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Fear of drugs



  • Registered Users Posts: 33,292 ✭✭✭✭Princess Consuela Bananahammock

    Fair enough. I've been always done the research and only take from trusted sources (who refuse to pass on anything until they've tried ti themselves). Only eve had one mildly bad trip and that was on a natural substance, but I took a little more than I should have and should have known better.

    The legality is the catch-22 situation: they're illegal because they're supposedly dangerous; but the reason they're potentially dangerous is because they're illegal...

    Yeah, that’s not quality control in the way legal substances are. :D With legal ones, there’s no need for human guinea pigs outside of R&D drugs. Believe me, I’ve worked in pharmaceutical QC. You wouldn’t believe the stringency. Down to having to tidy up my handwriting when I started and having to learn how close out my ‘o’s and ‘0’s and cross my ‘7’s in order to rule out ambiguities in test results if we were audited. That’s the level of nitty gritty we’re talking here.

    But I agree - it is a catch-22. Legalisation would hopefully lead to safer products. But getting substances legalised is the stumbling block.

    True, bit it's as close as I'm going to get.

    Most of the stuff is a lot cleaner than its portrayed to be. How many pulls are consumed in the country on any given weekend? And how many people have bad reactions? Or wind up in hospital? Compared to the per capita rate for alcohol?

    In most cases, the drugs actually turn out to be a lot safer than the idiots who take them and then have problems.

    Everything I don't like is either woke or fascist - possibly both - pick one.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,474 ✭✭✭Obvious Desperate Breakfasts

    True, bit it's as close as I'm going to get.

    Most of the stuff is a lot cleaner than its portrayed to be. How many pulls are consumed in the country on any given weekend? And how many people have bad reactions? Or wind up in hospital? Compared to the per capita rate for alcohol?

    In most cases, the drugs actually turn out to be a lot safer than the idiots who take them and then have problems.

    I’d be interested to know! I genuinely have no idea. For me, the hesitancy is more down to the fear of exacerbation of depression I suffered on and off throughout the years. With alcohol, my consumption steadily dropped as I approached mid-20s and it was easy to gauge how much I could drink whilst avoiding the depressant effects. I was and am unwilling to test that with substances of unknown provenance or chemical profile.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭greencap

    No one keysters E!! Its handy enough to press in Ireland. Why risk getting caught transporting it over a border.

    I know someone who did. So thats wrong.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,482 ✭✭✭Gimme A Pound

    People who drink alcohol but frown on other things simply because of their legal status always looks fairly holier-than-thou to me.
    Yeah I agree if they're always getting plastered drunk.
