1 provider (Argos). It wouldn't stop me from buying if I had to make the decision again but the potential to buy a larger c02 cannister and refill a number of times without having to darken Argos's doors is pleasing.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,782 ✭✭✭54and56

    Its funny this thread has come up because it's something I've been thinking about for a while. I too am both fed up with the amount of single use plastic I use and even more annoyed at the amount other people use.

    When you go into the local shop and there is a huge fridge of plastic bottles and you know they are all going to be used only once... Imagine how much better things would be if instead you went into the shop with your refillable soda bottle, selected Coke, and got freshly carbonated, chilled Coca-Cola, into your bottle.

    I just looked at some Soda stream syrups. 500ml of tonic concentrate costs £15, and makes 12 litres of tonic water.

    I've already made changes myself, e.g. I have a keep cup for my morning cup of tea during my commute and throughout the day. I have a number of refillable water bottles for water through out the day, one which lives in my bag and another which lives in my desk drawer.

    I definitely think I will go down this route to reduce my plastic dependency even further.

    Likewise, I'm no eco warrior I can assure you but I recently had a Eureka moment ref the un-sustainability and pure commercial waste of single use anything so like you I've gone from bringing a single use capsule coffee in a disposable cup in the car on the way to work to a keep cup with coffee made using an AeroPress which is almost as convenient and actually makes much better coffee so win win.

    Getting rid of single use carbonated water bottles plus not having to go to the shop for them is what drove me towards the SodaStream and having had it for a few days it's already totally replaced the bottles I used to buy. I purchased the One Touch Electric Hydration Pack and I just rotate the 4 bottles which come with it. As I finish one I quickly refill and carbonate it, stick it in the fridge and grab a cold one to have with me. Simple, effective, cost saving and it surprisingly tastes just as good as the bottled water I was buying if not a little better.

    If I can get the DIY refilling to work I'll be a very happy bunny!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,380 ✭✭✭chuckles30

    So I was reading somewhere recently about using a sodastream for sparkling water & off I went and bought the starter kit in Argos - having checked that they also sold the refills - all going great & massive amount of plastic eliminated.

    Now I need a refill and they haven't been available in Argos for the last month - is there any other suppliers around? Preferably Clare/Limerick/Galway area

    Failing that, how easy/difficult is it to get the CO2 mentioned above? I'm disgusted at having paid out money for something only to have the refills disappear now :mad::mad:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,782 ✭✭✭54and56

    Well my refill ran out on Sunday so I was going to buy one or two in Argos so I'd have 3 and therefore top them up at the same time every couple of months using the converter I bought.

    I haven't purchased a tank of CO2 yet though :-(

    If worst comes to the worst I'll buy two on and if they don't deliver to Ireland user either Parcel Wizard or Address Pal to have them delivered.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,953 ✭✭✭Gloomtastic!

    The Range have the syrups apparently so they may have the co2 canisters as well.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,380 ✭✭✭chuckles30

    The Range have the syrups apparently so they may have the co2 canisters as well.

    I tried The Range in Limerick - they had the syrups and the bottles to make the drinks in & even the machines, but not the co2 cannisters

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 354 ✭✭robbe

    Just on the subject of refills - can I ask if you've checked in the actual store (or called them if they possess an actual store number rather than a call centre)...I ask this because the refills disappeared from the argos site but they are actually available when you call in (subject to them having any stock of course)...could be worth checking this first rather than getting additional cannisters......

  • Posts: 11,614 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    This is somewhat ironic. Using a soda stream to be more environmentally friendly. Climate change due to excessive CO2 in the atmosphere and the adopters of the SodaStream can't find the CO2 which it requires.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,424 ✭✭✭✭Dial Hard

    Arsing about with refills was the main reason I decided to just wean myself off my sparkling water habit rather than replacing it with a Soda Stream. Easier, cheaper and better for the environment in the long run.

