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Eir contract cancelled and now still being charged

  • 03-05-2019 8:00pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1

    Hi All,

    I couldn't contact Eir customer care... As I heard it is normal situation... So I have sent my resignation to them via post. My contract was due to May 2019. I have received text saying they confirmed my resignation as follow:
    Reminder: As you cancelled your eir service(s) you must return all eir equipment to us within 30 days of your cancellation date to avoid a charge on your final bill. See If you’ve already returned your equipment you can ignore this message. From eir ...
    It was on March 2019.
    I understand I have received another bill as it was last month of my contract but now I was charged again!!! 57 eur and chat agent said I have active account since 15/03/2019 for another 10 months!!!
    They took money from my account and I don't know what to do ?!
    Please help me what can I do to solve this situation!


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,100 ✭✭✭Mike3549

    Cancel your direct debit and request a sepa direct debit charge back from your bank.