    (Soda Streams are also made in Israel, for anyone that may have an issue with that. Wasn't a concern for me but it may be for some.)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,782 ✭✭✭54and56

    This is somewhat ironic. Using a soda stream to be more environmentally friendly. Climate change due to excessive CO2 in the atmosphere and the adopters of the SodaStream can't find the CO2 which it requires.

    Well I'm content that reusable Sodatream CO2 bottled water is much less harmful to the environment than single use plastic bottle CO2 water which also necessitates buring carbon as I frequently travel to and from the supermarket to source it.

    Would it be better for the environment if I just drank plain tap water? Yes, no question but I'm not going to do it and I'm comfortable with that.

    Would it be better for the environment if I topped myself so I stopped emitting harmful gasses myself? Yes, no question but I'm not going to do that either and I'm (very) comfortable with that :-)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,830 ✭✭✭Raoul

    54and56 wrote: »
    Well I'm content that reusable Sodatream CO2 bottled water is much less harmful to the environment than single use plastic bottle CO2 water which also necessitates buring carbon as I frequently travel to and from the supermarket to source it.

    Would it be better for the environment if I just drank plain tap water? Yes, no question but I'm not going to do it and I'm comfortable with that.

    Would it be better for the environment if I topped myself so I stopped emitting harmful gasses myself? Yes, no question but I'm not going to do that either and I'm (very) comfortable with that :-)


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,782 ✭✭✭54and56

    Raoul wrote: »

    SJW's are just soooooooooo boring.


  • Posts: 11,614 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    54and56 wrote: »
    Well I'm content that reusable Sodatream CO2 bottled water is much less harmful to the environment than single use plastic bottle CO2 water which also necessitates buring carbon as I frequently travel to and from the supermarket to source it.

    Would it be better for the environment if I just drank plain tap water? Yes, no question but I'm not going to do it and I'm comfortable with that.

    Would it be better for the environment if I topped myself so I stopped emitting harmful gasses myself? Yes, no question but I'm not going to do that either and I'm (very) comfortable with that :-)

    I wasn't criticising you, just saying I love the irony. Read my earlier comments, I plan to get a sodastream myself.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,782 ✭✭✭54and56

    54and56 wrote: »
    If worst comes to the worst I'll buy two on and if they don't deliver to Ireland user either Parcel Wizard or Address Pal to have them delivered.

    Well that didn't work out well. Shelled out £49 for 2 X gas refills from who wouldn't ship to my home address in Dublin or Parcel Wizard in NI so ever resourseful I thought I'd show them and routed the delivery via Address Pal in Hatfield. DPD duly delivered but Address Pal rejected the package for containing a prohibited item (I assume gas cylinders are prohibited) so my two refills are on their way back to Sodastream who will no doubt charge me a re-stocking fee on top of the wasted delivery charge.

    Argos seem to be still out of stock. Anyone know of any other gas refill stockists in South Dublin?

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 354 ✭✭robbe

    54and56 wrote: »
    Well that didn't work out well. Shelled out £49 for 2 X gas refills from who wouldn't ship to my home address in Dublin or Parcel Wizard in NI so ever resourseful I thought I'd show them and routed the delivery via Address Pal in Hatfield. DPD duly delivered but Address Pal rejected the package for containing a prohibited item (I assume gas cylinders are prohibited) so my two refills are on their way back to Sodastream who will no doubt charge me a re-stocking fee on top of the wasted delivery charge.

    Argos seem to be still out of stock. Anyone know of any other gas refill stockists in South Dublin?

    I was in Argos Dundrum yesterday getting an exchange cylinder and they had 35 in stock......just not showing on site. Not sure about new cylinders however....

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,782 ✭✭✭54and56

    robbe wrote: »
    I was in Argos Dundrum yesterday getting an exchange cylinder and they had 35 in stock......just not showing on site. Not sure about new cylinders however....

    Just told the young lad to throw the old cylinder in a back pack and hop on the Luas!!

    Thanks Robbe.

    Will update on what the story is with stock in Dundrum Argos later.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,782 ✭✭✭54and56

    Refill for €20 done and dusted in 60 seconds.

    Don't know about new cylinders, young lad got the refill and hopped back on the Luas.

    Sparkling water all round with dinner.

    Have ordered two of these which are easier to re-fill than the new Sodastream cylinders which have a trickier valve.

    I'll get to filling my own cylinders eventually :o

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,830 ✭✭✭Raoul

    Thinking of making the change over to sodastream myself, you guys have made me feel bad about all the single use plastic!!! Which is the best option on the site at the moment? The Spirit or the Spirit One Touch, no idea really what the difference is.

    At the moment nobody has the refill thing working, so exchanging the canister in Argos for 18 euro seems to be the best way to refill.

    Then it works out at 50L for 18 euro. Which is about 36c per liter. It is twice as much as the Tesco sparkling water but I do find that I only get about .75L of sparkling water out of the 2L bottle as it is flat after a day!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,424 ✭✭✭✭Dial Hard

    Raoul wrote: »
    Thinking of making the change over to sodastream myself, you guys have made me feel bad about all the single use plastic!!! Which is the best option on the site at the moment? The Spirit or the Spirit One Touch, no idea really what the difference is.

    Would you not just wean yourself off sparkling water altogether? It really is the best option from an environmental point of view. I had a 2L a day habit and absolutely LOATHE the mouthfeel of still water but managed to make the change with the help of an infuser bottle and lots of cucumber.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,830 ✭✭✭Raoul

    I like sparkling water as a treat. I drink water all day and I like to come home and have a glass of sparkling water. I don't drink alcohol, so one or two glasses of sparkling water is how I go absolutely mental!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 162 ✭✭RonTon

    Raoul wrote: »
    Thinking of making the change over to sodastream myself, you guys have made me feel bad about all the single use plastic!!! Which is the best option on the site at the moment? The Spirit or the Spirit One Touch, no idea really what the difference is.

    At the moment nobody has the refill thing working, so exchanging the canister in Argos for 18 euro seems to be the best way to refill.

    Then it works out at 50L for 18 euro. Which is about 36c per liter. It is twice as much as the Tesco sparkling water but I do find that I only get about .75L of sparkling water out of the 2L bottle as it is flat after a day!

    The one touch is a great bit of kit and on the soda stream UK site there is regular deals (combo packs) to watch out for ,you do need to have it plugged in tho so something to consider ,when I was ordering I had to ring them as website wouldn’t accept the parcel/address pal , I should of ordered an extra gas cylinder at the time to have a spare

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,782 ✭✭✭54and56

    RonTon wrote: »
    Raoul wrote: »
    Thinking of making the change over to sodastream myself, you guys have made me feel bad about all the single use plastic!!! Which is the best option on the site at the moment? The Spirit or the Spirit One Touch, no idea really what the difference is.

    At the moment nobody has the refill thing working, so exchanging the canister in Argos for 18 euro seems to be the best way to refill.

    Then it works out at 50L for 18 euro. Which is about 36c per liter. It is twice as much as the Tesco sparkling water but I do find that I only get about .75L of sparkling water out of the 2L bottle as it is flat after a day!

    The one touch is a great bit of kit and on the soda stream UK site there is regular deals (combo packs) to watch out for ,you do need to have it plugged in tho so something to consider ,when I was ordering I had to ring them as website wouldn’t accept the parcel/address pal , I should of ordered an extra gas cylinder at the time to have a spare

    I got the one touch as part of a hydration package and love the way you just press the button for the required amount of gas and Bob's your uncle. In finding the kids are beginning to use it as a replacement for the limited amount of fizzy drinks that would have found their way into the fridge every few weeks and we're beginning to experiment with natural (no added sugar) syrups to flavour the water.

    So far, bar the delay getting the self serve CO2 refill up and running, I couldn't be happier and I was sceptical buying it that after an initial honeymoon period it would gather dust.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,830 ✭✭✭Raoul

    So has anyone got the refill working with the cheaper alternative means?

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,782 ✭✭✭54and56

    Raoul wrote: »
    So has anyone got the refill working with the cheaper alternative means?

    No, not yet. Just sent my cylinder off to be refilled at Argos for the 3rd/4th time. I have the refill adapter but haven't gotten round to getting the CO2 cylinder yet.

    It's on the to-do list but hasn't risen to the top yet :o

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,830 ✭✭✭Raoul

    54and56 wrote: »
    No, not yet. Just sent my cylinder off to be refilled at Argos for the 3rd/4th time. I have the refill adapter but haven't gotten round to getting the CO2 cylinder yet.

    It's on the to-do list but hasn't risen to the top yet :o

    Well hurry up. I need you to be the guinea pig. :D:D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 354 ✭✭robbe

    Seconded! Would help if you got the cheaper adaptor as the co2 cylinders seem to be readily available and similar in price (AJ Edge in Bray came up a few times in previous threads)......

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,782 ✭✭✭54and56

    robbe wrote: »
    Seconded! Would help if you got the cheaper adaptor as the co2 cylinders seem to be readily available and similar in price (AJ Edge in Bray came up a few times in previous threads)......

    Ah here, now i feel under pressure!!

    Will have some spare time in the run up to Xmas so will aim to get it done before the new refill needs to be refilled.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,830 ✭✭✭Raoul

    54and56 wrote: »
    Ah here, now i feel under pressure!!

    Will have some spare time in the run up to Xmas so will aim to get it done before the new refill needs to be refilled.

    Excellent can't wait. Ha

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 354 ✭✭robbe


    Just about to spend another €18 on an exchange cylinder in Argos and this got me thinking (again) about trying to go down the DIY route. There are websites with the adaptor available but it's around €50 which seems overkill given it's really just a modified valve. Saw this on aliexpress which at €20 is more acceptable but not sure if anyone has successfully refilled containers themselves. I know the gas can be got relatively easily but this aspect has put me off - has anyone taken the plunge and done the refills themselves?

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,830 ✭✭✭Raoul

    I don't think anyone in this thread has done the DIY yet. All waiting on someone to try it out and report back.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,782 ✭✭✭54and56

    robbe wrote: »

    Just about to spend another €18 on an exchange cylinder in Argos and this got me thinking (again) about trying to go down the DIY route. There are websites with the adaptor available but it's around €50 which seems overkill given it's really just a modified valve. Saw this on aliexpress which at €20 is more acceptable but not sure if anyone has successfully refilled containers themselves. I know the gas can be got relatively easily but this aspect has put me off - has anyone taken the plunge and done the refills themselves?

    I got this one from for about €20 delivered -

    Looks well made but yet to be used in anger as I haven't gotten a CO2 cylinder :o

    I also purchased 2 X sodastream compatible cylinders from as the one supplied with my new Sodastream has the new "non-return" valve which makes refilling more of a challenge. Apparently the old cylinders without the non-return type valve are much easier to re-fill and are compatible with all SodaStream machines so having a couple of those should keep things simple and allow an empty cylinder to be replaced with a full one by the kids giving me plenty of time to re-fill the empty one.

    If when I eventually get round to sourcing a CO2 cylinder the adapter I got from Amazon doesn't work or is too fiddly I'll probably buy one of these but it's important to get the EU version as the US and Australia have different standards.

    Some good info on the different valve types you can have on the sodastream cylinders here and on the two types of CO2 cylinders that are generally available here

    I don't like the idea of having to turn the CO2 cylinder upside down each time I want to do a refill so my preference is to find a CO2 cylinder and re-fill source with a Dip tube Valve design.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 30,933 ✭✭✭✭AndrewJRenko

    54and56 wrote: »
    I got this one from for about €20 delivered -

    Looks well made but yet to be used in anger as I haven't gotten a CO2 cylinder :o

    I also purchased 2 X sodastream compatible cylinders from as the one supplied with my new Sodastream has the new "non-return" valve which makes refilling more of a challenge. Apparently the old cylinders without the non-return type valve are much easier to re-fill and are compatible with all SodaStream machines so having a couple of those should keep things simple and allow an empty cylinder to be replaced with a full one by the kids giving me plenty of time to re-fill the empty one.

    If when I eventually get round to sourcing a CO2 cylinder the adapter I got from Amazon doesn't work or is too fiddly I'll probably buy one of these but it's important to get the EU version as the US and Australia have different standards.

    Some good info on the different valve types you can have on the sodastream cylinders here and on the two types of CO2 cylinders that are generally available here

    I don't like the idea of having to turn the CO2 cylinder upside down each time I want to do a refill so my preference is to find a CO2 cylinder and re-fill source with a Dip tube Valve design.

    Just checking for any updates on your refilling? Would love to find alternatives to the Argos refill.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,782 ✭✭✭54and56

    Just checking for any updates on your refilling? Would love to find alternatives to the Argos refill.

    Still haven't done it. Was out in Bray yesterday but forgot to call into A J Edge Fire Safety Limited. Will be going back out soon and will definitely do it then and report back.

    On a positive note I'm delighted to confirm that my Sodastream investment hasn't proved to be a fad. I and the the rest of the family use it all the time and have found some good low or no sugar syrups we use for flavoured water:-

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6 thawk69

    So I read this thread, dived in and bought the adapter from, bought the 6.25kg c02 food grade cylinder from IEdepot and just did my first refill. It worked, I don’t know is it 100% full but I don’t mind. I had a problem that I have a soda cylinder with value #5. That type as I found out has some type slow release value so I had to very slowly open/increase the pressure during refill for it to work (after a bit of head scratching to start with why it wouldn’t fill).

    For a first attempt, success! I’ll report back if anything going wrong on later fills.


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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,830 ✭✭✭Raoul

    thawk69 wrote: »
    So I read this thread, dived in and bought the adapter from, bought the 6.25kg c02 food grade cylinder from IEdepot and just did my first refill. It worked, I don’t know is it 100% full but I don’t mind. I had a problem that I have a soda cylinder with value #5. That type as I found out has some type slow release value so I had to very slowly open/increase the pressure during refill for it to work (after a bit of head scratching to start with why it wouldn’t fill).

    For a first attempt, success! I’ll report back if anything going wrong on later fills.


    Sounds excellent. Well done. Any idea how many refills are in the cylinder? How much did it cost you?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,782 ✭✭✭54and56

    thawk69 wrote: »
    So I read this thread, dived in and bought the adapter from, bought the 6.25kg c02 food grade cylinder from IEdepot and just did my first refill. It worked, I don’t know is it 100% full but I don’t mind. I had a problem that I have a soda cylinder with value #5. That type as I found out has some type slow release value so I had to very slowly open/increase the pressure during refill for it to work (after a bit of head scratching to start with why it wouldn’t fill).

    For a first attempt, success! I’ll report back if anything going wrong on later fills.


    Fair play to you, you haven't procrastinated like I have :o

    Is this the cylinder you purchased from IEdepot -

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6 thawk69

    Cost wise it’s a bit of a outlay up front. The cylinder is 140€ (100 is a deposit you can get back). The adapter was €55. In terms of refills I guess I’ll find out but I estimate (maybe badly) between 12 and 15 refills. I go through one soda stream in a bit over two months so I should get about two years of refills.

    Yes, that is the link to the IEdepot cylinder I got, I was passing by so just popped in a picked one up. He did say something about a rent fee on the cylinder after keeping it for two years but I didn’t pay attention it and don’t see it anywhere else.

    It’s a bit of a hassle/fumble having to turn the cylinder upside down to fill, it’s heavy and a bit unstable, access with my hand was hard to turn the value. However, for the first time I just rested it upside down partly on a chair, and tilted it a bit to turn the value.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,782 ✭✭✭54and56

    thawk69 wrote: »
    Cost wise it’s a bit of a outlay up front. The cylinder is 140€ (100 is a deposit you can get back). The adapter was €55. In terms of refills I guess I’ll find out but I estimate (maybe badly) between 12 and 15 refills. I go through one soda stream in a bit over two months so I should get about two years of refills.

    Yes, that is the link to the IEdepot cylinder I got, I was passing by so just popped in a picked one up. He did say something about a rent fee on the cylinder after keeping it for two years but I didn’t pay attention it and don’t see it anywhere else.

    It’s a bit of a hassle/fumble having to turn the cylinder upside down to fill, it’s heavy and a bit unstable, access with my hand was hard to turn the value. However, for the first time I just rested it upside down partly on a chair, and tilted it a bit to turn the value.


    Shamed by your action but more so by my own inaction I popped down to A J Edge Fire Safety Limited in Bray and they made me up and filled a 5KG cylinder with food grade CO2 for a once off €45 with refills costing €10 as I need them going forward.


    Now all I have to do it figure out how to use the Jeffergarden SodaStream CO2 Filler Refill Adapter Kit I ordered online for €15.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 30,933 ✭✭✭✭AndrewJRenko

    I can see a Sodastream refilling masterclass taking place over the coming weeks

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 16,160 ✭✭✭✭Seve OB

    thawk69 wrote: »
    Cost wise it’s a bit of a outlay up front. The cylinder is 140€ (100 is a deposit you can get back). The adapter was €55. In terms of refills I guess I’ll find out but I estimate (maybe badly) between 12 and 15 refills. I go through one soda stream in a bit over two months so I should get about two years of refills.

    Yes, that is the link to the IEdepot cylinder I got, I was passing by so just popped in a picked one up. He did say something about a rent fee on the cylinder after keeping it for two years but I didn’t pay attention it and don’t see it anywhere else.

    It’s a bit of a hassle/fumble having to turn the cylinder upside down to fill, it’s heavy and a bit unstable, access with my hand was hard to turn the value. However, for the first time I just rested it upside down partly on a chair, and tilted it a bit to turn the value.


    why did you spend so much when there was a much cheaper option linked in first page?
    you refills are also 4 times that of the other one linked
    is there some big difference?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,830 ✭✭✭Raoul

    54and56 wrote: »
    Shamed by your action but more so by my own inaction I popped down to A J Edge Fire Safety Limited in Bray and they made me up and filled a 5KG cylinder with food grade CO2 for a once off €45 with refills costing €10 as I need them going forward.


    Now all I have to do it figure out how to use the Jeffergarden SodaStream CO2 Filler Refill Adapter Kit I ordered online for €15.

    looking forward to seeing the obligatory video! :D

    Then looking forward to your masterclass :).

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6 thawk69

    Seve OB wrote: »
    why did you spend so much when there was a much cheaper option linked in first page?
    you refills are also 4 times that of the other one linked
    is there some big difference?

    Cant remember why, I didn’t think too much about it. I just picked device and the refill was more convenience with location in Galway. It seems there are cheaper options from what you say.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6 thawk69

    54and56 wrote: »
    Shamed by your action but more so by my own inaction I popped down to A J Edge Fire Safety Limited in Bray and they made me up and filled a 5KG cylinder with food grade CO2 for a once off €45 with refills costing €10 as I need them going forward.


    Now all I have to do it figure out how to use the Jeffergarden SodaStream CO2 Filler Refill Adapter Kit I ordered online for €15.

    Nice! If your refill works out well I’ll may switch (in two years).


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 354 ✭✭robbe

    Fair play to you! Had forgotten all about it until the most recent activity in this thread (having spent €17 last month getting an exchange bottle from Argos).....let us know how you get on and I'd be interersted to hear how easy or otherwise it was! Can't get over the cost of some of the adaptors relative to the cylinder, hope the €15 does the job!
    54and56 wrote: »
    Shamed by your action but more so by my own inaction I popped down to A J Edge Fire Safety Limited in Bray and they made me up and filled a 5KG cylinder with food grade CO2 for a once off €45 with refills costing €10 as I need them going forward.


    Now all I have to do it figure out how to use the Jeffergarden SodaStream CO2 Filler Refill Adapter Kit I ordered online for €15.

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